16 Thm Stcrt smart, ScJsrtu Owgoo. Sunday. Sptinbr 28, 1948 ....... 1 . .. - - A - - .- - - i Additional Classified I Ads on Page 15 Help Wanted Male j MEN WANTED I Standard Stations Inc. TROM 1S-30. NO EXP. NECESSARY. APPROX. STARTING SALARY $245 )TH MO. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TOR ADVANCEMENT. HIGH SCHOOL ED UCATION NECESSARY. APPLY AT STATION NO. 437. 11th ST ATX ST.. SALEM. MONDAY. SEPT. 27th. Help Wanted WANTED: Exp. person capable of inin hookkMDlnf and typing. Writ Itatesrnan Box 285. mtoM to barrow and in - tm summer fallow, near Woodburn. Writ Rt. 1. Box 422. Van couver. Wash, or phone 8F33. Orchards, Wash. , EXPgBlENCJLL) fountain help. Reed a Drive In. 494 S. 12th. Salesman Wanted Unusual Opportunity FOR Un HEALTH & ACCIDENT SALESMAN An eld toe legal nerve Company an opening for experienced lite. lLT & ACCIDENT SALESMAN In leea aad Marion County with possi ity ef a District Managership tf in ii tea: ability. Company writes Life. Group and Individual Accident at Realm, also Croup and Individual Hos- pttaRsatton. Cireularization. advertis ing and other necessary assistance fiv es right man. Top . commission virtsd renewals. Must have tranapor tatioa. Write living past experience. P. p. Bos 80. Eugene. Oregon. SALESMAN $50 to $70 a Day Jar Marlon. Linn 4x Polk counties Payday Everyday rtt or phone Monday for appoint- nent. Kr. Oscar .PirUe. Senator Hotel N ABLE man or woman to call to sell fast moving necessary economical -office item. Good pay tor part time work. Writ Box 282; States man. LAIUXJl EARN fit WEEKLY Make extra money without invest ment, canvassing or experience. Just wear glamorous Love Bird pins earrings, America's newest fashion eessory. Bells on sight two daily sales are easv and profitable. Write MASON NOVELTIES. Dept. P-49. 28 Wert rd St. New York I. N.Y. WC KX-3 1 MEN not afraid of work product fas big demand. Phone tor appolatmcnt. WANTED ADDITIONAL SALESMAN to tola our appUaaee sales staff. Sales abtUty necessary appliance tralnmg not es sential. W1H train salesman in our com plete line of rrigidaire. Maytag and Easy Appliances. Good starting salary with opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. Ap ply in person at 26 State St. Hogg Situations Wanted TROENTNO by the hr. by capable. exp. woman. Phone 3-9891. WILL CARE for baby week aysT rnv home. 2263 N. 4th. ELDERLY MAN wants eariiaker Jo. board, room. small wage. Box 278, ptateaman. iANX75CAFK GARDENING, prun ing, shrubbery, lawn building. 1110 Al der Ave. out Cherry Ave. tXUCSOOL TEACHER desire po rt tion. Kaa special aptitude for tutor ing, teaching handicapped children. kindergarten teaching or library work. Also baa office experience. r4et. mid- die-aged lady, patient temperament. Imaginative and well-read. References. Write Box 174. Statesman. COMPANION to lady. days. PI -45. DLE-AGED MAN desires work. office exp. Temp, or W rite statesman Box 27. CdtS'TWORk. All kinds, prompt service, -mone or l-33J. iXP. RoUsecleantnC by fiour. Ph. 2-9094. ask for Mrs. Ntkgel. TOR KOTOTTLLrR W02 call Jennings. Ph. 2-5429. SW -CRT ETER MENtitNO. rU?fte 13 nr.ney sweep. Northness, j V -44ti leveled a seedeo7lfaveTIn't trc"r ou rybber with dorer. Ph. t9 c6tTDk WANTS palnUng. int. 127. or Ph. ext. wail paoenng. l-2. nur&i ass totic tanks installed and r ire. Scharff Bros. Phone 2359. uPwaaJUlZPlNG or light nursing. Motbsrliss home preferred. Ph. S-9979 and 9 p.m. OTILLER WORK llackmore. Ph, 1-2J09 Furniture to slue and re- Bros Furniture Reftatshing 33 4020 E State St. ashed, stretched. P. 2-344S. tVZTSG: Ph. 3-4930 ev. laxe care ot your cave worries. Your work will care at reasonable rates. band -written. and pi runes dried. n. Rt. $. Box 791. v Pffl. newTaWnl. pna and general elsaa tip. Ph. "SaXTnG ExpeR work, mod- bmm. prices, auce ataraeny. at. Tel. x-ajj. HOME OWNERS ATTENTION! - CEMENT WORK Have your sidewalks and driveways repaired now. before the fall rates act sa. moot 3-SZ32 or Cabinet wk. weld. A repr. Ph. KPji. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimney cleaned Vao- tura used. B. T. Enste-r. Ph. 2-7I7. bRAWmg House plans. Ph. 2-Sfll give aoed to your voui while work OR ANYTIME. 180 Shipping, Painting & Decorating WK SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS S-S444 DICK OREY Septic Tanks Cleaned spartaa FJectrte Set fei ke Modern. Econ. Easy Meta. Xte K F Clears ones of Roots. C ZlameL. S-7404. UU 9th st. W. For Sale Miscellaneous ALMOST NEW Easy Spin-Dry tpg machine. Bargain. Call 9-139T, OlTlCS DESK. Good cond. "ie 9iPie. mom s-xeso. Nltf WALKUT boa andV matching UBiwn cou spring and mat Also breakfast table aad 9 ehatra. 2-92CT. 2379 Maple. CITMiRAPHIG 4 1 I WoUenaak fews aceeeaories. Make offer. Ph. 2-1961 UNXf DS with, box sprlnga as lun- fcrr mattn fnattresses. Reasonable, ph. 2-214 LACA auniAtt range, watorxrotit. food hakar. beat otffac, Bsiuag t4 . bet-as1jn ROT WiiTtJ al. Lee . rm e-i C 4 - "TO d Mar mm ,mmm wns For Sale IMiacellaneoa MTNTTMAID Made Cooker. Like New. Bargain, fee at 463 North th. TWO BOYS bicvcles. Ph. 2-1216. 3453 Garden Rd. .' ; electric range. UM N. Front MONA wood range. Excellent cond. 57 s. 23rd St, OIL HEATER, living room standard model, beats good. Completewith 2 drums and pipe. 965. Ph. 3-4339 eves. after 4 or au day Sunday. DAVXNPOR and easy chair. eellent cond. $100. 'Also 22 in. girU bike, used very little. $37 JO. Ph. 3-4339 ater 4 p.m. or au day Sunday.; Fr" -1 v neau-oia. new uoor nad and Dine. S33. 