The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1948, Page 12, Image 12

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The following is the official publica
tion of the rocrd of claims before the
Marion County Commissioners' Court
or the July term for 1948. with the
amount allowed, bills continued, etc..
according to the records in the office
of, the County Clerk.
Miscellaneous: State Industrial Acc.
Comm. ins. 59350; Public Employees
Retirement System, retirement. 2.825.39;
Ladd Sc Bush Salem ,Br. O. S. Nafl
Bank of Portland, withholding. 2.219.05.
County Assessor: C. A. Lewis,- deputy.
193.69; ftay Lick. do. 159.96; J. L. Sieg
. mund. do. 154 12; Grace N. Babcock.
do. 145.33; Ida M. Bailiie. do. 132.81;
May Holtorf. do. 131.16; Helen Snyder,
clerk, 116.59; Doris Barrett, do. 108.58;
Betty Feilen, do. 62.38; Gordon E. Tow
er, Draftsman. 204.99. Circuit Court: A.
A. Richard"!, court reporter, 221.24; R.
B. Hughes deputy, . 157.44. County
Clerk: M. Rewncsek, deputy. 166.14;
F. Crosby, do. 171.09; R. "Howard, do.
178.14 D. Barrett, do, 152.43; V. Wind
sor, do. 158.72; H. L. Mulkey.
W. M. Gifford. do, 134.91; T.
ton. do. 59.35; R. J. Stanton,
A. M. Presnall, do. 138.62;
Kleihege. do. 13.32. County
do. 166 84.
L. Hamil
do. 47.14;
Helen T.
Court: M.
12 The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Friday November 5. 1948
T. Lauber, do. J 55.42; H. 3. Peterson,
do. 181.93; C G Ross, do, 187.25; M. 3.
McCormick. do, 154.47: David DuBois,
do. 129.85; Virgil R. Fahey. do. 165.22;
H. E. Lenhardt, do. 213.44: S. M. Martin,
do. 152.23; William Naftzger. 174.66;
Delbert C. Shellito. do. 164.02: E. 3.
Richards, do. 192-31: Arthur Blackburn,
do. 175 .55: A, A. Richards, do. 167.85;
Chas Tucker, do,' 192.20; Donald Bob
ine. do. 172.98; E. H. Busby, do. 180.50;
F. L. do. 188.52; Philip H.
Simms. do; 8.61: John Hanna, do, 9.44:
Dora Barrett, reg Sc elee 7.50; Florence
M. Crosby, do. 3.36; W. M. Gifford. do.
4.67, TwiJU Hamilton, do. 10.54; R.
Howard, dp? 8.07: Ruth Hutchins, do.
2.32: M. . Lindsey. do. 1.97: Helen L.
Mulkey, do, 8.56: A. M. Presnall. do:
8.14; M. Rezniesek. do. 1.32: G. E.
White, do. 11.38: Vernon Windsor, do.
3 83: Mae edgerwood. bailiff. 9.88;
Floy Mudd. do. 26.33: General Electric
Supply Co. equip. 14.78;-C. A. Lewis.
T.E.. 15.95: Ray Lick. T.E.. 39.90: Robert
H.i Scott, misc. 150 00. J; L. Siegmund.
TE. 83 35: Gregg Publishing Co. sups.
! J6.70; Spa. meals. 52.95: L. E. Barrieh.
, misc. 31.43; Frank A. Neistus. exam,
j 5 00; E. L. Rogers. TE. 97 67: Ideal
.Power Lawn Mower repair. 1.31: Otis
I Elevator Company, rent, 8 50; Salem
: Willamette Supply, sups. 1.82: Vanco.
sups. 13.75: D. A- White & Sons, ex
pense. 70.00: M. B. Havden. TE. 12.25:
Silver Wheel Motor Freight, exp. 120:
Sybil C. Cat line Sc Frank H. Spears.
rent. 100.00: A. C. Gregg, postmaster,
postage. 27 0Q;. Earl Adams. TE. 113.13;
Dr. Domini- Calucrate, exam, 5 00:
Dr. William C. Crothers. exam. 5.00:
Dr. Irvin B; Hill. do. 5.00: Dr. Roscoe
C. Wilson, do. .500; Kenneth Bothum.
reward. 25.00; John Schmid. garbage
disposal. 100.00: American Journal of
Nursing. suis. 4 00: Capital City Laun
dry Sc Cleaners, maint. 12.07: Dr. Morris
Crothers. med serv. 41.66: R. L. ElTs
trom Company, sups, 5.00: Dr. Lucille
Fortner. med serv. 45.00: A. C. Gragg.
