jil TE Ctat mem, Cdm.:Oroyopt,8andaT; Angturt S3 1913 r Additional Classified Ads on page 21 Help Wanted Rlale WANTED: Timber falters sad buck- en, 1ft mi. N. Brunka Corner. R. rfffTj-jL . .... . , wvui iaoj: ajcpenenceu zuu mo part time aorrleo station attendants, also man to work from 11 pan. to t ajn. steady employment. Apply Ac mark. BHO Center St. AAhlnaAB ""EXP. HOP DRYER. Ph. 2-2543. Mar hall Crick, Rt. a. Box 430 Salem. Help Wanted Female PART TDB secretary. Parriah Jim - lor hirh school. Phone 3197 WOMEN TO sew at home; profitable business, good earnings. Write Holly wood Mfg. Co., 7962 Melrose Ays, Hol lywood 40. Csllf. WANTED: Girls lor Dart time and fuU U time ushering. Apply Elslnore The- tre. r ... i .-uz . . r..V '7 . wp- . ' WAITRESS for noon banquets. Mat- Ion Hotel. EXP. WAITRESS. Call in person. The Sna, 382 State. ; - SHIAT OPERATOR and shirt finish er. Salem Laundry Co. 263 S. High St. " rruifSKiiri.nH in..ni.nrlk FEMALE SALES and Inventory clerk. some sales experience necessary. Montgomery Ward; 155 N. Liberty, EXPERIENCED Beauty operator. Apply m person. 245 N. High. EXP. Silk finisher. Apply in per son. Foreman's Cleaners Ac Dyers. 1070 s. com l. st. Salesmen Wanted $100 to $250 Weekly National organization with outstand ing reputation, has openings In West ern Oregon for 3 salesmen over 15. Sales or accounting exp. pref. Tor appt. call Mr. Cheney, Marion Hotel. 4-8 Monday. EXP ERIN CED Appliance salesman with car. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Good Housekeeping Inc. 437 Court st. a 171 uk x salesmen Sell Charles nwr uuoniiij Known usnwa ahoea direct. Complete line for entire, family. Full time or side line. Full time men earn up to $20 per day In com mission. Big repeats. Samples and "equipment free to producers. CHAS CHESTER SHOE CO., 354 Chester Bide., Brockton. Mass. RAWLEIGH BUSINESS OPEN amllakl. T " " tunity. Write at once for particulars. Rawleirh's. Dent. ORH-158-253. o.k. larwf raiif land. Calif BIG MONEY selling men's, women's apparel to friends, relatives. Fifth . IUU Avenue Co., 210 Fifth Ave City. New York i SALESMAN for Southern Oregon wanted by leading National Food Con cern. Some experience preferred, but not necessary if other qualifications are felt suitable. A thorough training erven in eitner event, we want a man between the ages of 23 and 3ft. must nave .a good car for necessary travelling. Good starting salary, plus bonus, car allowance, all expenses pan wnen out or Headquarters town. no retirement pun ail offer an ex cellent opportunity for the man sel ected. Writ letter to P. O. Box 3777 Portland I. Oregon, stating age. ex perience, and other qualifications so appointment may be made for an In terview. Our employees know of thai a. CAN USE another reliable Real Ea tate Salesman. Larsen Horn St Loan yo- SELL ADVERTISING CALENDARS, Compact sales sales kits now read v. Lompieie line includes wall, oesx, I nangar. metal, leather, plastics, etc. Low prices.. Big advance commissions. WILLATS Printing, 950 Folsom. San I rancisco. WANTED ADDITIONAL SALESMAN to Join ur appliance sales staff. Sales ability necessary appuance training not es sential. Win train salesman in our com plete line of Frigidaire. Maytag and Easy Appliances. Good starting salary with opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. Ap ply in person at 260 State SU Hogg one. Situations Wanted BEST CHILD care. 9 hrs a day. Lunch included, tl. Phnn suit a CHILD CARE, day tune for child 4 vrs. or oldr nn nurh rrattif I glaring area. 3130 N. River Rd. BABY SITTING in my home, day or night. Registered nurse. Ph. 7794. WILL CARE for girl age 4-5 i. days 1tT!r.l2"2e--Jone 6538 2 FALLERS with power saw went work by Oct. 1st. Contact Bui Wat- teriana. ki. z, scto. Ore PAINTING Ac decorating, interior or exterior, brush or spray" Ph. 2-4813. CARPET laying, refitting, binding. No lob too large or too n Ph g-4589. I IRONING. 75c hr. Ph. 2-494. rAiiniiftu; tsrusn or spray. Roof . . . . - tamed. Paul Bassett. Phon. -Mtm LADY WANTS job as caretaker fSr j)t. hoi MAN. t. nouse. statesman box 178. AG EM EN T apt. hse. by couple. capable of taking entire charge In cluding, minor repairs, painting, ete. niut twi c0 siafsman. I Ph I wVf eCTdmioYuiOg lAU: Royal v.. ;eaA - Cabinet wk. weld. A rnr. P' COUPLE WANTS , painting. In L Or I papermg. Heasonabl. Ph. WELL DRILLING Meyers Bros. Rt, 1. Box 394, DaDaa. yll WTO. BRUSH Painting. Exterior or InieT lor. Free estimates. Ph. 4587. Oil Burner Service AND REPAIR 24 hr. Service Phon $-0063 cKI.MM S HEATING 422',, $. High " BLDG. CONSTRACTORS if-TL 22780 ' Silverton Black 1T$ vuiuui a wnuacunx. rrompi aeTV tee. Drake A Dunham. Ph. 3-4751. PICKUP BALING Bob Hulst - Ph. 2-1U8 m Carpenter, house const., etc. Ph. (TT. SHINGLING: New or old wor' work. Ph. 752. GOOD CARE given your yAnngf $. iiw onipTJiri!. SEWErI end septic tanks instaHa aiod repaired. Scharff Bros. Phone 25568. WELL drilling -A driving. Fred Wy rnore. Rt. 2. Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. Fr eL Curtain washed, stretched. P. OIL CIRCULATOR - Furnaee and chimneys cleaned, "st V ."f1! -nsiey Ph. 7176 " CRAwrs(T house puAs: Ph. ; WEATHRaT RIPPING and tnX- Tion. crorpot Bros. Phone g-46 WeU Drillinff '.. Pom tla. Irrigation, industrial '; H. i As ROBINSON ., . E216 ff. FRONT. Salem. Ph. m. aiiuiiie a . uccurnunjc WX SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORl S-0444 DICK PREY t?