The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 22, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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Sdom, Orxyon, VTm&nmmdtrr. Copt. tL 1M3
ii i i I S
New Home .
The "surpris" house warming
for Mr. and Mrs.?Stuart Bush on
route 2 in the Keizer district was
reversal of the usual procedure
A group of friends met at the
Lakebrook home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rodney Livesley and then drove
to the Bush place only to find
a huge sign "Welcome House
warmers' stretched over the fire
place. The Bush's did not divulge
now they discovered the "secret'
In advance.
Those in the group of weH-fc-wishers
included Mr. and Mrs.
Rodney Livesley. Mr. and Mrs.
Oarence Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
fame Nicholson, Mr.- and Mrs.
Robert Drager, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hughes, Dr. and Mrs. William
Enell, Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Miss
Alice Crary Brown, Mrs. B. O.
fechucking. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell
Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Jack race.
Miss L. A. DeBeck and Mr. and
Mrs. Don Flympton.
Friends ef the Brawn TE. Slasons
will be glad to know that their
son in law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Flotton (Mary Eliza
beth Sisson) will live in Lebanon.
Mr. Flotton, who has been a stu
dent at UCLA, will be in business
in Lebanon, and they expect to
move the middle of October.
Today' Pattern
Spinrter, Plan Benefit Quy Hickok
Spinsters wux noia a peneni
bridge party in November; with
all proceeds to go to the YWCA
punning runo. rne group uiscus- -py i
sed the party at its Monday night UfTVCIl fl OTl T
meeting, appointing Miss jj Betty f pO!4.C711L
the event Mrs. Charles Aj Bar- Gu7 Hickok, who has served
clay was hostess for the group, at ? he Community Concert asso
her home, assisted by Mrs; John nation board for several years.
Steelhammer and Miss Manoles. I wi o w presiaem on -rues-Next
meeting will be with Mrs. day night at a meeting at the First
George, Emigh.
Ledge Plans For
Benefit Party f
National Bank building.
Other officers elected at the
meeting re Margaret Sims, vice
president: Ralph Nohljrren, second
vices-president; Mrs. Max Rogers,
treasurer; Mrs. R. D. Blatchford,
secnetarv! Mrs. JamM RranH
Rebekah lodge met Monday cording secretarv: Mdl Wiiiim
mgni ax uw uaa reuows naii, i iytie. publicity chairman; Un
wiui jars, uoya wooa s noDie w l n n i f r e d Pettvinhn rfinn.r
Krana, presiding, pars. n. xa vy eu- i cnauTnan.
i a -. rt ji - r I
ingxou, iveonam, f Board knembers are Mrs. Tom
Mrs. Fred Shafer. Mae Cockran, ILZSTSiZ. UZ.A-S"?1
chairman ef good order and Miss I CZ .:T-V.yuj
Hazel Price will conduct a contest Z Rniw
for certificate, of perfection; with "f? MeWm
a nrtn tn ha riven at tha Rebekah ".J "M" wuu i tT.-. Nohlgren Frederick Lamport.
A card party? Is planned for I i,arri tt ;r.iu ivr win(w
September 27. at the ihsIVt raise prftyjohri Mrs.' James Brand and
muuc7 ivr ui jencu xuuu. ,icui-1 prank Fisher.
oers or xne rcowmwnT cuuimii-1 iir , - i
tee include Mesdamea Lloyd Pep- -Tfhrf " V- ' o
per. Arthur Tucker. John j Wiles, datk,n i ft, tar fln wh
Lloyd Wood, and Paul Davies.
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Barrlclc have
received word from their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
John French (Lois Barrick), that
they have moved to Claremont,
CaUf- where Mr. French will take
his senior year at Pomona college.
They have been in Birmingham,
AuL, since spring.
til ' I I I tl llll 11 I s
: h
i S
Oh beautiful basioi It's KIND to
Four budgetl Clear classic lines,
Adaptable collar. Pattern 4758 has
lots of frivolous, fascinatiag accea
ories to make many dresses of ttf
This pattern, easy to use, simple
is tested for GL Includes
complete illustrated instructions.
Pattern 4760 comes in sizes IX,
14. 18, 18, 20. Size 18. drees.
8T yards 29-incm taona. -
tad TwsTHTT-awB feats sa aotas
tkis pattara to Ta Ormiom Stataa-
m m nia xm rim n n
i. CaluTTrt-t SUaWy fAMi
, XONK, UZl and AZXLl
M, M
Count aa a
fta atria yo
itl All th varr t am Cuhloa la
Kir ANN aOAir.1 Pattern Book
at laaas a aaatait roar ward-
halva your Mdeat. rultaan eents
ar -i 1 t -v
ciation as its secretary, and who
resigned last year, was made an
honorary ; member of the board
for a lyear.