postmaster. , postage, 43.75: Hendrie
Medical Laboratory, lab, 125.00; Hovt
Street Sales. Warehouse., equip. 110.00;
Dr. R. E. Joseph., med serv, 36.00: Lac
tona. med sups. 7.50: t. G. Lermon.
equip. 20 00:, Dr. Wm Mac Neill. denUl
serv. 60.00; i Quisenberry's Pharmacy.
mea sups. 3 18, Dr. Delbert Reed, med
i serv. 30.00: JJr. Larence : Riggs. cl psy,
I 87.00: Salent Masonic Temple Assoc,
j rent. 190.00; Salem Medical Laboratory.
I lab. 9.75: School Dist No. 4. maint. 1.15;
j Simmons Carbon Co. sups. 49.50: Frank
! Sisler. sups. 18.74; Steeihammer -Drug
j Store, med sups. 1.75; Dr. C. J. Stout.
dental serv, 60.00; Vallev Motor Co,
trans. 70.02; Dr. Carl R. Wilson, dental
! serv. 60.00; Dr. John Wood. do. 90.00;
i John W. Hanrahan. herd inspector.
t 197.50: Fred W. Lanee. do. 357.75: A.
I W. Simmons, do. 462.7.5: Martin J.
. Albers. indemnity of diseased cattle.
7:50: Britt AspinwaU. indemnity, 8.00;
Alice W. Pohle, indemnity, 24.00: John
; D. Steiner, tfo. 7.50: Dr. M. K. Crothers
' exam. 5.00. Dr. Wm Crothers. exam.
. 5 00: Dr.- Arthur Fisher, do. 5.00: Dr.
, H. A. Gueffroy, do. 20.00: Dr. G. F. Kel
! ler. do. 5.00: Dr. Frank A. Neusius. do,
i 5.00: Dr. Ralph Purvine. exam, 5.00;
Dr. Leo H. Schatz. do, 5.00; Dr. Theo.
Stuckart. do, 5 00; Dr. Roscoe Wilson,
do. 25.00; Dr. Paul Wolfe; do, 20.00; Dr.
; Charles Wood, do, 5.00: Morris K.
Crothers. M.D. med serv. 5.00: Red
Cross Pharmacy, medical; 70c: Sanitary
Service Co..: Inc.. misc. 1.90: Denver
Young, board of prisoners. 525.54: Chas
: F. Stutz, mileage. 12 00: Alf O. Nelson,
rent. 25.00; Emerv J, Jackson. T.E.. 34.33
T. C. Gorman, rent. 100.00: W. C. Miller
T.E.. 10.00; Mrs. Joe Ditchen. hospital.
12.00; Mrs. Mary Halverson. hospital.
34 50; Wm. F. Howell. Countv Sheriff,
misc. 3 45: Millers, expense. 4 95; Mrs.
Reed Simmorids. hospital. 50 00; Nona
White, postage 00 4,:Mj:SHF'
White, postage. 4 00; The Boys' Sc Girls
Aid Society, court committed. 29.04:
Catholic Charities. Incip do. 50.00:
Children Farm Home, do.: 59 48: Oregon
Protective Societv. do. 20.00: Mr. J. H.
Tumidge."do 35.00; U. S. Fish and Wild
life Service. ; control. 63.00: Recordak
Corporation, sups. 111.68: H. A. Judd.
postage. 72:20: W. P. Emery, misc.. 3.00;
Walter S. Ball. 1 courgar, 10 00: Sam
uel W. Koonte. bobcats Sc cougar. 20.00:
Bob Trask. I cougar. 10.00: Vivian S.
Hoenig. T.E 55 40; George W. Hubbs.
misc. 3.00: Harley W. Libby. do, .3.00:
Genevieve Oldenburg, do. 3.00; 3. T.