7773 sn Hon St. LEATHER Office couch $5.00; Man's 27 blue suit t&.OO: New 3S tuxedo and shirt $27-50; wicker baby go-cart $S.00; oak extension DJt. table 910.00: woven bod springs 13.30; Iron bedstead 11-50; Davenport $9.54: Very old White sew ing machine, needs bobbin $3.00. Office hours phone 3-4419. BROADLOOM rug and pad. 9 x 12. nearly new. Burgandy color. 1495 Sag- ipaw st. - ! DAVENO. mixed " blue $23.05: 740 Chemeketa Street. - ; LARGE CIRCULATOR Wood or coal. excellent heater $20- Also cabinet radio 919. 407 S. 18tMt before 9 p.m. Sat. or Sun. y f ; SHEETROCK U SHAKES New H in. sheetrock. 4x9 Sheets; new flrtex. 4x9 sheets: new ! No. 1 cedar shakes only $9.75 per sq. New tempered waterproof Masonite 10!e per sq.ft.; bldg. paper 93 per roll. C. d. Long.NRt. J, Box 33. Salem., 1 mi. north ofKelzer. r ; TWO HAN D-ia llored suits for a man. One brown Herringbone tweed, other brown worsted1 sharkskin. Size 42. Ph. 2-4602. 7 ; BED. SPRING 4c mattress. Swing rocker. 4c radio. 1383 Madison. 30-40 KRAlO with scope. Ph. 3-8583. NO. I Clear used flooring. Ph. 2-5623. 30.64 DEER klTLE. 1940 6. lith St. evenings only. . j- OIL CIRCULATOR. 9-9 rm size: used 2 mo. Paid f 100,seU for $75. Call 1-9207. COLEMAN OIL circulator, good cond! two 39 gal. oil drums and pump. $95. Ph. 3-9631 or 2-3722. NEW 9 CU. FT. Coldspot refriger ator. New Coleman. ' oil heater 1 and 1 P"- Electric stove. 110 volts. For a real value, see at 1020 N. 19th or call 2-3391. READERS DIGEST. 1 mo. book. Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. Ph rh. l-7B3a. ER throws SPrrlTlIiX FLAME THROWER 9009 degree wtedproec flame IS" long. r wide. Wills wssds. bums stumps, eta. Uses kerosene in four gal tank. Cornea with pressure gauge, hose and control valve. Regular 917.93. Now only WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE HIGH STS- SALEM ORE. tight alk : Heater 92.00; ruu mat 90O: table radio $7J0: kitchen tlM: gardoa fork 9X00: glass shelves, canvas lawn chairs, fence pickets, and other articles. Office nrs. phone 9-4419. - basWetteT pad and ITner. Ph. 3-TM9. 1239 13th. GREEN mohair daveaport. Qood cct.. bsirraia. Phot Phone 3-5014. iMM4ikiA.ivijii oieexnc and wood range with coils. Reasonable price. Call 2-Qfta. 99 Terjpn Ay FT. ALL GLASS Hustable shelves. 1 TV 203 inter. io-30 WIN. RITLE. ammunition. KB. Steel camp bed 99. Babbit hutches $1 a. Phone 3-9332. auto, gas range. ourners, as oven. 3-332. irw 1. Summer. BEST OFFER TAKES Hotpeint range, OX heavy-duty heater. Also several table and eabiaet model radioa. Need room for stock. MTTCaXLL RADIO t APPLIANO eostd. 1 box shells. Peter Haalebaaher, Rt t. Best 214. 1 ssi. SV. k Ml. N. Besot Green school. -. ! Lzcn 10 a ta aaL m ur isjl $9 and $T. 13ft Farry. ! Mllw 1 used fun sOe electrie raageaT New apt. size alee, ranges. New A used ruu Oca size and ;. apt. stao rezrlgerators. raag gas water beaters, hot M. wood hsatcts. cfl heaters, btoy- plates, wood heaters, ofl heaters, bser dee, breakfast sets. Dining rm. sets, ice rors h misceUaneoua. Ub- terms. aTARDMAN BROS. Just this side of Drive-la Opoa from 9:39 mjn. to 949 p. 1 osv a week ;e. 1590 8. Cbuaxo. 1. I boxes shells. 19 "liTwXTcSLlI gauge Winchester. Model 12: 14 ft. furn. trailer hoe. 9 x 99 binoculars. 22 Colt automatic. 1309V N. Ith. Ph. 2-9074. hoxfolnt eiec. stove, good eond. locker, late medal. Triple class.! white tor store or restauraart. Cen Otteewool im range with griddle, almost Monmouth. now. 9190.00. n. an OTcIacrXJLTOa. Used one witter. Very rood cond. 939.09. Ph. 2-eHL BUILDERS! a saviaa' by burins! lumber direct from .-. snaBUlacturer. Check grades and prices at the WEST SALEM LUMBER CO. Located mL N. ef Edgewater st on Wsllsos rd. Frio delivery. Contractors discount Ph. l-ti. Commercial Sand & Gravel Beadv satx. AU kinds veL River silt and hJ of dirt. Ph. 21966 "GOOD TLiL'ltlU Hashing nUAlne. cif? y.giTik.. BAR RUNnbRAVEL Top Soil Cat. shovel axel track work of all kinds Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. pp iyr ; tn. 2. e o-b TUH TO rt-TTLLOXX CSE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS GARDENS 9 SACKS 99 or 919 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere ht Salei west Mushroom farm Ph. t-tUT dxrf. a-4JTT eve, or I-tTxT Walling Sand 8 Gravel Co. Crashed Rock roads ik driveway Ready -salx Coaereta Gardoa : sand BuUdociar. draiaage and ditching 4 yd. shovel drag line. Phone 9-9949. nOarlTAL beds, wheel chairs, sell rent, trade. Ph. 2-7779. 149 Court St- Burm. DEER RlTLl: 1649. Perfect eond. Bum liter mount. K-29 scope. 13M Court St r. ! ( j 40 OAL. HOT water tank, wood stove heat, used 1 yr. 319. 775 Bellevue St. LOCHINV AR ' oil circulator. 940.00. White eaamel weed range. 949.99. 990 x st. can after s p.m. ra. a-Tita. t2-40 WINCiiLFTta. In good conZ. 9 Edgewater;. See after 91 pm TZWiM ROL auto, and 20-20 Win. Phone 2-S3. TTOTa coata. sixes 14. iL i, 19. Ifswmahle. 2931 Center St. Ph. 2-1234. NEW IABGE popewn popper also ti rsgisesr and clothes closet. 124 S. High St. Pi Ph. 2-2S09. 2-03 IaVAgX rifle. 1 boxes. shQa. 95WM Good cond. 12S9 S CowT Zmrxx I eu. h. ralrbanka-atorse elee retrigeTator. Fine eond. Ph. 9-3043. OMJC m'm BI S IT. window. TT" panes. by ff ta. S3 Mabel St. Ph. XH.TOKX tube Crecley table snodel radio. Ph. 3-7771 EGWX CLOtS eoai. sise U-ll Tox CoUaro. 