The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1948, Page 9, Image 9

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    The Statesman Salem, Oregon, Sunday, August 23. 1943 3
Rites Read at
"Si Vincents
IIAYTON-St Vlneeni 4e
Paul's Catholic church in Salem
was the scene of a wedding Sat
urday, August 21, t 9 o'clock,
when Miss. Madge Marie Samples,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Samples of Stayton, became the
bride of Robert Herman Boedig
heimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred Boedigheimer of Salem. Rev.
Father Rodokoski officiated in the
double ring ceremony.
- Gowned in traditional white
satin with a fingertip veil held in
place by a tiara, the bride carried
white prayer book which was
topped by an orchid.
; The bride's attendants were
Miss Lorene Boedigheimer, sister
of the groom, and Mrs. Doris Tee
ters, sister of the bride, who were
dressed alike in floor-length pink
gowns, with which they wore
white hats and carried nosegays.
Attending the groom were Jean
Frichtl and Fred C. Samples, bro
ther -of the bride. William Minten
and Kenneth Boedigheimer ush
ered. Mrs. Samples wore a green suit,
with black accessories, and Mrs.
Boedigheimer wore a green dress
and black accessories. Both had
corsages of orchids.
The wedding party and mem
bers of the two families were serv
ed a wedding dinner at the Gold-f
Dk....( A 4-l K k1il T
.at the Mayflower hall in the aft
ernoon, after which the couple left
on a short wedding trip to coast
A graduate of Stayton high
school with this year's class, the
bride has been employed in Sa
lem. The groom graduated from
Sacred Heart high school in 1946.
He is employed in Salem, where
the couple will live.
Joan Cooper to
Wed Tonight
Rebekah lodge meeting-. IOOF hall.
S p.m.. community aervic program.
Son of Union Veterans will meet at
St. Paul's guild. St. Paul's Episcopal
church, meet at pariah house. 12:30 o'
clock no-host luncheon.
Centralia Temple. No. 11. Pythian
Sisters, meet at KP hall. S p.m.
Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs.
George Shepperd, jr. (Suzanne
Curtis) of Gresham, will be inter
ested to learn that they are the
parents of a nine pound, five
Cooper, daughter of Mrs. Mina
Cooper, will be married Sunday
night to- Robert Forrest, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Forrest of
Burlingame, Calif., at the Meth
odist church at Silverton at 8
o clock. A reception will be held
at the Cooper home on South
"Water street following the cere
ounce boy born on August 26. The
baby's grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin L. Curtis of Gresham
and Mr. and Mrs. George Shep
perd of Shepperd's Dell-
Miss Cooper has asked Mrs
Jua Verne Totland to be her ma
tron of honor. Sam Shannon of
Burlingame, Calif., will be best
Visitors In the capital have been
Mrs. Ralph Cox of San Mateo,
Calif., and her daughter, Mrs. Jo
seph Schiffers and little girl, Ka
thy, of Burlingame, Cajif. They
have been guests at the homes of
Mrs. Cox brother and sister-in-law,
Mr! and Mrs. Ralph South
wick, and with her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Chester M. Cox.
St Paul's Guild of St Paul's
Episcopal church will hold its first
fall meeting on Wednesday at the
parish house. A no-host luncheon
will be served at 12:30 o'clock with
a business meeting following. Mrs.
Mrs. George Forrest and son,
Robert, came up from Burlingame
Tuesday and are guests at the
Cooper home.
Visitors in the capital this week
end are Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Gor
don (Vivian Bates), who are
guests at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gordon. The
couple's marriage took place in
Caldwell on August 17 and the
newlyweds, who have been hon
eymooning in Canada, will leave
Monday to return to Caldwell,
wYiere they will make their home.
Cecil Rogers is
guild for the
p 'Ksw
. mm
J t
Mrs. Leonard John Liest (Ruth Lorraine Davis) whose
marriage was an event of August 14. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren D. Davis of Oswego. The
couple will live in Salem as Dr. Liest is a member of the
staff of the Oregon State hospitaL (Jesten-Miller).
Returns From Camp
Miss Margaret Jane Emmons,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl W.
Emmons, returned Tuesday from
Camp Tapawingo at Sequim,
Washington, on the Olympic pen
insula, where she has served as a
counselor in charge of all cooking
activities at the camp since June.
Accompanying Miss Emmons
home for a short stay were two
other counsellors, Miss Mary Mc
Crea of Elsinore, Calif., and Miss
.Betty Dixon of Hollywood, Calif.,
Wednesday Mrs. Emmons and her
daughter took their guests to Sil
ver Creek Falls lodge for. lunch
eon. The visitors left for the south
on Thursday.
Demos to Spend
Money in Oregon
PORTLAND, Aug. 28-;P-Ore-gon's
democrats, gunning for bet
ter results than usual in this re
publican state, said Friday they
would spend all their campaign
collections within the sate.
In previous years, the money
collected here has been sent to
national headquarters, and some
of it returned. But Nicholas Gran
et chairman of the Multnomah
county central committee, said the
national chairman had agreed o
let all the funds be spent on the
state campaign this; year.
president of the-j
ensuing year.
By Bermuda
New sweaters in gorgeous shades
Short sleeve slip-ons 3.98
Cable Knits 5.95
Rabbits bair ...4.95
Part cashmere 6.95
100 Cashmeres .....12.95
Angoras 12.95
Angora Caff Anklets in new colors to
match your sweater. Q O C
Pair . A"0
New Shipments
& Jfjf
( o o I
rr itfiiiif irii--'-
Glen Plaid pencil slim 100 wor
sted wool skirts.
Rayon Gabardine skirts in navy,
black, brown, green, grey. ...
for you I
Peter Pan in very
byKafoury. .
It's a
Fine salt and pepper tweed coat with gently
flared back, brown, black, green Sizes 10
Corduroy suits in green, wine,
toast, blue, rose.
95 95
washable crepe
Sch Ore,,
w "lift wrali.
Year 8
. . ... ; I MMfr iff.
& 4 m
I tlBMFM tea
; : - ' : , .
HA fry
' "WW. .