j - t - . t r . . . . - i i , 4 Tha Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Friday. Kowmbw 5. 1948 TFiite House Staff Cheers ,4 : '1? t msa&isssssW' 4 , 3V, , W A AL "" r- was shaving in his home early this morning. His wife, Florence, was arrest ed. State Police Lt. O. A. Mao kinnon said the woman was un able to give a coherent story of the shooting, and was kept tin der a physician's care. Scott, getting ready to go out on an early morning mail train run, was shot from a distance of 10 feet in the bathroom of the family home here, police said. Scott was commanding officer of an Oregon national guard com pany here and a veteran of the last war. His wife was an em ploye of a Baker store. The motive for the shooting was not definitely established. Police hoped to be able to ques tion Mrs. Scott later. , WASHINGTON, Nav. 4-Members ef the clerical staff at the White House mass around President Tru man's desk after Thomas E. Dewey conceded defeat in the national presidential race. (AP Wirephoto te The Statesman). Wish Brings New Ear Portland Boys T Confess Acts Of Vandalism PORTLAND, Nov4 - Pi - Two boys identified as sons of prom inent Portland families were ac cused today of the Halloween vandalism that disrupted electric service for six hours and endan gered streetcar passengers. A tree was cut nearly through on Halloween night, and rigged up in, such a way that the passing of the Council Crest car knocked it across the tracks. The tree's crash broke power lines, bfackened out the Council Crest residential area, put radio station KGW off the air, and tied up streetcar service. Streetcars passing through the zone were peppered with missiles, and sever al windoWs broken. Police said the four signed statements, confessing both the Halloween vandalism and dyna miting of a streetcar waiting sta tion a yea r go. They were held or warrants charging disorderly conduct. Three will be turned over to juvenile court. The fate of the fourth was not yet determined. The youths were quoted as say ing they did not realize the extent of the damage that would result. l - " ' t .i ' ' f - - '1 - v. . i ,,' . " s wr y; - - V ''Irs- ' J T: r' v. : ' i i Sheriff Pratt Fires Deputies PORTLAND. Nov. 4 - 7P) - Six deputies were fired today by She riff Martin T. Pratt, who accused them of working lor the election of his democratic opponent. The discharged men included the veteran Holgar Christoffersen, who had served as chief of the criminal division in the sheriff's office for 31 years. Sheriff Pratt, who is leading M. L. Elliott in a close race, charged that the six men had violated civil service regulations by campaign ing for Elliott. The deputies all denied Pratt's charge, and announced they would ', S. Whiting, office m.tnager; Capt. carry their case to the civil service ! M. L. Tillman; Cant. J. E. Stanlev; commission. Besides Christoffer-j Deputy J. D. McMillan, and As sen, the discharged men include W. I sistant JaHer Paul Hinkley. Total US. Vote To Fall Short Of Record High WASHINGTON, Nov. 4-UP)-The popular vote in Tuesday's elec tions reached a total of 45,415,620 tonight with approximately 95 per cent of the nation's polling places reporting. The total was considerably short of most pre - election estimates which ranged upward of 50,000,- ooo. With only 9,890 of the 135.764 polling places still unreported, it appeared virtually certain that no hew voting record had been set. Most of the missing precincts lay in rural areas and were believed to represent comparatively small totals. The 1948 total at 10:45 p. m. '(EST) was 4.404.692 votes short of the record 49,820.312 cat in 1940 when Franklin D. Roosevelt de feated Wendell Willkie. The cur rent total also was 2,560,643 less than the 47,976.263 - -second highest in history - - registered in 1944 when Roosevelt bested Tho mas E. Dewey. The 45,300,212 votes cast Tues day were divided as follows: Harry S. Truman 22,642,357 (304 electoral votes). Thomas E. Dewey 20,786,163 (189 electoral votes). Henry A. Wallace 1,065,613 (no electoral votes). J. Strom Thurmond 821,477 (38 electoral; votes). Sweeping the democrats into control of the house and senate, Mr. Truman rolled up his