1 Ph. 2-344I. IS. TLXC apt. fiko range. M e aaJern. tt&SXLRl. eaieeX cond. tlUL Wll- lard Aker. I BL Sj at Prssha. Ph. S-T339. LARCZ UoNAKCSI off 41ratar. MaDoweU Nearly 9e. Ph. 9-9797. MIX 1 esj. ; Help Wanted Female WANTED 40 women members of Cannery Local No. 670 to work the 7 p. m. to 4 a. m. shift at Birds-Eye Sni der, Woodburn. Bus Transporta tion will be furnished from the Labor Temple, 445 Center St., Sa lem and return; leaving the La bor Temple at 6:15 p. m. Please 'contact the Union office before Monday, Sept. 27, by 4:00 p. m. if interested For Sale Miscellaneous IH0YT ST. SURPLUS OIL CIRCULATORS. Small and med turn size 9293. Oak Bedside Tables S3 00. Pvreno and C O. TWO Fire Ex tinguishers. WEED BURNERS. ELEC TRIC LIGHT PLANTS A.C 23 K.W 9 K.W, J K.W.. 100 K-W. Saw MiU Engines.' FIRS ENGINE. Bunk Beds and Mattresses. Add Proof Face Brick 960.00 per M. 2x9 Underground Elec tric Cable sac it. swivel, amu SEC RETARIAL CHAIRS 3 12 JO. Fire Proof Safe. TENTS AND TARPS. Small and large.; Laundry Presses. Extractors. Dryers, Dish Washers, Spud Peelers. steam Jletues. ateam t-ooaers. xiaacry Oven.? NEW MERCHANDISE : TOILETS. Shower Stella. Bath Tubs. Kitchen Sinks. W OALV PIPE. Soil Pipe Fit tings, some soU pipe. SLEEPING BAGS AND : TENTS fUK HUHTlMli. .r TRICl Ast Size Ranges. House and outside wire. RANGE CABLE. ELEC TRIC i HEATERS. WATER HEATERS. Come South on 12th to HO YT. turn East one Block. Tel. 3-7816 WV-liooW Electric Heater, square type, like new, ph. 2-W23. 2x6's, No. 3, $49 per M. While It lasts, free delivery. West Sa lem Lumber Co., mile north of Edgewater St. on Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593; IL'KNlTURE for sale: G.E. raHot Ehono; comb. 9 x 19 rug and pad. "9 x I rug and pad. lamps, hassock. 9 piece dining room set. 2 piece bdrm.. springs aad mattress, range, refrigerator. Eu reka vacuum sweeper, aew lawn mow- in rt ef nose and garden tools. Phone i-erai. 'hone t COOP Sawdust burner. 1099 Mill St WlkKfl "AMMS ISA" " - wuvu UAV.UUUUO, range, very good bond. Reaa. Ed SauL Rt. 2. Box GRAVEL, sand and sDt. Delivered, or CP ypy.lTUCs; at tjjm Pt Ph- j-4002 PfPt loilata. bath tuba, wash basins and all plumbing assasaortse. New and used stock now available at great sav ings. Capital Bargain House. 143 Center st. CARDBOARD" k nac 3! kini boxei ahd TOO H rront J R Wal i tains products HIT Cen- ter St. Salem. 2-9393. Free deL ROISTERED SHXLTTXa (mlnUture collies). Nelerest Kennels, Rt. 2. Tux ner. Ore. ELECTEO-XOLD refrigerator. WSS. N. 4th i It n fcortdu Mauser ScopeJ 297 Custom POMTASLS elec Mauser K2J scope. Waldo St. tec phonograph. Th sire of a em. . evernlg. !bt bag. Excellent tone, perfect cono practically new, 2010 Nebrsshs. 30-09 SPORTER. Red fie Id sighU. Am mo available. Bramble Hardware. 342 State St. ELECTRIC heater 310. set of bn andirons 919. child's aluminum Jeep 920. 2 rocking horses, one 913. one 920. Call st 430 N. Summer St HUli 22 B-ahot niatol with holster and belt. lias union Ave. YrY BaBY BED. Inner spring mat- tress. good cond.. 910. Metal twin bed. S3, f n. XH7S. GTON Portable typewriter. yau Ji arter sjia p.m litkh WASHERS: Automatic and conventional types. Guaranteed. 938.90 and up. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 333 pernor -St. rapne 3-31 as. jyk The "best appliances i SEE RALPH JOHNSON Kelvins tor ranges, refrigerators. Bend ix washers, dryers, Ironers. Fowler porcellned 29 -year water heater! Speed Queen washers, irauers. Electromster. Estate. Thermader ranges; RCA Victor radios. I Deepfreeze, Harder Freeze. BeaH freezers. American Central Kit. Cab. A sinks. Eureka a Lewyt Vacuum cleaners. Iroaite ironers. Tsppan. Rudd Mission gas appl. ; RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 353 Center - Phone 2-3139 HUNTERS: 920 will buy my almost new ' wool sleeping bag and air mat tress, fn. Z-4B7. MA175ER deer and elk snortine rifle. wjtb ammunition. Ph. 38837. ALWAYS a bis atoca WAYS a bt Woodry's Furniture Mfct. Ph. 3-3110. CANNING BEANS, vou Dick. 4c. L.: O. Webb. Rt 2. Box 22FF. Phone 2-6808. Prod nee FOR: SALE: Italian D runes. 21.00 ner pox. r-npneJ-icai KIKC APPLES mi. W. of Kelzer JSChooli Rt. 2, Box 159 GOLDEN Cross Hvbred sweet com. Bring sacks. Rt. 4, Box 472. Ph. 23179. Wanted Furniture OLD-FASHIOND high chair. Call 2-3497. j USED FURNrrURS. Phone 3-3110. TfStO FURNITURE. Phone 3-0185. Wanted Miscellaneous Dog Kennel For hottee siae dosL Statesman box 281. r . ; WAnIXU barkie poles S6 to 90 feet. Call collect 1297 Albany or write Stan dard Polo S Piliag Co- P.O Box 282. amsny tor new price list. PIANO TUNING Wills Must Store. Salem Miscellaneous fJES 1 inniQi a . hatter. 44 Court. i Ablti pemtlaa. hast a shade better. by Ray ETTER. CaB SI ,TO;ageJCkiiui-aaL Help Wanted Female Aliscellaneous INSTRUCTION. Male. AUTO body and fender work, welding, spray paint ing, metal work among giant Auto In dustry's host profit producers. Practical gpare time home study and resident course gives mechanically-minded men valuable help toward good pay and a snop ox metr own. veterans ana -ivn-lans. for fro details writ Auto-Crafts Training, c paper. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Boad Clearing Ditching 93 swot S Basement Eaulnment Rental IS B-H rd. 912.00 per hr. 10 B- yds. 9.90 per far D-7 Cat a Dozer 9.90 per hr. P-9 ( a Dozer 9.40 per hr. D-4 Cat a Doaor T OO per hr. Phone days 2-9408 Evenings S-8248 or 2-4400 Saler lem. Oreron WEAl'hlLS strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5865. HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired oy a qualified Singer repre aenUUve. Ph. 2-3312 for free pickup St delivery service on all makes of ma chine. Free estimate given before wore M started, singer sewmg Ma' cotne .o l jo rt commercial tun a lUl'lS. ladies olain dresi oats 9L cash and carry. Delivery toe aua. iyemg. alterations a repairs. PANTO RTUM CLEANERS Com l. Ph. 94389 drillina. Domestic or imgauon. Duffleld Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 PhgHC 3.1113 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUB SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brtec or Man Your Plat for Reoalr Da HARRY SEMLER. DtNTlST oa. a wJant Ids-. Stat dt Com. Ph. 9-8311. TO Buy Used Cameras a FftgW ?bP V Vloll iolin Lessons State aacredlted teacher. aawUna Muau Studio. Ph. 9O013. Financial ik RIAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS car Loams State Finance Co. 1- w, Lie, M-r Kd Byrkit and Company X MOJrXTjAua loans at HV A- construction loans. f bony ma ITTRaCTTVE FARM LOANS OcLY 4 TNTERSST 9 9 49 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. 944 State St. Phone 9-99. Bloney to Loan PriVate Money On Car. Trucks, a Trailer Home LenS r Short Term Paj meats Roy H. Simmons 1, Commercial St Phon 9-9181 QUICK CASH LOANS ON srONATURSV-FTJRNLVSTOCK FARM MAQL NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Lie. No. S-129 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Rape im on ta up to 19 month ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to $500.00 Lie. No. M-339 MAKB APPLICATION BY PVONB OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE S-91f51 I Or. B mt XmAA . Slinti 13f t Commercla) Tt iglem Aato Loans Willamette Credit Co. 999 STATE ST lit Nstl Bank told Quarters) f wsri Ban. cold quarter FARM and CIT LOANS 4, and 3 Your own terona of repayment with in rsason. Cash for Real Estste Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CATrrpL SECURITXCS CO. iocsar Trust Bldg. Phone 7183 For Rente--: Rooms LARGS Sleeping -rm. for one or 2. lfi'lor gantleman. 2 blks. State bjrs. Mee, best. Ph. 3-4288 UiiHT Aouae keeping room. 443 S. Whiter Ft, fo7 two. 790 N. one 2-4333 E alp. rm. with bath for N. Front. rms. 472 N. Ubertv. lUATKb sleeping rooms. Pri- arranged for i!--pfe 999 Msrion St. Q rm. employed gentleman.. Clpo tn. 249 S. Winter. Ph. 2-9328. kuuruu lua. sor emp. sdy. Hi a. iieapln room, near buses, for crirwtisa r-ntieman. 1430 N. ui itia yen LTTWD? Liberty. OOP sip, rms. Ph. XWT.T eecorated rooms, hot and water. Arress from Stat Office U4 Oaurt. Ph. 27319. lloont and Board" -XfsSrl ft BOARD for 4 N 99 Falrview Ava. f r X79 Ctzaaeketa I For Rent Apartments HOUSEKEEPING room for 1. Close in. 913 a mo. Cot for man. 910 a mo. Ph. 3-9048. 2 BEDROOM downstairs apt. furn. Lge. Liv. rm. 973.00. Phone 2-5463. 2 RM FURN APT. 1793 Court St. 3 RM. SEMI FURN. apt. Shower, out side entrance, on ground floor. 20 min utes bus service. Ph. 2-3479 weekdays or 2-0829 eves, or Sunday. 2 RM. APT, partly furn. Ph. 2-8896. 2 RM. APT. Private bath and en trance. 1 blk. from bus line. 723 S. 13th. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3 rm. house, also 2 rm. kitchenette apt. 412 Evergreen Ave NEW UN FURN. 3 rm. duplex. Dec heat. 1! blks. from bus. 943.00. 243 Brooks Ave. BUS. LADY wishes to share her small mod. home with other bus. lady. (Or two friends If would share B.R. ) No housework. 1 minute to bus. Kefs. req. write statesman, ttox Z7S. - NEW 2 bedroom unf urn. apt., large liv. rm.. fireplace, modern kitchen and nook. Ph. 20310. 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Close in. Adults. Phone 3-4469. 1 RM. LIGHT housekeeping apt. 340 E. Washington. FURNISHED APT. for rent. On bus 320 Elma Ave. MODERN 2 B.R. kitchenette, cabins oil heat, garage. 2860 S. Com ! St. 1 RM. APT., completely furn.. refrig Elderly emp. lady, statesman Box 272 For Rent Houses GROUND floor apt.. 3 rooms. 2 bed rms.. gas range, garage. 975.00. Call Mrs. Dorothy Ashdown, 2-0588. 2 RMS and SHOWER, small yard. Un fum. except for apt. size elee. stove. Couple with small child. Ph. 3-8377. 2 B.R. HOUSE. Oil heater. Inquire after 10 a.m. 1835 Trade St. 5 RM. 2 B.R. a bath up. Unf urn. 933.00. Washington Sch. 1 blk. no pets Refs. Write Statesman Box 284. 3 BEDRM. HOUSE, unf urn. except for circulator and cook stove. Close in. m. 25439 MIDDLE AGED LAPY will rent her 5-room furn. home for board, lodging and reasonable rent. Ph. 39478. 3 BDRM. Unfurnished house, full basement, double garage, at 2050 Myr tle Ave. 990 00 Mo. BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 2-3849 337 N. High St. NEW 2 B.R. ELEC. heated duplex. No pets, drinkers. Couple pref. Refs. 1480 Trsde. CLEAN 2 bdrm. house, garage, basmt mi. out Wallace rd. Turn, right on veau ro. acrs. ueo. aweanngen, Kt s. BOX 472 FURN. Cottages. Camp Joy MotcL ELDERLY LADY alone will share comfortable country home, rent free. with middle-aged Christian couple. man to work elsewhere if desired. Mrs. J. G. Lauderback. Rt. 8. box 123. Salem. For Rent FOR SHARE rent. 53 acres good crop land. Close in. See st 1331 8th St.. W. Salem. Sunday or after 9 p.m. week days- ; DELUXE Cottages. ocean front. Agate beach. Enjoy weekend. No check out hour. GOOD car garage near State House. Ph. 35355 eves. TRAILER SPACES. 3215 Portland Rd. FOR RENT Small store bldg. at 225 S. Winter. Ph. 3-5222. IRONERS by the week Phone 2-4439 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILERS 75c first hr. following. Woodry's MkC. 90c Ers 1803 N Summer BUSINESS Room. H. L. Stiff. TRAILER Space, shade, clean rest rooms. Reasonable rates. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road. U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell. H. C. Pugh. 884 N. 17. 