The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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    " (DStty .Iew' UBirfieffsi;
"The Big Harvest," an educa
tional film will be shown at the
weekly meetings of the Hollywood
Lions club Wednesday, and Eric
Haight, president of Film Incor
porated of New York -will speak
chfihe topic "Present Trends on
Educational Films."
Have your Sunday meals at the
12th St. Dinette & treat y'ourse:f
to a treat in good food at a price
that satisfies. Open Sunday, 7 A.M.
to 9 P.M. 719 S. 12th St.
Mothers dismissed from Salem.
General hospital Saturday with
newborn babies were Mrs. Ed
ward Brown, Independence, Mrsj,i
Jess onn, Albany, both witt
(laughters, and Mrs. Lloyd ' Ai
Griffiths. 1048 N. Winter St., and.
Mrs. Arthur Conn, Albany, with
Work Toward
Conserving of
Forests Gted
anftjccidentally discarded match,
while Harold was alone.
The child was turned over to
a; foster home. Mrs. Strong, ar
rested Friday night, was released
oh $500 bail today.
Muskrats get their name from
a pair of perineal glands which
secrete a very strong and pene
trating but .not unpleasant odor of
musk. The annual harvest is
about 10,000,000 pelts.
in Salem oa Sunday, October 31st,
I at 2:00 p.m. Class Initiation in
j honor Senator Douglas McKay,
! who will be the guest speaker.
Rummage sale. Wed. Nov. 3 above j Be- sure to listen to K.S.L.M. at
Greenba urn's: Middle Grove Ig-so Sunday evening for a mess
Mothers Club. , age important to all Eagles and
A. P. Collins, district forester
of the bureau of land manage
ment, told the Salem Izaak Wal
ton league last week that the
aims of his bureau and the league
appeared identical to assure
;Jthe continuing harvests of tim-
At tent ion Eagles: Zone meeting!; oer while at the same time af-
of interest to the general public
Ronald E. Jones of Brooks. Ore
gon r armers union presiaeni.
S. Sgt Gerrit L. Cooper, son
f Mrs.. Elsie Mae Cooper. West
Salem, has been placed on flying
status with the Itami air force i will speak at 7 p.m. Wednesday
base at Itami. Japan. Sgt. Cooper ;on the unions weekly program
over station KOAC. His topic will
be "How the Price Support . Pro
gram Affects Farmers' Produc
tion Problems."
has been on duty in Japan since
July, 1947.
Can drv more walnuts and
berts. Ph. 3-1632 or 3-1634.
Launderette 1255 Ferry St.
Auto glass installed. Floor Sand
ers for rent. R. D. Woodrow, 450
Center St
States versus Russia" at the
luncheon meeting of the Salem
Rotary club Wednesday at. the
Marion hotel.
Chrysanthemum Show, Salem
Armory. Sat. & Sun., Nov. 6 & 7.
The Flower Basket now open, 1020
Market. Ph 2-4802.
fording watershed protection
stream regulation and recreation.
al opportunities. '
Collins outlined the objectives
of the forest management pro
gram as demanded by various
acts of congress pertaining to the
administration of the lands which
were granted to the Oregon and
California Railroad company in
1866 and later, in 1916, returned
to federal ownership.
The Isaac Walton league, which
has evinced extreme interest in
the wise use of all natural re
sources, had requested more de
tailed information as to what
action is being taken to perpet
uate forest industries and at the
same time regulate stream flow,
afford watershed protection and
permit recreational use such as
hunting, fishing and camping.
The district forester said- that
since 1937 the policy has been
Couples obtaining marriage li
censes at Vancouver. Wash., in
clude James V. O'Poole of Eugene
i a n . . - . oi . v
Dean Robert Greet. Willamette ana oar Dai a . nnrr oi cMirm, 4 tn ih rr.t,.r limhr
university, will SDeak on "United : Charles . A. Hooten and Margaret ! at sucn a rate that th? younger
t. flgois, DOin 01 aaiem. tirnhpr mill roach matnritv be-
Reroof now with Johns-Manvillei Ifre the old growth timber has
shingles. Don't gamble with an old i been exhausted.
roof. Mathis Bros 164 S. Com'l. i But it was cited that while such
Free estimates. Phone 34642. a "sustained yield" practice is
i mandatory on the federal lands,
Models, Music, Mums. Optimist
Chrysanthemum Show. Salem
Armory, Sat. & Sun., Nov. 6 & 7."
Vote -506 X yes. For Salem Elec
tric. Help reduce electric rates,
pd. adv. by C. C. Franklin. .
Salem's Kiwanis club will hold
an election of officers at it's
weekly meeting Tuesday noon at
the Marion hoteL No speaker has
been scheduled for the meeting.
Vote No to W. Salem Annexa
tion, pd. adv. by C. C. Franklin.
Vote 309X No. Do not remove
Taxpayers qualifications. Do not
raise property tax. pd. adv. by
C. C. Franklin,
Salem Electric will answer your
questions over KOCO,- 6:15-6:30 p
m. Monday. Phone your questions
to the station 3-3108 or call Salem
Electric. 2-3661. Pd. Adv. by Sa
lem Electric.
