8 Tli Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday. October Xr 1948 For Sale Miscellaneous For Rent lipoma For Sale Real Estate Fjor Sale Ileal Estate For 8al -Real Estate . ji - TheyTl Do It Every T?&U CANT WIM, eALS.'SQUIIW HAS OWMEO 16 CLUNKS DUTKEVERTALkSHT HIS WIFE TO DR1V.-AN0 WE. QUXFTZ- rARUMfi, K f VEH-I KNOW, BUT I j Pv'rVoriu X HftNO, HONEy, NOT Y VX) PROMISED A SOU ON THIS BUNCH CF J fSJSiFfeMHdS YHE NEWNESS WEARS" -6MMEA I JUNK. IT-ITS NOT J V to drhIA SHITLE. driving J V safe f wmt until. ) XdSdv TAy- AFJ&L. v LESSON-f V WESETCORNbSV --jgHrSSHE GETS LOCSSED " I II I JM - , . . Additional Classified Ada on Page 7 Livestock and Poultry Twelve i wk. old pigs. R. R- Tra- si 1 Ba 222. Aumsvrlle. 'i mi. N. of AiunavUU on Shaw Rd. Ph. 2654 Aumsville. HORSES FOR SALE Bitered American saddle bred Stallions, brood mares, yearlings and spring colts Rt 4. Box 270. Salem Phone 2-1143 Roy H. Simmons. ' WANTED Any kiod ot catue noes Will call a i (arm ucram buyers Prompt service s 1 Soetben Son 153C Lancaster ui Salem Ph 2 1345 new HAMPSHIRE oaDy cfticx. Weekly Batches. Ph. 2-288L Lees Hatcnery ' - " FOR SALE: 14 months old sorrel colt, half Arabian Can be seen after P m. Rt. 7. box 407K. C.HtVomn. TWO COLTS, one 2 yr. old. white with tan markings. Arabian and quarter horse, 18 mo. Sorrell with 3 white feet and white strip in face. Arabian and thoroughbred. Ph. 36450 or 575 N. 14th. Auctions AUCTION Early Consignment for Saturday, Oct. 2, 10 A. M. Daveno. swing rocker, occasional l.mna radios. SDot oU circu lator. 130 gaL fuel tank, vacuum elea mrm i.nUn breakfast set. wood range with oil burner. Other ranges, bed complete, vanity, crib and pad. very nice lot ox cnua s iununn, tools, misc. of every sana. LIVESTOCK Joe Burke Sale Barn SS10 Sttvertoa Rd. Phone 2-4074 Help Wanted NEWSPAPER distribution dealership dm m Salem area. Weekend work Wrtta StatMBUIl BOX 299. MAN OR WOMAN to coo tor large eroun. $170.00 per mo. less mainten ance. Permanent position. Oregon State Training School. Woodburn. DUMP TRUCKS and operators for fob. approximately 4 weeks. Immedi ate work. Ph. OdeJL Oregon 3571. Shore tine Construction Co, ollect. " WANTED: Exp. person capable of doing bookkeeping and typing. Write Statesman box zb. ' XPERiNCCD fountain help. Reed'i Drive In. 698 S. 12th. Help Wanted Stale "WANTED: 2 body and fender men. Must be first class. New shop and Mutnment. Excellent opportunity. Per manent. A salary or percentage. Phone .MCMmnvwe chuck WANTED: Carpenter to put. rafters on barn. Wm. Votrt. Rt. 5. Box 499. Maeleav Rd- near Rickey school. PIN BOYS 16 yriTB a B Bowling Court. 3085 Portland Rd. EXPERIENCED powder and Jack hammer man. Quarry work. 12 Ladd & Buh Bank Bide. ExTKklETTCED bus boy ..Good wages and opportunity for neat, speedy man. Philippino acceptable. Hotel Marion Restaurant. EXPERIENCED BODY Sc fender Pontlae dealer. 660 N. Liberty St. Ask for Al Fabry. 1"UA R&EMAN. High pressure steam boiler, must know H.R.T. boilers and mbaintenance. Age between 23 and 45. Oregon State Training EchooL Wood- purn. Oregon. W ANTES MEN 16 to 46 f to train for -' REFRIGERATION and Air Conditioning In our well quipped ' school shop. We teach you to build, maintain and repair deep freezers, milk coolers, bot tle coolers, walk-in coolers and all oth er types of domestic and commercial equipment. For Information on training, housing, terms, part-time employment, etc, see G. I. Jensen. Marlon Hotel Friday and Saturday October 1st and 2nd t.00 a.m. to 9:00 pjn. Approved for Vets Help Wanted Female ALERT LADY for permanent position 8n general office work. Apply in per aon. Immediately. 115 N. Liberty St. SECRETARY: New firm has open tng for competent girL ideal working Conditions, salary open.' Ph. 2-2439. LADY FOR telephone work in home. Statesman Box ' 305. HIGH SCHOOL girl-baby sitter. 144 Ird St, West Salem. PRACTICAL NURSE., confinement ease December. New home, all mod ern conveniences. State references. Write Box 300. Statesman. COMPTOMETER operator. Contact Mr. Tartar, Valley Packing Co. Ph. i-4158. BAKERY SALESLADY, preferably experienced at least sales experience. Statesman Box 296. RELIABLE WOMAN to help with housework and children. Room, board nd rood wages. Ph. 3-9440. STLnoG RATHER, credit and book keeping experience helpful, but not necessary. Good pay and permanent position. Give age and experience. Strictly Confidential. P. O. box gag. Salem. WOMAN Housework, stay nights. OS M. Liberty. Call mornings. Salesman Wanted WANTED ADDITIONAL SALESMAN to loin our appliance sales staff. Sales ability necessary appliance nsmmg sentlaL Will train salesmen tn nlete line of FrUrtdaire. Maytag Easy . Appliances. Good starting salary with opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. Ap !ly ti Bros. ia person at 26) asste mu. Time IS.ll NEW SUPERSONIC EIGHT-AND WHAT DOES HE SA Situations Wanted CARPENTER Work: Alteration; and Repair. Phone 2-4904. JOB DRIVING truck, private car or commercial car by responsible young man. Ph. 3-6361. 825 N. 15th St.; MARRXBD MAN wants Job on dairy. Experienced. No field work. Bill Pot- vin. Rt. 3. Box 234. Salem. PETE'S PICKUP and delivery. Phone 3-4922. : : BABY SITTING. S. 22nd St. Child monitor. 