10 The, Stcrtesrtftn, Salemy Oregcai Tnnftdfry, Sept- 1pV194 ,-. . 1 ; I SOCIETY CLUBS Afternoon ' Ceremony Is Held The First Christian -hurch in Salem was the- scene of the wed ding Si"1" afternoon - of Miss LuelU) LaVenj'Haueft. rtauehter of Mr. nH Mrs. jalmer A. Kaugm of Wp?t SJem. and How ard Alton Tt-sen. son of Mr. and Mr. H. A Petersen of Dallas. The Rev. Dudley Strain read the double rine ceremonT. William Fawk olaved the or pin, and Psul Launer of Jen nings Lodge sane, accompanied by William Cf'dwell. Mrs. Kenneth Wrieltf and Mis June Haugen. sisters of the bride, lighted the tapers. Mrs. Marvin Williams, matron of honor and sister of the bride, wore nile green ta'feta. a half hat and matng mitts and car ried an arm" bououet of salmon gladiolu-es and white rose. buds. Mrs. Edwin Haworth. sister of the groom, and Mis Hazel Short were bridesmaids in salmon tar feta with matching half-hats and mitts, Thev carried white g!adioluse and red rose buds Charlon WH'iams. niece of the bride, was rower eirl Doyle Smith ot Lebanon was ring bearer. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore white slipper satin, fashioned with fitted bod Ice and gathered skirt terminat ing in a train. Her .fitted sleeves were trimmed with inserts of lace. The fingertip veil was se cured with a halo of rose bud. She wore pearl ear rings worn by the groom's mother at her wedding. The bridal bouquet was an orchid encircled by white rosebuds. , Jim Johnsonj was best man. Edwin Ha worth and Vernon Hau gen were groomsmen and ushers were Marvin Williams. Kenneth Wrieht and Harrv Haueen. Mrs. Haueen -chose a lavendar frock with bl?ck accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Petersen attended her son's wed ding in a gull gray frock with black accessories and a corsage ef white rosebt'cR Assisting at the receotion were Mrs. E. R. Nile of Portland, aunt of the ?rorm. Mrs. Julian Haugen of Wet Salem, aunt of the bride. Miss Lorrrine Vajl of Salem, Mrs. Wiin-m Effenberger f Dallas n- William Doma- achoffky of Dallas. The bride was graduated from Salem high school' and has been employed at Woo! worth's. The groom, graduated from Dallas high school, served in the navy and is now emoloyed at the Sa lem branch of the First National bank. The young couple will honey moon in Canada. For traveling the bride chose a brown taileur nd , hat with green accessories. She wore an orcHd " corsaee. On their return they .TH be at home t 159 Gerth avenue. The Edwin -MrEwens are enter taining houseguests this -week. Mr. HcEwen'j brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. MFwen, jr.. and daughter, Gaye, of Baker ar rived on Wednesday. Mrs. Mc Ewen's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Weisel of Pull man, Wash., wi'l arrive Saturday, and remain until naxt week. i Collector9 Item Cake Recipes Given for Trying Out, Or Merely Putting Away in Notebook By Maxlne Bnren Statesman Woman's Editor Women like new recipes, like to collect a "whole lot more than they'll ever get around to trying. We writers onload subjects like to indulge this- hobby, it's harmless. Inexpensive and lots of fun. i Here we are publishing several cakes, collected over a period of Time rrom various sources. You may like to try them, may like to just keep them, so here they re: BANANA NUT CAKE 4 cup butter or substitute 1'? cups sugar 3 cups cake flour 3 eggs 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 level teaspoons baking pow der Mix and sift dry ingredients three times. Cream shortening, add sugar gradually, then beaten egg yolks. Combine milk and dry ingredients alternately, add va nilla, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake In two large or three small layers in moderate' oven. S75 F.. about 30 minutes. Icing as follows: l' cups brown sugar - A cup water 2 egg whites stiffly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 Sliced bananas 4 cup chopped nuts Boil sugar and water until spins thread, remove from heat and vanilla and beat until creamy. I Slice bananas over bottom layer nd pour icing over. Add nuts ENROLL NOW ACCREDITED KINDERGARTEN t ' V; Monday Through Friday, 1-4 pi m. 2nd Year, Salem Experienced Graduate Teacher lira. F. W. Belt 2-1482 or 2-0357 CLUB CALENDAB THl'KSDAY Women's Society of World Service, Engleweod Evangelic! United Breth ren church. 