The Nation's UTl I A CimE-PIE, -v ( THATS WHAT VOU ) ARE-JUSTA X fft CUTIE-PIE jj BLONDS WM CHJEK C POUCE OF O.TON, OKLAHOMA? I I NEVER HEARD OF; Dicr THACY IF I SWALLOWED A DICTIONARY. I COULDMT RViO ENOUGH W0C05 ID THANK YOU AN" THE IADS FDR MAKIN6 "1 A RICH WOMAN Of ME- MICZET MOUSE T DOMT hCHTTM 1 SVOBCB ASANCT HM 9CnACOVt7UN6 MUST TALK TO SOFULLOFUFE TO OS UKS THAT SOMEHOW, X CANT THATV3UNO MAM AgAM i ttfeUEVS CARLO WWTERBQOOK MJRDBSHER RiP.WWATDO you THMC? BIP CBST TOWN.; f UcTuat .n u -i t LITTLE ANNIE ROONET 1 i UtC JLJ 1 1 1 1 1- isLL..?u ...-.J A 6000 M155 1 1 WMXCSISTY WHXTCM rffTf. 1 1 OH MY PAPUN6.' OU ART SETTER, ll f UAWESON. 60OA0M0U ( EASTM ARE YOU MEZEf 7 - tOU KCO6NlZ0 ME. J I CAME. IJWNX TWESE'S A V .J mlffn ."SJI "SJTOL. you? of career r P fyJ boL gLK ' - fl0OS4.. NEXTTMNS'.'VOUVl. fPTUBN TUB PVOClFJ 7itSLE BcLUS! TuSLrrH nojr f5SfSvv!oajJ 1 l ft tfSV' TTrr STOP MONKEYING -ML- : V t r it I W Ml7CZ?,' Cf 1 ylLMEK. WEVB Y tfUCP'WfclUT 7T TO DOPE OUT 1 BOBBLE AM AD FOB THB I VOU MMT IT . rrcBi-y GAZETTE. 1 W FTX G7T A HLISCH7 ,2' GASOLINE ALLEY PLEE2G. MISTOFER OUm THAT TIGER CAS6 RRJRE SOWIPTHtfO DRETRJL HAPPeNTS Top VESl M3U ARE VESt VOU APE-1 VOUPE JUST A SWEET LIT 0va4-, - . .Ma aaa s " 1 he didn't- mvxeTa letter" tracv, BUT HIS CREDEXTTIALS Q r1 GIVE ALL YOUR THANKS S I THEY WANTED if I r TO ANNIE -SHE REMINDED TO GIVE YOU A I I nU5-raJ EARNED XJUR r 1 1 TIME THEY f I V I I Sir.YL ,MC -J 1 1 rUKbv ) KAIxU IHfc ANtHL'KH I J r$i ZS -J BWNkXyvCVB LOCDSWIR I AM 6Q0PM6 iHb bMwe. i must tteKUL. TBJ. ME yJR US OUT NO"WlO. IHHO MK9HT 06 THE GUM, THAT19 THE AME OLD TUFF. HOW THI3 1 THERE AHyTMNa AROUND HOME THAT POE6NT IT" EXCEPT FATHER?" -iJ I AsSgS HAW-HAW I SICH QUARE WcATHcR!f ) CPLM "OrTo S viT I SCMUfFV A BLOW IN ON -Tv I DOWN- iwSt-tiJSS 7 HAUSTT THAT OV tXJSC AN' A fi&tiZh' I MADAM- ?S3iLTi5S:2? C-JQX)RANT HOT ONE ONTHVftjisSCSv1 I CALM BAOf ONTWEfcflSTg , BACK CMY WV7mW?V ills ill r i v wn . - iiv ill ri i in I. i i ' 1 Comics - ANY SM NOW! AS "THE INTTRUOER NAUCS PASTTWE ELECTRIC EVE, OUR CAMERA GOES OM WE" CAN ALL THANK A ANNIE-WITHOUT f HER FAITH IH ME, ID NEVER HAVE I RAISED THE ANChOCH WHJ X KECWEOC EVER MET ALL THE SVOIZY A6AIH. KLS AT TWE BCVW TMfc SMALLEST WdQEST TRAM mm "WE CANT FIX FATHER -HE'9 WELL FIXED ALREADV " rati NO. VOU'CeV. C NOT-i-VOU'RE I (A CUTlE-PlEJ7 sr r X i mm xv ... f L i J s 17 HERE A LEAD T BUT. KEEZIX, 1 II T VOUR HOW MANX OP I I Ii BULLDOZER OR EITHER ARE yOUR BANJO THERE IN f 1 OUT OP ORDER T" I TOWN? MAX9 if, V- IT -VACUUM 1 ' ( Your Home -Newspaper J ; MAVENT VOU ROMAhJCE VOUR SOUL, POP r FORTY YEARS A60 A GYPSY T01D i MET WAS COIN' TO BE RICH -I'M SORRY HOW FOR DOUBTING HER I ALL THOSE YEARS- "TWE RECEIVERS PLACED I TMROUCHOUTTHE AUDIENCE I WILL SHOW VOU WWAT fi- iAPPENj" A HALF-HOUR LATER j SCOTLAND WBO ANO T SWEAR WduBMEFC THAT'S TME WHOLE J A VU5iJiUT J TRUTH MR. MRS f7&-Z?Z. DO VOU BE1JEVVVkif "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier "Our worries are over, chum . . . My brother just rot married and be queathed me his book of phono numbers! Portland Produce PORTLAND fW a i API Th. wholemalc market (prices retailers pay wholnjilera except where otfaerwis noted : ButUrft f tentative aubleci to Im mediate change) Premium quality maximum of 33 to one ner cent acidirv delivered to Portland. 