The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 08, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Okholm (Nyla Nadine! Phillips)
who were married on Auqnist 28 at the First Congregational
church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cl E. Phil
lips and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H- B. jOkholin
of SanLeandro, CaliL The couple will Uve la 0akland.:
Cbllt (McEwan photoX - ;vJ
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Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nist Mary Jean Flux)-who were
married on August 1 at the First Christian church in Dallas.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Flu4 of Mon
mouth and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Nist of Dallas. The couple -will live in Dallas. (McEwan
photo.) . " . J '
. Tbe recreatleaal committee ef
the Business and Professional
Women's club met. at the home,
ctf Miss Effie Smith on Friday j
to make plans for the Fall Round w
vp to be held at the Salem Wom
en's club on September 14.
' Fresh Frozen
Fish 13'Ehips : J
- ' ' ' f 1 :
Miss Matt Jeast Haistoa, daagh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs.'. Samuel C
Huston, leaves Saturdaj .for Sea-
siae to resume ner teacning po
sition at the high school. She
has spent the summer, in Salem
with her parents. T'L, ,
1 itsgg
Gut Hicock, Mrs. . Frank
Marshall and Mrs. R. B. Lesher
wer Official delegates from the
Salemj jWpmen's club to the" Ore
gon j State Federation convention
held September 1 to 5 in North
Bend, j Mrs. C. A. Ratclif f, inter
national relations chairman, talk
ed on! UNESCO and Mrs. George
Rossman;, chairman of fine arts,
was in -senarge ot program j
which; featured Miss Eleanor Ste
phens, j all of Salem. The latter
also I attended as library service
Mrs. Jennelle Moorhead, Eu
gene, former president of the Sa
lem! club and., state president
served ias legislative chairman and
Mrs Minerva Stephens was also
there j from " Salem.
. A; poem, "Willamette Valley
by Mrs. Jessie Singleton won
nonoraoie mention. . .
.a . 'T
Tea Honors
Mills Girls
Miss Georgia Roberts was a tea
hostess; Tuesday afternoon at the
Morningsiae home of her par
ents, jMV and Mrs. Donald C.
Roberts. She invited a group of
former and present Mills College
students to call between 3 and 3
o'clock. Miss Roberts will leave
nexl week for the south to enroll
for jher junior year at Mills.
Arrangements of early fall
flowers were used about the
.rooms;! Guests of Miss: Roberts
were jMiss Audrey Simmons, a
prospective Mills student Miss
Ruth Ann Pearcy, who is trans
ferring this year from Oregon
State to Mills. Miss Lynn Logan
of Oakland, Calif, a senior at
Mills, iibo is in the capital visit
ing jher fiance. William Ready
at the (home of his parents, Mrs.
Ronald Smith (Carmen Camjp
bell), ; who have been here visit
ing I from Alameda, Calif., Miss
Margaret ; Cooley and Mrs. John
H. Jobnson.
Visitors Are
Mr.; and Mrs. Robect White
wer hosts for an informal party
Saturday night at their home on
Iowa j avenue Jn Candalaria
Heights for the pleasure of Com
manded and Mrs. Max. Mxn,
who; have been visiting in --the
f John, Who have beep guests, of
the Jtopert Sprague left Tuesday
route j west the Moons - visited in
Idaho; jwith her family.
Bridge was in play during the
evening with a late supper serv
ed by jthe hosts.
Honoring Commander and Mrs.
Moon : were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
C. i Jochimsen, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Travel!, Mr. . and Mrs.
Dayle Burris and the hosts.
V i : ' ' -
Goests at the heme ef Dr. and
Mrs: John R. Wood are her par
ents; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen,
and j her brother-in-law and sis
ter, !Mr. and Mrs.- Clarence Wei
ger.i all of Yankton, South Da
kota. The Aliens plan to remain
here j several weeks, but the,
Weigers will leave for their home
next wealth -
ATsilabia ior inscaliatioa
present stnk, or as a part of a oosnpies
Skew G-E Electric Sink.- '
9 Stuaplr scrap all food wast lata
IM sink drstki opentng. Th DMposall
i the wast $mmHhttiy
: Easy so
Kids yoa of
agreeable kiecken
279 Nrth Commercial
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Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Breakey (Pearl Mann) -whose
marriage was an event of August 28 at the First Congre
gational church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Mann of Sacramento, Calif., and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest W. Breakey of Salem. The newly
weds will live in Salem. (Jesten-Miller).
Campbells at
Over 200 guests came from Sa
lem, Sheridan, McMinnville, Dal
las and Portland to the golden
wedding? celebration of Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Campbell at their home.