1:15 p. m. with Mrs. Hugh Lowe Miller. 3460 Donald Way. i Fidelia claas of First Baptist church win meet with Viola Hrrelson, 1317 Statr street. 2 p. m. Cold Star Mothers. VFW hall. p.m. Social meeting. nilDAV s Far bar a Frietchi tent, at j Woman's clubhouse p.m. Past Guardian Neighbors club, with Mrs. Sarah McNeill. 610 Jiorth Com mercial street, a p.m. Woman i Relief corp.. 2 i p.m.. at , VFW hall. ; i MONDAY Hal Hibbard auxiliary. United Span- j Mi -War Veterans. VFW hall. 1 p.m. t Couple Wed In Home I The wedding of Miss f Ilia Schweizer and Herbert D. Schunk of Heppner was read Wednesday at 5 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winstanley Jenks on Kearnev street. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. P. M. Schwei- j zer of Monmouth, and the groom ' is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert G. Schunk. sr. of Heppner. j The Rev. Donald Levitt S per formed the ceremony. The bride was given in mar- ; riage by Winstanlev Jenks. She : wore an ivory crepe afternoon , dress with matching hat.:; and carried a white satin muff with shower of odontolossum orchids. Mrs. Logan Wallace of Mon mouth, matron of honor, wore a chocolate brown taffeta dress, coco brown hat and colonial bou ouet of yellow. James Kenny of j Heppner was best man. j The bride's mother wore a?tur- ouoise crepe suit and- black ac- j cessories and the groom's mother wore a copper brown suit ?with J gold trim. Their corsages, were of ; roses and steohanotis. Mrs. Lee Hunsaker of Klamath j Falls and Miss De Lores Bracken j and Miss Louise Schunk assisted j at? the reception which followed, j For going away the bride wore a rose biege coat with brown ac-i cessories and yellow and brown j orchilds. They will attend OCE this winter. YWCA Plans For Bridge Classes Salore club and friends will picnic at Silver Creek State Park on September 19. Those planning to attend are asked to notify the YWCA office so that arrangements for transportation can be made. Classes in advanced bridge and textile painting are beginning Tuesday, September 21, at 7:30 pm. Ellis Jones will teach the bridge class and Mrs. Otto Skopil, jr.. textile painting. Mrs. Arthur Lewis will teach a beginning bridge class starting September 23. at 7:30 p.m. All classes will be held at the YWCA and .will continue for sx weeks terms. Registration will be limited. Pa nllne Morse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morse left Monday to enter Whittier College in Whit tier. Calif, as a sophomore.; Pe took her freshman work at Wil lamette university. Mrs. Charles Barclay wi't en tertain the Spinsters at her ome, 210 East Superior on Monday night. to remainder-of icing before pour ing over upper layer. Nuts 1 may be ommitted if undesired. CHOCOLATE ANGEL FOOD 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar H cup cocoa 1 cup egg white 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla Va teaspoon salt Measure and sift flour and cocoa each' alone, then together 7 times. Beat egg whites : until frothy, then add cream of tartar and beat until stiff, but not too dry. Combine with mixture add seasonings and bake 1 hoar in 350 F. oven. T5 WHITE CAKE 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup milk 8 egg whites 3 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon lemon flavor and vanilla mixed Cream sugar and butter. Add baking powder. Beat in well beaten egg' whites, add flavoring, Bake. MUSIC Dances on Agenda For Weekend Two Salem clubs will open the fall season with dances this week end. The Sojourners have chosen Fri day night for their party, which will be held at. Mayflower hall. The dance! begins at 8:30, and it will be informal. The committee in charge in cludes : Mrs. Rodney Fety, Mrs. Helen' Anderson. Mrs. Ed Goeck ner, Mrs.