Announcement of dates for con
certs has; been made to members
of thsf association as follows:
October 6. Wednesday, Leonard
Warren, baritone; November 19,
Friday, Tossy Spivakovsky, young
violinist; February 9, Wednesday,
vronsky sand Babin, duo pian
ists:; February 21, Monday, Mata
and Hari, satirical dancers; April
8, Friday, Eleanor Steber, Metro
politan opera soprano.
Engagement to
Eugene Man Told
The! engagement of Miss Edra
Lucille Dunigan, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Dunigan, to Mel-
vin AJ Pavilk of Eugene, was an
nounced at a party at the O. GV
Weaver home on Center street.
Friday evening. No date has been
set for the wedding, but it will
be an event of late falL
Bidden to attend the affair were
Mesdames X. A. Dunigan, Ernest
BuschJ Beryl Porter, Clarice Lin
deman, Mina Peck, J. C Single
ton, i Pearl Victor, Frank Clark,
Harvey Alexander, ana c u
JonesJ the bride-elect and Mr.
f f1W ammury. Ttglaa social elan.
Ua. earda.
Mabraska club with Mrs. Andxey
Gebeuer. 133 Oroas atraet,
dish dinner.
PLEreaob, with airs. Edna Bargner,
ss Tnoennaao atraec a n. n
Woman's woriiHiw. Ttat Prasby-
lanan ennrcn. axacotiTa ooard 1 p. m.
mttting. 1 p. m. PtwgTam thama. Znd
o ataxrest Maci."
Soirttual Sunshlna club. S7t N. Cot-
un street, i n. m.
Chapter C-B, PEO. with Mrs. R. R.
DeArmond. Independenea. Tat
Dessert supper.
Past presidents of Capitol Unit No. t.
with Mrs. Jamas TarnbuU. USS North
21t street, dttrt supper 730 pjn.
UKUes aaxinary, to Patriots MUltanta.
at uaa reuows nmu.
Woman's Bible class oartr. First Me
thodist church, at Methodist Old Peo
ple s home. 2 p.m.
Three Links club, with Mrs. Walter
ureaiey and Mrs. Lulu Wilson. Rt. f.
Box 309, covered dish luncheon. 12:30
Past Presiderjta Hal Hlbbard trail-
la ry. USWV with Mrs. J. B. Parker.
aaa jciimon street, a pjn.
Rebekah sawing dub st halL all dsr
Bradburys Have
Many friends called last Sun
day to honor Mr. and Mrs. Otis
M. Bradbury on their Silver wed
ding anniversary. The reception
was held at the home of their
son-in-law and daughter Mr. and
Mrs. Max N. Graves and their
other daughter and son-on-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Pummel
of Portland assisted. The serving
table was centered by the white
and silver wedding cake and silver
candle holders. The serving table
was covered with a pale green
damask cloth and pastel colored
flowers were used about the
Assisting .were Mrs. Buelah
Pummel of Portland, Mrs. E. N.
Graves, Mrs. Earnest Evans and
Miss Maxine Evans.
The couple were married In
Salem and have lived here most
of the time since.
Mrs. Yung Given
Shower Party
Mrs. Roy R. Yung was honor
guest Friday night at a shower
given for her by Mrs. Taze Barton
and Mrs. Orin Ryals Jr., at the
Yung home on North 21st street.
Attending the affair were Mes
dames Tom Baker, Bob Baker,
Harmon Garrett, Dayle Jory, Don
ald Graves. Frank Zinn. Milton
Blackman, Melvin Scott, Harvey
Yung, Paul Yung, Donald Yung,
George RusselL John Vickinson,
John Vernon, Howard Burreu,
Jack Reiman, Ted Rounds, Stuart
McGiichrist, Chester Boyle, Mil
ton Savaee. Robert rung, ciyae
Bucholtz, Leuella Arnold, Mildred
Rubeck, Ellis White, Loren wnite,
W. E. Savaee. Roy O. Yung, w. u
Heise. Walter Musgrave, cmi
PhilliDS. Orin Ryals, sr.. the honor
guest and the hostesses.
