Silver Tea Is Planned If i I A silver tea in benefit of the Methodist Old Peoples home will be given Wednesday afternoon by the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Leslie Methodist - - church in the church parlors. Hours are from 2 to 4. . The committee in charge of ar rangements is Mesdames Lillian Conner, T. O. Adams and J. S. Murray. Mrs. Roy Fedje will be special guest and will tell of her recent visit to Boston and (vicinity and her attendance at the general conference of the Methodist church. Miss Alice Adams, soprano, will sing. An invitation is extended through the I press to the interested public. i Engagement I Revealed Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Weaver i entertained at their Center street home Friday night honoring Miss Edra Lucile Dunigan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dunigan, whose engagement to Melvin L. Paylik of Eugene was announced that night The news was revealed in a poem written by Mrs. Jessie Sin gleton and read by Mrs. E. I Jones. Invited were Mesdames E. A. Dunigan, Frank Clark, Mina Peck, Clarice Lindetnan, Pearl Victor, E. L.- Jones, Ernest Busch, Beryl Porter, Harvey Alexander, Jessie Singleton, Miss Duaigan and Mr. Pavlik. No definite date for the wed ding has been set, but will be in the late fall. 4 Wedding Plans Are Revealed Miss Elsie Care, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carr, who will be married September 26 in the Calvary Baptist church to Robert L. SchlegeL son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlegel. has asked Mrs. John Chrismer to be her 1 matron of honor and Miss Lynn Woodward and Mrs. Tom Wil-! liams of Portland to be brides-' , maids. Gladys Meighn will b ' flower , girl. Gene Haley of Salinas, Calif., will be best man and Tom Wil liams of Portland, Russell Morley, John Chrismer and Bill Lidtke as ushers. Brothers of the bride-to-be, Edward and Jack Carr will light the tapers and Miss Grace Ashford will sing. Shower Given For Bride-elect STAYTON Complimenting Miss Betty Dombrowsky . whose marriage to Clarence Williams will be on September 21 at St. Vincent's church in Salem, Miss Margaret Dombrowsky was host ess for a bridal shower at her home Sunday . - Present were Miss Dombrow sky. and Mrs. Mildred Purdy. Mrs. Lorraine Watts, Mrs. Emma Wechensky, Mrs. Norbert Dom browsky, Christine Wechensky, Mrs. Paul Lambrecht. Mrs. Mar tin Widowsky, and the hostess. Miss Margaret Dombrowsky, all of Stayton; Mrs. Anna Taylor. Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Gus Dombrowsky, Albany: Mrs. Mary Dombrowsky. Miss Helen Waltz, Mrs. Mary Davis, Mrs. C. Will iams, all of Salem; and Mrs. R. Dombrowsky of Eugene. STLVEXTON Mr. and Mrs. Scott McPike honored their Sranddaughter, Suzanne Beals. on er second birthday at dinner Sunday. Besides the hosts .and honor guest, covers were placed for the tatter's great grandmoth er, Mrs. R. S. Morgan, her par ants, Mr. and Mrs. Layall Beats and her sister, Roberta Beats. 1 : 0mI CaassWr ttmr Spatial Wast Stappar Flag tr Tip Caatral Dial j 1 l(f laoW Deer Oefcj mor fcao trmm arary (Bval right la) CeisaMreaea Maaaa atwfl rtehl kmt iOfa you quick spot kaot aVastaffsM lata year iMHaaJ y ajwaii y t rotal waaa yon wont ft. Pea. yoa get all thaaa famous Duo-Therm haater at an unbelievably low price! Coma la features in this handsome, f ull-aisa Duo-Therm and sea it now and a61fa all your beating Heater. It's a gaauiaa Duo-Tnerni circulating worriaa for yaart to coma. Easy terms? Sura I GOOD 487, Court Street i . I V. ft- r ' , - jrV- .!---1.--v--t' " ' .v.-, r-. -.vf jf . v- a. ii w 1 Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hunt, who celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary with a reception on September 22. Most of their family plans to attend the affair. is; i " - 1 ; 'it 3 Mt2 Y Mrs. H. Ross McDowell, the former Dorothy Ander son who was. married Aug ust 28 at St Joseph's rec tory. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Manley Anderson of Monroe, Or eg., and her husband's mother Is Mrs. Jessie McDowell. They will live In Corvallis (Frederick Studios, Portland.) POWEK SALES SET RECORD PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 20P) The Bonneville power adminis tration in the fiscal year of 1948 sold nearly $25,000,000 worth of power, an audit showed today. The figure is an increase of $2,622,781 over fiscal year 1947 and $1,523,692 greater than -the wartime peak year of 1945. : : t - Wtwi FUTURE Dr. K. E. Baring Optometrists Now that your children hara gone back to school . . . back to long hours of reading, studying . . . have their ayes checked . . . we'll fit them with the proper glasses to prevent eyestrain at BORING OPTICAL : $83 CWt DIGNIFIED CREDIT PkM 3-658C ' - roi ONLY Full 14-inch Burner at sOffci extra cast) aavas nOOSSKEEPIIIG Furniinre Appliances ..I .'."1" ! '; V rs. ' - CLUB CALENDAR TVCSDAT Cbadwick chapter. Order of the East ern Star. pjn. Masonic temple. Kzecutive berd BPW club, with Mrs. Anna Morgan. S37 North XOth street. S p.m. i Committee chairmen invited. WEDNESDAY Ladies aujcfilary. Eagles social chub. ,12:30. cards, j Nebraska club with Mrs. Audrey Gebauer. 