win ning popular and electoral vote in 28 states. Dewey, the republican candidate, had 16 states. Thur mond, the states' rights democra tic! candidate, got his electoral votes in four southern" states - -Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina. The races were still close in three states with incomplete re turns - - California, Idaho, and In diana. There was still a bare ma- CJiemeKetans r ree 1 een- Cabin Robbed Deputies of Marion County She riff Denver Young are investigat ing recent robberies of three cabins in the Idanha area along the North Santiam highway. The entries, i which Sheriff Young indicated occurred several weeks ago, were reported Thurs day. They included the Chemeke tans hiking club cabin near White water creek, where five rugs and a supply of canned goods were taken, .and two cabins near the Ritner logging camp and Otto Rus- thematical possibility of a change in any one of the three, but even ! gn logging company. 11 Air. uuman snouio arop De hind in California and Idaho, which seemed unlikely, he still would have more than the 266 el ectoral votes needed to win. The larvae of one moth can de stroy as much wool irj. one year as 12 sheep can produce. CITY MANAGER NAMED GRANTS PASS. Nov. 4 -UP) John F. Porter, former director of public service in Gallon, Ohio, will be Grants Pass new citv manager. Porter 'will succeed C. V. Signor, resigned. 1 Air 1 1 t ; - i r e Dance Tonigbt ! Second in a series of free teen age dances sponsored in this area by Salem local 315, American Federation of Musicians,!: will! be held tonight at the YMCX gym4 nasium, featuring Guy Al bin's Top Hatters, a Salem orchestra, j The next such dance is sched uled for November 28 at Four corners.: j . i 'Ij Elmer II. KL Dorr Fined Forj Reckless Driving ) "Elmer HK. Dorr, 4310 SilJcr ton rd was fined $250 in mUni cipa court Thursday on A charge1 of reckless driving, with liquor in-i volved. , ' -t fl ,j Dorr was arrested in the 1P0O block tf Court street i earlier Thursday by city police after hii automobile was seen weaving back i and forth across the center line.' Reclamation Meet Points to Flood Losses GRANTS PASS, Nov. 4 - JF -Oregon loses an average of near ly $19,000,000 a year to uncontrol led waters, the Oregon Reclama- tion congress was told today. Col. O. E. Walsh, district army engineer, said that was the cost to Industry and agriculture in just an average flood. Major floods cause many times that amount of dam age, he said. Walsh, participating In, a panel discussion at the congress, recOm mendrd soil conservation and sim ilar measures to; help control the flood loss. He said 75 to 80 per cent of it could be prevented. Lee McAllister, Salem, bureau of reclamation planning engineer, declared that private groups can not develop irrigation to the nec essary levels. A subsidy is neces saryt McAllister said, to water the million acres of Oregon land which could be efficiently irrigated. A proposal of small farm reser voirs to save waste water came O'Hara Urges Change in Law The annual reminder about posting campaign expense ac counts brought from Davkl O'Hara, state elections bureau chief. Thursday a suggestion for election law changes to facilitate recording of campaign expenses. O'H.'ira said duplication in re ports now required by law oftn gives the appearance that a given candidate's campaign has been far more costly than it actually was. major Oregon i streams now ex- ; The bureau chief said he favor ed amending the law to require only one listing of each contri bution, by either the candidate or committees working in his behalf. Deadlines for expense account filings are November 12 for po litical party committees and No vember 17 for candidates. 