r (i i I - . - 1 The Statesman. Bafom, Oregon. Snadary, Angus! 13. Htt First DAR (Meeting on The first meeting of the autumn f the Chemeketa chapter of the laughters of the American Rev olution will be held at the home of Mrs. H. W. Tbielsen, West Hoyt street at two o'clock, Saturday, September 4. The meeting will be E resided over by the regent, Mrs. ester C McLeod. Mrs. Oscar Hayter, chairman of the program committee will pre sent Miss Jeanette L Den tier, for mer state regent and now a vice president general of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Miss Dent ler will speak on "Constitution Day." Mrs. E. R. Herndon will sing The Star Spangled Banner," ac companied by Mrs. C C. Geer. Mrs. David Looney, chairman of the tea committee will be assisted by Mrs. Karl Steiwer, Miss Mar guerite Looney, Mrs. F. Q. Wied, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mrs. G. L Put nam, Mrs. P. T. Bauggleur, Mrs. C. J. Lisle and Mrs. C. C Geer. Chemeketa chapter officers for the new year are: regent, Mrs. Lester C. McLeod; vice-regent, Mrs. E. R. Herndon; chaplain, Mrs. W. B. Johnston; recording secre tary, Mrs. M. A. Pekar; correspon ding secretary, Mrs. . . Berg man; treasurer, Mrs. John Black; registrar, Mrs. David H. Looney; historian, Mrs. Oscar Hayter; li brarian. Mrs. J. W. Shipley; musi cian, Mrs. Edwin Keech, and di rectors, Mrs. Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. J. W. Harbison and Mrs. C. E. Ro biin. Chairmen Named Chairmen appointed by the re gent for the ensuing year are: ad vancement of American music, Mrs. Leonard Kephart; approved schools, Mrs. W. E. Hanson; chap ter membership, Mrs. Nettie C Roberts; conservation, Mrs. Ralph H. Scott; constitution day, Mrs. Oscar Hayter; correct use of the flag, Mrs. H. M. Broadbent; food citizenship pilgrimage, Miss Ruth Rulifson; D. A. R. manuel for cit izenship, Mrs. Roy Rice; Ameri can Indians, Mrs. Herbert J. Ost bnd; D. A. R. museum, Mrs. C C Geer. Filing and sending bureau. Miss Marguerite Looney; Hoover House, Mrs. John Carkin; Junior American Citizens, Mrs. Edwin Keech; mt jnhnn House, Mrs John Rapheal; motion pictures and radio, Mrs. G. I. Putnam; national defense, Mrs. Clarence Mulcahy; press relations, Mrs. H. George Henderson; distribution of the year books, Mrs. Carey F. Martin and general chairman of teas and birthday luncheon, Mrs. Homer Coulet Date: Set for Nuptials Wedding bells will ring on Sun day, September 12 for Miss Joyce Webb and Quentin Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Logan of Sa lem. The bride-elect is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Webb of Lawrence berg. Term. The cere mony will be performed at the Johnson Memorial Seventh Day Adventist church at 8 o'clock with Elder A. J. Gordon officiating. Miss Lucille Webb of Portland will be her sister's honor maid and Miss LaBreta Logan, sister of the pen edict - elect, the bridesmaid. . Carolyn Fleck, cousin of the f room-to-be will be flower girl end her brother, Ronny Fleck, w Will be the Bible boy. Clayton Al len of Wenatchee will serve as pest man and the attendant will be Howard Kennett of Fresno. Calif. The couple will live in Walla Walla,? Wash, after their marri age, where he will continue with pis education at Walla Walla col lege. Miss Webb received her nur ses training in Madison, Term., and has been nursing in Portland. Her fiance attended Salem schools and during the war served in the army. Miss Zella Hopson and Miss Na dine Osburn of Seattle are coming down today to spend the mning week with the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks, x i"- - , . - . . - i 11 . -I . 7 , -. - , -i : y . J r . - - -'Q i . ? h-- . f Mr. and Mrs. Eria Paul Bergman (Leona Klby) -who war married on August 22 at St Paul's Episcopal church. The groom is the son of Ami R. Bergman of Salem. The newlyweds will live in Salem and both are employed at The Oregon Statesman. (McEwan photo). Horse Show Entries Listed Competition in the horse show event at this year's Oregon state fair, starting September 8, will be the keenest in years, accord ing to Manager Roy H. Simmons. More out of state strings are en tered than ever before. The complete list of horse show exhibitors include: Barbara Clay ton, Mrs. Lyle Scroggs, Senator Wayne Morse, and Mr. ana Mrs. C. C. Slocum, all