-S Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC RotO-Rootee eatalnaM patented razor-sharp steel cutting xtauwa. v ifiiii m urm or arama, atptlc Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electrt Sewer ' Machln ft"iw. auwtra, avoB. sy Mevn. pears line of Roots. Grease, ft. K. F Ifamel. 1143 8th st- W. gslem. Ph T WANTED: Furniture to glu aTre palr Lee Bros Furniture RefleJehang Co Ptr 3-1233 40 E. State fyT PAINTING & papering J ree auiuaTZ Ph -9513 857 Shipping - PAINTER and Paperhangfcr. t 3. tble prices. Free estlaatea, Ui; oodworth. Pb, KXaV -TT.- Situations Wanted Mike's Septic Service Tanks ikiMd. Roto Rooter oa Swr. Pa. Mot or IUL For Sale IHicellaneoo HOYT ST. SURPLUS SURPLUS: OIL CIRCULATORS. Coleman, Preway. Holly or Laco. l f u- SH iiH4i-iff- Ravm SI 1 !W)' Oak Radio or ononorrapn tabic si.au: Bunk Beds S6.50 Pair; Bunk bed Mat r esses: Foldta Steel Cots $3.50: New 4 BP AC BaU Bearing Repulsion In duction heavy duty eiecvno roron 152.60 for pumps, compressors and heavy loads; TENTS AND TARPS; KI a IVmI Rl.nk.ta MU mSM' 1 Folding Canvas Cots New $4.00; AC Electric Generating Plants. 3 KW, 25KW, 100KW: .Sew Mill Engines: Laundry Presses: Extractors: Dryers; Dish Washers: Spud Peelers: Steam Kettels and Cookers: Jeep cans and I spouts. NEW .MERCHANDISE; Toilets Close coupled Silent Type; : Bwwer buib; xuixn tuos; iav aiuium, I Kitchen Sinks: WASHERS: Unokeum GE rarm Welders: Cotton Aprons I rs. r.i.T.c-nuc; Ant size Ranees: I Water Heaters: Room Heaters: Scarce I House and outside Wire. Rang' Cable, I Range outlets. Pi Tails. Boxes,, Out- lets. Switches. 100 Amp Entrance Boxes; 4' Outside Doors and frames I $15.00. Come south on 11th to Large HOYT SIGN turn East One Block. Tel. 7918. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 11th St Block Co S. 13th St at Vista Ave. Tele. 3-5363 Evening 8004 CEDAR POSTS Ph 66FZ3 Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Ready mix. All kinds of sand and gravel. River silt ana nil air Ph. 21966 BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds Llovd M. HilL Inc. I cn,nn 4 wr Tt tw S4.R Z-4JB7 , j".,?. " ff:? PURE BRED Scotch Collie pupa. $20. 1 ml. X. Keizer sch. Turn R. at tracks. 4th rise. Rt. 3. Box 411. TWO flx!2 RUGS 1 Anglo-Persian. $50r 1 AcnerlcanOriental, $95. Several smaller rugs. 1runner, 13 1847 Rogers knives, forks .teaspoons. 8 tbl. spoons. I MSl II VIITI , 41'. MT 11. iMVfl yJZJ-.1" EZZ I baIed- 8 cutting ready tn Sep- I temper, write as. r. Sana or. . Rt. 1. Madras. Ore. Monte wood clrcula- . 1. III.. aA 14S M Hfe. 25-35 WCCCHesTUU Carbine, good cond.. ammunition. $40. Will trad for Manser. Ph. M52. 2 CHAIR shin stand, cood Cond. 15 Highway Ave. 1 WALNUT bedroom set and mis. items. 605 Hickory. Locker Meat Beef on hoof. 25c a lb. Ph. 3-3400. NEW and Used refrigerators, elec ranges, full and apt. size, gas ranges, wood range, wood circulator, oil circulators, new and used, all sizes. ice boxes, breakfast set. dlnlna set. elec. washer, sewing machines, glass showcase, beds. 8 ft. meat case, cash reg.. printing press. 1941 FonUac sta tion wagon with new '47 motor. Hard- man Bros., just this side of new Drive in tneatre on Portland Highway, open :30-iz miontgnt. PUREBRED Shelties imin. Collies). Nelcrest Kennels. Rt. 3. Box 72. Turner, ore. USED ELECTRIC ranges, water crs, washers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO SEWING Machines repaired, rented, bought. W. Davenport. 1930 N. 18th. Fhone 7671 2s H. P. Johnson outboard for sale OT trade for 3 H. P. motor. Ph. 3646. BLUE LAKE beans for cannlne. U pick. 7c per lb. Clear Lake Bean Farm. Rt. Z. Box 374. Salem. Phone 3-3419. S'i'EEL clothesline posts. Ratlin in stock, to order. 1145 N. Liberty. FOR SALE or rent Several wooden I counters. Very good for State Fair. I Phone 3646. I LOCKINVAR Auto. Oil pip funi- ace, . uw ronq. m. s-ijoi. I PEARS. 34i6 sunnvviw Avt DIAL 21208 HEAT YOUR HOME electrically It's fn convenler, safe. See us for free YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC DIONS, steam irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC and gas water beaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. OIL CIRCULATORS, all sizes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J R Watkina Co products 1717 Cen st Sajern Ph 5395Free del LEAVING TOWN; MUST SACRIFICE fiiiluaj mciuoes tearoom, ana """I " fumitur. dintte ulte. a o secxrie Apt. Kang ana odd pieces, uonn end get it. moot ave. 2003 Fairgrounds Rd. THOR WASHING machine. Mood cond- $3$. Spark delux oil circulator, I just ux new. bbo. Ph. 8-0084. 1040 E. I Rural. THOR WASH. mch. with pump. Ex- cellent cond. 835. Hot Point elec. rang swo. saoy DUggy Sltt. isa Norway. oi atvH IUUM4 tuuie;i . aWU Masw I new, 300 Pgrk. or Ph. 1-1627. I a BAwel hanil mm elaa. BAl. Ii a. 1 Two Ko GAL. code accepted pres-1 sure water tank. Also 1ft h.p. motor. Phone 4647. , - I ROUND OAK extension dininj taSTe I jd chslrf. 194$ Chemeket tt CARPENTER tools, tool box. ioekt ranch set. forge, die screw sot. et. wrench 7558. na,n i-wniiih za rm trailer. TL Old Norge elec. range. 