The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1948, Page 7, Image 7

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    New Role
Sauerkraut, Sans Spareribs, Makes
Salads When Lettuce Scarce
By Maxin Korea
Statesman Woman's Editor
Sauerkraut does- not always mean spareribs, because it has good
flavor when served cold, too.
Sauerkraut can combine to make pretty- good salads, the salty
freshness of the kraut blends with fish or meat to make main dishes
for autumn meals, when lettuce
gets scarce in the garden.
For instance, you can fill a sal
mon or tuna ring with - chilled
sauerkraut and make a very nice
dish. Make a regular salmon or
tuna ring from your favorite re
cipe and into the center of the ring
put a combination of sauerkraut,
diced green peppers, minced onion,
chopped stuffed olives and moisten
with French dressing.
Kraut can be jelled into tomato
aspic to give a piquant salad.
Use a package of unflavored gel
atine, softened in kraut juice or
water and dissolved in z cups to
mato' juice. 'Add Celery, onion.
shredded raw carrot and stuffed
olives or green pepper and 1 cup
well drained, kraut. Cut the kraut
into small pieces with sharp knife
or scissors.
A little kraut, cut up and folded
into potato salad gives a new flavor
to the popular combination. Macar
oni salad is improved by something
salty, and the kraut will fill the
Kraut cut with the scissors and
tossed with fresh vegetables fur
nishes salty tank too.
Here's another idea:
1 cup ground kraut
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup tuna
1 package lemon gelatine
2 cups water
Dissolve gelatine in hot water
How to set until cold and when
beginning to thicken, fold In other
Mrs. Serins M. EwsJt, deaa of
women' at Willamette university,
was one of the honor guests at the
Panhellenic luncheon Monday
noon at the Heathman hotel in
Portland. Miss .Maxine Bfaks of
the University of Washington, na
tional president of Alpha Delta Pi.
was the guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Fleck of Se
attle spent the weekend in Salem
with the latter'a brother-in-law
PORTLAND . . . . 53 sUa.
SEATTLE ...... 1 kr.
SAN FRANCISCO . . 4 hrs.
eee e "mil tfte fesf
OaO 1-3455 or 2-2456 or mm
autfcoriia-d ' trava agaart.
and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Har
vey, jr. The Harveys son. John,
celebrated his ninth birthday
while his uncle and aunt were
here visiting. :
Chapter Holds
' Annual homecoming banquet for
Salem chapter. Order of Eastern
Star was held Saturday night at
the Masonic Temple, with mem
bers, families and friends attend
ing. A meeting followed with Mrs.
Mona Yoder and William Merriott
presiding. Special guests were
Mrs. Marjorie Merriott. grand
representative of Ohio; Mrs. Alice
Rupp and William Shuey, matron
and patron of Marilyn chapter.
Mill City. Initiated! were Mrs. E.
D. Foley and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Guest from .out-of-town chap
ters were Ed J. Rupp and Mrs.
William Shuey, Mill City; Mrs.
Velma Hansen, Surtnyside chap
ter. Portland: Mrs. Lora L. David
and Mrs. Helen Slater, Lewis
town. Mont.; Alta Phillips, Valley
Center. Kan.: Mrs. Marguerite
Bradshaw, Baker; ; Mrs. Harriet
Bumham, Stanford, Texas: Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Koch. Indepen
dence; Mrs. Verona Carlson, Thief
River Falls. Minn.
Committees in charge of the
evening were Mrs. H. E. Osburn,
chairman; Mrs.: Joe Borme, Mrs.
J. F. Swigart. Mrs. Luella Foster,
Mrs. Josephine Graham, Mrs. Har
ry Lucas. Mrs. Glenn Brown, din
ner; Mrs. Myrtle Dodge, Mrs. Ron
ald Ronner, Mrs. Clarence
Shrock, decorations. ,
Mrs. Fabry Club
Mrs. Albert-Tabry was hostess
for members-" of her club at her
home on North 18 th street Thurs
day afternoon. A one-thirty lunch
eon was served to: the following
guests: Mrs. Ernest' Barlker, Mrs.
Roy Barler, Mrs. Robert Wagers.