725 North Church street bunaay
M. S. Campbell is the fourth of
four sisters to celebrate their gold
en weddings. Two of them, Mrs.
W. O. Ralston of Redmond and
Mrs. C. S. Graves of Sheridan
were present. A brother, W. R.
Churchman of Vancouver, Wash.,
came for the event.
-Mrs. Campbell was assisted by
her daughter, Mrs. Van Wieder,
her daughter - in - law, Mrs. C.
C. Campbell of Nelscott, her
granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Smith
of Alameda, and Mrs. Kenneth
Buchannan. 'r ' , ,
The . Rtbekah Ledge met Mon
day night with Mrs. Lloyd Wood,
noble' grand, presiding. Initiation
Js" slated for Monday, September
,13. The F.L. club will sponsor
a costume carnival and Halloween
party on October 25; Mrs. Fearl'
Cunningham thanked the. lodge
for' cards and calls during her
stay at the hospital.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Feike
have returned from Astoria where
they attended the. salmon derby
They were guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Johri Slottee.
Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton Is In
Portland this week- visiting with
iorie. Mrs. Wooton plans to leave!
later in the month for Washing
tori, D. C. to Join Colonel Wooton.
Casey dinger, sen ef Dr. and
Mrs. Harold Olinger, celebrated
his second birthday at a party
in the garden of the Olinger home
Tuesday afternoon. A group of hrs
little boy friends were bidden to
come in for birthday sake.
in yossff
- - Phone 3-4141
Job's daughters, (pedal practice.
Mayflower Dairy. 1:36 p.m.
WSCS of Jason Lee Method Ut church
meet at church parlors, 11 a.m.. lunch
eon. 12:30 p.m.
Salem Zonta club with Mrs. R. W.
Land. 195 S. 23rd at.. 7:30 p.m.
Merry Mingiera. with Mr. Cleo Kep
pinger. 1:30 p.m.
Woman's Missionary society. First
Baptist church with Mrs. L. A. Dunn,
321 South 19th street. 2 p.m.
North Salem WCTU meet at new
Calvary chapel. 1163 N. Liberty St.,
2 p. m.
Dr. and Mrs. 8. R. Orr and
young son, Robert Lewis Orr of
Portland were in Salem visiting
at the home of the Iatter's grand
mother. Mrs. George E. Lewis and
Miss Barbara Lewis. An open
house was held for them, to
which some 50 guests came. From
out of town, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Peterson and daughter came from
Klamath Falls. Mr, and Mrs. T. I.
Hoyt from . Portland, Mrs. James
Shaw .(Patricia .Sears) and Mrs.
James ' Barnard -.(Romona Lena
burg) both of Corvallis.
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I Drive to FM qr
I x urimuru v i
Is Our
State Fair Tidbits
By Jrym
FULL HOU8K . . . on opening
night for the horse show at the
stat fairgrounds. ... In the
boxes. ... With Senator and
Mrs. Douglas McKay were their
daughter, Mrs. Wayne Hadley,
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips
and son, Don. . . . Mrs. McKay
in a smart grey suit with black
hat . . . and Mrs. Phillips in
Victorian green dress and fetch
ing hat in two shades of green.
. . . With Mr. and; Mrs. V. E.
Kuhn were their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lar
sen and son, ' Freddie, of Yuba
City, Calif., who left; Tuesday for
their home following a ten days
stay in the capital. . . .
More of same . .: . guests of
the Karl Heinleins at the races
and horse show were Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Ingrey of Portland.
. : , . Senator Howard: Belton with
his son, John, . . . iMrs. Wayne
Morse up from Eugene to watch
her husband; U. 1 8. Senator
Morse, show his new stallion, Sir
Laurel Quy, : in the roadsters
event. . . . Mrs. Morse and their
daughters, Nancy, Judy and Amy,
leave Thursday for Washington,
D. C, so that the girls may er
roll , for school. . . s . With the
John Steelhammers were his fath
er, J. . F.Steelhammer, Patricia
Vandeneynde, ; chic in a beige
dress with brown hat . . . and
the Vernon Dryes . ; . . Dr. and
Mrs. M. K. Crothers sitting in a
box ... as were Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Franzen. . . .
From eat-ef-tewsi . . . Gerald
Frank of Portland and son of
Aaron Frank,: who used to ride
In the shows, 1 was down opening
night and bad as his guest, his
Cambridge classmate, Duchesne
Grice of Durban, South Africa.
. . The Lawrence McLellans of
Seattle have taken a box each
night for the horse j shows . . .
with them Monday; were their
daughter, Mary, whose horse won
in the five gaited horses event.