357$ E. Nob KCl LOVELY COLPeN eastern maple Duncan Phyfe dining table. Ideal for small dining room. 875 Cross St. LaBy:S SCLlTADiE diamond rlXi. vrxa.s wuuitii paoy ouggy, b sine tie. pad. bethtnette, bottle! sterilizer aresu-ude bottle. rPn. WbRLD GL0SZ3, Desk lamps. ' VffATTR A PPT T A WfTT r-r ELECTRIC Rm heaters. ITX fi-i dlant and fan types. Milt YEA PUANCS CO. ALWAYS a ble stock. Woodrv's fuT-riture Mkt Ph, mo kMiisrtsis coeW uppia. otto Yunker, Rt. S, ft ml., N.I &eirer gen. -. pRTSsUSI Coo'e wiUhi cooker. Kever Waf. TIATIS APPLIANrl CTi. aAiiu ana record ers. YEA TTH APPLIANCE CO. Jlfllt five eellopbloA SS finish for yew ueera, linoleum, wesd I work. a waxing, YE "GaLiVSll andTtUt. ver'ed. 07 oa your truck APT SIZ gaa and elee, Vange. LYEATfH APPLIANCS CO. CARDBOA&S packing boxea C5d fieetr any r1-- f790 N Fro-t GA3 L..GL,A ViaeWa i LfTwTQi ClUtCh. AIM 9 , ... . . . Wisconsin leas slutch. A. Skewi; 7 N. Wteter, Dial 4?0. cry ers, vioraiors. TEATT1 APPUANC3 CO. I goTfiOrTPrlng ilT fcaU r.i , m, like new. Circulating weal beet Mr. X. U Stephena. AoxmcvlUo. Ph. Tftie S ajLail-Lwr screened' sawdpaL units $7. Fill your bin and i I ESS ray Ululate. oTsrnn Power motor, tool and m $4$ l!!!T!T 'Ave. Pb--?; lsnansnsous. ll.fi A U Ik i "USE ORGANIC FERTIUZiyw rERFXCT FOR LAWNS A GAFDENS BAUIUI M T gl9 ru TON Pr De'ivry nrwhtrt la falem Wl rT asUSxxROOM FARM - Sis. AU day! S-ee.1 vw e $13T For. SalgHMiacJtoeoiia 9 ft. 6 Inches Bale Ties 10 ft. 3 Inches Bale Ties AVAILABLE. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT TERSTATE TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT. 3055 SILVERTON RD. For Sale Miscellaneous UPRIGHT Phone 8944. piano. Just tuned. $149. 1 Wlf iblW IfiJ 1.. "iiif lAfe with Motor eotnptet. Used but three month. CaR Gorwood Products. Baa sett St.. West Salem. Cfyi'taT Krn 1wra aiwri, roof- trig, wall boards, shingles $t shake. Eola Lbr. Co.. Salem-Dallas hwy. 23990. CAMELLIAS Selling out larg bushy shrubs. 83 and $3. sun. and eve, en Center st. H am. pst Lancaster, J. A. Mitchell, BABY fiEXf1 ior loclfer meat All N. River Rd. BOVS BICYCLE. exoeU. cond. UX.I Csrl B. Hsnson. 740 S. Winter. WE HAVE several B gals, of palnT $3.00 gaL, or we will trade. No whit ?3foimi& crW New Wadgewood gas stove, apt. size. 78. Ph. S8ZI. 1S94N. Commercial. NEW Pumice blocks $ x $ x U GOOD USED riR FLOORING S x 1013 ft 1 wash bowL windows, with or with out frames, reasonable. 173 S. Liberty. Ph. 7118 Sunday, weekdays and eves. CROSLEY Refrigerator. See 1160 Mar- ket St.. Sunday mom in r. 8 INCH BENCH saw. 4 b.p. motor. 685 Wild Wind Dr. FURNITURE. CLOTHING, draperies. Tues.. Wed. as Tburs. 944 Belmont St, In rear. BOY'S BICYCLE. Good cond. 133 Evergreen- Ave. GOOD FURNITURE. 4 fOOITU Om- olete. 458 Mill St. i ... . . in. i i.i rr- FICKXONU CUCUMBJUiS, UU blXUl St-. W. Salem. . BLONDE DINETTE table. 4 chairs. $23JM. Solid walnut buffet. $22.50. Na tional Cash Register, good condition. $95. 970 HOOd St. 30-30 WINCHESTER 8UL, new condition and 30 calibre German Luger, 30 rairhaven Ave. 3 YR. OLD size crib. pad. clean. Buc- gy. excellent cond. Both for $26. Used only 14 months. After Monday. Ph. 3Wf 14, Ht. B. BOX 154. " TAR THE BEST IN APPLIANCES" SEE RALPH JOHNSON KELVIN ATOR ranges, refrigerators. Bendlx washers, dryers, lr oners. Fowler porce lined 30 yr. water heater. Speed Queen washers. Ironers. Cctromster, Estate. Thermador ranees. RCA Victor radios. Deepfreeze. Harder Freeze, BeaU freezers. American Central Kit. Cab. Sinks. Eureka A Lwyt Vacuum cleaners. ironrite ironers. Tappan. Ruud it Mission gas sppl. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES g3 Center Phone 4036 USED conventional type. Guaranteed. $39 50 and up. Ralph Johnson Appliance. 35$ ,USEO ELEC washing machine. $39. Horton lroner. $29. Natl. alum, pre- syr cooker, 86.5Q. rti . 9T58 . i ysq Em, rLUKAL HAiKt lS LARGE AND small, different shapes. Ph. 5.T96. agza Portland Rd. ALLM1A UM CAMPIAQ trailer. Fa. 3867. Paul Hart 633 Ferry St SERVEL Gas refrigerator. Tappan I eaa ranee, chrome kitchen table aV 4 chairs. 314 1. 3rd. Sllverton. Ore nrr t ins-. i -t w ailing sana a travel co. Crashed Rock For road Jt drt way Cement Ready-mix Concrete- Garden d 1 Bulldoxing. drainage and ditching, yd. ahovel s drag line. Phon $S4L Trade Miscellaneons FOR TRADE: New HG Oliver Cla- tra 43 gauge or AG Clelrae fori neerly new large size wheel type Gordon Keeley. 931 S. E. th ! rr. Ace.. Portland. Oregon. Wanted -Furniture yegD FURNTTTJRE Phone 8113 CSED FURNITURE. Phon Ol&jT Wanted Sliscellaneous WANTED NSW and fiwveeU tractors, all si drills. balers. discs. plows. TiY7' 7, 1 1 T fc v"v I AUTO. XLEC. hot water heater. C- SVam DM m r1twil iMBrn merit laundry tray, ph. 14923. WILL" pay fl per bushel for grien deuglas fir on. Squlrr! are cutting them now. If tatersted write Wood- teed Ltd.. PO Box 647. Salem. .K9 1 W v 4-l PlANO ' TWilNG Win Mast Stem Salem Miscellaneous INtTSUCTION. MALE. X Would nko I e jMxm. so reuanas men wno wouia uaai I to train to spare time to learn weld- , tavg, snetal work, spray painting a r l.ia m Atim Itl. miJI M.trn- tagt should b msehsnlcslly wtii not hUerfer with your lob. Vet-1 and errilians. For information about this training write at onoe. glv tng name, address, see and working nour. Auio-exarta xri Ststerman. capital Bed Co Ph. n. .UTO PaiA ust a chad belter. by Ray aTTTEa. Shrock Motor Co. V'FaTUE! strips. Pulnan Ph IT'S" HA VS VOUR anger ewin inaciun rpjrd ov a ou&uiMa auneer reBre- antatrv. ra. uu cor rree pickup aeuvery tat mi oa au maxee oc . rr asmmat given . la gtarted. Sinr Sewing M. thm Co 130 ft Commercial - WANT To " Buy Used CameriTTs CnTJ Mc 'ETt at f 'ia'ar ffrr .T' aa- 1 Commercial Art Ltternada. aartoona. busmeas . i ff. trad mark. rSoto - rtouching. h Brown. Salem LngravUtg. Phooe Oil 00 OL Zi B- CDrrrrerr tl. f Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR fERVTCS IN. MOST Brlre- r Ms!! Your Plate for Peoair Do. Rt IAJElbVY s: DXNTUT t" , yij.i. . , " -vrn f -n 1 ...tSL HSFIvr "T 'ft W 1 t c, v;Ta h, i. r-1 -? -iaBaaA kattec. 