t Toastmast ers Recognized for Speed! iTraining vn '4 i V ho. Scvea mnnbers f the SIem Capitl TMstmaster dob received certificates ; of merit from Toastmas ters International Thsrsday nlsht for completion of basic speech training programs. Three others re ceived the sward at the Saa Francisco convention in Judy. The 10 men, left to rifht, shown after the presentation ceremony Thursday, arc Stearns Cash inf.; Wayne Smith, Dr. J. Harry Moran. Albert F. Lamb. Marion Carry, eoa Coooey. William BUven, Elmer Amondson, Robert Batdorf and . A. Bradfleld. t- i Santiam Area Road Assured GATES A new road connect ing Gates with the Elkhorn-Little North fork section is still on Marion county's road program for this year, according to County Judge Grant Murphy. Murphy said the plans promised last spring had not been aban doned and would be fulfilled as soon as possible. The intention is not for an expensive road but for one adequate for the limited traf fic anticipated. The judge added that "we don't want to put that part of the coun ty in the spot it was last year,1 re ferring to the area's isolation last fall when a logging truck broke through the Lumker bridge in the North Fork valley. Comic Book Ban Seen as Only First Step of Clean-up; Agents Indicate Compliance By Marguerite WIttwer Wright Staff WrtUr. Tb Statesman Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom's drive to dean Salem newstands of "comic" magazines deemed unsuitable for juvenile consumption may be fust the first step in an effort to censor other mass-communication . media that-critics say is bad fare for impressionable minds. It might lead to an official censorship committee to list accept able books and a set of punitive ordinances, Elfstrom said. His decision to ask for voluntary co operation from local people (who also objected to some nuns) ana part of a widespread campaign. Elfstrom's list of 4 banned comics is one distributed by the mayor of South Bend, Ind and mentions those magazines which are declared to place undue em phasis on torture, murder, sex and tend to glamorize criminal cnarac ters. Already "Cleaned Up" The distributors. Jack H. St. Clair of American News and Claude T. Cummings of the Sa lem News agency, who act as ag ents for the publishers, said they would pull the objectionable ti tles (15 of the 150 they handle) from the city newsstands as soon as they get the publishers' okeh, which they believe is forthcom ing. But both men feel that local dealers and the publishers them selves have effectively censored the worst publications, especially during the last six months when the heat has been on. ' "We only put the really bad comics in beer parlors and sim ilar places where just the adults get to' them,' Cummings said, and St. Clair pointed out that com ics have a very large adult read ership. The Association of Comics Mag azines Publishers has set up stan dards for better ' comics and has publicized a list of titles put out by firms who have agreed to abide by the clean-comics code. Lists Not Identified However, of the 59 listed as code-abiding comics, eight ara on Mayor Elfstrom's list of objection able books. Evidently, the pub lishers and their critics do not agree on what is acceptable ma terial. And sometimes the publish ers will drop a blacklisted title only to publish' the samel mater ial under a new title, Elfstrom said. That illustrates the problem any effort to censor nublicationa is likely to encounter. It is hard to draw a line, the critics admit; and Cummings added that other mag azines should admit to the same antiseptic for sexy and criminal content. "And what about newspaper comic strips?' he asked. The mayor's list of so-called harmful comics follows: All-Top. AH-Truo Crime. Authentic folic Casern. Blue Beetle. Crime Does Not Pay. Crime Ac Punishment. Crimea by Women. Crime Detective. Crime Xocooaed. Crime lighters. Crime Re porter. Exciting. Exposed. Famous. Gang- Cant Win. Cay. Guilty. Headline. Jo-Jo. Joker. Jumbo. Justice. Kid Eter nity. The Killers. Lawbreakers - - Lose. Law"- - Crime. Mar (Tie. Harchof Crime. Murder. Inc.. Penalty. Phantom Ladies. Public En emies. Ranger. Real Clue. Teen. Thrilling, True Crime. . Under world. Wanted. War Against Crime, women Outlaws. Young Romance. Tit Comic. erPbt Silverton PTA Reception Oct, 7 SILVERTON, Sept SO Mrs. Martin Hannan has been made general chairman of the annual Parent-Teacher association recep tion, at! 8 p. m., October 7 at the Eugene ; Field auditorium. Other committees arranging the affair include program and enter tainment, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Naegeli, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spen cer; refreshments, Mrs. Ralph Sears, Mrs. Ralph Schmidt, Mrs. A. Ev McCollough, Mrs. Roy My ers, Mrs. William Hannan; decora tions, Mrs. Lloyd Larsen, Mrs. Lowell i Brown, Mrs. James Hol lingswoirth; flowers, Mrs.