'1(MB "THE YOUNG IDEA'.. 'ByiMobsIer Tbsjr Etatsjsanan, Salntx.' Onqrm, rrfdery ?y cswibgy 8; -I9lt-lfl . 'f;,! ', n n DAIfcYfAND SUNDAY LUioJl : . Your Home Newspaper, IIIIIIIIIHII" . " J SPEAK TO "-"v aj" fcAL MQS. BUMSTEAft) TVV reo I '4- , . yj.l '- ':. jy8--'.' " ' I n'- IA PLEASE ANSWEff A C stye. ffmsM 1 21 X "1-t. CALL BACkA h L JS'l U 777 ( LATEJ? WHEN I'M J - JLy -a 1 Hu hL not so Busy y ! it's Tso what? open IfwwEREY WHO CORES'? t SNOWtNCi. THAT BACK DOOR ARE II WE'RE GUT IN THE I - AND CET READY WE COUNTRY TWAT- I ELONDJ Did TRACT LITTLE ANNIE BOONET AHEM. BUT 'lawyer, uovi TO 6EE YOU AfiAIKli HOW YES, DIET SKDTK TUISy Wll BE TWE T5UPREMC J TEST FOR OUR NEW Jl TELEVlSrON 3 -Vi VOU WERE RISMT. BOSSiTWB K I NEWSWER STCy iS ON THE J I IV-AROOOFPUMBjr-' SAILORS HfTA Yvrfai&V XzX MILUON-0OLLAR ) iSw X JAOXPOT. f- W yyoy 1 SiHOW WaHDC9V0LCAPC rvm BURNING BUZZ SAWTEB MICKEY MOUSE THE LAUNCH CP THE VICTORY ARRIVES YOU'RE 6DINS TD -EAJ2Nj TO WEAR CLOTHES 1 Jg ... or EuSEijpry TO SHA3, A PASMSER ABOARD. MM SIP DHBY knstt it HAKJOINO bm rr PLACE; KEEZDC?. GASOLINE ALLEY PUT VORE HAIO-ON-7 HERE: COCOES V n rsA'inuc BABNEY GOOGLE If ANVBOoytT II USING THE 1 K RATCHET I MEET ME AT THE "RENT A CAR -SERVICE IN ONE HOUR "WITH ONE OP THE, CAMERAS AND A KIT CASH. AND THEY'RE AU. RUNN1N6 ABOUND WITH TUEtR EVES SHUT AND THEIR POCKETS OPEN. JUST BSS61N6 FOR SOME SMART GOV TO TAKE THE COM i AVUAV FROM - S rM Mm 1 cte nttt rtiM AKNT OU6LA0 TO EE ME, tOU GOING TO TAKt M6 r 0 SAMBLINQ SHIP WITH, UlXWOWN rr Was on rwe bbsch WITH A HALF-INCH BIT Iff! IN ITyETEKDAy. NOW ,aes' ACT IRRL-LIKE NSl OCKVT r -rri crooc FATi WftNT TO SCARE TH'iPORfe GAL CXJTCVJ HtH WITS 9 . f. f 1 JU v ' UNUSUAL, PHYSlQUE. SsfcC: PLEASE A f X i?r !L0TMES AND J CS- THEM1 iFnX lMMMJ III f ill T7T HONEST, NO RX3UN'-DID YOUR kl MOTHER S IT WAS KIT WRONG M h 1 PISHES T MRS. MAST 5EZ IT WAS DtS6RACEPU.rl AN REWLTTN'. ; I ' J rc tuat jut how. MY fETT AREN'T INTO TIOUK mlW CI DEFINITELY . . .THE SOLD UOOK.1 AND ABOARD A OUM.WE f 6ETTLE0 I V TUAT ONCf J - - w I I L MR.8UNX,IS OUR STILL V f Hcxwoy DO 111 II! 5S H Ad HERE, VOU T THANKS HACK CAN TAKE 1 BUT WHAT'S 1 MINE, BOS. I HAPPENED TO I MY MOTHER SAID THAT WHEN SHE WAS LITTLE, HER MOTHER TAUGHT HER HOW TO COOK, t- 5 feW, WASH 1 DISHES AND" GEE-ASNB9 r GRAND?; TtVEgyTX'N5 ggTWEEN OS IS OVEgrf nvu iu anv! uow waTvC f i!CPHT "fflU KNOW THAT GLOWING 1 cAA9w9 CAN 06 UJAJtU IV VFVAME ANSWTy 7- WEAKINS. CLOTHES EMBARRASSES HIAA! THE 'VlCTOgV! j Srg REFUSES! iu see iuui SULCI NOT SlRSHE OEMANOS 1 v r QUEST) 41 A. TO BE RESTORED VC2fJ- TO HER FRiEKOS 1 H MU5T BE AROUNOJ" I . SOMEWHERE. IT n coulont walk - r x ' ' ,Xf Cr. It4l by Syf t. . Cr. It4l k FmIim Srf t. . I wonder if these are the happy, carefree, childhood daya we're coinc to reminisce about somebody r New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. 