Remington. "TE.. 7.00: Homer Hi Smith
Ins Agency. ' office equip. 70.00: Car
malite I. Weddle T-E. 87.35: Depart
ment of Agriculture, sealer. 65.25:
Abrams Sc Skinner. Inc.; bond. 10.00:
Burke's Camera "Shop. misc. 2.95: City
of Salem, radio. 6.00; Valley Motor Co.
trans, 7.44: Denver Young, off ups.
11.93; Brandt Automatic- Cashier Co.
off equip. 310 00; Marchant Calculating
Machine, maint. 30.00: Shannon Sc Co.
sups. 32.74: Salem Blue Print Co. sups.
2.40: Salem Hardware Co. sups. 4.80:
A. C Gragg. postmaster, postage. 50.00;
A. C. Gragg. tpostmaster, postage. 18.00:
H. C! SaalfeW. T:E. 20.00; Paul Marn
ach, T.E. 60.15; George Angel. 2 goats
killed. 3.00: Vera Coburn. 1 lamb killed.
5.00; B. Homer Davis. 2 lambs killed.
5.00; Ed Drager. 7 sheep, killed. 32.50:
John Fisher. 2 lambs killed. .00; Mrs.
F. A. Koehn.fl goa tkilled. 1.0: William
Lidbeck. 7 sheep killed. 50.00: J. R.
Linn. 3 sheep killed. 20.00; Frank A.
Osborn Sr. 3, sheep killed. 17.50; Zeno
Schwab. 2 4am bs killed. 10.00; John
Weiiz, 5 lambs killed 20 00: Earl D.
Witchers, 3 sheep killed, 17.50: Ameri
can Law Book Co., law books. 22.50;
West Publishing Co. do. , 5.00: Geo E.
Allen Harware. reps, 24.70; American
Brush Co. rep. 86.10: Balls u Sc Wright,
misc. 17.64; Blake. Moffitt Sc Towne.
sups, 53.05: Tom Bowed n, misc 100.00:
Agnes C. Booth, sups. 180.15: Bradfield
Lumber Co. reps, 5.20; Bureau of Labor.
Inspect, 13.50; E. H. Burrell. reps, 35.36;
Capital Auto Parts, reps. 10 07; Capi
tal City Bindery, sups. 914.43: Capital
Journal, advt. 17.80: Monfoe S. Cheek,
trans, 15.08: Leo Childs. righway, 25.00;
City Water Department, water. 59.06;
Columbia Equipment COi reps. 25.00;
Clyde Equipment Company, reps. 85.64:
Colyear Motor Sales . Company, reps.
12.95; The Commercial . Book Store,
sups. 11.17: Cooke Stationery Co. sups.
100.40; J. w:'Copeland Yards, lumber.
27653: Henry R Crowfprd. riRht of
way. 25 00; Commercial Sand Sc Gravel
Co. gravel, 35.68; Detroit Garage Sc Ser
vice Station, reps. 8.05: Frank Doolittle
Master Ser. misc. 46.68; Doughton
Hardware, sups. 2.75: Engineer Sand
Sc Gravel Co. gravel. 309.00: Eutectic
Welding Alloys Corp. misc. 201 90;
Farmers Fire Relief Assri of Butville
P L 37. 191: Ray L. Farmer Hardware
Co. sups. 16.57; Free's Garage, reps.
7.77: Frere's-Frank Lbr. Co. lumber,
4896; J. K. Gill Companr. sups. 3598;
A. D. Graham. T.E. 7.05: J. D. Lumber
Co. lumber, 18.72 i. E. Haseltine Sc Co.
reps, 9826; Herrold-Philippi Motor Co,
reps, 3.38; Howard-Cooper Corp. reps,
2.19: Hutcheon Paint Store, signs, 2.39:
Interstate Tractor Sc Equip Co.i reps,
184.62: Johnson. Sicwert : Sc Aldrich.
sups. 109.73: Ira Jorgensen, sups. 164.70:
T. C.
W. C.
Rezniesek. cierk. 40.00; R. J. Stanton.
; stenographer. 80.00. Court House: Edw.
Brasher, janitor, 148.62; W. A. Gntton,
do. 143.36: Wm. Moriarty. do, 135.76;
Edwin Booth, do. 147.54; Ruth Hutchins.
elev oper, 67.94; M. E. Lindsey. do,
71.94. Dist. Atty.: Reginald S. Williams,
deputy. 225.64: Anna M. lAitill. stenog.