Mrs. Irving Wagers, Mrs. Leonard
Malm, Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Earl
Malm, Mrs. Coiul Case, Mrs. Rob
ert Fromm. Mrs. John Ackerman,
Mrs. Harvey Page,! Mrs. George
Hardy. Mrs. Fred ? Scharf. Mrs.
Dan Scharf, Mrs. Clyde Colwell,
Mrs. Robert Pickeral and the
The Merry Minglers will pro
vide a booth for the Associated
club bazaar to be held at Middle
iGrove school house November 3
!Mrs. Fabry will arrange for the
Legal: Notice
Tuesday, Kevesoher X, IMS
i Notice hereby tsi given that on Tues
day. November 2. IMS. a special elec
tion will be held in each precinct in the
City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon,
and in the area or territory situated in
Polk County. Oregon, and hereinafter
particularly described, for the purpose
of submitting to the electors of the
said City of Salem, for their approval
or rejection, and lor the purpose of
submitting to the electors oi we saa
area or territory. for their approval
or reieetion. the proposition of annex
tion to the said City of Salem of such
area or! territory, to-witi the area or
territory described as follows:
j Beginning at a point on the left bank
of the! Willamette River tn Polk
fount v. Ore eon where it is intersected
by Westerly line of a tract of land con
veyed to Paul B. Wallace by deea re
corded in Volume SC. Page 309: Volume
66. Pas 310 and Volume los. cage sz.
Deed Records for JeiK county, iregon;
tnence North 24 East along the West
erly line of said Wallace tract 2500
feet, more or less, to the Northwest
corner thereof, which Is 90.00 feet West
nt the Northeast corner of the James
White Donation Land Claim No. 31 tn
Townshto 1 South. Range 3 West of
the Willamette Meridian. Polk County.
Oregon; thence West along the North
line of said White Donation Land Claim
and the South line of the Jesse Harritt
Donation Land Claim No. 67 In said
Township and Range to the center line
of Wallace Road: thence South 11 5C
East along the center line of said road
t its Intersection ; with an Easterly
prolongation of the Northerly line of
th Street in the City of West Salem
and the Northerly: line of the City
limits of said City: thence Westerly
along said prolongation and along the
Northerly line of said City limits to the
Southwest comer of West Salem Addi
tion (See Volume 1. Page 72. Record
of Town Plats for Polk County, Ore
gon): thence North 22 23' West along
the Westerly line of said West Salem
Addition and a City limit line of West
Salem to the South line of Glen Creek
Road which is the Northeast corner of
Lot One 1. Block Five (5). Kingwood
Terraces: thence West along the South
line of Glen Creek Road 132.01 feet to
the Northwest corner of Lot Seven 7).
Block Three (3. Kingwood Terraces:
thence Southwesterly along the West-
Block Three 3. Kingwood Terranres;
and along the Westerly City limits line
of West Salem to the initial point of
said Kingwood Terraces and the init
ial point (the most Northerly corner)
of Kingwood Heights Addition to
Kingwood Park (See Volume 2. Page
24. Record of Town Plats for Polk
Cbunty. Oregon): thence Southeaster
ly, along the Northerly line of said
Kingwood Heights Addition to King
wood Park and along Uie City limits
line of West Salem. South 43 29" East
346 J feet: thence on a curve to the left
along the City limits line of West
Salem, a distance pf 39.M feet (the
radius of which is 54.71 feet): thence
South S4 19 East along the City limit
line of West Salem. 124.5 feet: thence
on a curve to the right along the City
limit line of West Salem. 163.64 feet
(the radius of which is 100.00 feet);
thence South I 26' 30" West along
said City hmit line and the Westerly
line of Said Kingwood Heights Addition
to Kingwood Park to a point where it
is intersected by a Northerly prolonga
tion: ofi the Westerly line of Senate
Street In West Salem; thence Southerly
along the Westerly line of Senate
Street and the Westerly line of said
City limits of West Salem to the North
erly line of the States-Highway leading
from Salem to Dallas: thence Westerly
along the Northerly: line of said high
Way to ! the most Southerly corner of
Lot Two (2), Block Two (2. Krueger's
Addition to Fair Oaks; thence South
S4 40' West along the Southerly line
of Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in said
Block Two (2) 189.3 feet to an iron
pipe: thence North 67 30' West 429.1
feet to an iron pipe' at the most West
erly corner of Lot Eight (8) in said
feet to the Westerly line of a tract of the Willamette River o the Westerly
land conveyed to Lucius Singer by
deed recorded November IS. 1B39 In
Volume 10S. Page 130. Deed Records for
font county. Oregon: thence North
13 33' East along the Westerly line of
said tract and a Northerly extension
thereof to the Southerly line ot a tract
of land conveyed to Edward A. Lebold
et ux by deed recorded December S.