Couple Wed
In Woodburn
Father! Francis Hamley, on Sep
tember 18 at 10:30 a. m, perform
ed the marriage ceremony for Miss
Ramona i Mae Belleque and El
wood Coombes. The bride is the
daughter; of Edmond Belleque of
Gervais and Mrs. Alethia Arnold
of Woodburn, and the groom's
mother is Mrs. Anna Coombes of
South Dakota.
The br)de wore a gray costume
suit and; her flowers were red
rosebuds. The matron of honor.
Mrs. Ha fDiebart, wore gray and
carried yellow roses.
Paul Kuhnly was best man.
After a three weeks' honeymoon
spent visiting his mother and fa
mily in j South Dakota, and his
brothers in California, they will
live in West Salem.
He is employed in the office of
Hrubetz and Bushnell company.
and Is secretary of the Chin -up
club of Oregon.
Wed in Vancouver
HUBBARD Miss Nettle Lou
Peterson,; daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Knute Peterson of Hubbard,
and John Warren Anderson of
Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Anderson1 of Silverton, were mar
ried at Vancouver, Wash., Sept
10. Miss Jean Kaufman. Hubbard.
and the groom's brother, Roland,
of Silverton were attendants. The
bride wore a gray suit with white
The; Andersons spent a week
honeymooning in California and
are now at home in Salem.
To Convention
Mrs. Everett Holmes. Mrs. A.
J. Torgerfcon and Mrs. John Koe
neke went to Seattle yesterday.
and will attend the convention of
the Woman's Missionary society.
acmc synod of United Lutheran
churches of America at St James
Lutheran ; church. The convention
is from Tuesday to Thursday. Mrs
Torgerson and Mrs. Koeneke are
delegates from St Mark's church
here, while Mrs. Holmes attends
as department secretary.
Nuniber One
Tomato Top Vegetable, Garden Now,
' Handy Too, It's Treated Like Fruit
By Maxine Borea
Statesman Woman's Editor
Tomatoes cet toD billing these days. If you're among the lucky ones
to grow this luscious vegetable that's treated-like-a-fruit, youu
know lfa true flavor. .- . . ,
Tomatoes are almost as versatile as iruiis, may aan um
eooked. They can appear
nn-rthlna- from salad and soup to
HkuH. f There's a tomato oake
Make your guests really weloomal ,: 4 j,'
with these special linens! Make nv7.L. n.r haUae. to
.11. lo.44 I "
--ZZZtZZ TT 'k1S "hV way Of thinking, tnan wwn
with embroidery and erochef. L-iJT and served in
owela, eases, scarfsl 1 Fat I "UZL. i v..
tern 9oa: rransier oi o mouxs aooui I zj ni. ' ...,4nT whan
mt ia 1 1. I w : T
"1 . 4T7,r rL I so fresh from the garden they are
. . . j IUU WUUi uumu um vuu.
iTs7KaXt You! never need worry about
S IJ ChrU phot cmas the little bugs that get Into non
directions. 11 I i .-t.Kl mA iiuVa 4riam
twewti cents ta eotaa floe I doIsodous : unless you use a pres-
Oua pattern sa The Orason Statasensn. oooker. wheal you're canning
""-Sr miZXT T,.v: tomatoes, i
FATTKBJ4 NOMBU, roar HJUO. Alt-1 fruisi and geconmiended method
DftESS witu xonw. p - aold pack system.
Send TinxMj gsra jigns aew sor ; nivvrn TOMATOES
oi.ermft mru Peek the tomatoes tightly In
Uanad. wttn Ml tuuatrations of tbm fit- jaxa, 1 and mash some to provide
!P?',lrn!?4r; ?fc!!3fi2 Jule Use no water. Season with
ru tnstn
salt and a little sugar if you wish,
and process in a hot water bath
for 85 minutes.
Tomato Juice cooks for only 10
minutes in the hot water bath.
Green tomatoes, plentiful in the
garden right now, are excellent
when dipped in flour and fried.
Many women prefer to pick the
tomatoes for frying when they
have at least turned yellow, or
are touched with pink.
Stuffed tomatoes are seasonable.
Mix the pulp taken from the cen
ters of the fruit, with an equal
amount of breadcrumbs, add a
little minced onion and season.
Bake in a greased baking dish
for 29 to SO minutes until done.
Tomatoes make attractive een
terpieces too. There also they are
treated like fruit
this book are
hobby i
toweling the
J&L PEP Dry OoapooDd
Ih DEED3 c- It FEEC3 Cita
fW taM nrralon with a
prwrldea double oction to remove wgty lo
alaKo-t, plontoin and the Kkev While th
across (e fed to thicker orowih, rieher eoiofw
fry M-qwIekry tronsformt weed poeh
Into ahowploee town.
taass, lles as ft a e
M la nMi b by
l a . f ise s a
F. i. D::ri!:r G Sons
ISO N. Laaeaster Drive at 4
FhotM 2-1S22
1 ' -J' mm V.
