The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 12, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    S-The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. October 12, 194
Headed For
'In Miami
Mrs. Leon Brown of Salem, past
resident of the Department of
Oregon, American Legion auxil
iary, will head the Oregon dele
gation to the national American
Legion convention iniMiatni. Flor
ida on October 18 -to 21. Mrs.
Brown leaves today by train for
the south.
Mrs. Hubert A. Coode, Portland,
Is a candidate for the national pre
sldent of the American' Legion
auxiliary, and is being presented
tor the presidency by the depart
ment of Oregon, of which she
a past president and long time
member. Mrs. Leon Brown, Ore
gon's national committeewoman,
will place Mrs. Goode's name in
nomination for the presidency be
fore the eeneral assembly on
Tuesday, October 19.
Leaving on the streamliner Sun
day for Miami were Mrs. Goode,
Mrs. Charges Gunn, Hood River,
her campaign manager; Mrs. G ro
ver Francis, Portland, vice chair
man of the campaign committee;
Mrs. Herman Edwards,? publicity
- chairman, and Mrs. Mae Whit-
comb. Portland, department sec
retary. Headquarters of the Ore
gon delegation will be at the At
cazar hotel. Miami, where open
house will be held all during the
convention. Oregon products of
Tillamook cheese. Astoria kipper
ed salmon and Eugene filberts will
be served, with Oregon roses and
-other flowers prominently ' feat
ured. . A
Among delegate traveling by
train are Mrs. Craig Coyner, Bend,
and Mrs. Frank Von Borstel, Grass
Valley, who left Saturday; Eliza
beth S. Vanderslice and Rosalee
Sherrer. The Dalles; Mrs. Grace
Otto, Portland; Mrs. Mitchell
. Thorn. Seaside, president of the
Oreeon department; Mrs. Leon
Brown, Salem, all leaving October
12. and Mrs. W. E. WUkins, La
Grande, who will go October 11
Among the delegates driving to
Miami are Betty Hayworth, Can
by: Mrs. Dorothy Akin. Mrs. Em
Uy Slack and Mrs. Bertha Rich of
Dallas. Mrs. Clyde Dickey and
Mrs. Fred Lothrop of Portland.
CB chapter of FEO will meet
with Miss Martha Springer, 173
South Cottage street, for a 1:30
dessert luncheon on Thursday.
Mrs. Harmon Harvey will review
Nancy Wilson Boss's "Westward
the Woman. -
Mrs. Wayne Hadley and chil
dren, Eileen and Allan, returned
Sunday from a ten day stay in
Longview, Wash, with Mr. Had
ley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C E,
Now Buying
i: . - -
Filheris and
Highest Cash-Price Paid
on Delivery
H. Be Jones
at the
Shryder Transfer
239 k Cottage Ph. StXf
Com. in see tht Bendix fill itself with water
wash clothes super-clean rinse 3 times change
its own water damp dry clothes clean itself
drain itself . shut itself off! Women are saying they
never knew you could get clothes so dean 1 and not
ven stay at home! Come in see the most amazing
washday miracles ever with the Bendix doing ALL
the work!
Ralph Johnson Appliances j
Con veni en t
s. .
3 ;!
Return to
Salem For
Visits J
Two young Salem maids, who
have been making: their homes
elsewhere, have arrived in the
capital for visits with their fam
Miss Sally McLellan. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McLellan,
arrived in Salem Friday night for
an extended visit at the Royal
Court apartment of her parents.
Miss McLellan has been in Wies
baden. Germany the past two
years with the army special serv
ices. She made the trip home by
plane. She entered the Red Cross
four years ago and when their
work terminated in Germany she
was transferred to the army.?
Miss Elizabeth Steed, daughter
of Mrs. J. Lyman Steed, arrived in
Salem Monday f morning by train
from Berkeley. Calif., where she
has been vocational: counsellor at
the University of California Coun
selling Center the past two years
After a short stay here with ; her
mother. Miss Steed will leave for
Albuquerque, New ! Mexico for a
visit with her brother-in-law and
sister, Lt. and Mrs. ! Wallace Witt-
wer. She plans to remain in the
south for tha winter.'
Hostesses to
Fete Clubs
Bridge clubs are resuming their
meetings for the winter season this
month, with many to be entertain
ed this week.
Mrs. David I Cameron was a
hostess Monday afternoon at lun
cheon in compliment to her club.
Also a Monday hostess was Mrs.
Rex Davis, who feted her club at
dessert luncheon and afternoon
of bridge at her Saginaw street
Mrs. Charles Claggett has in
vited her club for; the first; fall
gathering tonight at her Kingwood
Heights home. A late supper; will
follow several hours of cards.