1S3S In Volume 103. .Page 633. Deed
Records for Polk County. Oregon;
thence Northerly to a point on the
Northerly line of said Lebold tract.
which point is an Iron pipe at the
Southwest corner of a tract of land
conveyed to J. H. WUlett and wife hy
deed recorded August IX 1S3S In Vol
ume 102. Page S3. Deed Records for
Po.fc County. Oregon: thence North
along the West line of said WUlett
tract 234 feet to the Northwest corn
er of said tract: thence North to the
South line of Cascade Terraces; thence
South S9 41' West along the South line
of said Cascade Terraces to the South
west corner of said Cascade Terraces:
thence North 2 55' East along the
Westerly line of said Cascade Terraces
1063.1 feet, more or less, to the North
line of a County Road (known as
Glenn Creek Road): thence East along
the North line of Glenn Creek Road
to the Southwest corner of a tract of
land conveyed to Glen Askey and wife
by deed recorded November S. 1943 In
Volume 116. Page 159. Deed Records
for Polk County. Oregon: thence North
IS 05' East along the Westerly line of
said Askey tract to a point which is
223.00 feet North measured at right
angles to the North line of said Glenn
Creek Road: thence East on a line
parallel with the North line of said
Glenn Creek Road to a West line
of the Jesse Harritt Donation Land
Claim No. 67 In Township 7 South.
Range 3 West of the Willamette Meri
dian, Polk County. Oregon; thence
North along a West line of said Harritt
Donation Land Claim to a 4 inch con
crete monument marking the South
east corner of the Robert Godfrey Do
nation Land Claim No. 71 in Township
7 South. Range 3 West of the Willam
ette Meridian. Polk County. Oregon,
which point is also the South-corner
of Glen View Tracts. Polk County.
(See Volume 2B. Page 52. Record of
Town Plats for said County and State);
thence North 89 23 West along the
Southerly line of said Glen View Tracts
548.00 feet to the Southwest corner of
said Glen View Tracts: thence North
0 30 West along the Westerly line of
said Glen View Tract 924.64 feet to
the South line of a County road known
as Orchard Heights Road; thence
Southeasterly along the Southerly line
of said Orchard Heights Road 1982.89
feet, more or less, to Its intersec
tion with the East line of a tract
of land conveyed to Lor an L. Spaul
ding and wife by deed recorded Sep
tember 7. 1945 in Volume 130. Page
629. Deed Records for Polk County
Oregon: thence South 0' 36' East 216.00
feet, more or less, to the Southeast
corner of said Spaulding tract: thence
south 89 24 West along the South line
of said Spaulding tract 181.40 feet, more
or less, to the East line of Dorval Ave
nue In Orchard Heights Tracts (see
Volume 2B. Page 49. Record of Town
Plats for Polk County. Oregon); thence
South 36' East along the East line of
said Dorval Avenue to the North Hne
of a tract of land conveyed to Polk
County for road purposes by deed re
corded August 22. 1945 in Volume 121.'
Page 84. Deed Records for Polk County.
Oregon: thence South 89' 41' East along
the North line of said roadway 128.00
t to an iron pipe: thence South
89 07' East along the North line of
said roadway 283.6 feet to the West
line of Wallace Road: thence South
10 55' East along the West line of
Wallace Road 100.00 feet, more or less.
to a point which is intersected by a
Westerly prolongation of the Northerly
line of a tract of land conveyed to J.
Norman Acoff and Sophie C. Acoff.
husband and wife, by deed recorded
July 22. 1947 in Volume 129. Page 374.