Bffy )W(fc 4JaweW" WsWsjj
-.1 nlfcsr V
" ii
f t
O Somon iios obtrv Aol
ffasM Is inoviy a soqmoiw tss
Im wisaiy eddad that heaMi It
waahh. Surely sound Health b no
less importont tfion correct Iwviab
j You check your watch with
l ntostar dock or radio signal
) e a' "latter ef eourse. lut how
j long hat II been since year last
j thorough physical cheek-epff
Capilal Drug Sioro
Don't welt for necessity td
dictate a decision. Go now to a
physidon In whom you have con
Mence. Ask Mm to make a Ntor
eugh examination. And be guid
sd by his experienced eoumoL
Ksmambar, too, ftSat iSh phv
ssaey eom pounds prascripnons
precisely as written with fresh,
potent drugs and at fair prices)
Corner State
rhene 3-lllt
A Son Born
A son, named Larry Uovd. was
Dorn Saturday, September 18, at
Arlington, Va., to Mr. and Mrs.
Kirk Belt His grandmother, Mrs.
Lloyd Bell of Salem, went east
in August and was there when
he arrived.
PRATUM Mr. and Mrs. Fred
deVries, who were Sunday din
ner guests at the home of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Geiner, of Newberg,
were surprised with a celebration
honoring their 45th wedding an
niversary," attended by their four
children and families, and by Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Gainer, sr.
V msmm
Daughters to Bergen
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. David Berger. at Salem Gen
eral nospttal, Tuesday morning
and has been named Judith Ann.
The girl Is the granddaughter of
Dr. and Mrs. Armin Berger of
Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Mart
Hannan.of Silverton. The father
is a student St Oregon state col
lege, and the couple live at Camp
White Shrine
Plans Reception
Willamette Shrine No. 2. White
Shrine of Jerusalem met Monday
evening at the Masonic Temple
and Mrs. Wilbur N. Pin tier, no
ble prophetess presided, assisted
by Mrs. C P. Davis, watchman
of. shepherds. Plans are being
made for p reception on October
2nd in honor of Mrs. Miller Hay
den, supreme second , hand maid;
Mrs. Pearl 5 peer, supreme depu
ty, and Mr. Ben Felger, supreme
deputy watchman of shepherds.
Among the guests will be Worthy
High Priestess Nellie CombeUic
from Long Beach, Calif.
Willamette Shrine is planning
to charter a bus and attend Van
couver, Wash meeting Oct. S.
Mrs. Carrie Chase furnished the
Watch the Half-Pennlest Many
grocery Items are priced se that
it east half a cent mare per Item
when yea bay only eae tastes d
ef twe. If the reeds wOl keep,
bay twe ta get the lower price
Plants Hosts at
Buffet Supper
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plant were
hosts at a buffet supper Sunday
evening at their Pioneer drive
home, in honor of Miss M. E.
Plant, a visitor from Victoria, B.C.
Bidden to attend the affair were
Miss Plant, Mr. and Mrs. Max J.
Pemberton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Evans, Linda and Dennis. Mrs.
Walter Plant, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Brimley, Mr. and Mrs. William
Keen, Sharon and Joyce, Mr. and
Mrs.. Arthur W. Plant. Michael
and Sally. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gar
rett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plant
and Beverly.
Salem Court of Catholle Daagh-
ters of America will be hostess
September 22, at 8 p. m. in the
Mayflower hall for women of both
Catholic parishes of Salem. Mrs.
Margaret Brown , is regent. One
social meeting is to be held each
month in addition to the business
meeting, the second Wednesday
of each month.
House guests ef Miss Lena
Cherrington this month have been
the Misses Maude Nell and Celia
enny, and Mrs. Glennice Gem-
berling, all of Kalamazoo, Mich,
The visitors visited Crater Lake,
the Oregon Caves and Mount
Hood, and Victoria and Vancou
ver, B. C, while here.
Little Garden club 'of Salem
Heights will meet Thursday for
1 o clock dessert luncheon at
the home of Mrs. Louis Ander
son, Z30 E. waid st. Miss Elea
nor Trindle will Instruct on mak
ing corsages.
Mrs. Gerald Fisher will enter'
tain Thursday, night at her home
for Mrs. James Pike, who will
move to Toppenish, Wash, with
her family to make her home.