44 1 g'!gC"g fat. P.m. WXTaX. IXL arUxlng.' Co imxauon. thixiieid Bros. Rt $u . I . - - jg. " 1 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. I : Cor tract Work Gearing . Dttehine Sewer - St Basement -. Laulnmant Bental 13 B-4 yds. . Sit DO nae kr. I kr! I kr. I lO.B-Ja Ml 0.80 per D-T Cat A Dozer so ear D- Cat Doxer . $ 44 par hr. D-i Cat A Dozer 7 00 per Sr. Phon Devs $40 nines uil or 3440S For SalWMiaceIlamcms PH. 24161 Miscellaneous 1 MEN'S SUITS, ladle plain d ta SI Mid aiwi m lMM I sal sli a L15 Dyeing, alterations nd I repairs. PANTO RTUM flUMZM $43 M. ComX Ph. 14589 Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. $90 STATS ST. 1st Nn Bank (old traarterst QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIONATURaV FURN-LVSTOCK FARM MACH-NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 uc. wo. av-ii ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 34 month ON LATE MODELS , From $50.00 to $500.00 Uo. No. M-338 MAKS APPLICATION BY PHONB OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. 8. of Ladd A- Bush 12 S Commercial St Salem Private Money Oa Car. Truck. & Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 1 S Commercial St Phon 9168 1 INFORMAL LOANS $25 to $500 YXS. A LOAN UP TO $300 ON FUR NITURE-SALARY; UP TO $500 ON AUTO FROM PERSONAL FINANCE CO. IS AN INFORMAL LOAN. INFORMAL because you deal with Just Kjriz. me iu mahaues. INFORMAL because you select th monthly repayment amount. INFORMAL because there U no "stand ard" security required: furniture. r. equipment, livestock, machin ery ax acceptable basis for a loan. Phon or see the YES MANAGER today. It's "yes" to 4 out of 5. PERSONAL Finance Company eisf Biaie m. m 818r K. GaUlnxer. Mgr. Lie. S-122, M-163 FARM and CITY LOANS 4s and 8 Your own term of renarment wttn- m reesoa. cesn for Real Estate Con tracts and second Mortraee. CAPITOL KEfURTTrrj CO SOT Pioneer Trust Bidg. Phon 7183 Loans Wanted WANT $4700. $8500 & S26M RIAL ESTATE. GOOD INVESTMENT WujuAMETTK SEAL ESTATE 17J S. Liberty Phon 7113 I DISABLTD veteran will pay $i3i bonus for the use of $4,000 for 3 yra. t 0. Loan to be secured bv til .000 ate worm, axceuent character redlt refs. Ph. $730 after pjn. Financial 4ft REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 3. High St. Lie. S-215. Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4U.4 r a. a. a construction loan. 33f Chemeket Phone $fl SEE us FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 0 to 40 Year and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS S44 State St. Ph. $261 For Rent Rooms LARGE, clean, newly turn, sleeping I rm. Walking distance to town, aeboola. 3?0 Mission St. SINGLE SLP. ftn. for emp. person. I Phon 7240. I "Btf" SL'I'I'U Ll.-L.- X-l.l.Jl Vtl P I -Hr ' I - n mm m m mm I .fV-- --rAw roora- I Vrsrn 1 tt Ikl Ujf 1 UQUT . 1J - SLEEpr CN'O RMS. 1180 Colonisl J tttsjj: feMplng rm. If. Hlrh. ty-a proaqwfy. I - mmm. sw mmmmm wi. w m. MW. I Room and Board ZJZtlLlX. SS to any hem starting Sept. L $3$ Hood I Mg - cmoking. jpn. $-9-3, OPENING NICE clean comiortabte horn for refined cultured aged peo pl at Dund, Or, cm highway 89 W. Nun in charge. No Sunday interviews. Ph. Newberg. 1SS4R or write Searcy's Snnshin Homo, Box $49, Newberg. For Rent -Apartments W lU-AMi.fTg ttodeni. male, wenl t?SS fndag?. eTw. rS r receW.ni hw' room and board by Sept. 1st. Can pay 5 Wild Wind Dr. Phone2123. d n rn Idtehen! rktl bdV" haTn" w"thtr "i, T'?- bids, basement. If? o mfc fh. ve - bED.. H6Usg.rio30 n. 22 1813 leV.Phffr 1 "" i8-ooa- 6hown -PPt- WlLL BOARD and room 1 small -lEAVLVG" 6MGO 3 BP. Mm: ' BV OWNER; Modern 3 bdrm. home. w .if Viectrte. 1 BR. lee I M tgP HrV, wrt1 Staterman Box 183. HOUSX ON 10 ACRE? ELEcI ALL Sawdust heat 1-fw lol $7S af- KltfViS. tt?s? A'Z'hBS? t RM. -APT. Prl. bath. tlT m St.17500. 7Bt 'l'c.flTY-3 ' ' .-7J- I for j middle-eged people er couple. I C2f e in. yfB0X 185. Stategrnan! I 1 FU&.'J, apt, private entrance, utility Boreh. Call mom inn alv. illl I 4. Dt- private entrance. I utility porch. Call mornings niy. 1773 I rt. ronx. 1 KM. DUTLaX partly urn, la Uoa- mouth. Ph. Monmouth. 6573. 'IMKTftf-l,H" ..s 1 . . a o. a. apk, uni, eoec V efi attfea. a. Frteldair. m S7S 1 .- - -2.-:- r. I TI "3 rIJ,"""0 . . Natv. LAiliuL3iiiJ 4 . rma. and I a,f,.?i: V . ' . . "en upewirs, i !?XAp5ilyt Ko,tm Adolph, HOis I g - gJjT g-, . , I iuuu lui. Ai-1 . ajnpioyea coupi.iio l rtT p w' 815 N' Summer .st- : I xa.v upauurs apt. uiuura. 4 iarg i rooms and bath. 1 block south Keizer I f For neptApaytroenU NICE S rm. apt. Emoloved ladv or echer pref. 3143 N. Coml . PARTIALLY turn, basement apt. Bollywood district. Bus at door. Phooai B-J04 after iiN pja. - for Item Houses Jl R,5C2Xrar1,0r New. S??2dJ?l l?'AJ.um.'"ura PUn! , ",tj .v. uwnrr m i smrr bi. H3 Mvrtle A' FOR LEASE. Good 4 bedrm. home. YTi - . . NEW 2 bdrnx, elec heated duplex. Partially turn. Close to buaea mnA stum. pr or arinxcrs. cz. re - oii. 14W Trde. NiCJ x Ddrm. home. auto, ou fur nace, bath and one-half. Nice district. Partly turn, if desired. 3100. ner mo. Call 4023. LOVELV 1 BiL HOME In. nice loca Uon. close to all schools, to rlaht Stat size of famUy. type of employment and maximum rent. Write I statesman, box JH. NEW 4 KM. house, unfurnished. 