Deed Records for Polk County. Ore
gon: thence East along the Westerly
projection of said North hne and said
North line a distance of 456.72 feet,
more or less to the Northeast corner of
line of a tract of land conveyed to Paul
B. Wallace by deeds recorded in Vol
ume 66. Page 309; VoL 66 Page 310 and
in Volume 103. Page 82. Deed Records
for Polk County. Oregon: thence North
24 East along the Westerly line of said
Wallace tract 650.00 feet, more or less,
to the North line of the inter-county
bridge (which point is West 90.00 feet
and South 24 West 1830.00 feet, more
or less, from the Northeast corner of
the James White Donation Land Claim
No. SI; tn Township 7 South. Range 3
West of the Willamette Meridian in
Polk County. Oregon) thence Wester
ly along the Northerly line of said
bridge to the West end of said inter
county bridge: thence Northeasterly
95a.00 feet, more or less, to an angle
corner on the Easterly line of Lot Six
() Orchard Company Addition to
West Salem which is 50.11 feet South
2 West from the Northeast corner
of said Lot Six (6); thence North
2 East 50.16 feet to the Northeast
corner of said Lot Six (6); thence West
along the North line of said Lot Six
(6). 80734 feet, more or less to the
Southeast corner of a tract of land
conveyed to Frank Doolittle and wife
by deed recorded March 30. 1946 in
Volume 123. Page 317. Deed Records
for Polk. County. Oregon: thence
North along the East line of said tract
126.00 feet to the Northeast corner of
said Doolittle tract; thence Northerly
170.00 feet more or less to the South
west corner of a tract of land conveyed
to Rex P. Swearinger and Rav E.
Swearinger by deed recorded February
21. 1939 in Volume 104. Page 159. Deed
records for Polk County, Oregon;
thence Northerly along the Westerly
Mis of said Swearinger tract and a
Northerly extension, thereof 244.00 feet,
more or less to the South line of a 30
foot roadway: thence Northerly 30.00
feet, more or less to the Southeast
corner of a tract of land conveyed tn
George R. Swearingen and LeutJsha R.
Swearingen by deed recorded May 7.
1937 in Volume 101. Page 78. Deed re
cords for Polk County. Oregon: thence
North along the East line of said
George Swearingen tract 372.90 feet to
the Northeast corner thereof and the
North hne of Orchard Company's Ad
dition which is also the North line of
the James White Donation Land Claim
No. SI: thence West along the North
line of said Orchard Comnanv's Ad
dition and along the North line of said
James White Donation Land Claim
518.10 feet, more or less to the center
of Wallace Road: thence South 11 50'
East along the center line of said Wal
lace Road to its intersection with an
Easterly prolongation of the Northerly
line of the 9th Street In the, City of
West Salem and the Northerly line of
the City limits of West Salem: thence
Westerly along said prolongation to
the West line of Wallace Road; thence
Southerly along the Westerly line of
said Wallace Road and a Southerly ex
tension thereof (and along the Easter
ly line of the City limits of West Salem)
to the place of beginning.
The electors of the said City of
Salem, and the electors in the terri
tory above described, are hereby in
vited to vote upon the proposition
of annexation of the said territory to
the said City of Salem.
The polling place at which said elec
tion will be held in the territory above
is designated to be Doolittle Distribut
ing Plant. Wallace Rd., Salem. Ore.
The polling places at which said
election will be held in said City of
Salem are designated as follows:
Precinct S Grant School. N. Cottage
and Market.
'0!dat 40,50,60?"
Man, You're Crazy
Fonrat your aV TbaoasBda an BPP7 at 70. Try
"peptMns up" with Oatrcx. Contain tonl for waak.
rundoaa feeUnt duo solely to body's lack of Iroa
mriilch many men and women nil "oM " Try
Oatrcx Tome Tablet fur prp. yoaofer fmlins. this
yary oar. Nf. "set aetiuaintc! ' alas Uv SO.
Tor sal at all drns atona Terywbar.
Block Two (2). Krueger's Addition to ; said Acoff tract: thence South along
Precinct 10 Basement Salem Wot
man s ciub. 460 N. Cottage Street.
Precinct 15 Office of Hunt Bros!
Cannery. 163 Division Street.
Precinct 22 Parrish Junior High
School. Capitol and Parrish Streets;
Precinct 2 Christ Evangelical
Church. 1760 State Street
Precinct 11 Hotel Senator. Corrt and
High Streets.
Precinct 23 Court House. High and
Court Streets.
Precinct 27 Washington School. East
Basement. 12th and Center Streets.