4-0P)-Todayi closinf quotation: American Can 90 Am Power & Lt 9y Am Tel & TeL.152 Anaconda 36 V Bendix A via 33 Beth Steel 36 Boeing Air 24 Calif Pack 37 Canadian Pac 14 Case J I 41 H CateroiUar 54 Gen Electric Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodyear Int Harvest Int Paper Kennecott Libby McN Long Bell Mont Ward Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Vultee Continental Can Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air Dupont ! de Ne.... 58 Nash Kelvin 3 Nat Dairy 9N Y Central 34 Northern 27 Pac Am IOV4 Pac Gas 55 P T & T 179 Penney J C Portland Livestock 1 PORTLAND. Nov. 4 (AP)-(USDA) Salable, and total cattle 300. calves 50; market moderately active, generally steady with late Wednesday lew common-medium steers 18.00 - 24 M : odd head 23.00; cutter-common heifers 1S.S0 21.00; odd medium heifers 23.00-24.00; canner -cutter cows mostly 13 50-18.00; shells downward to 11.00; medium and good beef cows 18.000.50; odd food beef bulls up to 24.00; common-medium grades 18.00-2130; tfood vealers 28.50 27.00; common-medium IS 50-25.00; few low good 375 lb. calves 23.00. Salable hogs 200 total 450; market steady; good-choice 180-230 lb. truck ins largely 28.00; 1 car load 28.25: 150 170 lbs. 24.00; good - choice 240 lb. weights 2430; heavier butchers salable 24.00 down; good 385 lb. sows 5Q cents FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS I Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1396, KOCO 1499. KOPf 979. KGW 629. KEX lift 99:09 99:11 99:39 99:4S KOCOKLOCK .ESccraSoC $CK j?Sm Pe , News IKOIN Klock IKOIN Klock (KOIN Ktock Hodge Podge (Hodge Podge Knees News iHodge Podge Early EHri I Early Bird iKarly Bird Early Bird DOUR 6 KSLM ! KOCO KOIN i KGW KSLM KOCO KOIN : KGW, KEX News Tex Ritter KOIN Klock Farmr Time News (Rise and News 8k sports. News Farm Tim M. Agronsky KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Bars. Counter IV. Undlahr I Sons Pioneers I Orchestra King CrusaderslKlng CrusadrslVert MekxUae Over Coff Use? News " flTeature Story Grand Slam Prt'V"J rred Waring irred Waring Jack Berth (Melodies BreakiastClub Breakfast Club iBreakf.rt Club iBreakf art dub JtEX News IGospel Singers (Pastor's Call (Kate Smith Wildw'd Church! Vocal Varieties Music Musl Wendy Warren! Aunt Jeuny I Helen Trent (Gal S1""1 Tommy Dorseyi Tommy DorseylTommy Dorsey Tornrn yDorsey Melody Go Rnd Easy Aces BCay Kyser I Kay Ky r L8LM LOCO OIN IGW LEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ladies First Melody Tim Big Sister Kneass News Ted M alone I Ladies First Peggy Lee Ma Perkins Music Today What Ticks KSLM Walt Serenade Walts Tim KOCO News Cowboy KOIN Mrs. Burton I Perry Mason KGW Dou Nothing ITJou.. Nothing KEX Betty Crocker (Eleanor, Anna KSLM Hit Time (News KOCO Melody I Ted Steele KOIN News (Come Get It KG W Kneass New I Ma Perkins KEX News IN 00a Dreams Heart's Desire Classics Art Baker B'stag Wife H'wood Brkfst. IHeart's Desire lOasslcs (Art Baker I Stella (H'wood Happy Gang 4 Corners Hour Hint Hunt Girl Marries Jay Stewart KSLM KOCO KOIN KSW KEX Orchestrs 12th St. Hour Art Kirkham Road of Life Uadies Seted Hemingway lztn st. Hour Tunefully (Lor IL-tdia KSLM: KOCO KOIN KGW : KEX Fulton Lewi (Orchestra JOrehestra I Christ. Sdeoe News (Pee Wee Hunt (Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey I Club 18 lEd Murrow Woman Secret JUfe Beautiful I Linda's Love jSUrs Today Sunnysid Up (Sunnyslde Up iSunnyslde Up I Sunny side Vp KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW ; KEX -Superman Chandu Sleepy Jo JPinocchto Knox Manning (Brer Rabbit Chuck Foster (Geo. Moored Yukon Story (Yukon Story KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW ; KEX Gab. Heater New Theatre Musical Sports (Street Men Rep. St. C C. Theatre I Musical I Home Edition Great Scenes IGreat Scenes (To the Girls To the Girls So Proudly Hail So Proudly HaUTom Harmon 50Ysrd Lin Playhouse IPlay house gpotlit Revue ISpotUt R-JU T.if of Reillv tLile of ReillV is ports . (Rhythm Time KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Sport Cavalcade! Sport Cavalcadel Sport Cavalcade! Sports KSLM Sam Hayes (Orchestra KOCO Football (Football KOIN Lowell Thomas (Smith Show KGW ., Supper Club (New KEX fat Man I Fat Man KSLM KOCO KOIN I KGW KEX News IF. Lawton puck Nation Football Football Football The Ace (The Aces IBeuiah Bridge Cluo itsnags uiua eig iw S," n Break Bank I Break Bank I Western Skies (Western Skies KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX F. Lewis News S Star Final News N.W. News (Orchestra Track 1490 Sports (Sports Pag (Intermezzo KSLM Open House KOCO Track 1480 KOIN Serenade KGW News KEX Concert Hour Ppen House Track 1490 (Serenade . (Discussion Concert Hour KOAC 55 k.e. Friday 10:00 a.m. News: 10:15 Especially for Women; 11 :00 Oregon School of the Air; 11:15 Concert Hll; 12:00 News: 12:15 Noon Farm Hour; 1.-00 Ride 'em Cowboy: 1 -.15 Oregon School of the Air: 1 30 U.S. Marin Band; 1:45 Melody Lane: 2:00 Clubwomen's Half Hour: 230 Memory Book of Music; 3:00 News; 3:13 Music 12 SI 23 31 18 43 39 Rayonler Rayonier pfd Reynolds Met Richfield 63 46 29 57 58 Tire - Safeway Sears Roeto ISo Pacific 56 67 24 11 11 . 31 90 2 79 9 44?, it L A 9 Stan Oil Cal 24 Studebaker 57! Sun Mining 17 Transamerica 28 Union Oil 15 Un Pacific Pac Fish 19fUn Airlines Elec 33 96 46 U S Steel Warner Bros Woolworth lower at 22.00; good-choice feeder' pigs salable around 2830-2730. Salable sheep 200. total 600; market slow; very little sold with some bids unevenly lower; few good-choice lambs bought to arrive at 22.00; good yearl lnga 18.00; good light ewes up to 8.50. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 4 (API Cash grain: Oats No. 2. 38-Ib. white 81.00. Barley No. 1. 45-lb. B.W. M 50. Cash Wheat (bid) : Soft whit iJO'i; soft white (excluding rex) 2-20'.4: white club tMM; western red 20',4. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.20ty; 10 per cent 2.21 11 per cent 2.25 ; 12 per cent 2 29,i. Hard White Baart: Unquoted. Today's Car Receipts: Wheat 7: bar ley 11: flour 8: corn 8; oats 4; hay 1; mllf eed S. Shine Rise and Shine fTop Trades Top o' Morning News Bob Garred (rred Beck Old Songs jHayes. News Bob Ulson j Zeke Manners IQueen for Day I queen for Day Lullaby Rhythm King Cole (Dr. Malon Guiding Light Current Events Brighter Day (True Story I True Story Orchestra N. W. News HaL Derwln Nora Drake Todays Child Hal. Derwtn Evelyn Winters Liaht of World (Star Spotlight Northwesters IBik Show. (News (Meet Missus I Pepper ' Young G. Drake (Buck Nation (Noon