- Walter Toy. Mrs. S. D. Wiles,' i Mrs. . Harold Schneider, Mrs. Robert E. Corey and Mrs. David Gray. Cosmos Club Dances The j Cosmos dsnce club will meet fr the first time this fall, in Mayflower hall on Saturday nights (The affair is to be semi formal i and Sunny St. Clair and his orchestra will play. The romrnitte inrlirl. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monismith, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Port, Mr. and Mrs. Desmond ;Daue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Enyeart. Dancing will be from 9 to 12. Baker-Teal Rites Read at Church FALLS CITY Miss Arleta June Teal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Teal, became the bride of Louis Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Baker, at a ceremony read Sunday evening at the Seventh Day Adventist church in Falls City. Elder William Lay of Port land officiated. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a white satin and lace gown, with fingertip length veil, and a crown of seed pearls. : She carried a white Bible and white orchids. Mrs. Coifford Reeves, matron of honor for her sister, wore peach taffeta and carried yellow gladi oluses. Mrs. William Clements of College Place, Wash., and Miss Berdetta Baker of Auburn, Wash., sister of the bridegroom, wore yellow and carried peach gladio luses. Marie Parker was flower girl and John Rainwater was bi ble boy. John Ldfgren of Auburn was best i man. Jack Harsh, Keith Babcock and Calvin Hortnell of College Place and Clarence Glad den of Falls City were ushers. Candlelighters were Miss Leola Woodruff Df Falls City and Mere dith Wilson of Myrtle Creek. Sunny Liu, of Hawaii and Zur la Abegg of Portland were soloists and Nadine Koehler of Portland played! the piano. During ; the reception at the bride's ; parents' home which fol lowed the; ceremony, the follow ing assisted: Mrs. A. Z. Brown, Mrs. ! David Baker, Dallas, Mrs. William Lay, Mrs. Dick Jones, Portland, Mrs. Leland Van Allen, Oakridge, I Mrs. Calvin Hortnell, Mrs. I Jack Harsh, College Place, Meredith j Wilson, Mrs. Doyle Larimor and Leola Woodruff. The couple will resume their studies at Walla Walla;- College following j a short honeymoon. When they left on their trip the bride was wearing a green suit with 'black accessories. 1 PROTECT BABY TEETH . . . They ait important. Teach children dental hygiene hab its early, and have regular checkups by y6ur dentist. Wanted LIFE, HEALTH and ACCIDENT SALESMAN Unusual apportonity for exper !enced Insurance man in Marion Cauntyj with possibility af a District! Managership if proven abilUy. Old lino legal reserve company writing Life, Health, Accident : : i j Individaal and Group Life, Health.! Accident and Hospital ization,! including all members of families. For details write box! 21 1, care of Statesman. h rT-, v - I J A 1 4 Q- M 1 i i t I Mr. ana Mrs. Carl V. Weidner (Bette Jean CarrolU who were married cn Sectember 1 at the Frst Conareciar'orinl church. The br;de is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Starker and her husband's parents qe Mr. ana Mrs. Ray Weidner. The couple will live- in Salem. (McEwan photo). Air Force Ceremony Fiftal preparations are under way tor the Air Force dav hall to be held at the armory Friav as part of the celebration of Air Force day. ' Because of incomolete person nel lists, some former military persons may not have bren in cluded in the invitation lits. Those wishing Invitations may call Mrs. Robert-F. White, Mrs. Robert Gentzkow or Mrs. Gor don King. Col. Donald Springer of the Fourth Air Force, here for , the i observance, will be a guest at i i 1.