I &--Th Statesman. Smin, Orfjon. SatordaT. Spt, 2S 1948 (Sunday aeboot at 8:9 tberwis noted t. , CTaaccUstie Takxraaela 13th and Parry st Rot- Walter S. frederlc nd B James 8 Kessler Service .11 ajn, 79, P "- suixiay. tj p Thursday. Youth 7:S P-m. Tuesday. rraMcnUI-3Q S. CummwcMl Be. &. H. Gregory. Serrteea 11 a-m. p.m . Si rrtday. ethal N. Cottage and D sta? Serv ieea 11 am, a pjn. aunoay. - - Wednesday. ' Calvary S. Liberty and Miner eta. yjr. Charles Durden and Be. Norman Brown. Services u a-m, a tun. uwwy m P-" WWWSM.7- . . .i iw.. anil u rvm eta. Bev. Uoyd T. Anderson and Hc. Gene Brickwedet Service H jnr 7: Sunday. T JO p-m. Wednesday. Youtn 8:30 pjn. Imntansel Hazel and Academy sts. Kev. Frederick G. Bennett. Services 11 ajn.. 7:30 pjn. unaay. " Biaia reHawalUp Scout cottage. Pringle park. Services u a-m. unuj St. J eseph'a Cottage and Chameketa sta. Kev. l- - oenurawB , I, eld Unanen. Masses 8:30. a, 8. 10. U sun. Sunday. Devotions tdO sua. Sun day and Tuesday. St. Vincent e Pa Myrtle ave, and Columbia sta. Rev. George U O'Keefe and Rev. Xrvin Vandeney. Masse 7 30. . un. dbuj. fesslons 4 JO to t JO. T to I3 pjn. Saturday. CHRISTIAN . J , Cevrt Street 17th and Court sta. Rev. W. Hi Lyman. Services 10:68 a-m, S pjn. Sunday. Youth 1 pjn. I First Center and High sta. Rev. Dud Icy Strain and Rev, Walter Naff. Serv- pjn. Wednesday. Youth 045 pjn. Sun- day. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALUAMCB N. 5th end Gaines sta. Rev. Herman J. Bohl and Vernon Johnson. Service 11 - rrt, 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Youth JO pjn. CHRISTIAN tCIENCK t . rirst Ctaemfc keta and Liberty sta. Sunday school 11 a.m. Services 11 a.m. 8 pjn. Sunday. Testimonial meeting I pjn. Wednesday. Reading room 1U S. High sL CHURCH OF CHRIST Ceatral N. Cottage and Chemaketa Sta. Rev. James A. Scott. Services 10:49 ajn, 730 pjn. Sunday. Youth S JO pjn. CHCRCH OP GOD, PTRST Cottage and Hood sta. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter. Services 10:43 s . 7:49 pjn. Sunday. Youth 0:49 pjn. CHCRCH OP JESUS CHRIST OP LATTER DAT SAINTS VTW halL Hood and Church sts.' Bishop John E. Salisbury. Sunday school 10 ajn. Priesthood meeting and primary, 11 30 ajn. Service 030 pjn. Sunday. . ;l CONGREGATIONAL Ptrst N. Cottage and Marion sts. Dr. Seth R. Huntington. Service 10:53 a.m. Sunday. Youth 7 p.m. . aaiD( ncaNrni inn maa f en; sta. Rev. Louis E White. Services 11 a-m. Sunday. Youth 030 pjn. EPISCOPAL " St. Pant's Church and Chemeketa ata. Rev: George H. Swift. Services 7 JO. 0:49. 11 ajn. Sunday. Youth 7 pjn. ST ANGELICAL, AND REFORMED : Bethany Marion and Capitol sta. Rev. Russell Mayer. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.m.. 7:49 pjn. Sun day. 7:49 pjn. Wednesday. Youth 0:49 pjn. Sunday. XV ANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Earleweed N. 17th and Nebraska sta. Kev. Lloyd G. Uecker. Services 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sunday Youth 030 pjn. First Marion and Summer sta. Rev. Wilmer N. Brown. Services 11 a.m.. 7:49 pjn. Sunday. We invite parents to learn of the new Sunday school study course adopted by the church. -Morula: Worship, 19:55 A. M. "Nat Peace, Bat a Sword" Evening Worship, t7:30 P. SL -Every Man's Duty Sermons by the Pastor Church School, t:45 A. M. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter Chester W. Hamblia, Pastor. John L Goodenberrer, Assistant Pastor , Virginia Ward Elliott. Mnsia Director rrs A TEiiGUE noion CO. OPEN KTEXT EVENING TIL It P. M. 155 N. liberty Phone 2-417S PREB METHODIST : - tt. Winter and Market sta. Rev. J. N Walker. Services 11 a.m. Sunday; 7:49 pjn. Wednesday. Youth 7 P-m. FRIENDS and Hiaoland ave. Rev. Edward Har mon, services 11 am, p.m. sunu a p.m. Youtn 1 pjn-: Washington sta. Rev. Oscar N. Brown. Services 11 ajn pjn. bunoay. a pjn. Wednesday. Youth 0 pjn. Sunday. FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Caivarv Chanel 1143 N. Liberty St. Bev. Claude C and Mary W. Bell. Services 11 ajn. 7:49 pjn. Sunday 0 pjn. Tuesday and Friday. r-kwiMh at red aiftj S- Ttrut t Rav A, B. Christy. Sunday scboot 10 ajn. Servicea 11 ajn. S pjn. Sunday. 