The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1948, Page 7, Image 7

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V - College Bound...
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To Visit and Travel
By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
With the summer coming to a close vacationists and,
Visitors are reutrning home or leaving after visits in the
apitaL Still others choose the early fall for traveling and
vacationing. , '
Mrs. Ensei B. Miller and Mrs. Charles Boost of San
Francisco will arrive in the-capital Tuesday for a month's
Visit at the home of the former's brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. "and Mrs. Robert G. Brady. The women are driving up
thecoast route.
. Miss Sally Smiths-daughter of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith, will arrive in the capital Monday from a summer's
trip which took her to French Lick Springs, Indiana, to the
Pi Beta Phi convention and to Shelby, Mich., to the Ameri
can. Youth Foundation summer camp .She returned home by
way of Burlingam and Palo Alto to visit her sorority sis
ters. - : ,, " . ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest West will return home this week
end from a three weeks motor trip which took them through
Wyoming,' Colorado, Utah and Idaho, where they .visited
with friends and relatives. . " " ,
Mrs., Andrew H. Burnett of Santa Barbara and Miss
Margaret Purvine of Berkeley, Calif, are leaving today by
plane for the south after a ten day stay in the capital with
their mother, Dr. Mary B. Purvine. ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert . Guild (Pauline Wallace) are
leaving the first of the week by ear for. Madison, Wisconsin
to make their home, where they will attend the University
1 Wisconsin. :'. l-'-V'.--- ' , . "'. -i- ':;
Arriving in the capital this week by plane from Chicago
will be Richard Cernik, who will be the guest of his uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Buskk, for a week.
First college days are ahead for many of the June grad
uates. Prospective coeds have been busy attending rush
parties, shopping for their first college wardrobe, which is
always a thrill, deciding what to take and what not to pack.
In just a week or two they will be one of hundreds on col
lege campuses looking like green freshmen for buildings,
classrooms, worrying about entrance examinations ' and
whether or not there will be a familiar face in their classes.
After the whirl of rush week, comes the first football game,
house and student body dances, campus activities and in
between classes a coke or soda with that special friend from
home or a new acquaintance. '
Pictured above are a few of the Salem girls who will
enter college for the first time this fall. Upper left are Irene
McLeod and Crystal Huntington looking over a few text
books before leaving for the University of Oregon next
A threesome "who will register at Oregon State college
(upper right picture) are Nancy Snyder, Jean Pickens and
Janet Iindley, who went over to Corvallis one day to look
over the campus,
Stanford bound are Ruth Holtzman and Sarah Jane
Backstrand (lower left photo), who discuss their college
plans while sipping sodas.. The coeds leave in mid-September
for Palo Alto, Calif:, to register for their freshman year
at Leland Stanford university.
Also headed for Oregon State college this fall (center
right picture), are Marian Carson, Merle Rhoten, Eva Mc
Mullen and Marilyn Burns, who chat about) their fresh
man registration and classes. j
Looking over the Oregana year book are these four fu
ture University of Oregon coeds (lower right photo), Jeanne
Hoffman, Frances Baum. Joan Burgy and Josephine Caugh
elL (All photos by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer.)
Sojourn at tho Beach .
Mrs. Harold Buskk add daughters, Kathy, Christy and
Sally, are leaving today for Neskowin to remain until after
Labor day. - . - '-.v-S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shinn and their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Carson, jr. and children, Let
ty Diane and Bill, of Silverton will spend the ensuing week
at NeskowiiL. v -' .
Dr. and .Mrs. Charles Campbell and children, Timmy,
Cathy, Mary and Danny, will return today from a fortnight's
aojourn at Neskowin. .
Mr. and Mrs. Bjame Ericksen and sons, Wayne and
John, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Pratt leave today for Sea
side and Monday will go salmon fishing at Astoria.
Miss Connor to Wed at Chapel Rites This Afternoon
The chapel of St. Paul's Episcopal church will be the setting for the wedding this afternoon at one o'clock .of Miss Gladys Marie
Conner, formerly of Salem and now of Portland, to Eric Leo Waldorf, son of Mrs. Ullian Waldorf of Longview. Wash, and the lata
Sven Waldorf. The Rev. George H. Swift will perform the ceremony and Miss Ruth Bedford the organist William McNicholas of
Portland will be the soloist. ,
The bride, daughter of Mrs. Dora Ann Conner of Cerro Gordo, Illinois and the late Mr. George L. Conner, will be given in m arris r 7
by .Gibson Bowles of Portland. For her wedding she has chosen a plum mi la teen suit to be worn with a pink sheer blouse and pUU
hat with Balenciaga veil. Her accessories will be Balenciaga and she will carry white prayer book with a marker of rubrum lilies,
Mrs. Carolyn Parker of Portland will be the bride's only attendant and she will wear a fall grey suit dress with matching accessor
les and corsage of orchids. William Christopher of Portland will stand with the groom as best man and Theron Hoover of Salem will be
the usher. ' , '.'-" .
A reception at the Theron Hoover home on West Myers street will follow the nuptials. The bride's mother was unable to come wr J
for the ceremony due to illness and receiving with the bridal couple will be Mrs. John Wharton of Salem. The grooms mother wU
wear a blue suit with matching accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. v .
Miss Ada Ross will preside at the coffee urn and cutting the cake will be Mrs. Leah Hogue. AIting wm Mr. Joseph Matu.
Jec, Mrs. Elizabeth Bagley, Mrs. Vernon Gilroore, Miss Sara Jane Backstrand, Miss Jo Ann Hoover and Mrs. Wendell Williams of Mon
roe, who will greet the guests at the door. ' - .
Mr. Waldorf, and his bride will go north on their honeymoon, taking a boat trip to Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. They will re
turn to Portland to live and will make their home at 4944 North Commercial street
Edith Mdxloy Names Bridal Attendants
. Details have been comDleted for the weacung 01 uss uuia mi moxicj, hui " - - -
JAn AXrllsof Mr7 and Mrs. Samu'el Henry Miller of Columbus, Ohio, which will be rn rvenr o Sunday eoon. Sep
tember 5. Mr Miller will arrive from the east the first of the week and his mother will fly out for the wedding on Friday
Theeren wk at 4 Vclock with the Rev. George K. Swift officiating. Miss Ruth Bed-
fMTbbride5tSS?be given in marriage by her father and sheiai "f ? mJ!xx
honor. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. William Ean of Corvallis and Mrs. James F. Bell of Poland James Rownd ' Columbut. Ohio, will
serve as best man for Mr. Miller and ushers will be Gene Ealy of Columbus. James T. Bell, fJ"' "J f"'
MiUer will be accompanied west by'hia best man and Mr. Ealy. A reception at the Moxley home on Mission street will follow lh
.-ceremony. .