-11 11 IC U11I. Pre-ball parties have been planned by Lt. and Mrs. Robert Gentzkow, Cap. and Mrs. Rob ert F. White and Lt. and Mrs. John R. Hagan. ' The Gentzkows have invited the following to their home be fore the dance to an informal party honoring Col. Springer: Lt. Col. and Mrs. John C. Weinert, Major and Mrs. E. C. Nilson. Ma jor and Mrs. Henry Meyer, Major and Mrs. Joseph A. Gray, Capt. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, jr., Capt. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas, Capt. and Mrs. Sidney Schles-inger, Lt. and Mrs. Gordon King. Lt. and Mrs. Edwin Maerz, Lt. and Mrs. Edgar Hole. Lt. and Mrs. Roy Rice, jr., Lt. Richard Spooner, Lt. Earl Casselius, Lt. and Mrs. Maurice Saffron. Lt. and Mrs. i Garrel Deiner and Mr. and Mrs. j O. Johnson. Gue-ts at the White's party will be Col. and Mrs. Phil Brownell, jCapt. and Mrs. Burl Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Don Armpriest, Maj. and Mrs. Steven Fovchek. Mrs. David Eason will be lunch eon hostess to a group of her friends Friday at 1 p.m. at her South Church street home. Four 1 . J EYES ON THE FUTURE Dr. E. E. Baring OntometristS j Now that your children have gone back to school . . . back to long hours of reading, studying . . . have their eyes checked . . . we'll fit them with the proper glasses to prevent eyestrain at BORING OPTICAL 3S3 Court DIGNIFIED CREDIT Phone S-C5M PE IMPROVED ELBERJA WINDFALLS $ j 50 fj Lj per bushel Beginning Saturday, ept. 11 BRING CONTAINERS 130 ACRE FIELD TO COVER Drive north of Keixer School 14 miles tarn left fol lowing Mission Bottom road sif-n. Drtvo "miles to LaFollelie's Ilission Orchard ORCHA1D OPEN EVENINGS TIL DARK rilONE S-1445 ' SmTw r,r in in mmmmHmmmmmmammmimmmmm Mrs. Breyman Boise, spending; the week at her summer homeat Se; l Rock, entertained Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. James Young, Mr Hoi'is Huntington, Mrs. Va ne Loder and Mrs. Roy Sim mons over Wednesday night. Large Tea Plans Being Made Plans for a large l?a were made by the Salem Woman's Army and Navy League during a business meeting held Tuesday afternoon at the American Legion hall. The tea, to which members of the Portland Women's league are to be invited as guests, will be held October 5. Mrs. William C. Dyer, .president of the group, announced the fol lowing sTommittee appointments: general service, Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. W. H. Hardesty, Mrs. Eugene Foster; social, Mrs. Sydney Hoff man, Mrs. Leonard Hicks, Mrs. Henrv A. Meyer; hospitality, Mrs. Bert Walker, Mrs. E. E. Bp'?man. Mrs. C. L. Fritz, Mrs. , Richard Chase; membership, Mrs. Francis Wade, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Joseph Gray; program, Mrs. H. G. Maison. Mrs. E. A. Berglund, Mrs. Burl Cox; publicity, Mrs. Robert Gentzkow and Mrs. Maurice Saff ron. Massey Asks Support For Military Reserves Civic support for military re serve organizations and for mili tary recruiting was urged Wed nesday by M. Sgt. Thomas Massey of the Salem army and air force recruting office in a luncheon talk before the Salem Exchange club. Massey told the club a trained reserve is esential to the nation's safety. ' . tables of bridge will be in play during the afternoon. Dr. Sam Hughes i " ? s Bridal Pair.;' Honeymoon In Canada Bride of last Saturday was Miss Arlene Buckingham, daughter of Mrs. Beulah Buckingham, Avhose marriage to Wilford O. LaFoun taine was solemnized at 8 p m. at the First Christian church by the Rev. Dudley Strain. Miss Gladys Edgar was organist and F, Peter Larson was soloist. The bride, who was given in ; marriage by the Rev. Walter Naff, associate oastor of the church, chose white satin for her wedding gown, fashioned with sweetheart neckline