0 pjn. Vweoncsaay. xouua poo. mnamj, i. ,aiuruay. Faith Gerspel Taaeraaele 1309 N. Sth st. Rev. Max WyatL Sunday school 10 ajn. Servicea 11 ajn 0 pjn. Sun dav. a djd. Thursday and Saturday. 'urseaare 4M t. lath at. Uev. James tL. Taylor. Servicea 11 a.m 7:49 pjn. Sunday. 7:49 pjn, Thursday. Youtn 0:49 pjn. Jesus Maaae Peateeastal 1179 Lewis st. Rev. SL V. Sittser, Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn 7:49 pjn. Sun day, 7:49 pjn. Wednesday. Youth 7:49 pjn. Friday. UaJted Peateeactal 449 Ferry st. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson. Services 11 ajn, 730 pjn. Sunday. INSTITUTE OF j RELIGIOUS SCTENCB 499 N. Cottage st. Kev. 'Olive Stevens. Services 11 a-m. Sunday. JEWISH Temple Beth Shaiosa Madison and Broadwav sta. Church arhool U ajn. Servicea 0 pjn. Friday. LUTHERAN Central CAaserfcan Cenfereace) Hood and N. Summer sta. Rev. Gud mund Rundstrom. Servicea 11 a m Sunday. Christ Aaaerican Charch) State and 18th sta Rev. C R. Schulz. Sunday school 8:49 ajn. Service 11 ajn. Sun day. at. John's (Missouri Synod) N. 18th and A sts. Rev. H. W. Grosa. Sunday scbool ajn. Servicea 10 ajn. bun day. at. Mark Evaaxellcal CUsJted) 843 N. Church St. Dr.-M. A, Getzend aner and Rev. John Baglien. Services 11 ajn, 0 pjn. Sunday. Youth 030 pjn. METHODIST First Church and State sta. Rev. Brooks H. Moore. Service 11 ajn. Sun day. 730 pjn. Thursday. Youth 030 pjn. Sunday. Jasea Lee Memorial N. Winter and Jefferson sta. Dr. Louis C Klrby. Servicea 11 tA, 730 pjn. Sunday. Youth 030 pjn. Sunday. iesue s. commercial and aaeyers sta. Rev. G. Wesley Turner. Services 11 am. 7J0 njn. Sunday. 7JO pjn. Thursday. Youth 030 pjn. Sunday. NAZARENE First Center and Uth sts. Rev. Orvllle W Jenkins. Services 10:50 a.m.. 730 pjn. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Wednes day. Youth 730 pjn. PILGRIM HOLINESS ; 140 Carlton way. Rev. v. G. Story, services 11 a.m.. 730 p.m. Sunday. 730 pjn. Wednesday, xouvn i pjn. aunaay. PRESBYTERIAN First Chemeketa and Winter sts. Or. Chester W. Hambun and tne Rev. John I Goodenberger. Services 10:99 a.m. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Youth 0:19 pjn. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS N. 17th and Chemeketa sts. Rev. C H. Asher. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.nu. 730 pjn. Sunday. Youth 030 pjn. SALVATION ARMY 341 State st. Adjutant and Mrs. R. B. Leaher. Sunday school 10 ajn. Ser vices 11 ajn. 730 pjn. Sunday. 730 pjn. Thursday, 730: pjn. Saturday. Youth,; 0 pjn. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Johasoa Mesaariil - Hood and N. Summer sts. Elder A; J. Gordon and A. D. Chilson. Sabbath school 030 ajn. Services 11 ajn- 330 pjn, Saturday. Youth 330 pjn. Saturday. SPIRITUALIST Hnt 9ia M rVimtturrlal mf Rv. Harry Raymond, speaker. Services at i:3v pjn. sunaay. TRUTH CENT EM 263 N. Cottage st. Lulu Walton Quick. Servicea 11 ajn. Sunday. 0 pjn. Tues day. Library. 263 N. Cottage st. UNITED BRETHREN First (Old Constitution) 1148 Mis sion . st. Rev. George Martin. - Sunday school 10 ajn. Servicea 11 a m. 7 pjn. Sunday. 7 pjn. Wednesday. WESLEYAN METHODIST S. 15th and Mill sta. Rev. A. O. Yates. Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 10:49 a.m. 730 pjn. Sunday. Youth 0:49 pjn. EvangelisUc Series Set at First Baptist H. B. Prince, pastor of Bethesda church in Minneapolis, is to hold eight days of evangelistic serv ices in First Baptist Church, be ginning at the morning service on Sunday, October 3. Ronald Lush, song leader, trum peter and Youth for Christ song director in Portland, will lead the music. an ex "ooo- orano O MbotChiirch Dedication Rite JEFFERSON. Sent! 24 Snerial services! Sunday at 3 pjn. will dedicate i the Talbot Community church. The Rev. Robert G. Hov land. president of Salem !nlv and Academy, will speak, and music; wuijDe by he Chapel Her ald quartet of Portland. Morning and evening services will alan feature j th dedicatory theme. ouraxay scnooi win meet in the ciass l rooms of the new church beginning! 'at 10 oVWlr xh morning church service will be nem at n o clock, with the new 18-voice choir led by the pastor, the Rev. R. Rorm i will deliver the sermon. Th Rev. Henry jTurnidge, who aided in majungjtne new church building a reanty win speak at 8 o'clock. The? newly com Dieted church was begun! about four years ago. . e . . it was i pianneo to cost IZ5,000, but due to inflation the cost Is neannsi S38.000. The huildinir across! the road from the Talbot schoolhouse, has a full basement, automatic oil heat, rest reooms, children's nurse rv eauiDned with loud speaker, baptistry, pastor's study; and class rooms. The! Talbot church, interdenom inational, has met for the past 32 years in the schoolhouse. It was organized by the Rev. G. W. Rohrbaugh, now at Shedd. fol lowed: by the Rev. D. D. Randall, an active missionary at Medford, also an; American 'Sunday School union; missionary, and the Rev. Henryi Albers. retired minister at Albany.! The late John Turnidge, father! Of Henry and Dave Turn idge, Was also active. ' Average Sunday school attend ance is 95. Lapn Hoven is super intendent of th Sunday school. and Mrs. Luise Ejdwards is cradle roll uperi4tendenfcA young peo ple's group meets each Sunday evening! for Bible study, led by Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay and Henry Turnidge. The: present pastor came here IVx years ago from Sauvies Island, and Is aided by Mrs. Ir- Slated Sunday j SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Knocycles; KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. nous j 0:00 00:15 World News iOracnlst 6 a sun KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I- 7 KSLM ; Bible Class Bible Class Voice Prophecy Voice Prophecy KOIN Air Church I Air Church I Air Churcn Air Churcn KGW i Bibls "Lights Bibls 'Lights Memory Music (Memory Music KEX i Coast to CoastjCoast to Coast! Coast to Coast! Coast to Coast 8 KSLM ; rirst Baptist 1st Baptist (Review Stand Review Stand KOCO i Jesters (Jesters (Christian Hour Clark Dennis KOIN . News News Makers 'Salt Lake Tab.jSalt Lake Tab. KGW I Home Church (Home Church I Doe's Music Doe's Music KEX ; Sunshine Sunshlne iHour of faith IHour of Faith 9 KSLM I Comdr. Scott News Lutheran Hr. (Lutheran Hr. KOCO -i Quartet (Quartet Waltz Lives I Walts Lives KOIN i Learning Learning (Guest Stars (News KGW Obnstead & Co.lOlmstead & Co. Eternal Light (Eternal Light KEX.: i Southern aires ISoutbernaires (Israel Message llsrael Message 10 KSLM Wm. L. Shirer IComdr. Scott (John Kennedy Canary Chorus KOCO Hymn Singer Leibert INews I Wayne King KOIN Joe Harsch Ret. EngagmnLITeU Again Tell Again KGW Glenn Snelley Glenn Snelley Round Table Round Table KEX 1 Top o' Morning! Top o' Morning Sunday Vespers, Sunday Vespers 11 KSLM Air Force He. Air Force He. Cunningham Vct Wants KOCO 1st Baptist Cb.lst Baptist Ch i 1st Baptist Ch.llst Baptist Ch KOIN Song Festival Song Festival People Stand J People Stand KGW; Piano Quartet (Piano Quartet fUniv. Theatre (Univ. Theatre KEX i Parade Hits iParada Hits Parade HiU IParade H1U 12 KSLM News (Sons O Guns Life Begins at 80 Life Begins at 80 KOCO News (Ted Steele IXavier Cugat iGuy Lombaxdo KOIN Symphony (Symphony I Symphony Symphony KGW: Univ. Theatre (Univ. Theatre 1 Man's Family 1 Man's Family Changing World, Pettlnglll 1KSLM ! Mystery HouselMystery House! DetecUves (Detectives KOCO 1 Stationery Hour) Stationery Hour, Stationery Hour Stationery Hour