7-77c lb.: first quality. 69-72; second quality. 66-69. valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale, fob. bulk cubes. grade A A. 93 score. 70c lb.: A 92 score 70; B. 90 score. 69: C. 89 score. 64. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese (Selling price to Portland wholesalers) Oreeon singles. 46-Mr: Oregon 5-Ib. loaf 4-55c. Eggs To wholesalers A rrade. lam ; 63',i-66'ic doz.: A grade, medium. 59- Va-GOV: A grade, small. 49-50a; B grade, large. 52-58',. Ekrs (Purchased from farmers) Current receipts. U'-M'c dor.: buy ers pay 3-3 ',c below wholesale quota tions on graded basis for best hennery eggs. v Live Chickens (Paving nrice to nro- ducers) No 1 broilers under 2'i lbs.. 37-38c; fryers. 2-3 lbs.. 41-42; 4 lbs.. 41 42; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 41-42; fowl, leghorns, all weights. 28-29; colored fowl, all weights. 31-33; old roosters. 16-19. Turkeys (Prices auoted are net to the producer on a dressed weight basis) I U.S. No. 1 young toms. 41-43c lb.; No. l, young nens. 50-51. Rabbits (Average to retailers for lo cally dressed nimals) 58 -62c; fryers, live, white. 32-33; colored. 30-31: old or heavy. 13-18. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers in dollars A 100): Steers Good, all weights. $49-31: commercial. $44-47; utility. $39-41. Cows Commercial. $34-37; utility. $33-34; canner-cutter. $31-33. Beef Cuts (Good steer) Hind quar ters. $37-60: rounds. $33-36; full loins, trimmed. $76 - 82: triangles. $42 - 43: square chucks. $48-30; forequarters. $45- Veal and Calf: Good and choice. $44- 46: commercial. $40-41; utility. $36-39. Lambs and Mutton: Lambs food choice. 30-O0 lbs.. $44-47; commercial. all weights. $43-44. Pork Cuts: Loins No. I. 8-12 lbs..; shoulders, is lbs. down. S34-5S: sparerlbs. 3 lbs. down. $39-41. Cascade Bark Dry zoc lb.; green. 7c. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grade. 4c lb. Mohair zc lb. on 12-month growth. HSides (To city dealers) Calif . SOe lb.: kios. 20: beef. 11-12: bulks. $-9. Country buyers Day 2c less. Country Killed Meats: Veal Top quality 38-40c; other grades according to weignt and quality. Hogs Light blockers. 33-Sflc lb.: sows. 30-31. Lambs 40-43c lb.: mutton. 18-20. Beef God cows. 29-31C lb.: canners and cutters. 26-27. Potatoes Ore. Russets. Central Ore- ri No. 1A. $3.23-40. 23-lb. 90-93c; No. 30-lb.. 1.00-1 O; Wash. Yakima Rus- ets. No. 1A. $3.25-50. Hay Following prices are strictly I nominal: US. No. 2 green alfalfa or Derter cariots. fob Portland. $32-36: U.S. No. 1 timothy. $37: oats and vetch mix ed hay. uncertified clover hay. to $24- zs ton. baled, on Willamette Vallev Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. S PUNTS Wholesale Retail .7$ .71 .63 .7$ M .68 J8 .43 JO .79 .63 M EGGS (Baytag) Large Double A Medium Pullets Cracks EGGS (Wholesale) Large double A Medium double A . Pullets and cracks POULTRY No. 1 Leghorn hens No. 1 colored hens U M At as No. 1 colored fryers. 2 '1-3 lbs No. 1 colored fryers. 3 lbs. up nt. i oia cocks LIVESTOCK (Bt Vallav pukt Limn 19.00 Yearlings -10.00 . 2.00 13.00 10.00 . 