3-4692. TitUCKS and cars for rent. Blankets furnished. Smitty's Clipper Service. Center and Church. Phone 3-9600. STORE FRONT for rent on Ferry St. Inq. Capital Bowling Alley, phone 3-3375. Wanted to Rent EMPLOYED COUPLE wants furn. 3- rm. apt, or house. Ph. 35208 after 9 a.m. WIDOW. 2 children desperately need clean. 2 or 3 rm. furn. apt. Reasonable rent. Ph. 3-8726 RELIAB LE business couple, food ref erences, house P erences, desire a room apt. or aman Ph. 3-8519. IaLE TEACHER wants room with private bam. Close m. wm pay aou. Leave message at YMCA. box szs. WE (COUPLE a 4 mo. daughter) are looking for a furn. place to make our home. If you know of such a place, will you please call z-ioow. House, turnisned. wanted unui J une 19th or later, within half mile of Wil lamette University, for quiet family of four. Will pay three months . In ad vance. Rata 973 to $100. Box 280 Ststes- maa, FAMILY Of 3 wish furn house in Hollywood. Best of refs 3-7820. 3 LITTLE GIRLS would like to rent 2 or more bdrm house within walking distance of school, church, stores. Mod erate rent so we can have new shoes now and then. Write particulars to P. Q, Box 451, Molalla. Oregon. YTlirN'S dGUPLEi small child need house. Husband employed by Salem SCHOOLS- Ph. 3-7965. SMALL UN FURN. house for newly Weds. No drinking. Box 277. Statesman. KXUaBLE BUSIES, couple and child desire t B.R. unfurn. modern house In suburban Salem near bus. Your property guaranteed good care. Please write Statesman Box 262. 1 RESPECT. ADULTS wish to rent 2 BR modern home with option to buy. Best of refs. (Close-in Suburban pre- ttrred.) Ph. 2-0477. SUlSfESS MAN wants unfurn. 3 bedran. home, prefers bly 2 car gar age. Close to Junior Hi ex bus. Phone 2gJ479. WaNTIlII by Oct. 1st i or I bdrm. house for business man. wife 6 child. Excel, references. Ph. 28920. . VET with small family Wishes 5 bdrm. unfurn. house Oct. 1st. Not over $50. Reliable party. Ph. 28518. Lots BY, OWNER. 910 down. 810 a mo. 9 yts 84x112. 3685 es. North. Ph. 9-3203. TWO LOTS. 100 x 78. on Sunnyview AY- l50 ?1 25- Phono 1,-3037. KlNGWOOD DR.. 00 ft. frontage. faces cast. $2500- Call 2-4830 eves. BY OWNER: Lot in 300 blk. m. liUi. Inquire 1394 Marlon. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER New 3 bdrm. home. Lge. utility rm, lge. liv. rm.. din. rm., dbl. garage, auto, oil furnace, piped over head to each rm. Fireplace with mantle a builtin book case. Ven. blinds, hdwd. floors. 700 gal. per hr. deep well. Lot 90x130. shrubbery in and yard graded. Immed. poos. Located on pavement 910 mile S. of Hoyt St. on Fair-view Home rd. Priced to sell. Ph. 3-8838. 10 A. 7 km. mud. plastered nome. large living room, fireplace, dining room. 4 bedrooms with fireplace In one. Wired for range, elect, water heat er, dbl plumbing, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, large poul try house, barn, spring, fruit, nuts, 3 large oaks, beautifully landscaped. Lo cated on good fishing stream and high way. 925.0O0 value for less than price account sickness. Terms. J. C. Mortey. 303 N. Water SL, Silverton, Ore. Phone 1134. OUR NUMBER tS STILL SFU WEST SALEM HOMES 9410041700 Dn. 2 BRS. Gas cooking 4x wtr. btg. Garage. Immed poss. 1 blk to bus. 937739 BRS. full bath. Good loca tion. Good rental. 943002 BRS. Lge. lot. Wired for range. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. CFll. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 142 or 1289 Sixth St West Salem U ACME LOTS on pi red Orchard Heights RL. 4 miles from West Salem. Scenic view, electricity available. Oeo McMorrts. Just hack of ; Popcorn school. -Real Estate A BIG SAVING. Finish your own nouse. atateruu on nana, a bargain nouse reaoy xor rockiatne. rine loca tlon. Cannot finish because of sickness. See owner at once at 200 S. 22nd, Ph. 3-483. BY OWNER 2 bedrm. house, large corner lot. Elec. water htr. Wired for range. Lge. garage, fruit a nut trees. Reasonably priced. 1320 Lewis St cor ner ot s. I3tn. MODERN, plastered home. 873 Jackson. Monmouth. Lot SOxlKS. gar den. garage. GX equity 3 bedims, oil and elec. heat., awnings. Owner must sell bargain. Call Molalla 28F31 or see house. Key next door. BY OWNER 2 yr. old home In fast growing am. Targe Lm. uti. 2extra large bed rms. Hwd. firs, throughout. Lots of builtins. Full basmt.. oil furnace beat, beautiful lawn and shrubs. Priced to sell. Can be seen after 4 pm, and aunaaya. aw nuisey Ave. , BY OWNER 5 rm. bungalow and bath. hdwd. firs.. Insulated, auto, hot water, auto, oil furnace. Close to schls. and bus. 36500. 795 S. 24th. OPEN HOUSE Dally. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. New 2 bedrm house. Elec. heat. As low as 91900 dn FHA. 1844 N. 5th. ATTRACTIVE 2 BR home. Elec hot water heater, ou circulator, z large walnut trees. Close to school, bus and store. S4.500. Ph. 3-5758. FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realtv Co NOW OR TRADE for 4 bdrm. house. 3 bd rms.. liv. rm., din. rm., kit., breakfast rm. on "a ac. fruit trees, perries. grapes 5th house from Wallace Rd. on uien ureek ur m. o, uox to, w Salem. . BY OWNER: New 4 rm. house, best construction. F. H. A. terms. 2 B. R. all hardwood floors, built-ins. insulated elec. heat and hot water. 1865 Waller St. Call at 460 State St. Ph. 3-3188. Eye 3-8358. ENGLEWOOD PRE-WAR 2 B.R. LIKE NEW. FULL LOT. NEAR BUS. ALL MODERN. 