-Helmer Brokke. Mrs. j Harry Verier, president, and Mrs. Gordon VanCleave, past president have been asked to pour. Wonian Wandering, Found at Stayton STAYTON A young woman wandering down a Stayton street at 3:30 a. m. Wednesday, her hands -and face covered with blood, treated excitement when she was found byjinemen of the Mountain States Power Company who were working at the Stayton Canning company, cooperative. With the aid of Marshal E. V Miller she was apprehended. She resisted attempts to ques tion her and had no identification with ; her. Marshal Miller and Mrs. Marge Hudgins took the woman to Salem, where physicians determined she was uninjured. How she came to have blood on her hands and face is still a mystery. She Was later taken to the state hospital! where she was recognized as a parolee from an institution. The I northern shores of the Great Lakes are' believed to be rising at the rate of about a foot every century. Silverton Calls Bids for Streets SILVERTON Robert E. Bor land, city manager, has been au thorized to ak for sealed bids for the improvement of Center and Westfield streets. The bids will be ooened at 7:30 p. m.. October 14. at the council rooms at the city hall. Petitions for the improvement of these streets have been in the hands of the j city for several months and work will get under way shortly after the bids have been accepted. Rosedale Community Club Meets Satiirday ROSED ALErr-The first meeting of the , Community club will be held Saturday .jnight, October 2 at the school house. A program has been planned including a ventrilo quist act by D.tD. Dotson. Mr. and Mrs? Amos Sunderland and small daughter Linda have re turned from a trip to Wymore, Neb. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Ladd arc attending an electrician's ,conven tion in Salt Lake City and' plan to J isit relatives in MonUna on the 2turn trip. - A - 'if you can on SURE. .if it's festlnghbuse i ! Lib. S 1 A Now Sensation in Stooping Comfort This new Electric Sheet has everyona talking! Yon get safe, automa t iemtty controlled warmth without weight. The Automatic Watchman Control maintains tha warmth jroa select the whole night; through. Us It wfth Your Favorft Top Cover. Simply spread the Electric Sheet over the regular top sheet. Then any blanket," quilt or exmiforter ybu now have can be used as a top cover. Fits double or twin beds. Plugs into any a-cyoutlet. j Takes little Room. Carry Iff en Trips. Packs easily in an overnight bag. Washes easily, all electric parts sealed against moisture. An ideal Christmas grift and at the dream price of Inc. Fed. Tax leafier ZAppl 255 N.Liberty St. laoce GK Phone 3-4311 , i Aid of YMCA I Dallas 'Mo Theatre Remodels In Citizenship Work Cited ! By Isabel Rosebranfh Twenty-seven hundred ; persons in the Salem area are citizens of the United States today ; because the YMCA helped prepare them for their naturalization examina tions. C. A. Kells. only recently re tired as executive of the Salem Y. over a period of many years has taught most of the classes and has been actively in charge of all. He believes his students were inter ested enough to work i toward citizenship themselves. But. he points out. when a community is new and strange, the welcome of fered by free naturalization courses is an important feature of a democracy to immigrants. Almost without exception the men and women who have taken the classes have been timid. They have turned again and again to their teacher and the Young Men's Christian association for counsel. And the time and effort invested on his part have been repaid in satisfaction many times over, de clares Kells, who is teaching the first lessons in the new