13.00 17.00 21.00 24.00 to 12.00 Ewes to 7.00 to 13.00 to 13.00 to 17.00 to 21.50 to 23.00 to 26.00 Fat dairv m i Cutter cows Dairv helf t 1IU11S Calves (300 to 430 lbs.)" Veal, choice Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press r a BONO AVERAGES 20 10 10 16 Ralls Zndust Util Forgn Saturday SO. 7 101.6 100.1 62.6 62.4 62.0 63.4 694 Previous day 90.8 Week ago 90.6 Month ago , 91.1 Year ago . 91J 101.1 100.9 101.1 101.7 100.1 100.0 99.7 103.0 STOCK AVERAGES 30 13 IS 60 In Hurt Rails Utfl Stka Saturday 92.4 44.4 40J 68J Previous day 92.4 44.4 40J 68J Wee ago . 91 6 43.9 40J 67J Month ago (1J 44.6 40.7 68.S Year ago S2.7 34.1 434 65.6 Conscientious, Dignified Service mm eg? (sum Soviet Press Airs Seizure Of Foodstuffs BERLIN, Oct. 0-WVThe Soviet controlled ADN news agency re ported seizure of "great quantities" of coal and food in a crackdown on truck traffic in the Soviet sector of Berlin today. The agency said the cargo was unauthorized by Soviet authorities. The special drive, ordered by Soviet Commander Alexander Kotikov on all vehicular freight, was carried out by Germans work ing for the Soviet food and eco nomics offices. ADN said that 77 seized trucks lacked proper papers for their freight. The agency charged the cargoes were intended for the il legal supply of blockaded western Berlin from the Russian sector. The truck owners were not identi fied, but they presumably were Germans. Wheat Prices Climb Higher CHICAGO, Oct. f -UP)- Mills gave the wheat market support on the board of trade today and prices were a little higher at the close. Other grains and soy beans did not get that type of support and generally sank in slow dealings. Losses ran to sev eral cents In soybeans; Wheat closed Vt lower to i higher, December $2.254, corn was i-4 lower, December I1.42H-1-42, oats were lower to higher, December 74, and soybeans were 3', 4 -4 lower, No vember $2.47-2.48 VA. Buying of wheat by mills was believed to represent lifting of hedges against flour sales to for eign governments. Only purchase reported was that by Italy 7" which was said to have, bought six car goes of 80 per cent extraction flour for October-November ship ment. Demand for cash corn fell off sharply, a leading processing in terest reporting it was j not in the market for the grain right now. As a result, cash prices tumbled S to 10 cents. The high er bids to the country attracted more grain, bookings totaling 82,000 bushels. Britisher Predicts Trips to the Stars In Fer" Decades LONDON. Oct. sMaVA British philosopher predicted tonight that man. if all goes well with the hu man race, will land on other plan ets of the solar system, "within few decades. But unless international rela tions Improve, said Dr. W. Olaf Stapledon, man may blow his own planet Into a string of asteroids and never know the thrill of voyaging in outer space. Dr. Stapledon, a University or Liverpool lecturer, gave his views of the future in a prepared address for a British Interplanetary society He said it is "very unlikely- there are Intelligent races on any other planets with the possible ex ception of Mars. Nature Boy? Becomes Papa LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9 - (JP) - Nature Boy" became a papa to day. A six-pound four-ounce son was born in St. Vincents hospital to Mrs. Eden