Mrs. George weiier win preside
at luncheon and bridge Wednesday
afternoon at her Shipping street
home. Mrs. Raymond Bonesteele
of Corvallis, a former member,
will come over for the occasion.
Mrs. R. W. Mersereau will en-!
tertaln her club at a dessert lunch
eon ana arternoorv or Dnage on
Wednesday at her North 20th
street home. - I
To entertain: Wednesday night
will be Mrs. Emery Hobbs, who
has bidden her club to an evening
of bridge and a late supper at her
Jefferson street home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer C. Page
left Monday for Detroit and en
route will visit In St. James, Minn,
with her sister,? Mrs. Roy Crowley,
who visited in Salem . last year.
They will return home by car In
several weeks, coining by way of
New Orleans, San Diego and Los
St Vincent dePaol Mother's
club will hold its first fall meet
ing this afternoon at the May
flower hall at 2 o'clock. All moth
ers are invited to attend.
f :
Junior guild. .St.; Poul't Episcopal
cnurcn. partsti nous, i p.m.
Gamma Phi Bet alumnae, buffet
dinner, with Mrs. Hollis Huntington,
wauacc litoan. :JQ p.m.
Jason iLee. WSCS.'ll a.m.. luncheon
atj ij JO p.m.. Apr 11 -October circle hos
tess. ,
!Pi Beta Phi alumnae, chapter house,
7:90 pjn,
Women's Society of World Service,
Ehglewood United Brethren church.
tth Mrs. Anna Beardsley. 90 N. 17th
sti. I: IS p.m.. Mrs.; Henry Helmhout.
Woman s Missionary Society. First
Baptist church, with Mrs. Frank Leh
man, SS0 Oregon ave.
Salem; branch. AAtTW. luncheon
meeting, Marlon hotel. 1 p.m.
For Couple
Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Johnson
were honored on their golden
wedding at an open house Sun
day afternoon at their Marion
street residence. Arranging the af
fair for their parents were the
Jphnsort'j daughter. Miss Dorothy
Johnson, who came west from
Washington. DC. for the occasion,
ahd son. Garth Johnson of Med
ford. The Johnson's have two
grandchildren. Karlene and Ger
ry Johnson of Med ford.
i Tt, : 1 : :
place in Salem on October 12,
1898 and they have lived in Cor
vallis ! Scio, Portland and Polk
cpuntyj They returned to Ssjem to
make their home 20 years- ago.
Mr. Johnson has been engaged in
the real estate and insurance busi
A hundred relatives and friends
called during the reception hours.
Mrs. Orlo Johnson of Jefferson
presided at the punch bowl. Mrs.
James Namitz of Med ford cut the
cake arid Mrs. Edward Brewer of
Portland poured coffee.
Auxiliary Sews
Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary held its sewing meeting
at the home of Stuart Johns. 4790
Monroe st., to sew for the bazaar
to take place December 13. Mrs.
Ifarry jMcWhorter, sewing chair
man, gave out material.
Attending were Mesdames Alma
Hatfield. Wilfred Wilier, Harry
McWhrter, O. Ej Rinehart, Blaine
Martin Evelyn Bremmer, .Harry
Rickard. Verne Ostrander. Pauline
Richards, Archie f Brewster, Fanny
Bard. Arthur Pickering. Harry Mc
Whorter and Stuart Johns.
Mrs.! Rose Hagerdorn. 14Q3 Fir
st., will entertain the group Friday,
October 22. j
! Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary met Thursday at. the
Woman's club, Mrs. Eva Bennett
presiding. Reports on the recent
Forget-Me-Not sale, report on the
booth at the state fairand national
convention were; given. The aux
iliary jwill attend the tea spon
sored : by the J American War
Mothers at the Carrier Room,
First Methodist I church, October
19. Thursday, October 21 will be
a social night and the chapter will
Join the auxiliary for the party
of which Mrs. Mary Sabrouski is'
chairman. The public is invited
to attend.
j Laurel Guild ef the Knight Me
morial church will be entertained
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Roy Harland. 1849 State street, at
8 o'clock. Assisting hostesses will
be Mrs. Gladys Christenson, Mrs.
Newel) Williams' and Mrs. Charles
Neubatier. ; '
j s r
! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ejrerly
have returned from a week's trip
north to Victoria. B.C., Port An
geles, : Bremerton and Seattle,
wherej they enjoyed a several
days cruue on the sound.
Write Eugene Register-Guard
Box 481
Eugene, Oregon
Correspondence Held Confidential
i ;
' Apr Hjf
Fetes Mrs.