of Eugene; Mrs. John Osburn, Gear hart; Bryant stables, Boise, . Ida.; Carl R. Steen, Junction City; A. W. Davis, Cove; Gregory stables. La Grande; A. L. Knighton, Hood River. V. W. Chapman, St. Paul; John C Baker, Turner; M. H. Miner, Molalla; Carol Russell, Brooks; Herman Fleber, Toledo: Joan Karns, Orenco; Mrs. M. C. Moy- nlhan and L. Anderson, both of Lebanon: William Bradley, Patri cia Cook, both of Vancouver, Wash.: Jane Paine, Hilisboro; Paul Easton, Beaverton; Lloyd F. Silva, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mason. Tigard. Mrs. Norman Delaltre, Oswe go; Columbia Riding academy, Portland; M. Stonebrink. Harry ZelL Pers CrowelL A. R. Saw tell, Mrs. L. Ferry, Mrs. R. W. Vanpelt, C. Vandoren, Mrs. Bob Ferry, Spring Meadows farms, all of Portland; Ray H. Maddy, Paul Nelson, Dr. J. A. Gray, all of Albany. Thomas Allen, Peggy Turley, Carol Flesher, Mrs. Louise Clark, Holly Jackson, J. P. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Collis Johnson, Orant Ferris, all of Salem. Tom Metcalf. Monteseno, Wash.; Jerry Buck, Centralis; Bob Arm strong, Olympia; Barbara Mason, T ,4 Va.h . "VJf- mnA Utrm Draper A. Cole 'and Mary Mc- leuen, oeaiue. Together 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Campbell have bee together 30 years and will celebrate their golden wed ding anniversary on Sunday, Sep tember 5,' with an open house at their residence, 725 North "Church street. Their friends are being in vited through the press to call be tween 2 and 5 o'clock. The couple's marriage took place on September 7, 189S in Sheridan with the Rev. Krause of Corvallis officiating. They have lived in Mo Minn ville and Dallas, .where Mr. Campbell operated s mercantile business for IS years. The Camp bells have made their home In Sa lem the past 27 years. Mrs. Campbell was born in Ath ena and her husband in Pennsyl vania. The Campbells have two children. Carvel C Campbell of Nelscott and Mrs. Van Wleder of Salem, and two grandchildren. Appointments te salt yew working hears. Sl-day money back gvarantee um all sizes ef FenndaUons, Girdles and Bra's. Please telephone 7074 fer an appointment. CHARIS CORSET CENTER MART K. BALES 4ST I. liberty SL . I. 7174 Miss Nyla Phillips . A Bride At a four o'clock ceremony Sat urday afternoon at the First Con gregational church Miss Nyla Na dine Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C E. Phillips, exchanged wedding vows with Harold C Ok horm, son of Mr. and Mrs. IL B, Okholm of San Leandro, Califor nia, who came north for the rites. The Rev. Dudley Strain of the First Christian church performed the nuptials before a setting of white gladioluses and asters.' The alternate pews were marked with white gladioluses tied with white bows. Miss Janet Neilson of Aloha was the soloist and Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr., the organist. Lighting the ta pers were Miss Jo Ann Amorde of Portland and Miss Marilyn Nel son, who wore white frocks. The bride's gown of whits slip per satin was embellished with cascade ruffling of lace which ex tended from the waistline to hem line on the full skirt which ter minated In a train. The fitted bod ice, with long sleeves, was made with a drop shoulder nylon net Cke and enhanced with a wide ce bertha, which ended In a V in front. Her imported French illu sion fingertip veil cascaded from a coronet of orange blossoms and net and she carried a Bible mark ed with a white orchid. Mr. Phil lips gave his daughter in marri age. Miss Lfla Phillips of Buckley, Wash, was her cousin's maid of honor and wore a white organdy off-shoulder frock with full skirt. Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley Osterhout of Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Taze Barton, who also wore white off-shoulder dresses. For a touch of color the attendants csr rled cascade bouquets of orchid gladioluses and wore white net Stts and open crown white net ts edged in lace, which tied in back with white satin ribbon bows. ' i Huntley Okholm wss best man for his brother and ushers were Robert Patterson of Reno and Ber nard Titland of Albany. Tm Live la Calif ernla Mrs. Phillips selected a brown faille gown with Balendago ac cessories for her daughter's wed ding and Mrs. Okholm chose green crepe with grey accessories. Their corsages were of white