Precinct 29 Court Street Christian
Church. 17th and Court Streets.
Precinct 16 City Hall. Chemeketsl
Precinct 17 Marion Hotel. Banquet
Room. Commercial and Ferry Sts. i
Precinct 31 Calvary Baptist Church!
1230 S. Liberty Street.
Precinct 4 State Heating Plant. 12th
and Ferry Streets.
Precinct 5 Basement Richmond
School. Richmond and Mill Streets;
Precinct 12 Deaconess Hospital
(Salem Memorial) N. E. Corner
Basement. Winter and Oak Streetsj
Precinct 30 Knight Memorial Church
19th and Ferry Streets.
Precinct 7 Mayflower Milk Distrs ,
Dairy Coop Assn.. 2133 Fairgrounds
Precinct 8 Jason Lee Church Base
ment. Jefferson and Winter Streetsj
Precinct 14 Immanuel Baptist
Church, Hazel and Academy Sts.
Precinct 21 Veterans of Foreign
Wars Basement. 640 Hood Street.
Precinct 26 Highland School Base
ment. Sth and Highland.
Precinct 32 Interstate Tractor and
Equipment Co.. 3055 Silverton Road.
Precinct 35 Bever Lumber Office,
3153 North River Road.
Precinct 36 Deaf School. Laurel and
Locust Streets.
WARD 6: i
Precinct 1 U. B. Church. BasementJ
17th and Nebraska.
Precinct 3 Four Square Gospel
Church. Basement, 19th and Brey
man. Precinct 19 New High School. 14th
and D Streets.
Precinct 20 John Spranger Resid
ence. 2373 State Street.
Precinct 25 Englewood School Audi
torium. 19th and Nebraska.
Precinct 28 138o Madison Street.
The Joy of hearing can be yours
every day, everywhere, with
the compact, lightweight 'and
powerful new Zenith "75". Top
quality yet you save substan
tial cash money because it
comes ready to wear, needs no
"fitting". Precision-built by the
makers of World- &gTTSb
dios. See it todavl 1
. . . ' .
Morris Optical Co.
444 State
I Congratulations re to Mr. and
ftlrs. William Beard 1 ( Dorothy Mc
Leod) of Portland, formerly of
Salem, on the - birth of an eight
pound daughter. Becky Ann. on
October 8 in Portland. The little
girl's grandparents are Mrs. Hel
en R. McLeod of Salem and Mr,
and Mrs. B. L. Beard of Gladstone.
Royal Neighbors Sewing- club
will meet at the home of Mrs. W
O. Walker, 1045 K. Summer st.
Wednesday for an all day meeting.
A no-host luncheon will be served
at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Julia Gre
gory and Mrs. Grace Kasson will
assist the hostess.
Animal fats were used as lubri
cants before the petroleum indus
try was developed. J
i w j
: ,r7'v (m
f hoso convenient envclopos
This- savings habit is right in style. '
Make It easy to save each payday bjr
using "bank-by -maul envelopes in
which to mail your check deposits.
Envelopes furnished without charge.
You will save time by using this con-
venient, modern method of banking.
opin a savings i:ov;
0. W. lYM. Vies fVeeieW - IMS. FAGS. asaf CeaaJe I
tor NtuOW, Asst. Vfce PrsilaW SMC81AAN p. SOSTIACK. Aasf. M
a. t. siruiN, Asst. Vice rwslsW UtWKfMCI S. nSMft, Aal. Me
JAiua nmrnwrn. AMI. C afcc tn S4SSOM, Ass. Ate
OCVA1 C KtmttM. Asa.
At all drug stores every where
in Salem at Fred Meyer's.
Fair Oaks: which point is the most i the East hne of said Acoff tract 438.88 . ,
Southerly corner of a tract of land J feet, more or less to a point which is ! mimS&Sm&Smmmmmmimm
conveyea w w una- r. suuivin ana zuuuu teei rorin measured perpenai- j
wife by deed recorded March 19. 1941 cular to the North line of the afore- I p
in Volume 108. Page' 243. Deed Records said James White Donation Land Claim
for Polki County. Oregon; thence North j No. 61; thence East on a line parallel
6S West along the Southerly line of said
Sullivan: tract 548 00 feet to an iron
pipe- marking the Southwest corner of
said ! Sullivan tract: thence Northerly
atong the Westerly line of said Sullivan
tract and the Westerly line of a tract
of land ! conveyed to Luther D. Cook
and wife by deed recorded Novem
ber 1. 1939 in Volume 105. Page 94.