Four-year-old, Mickey Alloy,
S95 S. 14th st., was treated by
first aid men Saturday for a cut
oh the head after he was acci-
dently struck by his .brother who
was wielding a golf club.
Salem Electric will answer your
questions over KOCO. 6:15-6:30 p
m. Monday. Phone your questions
to the station 3-3108 or call Salem
Electric. 2-3661. Pd. Adv. by Sa
lem Electric.
Ealem Electric will answer your
questions over KOCO, 6:15-6:30 p
m. Monday. Phone yousf questions
to the station 3-3108 or call Salem
Electric. 2-3661. Pd. Adv. by Sa
lem Electric.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 560 State st
the owners of Drivate lands.
SILVERTON Mrs. Hattie Ben-! which form a checkerboard pat-
, ' 'J '"
IIOERAUF To Mr. and Mrs.
N. J. Hoerauf, Independence, a
daughter, Saturday, October 30
t Salem General hospital.
HALL To Mr. and Mrs.
George A Hall, 485 N. Winter
st.,. a daughter, Saturday, Octo
ber 30 at Salem General hospital.
DILLETTE To Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Dillette, Newberg. a daugh
ter, Saturday. October 30 at Sa
lem General hospital.
DeRAEVE To Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin DeRaeve, Amity, a daugh
ter, Saturday, October 30 at Sa
lem General hospital.
HYATT To Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin R. Hyatt, 749 S. Com
mercial st., a daughter, Saturday,
October 30 at Salem General hos
pital. REESE To Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice J. Reese, 344 N. 23rd
at., a daughter, Saturday, Octo
ber 30 at Salem General hospital.
BONES To Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Bones, Nelscott, a daugh
ter, Saturday, October 30 at Sa
lem Memorial hospital.
PARKS To Mr. and Mrs.
Alton Parks, Albany, a daughter,
Saturday, October 30 at Salem
Memorial hospital.
FERRAER To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ferraer, 639 Center st.,
son, Saturday, October 30 at
Salem Memorial hospital.
ston is leaving this week for
southern California, where she
will spend the winter months.
Don't put your foot in it. Have that
hole in your walk repaired. Patios,
outdoor fireplaces and rock work.
New work or repair. Free esti
mate. Rocky Mason, Ph. 2-8287.
Karakul Karpet. It's new. It's re
versible, it's 100 virgin wool and
woen through and through, only
$4.95 per sq. yd. Ph. 3-7648 or
Bill Miller, 6, 1545 Baker st:.
was treated by Salem first aid
men for a cut on the stomach
received when he fell on a carv
ing knife at his home Saturday.
Young torn turkeys, 45c lb. We
draw and wrap. Also some baby
beef for your locker. C. S. Orwig.
4375 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128.
Ben M. and Sue Griffith of Sa
lem filed an assumed business
name certificate with the Marion
county clerk Saturday for Aub
urn Oil company, an oil distrib
uting firm" at 3995 Auburn rd.
Vote X 54. re-elect Earl Adams,
Constable. Pd. by E. Adams.
Permit to relocate a dwelling
at 1775 N. 5th sU at a cost of
$3,000, was granted Saturday to
Virgil R. Gearhart by the city
building inspector's office.
Little furs are the big hit of this
season. Have us make your old
coat into a cape, capelet, or collar
and muff ensemble. Ben Wittner
Furs, 142 S. High St.
Voters in ward 6, elect George E
Cadwell, alderman. Pd. by Caa
well Com.
Initiation of new members of
Capital post 9, American Legion,
is scheduled for the post meet
ing Monday at 8 p.m. in Legion
hall. Approximately 225 novices
are eligible. The degree team will
be under the direction of Arthur
Johnson, captain.
Vote X 54, re-elect Earl Adams,
Constable. Pd. by E. Adams.
In teriiji Board's
Booklet Ready
Copies of a book containing the
engineering recommendations of
the 1947 legislative interim com
mittee on state highway develop
ment "are now ready for distribu
tion, O. R. Eckersley, executive
secretary, announced Saturday.
The report was compiled by
Robert Ormand Case of Portland.
State Representative' Ralph Moore,
Coos Bay, is chairman of the legis
lative committee. The report was
released to the press , .a month
tern of ownership with the fed
eral lands, may continue the prac
tice of "cut out and get out.
Collins pointed out that only in
certain localities where favorable
ownership patterns existed could
a cooperative management con
tract be cosummated, due to the
rigid requirements which must
be met by the operator who
seeks the benefits of a coopera
tive agreement with the federal
He stated that while all of the
complex; problems dealing with
use of roads across private lands
had not yet been solved, every
effort was being made to reach
a satisfactory solution in the pub
lic interest.
The members and friends of the
Isaak Walton league were invit
ed to seek more detailed infor
mation at the Salem district of
fices of the bureau of land man
agement in the old high school
Jefferson Men
On Deer Hunt
! ;
JEFFERSON Eugene Finlay.