Mrs. Anna Morgan, president of
the Salem Business and Profes
sional Women's club, was the
honor guest at the annual presi
dent's breakfast at Nohlgren's
Sunday morning at the opening
event of National Business Wom
en's week. The table-were dec
orated with bouquets of roses,
chrysanthemums and dahlias.
Mrs. John Versteed presided at
the breakfast and program. The
club chorus sang a group of num
bers and Miss Ida May Smith gave
the invocation. The accompanist
was Mrs. Alts Baronovich.
Mrs. Esther Little gave the tri
bute to the honor guest and Miss
Amanda Anderson spoke on "Wt
Build Our Future. Mrs. Vivian
Hoenig led the club collect and
Mrs. Versteeg presented the pre
sident's pin to Mrs. Morgan. Fol
lowing the breakfast the club at
tended church service at St.
John's Lutheran.
Miss Zula Van Gilder was
chairman of the affair, assisted by
Miss Eleanor Roberts. Miss Mabel
Savage. Miss Lillian Bristow, Miss
Nola Clark, Miss Constance Wein
man, Miss Maxine Heringer, Miss
Ruth McAdams. Mrs. Paul Heath,
Mrs. Sue Booch, Mrs. Laura Pan-
gle and Miss Mildred Yetter.
Highlight of the week wiu De
the formal public relations ban
quet Wednesday night at the Le
gion hall with r. u. rt. unamoers
from Oregon State college as guest
Shower Honors
Miss Harper
Honoring Miss Hazel Harper,
bride-elect of Ray M. Cady of
Portland, Mrs. Clifford T. Jones
and daughter. Miss Mary Alice
Jones, entertained with a miscel
laneous shower at their home. The
gifts were arranged under a pink
and white parasol and tht pink
and white color scheme was car
ried out in the decorations.
Present were Miss Harper. Mrs.
Claire W. Cady and Mrs. Myrtle
Welch of Portland. Mrs. E. G.
Clark. Mrs. Rue Drager. Mrs. Solon
Shinkle. Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mrs.
Frank Clark. Mrs. Elfin Ross. Mrs.
Mabel Needham. Mrs. Emogene
Trapnell, Mrs. Raymond Beard,
Miss Margaret Jones and the host
ess. Beta Sigma Phi
Fetes Guests
Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi held a party at the Les
lie street home. Games were in
play with prizes going to Miss
Marjorie Herrell, Mrs. George
Meyers and Mrs. D. J. Reinke. Re- ,
freshments were served following
an informal evening.
Guests present were Mrs. Leon-,
ard A. Rowan, Miss Marjorie Her
rell, Mrs. D. J. Reinke. Mrs. Paul
Marsh, Mrs. Duane J. Janicek,
Mrs. George Meyers, Mrs. Boyd A.
Babbitt. Mrs. Keith Groves and
Miss Helen Dickman.
Salem Ceaacil of Women's or
ganizations will resume meetings
for the fall season on Thursday
when they meet at the chamber
of commerce at 2 o'clock. Mrs.
William J. Beard will preside at
the business session. Guest speak
er will be Mrs. Bern ice -Yearv.
nursing supervisor of the Marion j
county public health department. i
who will talk on "Student-Nurse !
Nature provides ideal grass growing weather in the
fall. Profit by her cooperation and use this wonder
ful season to feed and seed your lawn to new beauty.
SCOTTS Lawn Food This complete grass food supplies
all the nutrients grass needs for sparkling health and
Color. Sk f1s 2500 sj ft - $2 43. Drvss, 11,000 sj ft
WEEDS BAD? Use Scott, combination LAWN FOOD
plus WEED CONTROL. Kill weeds as you feed the
grass. Ma kwh 1500 f - $130. Drwm. 11,000 j ft - $11.75.
SCOTTS Lawn Seed Top quality seed for lawns in
full sun or light shade. 1 lb - $1.00 5 lb. - $4.85
Salem Hardware Go.
120 N. Commercial Phone 3-4906
Married 1
Gowned in white shadow velvet,
Miss Margaret Belton .only daugh
ter of State Senator Howard C.
Belton and Mrs. Belton of Canby,
walked down the aisle of Port
land's First Presbyterian church
Sunday afternoon, October 10, to
become the bride of Richard Dan
iel Birkemeier, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Birkemeier of Mil
waukee. Read by Dr. Paul S.
Wright, pastor, the 4 o'clock serv
ice was witnessed by only relatives
and a few friends of the couple.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride carried a white Bible
topped by white orchids. Fash
ioned with a marquisette yoke, her
bridal gown was designed with
full skirt and short train. A
coronet oC orange blossoms held In
place her fingertip-length veil of
illusion, bordered in wide lace,
Mrs. William Beeson, sister of
Mr. Birkemeier, came from Ash
land to serve as the bride's only
attendant. She wore moss green
shadow velvet, with matching
half-hat and carried a cascade ar
rangement of rosebuds and small
chrysanthemums in copper tones.
tied with copper satin ribbon.