KOIN : Dateline Israel IDateline Israel I To the Stars ITo the Stare KGW f Quiz Kids (Quiz Kids Muslc Date (News KEXi Thinking AIlowjThompson Sings, Opera Album lOpera Album 2 KSLM i Amer. Music Amer. Music Quick. Flash (Quick. Flash KOCO Sammy Kaya Sammy Kara Hawailans ISacred Heart KOIN I Lewis Show Lewis Show All Trades JAU Trades KGW j Eymphonette Symphonette Music (Music KEXj Opera Album Opera Album ICounterspy ICounterspy 3 KSLM I Roy Sogers tRoy Rogers Nick Carter Nick Carter KOCO Drawing Room Drawing Room News (Donald Stewart, KOIN Family Hour Family Hour Pause (Pause KGW i Living 1948 Living 1948 Oregon Album Oregon Album KEXj j Make Musio Maae Music Peace Hope (Peace Hope 4 KSLM Eh'lock Holmes! ShTock Holmes'Chrtst Contacts'Christ Contactsl KOCO. Donald Stewart Donald Stewart: Wild wd Church'Ministerial KOIN Gene Autry (Gene Autry IFeature Feature KGW ! Talk Hollywood Talk Hollywoodl Pat O'Brien I Pat O'Brien KEX j Per. AutographlPer. Autograph J. Fletcher J. Fletcher 5 KSLM Healing Wings (Healing Wings (Orchestra I News KOCO l Charles Boyer iHorlich 3erenade Serenade KOIN Sunday Chase I Sunday Chase (News (Interlude KGW Shaw Chorale (Shaw Chorale KFD America IFD America KEX Stop Music (Stop Music (Stop Music I Stop Music 6 KSLM ) Front Page Front Page (Jlmmie FidUer Jimmie Fidler KOCO : Bex Maupin Rex Maupm 1 News (Wesley Tuttule KOIN Winner Take V inner Take I Strike Rich IStrlke Rich KGW Merry -Go-Rd. Merry -Go-Rd. f amiliar Music (Familiar Musio KEX, W. Wlnchell lLouena Parsons,1 Superstition ISuperstition 7 KSLM ; SO Questions 120 Questions W. WincheU T.B.A. KOCO i Frame DeVol (Frank DeVol (Serenade T. L. Thomas KOIN i Miss Brooks (Miss Brooks Lum 'n' Abner Lum 'n' Abner KGW I Take. Leave It (Take. Leave It Horace Heldt Horace Heidt KX i Writer's Show I Writer's Show tJimmle Fidler I Newsweek 8 KSLM i Alibis I Alibis Oplnionaire (Opinionaire KOCO ( N. Clou tier N. Cloutler Organ Moods (Bob Harmon KOIN Man X IMan X IBiondle (Blondle KGW j Star Theatre (Star Theatre j Symphony (Symphony KEX Drew fearson IHexUlnes lOreen Hornet preen Hornet 9 KSLM ! News Serenade (Orchestra News KOCO ; Salem Players Salem Players 1 Orchestra lOrchestra KOIN Sam Spade Sam Spaae I You're There You're There KGW Symphony Symphony ?alk Hollywoodl Talk Hollywood KEX Guest Star Road Chapel lOrchestra (Orchestra i i ' :r , 0 KSLM Revival ffour J Revival Hour (Revival Hour Revival Hour sTI KOCO Ave Maria (Ave Maria lOrchestra (Sports I I I KOIN S-Star Final l Explorer (Orchestra j Orchestra I W KGW News (Nora Martin (Catholic Hour (Catholic Hour KEXj N.W.News iPream Girl IHotel Orch. (Hotel Orch. 11 j KSLM Sign Off I KOCO I KOIN Vocal St Organ! Vocal St KGW News Decision Dreamland IDreamland, Church Edifice Completed ' JJ ' rt-Rjsssjssw ' ' ': -.. i .- -.iy. I JEFFERSON This new building of Talbot Community church win be dedicated at special services Sunday afternoon. The 49 by 68 foot pumice block building will seat 250 persons normally. Union Service To End Sunday The missionary and evangelism convention being conducted this week at First Evangelical" United Brethren church, Marion and Sum mer streets, will conclude with three union services on Sunday. Marshall Cavitt of Bolivia will speak at 3 pjn. and E. E. Zach ery, missionary .from Australia, will speak at a united youth fel lowship service at 6:30 p.m. The closing service of the con- win. Officers of the church include the executive board of which the pastor is chairman: Eldon Turnidge, secretary; and Mrs. Nelson Gilmour, treasurer. Elders are Dave Turnidge, Merle Hol- man and Milton Hanson. Deacons are Ray Abney, Ralph Devilbiss, Reuben Graffenberger. Trustees are John Finlay, Nelson Gilmour and Henry Turnidge; Lorin Ho ven, Sunday school superintend ent, and Mrs. John Finlay, young people s leader. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 00:30 00:45 iDragnlst (Trinity Choir I (Treasurer Band j Treasurer Band I I I Organ Air-Flo (Air-Flo Now (Wax Museum Wax Museum I Dreamland lOrchestra pT $4850 Special Home Bargain Why rent when yen can bay a new ranch type home en lot 96x120 for such a lew price. Has electric W. IX. Wired for range, knotty pine kitchen and dinette, plastic tile drain board. Most be seen to be appreciated. SEE Albert Saul ! Route 9, Box 579 Browning- Avenue : Salem. Oregon 3rd House East Liberty Road - 'on onoo a qoo I I Mi vention will -be at 7:30 p.m. with the Rev. David L. Fenwick bring ing the message. Special music will be furnished by a mass choir of the 14 cooperating churches. This convention is being sponsored by the Arminian and Wesleyan fel lowship. Revival Under Way At Calvary Chapel Revival meetings are being con ducted at Calvary Chapel, 1143 N. Liberty st., by the Roth evan gelistic party, with services at 7:45 nightly except Monday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roth present tes timonies of healing. Their daugh ter, Barbara, plays the accordion. The public is invited to the services by the Rev. and Mrs. Claude C. Bell, pastors. ' AT? FOUR CORNERS SUNDAY FOUR CORNERS Guest speak er at Four Corners Baptist church Sunday will be the Rev. Julius Herr of Solem. His Morning topic will be "He Must Be Born Again" and in the evening "Paul's Con version." MISSIONARIES HERE The Rev. and Mrs. LeRoy White, missionaries from Mexico, will be guests for the Sunday morn ing service at First Evangelical United Brethren church. They are here to attend the missionary and evangelism convention at the church. PALESTINE FILM SHOWN Ernest Sittenhof, west coast rep resentative of Friends of Israel, will show recently taken pictures of Palestine at Bethel Baptist church Sunday at 8 pm. Dallas Churches APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court sts. Loyce C. Car ver, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Morning service 11. Evening service 8. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Birch and Stump sts. L. Otis Trlplett. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a-m. Morn ing service. 1L FIRST BAPTIST 224 Mill st. Sunday school 2:30 pjn. Preaching service. 3:30 p.m.' ST. PHILIP'S CATHOLIC W. Washington st. Rev. H. Herman, pastor. Mass 8:13 a.m. Second and fourth Sundays; 10:15 a.m. first, third and fifth Sundays. FIRST CHRISTIAN Jefferson and Clay sts. Kenneth Johnson, pastor; Dale Sherwood, as sistant. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mor ning service. 11. Evening service, 8. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Shelton and Mill sts. Rev. A. Hoen. isch. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11. Evening service 7:45. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 410 Mill st. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morning service 1L CHURCH OF CHRIST Levens and Mill sts. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Commun ion. Evening service. 6 JO p.m. CHURCH OF GOD 1019 Ash st. J. W. Hunter, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morning ser vice. 11. Evening service. 7:45. Young people 7 p.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Basement of City Library. Elder J. L. Orton. pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Evening service. 7 o'clock. '' ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL Cherry St. Rev. Cyril P. Hanney. vicar. Sunday school 9:30 a.m. Morning service 11:30. EVANGELICAL MENNONITH BRETBEEN Miller ave. Sunday school 9:39 a.m. Morning service 1L Evening service 7 JO. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church at Mill st. R. William Elmer, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a m. Morn ing worship, 11. Evening service. 7:45. FREE METHODIST 224 Mill st R. W. McCormick. pas tor. Sunday school, t:45 a.m. Morning service, 1L Evening service. 