92900 DOWN. BAL 97.600. F.H.A. 4. SEE IT 2080 N. 18th. PHONE OWNER, 3-1727. FOR APPOINTMENT. ENGLEWOOD DIST. Pre-war built top quality 2 bdrm. home. Hwd. floors. extra Duiit-ins. lovely basmt., oil fur nace. Good surrounding. This week 99750. north istn z bdrm. ultra special home, very nice liv. a din. rms.. tile kitchen, fireplace, hdwd. floors, built ins. china closets. District is the best. 911.750. urant sen. dist excellent S bdrm. house with every feature you could want in A. Large rooms and closets, fireplace, basmt.. oil furn.. party room. Extra bdrm. uood shady lot. 911,500. it. J. MXKQ1TH. Realtor 174 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 GEORGE W. HUBBS CO 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031 routs, there s no use telling you about the Drices on house. Kiit hrw are a lew things you ought to know. We have all kinds of homes, in any location you would like, 1 or 3 bdroom. large or small. The price run from smwo on up. some with low down pav ment and easy terms. Have you been looking for a business lately? If so you won't want to miss tnese good buys we have for you to day. Grocery store with living Quarters ana complete meat set-up. Combination restaurant, confection. ery, liquor store and bus depot. Don't wait too long this will go quick. We have all kinds of auto courts. locker plants, apartment houses or any kind of business you are interested in. If you wish to get out in the countrv and do some farming we have Just the thing to get you started. Call on Us we nave many good farms listed. - . We are in the position to offer you an exenange deal for your property Call on us for arrangements. We also will exchange a Salem home for a home in Corvallis. Our salesmen are always happy to give any information or show sny property mat you wisn. just can 3-3031 and we'll give you prompt and court eous service. Evenlnsr Phones 2-88627. Eeeb 3-8163 J. Herr 2-5481 T. West New 2 B. R. Home $1450 down. 341-23 per mon. buys this new 2 B.R. home. Located east, close to bus and stores. Attached garage. Laundry trays, electric heat. Hardwood uoor in liv. rm. Full price 85250. Tallman Real Estate T23 N. ComT St. Phone 3-4010 N jew s rm. house, immediate poss. Nice larre liaht rooms, double earase Close in east. bus. Davinr. 2', ac. can sell lots If too much land. 910,500. terms. J. J. JACKSON 841 State St., Salem ALMOST NEW Large 2 bdrm. home hardwood floors, tiled f irepl.. large cor. windows, ou rumace. nan basmt.. cor lot. Near bus snd school. Trees. 410 S 23rd. STROUT'S NEW Red Ranch Catalog FALL-WINTER issue. Describes over 2800 live bargains: ranches, resorts, homes. Mailed free! STROUT REALTY. Dept. F. 310 S. W. Third Ave.. Port land 4. Ore. : 41850 Down Balance on FHA easy monthly payments buys this lovely new 2 BR. Knotty Pine LR. Double ga rage house. Corner lot. OUT OF TOWN OWNER OFFERS A SACRIFICE. A BEAUTIFUL HILLSIDE LOT. VERY REASONABLE INCLUD. ING PLANS FOR A MODERN 3 BR HOME. THIS LOT IS LOCATED IN A VERY EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT. SIZE 80 X 108. DRIVE AROUND UPPER BEN LOMAND TO OUR SIGNS AND CALL US FOR PARTICULARS. Joe Hutchison, Realtor ' 455 Court Street. Salem. Oregon Phone 2-3829 Eve. 2-4789 or 3-3632 BY OWNER: Near Leslie and 'Mo Kinley schools. 4 B.R. liv. rm. din. rm. cabinet kitchen, fireplace, full bsmt new furnace, dec. water heater. Ga rage, lot 100x100. 99500. See at 1993 W, Nob Hill st A splendid home on N. 18th street. close to bus and school. 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom, circulator heat, garage, lot 90x123. Priced at 910.000.00. Glen Creek Drive with half an acre, lots of shade, garage and chicken house. The house has 2 bedrooms, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen, utility room. An Ideal retreat. 99.000. A magnificent home on Center street. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, unusually well appointed kitch en and nook, bedroom and den down stairs, bedrooms upstairs, full base ment, gas furnace, bedroom, laundry room, double garage and a secluded back yard. Call for an appointment. P. H. Bell, Realtor j 241 Chemeketa St. Phones 24898. 21943 Eves: 26864, 27583. 28568 : AT 175 S. 18th STREET For sale on good terms or trade for suburban or small business that one or two people can handle. This home is an older, type well-built 9 good six rooms, modern except heat. Place is free and clear of debt and the cash valuation is 85500.00. OLAF THONSTAD REAL ESTATE 941 North Capitol St. Phone 3-7902 EXCELLENT 9 rm. home, bath, full basement and attic. Hdwd firs., fire place, oil heat, fruit trees. Lot 49 x 185. On bus line, near University St Stat House.. See owner at 1427 Trade St. - 3 HOUSES and room for 3 or morel, 2 not yet a year old. One 3 4c 4 BR. modern withn electrie heat, on corner lot 120xl70'. Lawn shrubbery, nuts and berries, on bus line just a step from Hollywood. Leaving Salem rea son for selling. Ph. 9-4272 for ap pomtment. - : BY OWNER: New 2 Bedrm house. Att. garage. Hdw firs, completely dec orated. 94300. Vt mi. W. of Kelzer Sch. (Keizer Dist) Inquire 2nd house N. of Richards' store on right. ' EXCELLENT 2 B.R. home. Full bamtl sealed, auto, oil furnace. Fireplace. Poss. now. 9120. Fred Rawlins, Broker 2090 N. Capitol Phone 2-4884 Eves. Ph. 2-2534 2 BD. RM. USE. near State Cap. Sacrifice by owner. 91300 dn. 2-3393 Sun. or eve. ' 3-RDRML. NEW. modern nome. Priced to sea Term. 990 Momtngstrto. Out Ratdlfi off of Buleey Ava. For Salt For Sale Real Estate LEO N. CHI i ! " - . 