134.94. District Curt: Gliria Robinson,
dep clerk. 50.15; Cluruj jBrown. do.
147.54. District Court Constable-: Gloria
Robinson, jlep constable. 85.00. Health
llept.: Frank Sisler. Co health officer.
442.84; W. Jf Stone, do. 45.83; W. B.
Quinn. Co sanitarian. 228.64; F. R. Cote
man, sanitarian, 263.99; I. G. Lermon,
do. 236.66; Bernice Yeary, supervisor,
24284; Merwyn Darby, nurse, 192.19;
Joan Schneider, do. 183.37 J Eleanore
Swedenburg. do,- 18r4; Erna Ber
' steacher. do. 181.64; Jane Domkowski.
do. 210.54; Marie Simon, do. 119.17; Les
lie L. Stone, do, '172.33; Helen Schuetz.
clerk. 151.14; Betty Martin, do. 127 87;
A. H. Bergmann. do. 121.49; E. Odessa
Melby. do. 143.29 Vera Wood, do, 169.94
Mary Lois Cotton, do. 7.12; Helen Stey
aert. nurse. 181.28. Brettenbush Justice
of Peace Dist.: Edison Vickers, justice
' of peace. 89.10. Bretteabitsb Justice of
Peace Dist.: Edison Vickers. justice of
peace, 89.10. Breitenbush J. P. Dist.:
James C. Fowler, constable, 24.45.
Breitenbush i. P. Dist.: James Cameron
Fowler, constable. 15.06. Jefferson J.
P. Dist.'i E. E. Howell, justice of peace,
121.55: J. T. Jones, constable. 10.67.
ML Angel i. P. Dist.: N. M. Lauby.
justice of peace. 9.90: Peter J. Burger,
constable, 9.60. Silverton J. P. Dist.:
E. J. Jackson, constable. 73.95: F. N.
Burch. clerk. 49.24; Alf O. Nelson,
justice of peace. 155.55. Stayton i. P.
Dist.: W. H. Bell, justice of peace,
123.75: Henry Smith, constable. 19.50.
Woodburn J. P. Dist.: T. C. Gorman.
Justice of peace, 183.15; W. C. Miller,
constable, 49.20. Juvenile Dept.: Nona
White, probation officer. 210 08; D; J.
Jepsen. assistant, 199 05: J. Anderson,
stenog. "87.15. County Recorder: Fran
ces Mattson, deputy, 151.14; Adella
Dickman. do; 148.28: Virginia Gritton.
do. 131.32: Grace Bruneilo, do. 68.65;
Pauline Buroker. clerk. 138.34; Bonnie
Wilson, do. 138.29. Rural School Dist.:
. J. F. Remington, deputy. 108.00. School
Supt. : J. F. Remington, deputy. 170.04:
Carmahte I. Weddle. supervisor. 223.24;
Vivian S. Hoenig, do, 187.54: Christine
V. Morley. secretary 132.82.Silverton
Jasticeor Peace Dist.: Alf O. Nelson,
justice of peace. 155.55: F. N. Burch. ;
clerk. 49.24: S. J. Jackson, constable. :
73.95. Stayton Justice of Peace Dist :
W. Tf. Bell, justice of peace. 123.75
Henry Smith, constable. 19.50. Wood- ;
barn Justice of Peace Dist.:
Gorman. Justice of peace. 183.15;
Miller, constable. 49.20. Juvenile
Nona White, probation officer.
D. 3. Jepsen. assistant. 190.05: J. And
erson, stenog. 87.15. County Recorder:
Frances Mattson. deputy. 151.14; Adella
Dickman. deputy. 148.28: Grace Bruneilo-.
do. 146.54; Virginia Gritton. do.
154.42: Pauline Buroker. clerk. 138 34:
Bonnie Wilson co. 138.29. Reg. and
Elee.: Gladvs White, dep. county clerk.
162.36. Rural School Dist,: J. F. Rem
ington, deputy. 108.00. School Supt.:
3. i F. Remington, deputy. 165.90: Car
mahte I. Weddle, supervisor, 211.55:
Vivian S. Hoenig. do. 187.54: Christine
V. Morlev. secretary. 132.82. County
Sheriff: A. I. Johnson, deputy. 186.80:
Wm. DeVall. do. 198.98; Donald Jarvis
do. 192.40: B. R. Smith, do. 191.88: John
Harger. do. 197.70; Louis Bonney. do.