7:43. GRACE MENNONITE 207 Jefferson st. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service 11. TRINITY LUTHERAN 210 Washington st. Karl A. TJfer. pastor. Sunday school 10 a-m. Morn ing service 1L MENNONITE BRETHREN Washington and Hayter sts. C. H. Janzen, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 10:43. Evening service 7:45. FIRST METHODIST Mill near Main st. Clark S. Enz. pas tor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Court and Levens. Dr. Earl W. Ben bow, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a-m. Morning service 1L SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Washington and Jefferson sts. Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school, 8:43 ajn. Morning service. 1L Expert, Reliable K A ID) DO Repairing HEIDER'S Call S-7522 - 42S Court SL ' Suburban Xliurelies AUMSVTLLE BETHEL BAPTIST Aurrmrill 'SunHav irhnnl 10 am. Worship 11 a.m. Youth 7 pjn. Evening service a. AUMSVILLK WESLEYAN Aumsville. Rev. Glenn Hoerner. pas tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 SJn 7:43 pjn. Sunday. Youth 8:43 pjn. CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Wheatland Ferry rd. Rev. V. A. Zomes. Sunday school 11 ajn. Service 10 a.m. Sunday. Youth 8 JO pjn. Thurs day. ; FOUR CORNERS BAPTIST State st. and Elm a ave. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday. 7 JO p.m. Wednesday. Youtn 8 JO pjn. Sunday. FRUITLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN 9 miles east of Salem. Rev. Lyman Meyers, pastor. Sunday school 10 sum. Morning service and Junior church 11 ajn. HAYESVTLLE BAPTIST Rev. Gene BrickwedeL North Pacific highway, in church basement. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Services 11 ajn. Sun day. 7 JO pjn. Thursday. KETZEB CHURCH OF CHRIST Prince rd. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morn ing service 1L Evening service 7 JO. KEIZER COMMUNITY Grange hall. Keizer. Rev. Lea Wiens. pastor. Sunday school 9:43 ajn. Serv ices 11 a.nx, 8 pjn. Sunday. Youth 7 JO pjn. LABIS H CENTER COMMUNITY (Evangelical United Bre three) 3a miles east of Brooks. Rev. V. A. Zomes. Sunday school 10 a.m. Service 11 ajn. Sunday. Youth 7 JO pjn. IMMANUEL MENNONITE Pratum. Wilbert A. Regler, pastor. Sunday school 9:55 a.m. Services 11 a-m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday. PRINGLB Pr ingle schoolhouse. Max Pember ton. supt. Sunday school 10 ajn. SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Non-denominational Liberty rd. at Madrona eve. Rev. T. C. Brown, pas tor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 1L Evening service 7 JO. SWEGLE COMMUNITY Swegle schoolhouse. Sunday school 10 a.m.. Mrs. G. T. Turner, supt. Jun ior church 11 a.m. In charge of Mabel Zimmerman. TALBOT COMMUNITY Talbot. Rev. R. Rogers Irwin. Sun day school 10 a.m., Lorin Hoven, supt. Services 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Youth 6:30-p.m. Sun day. KINGWOOD BIBLE 1125 Elm st.. West Salem. Rev. A. A. Loewen and Rev. A. H. Fadenrecht. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Services 10:45 a.m.. 7:45 pjn. Sunday. 7:45 p.m. Wed nesday. Youth 8:45 p.m. Sunday. WEST SALEM METHODIST 3rd and Gerth sts. Rev. O. Leonard Jones. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Leo Estey. supt. Morning service 11. 6 JO p.m.. Youth Fellowship. Silverton Churches ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front st. B. H. Scott, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 ajn. Morning service. 11. Young people. 8:45 p.m. Evening ser vice 8. Prayer meeting 7:45 pjn. Thurs day. MARQUAM METHODIST SUverton-Marquam highway. An drew Langendorf, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service. 1L CHURCH OF GOD Second at A sts. G. W. Clegham, pas tor. Sunday school, 10 ajn. Morning service. 