i i I t - r i. y2 'Tha Statt3Bcrn,.ScIem Oregon; Thursday. SepU 16V 1943 Hall Asserts Freck Charge Not 'Germane' t (Story also on page 1) Charges pro and con that Joseph O. Freck, sr., was guilty of miscon duct as a liquor commissioner were aired freely at Freck's hear ing before Gov. John Hall yester day, but the governor allowed no reference to Freck's complaint that the governor had tried to pressure the commission. ' Hall said such complaint was not "germane" to the issues involv ed. ; When Freck mentioned prospec tive purchase of "a large amount of whisky," which he declares the governor wanted to have the com mission buy, Hall ordered it strick en from the record. In pursuing that point, Freck was following the written state ment and "offer of proof which Hall had conditionally accepted at the hearing. The two statements charge Hall with working both with the commissioners and H. V. Garvin, commission purchasing agent, in trying to have whiskey purchased from the Federal Dis tilling company of Denver, and also Ten ha ft di m i the next time Jim II : yen're la Portland far If ft' ll ! DANCING I I, 11 DINING f : FLOOR SHOWS V" 1 at the Northwest's p Finest Night Spot ft! a carload from the Continental Distilling company. . j Memorandum Presented One of the documents given Hall for consideration in the hearing purported to be a copy of a mem orandum from Garvin to; W. W, Hammond, state liquor adminis trator. It was this memorandum which Freck declared wasldispos- ed of at the August 10 commis sion meeting because it "would be very harmful to the governor. The memorandum reportedly in formed Hammond of Hall's efforts to have the whisky purchased.! Regarding the cellophane card holders for which Freck's station ery firm was paid $5200, or $13 a thousand, A. N. Wysong, assistant state purchasing agent, said he ob tained four bids recently to deter mine the justice of the price and found three of them under Freck's price. I The bids Wysong detailed in cluded the Kings-Bacher-Iurphy company $11.50, American Plastic Products company $10, Transpar ent Shade company $8. : Bids Compared On three other items purchased from Freck's firs, Wysong said the bids he obtained to compare them with Freck's prices showed that $155.88 could have been saved. On 4800 flash box opener blades for which Freck was paid $336. Wysong said the J. K. GUI firm bid $270: on desk lamns for which $18.50 and $14.75 was paid. Wy song said he had bids of $12.50 and $10; and on photographer sup plies costing $217.44, Wysong said he had a bid from Eastman Kodak stores of $152.48. In some instances (he I named only filing cabinets), Wysong said Freck's price was lower than any bid obtainable during the Investi gation. Purchases of the liquor commis sion are made by the commission's purchasing agents. Wysong said his own investigation was asked ; by Governor Hall. (? 8.W. Salman St.-At. tgM NO MATERIALS SHORTAGE PORTLAND, Sept. 15 -(&,- The Douglas Fir Plywood association said today it will, build -a one story plywood testing laboratory here. The building, appropriately, will be of plywood. Consolidation Plan Discussed By Officers Consolidation of all branches of service -f- army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard was dis cussed Wednesday night by mem bers of; the executive committee of the Salem Reserve Officers as sociation. Under the new plan reserve officers pf all branches are formed in the one association. The new association will hold its fir$t regular fall meeting Septem ber 22 r at the American Legion hall; The groups first fall social activity; will ; be on October 22 with a dinner dance. Members of the executive com mittee formulating plans for the unified : association Wednesday night Were Maj. Edward Houser, army, presiding; Lt. Comdr. Carl Cover; navy, vice president; Lt. Col.j Homer Lyon, army, acting secretary; Lt. Comdr. D. N. Mo rey.i navy; Maj. Henry Meyer. army; Cloi. oeorge tpauer, army; Lt. Royl