Tommv Clark and George Marlatt l
left Sunday for eastern Oregon to j
hunt elk.
Ole Jorgensen and Dick King I
have been hunting elk east of
Ukiah. j
Mf- and Mrs. Eugene Finlay, Mr. :
and Mrs. G. M. Belknap. Mr. and ;
Mrs.; Tommy Clark and Dale Clark j
each came home with a nice buck
from their deer hunting in eastern j
Mr .and Mrs. E. B. Henningsen
returned to their home at Talbot
Tuesday from vacation trip to
Victoria, B. C.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our
many friends, neighbors and the
Staff Nurses Employees of the
Oregon State Hospital, Catholic
Daughters of America and Degree
of Honor, for their kindness In our
recent bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Schulz. .
Removable Slal Venetian Blinds
Here's enduring beauty for your
borne! A single snap and each
slat is free for easy cleaning.
And they're clean - quick alu
minum warp-proof, chip
pro o f and fireproof! They
close tight as ticlL too! In
your choice of lustrous colors..
Priced low. 10 Down. Pay
The Blind Han
1453 Rage 8U W. Salem
Slats la aJamiaam. steel.
Measured and installed
within St miles.
So Easy to Clean
StlAP They're Ovr!
iMP They're Mela
, Phone 3-7328. Call Any Time for Free Estimates
Mother Charged
With Deserting
Sons in Portland
PORTLAND, Oct. 30 -P- Mrs.
Lizzie Strong, whose 3-year-old
son was rescued from a blazing
bedroom Thursday, faced a charge
of contributing to her children's
dependency today.
The woman was arrested after
her small boy, Harold, was trap
ped in a burning room. A neigh
bor broke down a locked door to
release the child.
Police said Mrs: Strong had left
her j home a month ago, leaving
no one at home to care for the
3-year-old. Grade school aged
brothers locked the little fellow
into a room the only way they
could think of to take care of
him! while they were away at
school. The fire broke out from
Fine Jewelry Always at
And Now...
Bride's Rings Lock and Unlock Instantly
aem Grama t V J- Lolc iiUm for tlia
bride . . . rfraataat iaaprOTamant in tn Liatory oi
Jianonl rin aabls...coupla with. tbir matck
in 4 groom ring to mak a nw Ttnioa of Granat
TLroaisl Tk bridV ring lock togatkar to ka
con oaa, always properly aligned as ikay wars
ataigncJ...aD.J Granat 7amr MoumitmffS, (not
aat), too, of eoursc, protect and enkance tke Jia
aon Js, JiaaaonJs carefully selecte J for uniformity.
olor an J krilliance. Otker TeJ-Lok Tkreeeoanee
t prices vsryiag according to tke sis of cent
gem and numker of side diamond; tases additional.
WmJ-Lok Tkrfom U -kit r mmturmf oU 250.00
OrAer Y.J Lok Tkrmmmom mt 150.00 mnJ 200.00
Jewelers of Salem
Liberty at State
Tha Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Sunday. October 31. 1 945--
It' smart to choose yours
wf3e selection is best el
Gibson Quality Greetings
so come m and see our
grand display - right away!
4C5 State St.
Exclusively at Hariman Bros.
New masterpieces!
wa via at am a.-m -mi
W aw
We are proud to present . . .
Madeira graceful and romantic,
its delicately "embroidered" flowers
Utter I j feminine . . . French Provincial .
charmingly simple, with lovely
flowing lines and graceful curved
surfaces. Both are fashioned in
lifetime solid silver. Let us show
them to you and the many other
lovely Towle patterns! We can explain
simple, inexpensive ways to collect your set.
lrawsHal Six-pUc plc $etting 93T.S0
aflat ate ! Six-piec plac letting
aW I hi ti r mntiiw
Jewelers of Salem
Liberty at State
Hariman Bros ilnhonnce
) '
All Bronzing Orders in By Nor. 21th
Will. Be Ready for Christmas
1 -
(!) ff J? 16J50 I
If 1 y'."W HM My' 1
I I VW "1 aad eal ailalatara I
1 - 'ir frame far baby's pio I
. '-,v V tare. (Pbats aet la I
CaDl A
12.95 I
Besatifally eeslfaej. I
LibetalSJate lC!jr
Christmas will last forever with
a Mason Masterpiece. Your baby's
first shoes are a precious posses
ion, to be preserved as a lasting
keepsake. A Mason Masterpiece
preserves every tiny scuff and
wrinkle forever in bronze. Order
today for Christmas delivery and
enjoy a, lifetime of babyhood
memories. Remember, there is no
finer workmanship or design than
Mason Masterpiece.
Single Sbee frein
Beekend frem
MASON WttiUrpUctt
3.85 t us fia25
Aahtray Ir
Deak Sets frsm
Jewelers of Salem
Liberty at State
imke mm.
1 '
Watch Parade.
FIRST in beowty,
FIRST in quality.
FIRST in value.
Jermsf Of coursel
$1 '" " ' '
All riicit IMCIUSI ritllAl TAX
anpttrmnsmn IBnos
Jewelers of Salem
Liberty at State