Bridge will be in play.
Job's Daughters, meettna- en
Monday night, discussed money
making plans for the winter, and
announced practice for October S
at Mayflower hall, and initiation
for October 4.
Woman's Society ef Christian
Service of the First Methodist
church will hold a rummage sale
on the main floor of the church
Thursday and Friday.
Ice Skater to
Fill 'Frisco
Philip Schwartz, better known
as Phil Richards on west coast Ice
arenas, will leave Salem tomorrow
for San Francisco to fill an eight
week engagement at Club Lido as
the star skater in "Rhythym on
Ice. i
Schwartz has. been visiting his
mother, Mrs. Joseph Schwartz, at
417 N Cottage st, for the last two
weeks! He is a 1945 graduate Of
Salem; High school, and left Salem
a year ago to follow the ice-skat
ing profession in Hollywood.
The Salem youth was the
featured skater in the television
broadcast from the Pan Pacific
auditorium in Los Angeles and one
of two stars In the first technicolor
broadcast. He has appeared In
major)! show arenas through the
west, including Sun Valley.
Firm to Develop f
New Subdivision of
Camlalaria Heights
P .. !i
Development1 of a new section
of the Candalaria Heights district
in south Salem was announced
Tuesday by Grabenhorst Brothers,
realtors who are handling the sub
divisions. The addition is known
as Hillhurst. !
The area's 80 lots include about
IS acres north of Iowa avenue and
east of Skopil avenue. It includes
Culver; lane and Boice street, j '
Since the end of World War It.
the district, principally residential,
has been developed over five other
subdivisions. Mountain View, Ben
Vista Park, Sunrise Heights. Can
dalaria Heights and Crest View
TB Association to
Plan for Sale of
Christmas Seals
Coming Christmas sea sales
program will be outlined at a
meeting of Marion county Tuber
culosis and Health association dU
rectors at 8 pjn. Thursday t
Salem Chamber of Commerce. ' II
Committee reports on ; heaIQ
education, recent X-ray. surveys,1
volunteer clinics, and social hy
giene programs also will be gtvenj
Thomas J. Magee. Portland, hlth
education consultant to the state
health association, will be the
main speaker. . I - jj
Expert, Reliable
CaQ S-T52S - 42S Ceevt St.
Auditorium Seekers
Nominate Officers
Officers for the Salem Memorial
Auditorium association were nom
inated Monday night in a meeting
of the : nominating committee but
the list ; will not be announced un
til later this week.
The committee, headed by Chair
man Joe Felton, includes Marian
Lowry;! Fischer. Robert L. Elfs-
trom, Dorothy Cornelius and Carl
Hogg. Felton said the group would
meet later this week after it has
been determined whether the no
minees would accept.
Spare Tire Stolen from
Parked Automobile
A spare tire, wheel and tube
were stolen Monday nighj from
the parked auto of ETHce W. King;
145 E. Miller sL, city police said
' .1-
fgf : p
- HP'- ft I
la e i
m w i'
a ' k
L 2t Tear Pre-EaUd Guaraa-
itee. V '
2. Porcelain Lined Tank, .' ..
S. Eoenomy- Temperature Coal
treL '.!
World's Oldest Maker
FJectrie Water Ileaters.
f f.
AvaUable la Salem ai
Balph Jo!mscn
Friendly Terms .
25S Center St. Pheae 2-Shf
1 "Ti""' W
T- I I S 'f 1
i assa i zsf
ii iiir.auii ai r-ius w at "m v- a. v . m z
V wdimok rt KiHm adii fW aavy af SW (M4. T hct witi ffc
potoatad. aas atats s amt at ascara yavr aiM at naftas4 fcaaay
i . . v :' - . . j , ... . .
ft.rhta fcatpSftg yanwf widu a sar straay aW'thMSv
Na atta Kew activa W rar imana-ack liaaa rkai , ;
saaaa ml4 teatts. KioaWtavtgraw Hxbi." ' satwxat thmwi.
At yawr factor sbs wf iymptwo. i'
" , latk thKpr mil i&tttir fraot ..
a mnibm ta fawrjrMi el ag. ;
481 State Street
lreet Address; :if If ..srrf
i '
rUose seed me wntteet eeet ee aasfnaHse tea Ufae. : .
i wsHn ea the aeW CelemUa LP Uag Pleyief j
raCVsal ttaftsat ItfyW stfCfcWW4 r;
J 42StionrtSt. j Ilaoaa 3-7522 ( f