Rice, air force and Maj. Harlan Judd, army. Chin-Uppers to Hold Meeting in Portland Salem area Chin Up club mem bers are invited to a joint meeting with the Portland chapter Septem ber 19th at the Central Methodist church, southeast 9th and Ash streets. Portland, Beth Sellwood, Chin Up president announced Wednesday. The meeting will start at 12:30 pjn. and will include a no-host dinner. Oil iRef inery Truce Holds RICHMOND. Calif.. SeDt. l$-JPi There was an uneasy truce today at th strike-bound Standard Oil company refinery, where strikers yesterday engaged police in a bit ter battle of rocks and tear gas. At noon today pickets were told to he readv for action in case of another attempt by non-striking workers to pass tnrougn tne picxei lines. They hastily erected a barri cade a block from the main en trance. ; But the blockade of lumber, old bed springs and pilings was taken down a short time later. tfH 42DOROTHY MALONE smsmR summmm a mtmm PENNY jflWAEPS m daw tuna STARTS SATURDAY O ELSIIIOBE srnnnnn auiiiy LAWN SE1 SPECIAL MIX Can tains bent, blaegrasa, red chewinrs fescae, Paaad sawa fir J 2 sq. feet Ik. W OIKMIWATIOM MO"77 coot7) uniform Qtowmojii MOISTKI DAY! jffjt So if you're planning on putting in a new lawn or r- 5 airing an established lawn, o it this falL And when you do, be sure you use Tjrf030 mm n n a. if w ti w i I W II II M-il M M m H It m w ii ii l m m m m v. A J 7itilllLI'Z-' FANCY MIX j Can tain white elarer. tp, blue crass, red A chew ing" feseae. Peund sawa QCI 2M so. feet ; OwIr. rfcj FEAT IIOSS Bale, $3.75j We Can Supply f AH Your Needs For A Fall Lawn FALL BULBS They ara earning la new here ara a few kinds we eaav sapply regal lilies. King Al fred's paper whites, soleil dor fall eraena. eolenlea Chinese sacred lilies. . D. 1L WHITE d SOUS ! 265 State St. We Deliver Phone 22478 Mum' Show to Use Models : i ' -f : i : i Plans for a style .show with live models showing use of flowers is a feature added to the Salem Op timist chub's Chrysanthemum show scheduled for JMovemDer o ana t iha a T-mriT-v WI W Caldwell, Portland, vice nrMertt of Ootimist Internation al, s will be in Salem to formally open the "Mum" exhibit, rvennein Foster, Salem club president an nnnnrpH Wednesdav. The Optimist club has set Wed nesday boon at the Gold Arrow restrarant for its regular meet ings! during tha coming months. : I ! - 1 ' ! i : f County Ready with Broadway Street Extension Plans F tension of Broadway street in north Salem from the city limits to North River road may become a reality this winter, it was indicat ed : Wednesday. Marion County Engineer Hedda Swart Said he will begin today contacting property owners of the land through which .the new road would go. If plans ara completed in time.; he said; the road will be surveyed, laid out, leveled and graveled for use "as soon as pos sible."? I Tha road will connect with the North River road about a half mihe north of the city limits. A 700-foot length recently was es tablished from Locust street to tha city limits, through the Bress ler housing development. This stretch mil require little work, Swaft said. From the city limits tha county will i be ? required to lay out a one-quarter mile length of road through; farm lands to tie up with the river road. Girl Companion Of Killer Back In Jail Again PORTLAND, Sept. 15-;P)-The girl who accompanied Jack Drew when he shot and killed a sher iffs deputy three years ago was in jail here again today. She was arrested with her hus band, Robert Wallace Styers (alias Longevan). Both were bound over to the grand jury on a federal auto theft, charge. It was Mrs. Styers then Opal Newcomb who bewailed "I don't know how I got into this mess" when her boy friend. Jack Drew, killed sheriff's deputy Al Bowe in November. 