1L Evening service, 8. PILGRIM HOLINESS S. Water st. Carl Mansfield, pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Morning ser vice 11. Evening service. 7 JO. , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ' Third at Lewis st. Morning service 1L ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Pine at Grant sts. John J.- Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses 8 and 10 a.m. Weekdays. 7 a.m. METHODIST Main at Fiske sts. Ben F. Browning, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Nor man Neageli supt. Morning service. 11 a.m.; "The Purpose of the Church.'' CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LDS Knights of Pythias hall. Oak and Mill sts. Men's Priesthood session.. Wed nesday, 8 p.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Park at 2nd st. A. J. Gordon, pastor. Sabbath school 9:45 a.m.; Harold J. Johnson, supt. Morning service 11. by A. D. Chilson. Young People's Mission ary society 3 p.m. Saturday. CALVARY LUTHERAN . Jersey st. James A. Toft, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., Olga Johnson, supt. Morning service 11; "The Un fair." Luther league 7:30 p.m. Prayer service 2 p.m. Thursday. TRINITY 2nd and A sts. M. J. K. Fuhr, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning serv ice 11; "I Give Unto Thee Eternal Life." Luther league 7 JO p.m; FIRST CHRISTIAN Park at 1st st. Arthur Charles Bates, castor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m.; M. B. Ford, supt. Morning service 11; Neilan Dodson, speaker. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Evening service 8; Neilan Dodson, speaker. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN N. Church st. S. L. Almlie, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11; Dr. A. J. Bergsaker. Minneapolis, speaker. Luther league 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 2nd st. Gordon T. Bratvold, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11; "The Gospel of Mathew." Young people 7 p.m. Evening service 8. Pray er service. Wednesday 8 p.m. Dr. Ilichelson- Weil-Known Hebrew Christian Former Judgci Speaks Sunday at Salem Armory Liberty at Ferry 2:30 p.m. "What I Saw in Palestine" 1:30 LIFE STORY (Sponsored by Evangelist! Tabernacle) 11 a. m.. Christian church of Turner, Oregon Minister of Coast-to-Coast "Hebrew Christian Hour Tune In KXL, 7:15 A. M., mmmmm Df-Uy Except Sunday 11 hi&enn Books and Parent Aid Feature New Presbyterian Lesson Plan By Winston II. Taylor ' Church Editor The Statesman $ .. Next Sunday school lessons in (which the parents will share, with materials which will become a permanent part of each child's library, will be put into use next Sunday by "the First Presbyterian church. - The new program has been adopted by about 75 per cent of the denomination's churches and will start simultaneously on October 3. About 400 pupils and 32! teachers will be Involved here .! A The curriculum was establish ed ; after. 10 years studyL accord ing to Dr. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor, because home is where religion must first be taught and because ! it was felt pupils have not learned sufficient of their beliefs. ; Entitled "Christian Faith and Life, A Program for Church and Home," the program wil be re lated to the many levels pf think ing, with religious stories told interestingly. The Bible: will be the principal text. All of the non adult classes will study for a year together in one of three fields life of Christ, the Bible and the church. To prepare for presentation of the course, teachers halve been conferring with the lev. John Goodenberger, assistant! pastor. and J. : J. Fitzslmons, I Sunday school superintendent. This Sun day afternoon they will partici pate in a 3 to 7 p m. retreat at the Tinkham Gilbert home. A talk by the Bev. Herman F. ! Allen of Piedmont Presbyterian