9730 DOWN. BALANCE LDXE RENT; 2-bed room hornet living roomt din In i room; kitchen; bath and utility room. Approx. f Acre. Hurry, this 1 won't last. 955O0. I , i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION; Of this S-y ear-old. very neat, insulated, 9-bedroom home. Located on we 11 -tend scaped S3 x 119 lot. Price only 97500. LARGE 9 BEDROOM; PLASTERED HOME: 2 bedrooms down. 3 up; double I plumbing. Located on Falrmount Hill; double garage: lot large trees, ah excellent vaioe LOOK AT THIS. MR. INVESTOR: 10-Unlt plastered Court; only two years old. Each unit consists of living room, dinette-kitchen, bedroom snd bath. . Attached garage with utility room; elec heat: hot water heater j and I elec. range. Showing gopd returns. Price 950.000. . OUTSTANDING FARM VALUE: Unimproved 104 acres about half in cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture yea r-a round springs; several good building spots; located close to Salem on paved road. Well worth the) j price. 912.000. . j 30 ACRES: Few mile out on good road; part timber and fruit;' small year- around creea. price stzw term. j LEO N CHliDS, INC., REALTORS "32 Years f of Dependable 344 Stat St. Evenings! call: LEE OHMART jA REAL BUY (SUBURBAN Our salesmen are Unanimous tn rec ommending this fine property t you. It's a 3 bedroom Colonial built 1938; double plumbing: nice full basement with fireplace; large j double garage; Immediate possession; this property Is located on a close-In l'i acre) tract north and can be yours today for 914. 000; Better call Mr. Stewart at Once. RESTAURANT BUSINESS FOR 9600.00 A working man's restaurant rieht in town;- your chance to make some; mon ey., Better investigate. LEE OHMART & . I 477 Court SL Eve. Phone 3-4770 - 83 ACRES I 29 Acres of timber. 65 acres tn cul tivated ground. Long road frontage on paved hi-way. Only : 96750.00. CALL KEN HILL. i I KEIZER DISTRICT Larre Five Room house with elec tric heat. 100 insulated and weather stripped. Beautiful Oak firs. Nice cozy Kitchen. Excellent fireplace. All for 99850. CALL KEN HILL. a j i FHA TERMS . ! Lovely new home on Falrmount H1H. Elec Heat. Plastered, Hdw firs thruout, 2 Urge lovely BRs, LR with fireplace. DR, Kitch, Utility R. i Unfinished up. Ill .000. CALL OAnl Ed Byrkit & 339 Chemeketa PH. i 82000.00 DOWN 94000.00 Full price, for this 9i! acres with clean 2 bedroom i bouse, chicken house, close to Shaw, j ! 91600.008 Acres. Filberts, no build ings. Beautiful view. 93000.00 Major Service Station; now pumping 20.000 gals per mo. Perfect highway location. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate (j!o. Realtors 941! Chemeketa St. Phone 3-9271 . ' Eves. 2-8658 DUPLEX 2 bed rms.. lge. L.R.. kitchen and din ette, hdw. firs., utility i rm.. elec 4- heat in each unit. Tinted i plaster in all rooms. Insulated and weather-stripped. Elec. ranee 4c refrigerator furn. Screens 4c Venetian blinds. This property Is ex ceptionally well built. No up-keep for years to come. 96500 will handle. Bal ance of 9J.1.000 4s 970 per mo. 4 interest. I Call Berglund for appointment. ART MADSEN ! 1324 State St. Ph. 3-3580; Res. 9-4438 TODAYS BEST BUY I . $8350 buys this new well-built 2 Bdrm. all electric home, hardwood floors, all nlastered. beautiful kDtchen and nook finished in knotty pine, at tached garage, restricted residential dis trict on View Drive, good terms. We have the key. ; BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 2-3849 337 N. High EL J Eve. 2-5390. 3-1033 $4,950 I New 1 Bedrm. plastered. Dec. heat. City water, pavement, bus by , door ; 98.290 ; Plastered 2 bedrm. Fireplace. ment with 1 bedrm. Close to Parrish SCHOOL. 99.500 3 bedrm, L.R D R., kit., full base ment with apt. renting! $45.00 mo. General Real Estate Co 253 Center St. Phon 9-3289 SPECIAL 4 rm. house, must he moved from 22nd property, wired. 1 mile south of and , Mission. 9350. 9E frontage. ISO ft. 1 acre. North of Brooks. $825. Hbmefinders Realty Co. i 3813 N. Portland Rd. J Al Hauth. Broker N. COMMERCIAL St. Location. 9 1 nuimt tuu wigsea . viti siv awi wss trees 4c shrubbery, handy to bus, and .u . .1 1 .,- - al 1m- store. 97500. I Alfred Dumbeck, i Real Estate 147 y. Commercial St. I Phone 1-3531 A ONCE IN WHILE Rarely ever are we privileged to of fer property of thai type for sale. There are i eight lovely acre, with About half! in cultivation and remainder in lovely fir timber with Little Pudding river at rear. The house is strictly modern with two bedrooms and un finished upstairs (stairway In); a ga ragei good poultry house and small barn. . variety of young orchard j and berries. If interested in a lovely coun try home, you should see this one. SALEM REALTY CQ. i REALTORS ! 149 N. High St. I Phone 3-7660 EVe. Phones 2-4773. 2-4591. 2-5580 NICE BIG 9 rm. nse 'Tail bsmtJ ear". $9,000. terms. Near here. New 9 rm. rise. 97,000, Close. Good 9 rms. Make offer. 4 bdrms. bsmt. 410.600. New 2 bdrm. 98500; $1900 dn. 2 houses. 97250. Vs down. New 2 rm. electric. $3500, I rm a gar. 94300. Nice new 3 bdrm. 911.000. Nice borne. 910.950. Gar. Big 9 rms. 4c bsmt. 914.000. Big home. 913.000. Close. Big hse.. big Income. $20,000. 4 3-rm. apts 4c 4 rm. cot. 9 bath rms. $13,500. ! cottage courts ac motels. RilllHInf ita at mil kinds. Estep Real Estate Co. 1073 -N. Capitol Phone 1-4631 850 R St. Phone 3-8704 i j ROOMS MODERN, completely furnU also nice income established, owner 1180 Shipping. I i i NEW HOME i ! $2200 DOWN FH A. financed. 3 B.R. unfln. htUc. Near Leslie 4c Bush schools. Bend I x washer, elec heat, hdwd firs. Ph. 2-5422. R. C Lee and Co home bujUdersJ 1130 Oxford St. J LARGE 4 BR. RESIDENCE only 4 blks from Ladd 4c Bush bank. Incls., lge. ! liv. Rm, fireplace. DR study; den.; sleeping porch, hwd. floors full basement, new furnace. On lge lot. Apt, aone. $19.009. i i SALEM HEIGHTS ALL EUCTRIC. Quality construction, choice location are offered in this 9 Rm. hae. a lge corner lot. ha VIEW I windows; all hwd, firs, dbl plumbing. 