1945. The en gagement ring Drew had given her just before the shooting turn ed out to be stolen. Drew is now serving a life term. The girl, 22 at the time, was freed without charge after Drew told police she had not known of his plans. She was rid ing with Drew and another man when they held up a tavern and then shot the pursuing officer. Brevnian Building Remodeling Job Bids to Be Opened ' Bids will be opened Monday for remodeling of the Breyman build ings at f Court and Commercial streets, R. P. Boise disclosed Wed nesday. No estimate was made on cost of the project, which will in clude complete modernization of the exterior and preparation of the interior for four mercantile firms. Lyle P. Bartholomew, Salem, is architect for the project. Workmen av already removing some of the fixtures : used by the last tenant, state selective service headquart ers. The P. D. QuLsenberry pharmacy remains the only announced ten ant, with a corner location. Hot Spell Speeded Oregon Harvests PORTLAND, Sept. lMVGood progress in Oregon's truck, fruit, and !grain crops during the last week's hot spell was reported to day in the U. S. weather bureau's weekly trop-weather bulletin. The spring grain harvest prog ressed rapidly; picking of bartlett pears neared an end; prune pick ing begin In the Willamette val ley, and walnuts and filberts gave good: promise. STAY TUNED TO mm K90-A ar 1" ' : I OUR SALEM SPORT STATION THE YEAR AROUND K0C0 BRINGS YOU tt3 xrs Tx rrrr. ttH r ! Through the courtesy of your O Salem Anlomobile Co. 435 No. Commercial O Valley Packing Co. VaJpak Road four Salem sport sponsors OUR II Fornilnre Co. 1425 Edgewater SU West Salem O perry Ciiy Baking Co. I Market and Broadway Make your tickets to these broadcasts a visit to these four progressive firms. Tune KOCO, 1490 on your dial for. the tops in sports. ; Willamette Student Talks on 'Jim Crow9 Alex L. Parks, Willamette uni versity student from Alabama. spoke on the topic In the Land of j Jim crow at a meeting of the men's brotherhood of Jason Lee Memorial Methodist church Wed nesday night. New officers in charge of the meeting were J. Earl Cook, presi dent, Archie Gardner, vice-president, and Lee Haskins, secretary-treasurer. Glen Kleen Elected Hi-Y Council President Glen Kleen, Salem high school student, was elected president of the Salem Hi-Y council at a meet ing Wednesday night in the YMCA. The council is formed from rep resentatives of the Hi-Ys of the three Salem schools. Evans Tosses Another Win PORTLAND, Sept. 15 -4JP)- A paid of pitchers with 39 no-hit games each to their credit tang led tonight in the Women s World Softball tourney with Portland's Betty Evans coming out the win ner over Marie Wadlow of the Peoria, 111., entry, 1-0. The win moved the Portlands into the finals of the title brackets. Dayton. Ohio, Phoenix, Ariz., and Des Moines. Ia., also won to night and the Bridgeport, Conn., and Pottstown, Pa, clubs were ousted. TO OPEN BIDS ON COTTAGE Bids will be opened Friday for construction of a physicians cot tage at the Fairview Home, the state board of control announced Wednesday. The cost was estimated at $15,000, Your Tap Show Value! Stale Board Lifts Log Hauling Ban PORTLAND. Sept 1 5-f;P)-Logs may be hauled over all state high ways again now. The stae highway commission ended its tourist season restrict ions on log hauling yesterday. Eight contracts were awarded by tha commission. They included: D. F. McKenzie, Salem, $191, 193 to grade and surface - 8.85 miles of the Medical Springs high way in Baker county, aild $89,577 to oil 21 miles of the Warner sec ondary highway In Lake county. liliMi Naw Sbowlnr Opens C:45 F tXO Second Feature "Hollywood Barn Dance" Ernest Tubb, Lori Talbott ranrrmrn 1-, LAST DAY! Mickey Rodney In "Summer Holiday" Calor by Technicolor and Secret of the Whistler TOMORROW! urn. SCOTT 2nd HIT SWlaswesW f X oadri t J Dial 1-5798 Far Show Times "'THE CWSADfrU si re-fin. it it Academy Winatr teretta Totof astf a Benbsaell fr Xirf fceadlint :. Says 'iOWiHt SCHALURT; New TODAY! Conquerors of Half the Vorld ...Fiercest Lovers of the Ages! Richard the Lion Heart and his Princess of Navarre! Their love defied the might of the savage armies of the East to write the flam ing chapter of the Crusadee mta She annals of mankind! 