1O8.60; H. F. Domogalla. tax deputv.
230.69: H. T. Evans, cashier. 200.38;
Violette West, bkkp mach oper. 173.26;
C. Hammang, deputy. 153.54: Lydia
Mattson. do. 174.06. Surveyors Office:
A. D. Graham., deputy, 285.14: Nella
Simms. secretary, 138.14. County Trea
surer: Audrey H. Ewing. deputy. 135.60
Veterans Service Office: H. C. Saalfeld.
service officer. 271.84: Lillian Klippert.
secretary; 54.94. County Property: H.
Wm. Thielsen. land agent. 158.62; J.
Anderson, stenog, 45.00; Charles . J.
Zerzan, tax dec), 148.50. " County En
gineer: H S. Swart; engineer. 322.04:
Barbara Smith, secretary. 145.03. Dog
Control Fund: Paul Mamach. dog con
trol enf officer. 170.49: T. L. Hamilton,
clerk. 100.00. Mlscellanous: Alice J.
Bailiie. reg Ar elec. 178.98; Nuriel L.
Pugh. do. 168.57; Anna Tasto. do. 113.05;
J. P. AspinwaU. labor, 206.74: J. J.
Hollett. do. 131.37; Harry H. Lawrence,
do. 208.80; H. A. Martin, do. 171.44;
Harold L. Martin, do. 152.12: Edward,
Schmitt, do. 165.14; C. W. Wooldridge.
do. 181.82: D. L. Wooldridge. do. 167.76;'
O. D. Binegar, do. 186.25: Henrv Bower,
do. 157.21: J. A. Burns, do. 157.37; E. E.
Cocran, do. 158.20; Wm P. Croker. do.
158.16; Orville L. Dunigan. do. 188.47;
S. K. Ely. do. 177.47; Harvey M. Girod.
do. 169.15: Roy Hatfield, do. 157.62;
Harold K. Keppinger do. 177.56; R. W.
Kinney, do. 213.00: R. C. Kirk. do.
179.89; Lourel Lamb. do. 178.81: E. A.
Lawrence, do. 178.05; John E. McAllis
ter, do. 16 56: Ralph McAllister, do.
155.72; D. P. Scharf. do. 240.73; Robert
W. Smith, do. 176 56; G. L. Spencer,
do. 146.71: Earl D. Standlev. do. 159.26;
Lloyd E. Taylor, do. 182.73; Orville L.
' Trussell. do. 193.18; Hugh Webb. do.
213.65: Lee A Wells, do. 185.98: Frank
Woelke. do. 234.06; Tonv Woelke. do.
178.39; Theodore Kuensi, do, 264.03: Wil
liam R. Brenner; do. 177.11; Menne
Balke, do. 178.32: William Green, do,
180.32; Lloyd Jarman. do. 179.37; C.-J.
Miller, do. 105.43; Tom Ritchev. do
175.93: Jas A. Pobl. do. 195 30; W.
Shelley, do. 105.44; Gene Shilling, do.
178 93; L. W. Webber, do. 165.47: W. O.
Williamson, do, 161.40: J. C. Curnutt.
do. 165.06; A. W. Belile. do. 166.42; R.
O. Childress, do. 181.93: E. J. Coover,
do. K1.53; R. L. Gingrich, do, 161.53; F.
Jorgensen-Steinke'8. reps. 5.35; Harvey
Kanoff. umber. 16.00; Keith Brown
Lbr. Co. reps, 5.09; Keiser Sand St
Gravel, gravel. Z3: Krapa & Long
Printers, sups. 111.45; B Sc H Logging
Company, lumber. 399 JO: Jas H. Maden
Company, reps, 15.42; Douglas McKay
Chev. Co. reps. 1 08; A. B. McLauchlan
Co, reps, 3.50; Mill City Service Station,
rep 50c; Mill Supply Corp. reps, 29 Iff;
Montgomery Ward. reps. 94.68; Mt. An
gel News. adv. 1.40; Mountain States
Power Co. L&P. 49.53; Needhams Book
Store, equip, 98.38; Oregon Gravel
278.59;Oregon ''Physicians Service, sal
ded. 297.05: Pacific Building, rent.