Ahbez, wife of the na ture-loving song-writer. Both mother and baby are "do ing okay," the hospital said. J-.. Tw Stcrtosmirit, SalemJ Loot Totalling $5i0 Found; Suspect Seized More than $500 in loot was col lected by city detectives Saturday night with the arrest of a man they identified as Kenneth A. Moore, charged with passing sev eral bogus checks in Salem Satur day. j ' Two rifles and a Colt Automatic r smhn th Irwit talron frnm the local hotel room where Moore: naa registered riaay, cetecuves sakL j W n tir a r A Xfanlat nf 1Lffar1a Jrw-it-ti'n ClnnAm itnr t79 Ktat st became suspicious of the check' 1 . . r i - m . . i cainea oy aaoore in payment ior a hunting; rifle and called c(ty police.! Detective Wavne Parker betran a check for a car which! he. said Moore purchased in Portland with a bad check, and discovered it parked on a Salem streeL Moore; was arrested when he returned to the car! a few minutes later and admitted passing ine eneexs, mar ker said. i ! He also admitted passing worth-! less checks in Portland for several thousand dollars. Parkr uiH Lou W. Howard, released from tne uregon state prison: May la, was held in the city Jail Saturday on charges of vaerancv. drunk and attempting to pass a worthless check. City detectives I arrested Howard in a local hotel for at tempting to pass a check for $94.60 at the Town and Country store Friday In payment for S40 in mer chandise. Warren Backs I 1 " i i 80th Congress I Farm Record ; ; It ' ! i KiniTV rrrv Ta rv-f a yoj Aui-tiri9 th ROP i crVitieth vn- gress was the first in history toj initiate a long term farm program riAvprnAr F-arl Warrn toniVht pledged; the republican party to m stui Dener joo on larm iprooiems after election of a republican ad ministration j j Coming into a state topping the; nation in the value of its argicul-j tural mltmit tho HOP vt rrt- dential candidate devoted a major campaign talk to a discussion ot his party's farm record.! i The republicans, he said, are committed to a long term pro-j gram designed to encourage pro- duction and to avoid a boom and bust cycle. i The GOP rlatform he rlflar1 rail a for "oimrier" soil i mnwrv- ation measures, a flexible support price program, commodity loang onH fartn ewrlit: ninl letHfla uon ana xarm ownea ana operateq cooperauves. i VMW Studies Lif b Tenure for John L. Lewis ! United I Mine Workers eommitte torlav StiiHiaH nrnrtAtal tn crivar jonn i) lewis uieume (enure as rnM3rlnt nf tho nnlnn and ririiVl or more his salary. It will begin reporting Monday at the union a convention on proposed changed in the UMW constitution. 1 One resolution would boost Lewis' present salary of $25,000 a rear to as much as 17S.0O0. The salary resolution which ap-! pears to nave most support wouia double his present pay. It also; would 'increase salaries of vice president and secretary-treasurer ixora io,uuu to ajo,uuu. Now Buying; j Filberts and 7alnni Highest Cash Pried Paid on Delivery j i. H. R. Jones j at the Shryder Transfer 2SS B. Cottage Ph. Uf9 Why Suffer Any Longer Wkea oCkers fan. s ettf Calaese remedies. Aasastag saccess far COM years la Chiaa. Na a-atter with arhat slhaeats yaa are amieteo gtsorders. staasiUs. heart, laags. Uv er, kldaeys. gas. r stipatlea. aleers. Slaaetas. rkeaaaatlaas. rail aad alao Ser fever, skla. f task Is eeaaata-Ma 3 CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE Ul I CO. ZS4 I. Pkaae t-lM SALEM. Oil. Office Moors t so Taea. mm4 gat, ealy WANTED Ualnnfe - Filberis - Ilci Ileal HIGHEST PKICX CASH ON! DELTVEXx FOWL O-tCHAKD EUN. SEX TJ5 BEFpUC TOTJj SELL- A j nonius elodfeoii PAcnniG co. i 4U N. Front Street SALEM Telephone S-7US ; Orixjonj S-a-d-rr: Dclcfe 10, 19I-1H -Salem Obitiiarie;i Margaret FJlen Simpson. 