1355 Cross street, covered dish dinner. PLET club, with Mrs. Edna Bertner. S3S Thompson street. p. m. Woman's association. First Presby terian church.; executive board 1 p. m. meeting; 2 p. m. Program theme. '"End of Marrest Meet." TBVRSDAY Spiritual Sunshine club. 37 N. Cot tage street. I, p. m. TSUCK WRECK KILLS CHILD PENDLETON. Sept 20-(-An automobUe-truck collision Satur day killed Warren Lee Perkins, 6, of Milton, and injured his two brothers. They were passengers In their father's pickup truck. A. - blLJ Dr. Saa Hagke ' i : ! ! ' ' 78.95 53,000 BTU output an la tS aa fad a& HICJ v i'- ' HsC V 1 I mtlMV.6W!AW Phone 3-9611 At Salem Schools . . James Cook Statesman School Correspondent SALEM HIGH SCHOOL , This week is "Hello Week" at Salem high and two events are on the agenda. Student body of ficers will be introduced to the student body at the Thursday morning welcome assembly. "Stag-Hag,- the first student body dance of the year, will be held Friday from 9 p.m. to mid night in the high school gym to climax "Hello Week." Committee chairmen who will plan the dance under the direc tion of Leah Case, student body second vice president, are Doro thy Pearcer decoration; Barbara Senter, advertising; Donna Kip per, tickets; Margy Acton, re freshments; and Eileen Hannon, stag-hag mixing committee. Jim Elliot will be master of cere monies. "Smilin Susie" and "Friendly Frank" candidates from each class will be chosen by a com mittee under Virgania Benner. Final selection will be made by students attending the dance. Sophomores Take Tests Sophomores are taking a total ss The axminster rug la deep and soft, with literally thousands of long wearing, !mported-woxl tufts in every square foot! Richly colored . wonderful floral patterns. Heavy 32-ounce rug cushion with waffle back. Distinctive looking axminster scatter rug, 100 wool pile, for contrast. of nine tests, completing them today, to aid them in making vo cational choices and help them in selecting ' future courses by means of measuring their prev ious educational achievements. The two-day tests, known as the Iowa test of educational develop ment, are being given under the direction of Dr. William Kid well, school psychologist, and will be given each year if this test proves successful. Juniors Elect Coancil Elections for junior class coun cil representatives were held last Thursday, with final results be ing announced yesterday. Serv ing on the council will be Charles Dahlen, Marilyn Power, Anita Boyeas, LaJune Rahtz, Don Te Selle. Marilyn Hall, Wayne Hall, Carolyn Payne, Ron Hoxie, Merlin Schulze. Dick "Bouren, Doug Rogers, Jim Rock, Norma Can field. Dick Norton and Les lyn Burdette. Alternates are Jane Fluitt, Susan . Steed, Joanne De Roos, Deloros Caster, Don Bennet, Kathryn Fernow, Paul Balser, Richard Strong, Martha Mar shall. Miton Rickman. Barbara White. Bob Meany, Lois Cham berlain. Tom Angle and Herb Seamsten Completing the council are class officers Earl E&helmann, president; Tatia Williams, vice president; Bonnie Stewart, secre tary; Doris Lane, treasurer; Bob 9'x 12' ALL WOOL AXsVlDWSjiTEIil 27"2Z 48,'AXVl0uVlSER SCATTER, plus a 11' WAFFLE RUG CUSG-ODON m lim mM Four Corners Folk Entertain Visitors FOUR CORNERS House guest at the W. A. Slaters this week has been John Militano of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook and new son, David William, are at their home on Durbin avenue. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. Ella Stanton, Kearney, Neb.; pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Snook. Noel Schaberg, who recently purchased property at 4010 State st., has the frame work for a new six room house on the lot next to the residenrein which he lives. Visitors last week at the Mar tin Hensels, 240 El ma ave., were his niece and nephew, Leta and Leroy Hensel of Lodi, Calif. They went on to Corvallis where they will be freshmen at Oregon State college. House guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rentschler, 220 Elma ave.. Canfield. sergeant-at-arms; and Dick Klinefelter, yell leader. LESLIE JUNIOR HIGH Last week's report of Leslie student body sergeant-at-arms election should have listed Bruce King as new sergeant, elected to replace Bob Trussel . who has moved to Texas. Elmer Winegar will serve as assistant. Tha Statesman. SaUm. Orqon. Tn day. Spt 21. 1U3 7 Detroit Meat Gives Surprise for Wife DETROIT Thursday, Sep tember 16j Carl Campbell gave is her sister, Mrs. Florence An drews of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ra re turned Friday, from a two weeks vacation spent at Scotts Bluff, Neb., with; her parents and other relatives. ! . William IE. Slater is spending the week at Newport. rr Ilr. IwlMU, AUtariri NrH Q I rdnsALisv Pnnililo Meek Cr Supply Co. Edftmlw St. West Saleat Mmm tM4S YOUa CHAN O TO SAVI EXTDA DOUARSt TAKI AOVANTACI NOW ON THIS SPCCIA1 IS OFFESINO OF FLOOSI COVESXHGSI BUY THIS OtrrSTAMOINO VALUf TO0AY USI WAKDS. MONTHLY. PAYMENT PLAN a- surprise-birthday party honor ing Mrs. Campbell. A large deco rated birthday cake was present ed to the guest of honor who also received many gifts. Guests included Mr. and link James Kubesh and son David. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peterson ana son Freddie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cherrier, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sophy, Richard and Russell, Mrs. F. L. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, Cecil and Scott Full ington, Rudolph Kadin, Emmatt and Dorothy. , . V Baakzrlr 7t.ll i i