3 MIAMI, Fla., Nov. 4-David Shaw, 10. of Miami. Fla., proudly exam ines his new ri;ht ear which was given him after his father, Alfred Shaw, wrote the Miami Daily News for help for his son who was born without an ear. Miss Alice McGrath, prosthetics expert, who made the artificial ear, -even added freckles for David's ear. (AP Wirephoto to The Statesman). from Sf!ate Engineer C. E. Strick lin. The wateif demand upon all ceeds the suppjy, he said. mm ON SWIFTS, II mm Obituaries Mrs. Julia Brown , SILYERTON, Nov. 4 Mrs. Julia Browri, 36, ;dicd today at her home on the star route. She leaves two son. Gene and George Brown, both of Silverton, and a daughter, Mae Brown in Texas. Husband Shot; Wife Arrested BAKER, Nov. 4 JF- Clyde E. Services will he announced later j Scott, 36-year-old railway mail by EKman funeral home. I clerk, was shot and killed as he i These are young, tender "fed" heifers with rery litfle waste. The Ideal locker beef weighing from 2S0 to 390 pounds, and can be bought by quarter, half or carcass. Remember when you buy SWIFTS "BRANDED" BEET you get good and tender meat every time. "LOOK FOR THE BRAND" Sleak of the Bonnd () Sleak of Ihe Sirloin j)) Sieak oi ihe T-Bone )) Sleak of Ihe Rib GcsOtCi Pound 5DlS Sleak of ihe Shoulder f Pound LTlS Roasi of ihe Shoulder Blade or arm, lb & JJ Rraising. Roasting, Stewing, Boiling Shori Rihs Pound 2)tStK We SI ill Maintain the Same Top Quality That Has Always Prevailed at This Market No Inferior Grades! STATE STREET MARKET 1230 State Street Phone 3-9127 I "3r " I'M m fl in m. ,f inwr in -Million mli Mn. CALF- Madelya Fries holds IIolslefn-Frlesiaa calf which will e entered la San Frandsee . Jivesteck exposiUeo - PEHSLAR v nosE onops nWllt lf MM M HOBBli M. 50 c Schaefer' Corn Benedy Simply apply each night for 5 nights arid soak foot in hoi water and remove corn. Money refunded if not re lieved, i 250 Schaefer's Anlacid Powder Prompt I y relieves acid stomach gas and X tA heartburn. Bottle W C YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 1899 - 1948 "It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's" Prescriplions Accurately Filled EVERYTHING FOB THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. THIS WEEK'S GAUDY SPECIAL Fresh Ilade Chicken Bones Light Peanut Clusters Lots of Sweet Ililk Chocolate Peanut Brittle Try Emits Delight Ice Cream Soda. Remember tie use only Grade A Milk The Excelsior truss will solve your problem . Come in and see them today This Is the official Penslar Remedy Store for Marion County. Tea will find these preparations of hifhest quality and guaran teed te be exactly for what they are sold and represented to be. mt Mi ' Ptwfl!ii'lji"l''li 49c & 98c Stop Coughing Schaefer's Herbal Balsam 50c and $1.00 If You Want to Live Long DOH'T 1IEGLECT YOUR KIDIIEYS Try Schaefer's K&B Pills OU V Schaefer's Linimenl Has been a family friend for years; will take that stiffness oat of muscles in a hurry. Keep It on hand tn medicine chest. Sole' Af ents for Penslar Remedies for Marion County 135 II. Commercial Si. Prescriplions Filled Ph. 3-5197, 2 9123 RIPE OLIVES ) 0 Tl Rocco Belle, 6-oz. tin r for rJj . N k 1 ; t I I M Mission Hacaroni Dinners for JM) S1 1 : 1 Delicious ! Economical! Velvet Cream -natiori-MiLK 14ax Huni's Peaches Halves or Sliced No. 2,2 tin FRUIT iklD VEGETABLES 1 - i CABBAGE Local solid heads, lb. CRANBERRIES Western lb. ... YELLOW OIIIOIIS UJS. No. 1, lb ... ORANGES For Juice. Large shoppinfr bajr " -1 . 4S Fruit Mix "490 ; Crackers Currants un . ain-oz. PkKr ...Vl lb. tin Pudding r,g Ti Jelly Raisins Seedless L lb. pkjf. UUCQcl Baker's Dude Ranch, Asst. 7-oz. glass 15c, 2Cc 53c 15c 31c Krispy HOODY'S Peanut Butter Reg. & crunch I lb. box lb. jar 49c 33c 5 lb. tin Mi -lb. tin, 21c Karo Syrup Red and Blue HUDSON HOUSE r f -I 46-oz. urapciruii juiuu tin 57c Peas II-D sweet blended j ....... No 303 tin HUDSON HOUSE Frnil Cocklail ,5a L 27c 23c . i X 16c More people use Morton's 26-or. par. Main wo4l4 9c Viclory DOG FOOD No. 1 fall Tins 3 for 290 ) I- C C'!Hp CX4 CCt 1 30c j CURTIS; HARKET This Week Our Feature Item Is 4H SHOW BEEF i- Champion "Blue Ribbon" ster beef from Pacific International Livestock Exposition, furnifhed to us by Swift tt Co. the finest in beef. Placa your order earlyi Prices will be right. . j PURE GROUIID BEEF No water or cereal, lb. ........... Swift's Govt Imp. punnm nine m? ni?i?i? Bake or Swift's Gov't Imp. POT ROAST OF BEEF Boil, lb. ..... Full of Juicy Goodness, lb, .. 550 350 Swift's Table Ready LUNCH HEAT Assorted, lb. , We Can't Be Bear -Herb- Curtis -t-5Si0 Tor Meat to Eat iVsrsr77jrjr rtfoitafv Famous 8ra7(s 1 QQlJrT NORTH CAPITOL AT MARKET .1 !