7. for mer Salem resident, at the horned fl'r,," ,nd daughter to Oceanslde, Califs Thursday. October 7. Survived by sons. Earl R. Slmpsoo, Ocewullde and Bert Simpeon. Saleanddag?: ' if.r- Alyce Kathleen SimpJon? Oc-S-ide Services will be held Monday T. BJgon chapel with the Rev. Brooks Hoore officiating. Interment at Bel crest Memorial park. ft AHKENS : . f i-1". rUf- Ut resident of Turner. .Po,t,'Kl ThurViMy- October 7 at the l,ot " Fears. Survived by brothers. Eddie Ahrens and Henry Ahrenbo5 A T-ldoB eh-Pi the Rev. tl. ' " Ifm . ran HirVv'H1-" ?tvlrr' October t. i7tnLBR-d- Utm resident of 390 N ly SJUrKYd br J widow, I ve yn Kead. Salem; twet listen . Phoebe Wleler. Quincyi wT!Z' -S' Rlgdon chapeL j " PORTEK " I'" ' , f- rtr. toto resident of 2g Obert T " ho.Ptt.1 Frid-y! i " 3re r. Porter of IVfTHl. " .?: hl Wed! . '""r -. SI 130 D.m. from -cy s ens pel m McMlnnvUle. inter ment la tK- fof z:.'r etery. ; www. . Thomas Terms I Three Opponents 'Phony Fightcrs PADUCAH. Kir rw o ma . Norman Thomas, socialist candi date for president, asserted ; in campaign add. -ess here tonight -that three of his opponents are i "phony fighters for civil rights." He thus described President Truman. Gov. Thomas v t ..,- republican nominee, and Henry ' A. Wallace, progressive part can- '', didate. ! ;f ' ;. - v. Flyer Lands Safely W - - is i in loastal Waters SEA'l'l l .Y. rw o in. a Vt 4.' Bend, Ore., flyer with one passen. ger aboard made a successful for ced landing tonight with his light land Diane In shallmar uuuicra Oregon beach, the roa r &uu icportea. ix)ux the pilot, , James Moberg of North Bend, and ) ie passenger, AiDert Glenn of .Portlanr! Mratil 44... . . : --- wijuajr, . v, , . LTTTLE MAN WINS . t' '. i' $ SPOKANE, ! Oct. 8 TJtUo I-" -wu "ic icaiure uu XiXJJT. PUf t Playfair track today and ." r " --. mmx u. x na ,i Flayfalr meeting will end tomor- rW 1 trt Hi'.. ------. . OriFJTT iw Vim - ' LONG BEACH. Calif, Oct ' Utn THO enact maM u the motorship Malibu Inex is "safe and out of danger- and homeward 1 bound from a luolrl-- n4 millions In pirate gold. f I7e Want I AJwayg a Dopfmdahlo Cash Mcakotl Curly'., Dairy Phona 3-8783 Dr.T.TXaaaJI.D. Dr.O.CnaaJV.D. DRS. CIIAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS X41 North Liberty K Vastalrs PerUaag Oeaeral Elsctrta Co. offtee epea Satarday aaiy It a.i. ta 1 aaw, g to V o.s. Coaaal- taUea. tUeea aressara sag aria tests are free of chart a Practlceg isir. !; HEALTII TO YOU I . (;, After Correcting nemorr holds (Piles) Flstmla, rtasore, PTolapso, a 4 other RoeiaJ Dis orders. - ) ,i I Ne nespltaIlxatIoi p WriU or Can for free Booklet J Dr. B. Reynold Clinic Natare-Preeteteflst lit N. liberty 8L. Sale-. Ore, ii n( i rr 1 1 i BASNET GOOGLE 545 North Capitol Tel. 3-3672