The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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t .1 ?hyi .'chrv mT?iCV .ttiSxik .axcaoo'C at!
The" "gtmanrSc3imu OiSundcrTrAua 23;T3-t3'
U. Si Charges Rii Ready 7hh
Troops to Oust Berlin Council
- Br Gearfe Brla ...
BERLIN, Aug. 2H4VAo American military government docu
ment today charted the Russians with preparing to use Soviet troops
In their drive to oust the anti-communist Berlin city government.
u , This week i communist-led invasions of the crtr nail in the
Russian sector were called part of a Soviet plan to foment "spon
taneous riots" which could provide the incidents needed for interven
tion by the red army.
V The document came to light as
Russian-American relations in
beleaguered capital grew more
tense after a wild incident - in
which speeding Russians ran down
an American soldier last night. A
Soviet soldier was reported shot.
Basalan Afraid
A red-beared Russian lieutenant-colonel
who said he was riding
in a lend-lease Jeep toid U. S.
liaison officers:
.' "I didn't want to be stopped and
fall into the hands of an 'uncivi
lized, animal-like people who shoot
without any provocation."
As further strain, the city
'council served notice it would
-meet again next Tuesday in the
city hall. The move was planned
In the face of the two invasions
of the hall by communist - led dem
onstrators demanding their own
red regime.
Council to Meet
The council announced it would
meet despite a Russian brush-off
of its appeal for protection from
'the Soviet-backed .east Berlin
V- The American document, a
weekly reveiew of occupational
, affairs said:
"The events of August 28 and
27 (Thursday and Friday riots)
are part of the Soviet plan, to be
Implemented by the socialist unity
party (SEX)), which includes re
pudiation of the city government
and possible spontaneous riots in
Berlin on a large scale perhaps
making it necessary to call in
Soviet troops for the protection of
the people.
New Kegiaae to Follow
-The plan is that the cfty gov
ernment can be forced to transfer
Fcnns, Dcirics end
Proper cooling"
Assures bigger milk chocks, bet- fiJ?
f ter milk. And there ore even more f yjrlr)
I dividends in the time and work y fjf s7sjt
saved with automatic, electric ii'PLTA
trrdwoMHk Coolers ffl
18S9 State Street
Scdem. Oregon
New yea cm have the
of naa traditional tarakare ia '
a mrifh heater. Fluted col
mas ... recessed panels . . .
lescroes wood-graia effect, aaa
fcogaay finish.
Yoa'rt BCKfMM aaythlag like
this new DaoTheraa! Vet for
all its graceful beamy and dis
tiacttoo its working heart la
all Duo-Therm. That naeana-.
Up la 25 saving a ail
with Pewer-Akl By actual
tests in is cold northera cli
mate Doo-Therm's exclusive
Power-Air Blower saves as
much as one gallon of oil ia
every 4 . . . keeps the beat
j : Good Ooiio!iGoping Inc.
' 't : Furniture ApplUaces . - v ' '
4S7 Court Street "," i ' . Phone 9691
to the west without socialist unity
party participation. , . . Establish
ment of a people's covenunent in
the east (Russian) sector would
follow as a matter of course.
Four gun-brandishing ' Soviet
soldiers led by the hep tenant
colonel zoomed wildly through the
American sector of Berlin and ran
down - an American ' military
policeman who tried to stop them.
Pursuing " Americans opened fire
and, according to the Russians,
wounded one of the Soviet sol
diers. The Soviet jeep roared through
roadblocks and escaped in , the
Russian sector. The Americans
gave chase for 800 yards into So
viet territory and then withdrew.
The American military police
man suffered a broken elbow
when he was knocked off his
Katherine Adlard
Returns to Salem
Katherine Adlard was returned
to her home in Salem Saturday
after a 10-day stay at St. Vincent
hospital in Portland..
Miss Adlard was in critical
condition at the hospital for about
three months earlier this year
and required a large number of
blood transfusions provided by
local people. She was a nurse's
aide at the Marion county Red
Cross chapter during the last war
and worked a record number of
hours in ' local hospitals.