107.50: Peck Bro'hers. reps. 10.26: Pa
cific Tele Sc Tele Co. sups. 275.20;
Perry's Drug Store, supc. 4.49: Phillip- I
pi's Tire Service, reps. 3.75: Photostat t
Corporation? sups. 92.65: Portland Gen :
Electric Co. LAP. 236 04: Quonset ;
Garage, reps. 9.40: Remington Rand
Inc. sups. 4.42922; Richfield Oil Cop.
diesel. 111.79: Richfield Oil Corp. oil. :
2.00; Saffron Supply Company, reps,
4.41; Salem Auto Parts Co, reps, 6.61;
Salem Concrete Pipe Sc Company, reps.
87.58: Salem Memorial Hospital, hospi- '
tal. 67.6o: Salem Navigation Co. reps. ;
2.82: Salem Steel Sc Supply Co. rep. .
13.86; Saiern Tire Service, reps. 107.98: i
I Salem Tire Service, reps, 107.98; alem 1
' Tile Company, expenses 12.50; Clyde
j Salisbury, reps. 20.50: Shell Oil Comp- !
i any. diesel. 11.40; Shell Oil Co. gas,.
7.11; H. A. Simmons, trans. 81.60: H. A.
Simmons, oil. 2 05: Southern Pacific :
Company, rent. 5.00; Standard Oil Co '
of Calif, diesel. 146 01: State Tire Ser- j
I vice. misc. 399.09: Statesman Publish
j ing. adv. 218.93: Stayton Gravel Com
pany, gravel. 112.70: Stayton Mail. adv.
9.21: Stevenson Sc Melford. misc. 45.22;
E. G. Syron Sc H. Svron Ronald, misc. ;
286.60; L. R. Tweedie. diesel. 10.41;
Truck Sales Sc Service Company, reps, i
3.20. Union Oil Company of Calif, gas. I
2.799 86: Valley Motor Co. reps. 43.92: I
Valley Welding Supply Co. reps. 10.95: j
Walling Sand 4 Gravel Co. gravel. S
121.63: Walton-Brown Electric Co, reps,
38.o5; Western Union, tele, 15.06; WiH
amtte Valley Transfer, reps. 36.41; 1
Waodbuin Independent, adv. 1.20: 1
Woodbury Co. misc, 409.96: Zellerbach
Paper Company, exp, 9946: Walter H.
Zosel Company, misc, 169.49. !
May 1, 1948 Adjustment of sewer !
rental approved; Copy of Resolution !
3626 and No. 5627 by City of Salem ;
accepting Iowa Ave. and Beach Ave !
placed on file: Order for County Clerk ;
to advertise for brjard of prisoners.
May 3. Pipe line permit. Harvey Lin
coln Indemnity claim of Arnold L.
Steffen. final heating May 15, 1948;
Dance Hall license; Glenn H. Woodry; j
Order appointing Lawience M. Wripht
as Dep. Constable for Silverton dis-
tnct; Petition for appointment of J. j
Fowler as Constable for Breitenbush j
District: Resignation of C. F. Stutz as 1
Constable of Breitenbush Dist. placed
on file: May 4. Order incorporating
"Keizer Rural Fire District" and set
ting date for'election of Directors. May
5. Final hearing on Indemnity claim
of Martin J. Albers. Alice W. Pohle:
Permit to move building. West Coast
House Mover Co.: Permit to haul logs,
Charles W. Fantz, Clyde E. Johnson.
May 6, Permit to move building. Kay
Simmons: Pole line permit, Portland j
General Electric Co. May 7, Pipe line j
permit. John Bostrack: Order continu- J
ing Road Proceedings No. 937 and 939. ,
May 10. Permit to mdve combine, Frank
J. Peters: Permit to haul logs, R. M. '
Boice and Dale G.' Miller. Harold E. I
Weathers: Order creating "Four Corn- !
ers Countv Drainage District Permit
to haul piling. Arthur Andersen: Ord- ;
er RE: meeting of ,and-owners in Four '
Corners County Drainage District on j
May 25 to elect directors: List of pol- I
ling places for Primary election: Ad-
dition list of Judges and Clerks of
election: May 11. Indemnity claim of ;
John Small, final hearing May 22:
Contract for sale of real property to
James T. Love . et ux: Minutes of;
Courthouse commission meeting. May
12. Pipe line permit. Alex Lichtv; Per- j
mit to haul logs. Eddie C. Goschie: :
Order RE: testing of bovine animals
for Bangs disease. May 13. Order ap-
pointing Jay Fowler as Constable for
Breitenbush Justice of the Peace Dis- i
trict: Pole line permit. Portland Gen
eral Electric Company; Permit to haul
logs. Alex C. Muzchenko:' Corporation
Quit Claim deed from Cascade Operat
ing Co. to Marion oCunty; Contract
for sale of real property to James F.