Deed Records for Polk County. Oregon,
to the center line of a County road
(known! as Gehlar Road); thence West
erly alohg the center line of said road
to an iron pipe marking the South
west corner of Wyatfs View Tracts
(see Volume 3. Page 27. Record of
Town Plats for Polk County. Oregon)
thence North 0' 08
Westerly line of said Wyatfs View
Tracts 671.73 feet to the Northwest
corner of said Wyatfs View Tracts on
the South line of the WUlam 0. Cole
Donation Land Claim No. 72 in Town
ship 7 South. Range 3 West of the
Willamette Meridian. Polk County.
Oregon;! thence South 89 54' East along
the South line of said Cole Donation
Land Claim and along the North line
of aaid Wyatt's View Tracts to a point
measured C41.04 feet North SB 54 West
from the Southeast corner of said Wil
liam Cole Donation Land Claim; said
point being the Southwest corner of a
tract of: land conveyed to Glenn E.
McCormtck and wife by deed recorded
February t. 194S in Volume 132. Page
S9S. Deed Records for Polk County. Ore
gon: thence North 3 15' East 373.45 feet
to an Iron pipe at the Northwest corner
oc said Mccormick tract and the South
erly : line of a tract of land conveyed
to Lortng M. Grter and wife br deed
recorded May IS. 1944 in Volume 117.
Page 489. Deed Records for Polk
County. ! Oregon: thence continuing
North 3 15' East to the Northerly line
of said Crier Tract: and the Southerly
line of a tract of land conveyed to
Adam En gel and wife by deed recorded
July 7. 1944 in Valume 118. Page 90,
Deed Records for Polk County. Ore
gon; thence West along -the South line
of said Engel tract to a point which
is; 400.00 feet East of the Southwest
corner ot said Engel tract; thence
North 3 04' East on a line parallel with
the westerly line of said Engel tract
SSB-99 feet, more or less, to a point on
the Northerly line of said Engel tract
at a point measured 4O0.00 feet East
erly from the Northwest corner of said
Easel tract; thence East along the
Noriherly line of said Engel tract and
an Easterly extension thereof 34.42
( Measured North 200 feet distant from
the N'otSli line of said James White
Donation Land Claim) to the West
hne of a 5 31 acre tract of land con
veyed to Walter Musgrave and wife by
deed recorded Mav 19. 1948 in Volume
134. Page 583. Deed Records for Polk
County, Oregon (which point is 4 55
chains West and 200.00 feet North from
the Southeast corner of the Jesse Har
ritt Donation Land Claim No. 67 in
Township 7 South. Range 3 West of the
Willamette Meridian); thence North
291.72 feet to the most Westerly North
west corner of said Musgrave tract;
thence East along a Northerly line of
said Musgrave tract 195.36 feet to an
West along the j iron pipe; thence North 3' 03' East
147.18 feet to an iron pipe, at the most
Northerly Northwest corner of said
Musgrave tract: thence East along the
North line of said Musgrave tract and
a direct Easterly extension thereof to
its intersection with the West city
limits line of Salem, Marion County,
Oregon. In the middle of the Willam
ette River; thence Southerly along
said Westerly city limits line In the
center of said Willamette River to a
point which is South 66 East from the
place of beginning; thence North 6S
West to the point of beginning.
ALSO: As a continuation of said
above described land and as a part
of the whole unit of territory to be
annexed. Beginning at a point on the
left bank of the Willamette River
where it is intersected by the Easterly
line of the City limits of West Salem,
thence Northeasterly asong the bank of
your car
y InflTTEnVJ I
AKreyi ee ttte job, eiweyt reedy t
Hie service yee set freest
6 months to pay of your
Mobilgas Dealer
Electrolux Corporation
Mcxnulacturers and Distributors
Electrolux Cleaner and Air Purifier
of its
New Direct Factory Branch
at the address below where complete facilities for sales, service
and supplies for the Electrolux Cleaner and Air Purifier will be
conveniently available to Its many customers iu this area.