1731 latarxet st. For Kent TRAILER md 1605 Mante Street. Ptvone 3-5093. HOUSE, small store tc station. $40 I Jhonth. Equipment and stock for sale. I i-r. b. ox turners, rn. T.T Center and Church. Ph. 9600. prayer rentals reduced rttthirchas of Norrls-Walker or Pittsburgh paint. Ho' r pros., bos gggewater St. ' tHHl M. . - 1 i, JobTRent Tu. VTZZ and beH suutm. Oin mnrt .. iT ..nun ZZZZZT. : V.- "r ST f.w V... , JTJl. tfWO. b-vrv ik - hn m . .4 fc. j.." .K X.l- 'VihJ63 w.tu uwnimi lull .(V. Slaw lUUim Co-153 S. High St. Telephone 4121. IRONERS by the week Pfione i-4439. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILERS Tic Brit be- Soe hra followin Woodrv's Mkt 1808 M Summer BUSINESS Room. H. U Stiff; U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 TP an ra g- , . . - - Trailer Prk. 3910 N. River Road. ATM OKAYS Ozone Good health Bent-eell H C Pugh 684 N 17 4fi92 TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankeu furnished Smlttv's dinner Sanrtr Center and Church. Phone 9600. Wanted to Rent WANTED IMMEDIATELY: t or more unfurn rooms. Can be not mod ern. Near city bus line. M. C B.. 2252 Simpson st. corner rord St. PHYSICIAN with wife and babv de sires to rent or leas bouse. Box 171 Statesman. DESIRABLE trailer house for 30 days or more oy reus Die single emp. man. Phone 6233. PROFESSIONAL MAN and wif want superior furnished apartment or inuu nous oy early October. No chil- dren. Write Box 186. Statesman. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house. Call 9131 f to 5. 7 OR 1 RM. fum. house. Will oar up to $12S. Write Bx 183. co Statesman. !nt couple wmhoor.. hill1 'pVef! Z BU. house,.' unfurn by perm an- near xrad sen. No drinkine. Write PO-Box 342. APT. by couple with baby.' Prefer near Mill St. bus. Ph. 25081. .GOOD RENT t or t bedrm. house on aoL in desir able location. Phone 7892. LTVIS'G QUARTERS for three, or will keep house in exchange for same. I Write Box 177. Oregon Statesman. - wuXAMETTE UNIVLRSJTy UNIVERSITY n r o- nuiimcn university. PERMANENTLY Emp. veteran de- Emp. veteran de- ire 1 or 3 B. R.' house, unfurn. er partly fum. No drinking or smoking. Statesmen Box 173. WAN 111) by Sept. 1st 2 bedroom nous or rum. or unfurn, near bus. Will to $50 mo. Ph. 7959: 3 BFD in by responsible party. (TED: Listings of dwellings. its. and board and room avali- ! for rent to school teachers. Phone 137. School Administration office. LoU $0 x 123. SIDEWALKS. $425. Phon 6786. Paved st. I 60 x 130 At 1055 RURAL. AH uUl- Capitol At Oxford. Any size. $650 up. j mone 9 iv. LOT FOR SALE 4600. Just all Fair. tew Aw, near ComX 2870 Roger Lane. ra. pgq. - MORNTNGSIDE HILL Exclusive district, view can't be ut Off. $0X272. Walter Socolofsky steal Estate ph. $833 For Sale Real Estate NEW 4 BDRM. Cap Cod $3x110 lot Dble. plumbing, flrepl.. fully Insulated. 1 uto. oil beat. bwd. floors. Full bsmt I flreplac in 19x23 party room. Oversize I bl-YmT' ? ?or.- Bi.u i11' bouse 1 block oast of S. Coml. on I Racliff Dr. Owner Ph. 4284. Ones how Sunds 1-0 p.m. BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. house. Built I iwru.Vi! Bargain at 86750. Juat right for larg family or apartmenta. Top location, new paint. Ready to move by Phon 3748 for Information. GOOD. Small 4 room hse, garag. acre of flowers, shrubbery, fruit, gar. den. Hourly bus. $3200. terms. ESTEP REAL CSTATC Ofi la- i CaphV gTstr Term TtOTl M. rnHnl . Ph. sa boo e Street Phon 8700 "jLEnajw r. a. w, modern borne. Priced tf."9l t?-8?0 Morningskte. Out jstcllf f of fof Hulsey- Ave. BY 6WNXR: 1 bedrm. home on It apt-. pay $40 RMTE3 Ph. 5881. W WAS lf? 9iH IXklA- Wlnut trees, mL from city lim- attached garag. Lg. lot. City water windows, all hwd- dble. plumb. 3 car Men oly. ii tt. Valued at $4250. Make offer. NO m bus. FHA approved. S anm! I garage, cor. lot. bus by door. rUB JU i i Norman Av-. off Center St. j Imm. poss. - $89 Ewald. Driv S. oa I NISHED. $13,000. sio.uoo a nouses, each with large I IHny rut, bdrm- nice kitchen, laun- ary ZIBV, garage. On DUS line mn iniii awnxvaurv i HI Cottf M. Phon 8723 SOMETHING DlfferenL Three bed-1 ity- bVuirdn Tn floort EeT h.Tt. fireplace, fuUy insulated and weather-1 f"1"- "Ti "r aatcnen. utu-1 MOD. CONV, FIRWLACE. OIL KEAT. MAKE OFFER.. RT.- 8. BOX I ViUf Wm ON SAW-1 TTrji.Vj7L'nm l I BY OWN tit: ncw 3 bdrm. bouse, lg. I rrna poytn iBtn, gTOoo. ra. 24001. i GOOD 0 rm. bouse, nicely loc. $ZW3 J uywn. nl. iik rent. r"n. Z390Z. I JBY flWfla Kw 1 bdrm. house. Nlc liv. and din. rm. Hwd rionra I Lg. windows. Patio, utility room, good I location, lg. lot. $8950. Terms. Call I "1. B B 1 Pgg ft-! I 111 1 Ii... l. $8 .850. Owner. 463 N. 17th. nBV OUTrgU-Englewood dist. 1 bad. rm, pecan zioors. auto, neat. rirepL. fm, pe msulate msulated and weatherstrtpped. attach- r ra r e. ILa wn t sh nibs. 1840 Grsn t" ITOUUES-Ii B.R. modern" borne: j six UAfiuw B.H. modern home, utility rm, garage, nicely furn. Includ ing almost new gas rang, water heat, r and oU heater. Lot 113x150. all kind . a isnja wiurai Trees, ciose so erade end fel-achol and Kt Paul's arh. Imm. poss, $70007 Dal Stanton, ?7 rtn.k.,1 c Din. a tfiM tO&Sbw leVmgwn: t yra. old bom. S br. down, stair to floored upstairs. 00x15$ lot? Close to bus and grade school. Must be seen appreciate, call 2433. BY OWNXn Nw hou.se fJLA. 1 do. rms, bwd. fiors. nor furnace. 