Snook et 'ux: ontract with Smith
Bros. RE: Drices for road and oil rock, j
May 15. Final hearing on Indemnity
claim of Arnold L. Steffen. May 17. j
Permit to haul logs. Breitenstein -Bros, j
Lbr. Co.. James Burrell. Phillips Bros., t
David Schafer: Transfer Order (cor
rections): Order authorizing County
Judge to sign for Improvement of 1
First Street in Silverton: Contract for
sale of real property to Sol B. Tavlor
et ux. May 18. Indemnity claim of W. !
Robert Terhune. final hearing set for I
May 29: Permit to move beet seed 1
cutter, etc.. West Coast Beet Seed Co.: j
Permit to move tractor. John M. Sta
fek: Permit to move Caterpillar. Geo.
R. Wirth: Permit to move bulldozer.
Ball Bros. May 19. 6 Quit Claim deeds
from Lester R. Evans et ux to Marion
County for land to be used for road
purposes. May 22. Final hearing on
indemnity claim of John Small: Bond
of James Cameron Fowler as Consta
ble for Breitenbush Justice of Peace
District approved; Pipe line permit,
Salem Heights Water District; Pipe
line permit. Richard H. Davis; Per
mit to move building. West Coast House
Movers: Permit to haul logs. Chas. O.
Bland, J. H. Wilkinson. Carl Budeau.
Norman McCallister. May 24, Permit to
move building. Chas. Gates and Son:
County agrees to take over certain
Streets as County roads when same
conform to certain specifications. May
25. Permit to haul logs. C. I. Gale.
Owen Bishop. John Cook. A. M. Denni
sen. Hugo Cook; Plat of "La Vista" ap
proved. May 26. Beer license. Breiten
bush Mineral Springjj Co : Beer license.
Glen and Florence1 Smith: Permit" to
haul piling. Lewis Meyer: Permit to
haul logs. Phillips Bros , Mildred Volk
man, Wm. Shepherd. Uvesays Lum
ber Yard: Quit claim deed to Thomas
L. Workman et ux. Breitenstein Bro ;
Pipe line permit. Max A. Brown: Peti
tion to annex land to Four Corners
County Drainage District Placed on
file: Order fixing time for hearing on
petition to annex land to Four Corn
ers Countv Drainage Dist.. set for
July 7. 1948: Notice of Budget esti
mates, hearing set for June 30. May
27. Permit to haul logs. Highwav Fuel
Co.: U. S. Engineers Survey and Ex
ploration permit for testing purposes:
Quit Claim deed to State Highway
Commission. May 29. Final hearing on
Indemnity claim of W. Robert Ter
hune: Memorial to John C. Siegmund.
deceased; Permit to haul logs. H. W.
McAuley, George Vachter. Robert M.
Howard: Pole line permits (2). Mt.
States Power Co.: Transfer Order.
Hlwll Ftoffikisft
171 So. Commercial INSPECTED MEATS Phone 3-8757
Are you having food bill troubles? Then you niust not be a customer of McDow
ell's Market. Trade with McDowell' Market and make that old dollar bill turn
into two. " ' '
BOAST i. S2c
LIIIKS .... s5)gC SAUSAGE ... Ojkyl
Here is a treat Unequal in Quality & Flavor
BEEF BOIL i.b. 300 ROLLED ,.580
f t No bone, no grissel
Picnic HAffC CO L IfAriC Who,e ' C
Shoulder HHi'IO Lb. OC tlAl'ld half Lb. DOf
Whole or
cint" nnrntT
MUM DttWUll half . : Lb.