1 t 4 - M ... .2. v a AJ Cecil RDeMille's Eye-SUerinz Spsctacb Cast fif Tk3JS2sds Secret tf &tr'S& 7J Loretfa V0VN0 s pa's Henry uiilcoxom bilBtk-IitkrMSflMi Claa-n SattlKislSdasVaa httvilM-ftiBtCiaba hitinlXSMrta Cecil I DtMilli 1 HllSSSfl K BlUf Thrill -Leaded Ca-Hit! -OPEN SECRET" with John Ireland - Jane Randelph EXTRA! Se Yaa Want ia Ba A Detective" Warner News Korea Wreck Toll Revised to 35 SEOUL, Sept. 15 -A- A train collision south of Seoul last night killed 35 U. S. soldiers and in jured 80 more most of them homebound from duty in Korea in the worst disaster of the occu pation. The army, announcing the fig ures, said 35 of the injured were in serious condition. Two Korean children were killed and 40 other Koreans were injured. 1 i I i . : S I Marts, h I ! ' it- i ; V : if i : - r. ! . i 'I,!: ! t'i- j ' Ii Expert Instruction fn Tap, Ballet, Acrobatic, Ballroom Novelty & Eccentric Dancing : j ! I 'j Classes and Private Lessons All Lessons One Hour j Mrs. Howard Janka Far Appointment Phone 2-C195 Locattoa Van's Carner West Salem 17 1 hstRjMThealte I II 117 TIM ! ;il Lat Tim.. TonU.I lr j I1?;,. ';""(.' ! Ml II, I ":r ii I U I REMEMBER 1 f Inl vssssr In .JJ. Mat Daily From 1 P. M. NOW SHOWING! WILDE J Llj; JljlHLCliHJ ANN DVORAK ZZKXtZ iZm COKNCL a Mai a jNOAUAitnuj. mine BAXTER uu DOUGLAS CO-HIT! Skip Hameier "AITHUI TAKES OVER" RFJU Open t:43 P. M. NOW SHOWING! First 77a REGULAR PRICES! COKXEL IllOEV.i. I1CHAID CREEKE CEC2EE UKSERS W4m4 St WILLIAM KKIBCM JTl WRaNtMrNUIJIB1NS0t ZmmSZm Naw! Opens C:4S T. M. X BIO FEATURES! 1. WUliam Elllatt -FABULOUS TEXAN" X. Bawery Bays LIVE WIRES" a X. Jisasay Wakely -MOON OVER MONTANA" Smoke signak may attract attention out on tbe broad prairis. Bat in tows you kava to compels with too as ay spoutinp chimneys! When you need a Doctor, don't delay. Call on him at his office, or ask him to Tisit WIXXCTTS CAPITAL DRUG STORE ; j Ceraer State liberty rhene S-Sllt jon at your home. And when you bare the Doctor a pro scription, bring It to this "Reliable' Prescription Pharmacy for care f si com pounding with pure, potent drugs by registered phsr- at our lair prices. Hit's ttDnc TTiranitDQ 2 j Far araaf sea anr ad belaw. ': ! is Mot acm TOU1X GLOW WITH PRIDE IN TOUR ROME WHEN YOU HAVE! IT REPAINTED WITH DUTCH BOY PAINTS! WK FEATURE: I , Dutch Boy Paints All Colors All Sizes All Types . j Dutch Boy Utility Paste For painting picket fences and rough lumber. WK RENT: Wall Paper Steamers $2.50 per day. ) Electric Floor Sanders, $3.00 per day. SEE US TODAY J. . Os PHONE l-7lt rreei ai ue boot itbwi Glow worms are luminous larvae of fireflies, or phosphorescent beetles. 1 Tha Book of Knowledge, Volume 11, page 3919. 2 Webster's International Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 1087. A CCC3 PUCE TO 1ST SCC3 MQT, I F. 0. nEPIHE CO. i Horn where Joe Marsh FIRST TIME AT REGULAR PRICES! STARTING WED. Sept. 22, at tha GE1AIID - Talked to soma y column 'Tarming" Versus -Ranching- editara who In their papers in states where there's mostly cattlo aad Sheep raUtag sboat tha dif ferences there might aa between fsrmtag aad raachiag. , Aiid they told ma: "joe, there's no ral difference between cattle man j and fan era. Wsj make our liring from the land lika your folks . do; W9 have tha same) 4-H Claba and Granges; tha same problems af pricea and marketing. rWhen lt comes to recreation, w hava tha sum likinjr to ret to gether now aad then for a barbe cue and a friendly glass of beer." And from where I ait. that1 about sums it UP. Ranchers msy hatrn differeat names for things of craw different crops. Bat all over Amer ica folks who work tha land share those common traits af hard wark, sober medcration, aad goad fellow ship, whether they're grewieg cat tle far beef, ar barley far goad American beer and ale. -. i . I . i i i - - I i