. . Gail Thompson . of Seattle.
. . Mrs. Bert Corby of Seattle.
striking in a hunter's green wool
suit and matching hat adorned
with green feathers, i . . . Joining
the McLellans for the show were
the Floyd Shepards, daughter,
Susan, and the George C. Alex
anders. . . . Other friends of the
Shepards here for the show are
Billie Jean Rust of Tacoma, who
is showing her horse. . . . Billie
will be joined today by her
mother, Mrs. Roscoe Smith and
sister, Peggy Rust, who will be
here for the remainder of the
wee. ...
Others here for the week . . .
are Mr. and Mrs. William Fyock
of La Grande. . . . IThe H. Bry
ants, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs.' W. H. Adams, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. II Adams, all
of Boise. . . . Dr. : and Mrs. J.
C. Gray, of Albany. . . . Mrs.
Marjorie Woods and daughter,
Charlene, who rides, also of Al
bany. . . . Her for the show
and entering their horses are the
Ralph McEwens of Baker . . .
the DeLano Horn - of Portland
. and th Collis Johnsons of
. i ' - - - - - , -A
,v w- v.
Portias andt, talerm, wh hsv
snt out Invitations " to" an open
nous at their w Oreen Valley
Stables on th Silvertoa Road
for Saturday afternoon. ... Th
Johnsons ha v f in vited '" a num
ber of -out-of-town exhibitors at
th hors show as well as Port
land and Salem folk., . . Hours
are from I to S o'clock. . . . Th
Johnson's daughter, Patricia, will
show hr five-galted mare "Fan
tasy," In the owners class dur
ing th week. . . . Others from
Seattle i . . Th C. W. Neelys
and the A. Draper Coales
and from Portland . . . Mrs. Nor
man DeLaittre, who . has a good
looking; whte riding coat this
year. . . Dr. and Mrs. Emerson
and daughter, Barbara, who
rides, .j . . Marianne Ferry, who
also rides, down with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferry. ; .
the Robert Ferrys . . . Dr. and
Mrs. J.j C. Gregory and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Gregory are her from
La Grande ifor the -week.
also th Oscar Smiths from Moa-
tesano, I Wash.
FAIR VISITORS . . . Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn I McCready and Mr.
and Mrs. Gus Hixon of Eugene,
arrived! last! night to be guest
of Mr. ! and ! Mrs. Daniel J. Fry.
jr. at ahe fair today. '. . '. Former
governor and Mrs. Oswald West
of Portland are here for The week
as Mr. i West Is a judge at th
races. J . . They wflT b" Joined
today by their daughter's. Mri.
Frank "IMcHugh and Jri.;; .West
Stone of Portland," who', com
each year
to see (Kef r" Salem
friends.! ... Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Jdnes (Rosella Bell) have
been taking! in the fair before
going on to Seattle, where he
will b attending school wih
th navy. : I. . While her lthy
are In Stayton with her parents.'
Th Elmer Gustafaons are
coming! up
to be guests
at the races
from Eugene . today
of the-Robert Whites
and hors show. . . .
Th tamrel Galld ef th Kalckt
Memorial church will meet to
night at the horn of Mrs. Ar
thur Flske. 890 Monro st. at I
o'clock.; Assisting hostesses are
Mrs. a Wilkes. Mrs. I. Brooks
and -Mrs. Bernard Shanks.
Th regular meeting f the
Missionary ' society of th First
Presbyterian church slated for to
day has been postponed until Sep
tember! 15 due to Salem Day at
th fair.
Prices ircnt$1.77 psr yard
260 So. 12th
1425 Edcewater St. in
r i '-4-.- i . i
and Save! (
On Slem-DlU Higliwij
O rOut of tho Hlgh-Hont D
Lovvor OvorEoad!
O Lowor Pricool
O SaYlngo? for
j Featuring Nationally
V Our Siales J
Are Never
. . Tinall Jvf
nuwuwrw y n
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Mrs. Andrew Xakar.
CMari) Rlckinsoc who was
married xm. Aucuat II ot
th Calvary Baptist churcK.
Th bride 1 th daujhf
of Mr. arid Mrs. C E. Dick
inson and hr husband la
the ton jf Mr. and Mrs. A
M. Zahcnra. Th cxupl will
Jlva In Corvallrs whil h
'la attending Oregon Stal
colleg. (McEwan photo).
Because U conflicting data.
Toastmistresses will not meet to
night as schjeduled, but will gath
er at Nohlgrena at p.m. Sep
tember II. (, . "
it(NiHnri will)
Phon 2-4W8
West Sl
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P. Ml
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