2 car garage. bus : by door. Deauuxuxiy lurawwo. 4A 4IMINPIHU Loan Co. 913 XX. Latsen Home & Exeiualv Listinss - Personal Service 194 S. Com! Ph. 2-4389; Eve. 2-7444 BARGAIN Plumbed St wired. Near school 4xj bus. Olson ft Reeve, Realtors 944 S. Coml St. Phon -4oM , For Sale Real Estate INC REALTORS i - I - I 79 X 190 Wit sbwjo. ! Service to Horn Owners' Phon 13643 2-4007 or 2-3859 & CO., REALTORS INCOME 2 RENTALS '. To settle an estate we can offer Vou 3 rentals located at 860-864 Mill St; heirs will sell complete with furniture -for only 38.000. See Mr. Brasher. 4 NORTH SIXTEENTH SEE SULLIVAN A 2 bedroom bungalow .with base ment and furnace; fireplace; extra room with plumbing In basement; Im mediate possession. Price Is only $7, 950. It's s good home for the money. CLOSE IN AND COZY f A substantial 2 bedroom horn In a good clean neighborhood on north Church st; full basement With an al most new automatic furnace; nice car peting; price is 99.600 with 30 down. i CO., REALTORS ! Ph Phone 2-4113-f 2-1222 - 2-5994 - 2-4722 WELL LOCATED .8 Here Is a modern clean home with five nice large rooms. Elee Heat, plas tered. Hdw firs thruout. Atchd gar, comer lot, nice lawn ac shrubs, 912,500. CALLED. i ONE YR OLD ' ! S BR, LR. DR. Kitchen. Hdw firs. Elec Heat. Walls St ceilings Insulated, weather stripped. Venetian Blinds, pa rage. Nice Lot. Bus 1 Block. 795oToO. CALL DAHL. j CLOSE TO MARKET ! Three BR home, with LR. DR. Kitch and Bath. Plastered and bow firs, ga rage, large lot with trees. $9400. CALL ED. Co., Realtors 2-2277 Evenings Phon 2-tl01 FALL SPECIAL On of those good, substantial, older homes, thoroughly renovated with new full basement, automatic oil furnace, elec water heater, four bedrooms up. one down; double plumbing, city wat er; choice, close in suburban location on about ,' acre lot. Better take time out to see this one. Price 91 1.500. t - SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS .' 149 N. High St. Phone 2-7689 Eve. Phones 2-4773. 3-4391. 3-5580 95950. TWO BEDROOM, plus celled at tic. A very livable house at re duced price. ; 96950. Two bedroom, stairway to Un finished attic; plastered, larg' lot. near school and bus owner leaving. 99850. Duplex. Good Income property. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS ' 149 N. High St. - ' Phon 3-1649 Eve. Phones 2-4773. 1-4591. 1-8580 43 PARK AVENUE - That's the address of a small livable home on a acre lot that can be pur chased for $1000 down and $3$M Mo. BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 2-3849 337 N. High St. gyp. t-SMQ. 9-1021 ; Severin' Realty I Company 212 N. High St. Telephone 2-4019 WE BELIEVE THIS IS ONE OF TH8 -BEST BUYS IN TOWN LOT 75 x 125. 9 BEDRM I. DININO ROOM. LIVING RM. KITCHEN WITH INLAID LIN. HW FLOORS, DOUBLE GARAGE AND 2 BLOCKS FROM RICHMOND SCHOOL. ALL FOR $6600, ONE OF OUR FINEST HOMES " 2 BEDRMS. ' LTV. RM. DININO RM, HW FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FULL BASEMENT. AUtf OIL HEAT. LARGE LOT, SPRINKLING SYSTEM. GARDEN SPACE WJT1I FRUIT TREES. THIS HOMI IS A SHOW PLACE INSIDE 4c OUT, DRIVB BY 2020 MKT. ST. THEN CALL US FOB APPOINTMENT. . ' j J Severin Realty! Company EVE. PHONE 3-4901 cf .o84 CALABA'S COLUMN JUST THINK II' For only $6800 you cat 1 buy this nearly new 3 bedroom house with about acre of-land, all fenced It's a good house, a gpod location and 4 good buy. ,r i LOTS AND LOTS OF ROOM i Tn thi. W 11 hull S fwi4-n has double garage, extra larre lot mni lots of fruit trees, swell location In th Falrmount Hill Dist. YouXTaay lt'i a steal at only $8600. DRIVE BY AND LOOK TT OVER 2 Homes on one lot. Iocs ted it M S. 17th St.. out of town owner, am.ll house rented, we have the kv. l.i : . show you thru. A sound investment. CHUAUWA X SPECIAL v! Good older stvle home eonslstlne 2 renUls. over $100 a month revenue, lot is 64122. located in business cone make an investment for the future, priced at $11,300. 1 7 Rudy Calaba and Co.; Realtors ! 231 N. High St. 1 Phon 3-5839 3-53H . 3-f 53 HEIGHT TitLHyo. " 3-3779 Truly a livable home with 2 Bdrm. Bath. Hardwood floors. firni basement, double garage, auto, oil heat, generous amount of built-in 4c closet space, at less than reDlacament mt r $13,500. ; . i BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 2-3649 337 ft. Hleh St. Eve. 2-3390. 2-1032 t NEED A GOOD famiiv horn. rooms, basement, fireplace, oil fur. nace. large lawn well shaded be tt fir trees. Also family fruit treea. Jui ouUlde city limits on Pacific highway south. See owner at 3280 S. Commercial St. Attractive price and terms. . ADVERTISING Western Advertlglnsj Representatives Ward-Griffith Company, Inc. San Francisco i Eastern Adverti-lrif f Representative Ward -Griffith Compmny, In. .' Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. AtlanU Member J Paclllc Coast Division 1 ' n.. . .. . . j . . - ! , Zatrred at the Portofflo mt F lem, Oregon, a Second Class Mo. tv. Pub llied . eoery tore tag ex eep afOMdev. BicaHwxas eice t South Commercial Street. : : 1 1 ! . a .... k SUBSCRIPTION RATLb Mall Subacrlptioa Rate In Ad vance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, month 40 cents; 4 mon the $3-2; 1 year $4-09 Else whet e 74 cenu per month or 99. SO for 1 yea in advance. Per copy 9 cent. By City Carrier. 79 cents m month. $9.00 a year to advano to Mark-t i