485 MOVING a hauling. Phone 3-2395. BABY Sitting. Ph. 3-6782. LADY WITH three children, ages 14-8-4 wants housework on modern farm. Bachelor or widower preferred. Refs. furn. Write Mrs. rem Callahan. box 165. Monroe.: Ore. . ; LANDSCAPE GARDENING, prun ing, shrubbery, lawn building. 1210 Al der Ave, out Cherry Ave. j CEMENT WORK. All kinds, prompt prvice. Phone 3-4396 . or 2-3300. FOR ROTOTILLER WORK call K. I. Jennings. Ph. 3-5429. ; SWEATER MENDING. Phone 16F31. Chimney sweep. Northness. ph. 34450 ' LAWNS leveled seeded. Have light tractor on rubber-; with dozer. Ph. 28127. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired Scnarff Bros. Phone 25568. WANTED Furniture to clue and re pair Lee Bros Furniture Re finish ins Co Ph 2-1233 4020 B State St Curtains washed, stretched. P. 2-3448. PLASTERING: Ph. 3-4830 evening- Cabinet wk. weld. Sc repr. Ph. 16F31. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vae uum used. B. F. Ensley. Ph. 3-7176. DRAWING house plans. Ph. 3-9621. MOTHTft I will give good home to your younssters while you work OR ANYTIME. Reasonable rates. 1180 Shipping. ' Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE -IN INTERIORS 8-8444 DICK OREY 6269 Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine Service. Modern; Econ. Easy Meth Clears lines of Roots. Grease. Ete K F HameL 1143 gta st, W. Salem. Ph. 3-7404 COUPLE WANTS' interior painting, wall papering. Reasonable. Ph. 2-2928. For Sale -Miscellaneous Spinet Pianos at Sale Prices Knabe. Drakauer, Fischer and Lester Betsy Ross Spinets. $50 down. 24 months for the balance. SHOP TALLMAN'S AND SAVE 395 S. 12th St A Mile From High Prices KIMBALL PIANO, reconditioned. $145. $35 down. $10 a mo. TALLMAN'S. 895 S. 12th St. A mile from high prices. ADAMSCHAAF PIANO, recondition- ed. $165. $35 down. $10 a mo. Tallman's 395 S. 12th. a mile from high prices TULIP BULBS, all kinds of varieties. Phone 3-1858. FURNACE: Eastman pipe less, in good condition. 1119 N. istn St. MARBLE SHOE shine stand. Elec. floor waxer. 20 gaL elec. water heater. Ph. 2-9259. PIPE AND plumbing, new and used. Complete toilets, bathtubs, wash ba sins, kitchen sinks, laundry trays. 'wa ter heaters. At great savings. Capital Barrain House. 145 Center st. ATTENTION duck hunters. Now available at.Wards: Remington Mag num 12 gauge shells and Remington 10 gauge shells. Hurry, quantity is limited. Montgomery Ward. 155 N. Li berty st READERS DIGEST 7 fho. $1. plus book. Mrs. Paul H Hauser. Ph. 3-7828. TIME TO-FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS 0 SACKS $9 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 3-8127 days; 2-4397 eve, or 3-8127 V ailing Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads ar! driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching i yd. shovel 8t drag line. Phone 3-9249. HOSPITAL beds, wheel chairs. seU rent trade. Ph. 3-7773. 745 Court St, Burin. 3 WINTER coats, sixes 14. 16. & 18. Reasonable. 2651 Center St Ph. 2-1234. GRAPES, you Pick. 4c lb. 3 mi. on Wallace Rd. Rt 1. 1 mile River Bend sand a gravel rd. Box 191 A. A. E. Pil- ker. CRAvYL. sand and lilt Delivered or on your truck at the pit Ph. 2-4002. t R Watklns Co- oroducts 1717 Ten ter St Salem. Ph. 3-5395. Free del. CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 ALWAYS a bia stoca Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. 2-5110. MAHOGANY bedroom suite, mat- springs. $225. Mahogany dining room suite 8156. 1540 PUearl -"St. WE HAVE some real barsains In electric ranges, refrigerators, electric washers, vacuum cleaners, hotplates. Irons, radios, end tables, electric heat ers, gas heaters, oil heaters, wood heat ers, chairs, beds, dinette sets, gas ranges, electric roaster oven, bicycles, iceboxes, davenport 4c chair, throw ruas. Liberal credit terms. Hardman Bros. Just this side of Drive-In the atre on Portland highway. Open until 9:30 cvenwgs, 7 days a week. COOLERATOK Ice box & snack bar. Excellent cond. Phone 2-6713. FORs SALE or trade: New 33 Rem ington pump rifle. 1369 Center St GOING BACK to Texas. Household furnishings. Frigidaire electric range. General Electric ten-foot refrigerator, oil circulator, young laying hens, many other items, for sale at a bargain. Roy Trlbbey. Rt 2. rfox 747. One and one half miles from Liberty on Skyline Rd. HOT WATER neater. CoUina. 42 gaL. ?w. $83. Phono 3-4284. PRACTICALLY NEW Ongan oil bur- iis vons. aiau. tau s-TS2S or 2-9557. DOUBLE BED. complete, like new! Highchair. nursery, buggy, tailor-tot. 2230 S. Cottage St Ph. 3-3219. BROWN PONY fur coat length. Also white Chinese lamb coat, almost " By Jimmy Hatlo 1HIS GOESOM FOREVER. Wl For Sale Miscellaneous RXFLX: 44-40 fifty shells. 845. Eugene HpefUng. Route 1. Box 287, Salem. rrST niiN rHI Hnul.tnr rtrACticallv new, 3 50 gal. oil drums and pump. soo. rn, ji-wui or j-j i i. NEW ARMSTRONG Master PorUble mangle. 848.50. 1369 Center. Ph. 3-tj3i. TROMBONE: Conn Pan American, satin silver, finely balanced slide. Ex cellent cpnd. Good case. Phone 3-4481. NEW ARMSTRONG Master Portable mangle. 843.50. 1369 Center. Ph. 3-6351. 4-BURNER gas range, oil circulator. like new. 1080 N. Church St RABBIT Fertilizer $1 sack, 6 sacks $5; or by yd. Christensen's Rabbitry. Rt- 7. Box 372. 4 mi. east of Portland Rd. on Hayesville Drive. Ph. 3-1802. NO. 700 HOOVER sweeper with com plete attachments. Large clothes rack. cau 3-4316 tor appointment. UNIVERSAL elec, range, old type. good cond. 840. Also Magic Chef 3-burner eas Plate. 