roses and stephanotis. The reception followed in the fireplace room. Mrs. Edward Lew is presided at the coffee urn and cutting the cake wereMrsRoy O. Yung and Miss HaxeTSnuth As sisting were Misses Audrey Christ mann. Norma Sletton. Gladys Quesseth and Katie Vlahos. The newlyweds have gone to California and Nevada on their honeymoon. For traveling the bride wore a bottle green suit with gold and balendaga accessories. After September 15 they will be at home in Oakland, Calif., at 7434 Arthur street. In January they will return to Oregon and live in Eucene while Mr. Okholm con tinues his study of architecture at the University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Cebarn Grmben horst and sons, Jeff arid Coburn, and her sister, Mrs. Robert Sigler and son, Bobby, who have been visiting here from Stockton, Calif , will leave Tuesday for Walla Wal la to spend a week at the home of their mother, Mrs. Fred Las-sater. I . .H f r V , i,-- im-fq Visitors Here at Lucas Home Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lucas have had as their houseguests the past week her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter IL Snow, Jr., of Sac ramento, Calif, and her aunt, Mrs. Ray Garland and daughter. Bar bara, of New York City. The Snows came north to see their new grandson, Donald Herbert Lucas. Mrs. James E. Lucas and her daughter-in-law, Mrs, James H. Lucas, were hosts for a one o dock luncheon on Friday afternoon at the former's home on South 23rd street in compliment to the visitors. Shower Honors Miss Fisher Miss Mary Jean Fisher, bride elect of Royal Wenig, was the honor guest for a bridal shower Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Harold Holler on Sunny- view avenue. Gifts were presented by the guests after each read her horo scope. Miss Fisher reading the last one. They were opened on a white decorated table under a white festooned arch tied with wedding bells. Pink and whits gladioluses were used about the guest rooms. Present were Mrs. Oscar Foe, Mrs. Harold Bunn, Mrs. Oscar Forgard, Mrs. Gordon Beecroft, Mrs. Paul Barham, Mrs. Loyd Laudie. Mrs. Jack Lindman, Mrs. Ernest Crum, Miss Florence Klee man, Mrs. E. Curtis, Mrs. Keith La Due. the honored guest and her mother, Mrs. Walter Fisher and the hostesses. .(V Soon to Dock in States MLu" Mary. TIsmmark. who has been in Nottingham, England this summer attending summer school st the University of Nottingham, left for the states from South Hampton on the "Queen Marf on August 23 and will dock In New Yorkr' Monday. Before leaving England, Miss Haxnmond spent four days in Scotland and nearly a week. In London. She will come directly to Salem after arriving in the states. .5? Sorry, folks, will not have time to write very much this week. State Fair starts Sept. 6th and the members of the posse are practicing every available minute, we want to make this "the biggest and best show In all history" (or did Leo Spltzbart say that this year). I talked it over, real confidentially, with my horse last evening because I didnt think he was doing as well as he might and he told me (very confidentially that if be had a little more to eat be could do a better job. So X guess it's up to you folks after all, better come in and buy a little Jewelry, or a wrist match or some Silverware or some sterling belt buckle sets or have your watch repaired or something. If you just cant think of a thing to buy, so I in turn can buy a little bay. Just leave your donation in the little bottle on the counter. Thanks, - Jackson JetveDoirG 22Stta.lH!tr - ' si Near the place where yon pay your Ilta MR, If yon da comfort 1 value My ISVIll ilNOIIII 3 More and re turning to simply-styled, eoeifortabie-flttlng Blue ewsm te wsl mode of fine knit royow swtd se Bd?eliy-prked, for any Exclusively at MM. U Schlesinger & Co. s 'e ytw Q eerel rta, slack. vk site for eW Is , day ttHaa. I4ew - Smm sWesaw" Casually Yours and Tailored by Brittany vsry wtlWrwxd voman needs at least one easy, elegant cost to sling over ber suits, to wear witk n sir ortr evtry costume. These beautiful Brhtany tailored casuals art Jn a dsss by themselves, art fashion rirht and stterint from every angle. Here are thret perfect examples from ur Crittani collection of good costs in fine fabrics. lefa lMmnM MM 69c czi C9o 409 Court CO