Latest Model Now Available
at Pre-War Price
Electrolux Corporation
1079 Broadway
Phone 2-4078
f "tk
5 r
i r- Jai '
.safer value
Ot ONLY 78.95
Pull 14-lndi ttjriMr 53,000 BTU output
DeeJ CWsober terser Special Waste Stepper Fleeec Tip Ceatrel Dial 1 llf tasfiea Doers
Oess taere bee treat, every SWriaMs)Ooaaersseot Makes aeWmg the rioM beet Give yee sjuJck sot beef
eVeoefeai fcoe yew at I eawy ea fctaaao yewr reJie4 re wt -
S?C3 jrou get all thee famous Duo-Therm heater at an unbelievably low price I Come In
features in this handsome, full-else Duo-Therm and aee It now and solve all your heating
Ilealer. It's genuine Duo-Therm circulating worries for yeavs to come. Easy terms? Sural
fado-ika Pew Air Slower (i
at sfigat extra test) saves ay to 7S ea feel UU
417 Court Street
Ftunitarti Appliance
Phot S-tCll
The Statesman. Sal em. Oregon. Tuesday. October 12. 1948 -7
Precinct Coca Cola Bottling Co-
of Oreg. 13th and Wilber.
Precinct 13 Leslie Jri High School.
Howard and S. Cottage.
Precinct IS Leslie M. L Church,
basement. S. Commercial and
Myers Street. i
Precinct J Friends Church, base
merit. 8. Commercial and Wash
ington Street.
Precinct 33 McKinley School. West
Entrance. S. High Street.
Precinct 34 H. R. Wiggins Garage.
S72 Judson Street, j
The said election will be held at said
polling places, and each thereof, be
ginning at S o'clock in the morning and
continuing until S o'clock in the even
ig of the said 2d day of November. IMS.
OREGON, the Urn day et September.
ALFRED MUNDT. Recorder of the
City of Salem. Oregon. SS-OA-13-lS-H
Hard o! Hearing
Fresh Hearing Aid f
Batteries J,
17 ft All aids this
aOftoteweek special. IVe,
Mene-Pae ltl If).
Bearing Aid battery C
i t
James N. Taft A Associates
t It Orerea Bid. . Salem
Johnson Appliances
355 Center Street Salem. Oregon
Phone 3-3139
Viking Oil Floor! Furnace
with automatic controls.
reg. 189.95. 9 fl A95
Butane Gas Floor Fur-!
nace. 40,000 B. T. U. reg
ular 119.93 IB7tQ,01
Now & j
-1- -
50,000 B. T. UJ, regular
119.95 TO S
Now 13
40,000 B. T. regular
Now O w
42.000 B. T. U. with tank.
tegular 89.50 PQ50
S Now ... aal'r
Montag Electric Furnace f fj ftHi
Regular 595.00 - Now JjrmJfW
i ' SAVE! $30.00
Off on
each set
Tank type, Eureka cleaner, complete with set of at
tachments. Upright Eureka cleaners complete with
attachments. I
2piece ventilating fan, CtiCi CnH.
formerly 83.50 Now pLU'7jfmjt
Used Washers Speed Queen, Northern Queen, Easy,:
SSSL. 39.50 o 69.50!
Thor Dish Washer attachment, 4X50 CATV
formerly 69.50 Now &iJm&Jf i
18 cu. ft. chest type free
ze r, slightly scratched,
reg. 495.00 OIT00
Now f.
i iyis ircc
5 cu ft. chest type free
zer, regular
269.50, now
8i-Can Milk Cooler CLOQC (
Formerly $450.00 Now pe73a'
Stewart Warner radio
phone, blonde, was
319.95, OOCS00
Now sa9 Now
RCA Table Model 8-tube, AM & FM (Pti C'tTV
Was 83.50 Now SmVI
RCA Portables, regular j
RCA If and Portable, reg-
RCA Radio-Phonograph,'
mahogany, was 315.00
Musalarm. regular 29.95
Now , $17.50
RCA A. M. regular 43.95
Now .... $31.95
nCA and Vicirola Table Ilcdeb, 25 QfJ
! ""i.-i
! - H ;
! ,
r ites fei!
O Sichs Sclccf
Uoit ef Otto ol rise Worts' s Greet tresrUg OrgeoUeHs'i
e )