William Beeson was best man
for his brother-in-law. Ushers
were Boyd Brown, Hubbard, cou
sin of the bride: Alan Green of
Milwaukie, Carl Davis of Eugene
and Robert Pazina of St. Helens.
Dr. John Stark Evans played the
wedding music and the organ ac
comDaniment for Paul Scheuer-
man. baritone, who sang
Mrs. Belle Brown and Mrs. Ira
Brown, both of Canby, aunts of
the bride, ereeted the guests. Mrs
Roy Miller of Milwaukie serve
the bride's cake and Mrs. J. T.
Hedges of Yakima, Wash., cousin
of the bride's father, poured at the
receDtion which followed In the
church social room. Assisting
were Miss Grace Powell. Miss Bet
ty Huebner and the Misses Dor
othy and Doris Watson, all of Port
land; Mrs. Charles Bowles of Lake
Grove and Miss Flora Ellen Leon
ard of Salem. Mrs. L. J. Bauccum
and Mrs. Alexander McCorkle of
For her daughter wedding,
Mrs. Belton wore a gown of prin
cess blue crepe, with gray accents,
while Mrs. Birkemeier was gowned
in plum crepe with dusty rose hat
and accessories. Both wore orchids.
After a honeymoon trip to Vic
otria, B. C, Mr. Birkemeier and his
bride will return to Clackamas
county to make their home at New
Era. where they will occupy the
residence built by the bride's
erandoarents. the late Mr. and
Mrs. George H. Brown, at the time
of their marriage. For traveling
Mrs. Birkemeier wore a dressmak
er suit of royal blue wool with
matching hat and black accesso
ries, and a corsage of white or
chids. Both Mr. Birkemeier and his
bride attended Oregon State col
lege. He was graduated in chemi
cal engineering after returning
from air force duty in India in
World War II and was affiliated
with Pi Kappa Phi. He now is as
sociated with the general contract
ing firm of Birkemeier and Sare
mal. Mrs. Birkemeier. a registered
nurse, trained at Emanuel Hospi
tal School of Nursing in Portland.
Mrs. Charles A. Ratcllff will be
guest speaker at the Seaside Wom-
an s duo luncneon tnis weeK ana
her topic will be "Citizenship In
the United Nations." In the eve
ning she will be the dinner guest
of the Kiwanis club, speaking on
"UNESCO As a Going Concern."
Mrs. Ratcliff is chairman of inter
national affairs for the Oregon
Federation of Women's clubs.
Mr. and Mrs. TL. V. Benson and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McCormick j
motored to Portland Monday night j
to say au revoir to Mr. and Mrs. i
B. E. Owens, who left by plane
for Chicago. Miami. Cuba, Ja
maica, Panama and Mexico City j
on a month's trip. The group
met earlier in the evening for
dinner at the Shrine club.
Miss Gertrude Koke. Mru, Jack
Carlon and Mrs. Josephine Rus
sell were among those in Portland
Saturday to attend the Kappa
Delta rally at the Congress hotel.
A tea in the afternoon honored
Dorothy McCuliough Lee, mayor
elect of Portland, and a banquet
climaxed the day's festivities.
gTreea Olympla, Wash, femes
news of the birth of a daughter,
Kathleen Yvonne, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank H. N6rris. formerly of Sa
lem, on September 25. Mrs. Nor
ris is the former Susan Stuller
and attended Salem high school
and Willamette university. Her
husband is employed at the Olym
pia Post Office.
War Mothers Plan Tea
The American War Mothers are
planning a tea for Tuesday after
noon. October 19, in the Carrier
room oi me irsi aietnodist church
in honor of members of all patri
otic organizations in Salem. Mc-
Minnvilie and Albany. Calling
nours win be from 2 to 5 o clock.
Mrs. Bertha Smart, president, and
Mrs. Minnie Humphreys, secre
tary, are arranging the affair. Mrs.
Sadie Pro is in charge of the pro
gram. All members and friends
are invited to attend.
Club Outlines
Members of the Hollvwood
Merry-Go-Round club held their
first fall meeting at the home of
Mrs. V. M. La Due. Discussion was
held of projects for the coming
year and a committee was ap
pointed to plan the year's pro
gram. Guests present were Mrs. R. E.