No. 1 Fancy Quality Sugar - cured Oak Smoked
( 2nd
(Ssmie &eiiS1 (3eEe3biraifte wnftHu UJs
Oar Second Anniversary. We are celebrating wiih even bigger, teller values ihan you usu
ally find here. As most Salem housewives know, we have always offered the fines! FOOD
!nn oven! until the cflflneraHon of onr wholesalers, we are reallv "Goina Overboard" in
. 3 . . ..... . i - Pvwimn ftiTTnnvvnvv T17 Tl TiDT77T7BO(
knocking lne noliom oni 01 iooa prices. auu. caa.iiijo xuumi inuuuun liiuiimi. .Jiiflliklij 11
m Shortening Qi
if 2 ., S Bo,t" 3elie P
f ?LCheese Spreads W
m wdiwerry Sauce 17
a -'rrrmwrmrv rrrrsr
Siraighl Arrow" Head Bands
4'ou Know - Shredded Wheat Radio Program
Bulging With SalemV
Finest Food Valdes
OPEN 9' a.m. to S p.m.
Sirloin, Swiss, T-Bone
Round, Ground Beef
Armour's Star
Half or W hole
0 .
Stew hens, N.y OA
dressed, lb,
- I'-. ! ' i
Chops, Steaks, Roasts
Fresh Side, Sausage;
Early Garden
No. 303 '.
Del Monte
Del I-Ionie Peas
Cm cans 290
Del Monte
BEANS ' Stringless
Del Monte Diced
BEETS No. 303 jars 0 jars
Del Monte Whole
BEETS No. 303 jars 2
Del Monte No. 2 cans
Hew Potatoes
Del Monte
Tomato Juice
46-oz. can
9:30 to 9:35 a.m. Friday
Skippy Peanni Buller
Mb. Jar ...... 25c
Similar 5-minute specials at intervals
during Anniversay Sale
Tops in Quality, Rich in Juice
Southern g mm
YAMS 3 ,b, 25C
fine for Baking
1 California A
LETTUCE 2 M, 19c
Crisp, Solid Heads
Turnips 3 Ibs-
Rutabagas 11)
Idaho Burbank U.S. No. l's
Sunkist , A
ORANGES ?. ..... SC
176's Extra Large
0 lb.
Cut and Wrapped for Lockers - That Good, Fresh, VA. Insp. Valley Packing Co. Pork
C U P R d ' I :;
FRYERS Cloverbroom brand .Price each 1.20 ,o 1.80
Armour's Luncheon Meals !
Pickle & Pimiento - Macaroni & Cheese Corned Beef
Jellied Tongue - Veal - Old Fashioned Minced Ham
Liver Sausage - Branunsweiger, assorted ..., lh.
Any Iaf. half or whole. 49c lb.
Kraft Miracle Whip .
Salad Dressing ;
GIANT Package
Lge. pkg.
Sierra Pine
Toilet Soap
Reg. Bar
Scotch Cleanser
Triple Action
Reg. Pkg.
ToiUt Soap
2 Bars
. 15c
tins ": 1
Gold Iledal Flour
Highest Quality
25-lb. bag ...
10-Ib. bag
Velveela Cheese
Kraft ChxH Spread
2-lb. Iof
Parkay Ilargarino
With the easily mixed
capsule, lb.
Demonstration of '. ! '
Prop In for a cup for Fret
Kraft, Ilayonnaise
n;' 39c 77c
Ginger Cake Ilix
Betty Crocker
Urge 14tf -oz. pkg. .... dtw I C
Free Servings Saturday !
Frisldes Dog Food
tW cans 390
Please Dog Fpod
tW cans 270
Armour's Treel
Spiced Luncheon Meat
12-oz. can
Corned Beef Hash
Armour's Star
No. 2 can
Toilet Tissue
4 rolls 280
Family Pack
Corned Beef
12-oz. can
jjjji' i:3n..25cM
fjjB Sauerkraut Sft? j- 1
m &2c.M '29c )
r 'No-2'- 3nn, 3jc .ff
M tomato Juice - 91 lt
jgS. . fp-
Two Big Stores 3720 E. State St. at Four Comers and 3060, ; Portland Road on
... . -. rr ai T rJj o. l t? i ! m-
Hiehwav beyond underpass, prices effective Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Open
9 a. m. to 8 p. m. every day, including Sunday. j