830. Ph. 3-5171. 6 MO. OLD. 7 cu. ft. Frigidaire. 8243 cash. Call at 165 Gerth St. W. Salem. after 5:30 p.m. 3 GAS RANGES, seven 9 x 12 rugs and scatter rugs. 1 round oak dining table and 6 chairs, two breakfast tables and chairs. 1 oak buffet 6 rockers. 2 chiffoniers and 1 dresser, white enam el; 2 radios. 3 beds with springs and mattresses. 3 library tables. 2 daven port; and cnair sets. Woodrow copper tub 'washer. 1 office desk and chair. 3 cast-iron, porcelain -finish wood circu lators. Other mics. housbold items. 292 N. Church St. LATE MODEL, agitator type washing machine.! complete with pump, very good condition. Phone 2-4647. SALE OR TRADE. All enamel Ker osene Range. Like new. for red Chick ens or white enamel garbage burner. Phone 2-2966. RECONDITIONED, rebuilt washing machines. Easy. Norge. Thor. Westing' house. Check these values. Ralph John' son Appliances. I WINTER coats size 12 to 14. Brown. black, grey good condition, moth proofed, i $10. $15. $20. 1243 State St, Aoti 1. Ph. 2-7086. OIL CIRCULATING heater $35. 1040 Electric Ave. MONT AG RANGE with oil burner. couch, vlctrola. wood circulating heat er, breakfast set Other houshold Urns. 1 blk. Sj of P.O, Turner. Oregon. USED BEDSTEAD, springs. Wood cir culator. 2271 Lee St ' WINDOW Screens and storm sain made to order. Glass replacement and general mill work. Salem Screen Shop. 1430 S. lZth. Ph. 2-6812. SET LUDWIG drums, nearly new. Phone 2.1217. J3 CAL. Pistol & holster. Ph. 2-1217. 35 MM CAMERA Argus C-3 and Weston No. 2 light meter. Ph. 2-1217. GREY KIDS KIN fifr coat, size 12-14. Reasonable. Ph. 3-1854. See at 1695 Broadway St. PRACTICALLY new wall tent $20. Phone 2-1445. WOOD Ore, complete bed. household articles, dishes, etc. 380 N. 14th. GUITAR and case, $15.00. 132 East Miller. Phone 2-6526. GRAND PIANOS AT SALE PRICES Knabe, Steinway. Lester. Baldwin. Fischer. Gulbransen. Steger and others. New rebuilt and used. Priced from $695; Terms to suit. i SHOP TALLMAN'S AND SAVE j ! i 395 S. 12th Street AMile From High Prices DAVENPORT and club chair, excel lent cond $100. Ph. 3-3338. Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Ready mix. All kinds of sand and gravel. River silt and fill dirt. Ph. 21966 BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat shovel and truck work of all kinds j Llovd M. Hill, Inc. Phone 2-4367 Rt. 2. Box 32-B RADIO. PHONO. Combination $20.00: Vacuum: Cleaner $5.00: Baby Buggy $15.00: Dinette Sets $16.50 and up: Bridge Lamp $130: Highchair 83.50: All White Washer with Pump 869.50: Dav enport $15.00: Bathinette $3.50: Dresser Base $8.00; Eureka Tank Tank Cleaner with Attach. $35.00: Wall Mirror $5.00: Two Singer Sewing Machines $39.50 and $45.00: Maytag Washer. Ex. Condition. Balloon Rolls: Wood Ranges $10.00 and $25.00; Electric Heater $8.00: Ice Box $5.00; Maytag Gasoline Motor. Martin's Furn. Co. f 420 So. Commercial HOYT ST. SURPLUS OIL CIRCULATORS small and med ium sire $29 95 Ice Boxes $12.50 6000 Gsl Water Tank Wood $140.00. LAUNDRY DRYER Loundry Presses Fire Engine SWIVEL CHAIRS $12.50 Tents land Tarps small and large Electric Light Plants, small and large Saw Mill Engines Spud Peeler Bunk Beds and Mattresses Folding cots Oak: Bed Side Tables $730. NEW MERCHANDISE CLOSE COU PLED TOILETS Toilet Tanks for re placements i Galv PIPE Some soil Pipe and Fittings Bath Room Sets Kitchen i Sinks, small and large Elec tric : Washers. ELECTRIC. Apt Size Ranees. Room heaters--house and outside wire box es; entrance boxes, range cable and range outlets. Come south on Itth to Large HOYT SIGN. Turn East one block. TEL 3-7916. rt-'RN'lTURE for small home includ- lng davenport and chair, large daveno. rugs, dining set and piano. Also girl's bicycle. 655 Edina Lane. Sat Sc Sun. 1 , FIRESTONE refrigerator 8275. i Firestone washing machine 8110. Per fect, cond. Used 10 weeks. Cash onlv. 1543 Hickory St Next door Valley iacx. to. DRAFTING table. 33 x 65 inches. Al so ISO guides for filing case. H. D. xangine, m. o, box 235. FOR SALE: lk vouna short horn beef. Phone 3-1839. OIL HEATER. 3-4 room sise. good cond. $25: Everhot Electric roaster. used 1 month. 2360 N. Broadway. Call 2-0879. SAVE $80. New model G.E. mangle. tan z-seio. 1 HOT BOY CIRCULATING gas neater. Paid $130. will take $73. 2310 N. 4th St FRENCH POODLE and Pekingese PUP; Male 276 N. Church SC nVZ FORD wheels. IS", tires Jc tubes. S37 S. 23rd after 9 p.m. GOOD 25-20 rifle lor sale. 538 S. 24th lit Ph. 2-0905. APPLES, fl bu you Dick. Mrs. C Cernick. Rt 6. Box 293. Take Center I St. out to Frultland. BROAbLOOM rug and pad. ft x 11. nearly new. Burgundy color. 1495 Sag inaw St. evenings. LOCHINVAR oil circulator. 540.00. White enamel wood range. 543.00. 990 Oak St Call after pan. Ph. 3-713. Produce BANTAM CORN, nubbins. U-pick. 15c dor. Rt. 6. Box 115-r. East SUte St. BOSC PEARS Those Bosc pears you nave been I waiting for are now ready at Olson's Orchard. 4 mile West Keiter school. THORNLESS Blackberries, you pick. 1 5c lb. Phone 3-1854. CRAPES, melons, sauash. DeoDers. Those big luscious black grapes are now ready. Business hours, week days after 3 p. m. Open all day Saturday si Sunday. 2 miles north of West Sa lem on Wallace road and turn right 1 mile toward river. Louck's Vineyard I Gardens. Rte. 1. Salem. Ph. 2-0217. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-5110. USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-9185. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Electric chick brooder, battery type. Ph. 2-5951. WANTED: 1500 Street Car Brick. Call 3-7450 Saturday and Sunday afternoons, FILBERT and walnut drying. Can handle few more lots. Ph. 3-1632 morns or eves. WANTED barkie poles 30 to 80 feet Call collect 1287 Albany or write Stan dard Pole & Piling Co, P.O. Box 282. Albany for new price list. PIANO TUNING Wilis Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327 Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Cleaiing - Ditching Sewer Basement Eauinment Rental 15 B-i yds 112 00 per nr 10 B-. yds. 9 80 per hr D-7 Cat 4 Dozer 9 80 per hr D-8 Cat a Dozer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat a Dozer 7 00 per ax Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8243 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5865. HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine renaired bv a Qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup & delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work ts started Singer Sewing mi chine Co 130 N Commercial TJES SPRINGER, mens batter. 4 Court. AUTO oaintlne lust a shade better by Rav ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101. MEN'S SUITS, ladies plain dresses and coats $1. cash and carry. Delivery service $1.15. Dyeing, alterations and repairs. 942 N Com'l. Ph 24589 WATER WELL drilling Domestic or lrrlsation Duffle Id Bros. Bt 9. box 423 Phone 2-1313 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or MaU Your Plates for Repair DA HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State ft Com. Ph. 3-3311, WANT TO Buy Used Cameras McEwan Photo Shop 439 state. Financial $ INTEREST on your savings. We have a choice supply of real estate mortgages, properties in Salem and vi cinity. Amounts S3O0 to sio.uw. these for sound investments. State Finance Co. 133 S. High St. Lie S-216. M-222 MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 SUte St. Ph. 2-3663 Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at'4 F H A & construction loans 339 Chemeketa Phone 3-3101 Money to Loan CASH S25 TO $500 Your way and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOURrOWN-PAYMENT" plan It's simple as A-B-C. Just do this: A Tell us how much you need and a few facts about your credit and job in person or by phone If you're busy. B Then you sign without endors ers and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of 5 who ask us for a loan, get It C Then repay in monthly instal ments which you select to fit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If cash loan solves a problem, get in touch with Mrs. Gall inger. Personals 'YES MANAGER, today. Loans 825 to 8300 on salary and fur niture up to $500 on auto. Personal Finance Co. 518 SUte St.. Rm. 125 Phone 2-2464 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. S-122. M-165 Private Money On Cars. Trucks. & Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St. Phone 3-9161 QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN. LVSTOCK FARM MACH NO COSIGNERS From S25.00 to S300.00 Lie No S-138 ON CARS OB-TRUCKS Repayments up to 18 months ON LATE MODELS From S50.00 to $500.00 Lie. No M-338 ! MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 3-9161 1 Dr S. of Ladd 6t Rush 138 S Commercial St Salem Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nafl Bank o!d ouarters FARM and ClTV LOANS t and Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7182 For Rent Rooms SLEEPING room for men. 790 N. Church St Ph. 3-4335, Nlc SLEEPING room for business msn or woman. 330 Mission. CHOICE SLEEPING room for man. 1 47$ it. Cottage St SLEEPING Room for emp. girL Ph 2-4427. LGE. comfortable rnv. Kit. er home priv. if desired. Pri. ent. Ph. 2-1880. NICE LIGHT B.R. $25 mo. steam heat maid service. Ph. 2-9101. CLOSE in. nice, sleeping room. Air co no. neat, ssa center St. NICE SLEEPING rm. for 1 or 2 men. 1 Room for emp. lady. Also garage for rent. 815 W. 14th St. PLEA J ANT sleeping rm for man. loou Norway. Phone 3-4547. SLEEPING ROOM. employed man. 7V3 IS. winter St. Ph. 3-5539. " SLEEPING ROOMS for men only Close to state bldgs. 1144 Center St. Phone 3-8630. NICE rm. for gentleman. 2 blks. State Bldgs. Elec. heat. Ph. 3-4286. HOLLYWOOD sip, rms Ph. 3-6093. NICELY furn. rm. and garage. $1.00 per aay. luea cascade or. Room and Board WANT 1 roomer and 1 boarder, smoking. 1393 S. Comercial St. No WANTED: Room and board by Oct. II for 2-9879. non-drinking gentleman. Call For Rent Apartments MODERN APT. with pri. bath and refrigeration. Fbr 1, or 2. 468 N. Winter, ONE and 2 rm. apts, convenient, near pus ana hospitals, tail 3-8048 BUSINESS MAN would like boy or man to snare apt. separate sip. rm. Close in. Protestant. Call 3-9617. . MOD. 3 rm. furn. basement apt. Pri, bath, pri. ent. Prefer working couple, ffo unnAing. iwd IN . pin. UKN. APT, N. 12th St. Utilities furnished. 168 MODERN 2 B R. kitchenette, cabins on neat, garage. 2860 S. Com'l St. TWO 2-rm apts. Pri bath, elec ranee. heat, and refriz. 1342 N. Canitol St SINGLES doubles, everything furn. Hour bus service at door. 3580 S. Com mercial st For Rent Houses 3 BEDROOM unfurn house, located saa ami; .st. Phone 2-7079, 3 HR. HOUSE, unfurn. Adults onlv Phone 3-9037. 