series of naturalization classes this fall. This YMCA activity alone fs worthy of Salem Community Chest support, according to Gus Moore, Kells successor as Y exe cutive secretary. (The 1948 Salem Community Chest campaign for $100,000 officially starts Tuesday.) But the naturalization courses are only one of the many sides of community and boys' work at the Y. Adult activities as widely di verse as the Weaver's Guild, hand ball and Alcoholic Anonymous center there. A Churchmen's forum weekly luncheon meeting, the Industrial Supervisor's club, the Men's Garden club and literal ly dozen's of other organizations meet at the YMCA building, most n7 i rM7 rr it i 1 ; 9 '-Jrf C ... mi i?S 1 :ii' The Stotaaman. Salam, Orecbn, Sunday, October 3, 19487 II' Valley Olirthu j Dallas Mr. -and Mrs. Everett Reed (announce the birth of a soli at Dajlas hospital September 27. j j A daughter, Sylvia; Del, was born jto Mr. and Mrs. Robett Dornhecker. at Dallas hospital, September 29. I Mr.! and Mrs. Raymond Haley of Valse are the parents of a daughter born September 27 at Dallas hospital. JeffersonMr. apd Mrs. Ray mond Shinn ara parents of a son, Ronald Lee, born September 18 at Albany General hospital. This is their third son. Mrs. Shinn is the former Shirely Jones, daughter f Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jones, i Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Beech sre parents of a son. Rodney Lee, born at Albany Willamette hospital September 23. Mrs. Beech is tha former Florence Ricks. Adult mo: eral months, I- uitoes live for sev- Z A . f ft! K WC-f A ; DALLAS Complete remodeling of the Rio theater In Dallas will be finished early In November with major work being: done from the foundations up. Shown above is the front of the old theatre build ing which will have a large, modernistic marquee. Donald E. We ra il, manager of the Rio and Majestic theatres, both owned by the Jesse Jones theatres of Portland, said that the new Rio will have new seats, decorations, screen and sound and projection equipment, and that it will seat 400 people. (Photo by Don DilL Statesman staff photographer. ) of them having been founded through the Y. So, more than the thousands of boys and girls and young men and women who participate in YMCA swimming and other athletics and camps will be interested in the success of the Salem Community Chest campaign, for the Y is a Chest agency. It is believed that Niagara Falls will wear its way back to Lake Erie in about 8,000 years. I TP aU LK BEFORE YOU BUY ! i Wait until you see the Westinghouse Laundromat wash a load of your clothes automatically. No bolting down required. The . heart of the Laundromat the transmission is now seal ed in steel and guaranteed for five years after year of manufacture against manu facturing defects. Your as surance of long life and trouble-free service. HERE'S OUR OFFER! Well wash a load of your soiled clothes in a Laundromat installed in our store. We want to prove that it can get your clothes spotlessly clean quickly without work. There's no obligation. Every thing's FREE! ; WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT j fl Per JL JL iOO Mo. Yealer Appliance Co. Phone 3-4311 j 255 N.Liberty I u ELECTRIC RANGE (f Only 4.83 a Week B Other Westing- 13 S:S:i ' house Ranges J vjsVS SSgg J.. DMES ROASTS DR0ILS c!l ct tho scdo tiao Como in and so it at Are Now Being Accepted! Ap s c 255 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon WESTINGHOUSE -j Makers of Over 30 Million Electrical Appliances ALL thoso faaturos Phone 3-4311 New Style and beauty and BuKt-U Timer and Surface Light Dependable Corox Surface Units, 6-Ouorf Econe-Cooker for long; ' ; - .. .. ... . 1J 1 sparkle in its clean flowing Electric timer controls large fines blend perfectly with any oven and appliance outlet, cooks kitchen decorating theme, complete meals automatically. with their 5 accurately controlled heats, cook food as fast a4 it should cook, save vitamins! and minerals. Aluminum Roller Bearing Storage Drawers Built-in Minute Timer Titanium Steel Acid-Resisting Surface Flush-Fitting Oven gentle cooking of cereals, soups, stews, complete meals. Steaming, sterilizing, canning, deep-fat frying. Light Tel-ArGlance Switches Single Dia I Oven Controls . ' RN-422S 1000 UtIM