caught at the shoulders by seed pearls. Her veil was fingertip length, held by a tiara of seed pearls and she car ried a white bible marked by white baby orchids. Maid of honor was Miss Nyla Young of Seattle, in lavender marquisette, with an arm bouquet of yellow roses and lavender glad ioluses and matching cornet in her hair. Miss Mary Jo Hall was bridesmaid, in an identically made gown of green, with pink roses and gladioluses in her bou- ! quet. Norman Alexander was best man, Dick Tarndy was grooms man and ushers were Robert Stone. Ray Bushy and Ellis Klein. Both the mother of the bride and the groom's mother wore grey with b!-ck accessories with cor- j ses of pink roses and bouvar- dia. -i j. A reception followed the cere- j I mony, in the church parlor. As- si-tin were Mrs. Robert DeAr- j mond. Mrs. Kenneth Shoemaker, j Mrs. Robert Stone, Miss Florence j ! Brockard, Miss Donna Waterhouse and Miss Lena nd'r-nn For the wedding" trip, to Can- ada. the bride c!r:-c n b't" with black and pink arce soris and a corsage of white b; by or chids. The couple will be at. home , at 841 N. Liberty street. HLBBARUA surprise bridal shower was held for Miss Peggy Welch, biide-elct of Robert Evans, at A'.rs. Grace Cramer's ! home, Friday by Miss Carolyn j Cramer. Present were Miss Welch, Miss Doris Shrock. Miss Hazel Boyd, Miss Doris McArthar of : Canby, Misses Lucile and Bessie Shafer, Miss Vera Kocher, Miss ! Mildred Schoor, Miss Crsmer, ! Mrs. John Garren, Mrs. Mathew j Bronec of Mommouth, Mrs. C. L. I Welch and Mrs. Cramer. t K fJ. Xs-", ' Tf ' j r sansloFT1Plliii.. UPRIGHT design for DOWNRIGHT convenience! . J. Sarei floor space no diving and fumbling for frozen food pack- ages! Everything easy 40 get at in four spacious, easy-reach compartments. Buy when prices are down and quality at ita i ' ' best. Enjoy peak-of -perfection foods in season or out I COME IN 100 Packages of Picisweet D el cio us Frozen Food j With Every Gibson Freezer ooiierstyvan.,? n In Eclectic Salem Women's Golf association met Wednesday. The Summer eclectic prizes went to Mrs. Fred Bernardi, low gross and low net in class A; Mrs. Werner jBrown, low gross, and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, low net, in class B; Mrs. Rex. Adolph, low gross and jlow net in class C; Mrs. Robert DeAr mond, low gross, and Mrs. Paul! Hend ricks, runnerup, in class Dj Prizes for the day's play, in class A, was won by Mrs. Stephen Foucheck; class B, Mrs Louis Gerlinger; class C, Mrs. Frank Burlingham; class D, Mrs James Haworth. : Mrs. Ted Medfdrd was guest. A two-ball foursome: will be held September 26. Donated for the benefit of the Catholic Churches of Saltm. Hundreds of dresses and items of wearing apparel for women and children. I AH quality merchandise, fine fab i?re rterA etvlinrt rrt nn Vr liOTrrr Klr low rr ir ?. I A beautiful virgin tvool blanket given away free each tffljy. Free Refreshments St. I Joseph's Hall Corner hemeketa and Winter s t E AND c& little aosn on a big bill Boafcj -MeeJs; ,1 Silver Falls f : Santiam area. Girl Scout coun cil met Tuesday at Silver Falls lodge. Attending from Salem wera Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, presi dent, Mrs. Wj Wells Baum, chair man of Salent district, Mrs. Ther on C. Hoover i of area committee, staff and office. ; V j At the morning meeting of dis trict chairmen an effort was made to coord inaate business and activi ties in all areas. The area board of, directors met j after luncheon : to hear reports f summer activities. I to plan the next area association A - " I 1 -t iucun(,' iuvnnucr - mi cniw scouting. The next board of di rectors meeting will be October 14. Harvest Sale CLEARANCE I1ERCHAIIDISE ! i (Unused - - Nat Eummage) 1 ' I " September 17 and 18 Friday afternoon and evening. 1 to 9 P. M.-; Saturday morning and ' afternoon, i ; 1 1 . V 1 f -1 IT TO DAY! LIMITED OFFER