3 RM. PARTLY furn. house $50 mo. mq. rear ooor. zrp N. pront 2 B.R. ELEC. heated duplex. No nets. nnnnen. toupie pret. Rets. 1460 Trade, 3 BDRM. home at 2050 Mvrtle v. $90 mo. Burt Picha, Realtors. 337 N. nign street, pnone 2-3649. 3 RM. COTTAGE 7 mi. east. Rt. 6, Box 153. 2 B R. MOD. HOUSE, epl. available Nov. Refs. required. Statesman Box 294. FOR LEASE OR RENT Apt. sized 3 rm. house. New St mod. $50 mor-1090 S. 16th. See F. E. Riedel at 2475 Maple Ave. 2 BEDRM. mod. furn. house, $75. auuiu. en. rnone z-owi for appt. FURN. Cottages. Camp Joy Motel For Rent TWO TRAILERS for rent 1225 S. 25th St. TRAILER HOUSE suitable for 1. $15 mo. 62 Williams Ave. off Silverton Rd. RENT-A-CLARKE hieh soeed floor Sander and edgers. We sell everything to do a professional Job. Howser Bros. 608 Edgewater. Ph. 3-3646. FOR LEASE: Store in new build. lng. For information call 2-6121. SMALL BUSINESS location in Wt Salem, rent reasonable. Phone 3-3646. SAVE TIME and money and do a professional job. Rent power tools. Howser Bros.. 608 Edgewater. Phone 3-3646. TRAILER SPACES. 3215 Portland Rd. IRONERS by the week Pnone 2-4439 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c hrs following Woodry's Mkt. 160$ N Summer BUSINESS Room. H. L. Stiff. TRAILER Space, shade, clean rest rooms. Reasonable rates. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road. U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT" Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062 ATMORAYS Ozone Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17. 3-4692. TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished. Smltty'a Clipper Service. Center and Church. Phone 2-9600. STORE FRONT for rent on Ferrv St Inq. Capital Bowling Alley, phone 2-3575. Wanted to Rent SMALL furnished house. Best ref. Local resident for 26 years. Ph. 33347. 3 a. H. unfurn. house. Permanent. Refs. Phone Mr. Cowen. 3-5050. FURN APT ior emp couple. ' Call 2-4044. HOUSE, furnished, wanted until June 15th or later, within half mile of Wil lamette University, for quiet family of four. Will pay three months in ad vance. Rate ,$75 to $100. Box 280 States man. VEtERai4' with small familv wishes 2' bdrm house by Oct. 1st. References. Ph. 2-8518. Lots $350 Each 7 lots. 70x120. near 12th street func tion . "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th St. Ph. 3-4855 BY OWNER. 810 down. 810 a mo. 2 lots 64x112, $685 ea. North. Ph. 2-3203. For Sale Real Estate ALMOST NEW Large 2 bdrm. home. hardwood floors, tiled firepl.. large cor. windows, oil furnace, half basmt., cor. lot. Near bus snd school. Trees. 410 S. 23rd. BY OWNER New home in eood dist. Liv. rm.. din., kit.. 2 bd. rm.. den and bath on main floor. Full lin. basement with knotty pine playrm., and bar. bed rm.. shower rm. and laund., elec. furn., dbl. gar., lot 100x150. 1970 John St. Ph. 3-8226. $7850 9 rms.. full basmt Income property, bus. school, store, business dist. Ph. 3-3544 BY OWNER: Attractive mod. 2 bdrm home. Handy to bus a store. A good buy at $6950. Ph. 2-4022. 2 BD. RM. H5 near SUte Can. Sacrifice by owner, $1500 dh. 3-5383 Sun. or eve. 5 ROOMS MODERN. completely furn.. also nice Income established, owner 1180 S h ipplng. NEW 1 bedrm home, all electric. Close to sch. Close to state pet Owner, 195 S. 25th. FOR SALE or will trade 4-rm. mod. house for trailer house. 4dO'i s. zist. SOMETHING DIFFERENT 3 bdrm.. liv. rm, dinette, kit., utility and bath, all on one floor. Elec. heat fireplace, fully insulated a weatherstripped. Nice plaster throughout. Has view, close to school and bus. Age mo. Price $11,000. FHA loan. 685 Wlldwind Dr. Ph. 2-3576. FOR Efficient and effective sales rvlce call the Salem Realty Co NOW BY OWNER: New 4 rm. jiouse, best construction. F. H. A. terms. 2 B. R-. all hardwood floors, built-lns. lnsulatea elec. heat and hot water. 1865 Waller St. Call at 460 SUte St. Ph. 3-8188. Eve. 3-6356. contract bearing 6 Interest. Ph. 2-2886. - BY OWNER 3 bdrm. mod. nome. Health reason for selling. 570 Madrona. 87900 By owner, best value in town. Payments only 850 per mo. Dble. con structed 2-yr. old home. 2 bdrms.. oil furnace, fireplace, hdwd. firs., V. blinds, auto, hot water, att. garage, beautiful lawn, fenced. Ph. 2-3296. BY OWNER 2-yr. old home. Full basmt, oil furnace, liv. rm.. din. rm. large bath. 2 extra large bdrms. At tractive kit., lots of built-lns.. hdwd. firs, thruout fireplace. V. blinds. Beau tiful lawn shrubs. For quick sale. May be seen after 6 p.m. and Sun. Imm. poss. 2605 Hulsey Ave. T l 1 j ' a 3 j. .m 1 run a tow oown payment or - per mo., you can call this 2 bdrm. home yours. Unfinished UpsUirs. Garage at tached. 2065 Bruce. 1 blk. East of Park. off Sunnyview. 3 BR house. S65O0. 81000 down, will take new car. Ph. 2-4602. Severin Realty Co. ONE OF THE FINEST TWO BED ROOMS. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, H-W FLOORS. FIREPLACE, BASEMENT. OIL HEAT. LARGE DEEP LOT. SPRINKLING SYSTEM. GAR DEN SPACE WITH FRUIT TREES. THIS HOME IS A SHOWPLACE IN SIDE AND OUT. NOW DRIVE OUT TO 2020 MARKET STREET. THEN CALL US FOR AN APPOINTMENT. EXCLUSIVE FOR BETTER SERVICE Severin Realty Co. 212 N. High Dial 2-4018 Eves. 2-3084 REDUCED $900 APT. & HOME Let someone else help you pay for this very nice home on Highland sve, upstairs apt furnished, outside en trace, basement with party room, fire piace in baca vara. live rooms on ground floor, fireplace, close to school and shopping, on bus line. Better see this today, it s well worth 912.600. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 423 S. 12th Phone 3-4855 $9,000. Clean modern 2-BR nome close in. Fireplace. Full basement Furnace. Immediate possession. $1,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St.. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-3561 Home on Creek 4 bed rms. LR. DR. kitchen, bath basemen t.Criew furnace. Newlv redecor ated. Very good cond. Electric range Ar washing machine included. Walking distance to town. $2,000 Down, Bal. Like Rent at 5 Interest See Bergland at Once ART MADSEN 1326 State St. - Ph. 3-5580. Res. 3-6438 $10,500. New modern 3-HR home South. Large lot 128x140. Hardwood floors, fireplace. Venetian blinds. Auto neat. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St.. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 RANCH TYPE HOME WITH VIEW Beautiful home with LR 16x22. DR. Kitchen with lovely nook. 3 spacious rut wiin jots or closet space. Auto Oil furnace, utility room, attached earaee. This is in a nice settins snd we like to snow this kind of property for 116.- 000. Will take FHA loan. G.I. HOUSE IN DESIRABLE DIST EAST. 2 BR. ' LR. DR. Nook. Utility Rm. Garage. Fir Furnace. HW floors. tiix to bus. Total orice S9750. Has u.l. loan of 37200. Joe Hutchinson, Realtor 455 Court Street Ph. 2-3629 Eve. Salem. Oregon 2-4789 or 3-3632 $8400. New modern 2-BR home close in North. Hardwood floors. Auto elect heat Attached garage. Immediate pos session, cau Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High St.. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 BY OWNER: 3 bdrms. close to schools and bus. Air-conditioned oil furnace. full Dasmt. wall-to-wall carpeting fireplace, attached garage, beautiful lawn and shrubs. 1170 Nebraska St. $8500. Two bdrms. plastered. HW firs. fireplace basement. sawriuxt heat, north Salem; very easy terms. $7000. Three bdrms. gas heat, house needs some renovation, beautiful grounds, outdoor fireplace. $10,500. Two bdrms, Englewood home, HW firs. V blinds, basement oil fur nace. Good financing. CLOSE IN SUBURBAN Northeast, lot 65x250. two bedrooms. HW firs, floor furnace, value $10,500. Mtg 86000 may be assumed. Exchange for acreage within seven miles of Ss lem. Salem Realty Co. 14 N. High Ph. 2-7660 Eye. 2-4773 - 2-4591 $8,000. New modern 2-BR home. hardwood floors, fireplace. V blinds. oil furnace, attached garage, shrubbery, large lot, city bus. Located N.E. As low as $1,000 down. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High St.. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5561 worth . A. St 2 BR Plstrd hse. All kinds of fruit grapes, good garden. Close to Hiway, stores Sc bus. $8500. Terms. $8950 $3550 DN. t BRS.. folace bsmt. Liv. Rm. Din. Rm. Kit A good deal. Corner lot. HOME St INCOME. 2 BRS. Lee. Liv. Rm St Din. Rm. Bsmt. Ant. Nr. School. Offer considered. Lge. lot I or these St others sec B. ISHERWOOD, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt 1. Box 162 or PH. 2-8836. 1289 Sixth St. W. Salem 3-BDRM.. NEW. modern nome. Priced to sell. Terms. 990 Mornings id. Out Ratcliff off of Hulsey Ave. BY OWNER New 2 bedrm. house with large attic, att. garage, nice kit chen, elec. heat, hdw. floors thruout. Large lot. North near Keizer sch. $8600. Good terms. Also unfinished ' house; $5400. terms. Phone 2-1302. DRASTIC REDUCTION Modern. 2 B.R. home on lot 75 x 123 ft. 5 rms, double garage. 7 yrs. old. In sulated, weather-stripped. Owner out of town, must sell. Total price $6650. Term's at 4'a interest Call Berglund for appointment. ART MADSEN 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580, Res. 3-6438 FIREPLC. Select oak floor. Din. Rm. 2 Lg. BR.- Nice Kit. Excl. Floor plan. Auto, oil ht. Piped to all rms. Ht. In utility rm. Pvd. St Sidewalks. Att, Ga. Nice quiet St. in Englewood Dist, Lot 50 x 142. East Front. Where can you get more for $9500? See Ed. Lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-6680 $5800. 5 Room home located 1912 N. 5th. Garage, very nice back yard with outside fireplace. Several nut and fruit trees. Lot 50x117. $7250. 2 Bedroom home located close to 23rd and SUte St. H.W. floors, utility room, garage. Several fruit and nut trees. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St.. Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5206 NEW 2 B.R. home, elec heat. att. ga rage, fireplace, all hdwd firs, unfin upsUirs. FHA loan $7600. Inquire at 1495 Norway St. 2 BEDRM. home. 7 yrs. old. Hard wood floors, oil floor furnace. 92O00 dn. Terms on bal. Immediate possession. Phone 2-6747. 5 YR OLD 2 BDRM house. Excellent condition. Plastered and papered. Ve netian blinds. Outside City close to school, store, and bus. $8500. Good terms. EDWARD A. DYCK REAL ESTATE BROKER 309 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 2-5211 or 2-6058 CREEK PROPERTY Good substantial, modern 2 bedroom home, unfinished attic, full basement. Elec heat, fireplace, attached garage. Really nice lot. 75 x 150. $3000 will han dle. BaUnce like rent. An excellent buy. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 2-4793 BY OWNER: Good older type house, fall bsm't. tubs, furnace, friut trees, garage. New paint thruout. Englewood Dist. 3 bus lines. $6900. A big value. Phone 2-9940 before $ a.m. or after aP m- . ; , , OWNER OFFERS, furn or unfurn. 4 B.R. home. Suitable for Income. 333 Mission St. - ; BY OWNER: 3 bedroom house. Will take late model car and trailer house as part payment 127$ 0th St, West Salem. WHY PAY RENT? 2 bdrm. home for owner and $80 mo. income, large basmt basmt apt. Sawdust furnace, bus by door, school close. Lot 56x102. $9800. $6000 cash, easy terms. Close in. Imm. poss. 991 Mill St. BY OWNER Englewood school dist. 2 bdrms. Pecan floors, insulated . snd weatherstripped. Auto, beat att gar. $895Q. Ph. 2-3526. ' BUILT 3 mos. 3 Urge rms. auto heat stt gsrsge. 80x232 lot walnut, spple trees, paved rd. near sch. bus. Keizer ulst. $9390, terms, ssa uearoorn avc. GEORGE W. i law W. CAPITOL I PHONE 2-3031 J 2 bdr home with 2 room furnished apartment upstairs which rente fog $71 per month. Immediate possession. Furnished pagy room la basement i We have a home in Silverton to trade for a home la Salem. tavern netting $1000 per month which caa be bought for $10.000 stocked and equipped. . : i Sk'" inn with 23 j persons capacity. Furnished living quarters. Stock on hand included. Price Includes lot. buildings, equipment and business. Will con sider exchange for what! have you.j I 2 houses on lot 50 x ilOO. Nice property for Income rent on house, live ta the other. Good location j East ; ; 2 bdr plastered home, pecan floors. Venetian blinds, utility room, ell floor furnace, garage. Bus 1 blk. fruit snd nut trees, nice lawn. ; $4400. One bdr Bungalow. LR. K. bull tins. All electric beat, garage. Corner Iot ! (.'-. i , Beautiful 2 bdr ultra modern home. Landscaped yard, nice lawn. Term can be arranged. j ' " v f - Well built 2 bdr home in beautiful location with HW floors throuehnuf- Mr. ' puce, , uMmmi, new vu iurnace. wee 11 Acre farm with 3-bdr house 2 stanchion barn, hog and poultry houses, uflwnce i leal cu. f EVENING 2-6862 - J. ZEEB - 2-548J - T. WEST ACREAGE 2',i acres, barn, lote of fruit, good Nice large lot 3 -room house on ! $2500 Good 3 -bed room unfinished house. cau Dent. i fc - I j DREAM HOME SUBURBAN f j $111,000. l', acres with a lovely 2 -bed room home. Party room in basement, oil heat, fireplace. hardfood floors. This home can't be beat. Call Maddy for appointment. i j s. i! I $3200 DOWN ! This is s steal. Call quick and jet us show you this home. Very well bunt and landscaeed. Oil heat; hardwood rent, can aiaaay. OLSON 945 So. Commercial LEO N. CHILDS, i DRIVE BY 2410 Simpson; The price is - lot. Fruit snd nut trees. Cajl VALUE PLUS. Comfortable 3 rm. well Lot approx. SO x 156 with lg. terms. ! DIGNIFIED FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME scaped lot. This home is in excellent condition. irg. comiortaoie iv. rm. with fireplace, dining rm.. kitchen, 2 nice bed rms., basement with auto, heat Double garage. A good value $14,000. j - MOVE YOUR FAMILY RIGHT IN to cellent condition sand located on itl Buy it! 815.000J For these and LEO N. CHILDS, 32 years Of dependable 344 State St i I Evenings cill: $250 So acres river bottom land. 4's: irrigation equipment. ONLY i 2 Bdrm. home. North Salem location, fireplace, full basement, garage, full price $8950. AUTO PAINT 2 car shop St office. burbah. 88000. NEW SS330 ttrfrm w.ll.hnllt home in a restricted residentUl idistrict on View Drive. Hardwood floors, sll electric, stt. garage, beautiful kitchen St nook in knotty 2 Bdrm. home on lovely corner lot heat, only $9500. Terms. BURT, PICHA, REALTORS Phone 2-3649. eve. 2-3390 1 LEE OHMART i TOPS FOR LOCATION An older style 2 bedroom home lo cated on an ideal corner lot right ; on Court St At $6,850 this property should sell immediately. Circulator and range included. Ask to see this st once. I LOOK! LOOK! ONLY S500 DO WW to a reliable party for this 2 bedroom bunralow located in a nice ciean neighborhood: bus by door: move in tomorrow; it's attractive: and cozy at $6,950. See Mr. Sullivan on this one. An ideal lot 50x164 ft. located on i N. 17th. between Roosevelt and brant; sewer fin lot; price is $1800 terms. LEE OHMART i 477 Court St Eve. Phone 2-6770 - LARGE LOT AND TREES ) Fvcellent location. 2 BR home with LR. DR. Kitch. Bath, .plastered gnd Hdw firs, garage. Terms, sraw. v" Ken Hill. ! j ENGLISH ' Treated south. Plastered Jc hdwd firs. Fireplace and bsmt, 5 rooms with elec heat, wired for range, elec hot ytr htr. Ven blinds, gio.uuu. jaii iven r"- ONE ACRE AIMU n Plenty of fruit trees. 11 story home. 2 BR, LR. Kitch, Bath. Unfinished MP Nice garage, small neat barn, ready to go for $9450.00. Call Ed. j Ed Byrkit & 339 Chemeketa PH. 2-3277 GRABENH0RST SPECIALS FINE HOME PRICED RIGHT I a tvirm. bunealow style, excellent condition. yrs. old. suto-hest, located in fine location Northeast $10,500. Call Roy Ferris. NOB HILL DISTRICT Modern 8 bdrm. home, full bssmt. auto-oil heat dble. plbg.L dble garage, spacious rms. thruout. corner lot beau tiful yard, see tnis nome oeiore you buy. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst ; GRABENHORST! 134 South Evenings Phone 2-2471 Best Buys j $1,000 Down, Each j One 2 bedrm Sc one 2 bedrm house. Close in north. Full basement furnace, fireplace, carafe, paved street, walking distance to school. Immediate posses sion. Completely renovated St redecor ated. Full price of 2 bedrm $8950. 