Favorites I Meet Missus I Happiness I List 'n to This West Salem IBing Sings (Memory Musis (Air Newspaper iWldder Brown iKay West Listen Uebert fAJx Newspaper Dallas IL. Jones BrkfsLIKay West 40 Radio Corp (Happy Gang (Orchestra 14 Corners Hour J Corners Hour (Hint Hunt (House Party I Portia I Plain Bill (Jay Stewart iBrtde. Groom Red Cross 4 Corners Hour House Party Front Page Bride. Gi (Pass. Parade News Uth St. Hour Art Godfrey 12th St, Hoar Art Godfrey Nor Drake Lawtoa Aunt Mary Seated (Travelers (Travelers S Keys Midnight Tom MIX tBlng Croaby troinimmM - (Ran Cai Lrarrea (Sunny Sid IK. leterson Hack Armstrong Jack Armstrongt Cisco Kid pandl Light Theatre (Red Skelton 0 Sheriff (Cisco. Kid I Andy Burt Theatre I Red Skelton irn Sheriff IHigh AdventurelHtgh Adventure ITOOlDaU u-ooioaii iJack Carson Jack Carson (Jimmy Durante Jimmy Durante 1 Your FBI lYour FBI IH. J. Taylor IFootball INigta Editor Big Town I Open House Track 1400 (UN Politics band Wagon (Concert Hour Open House News Orchestra Morton Downey Concert Hour (Open House JTrack 1400 (Air Fl (Orchestra (Rest. Orch. (News (Track 1480 Air Flo (Orchestra IRcsC Orch. of the Masters: 40 University Hour: 5 On the Upbeat: 8:50 Sport Club: Music of Czechoslovakia: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; b:uu nesearcn netwii. Here's to VeU; 830 Program of Canada: a . . -. aw, ur.tf That FjufurM: S:4S Evening MediteUons; 18:00 Sign Oix. Arrival of the new Indian Arrow motorcycles has been announced by the Schrock Motorcycle Sales, 3007 Portland rd. Shown astride a new model above Is Buck Nation, local cowboy singer, who says he finds Is essential to get around to his shows and personal ap4 pearances. Salem Market Quotations RUTTKRFAT Premium No. l No. t PRINTi Wholesale Retail 3 3S .74 n 83 .45 EGGS Bejrtsif 1 Large double A Medium - PuUeU Cracks EGGS Wholesale) -Large v double A , Medium double A -Pulleta and crack . 78 78 . JM POtTLTET No. 1 Leghorn hens Ha. I colored bans . 31 No. 1 colored fryers, IVm-1 lb. 34 No. 1 colored fryers, S lbs. up 38 No 1 old cocks J LIVESTOCK (By Valley rack) Lamb . . 20.00 Yearlings lfl 00 to 11.00 Ewes , 2.00 t 7.00 , 1430 to 18.00 , .11.00 to 19.00 1 15.00 to 17.00 1730 to 2130 Fat dairy cows Cutter- Cows Dairy heifers Bulls Calves (200 to 450 lbs.) 14.00 to 23 00 Veal, choice . 24.00 to 25.00 23.00 to 23.50 X2.00 to 23.00 Light sows Heavy sows Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Nov. i 4 STOCK AVERAGM 30 IS II 80 Indust Rails mil Sttu Thursday 3.1 433 403 88.4 Previous day SI S 43.0 - 40.4 87.8 Week ago S3.0 493 413 70.0 Month ago vz.e mj v. ob.s Year ago 033 33 J 413 853 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Forgn Thursday 80.8 1003 09.3 82.4 Previous day 00 8 1003 M3 833 Week ago H.I 1003 0S.4 82.4 Month ago SOT 101.1 100.1 823 Year ago 'e 803 1013 102.4 803 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or, Nov. 4 CAP) -Butterfat TentaUve, subject to im mediate chance. Premium Quality max imuro to 35 to 1 per cent acidity de livered in Portland. 88-eSe lb.; first quality. 