sr I f A.V 3& ACTRES S Oka San Jbm IU eat scene Heilywaed etadi tot to 4e slicht repair Jeb heel ml ber she. Detroit Church Plans For Sunday Rally Day DETROIT The church "will observe rally day Sunday and people of all ages are invited to the no boct dinner to follow. All young married people and other young adults are invited to party at the church Saturday night from 7:30 to 10 p. m. The young adult class will have its first meeting; with Mrs. Otis White as teacher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell drove to Eugene for the week end with his brother, Chet Campbell, end family. Mrs. Tom tiding of Eugene spent last week with her father, J. Fisher. Her husband came Fri day, and they returned home Sunday. r u n u si m u - j Silverten Marion county dis trict convention visitation of Odd Fellows will be held at the local hall Friday night, November 5. ThU is an open" meeting to all Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and their families. Gervais Mothers club of Sac red Heart school will hold a fall' festival srsd frolic in the parish hll Sunday, November 14 start ing at p m. Refreshments will be served and there wilt be en tertainment features and games for alL Keizes- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sau ter and their daughter, Mrs. Frank Hood left for San Mateo, Calif. Tuesday. Mrs." Hood came north t take care of her mother who Is now much Improved. Saute,rs will spend the winter with their daughter in California. Silverten, Born November 1 t the Silverton hospital, a son t Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rose of Scotts Mills; October 31., a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs.. Richard A. Nelson (Lillian Noren), a daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paulson; October 30. a daughter to Mr. "end Mrs. Perry Dowd, and Mr. ar.d Mrs. F. Donald Stiles. central newcu no nosi t 'p.m. supper will be served at the achpdl house on Silverton road, Monday, November 8. Jeffersea Woman's Society of World Service, Evangelical "United Brethren church, meets Wednesday, November 10. with Mrs. Gecrfe Kihs of Marion. Clothing, Icod and money for boxes in foreign lands will be contributed. . Keberls Home' Extension meeting wiil be held on Tuesday, November 9 at 1:30 p.m. in Rob erts granre hall. Mrs. W. R. Keeney and Mrs. H. F. Nelson are project leaders for party planning. A"A women of the com munity are invited to attend. iiM tES wins gjeW...krisf Rn Jacked Up Car Falls Injuring Detroit Man DETROIT Earl Clester was taken to the St. Charles hospital in Bend Monday. He was injured when a car. he had jacked up for repairs fell on him. No bones were broken but he was severely bruis ed through the upper part of his right side. Mrs. William Ficker and two sons of Mill City spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Howard. Pete Hanson of Camp 3 cele brated his 62nd birthday Monday. Present were Mrs. James Kubesh and son David, Mr. and Mrs, Pete Peterson and son Freddie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cherrier and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Campbell and children Larry, Carol and David. Vera Alvin returned Saturday from Eureka, Calif., where he spent two weeks starting the new plywood plant of the M&M Wood working Co. Fishing derby awards by the Santiam Aerie of Eagles 2745 went to Jack Gulliford, 1st; Bruce Wright 2nd; Vern Alvin, 3rd; Ray Watkins, 4th; Buzz Bryant, 5th; Louis Sprogis, 6th. Rod and Gun club deer contest awards went to Vern Alvin, first; Darlen Ray, second. The Woman's club will hold the annual bazaar at the Canyon Moon dance hall November 13, starting at 9 p. m. Dance and 13 Polk Women Give Parties FALLS CITY Mrs. Eva Bur bank was hostess for the Past Noble Grand club Thursday. Hal loween decorations were carried out. Present were Mrs. Christine Lehnert,! Mrs. Ethel Teal. Mrs. Neva Poland, Mrs. Reta Strauss, Mrs. Fay Wilson. Invited guests were Mrs. Billy Shepherd and Mrs. Anna Grippen. November meeting will be with Mrs. Ethel Teal. Mrs. Laura Horn entertained act floor show is planned. The Legion auxiliary is giving a dance at Canyon Moon hall No vember 20. A Salem orchestra will furnish music. the Tuesday Needle Art club Tuesday for 1 o'clock . luncheon. Present were Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mrs. James Royer, Mrs. Fred Hughes, Mrs. Eva Teal, Mrs. Archie Palmer, Mrs. J. R. Strauss, Mrs.' Claude Allen and Mrs. Frank Campbell. A Halloween party was given Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marr. Pinochle was played and prizes went to Mrs. John Gil bert, Mrs. Doyle Lorimor, Clif ford Reeves and Granville Wil son. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dornhecker, Mr. and, Mrs. Harvey Marr; Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Lorimor, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Joslin, Mr. and Mrs. John Gil bert, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marr. Medford Family Visits With Jefferson Family JEFFERSON Mrs. John Chis holm,' daughter Maralee and son John of Medford are guests of Mrs. Chis holm's parents, the F. B. Jones. Friends have received an nouncement of the birth of an eight pound son, Frank Joseph, October 31. to Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Van Winkle of Fort Stevens. His father; is Dr. J. O. Van Winkle now of Klamath Agency. Jeffer son physician for many years. Dogs killed four sheep and crippled six which had to be kil led at the Frank Weddle farm last week. Two of the three dogs The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Friday. Norember S. 193 13 were caught. j Mrs. Lulu Barnett of La Grande is visiting her Glasgow. : sister, Mrs. W. DJ Nov She Shops , n "Cash, and Carry Wlthetit Painful ea4 eacrrr. frtW to afcta. sweOfceV waff mm tv4 Tbey fecto wrt peopts paaa .. DartwlAAraw4nasxirtWDWa a Cmj. i -ran, a stiniiiuiir diuretic, uaed purtmrn i far! k4aryfaartiopcr rfuQybrssilliam forever M years, Doaa's give Stfppr aad snO fteip UM 1 liln mi kidarr tub Shu t aahnniw lef swa. lam mt pep mM hwm your Uod. Get DoM's PlOs Waea ejsori i - ; ". . - I 1 , . 1 ! -A mg lb. 35' I fn addition to National Apple week -ths should bo "Northwest Meat-Eating week" because Safeway's New Low Prices on Steaks, Roasts and Chops in this area is reason enough for every family to serve lots more platters of Safeway's Guaranteed Meats. Come in! Get several days' supply at these low prfces today! PURE LEAN Ground Beef and Porli Sausage Pactctd in MnHary viskin casing. De sure to see our Waste-free, Pan-ready Fryers. Fricassee Chickens and Sea Foods at money saving prices. CRUSHED Harte No. 2 or Valley Rosa brand cn Note These Values ! Shoulder Pot Roasts fe Well aged for tend erness and flavorl Real meaty PER LB. ieef SveaEis SWISS J CTC A f C Per Lb. 75 Round StealtstdViir lb. 79c T-Bones Sirloin .lr lb.79c Trimmed Waste-free, L 0Q( before weighing. 0e 0 Pineapple Beef Short Ribs ! t Veal Shoulder Roasf -fe Ifc 59- - Veal Shoulder Steal: lb. 6c Breast of Lamb Ideal for stew or stuffing. lb; 19' LegO'Larab JHIb.69' Porli Loin Roast iirjr. Ib.59c - : f i Porfr Chops 1 1 Just the lean center cuts. Ib.70c Porii Shoulder Sieahs lb. 65' j- I . 6 Ilince Ileal Borden's None Such P2l f T: stadiaat For cakes. r run viiA cookies, etc. CnM'll.:.. Roysl Satin dWllming Shortenina Floar Craft XS-Ibs. $1.85 Pillsbnry Flour 25-lbs. $1.85 Sperry V Floor $1.85 Porlrlfi Beans IlobjfiiUl Collee i.,k. 46c Airway Coffee i.ik. 44c . Edwards Coffee FelfferiCoHeeS'::"4 Hills itUJB Coffee 5S Ilaxwell Home Coffee Chase Cr Sanlarn Collet 2S-ox. jar 43c i-ib. pkf. 49c S ib. can $1.00 50-lbs. $3.69 M-lbs. $3.69 50 -lbs. $3.69 Smith Brand No. 2Vj In Tomato Sauce can t-lb. baa 91c 3 -lb. bsf $1.31 ...l-lb. eaa 51c Lb. eaa7 53c Lb. eaa 53 0 1-Ib. eaa 53c 1-lb. eaa 53c 19c Popular braads Cashknere Bouquet Toilet Soap Grocery Features Effective Through Monday, November 8 Get your share of these Luscious, Bright Red fsS fancy and (.T CMCS. APPLES JOHATHAHS . . . 5-lb. sack 49 c B0I1E BEAUTIES . . 3 lbs. 25 c BED DELICIOUS . . . . lb. 14 C Texas Grapefrnil f Lemons tu"hK ''' Leltnce GM" Green Cabbage Cel61y Crpr p1 Variety Cranberries At Dry Onions Ye"w-Mdl 8tx- Tokay Grapes Oranges Sweet and Jalcr 12c 17c 10c 4c 7c lb. tb. 4c 10c 10 c . $1.37 223 Sweet Potatoes 2 ib. 250 Banjo Brand White or Golden No. 2Vi Apple Julco b.m.21c Apple Cider H - 59c Whole-Kernel Corn HiMt - 19c Dlackeyo Peas w1 17c Canned Pumpkin n - 10c Mixed Vegetables m 10c Sloeov. Hollow Svrub n- 25c s' m m Stev with Beef No. 2Va Haley's can 3S' Nncoa Ilargarino i-ib. 35c t-ib. 62a Snnnybank Ilargarino 35s Delrtch Ilargarine la PUenisa pack. 1-Ib. 41o Parkay Ilargarine c.i kwb. i-i. n. 4Io Dnrkee Ilargarine j 35s Alls we el Ilargarino twin ltpu. 353 Salad Dressing DaeheM -,. , .Qt. Jar 1 Salad Dressing Miracle Whip w Wat Jar I 330 Quart ar This Ad Effective In SalenvCity Store Only LET FLOTOS 53 IT 70! m wrzAto SHORTEinilG ! - ' i Crisco, Snowdrift IHEESl Gless Wok Kraft VelveeU 2 pounds Breeze 2-pounda i 850 3ft 0 It's marvelous $2.05 33c 3-Ib. can Try ifl I pi U7 W. Liberty Ffc. S-eS9t i i f 1 1 ; 4 1 v -s 1 1 isi 1 1 t I 1 1 k i i i i i i i i t t t t 1 :Mt M. HiHg? &aQf - J