3 bedrm $9950. ; Brand New i A very nice 2 bedrm house with, an unfinished upsUirs. spsce for 2 rooms. Hdwd firs throughout. Lots of closeU Ac built-ins. Auto forced heat In a fast growing restricted sub-division. Close in. Liberal terms arranged. This week (ONLY) st $11,000. ! . , ' i I New, $8950 Brand new 2 bedrm Sc unfinished up- stairs Auto built Hdwd firs throughout, fireplace, furnace, att garage. Very well Liberal terms arranged. Al Isaak & Co. REAL ESTATE BROKER 3013 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596, Eves. 3-0473, 3-3558 f BY OWNER w-rirm built and nriced at ac tual cost 2 B.R., room for 2 more) tn unfinished -Upstairs. Utility in hovse, att. garage, auto, heat ; Located N.E. on Livingston St.. Just off Lansing Ave., west Open for inspection Sat ac Sun. t a.m. to 4 p.m. l-R R. KEIZER HOME $8200 If you're looking for a home in thU fine dist.. one moderately priced, close to schools, bus St shopping, call. COMB. GROCERY St APTS. Rm tout own business St be your own landlord. RentaU bring in $127-50 per moth. 3-B.R. liv. qtrs. for owner. Well ; established family groc. Terms, like rent Full price $21,000. Call Walt Muegrave. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER s"UUNa. S-oiog HUBBS CO. lawn, immeoiawt possession. J i, vears old. Cookine av water ht le C elec water system. acres oak timber ?, PHONES ; f - 3-8163 J. Herr ! " 2-0103 Noonchester f 1 tend. $1800. CaU Dent. $OUUU it- back of lot. 150 Abrms Avenue. Call Dent !-. Close to bus, school and store. City water. floors. Immediate possession. Balance like & REEVE, REALTORS 1 f ; I Phone 2-4590 INC,. REALTORS I ! i , . i - only $3950. 3 bedrm. home Lrff. corner us for an appointment. j - constructed home with full basement. double garage. 80900. $1200 da. baL easy sitting on an ! extra large well-land- this spacious 2 bedrm. home It Is in ex a corner lot with double garage, sec many more CALL or SEE f i INC, REALTORS service to home! Phone 2-3662 2-4007 or 2-5853 AN ACRE miles out. IS seres mint ground, complete S12S0 DOWN t SHOP AND HOME ' h 3 room modern home on acre, gooa location.) su- mi(E basement fireplace, garage. PR. aute. j i j 337 N. High Street & CO., REALTORS X - COLONIAL BUILT Df 1KM "t We are anxious to show you this fine property: it's a S bedroom home witJt a nice deep basement located an mm ideal l'k acre tract Just off 99E northl double plumbing; basement fireplace, lmmed'ate possession; it cent bei re p laced for $14,000. See Mr. Stewart to day for this excellent buy. i. ' ' '$ BUY A BUSINESS Here is a good going hardware bus iness: plenty of room for expansion: good lease. Please come la for furthef . information. , I CO., REALTORS Phone 2-4118-41 2 - 1222 - 2-5990 - 2-4722 IN NEW DISTRICT ' ' Nice new modern five room home with unfinished up, attached gar, fire, place, Hdw firs snd plastered. 4l, interest $8900. CaU Ed. :, 1 VERY NICE ;j 'f 1 BR. plastered. LR, dinette, kitchen. Urge gaiage. Nice lot. Call DahL $5750. CLEAN . ' up, LR, dining room. 2 bedrooms kitchen, bath down. Call Dahl. $7,500. Full basement. Co., Realtors Evenings Phone 2-210 COUNTRY HOME ! Located close-in on paved ' road, f ac. with strictly modern 6 rm. home. 3 bdrms, dble. plbg.. full basmt. oil furnace, fireplace, brkft Book, dble garage, barn Sc chicken house. Year round creek, shade trees. A Beautiful country home. " j WEST OF WEST SALEM ' ' 1 acre with 4 bdrm. home, chicken house, small barn. dble. garage, brood er house. A real steal at $5,850. CaU Earl West . ,; BROS., REALTORS ; i J Liberty Street 2-2948. .-5089. 2-43 23-F-14. J-8011 NICE BIG $ rm. hse.. full bsmt.. gar. $9,000. terms. Near here. i New 5 rm. hse. $7,000. Close. i Good 9 rms. Make offer, t r 4 bdrms, bsmt. $10,600. i New 2 bdrm. $8500: $1900 da. i 2 houses. $7250. ft down. i New 3 rm. electric. $3500. ' f 8 rm Sc gar. 84,500. Nice new 3 bdrm. $11,000. ' Nice home. 910.950. Oar. J Big 8 rms. Sc bsmt. $14,000. f Big home. $13,000. Close. , Big hse., big Income, $20,000. i 4 3-rm. apU St 4 rm. cot I bath fine, $13,500. (1 Cotuge courts Sc motels. Building sites of sll kinds, i J Estep Real Estate Co i 1073 N. Capitol ; Phone 2-4831 850 E St. Phone 3-8701 WEST SALEM HOMES i 88500 NEW. S BRs. hwd firs. -$3O00 JW. might handle, lmroed. poea. $14,0003 BRS. Ranch type. cor. lot Patio. Wall to wall carpet A very nice home. -i B. Islierwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Rt. 1. Box 243. Wallace Road or PH. 2-8836 1289 Sixth St. W. Salem . $9100, New 2 bedroom home located at 2239 Mill St Well located for school, store and bus. 160 ft lot $2500 down, BaL FHA. . jt State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High St., Ph. 3-4121. Eves. 2-5206: $2000. t A. CLEAR EbT No bldgs. Close in on good road. Terms. . $3750. 10 A. Small, furnished garage house, Hlgway fronUge on 99E North. Terms. I i, ' $6000. IS A. No bldg. Good rosd. Good land. East j ; .. - . Salem Realty Co. ! ' 149 N. High Phone 3-7660 Evening4 2-4773. 2-4591 j i WHY PAY RENT? 2 bdrm. home' foe owner and $80 mo. income. Urge besmt Sawdust furnace, bus by door, school Close. Lot 58x102. $9800. $6000 eaah, easy terms. Close in. Imm. poss. 091 Mill a$