83-85 lb.:ecooa quality. i 84c ' lb.; valley quotes and country pomts 2e less than first. Butter Wholesale ' f .h. ulk cubes, grade AA, 83 acor. 84 lb.; A. 82 scor. 84e lb.; B. SO score. Sle lb.; C. 89 scor 80c lb. Above . price are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 43 - 48c. Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 48-Sle. Eggs To wholesalers: A' grade, large SS'-.-es'fcc; A grade medium. 58,-5,.c; A grade, small. 45-50'ic. Eggs Purchased from fanners. Cur rent receipts. 5780Vc dor.; buyers pay 3-3 ',fcc below wholeaalers quota tions on graded basis for. bast hen nery eggs. TLive Chickens (No 1 Quality f.ob. planU) Broilers, under S,s lbs 33 34c lb4 fryers. 3 to 4 lbs.. 27-38c; roasters, 4 lbs. ana over, ri-xx; iowi. leghorn, under -4 lb., 28-2SC lb.; fowl, leghorn, over 4 Dm., 28-29c lb.; colored fowl, all weight. 33-34 lb.; old roos ters, all weights, 18-lSc R. Tu r keys Prices quoted are net to th nradueer an a dressed welaht baskt. kj35. No 1 young tome. 43-44 lb.; No. 1 young hen, sac . RaDDltS AVrg 10 reraiiers ior w cally dressed animals. 8S-82c; fryers, Uve whit. 32-33c; colored, 30-31e; old or heavy. 15-18. Fresh Dressed Meats: Price whole salers to retailers la dollars per hun dred pounds: ' j ' Steers-Good, sU weights. 842-4730; commercial. $40-43; UtUitv, 835-38. COWS Commercial. $44 - 38; utility, $52-53; rounds. $50-61. Beef Cuts (Good Steer) Hind quar ters $55-68; rounds. $51-83; full loin trimmed. $74-78; triangles. $40 -41; squar chucks. $43-4$; ribs. $50-84; fore quarters. $43-48. Lamb Good choice. SO-oS lbs.. $44 48: commercial, all weight. $43-43. Veal and Calf Good and choir. $43-45; commercial. $39-41; utility, $36 30. Carcass AH weights, $3S-$t. ' Mutton Good, TO lbs, down. 821-23. Pork Cut Lotna No. L 8 to 13 lbs. tit AWFUUY SORRY. FOR FUAS. AU TW5IR CHILBRCN GO TQ THK DOGS THE HOLIDAYS ' WILL SOON BE HERE Make them complete with a new radio record: player for you your guests to enjoy. ADMIRALS and PACKARD BELLS Phono 1-7611 : .1 i i-l ... TT Qbifuaries DOMINOUI J ' I ' ;1 . Floreetdo Dominguuv late resident ol Price. Utah, at a local hospital Octo-. bcr 30. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrlck company, ; J HOFFER ! ' ' i . I" Clyde Hoffer. Ute resident of 221 E, Burnslde St.. Portland. In a Portland hospital Tuesday, November 2, at the age of 84 years. Survived by his wire, Estella Hoffer. Salem; daughters. Mrs, Orwla Dexter, Gardenia. CaL. Mrs. Psul Hula. Dufuri and Carmagen Hoffer, 1 Salem; brother. Charles Hoffer, Cresh am. Neb.; sisters. Mrs. Lannie O'Bris. Stromsburg. Neb, and Mrs. Earl Holly, Carplnterta. Cl. and two grandchil dren. Member of First Nazaren church of Salem. Service will be held at the Howcil-Edward chapel Friday. No vember at 130 p.m. with the Rev! 1 OrvUi Jenkins officiating. Interment i In Belcrest Memorial park. 4 MeKAT I ' I I Robert Geore McKay. late resident ' of 4125 Portland rd, at the residence 1 Tuesday. November 2. at th age of 80 years. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Myr tle Ann McKay of Salem; a son, Don-' aid E. McKay of Seattle, and three grandchildren, Sandra. Patricia and Karen McKay, all of Seattle. Service will be held i Friday, November 8 at 130 pm. in the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with Dr. Chester HambUn officiating. Interment In the Pioneer cemetery. , RICHARDSON K ; :! : I" SgL James A. Richardson, lata resi dent of Salem route 4. In Franc. No vember 13. 1944. at th age of 23 years. Survived by father, James S. Richard son. Salem: grandmother. Mrs. Jose phine Wlrosted. Salem. Services will be held st the Clough-Barrlck chapel Sat urday, November $ at 9 p.m. with the Rev. Frank O. Ferrin officiating. In terment la Belcrest Memorial park. 1 SCHNIDEB T. ' "' Craig Allen Schnider, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schnider. 78T Certh st..; West Salem, at local hos pital November 4. Grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schnider, Salem and Mr; and Mrs. Del Weger, West Salem, Mass of th Angel at St. Joseph' church Saturday. November $ at S am. Concluding services at St. Barbara cemetery under th direction of the HowcU-Edward chapeL , SEYMOUR ' 1 ": ;. !" ' ' t Mrs. Ida Seymour. lat resident of 1429 N. Winter st, at local hosptal November 3. Survived by husband. John P. Seymour. Salem; son Edward Seymour, Portland; daughters, Joseph -In Frura and Adalin Lanktree, both of Salem: four grandchildren, George Frum, Davona winter, John Lanktree and Sheila Ma Lanktree. all of Sa lem; sister. Tins Valittchka. Oconto, Wis.; broShers. Cus Witt. Talent. Otto Witt. Los Angeles, and Georg Witt, Salem: and nine nieces and nephews. Service will be held Saturday, Novem ber 8 at 10:30 am. at the Clough. Barrlck chapel with th Rev. Loui Klrby officiating. Interment in the lOOr cemetery . '"',"'. '''", I. $63-87: shoulders. 18 lbs. down. $4$- 50: spar ribs. 3 Rm. down. $54-58. i 1 Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades, 49 lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12-month growth. Country Killed Meets: ' . 1 Veal Top quality. 40-42c; other Irrade according te weight and quel ty. t Hogs Light blocker. 33-38 lb.1 sows. ugnt. -ae 10. I 1 1 HINT- W-WB u,,,M,. . W . W Beef Good cows. 28-33 lb.: canner and cutters. 2S-2Se lb. 1 Onion 80-lb. western Oregon yel lows No. 1 med,-$180-1.75. Idaho yel lows mod, $160-185. iarg $230-1.88,, white med, $2.80-2.78. 1 Potatoes Oregon Russet Central Dist. i No. 1A $335-330; 25-lb. 0-fl no.- m o-io. pi-i.io: waan. raaana Russet No. 1A $338-830. white roe $3.75-238. . V -T - Worry of !' J FALSE TEETH 1 I Slippingf or Irrilatlnqt teeth supping, dropping or wabbling wnen you eat, tai or leugn, jus snrlnkl a Utile FASTEETH on your plate. This pleasant powder give a remarkable sense of added comfort and security by holding plate more firm ly. Ne gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's elicoUa (non-acid). Get FASTEETH at any drug stor. I Uo'Uant j Yoiir Eggs! AIwots a DpndabIo) ! Cosh Marktl 1 Curly's Dairy Phont 3-8783 Dr.Y.TX as3t.D. : Dr.O.CaaaJf Jfc. 1 DM. CHAN . . .LAM 1 CHINESE IIERBALISTS 1 1 Ul North liberty Upstairs PerOaad Geaeral rnectrU Offle epea Satray ly 10 a., tm 1 pm, 8 te 7 pa. Ceasai UUte Bleed pressar aad orla teste are free of charge.; rractjeed dace 1M. i t 1 t- i