church in Portland will be followed by plan ning sessions for the departments. Next Sunday parents are asked to come to Sunday school with their children to hear an, explan ation of the program and their role in it. j A quarterly magazine,! varying for each age range, will be is sued for teachers and l parents, with lesson materials and supple mental reading, including special ways in which the parents can aid in "real learning." A child starting the j program in the nursery department will at the end' of high school have 32 paper and cloth-bound books of his own; These will normally re main in the home while in use; except for special assignments. There also will be workbooks in some classes. The printing is in large type, with highly colored pictures. Older groups j get one volume ; a year, the younger ones Rally Day Sunday At Friends Church Rally day is to be observed Sun day at i South Salem F r lends church, ; south Commercial and Washington streets. During the Sunday school hour the junior and senior departments will present music, recitations and a skit. At 1 1 o'clock- the pastor, Oscar Brown, ! will speak on "Building the Church for Endurance." - The youth groups will meet with the union youth service ; at First Evangelical United Brethren church at 6:30 p.m. The evening service will be dismissed' to co operate With the missionary evan gelism convention at that church. : First Ileihodist Church Down Town The Tall White Spire CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. "LET'S GO TO SCHOOL" Sermon br the Pastor t (University 6:30 cm. Senior and Junior Hi Fellowships ft Brooks IL Moore, Minister Esther Ebersole, ! Minister of Musio EVOVAL Evangelists Bob!, and Nora Ilae Dolh Special Music! Convincing Sermons! ! Miss Barbara Roth I with Her Accordion Services Nightly . . Except Mon. & Sat., . .7:45 ; BRING THE SICK AND AITUllui I HEW CALVARY CHAPEL lUS N. Liberty St. (Between Belmont St Market Streets) REV. A MRS. CLAUDE C. BELL - PASTORS . ! Hear -Calvary Vespers".! KSLM, C:4S P. M, Saturday Our Plans i r' DeVern Fromho f at the . ! Christian Ilissionary Alliance On N. Sta at Gaines EVERY NIGHT; NEXT VEEK AT 7:45 EXCEPT ! MONDAY AND SATURDAY ! Thru Oct. 3rd ' j This decision has come as a result of an overwhelming request and! we believe providential leading. Prayer Ieeting and Bible Study Every Morning at 9:00 A. M. Ilissionary and Evangelism Convention t Sponsored by the ARMINIAN AND WESLEYAN FELLOWSIUP CLOSES SUNDAY. SEPT. 26 WITH Three Union Services 'i : i. . - 3:00 P. M. Miss Fern Abbott from India 6 :30 P. M. United Youth Fetowsiiip Motion Picture; on Bolivia Rev. E. E. Zachery, Missionary from Australia! 7:30 P. M. Mass Choir of Cooperating Churches Rev. David L. Fenwick, Speaker v All Services Condocted at the First Evangelical Untied Brethren Church ! j Where Marion (grosses Summer four books. ' All departments and churches are beginning with the series on the life of Christ. For the older groups, the books have such ti tles as "The King Nobody Want er," "Men Called Him Master" and "The Choice." j The church here, which hat formerly used the quarterly les sons on themes set up by the In- ternational Council of Religious Education, will continue to have the weekly story papers for pu pils, according to Goodenberger. Evangelistic Tabernacle : Asembly ef Ged . Fery at 13th Rev. Walter 8. Frederick, raster ; J. Kessler, Assistant Sonday. SepLJtf v 9:45 turn. Sunday School 11:00 The Pastor Speaks Subject! The Way God Does It 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. In the Sa lem Armory, Ferry A Liberty Sts. With Dr. Michelson, Con verted Jew. 7:15 P. M. Sadie Program over KSLM Saturday. All Welcome DeVern Fromlie . ! : at the I Salem Yonlh Center r i 375 Chemeketa j Tonigtil al 7:45 Evelyn Turnidge, Soloist and Business Young People) Are Changed m sv 'I f i i : I