Jackson and Mrs. Ethel Living
ston. Members attending were
Mrs. Carol Holler, Mrs. Margaret
La Due, Mrs. Viola La Due. Mrs.
Mascine Gibb. Mrs. Vera Frame,
Mrs. Grace Curtis, Mrs. Alice For
gard. Mrs. Hazel Proudfit. Mrs.
Doif y Crumm. Mrs. Ethel La
Due, Miss Florence Kleeman, Mrs.;
Fern Bunn and Mrs. T. W. Reh
feld. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ostrln and
son, Richard, left Monday by car
forArizona. The Ostrins will re
main In the south several weeks
and their son will attend school In
Arizona this winter.
Ann The Re-Weaver
Keweaving and Hand Mending
Clothing ' Sweaters
Hosiery Sox
Aereea from Arge Hotel
352 Chemeketa, aide entranee
lj i
! i
j ,.sU. 0 4,,y
H0M1 k (JT'
I..- I II. ..-,,. ,
: i
Do You Know How to Properly Package Foods for Freezing?,
;erea the Answer!
Refreshments Will Be Served Bring a Friend
340 Court SL
Automatic Blanket keeps you, coxy all night. no matter boui
the weather
Lac the winter winds blow ! You can' sleep .weetlf ,
Goodly all night through under yoiir cloud-light
O-I Automatic Blanket. Exclusive G-E Bedside
Control adjusts slmslicallf to weather changes
within the bedroom. j
C-E Blankets come in One-control models, or
Two-cuatrol models (for double i bed sleepers
Guests Ajre
Bidden to
Several luncheons mark the so
cial Slate this week, j
For Thursday afternoon ia th
one : o'clock luncheon for which
Mrs.tRalDh H. Coolev and Mrs. E.
J. Sdellars will be hostesses at the
Scellars' home on Falrmount Hill
in comDliment to Miss Sibvl
Brown. October brtrf-1ct nt
Frank J. Healy. A kitchen show
er will feet the honor guest to
which a group of matrons and
maids have been bidden.
Mrs. Homer H. Smith and her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Homer
Smith, Jr., have invited a group of
friends to a one o'clock luncheon
on Thursday afternoon at th for.
mer's North Summer street resi
dence. Covers will be placed for
18 and bridge will be in play fol
lowing the luncheon hour.
i i
Laarei Social Hoar club will
meet today at 1:30 at the home or
MrsJ F. X. Hoereth, Glen Creek
When yoe pare base Insurance be aero
yea get j
SAVINGS without sacrificing seearlty
SATISFACTION without parallel
SERVICE at all times.
at 4 Court St. ex
468 Court SL
Phone 3-5661
Thurs, Oct 14ih, 1:30 p. mi
Appliance Dept. Basement
7 f
Y'- y .... .'."
STflk saw Tft . A I .S 'j rw
changes outside!
who like different degrees of deeping warmth?,
72x96 Inches. Blue. rose, freed, cedar. At rout
C-E dealer's, or leading department stores. Iji
I i
Launder beautifully. Carefully made rigid
General Electric safety standard, and approve!
by Underwriters'
, i
DeMolay Mothers will noli a
meeting, beginning with a noon
luncheon on Thursday at the Ma
sonic temple. Officers, Mrs. James
Turn bull, president, Mrs. I. V.
Benson. Mrs. J. Johnson ahd Mrs.
L. J. Stewart will serve as host
esses. Mothers of all new DeMo-
iay Doys are mviiecu j:
Mrs. Kebert E. Shlan will be fat
Portland tonight to attend the an
nual Alpha Chi Omega alumnae
63rd Founder's Day banquet at
the Multnomah hoteL ;, f .
n a CoEd .
Oet right after stuffy head-eold dMreaf
when troM Ut Pot a few drops ai
Vicka Ta-tro-nol In each BOMrUtM
feel renef start instmnUgl Va-tro-noT
fast-acting medlratten reUevaa anl&J
rtlrtreas. helps clear dogging mucus,
opens stuffed-op nose ud bu ym
breatne acain. IX used tn time, it halna
was toany colds tram devaloptns-t -ttv
Vicka Va-tro-nol Mom Dropa.
dial S-tCfl
Dlst Mgr.
If you now own a home
freexer or contemplate
buying one you should
not raise this' discussion by
Miss Taber. our perma
nent home economist, on
The Proper ScfentLfle
Methods of Home Freez
ing." Miss Taber, Who
was formerly with Mary
CuHen Cottage La Portland,
Is a qualified freezer spe
cialist and will gladly an
swer all your questions.
Phone 2-2483
Lsborasories. lee.
355 Center
Phone 3-3139
! 27$ North Ubolrty . r
' ', - - !f 1