13 us by door, near ernoL 2239. Mill St. In I Iquir 1241 MiU St. f For. galRca! .CsUte HUDKINS BUY-UNES I REDUCED TO $8000 4 bedroom elder bom on raimaunt HilL Large lot with garden. Fruit, nuts, beautiful shrub at tree. LR 14 x 33. nD klk.M 1 1D W.t. 1 . A " J -nece. 3 BRtoileT V UvTopToutdo barbecue. If you want livable, charm. tne iuhtm thia la u $2000. DOWN I New 9 SR ham 1.8 1! n T.aiw I Dearooms. Kxtra six utuity. art. gi I rage, comer lot. 1 block to bus. Tl I Drice la 1&400. A eoocl buv. 1 , ctO AAA iO.UUO' Center St. near Walnut park. The Cleanest horn In Salem. 1 BR down. in bar, air corxL oil furnace, ale shrub. Call D, L. BISHOP f-tl2 I rvrr A O TTTTTTrTTVTr- e r-nxr VLLfl. XIUUIVUO OC OUil I REALTORS 330 N. High' St. Phon l-412g 11300.00 DOWNPHm SIMM Ml SI bdrm. bom on on floor. Din. room. I rr.rWM" - r tiuMui bju mau m DmVrmV 1 bedrm. sawdust fVuiir I pi. Nlc St Clean. Imm. Pos. i HAS G.L. LOAN ,,d,-mhS3: ss I GX A good buy. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. I Realtor 341 Chemeket St. I Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 ' nicbnT Vr7 I n.lc oeoroom no, garage., work-I "P1 cnicxen house located on I state ST. Be ur to see this. I f m .n , . . . M ' I T a-on owns, naruwooa ZIOOTS. I flrepUe basement, larg upstairs. I L The price 1 $11,750 and thl plac worin in. mtmty. DRIVE BY 1043 ELECTRIC ST.. and wina: you wtu want to see the ln- ox this bom. Call us for appoint- SDjume, ACRE AND A FURNISHED 9. BR HOME FOR $7500. EXCELLENT BUILDING POSSIBILITIES HERE. LOCATED IN CITY LIMITS. l . aw casn ouys a small new subur- Goodwin and McJMillin, Realtors 484 Court Phone 4707 Evening 2-5148 Fine Rusiness Location 1334 State lot 79x141. umm um. a nA home sets to one side, eouid h. utin. ed. Call 8835 for further detail. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY . Real Estate $5,800. Full Price 3 bdrms. north. c!m in to ' garage. pav - rranced. bus and store. Full bsmL. I d street, liberal terms arranged. I 4P1 CArt Tl.. I bdrms. north, full bsmt.. fiirniM 3 bdrms. north, full bsmt. I dble. garage. Imm. poss. Very close to l scnooi. dus and stores. I T1T A ATT TVir'TTT XJXIJ.1JL LU YV I A very nice home north, att. garage. I uto. heat. hdw. firs, throughout, class A construction. 1 bdrms. down with I upaiairs. sireei I to b paved. J: Urmi Full pre $11,000. Be sure to see this one. ALVIN E. ISAAK Real Estate Broker Formerly M. O. Humphreys c Co.) 3015 Portland Rd. Phon 782Q - 2-4596 Eve. 335$ WEEK-END SPECIAL Lovely HoUrwood. 3 b r r.. atr1 J mna -. nome. aw xireplace. V biinds. full base with extra room. Au to, h.w, auto, oil or sawdust heat. i . . IT I at 945 Tamarack- M h eiui BY OWNER Modern' 3 b'j-. bom. rarae. attached, hwdw. fir, V. blinds, fireplace, large fenced lot. mnmi. drive. East, cloae-tn. good aeighbor- ih.hi. iij rxiina lane ByOWK11R I b r. lusua tlaa oa paved st N. Will show SatT and sun. wij Hickory. REALTY BARGAINS $1500 DOWN LOVELY NEW modern 2 bdrm. bun galow. Beautifully finished interior. snotty pin decorated. Oil clrc. es new Weatinenauaat laundrvmat I m m I Jt NIC wooded "i acre lot. About 1 mL from city limit. Full price $6500. To appreciate it you must see it. so call MVlns. $2000 $ acres of good soil In S we fie dist. wui xraae ior nous in town. Call Mr. $2950 DOWN Buy good 4 bdrm. bom with full Mint. Furnace, garage. Large lot in business cone on a main street. Only $$500. Call Mr. Rains. $174.50 DOWN Come fa and let us show vou an in. expensive way to get out of th wa- I ther with a 20 x 20 New berg cottage I uj 91 isa. uintr size on up. $8500 FARM BARGAIN 10 acres flood Irrigated. Cood S bdrm. hse. Silo. Barn. 12 stall, water cup, suitable for da Irvine Pi.nt.st n and naatur r-.n k..i r $50 down. Call Mr. Rains, a i Ainunason neaity uo. ph. 2-6687 Realtor 854 Ferry St T- 1 J J . A J?3iZr& up. with ft plumbing, basement, doe to bus. - . . I $7500. S bdroom house an Wark-aH dose to Broadway and No. 3 son. Basement, rurnac. Nice back yard. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110ft N. Commercial St. Phone 30S0 Eves. 8314 s tstjbtjrbaTThomi: 1 Owner leaving Oregon, must sen Veer old rm. hona. Ln. Lr . tu4 I iT, JT mTZZ. "vT. " firs, thruout, auto, furnace, elec. wat. vom i. to rrwaid. turn right. $950.00 Down v . 11. . -m bVtt'rt5ltv rnIornerl lot. Acmn rmm Hivnl.nit vKmI v. family with school children, it cant b StjSVIKn! TUV - ftWHimii Iter 8 p.m. 98 Abrams Ave. 1 BV 6A'TB' b.i it. lUrm' house. Just like new. lffcyri old to aJifiewood dist. 4 blka. to grade. Jr. and Hi. school, bus and store. Wall to wail carpeting, auto, ou heat. elec. water heater and wired for lec. rang. omau cuiurr ttn. aw wiu nanxu Ftill price $9500 Ph t-4721 " " ' BY OvV NER: Lovely 3 B.R. home, al 1 flr- Insulated, weather stripped, Pcan firs, oil heat, fireplace, utility rm- beautiful lawn and shrubs. Excel-1 lent location. Across st. from hi. sen. 1 Priced to sell. 1345 "P" St. BY OWNUL I rms. beih. U A. On pavement. C3oae to bus. Includes I alee, atove. oU circulator. Nat mm. I pletely finished inside $3900. RL 0. P? .M5le,y Rd- Pfn 4 Comers. I trnuij, a oca . room nome. pecan floor, flreplac. doubt garag. gar den. gas furnac. $14 S. 3rd, Uvr ton. Ore. . , NOTICE: New houa below cost For lck sal call Z6520. 1353 Second St, I W. Salem. Close to school and bus. KlCE NEW 1 bdrm. hse. tUecliTo heat, dble.. gar. 'Nac lawn and gar den. $fi5)0 term.. ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 107$ N. Capitol . Phon 1431 80 E St. Phone 8700 BY OWNER -3 bdrm. houa neailv complete. Approx. ,. A. lot good soil. 1 I 1 B. I Slcpheus, Aumsviil. ph, 13. j For. S4le Rral E-tato -r- JOK HUTCHISON. REALTOR U Court Street. Salem. Oregon , 1 CITY i DANDT SMALL HOMX-enodera 't BR. eott, lij. blka. to bus. Lot 100x200. laun. poea. Only uawi PRICXD BELOW TODAY'S uimhrr onr tare lot 1Z x 143. 3 BH, auto. beat. " 9 down pmeC I '"BJK? r- : l . iwra noma, iniuuiaa. E" 1'wo own payment. a. a. a. easy lerm Jawt . a" ; SUBURBAN ' - A. No,' peaches, walnuts, filberts. S A. ready for strawberries. Mod 4 BR Bonn With base. Ac fiffiura. Oi1.tm. hse. Nice shade tree. A COMFORT Mjn ii i f wjmM it on paved rd. t BR. hse. Just State Finance Co. Realtorf . oak fir timb. Good sre.t53 S. Hfgh St. Ph. 4171. Fves. A. east ! finished ! NEW 3 rm. & bath, fruit m rtJ gar. Small chick, hse" lots of irVn on i A. Und. south on paved rd. ALL this for 42M $1500 DOWN PAYMENT VfH fcu thl 1 yr. old C. L hie.. east. Kl cation. Total price $7800 fc lncludls comp reoaun ( iMa - BEAUTTTUL 4 BR. home on Lansine for $185CO. Lare. n iT,V -.TJ I nook, 3 BR. and bath down. 1 RR. I 3?2 U.Sl"Wk P-c. Nlc TivT " kwo, jox 12U bSwJ?. bdm ; onabie. 55 Court Street, Salem. Oregon Joe Hutchison. Realtor Ph. 7999 - Eygs. 1-4789 or 333 - . . "HOME BARGAIN" A NICE HOMC In mJt Larje lot and a beautiful back vard. l1m. basement, larg room one X73O0.00. i SEE J. . FOSTER WITH William E. Mosels Phone 4993 331 H Stat St. OPEN HOUSE ..N.EW, 1 BEDRM; house. 1844 N. Fifth. ro a V. m. a ro 1 p. TAX SALES! mCTTY LOTS $10; Calif, Oregon. Washington ranch, grazing, timber, mining lends. 35e to $3 acre mln. bid. 6c stamps brings circulars and maps. Pacific Lands. Box 2350 PH, Hollywood. Calif. BY OWNER: Lovely IE R. bom, all Ofl 1 fir. TnSIIIsatsftH tVMthM e4wiMJ 1 pcan firt. oil hL firraU?. txuni St ZZJS&2& Priced to sell 1345 "D" St. ACRE LOT with 1 1' . ".n, twM,A uuuuiu, noi ana coia run mag water, other bldgs exceL garden space, t ppl trees, i mi. N. of Salem city iimiw. a iuu. icaiea at zza Kappliaa Rd. Contact Delbert O. Chriumn r "f jg?:.s5!0j. ",gon- 1 LIVABLE, but unfinished boua, I 80x123 lot. S. E. Salem. $2750. i 4 R. house, t lots, lust autairf v Very neat place. $4000. W eaah. -C. J. JACKSON, 341 State St. Salem 3 's ACRES CLOSE in. i room. ' 4 bedroom modern house, assorted fruit. wans- Deo room modem nous In 11 yerton. See owner. 454 So. Broad 6t Monmmith, Ore. "CENTRAL ARKANSAS farms, city Hivuwii properry. oreai aiversl- I .IVX 2 College city of 8.000. Arkansas Land Co.. Realtors. Conway. Ark. arSset .,ecrUnTr- ranre reWreraor ahT ,1 LSjimek "3s- BtfaELL'S founur JV? ""J 't Waldo ?a - a " . ----- bom, carpete and linoleums, weather nnppea. eiecxnc wired and electric Meyers water system. 29 x 60. $00 ra- pacity poultry house, with 50 white Whom hens:, bog house and lot: , lare X A k I 1 " . . Good barn with automatic drinking fountains. 12 ton of hay. granary in barn lined with aluminum: 280 cation i1'011 nd oil beaten. 4 active I ZTZ?1?' ",B .tt. of.produc. Uon. Young family orchard. All build- togs newly painted thia year. Concrete walk around bouse and barn. Reason ably priced at $17,500.00. Geo. H. Bell. Realtor, Stavton, Oregon. ENGLEWOOD dist. J bedrm. home', built 1939. Ph. $994 or see et lsso I Roopevelt St. Price $9000. I " i.u.... a j. 2m. - j. . S' NEW i BEDROOM houaa. af tm.kr1 garag. Elec. beating. Lot $0 x J 22. Large trees. Bus and school handy. On paved st. Keizer dist. Price $11,500. Alfred Dumbeck 147 N. Commercial St.' hf0ii4' UY '"-"d home With 3 large bdrm mnA uilm 2T?,- i1" flreP'rr- drainboard and full besemenf. Ph. 2-5058 before 0 P m. NEAR SWEGLe School. 1 acre nice modern house. $8950. Will trad for tor or other small business. " Acre. New 3 room house, full Plumbing, good well. elec. pump, small barn and shop. $4200. Some terms. Alfred Dumbeck 147 N. Commercial St. EXCLUSIVE very auracTive Deo room home, on lot so x 163. 1-ireDlace. elae. nanay antcnen s nook. uUitty. Elec. water htr. Bath with tub aV ahower. nowers ec trees, near bus A school, i souui. i ours zor SBfso.oa. Call D. L. BISHOP 2-412$ CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS t50 N. High St. Phon $-4129 i $6,750 By owner. Mod. home. 1 lg. bedrm. I t children' bedims. Very neat and I clean. Hdw. firs V. blinds. Nlc dist. j Cnmrmtmi-W emAmnrmm In.iI. mwut ... I See at 2445 N. Church or Ph. 2-5021. " ' SALExt'S 'BETTER H0ME3 SALEM HEIGHTS. Quality eonet. A loe. ar offered In thU ALL ELECTRIC $ Rm. home with le. corner VIEW ... . . . . . IDEAL FAMILY HOME. 4 BRs. extra lg. LR. as DR. wall to wall rugs over hwd, den ec play rm. flrepl., basem'tC sawdust beat. $ car gar. Well land scaped. ?4 acre. View of valley mtg, city bus by door, near grad at. Jr. high. $14,000. Better built older horn South. 4 Bii- ?iP.ln P01". udy. bath unet, attached gar. Immed. Poss. $1100. Larsen' Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 144 8. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389; Eve. 7440 BRAND NEW S bdrm. horn, completely Insulated, oil heat. att. garage, immediate possession. Price 19200. Approved F.H.A. loan of $7000. $2200 cash handles. See N J. Llrdgren or ' .Ed Potter ' al . High phon $030 DO VOO HAVB A GOOD 1 bedroom house In a desirable location to trade u " exceueni e oearoom nous with basement, automatic furnace, at- tached garage. In excellent location. This hous with som furnftur and appliances 1 for sal at $14,500.00. it you oon t need 4 bedroom houa will you trad for a 3 bedroom bouse, view property with nice landscaping. oasemeni, automatic furnace, double garage. . . . P. H.Bell, Realtor 301 Chemeketa . Street phon 4ai 2-1545, e?rr liou-e. CoDiLiictelv lol f For Sale Heel ZzlzlD $7950- H Aer with clean borr yra old. Close lit North, ImiJ bari. i chicken house, fruit as berries. Ci bus line. . $$.000. New modern 3-E home. hardwood floors, flreplac. V blinds. oil furnace, attached gar re. shruh. bery. larg lot. City bus. loeated N.E. as tow as aidoo down. UlJUMt. Clean modern 1-RR home. 1 year old. Northeast. Hardwood floors, attached garage, rioor furnace. Trutt On I al.l trees. Immedut possession. $ia,ii I a"wr' $4 Pr tno. i $750. Lot , $25, t 121 i. City water. I South. L $3,000 Beauty Salon Fully equipped, I lacalad in K.lm iiu.. L.... cvul - 1 location. Immediate possession. $2,000 I wwii. v-aii aiAunej crown wim BY OWNER: M rr mt an- friMA I ? : T 14. down, finlshtfd rm. un. ih.I I !5 room. Auto, oil heat, utirfty for bosr room. Auto, oil heat, utirfty rm, firepk. hrw. floors. Nice lawn and shrubs beck fenced. Patio. Pleasant neighborhood. Reasonable. Near grade. lili ?-nnoo a-. P.u " In. r-X''". " nool- Atjf. n in. EAST ENGLEWOOD I lZ,.."' ... i :. A illLih mnA .,,n a ii Th7n there li a ier,; patio with li- x l piece. Attached garage, and landscaped : specials en. noox. ana a in in r room. Unfin up. Attached garage. $2700 down will han. die. Better act now if you Want on of these nice family home. , Joe L- Bourne, Realtor 1140 K." Cspftol Fhrm 8? 1 WMM 0 BEDRM. IIOUZ on Fai. I mount, double plumb. dbL gs. lg. beau tiful lot 79 X 150. $8950-00 New 3 bedrm. Sub. horn with lg. finished sttic rm. Dining rm. bwd. floors, lg. lot near bus. $7450.00 Near Salem Heights School, good clean 1 bdrm. with stairs to attic. $0000.00 Ideal location for Court, Close in north. S bedrm. horn on res? I of lg. lot. ir. lot. $6200.00 Good clean rm tionu N. 23rd. South of Center. 81400 handle, balanc $50 mo. A good dca leal au aar. waiters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Eves. 2-S20 Phone 3793 Joe L. Bourne, Realtor Real Estate, From Cottages to Farms Open Evenings Till Nina 1140 N. Capitol St. Phone 8216 $4850 will buy a t BR born soutK. Low taxes. $2000 dn. will buy a new 1 BR stu. u aoutn. $5750 as is. B. Isherwooil, Realtor PH. 6T11. Wallac Road. Rt 1. Box""ie3 or 129 Sixth St.. Wet gaTem CALABA'S COLUMN A LOT FOR A LITTLE very neat t bedroom home with e tra larg lot. Just outside of the rify limits, fruit and nut tree, small chick. Z?.ou nlcm Uc r.ly ,T N.wmom0., 7$. bout acre of Und, good lo- J-onEt of town. $2000 down move. ALL FURNITURE INCLUDED Cood J bedroom home, no up. t sirs. apwuul, lUIIiai'e, 1 1 TIP furniture includes elec. range, refer, pteno. etc. All this for lust $9800. NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOMS Ranch style, lovely $ room borne, at tractive fireplace, auto oil furnace. hardwood floors, iarg lot, real bLV at $10,500. 7 I T i V s e iiuuj iaiana and L,o . 1- 1. A . Realtors 231 N. High St. Phone' I83S Eve. 377 6314 I WILL BUY an older 1 Eft horn I w"h J J.40 frontage. About $4000 dn. will handle. - $2000 DN.,w13 buy l-tory Bungs, low nr. Highland SchooL t BRs, V. blinds. WellbuUt older hse. lg. !, vw nvw w V IT. IsheWood, Realtor PH. $F1L WaUice Road. RL 1. Box IBS V or 179 girth et t ,fl E "TOR-Ci l?03ft ENTOv.rTT Jot 1 block outside city limits. Cocl shady, lawn, natural setting of larre bedrm!hom. basement I fiiwnluv ..n . rir trees. Quiet . secluded kwatinn 4 auto, heat . term. Priced for quick sale. sS- owner at 320 8. Com l St. Phone 2591 trees. Cood $8j00. 5 ROOM LATE built tTUrnrn r,wu. i. t. . noon, iioor surnace. at tached garage, also larg shop. Trull trees. Large lot. las 00. s room horn East. H.W. floors, floor furnace, unfinished ttle. Lot 71 J.1? t , Houa in bet of eondltion. F.H.A. Loan with $3 000 down. $10,000. New 4-BR home East. H W, floor throughout, double plumbing, uto oil heat., utility room. Urg U. $3200 down. bal. F.H.A. Call O. V. Hum with State Finance Co.. J x Realtors 1S3 9. Hlrlr Sf Ph fnijrjMi ONLYtaiJo prlv by 1143 7th. St, Here's a 1 Bdrm. house with attached garage, on S lots. Cood OU circulator St gaa langO go, too. Burt Picna Realtors fT. 3210. eve. 3TI7 N. High ft rn 2 bdrm. home. Wired for range. elM. hrtt mrtr Vi.... mtt tarag and wood-hed. Nice gardf .T'"' S1"1,1 R'T.'r-. X Jf?l.?.u0'lirdl.,Rt Mo d 'fclTpTTe oTk tS?-. Ii??' Uoj g-T"" FTIlZ!2L?r- KJMHI A L 1 T . T5 i W ' . t jw- 1 . ,1 nome r-ouiTl. 4 Act ground. City water availatl. Furniture goes. au u. v. Hum WiUlJk Statj Finance CoJ Realtors 1S3 S. St. Ph. 4171? Pv. .-' t zrJTrtiTiL Ga. elec. shower. $J350.00. 0. Owner eel cupled. PHon 9495 FOR Efficient and .riMhi.. serric ca1 th Salem Realty Co. Now. ADVEHTISINO Western Advertlslnj RfpresentaUves Werd-Cr! frith Company. In. ' aVus Franciso Eastern AdvertJsfnj . Representatives Ward -Griffith Company, fa. Chicago New York. Detroit Boston, Atlanta " Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered ef (he Postoff-e t Fe. lem. Oreooe es Sacona Ciie Hat er. Published every worp..e er eV Monday tSunntti clc l.J SoulA Commerctal itrt. . v ' SUCSCRrPTION RATE3 Man SibscrtP1on r.ate tn Ad vance: VViLhin Oronv La;.y ' i Sunday. Mo 67 cents. 4 mma, tlij; 1 year. $4 i0 t isewhe'' t ) er -ts tr mo., or $720 tor 1 rear to a.vi.. Per eor 8 cents. P Ci( Carrlar. 73 cents a rnrtV fS ti a year to advar. is L . NIC lot. flyUO. 879 tt, i&UX. ad Ikdjaceat 'Couxiwa V 4