Crccm cries Prefer
with a
Mill; Cooler
7 models each of Drop-In or Coi!and-ttack
typo Coolers 3 to 1 2 can capacities. De
pendable operation assured by Frigtdoire
Meter -Miser or open type compressors.
saoriag throagboat
noose. J,
a. Mara heat fraai every eVes)
of oiL Duo-Therm's exefw
sive fuel-miser burner does
the trick ... geu more beat
laeo roar home quickly,
3. Twra af the dial coavea
ience. No work! No dird .
No hauling coal or wood or
ashes. Yoa tend the fire by
turning dial.
Come ia see how litrie Jt costs
to own a fucl-thrifrf Duo--.
Therm. See the" loreif new "A
, Sheraton. See other Duo-Therm '
heaters for
i pocketbook. Easy Terms.' too.
Remember Hoover !
President Truman's campaign di
rector appealed to southern dem
ocrats today to "remember the
unhappy days" under President
Hoover when they vote next No
. In his first post-convention
overture to the states' rights anti-
Trumanitea. Chairman J. Howard
McGrath of the - democratic na
tional committee said nearly 16
years under President Roosevelt
and Truman : have brought im
portant economic - improvements
in the south.-
The south will remember ' the
unhappy , days of 1932 and con
trast them with its present pros
perity when it goes to the polls
in November, he declared in a I
Soviet Consul
Leaves ILS.
For Sweden
NEW YORK,' Aug. 28-CT-Jacob
M. Lomakin, ousted by the state
department as Soviet consul gen
eral here, sailed for Sweden to
day aboard the liner. Stockholm.
The 44-year-old envoy, strip
ped of his credentials by Presi
dent Truman, was accompanied
by his wife and two children,
Lora, 11 and Alexis, 8.
The Stockholm is scheduled to
arrive in Goeteborg, Sweden,
Sept. 6.
Shortly before - the vessel de
parted, a Swedish American line
official quoted Liomakin as say
ing- he had been ordered to the
United Nations general assembly
meeting in Paris where he would
serve as chief adviser to the Rus
sian delegation.
Destination Uncertain
Lomakin was uncertain, the of
ficial said, whether he would go
immediately from Sweden to
to Paris or return home to Mos
cow first.
Newsmen and photographers
milled around the departing dip
lomat as he reached the pier 50
minutes before sailing tune.
Brushing by them, Lomakin
parried all questions relating to
Mrr. Oksana Kasenkina, the Rus
sian school teacher whose accu
sations touched .off an interna
tional controversy and led to his
He did say. however, he had
booked today's passage on the
Stockholm six weeks ago, intend
ing at that time to return home
for "a rest."
Nothing to Say '
"I have nothing to 'say, Loma
kin added. "Everything has been
said very clearly In the note.
Presumably he referred to Rus
sia's recent action in severing
consular relations with this coun
try, a step taken shortly after
the United States demanded
Lomakln's ouster.
Lomakin was accused by the
state department of "highly Im
proper" conduct In the Kasen
kina case. The teacher, injured
critically in -a three-story leap
I room the Soviet consulate here,
said she had been held a prison
er by Lomakin-aff other Soviet
officials. They planned to return
her forcibly to Russia, she de
clared. Recovering from her injuries,
Mrs. Kasenkina underwent an
operation on "her right knee at
Roosevelt hospital today. Her doc
tors said the operation, which
lasted two hours, was. "success
ful. Lomakin was preceded aboard
the Stockholm by his wife and
children. They hurried to the
$1,400 suite assigned to them.
The diplomat, debonair In a
blue suit, white shirt, blue polka
dot tie and grey fedora, was ac
companied to the pier by two
companions. A police detail help
ed them through the curious
crowds at the waterfront and into
the pier elevator.
Schaal $l7S
Styles 1
isss ;
' ' -- ' '
mL ) -
. ISM 1 i
Fountain Pen IXecdquartere
iiEiiDnzirrs ,
I. : D003-ST011E .
US SUte Street
Salem " Oregea
AH Hakes Fens Repaired
H A P P Y A grinning boy runs
Baring sa aocueav
H E L P F U I Charles Laaghtaa gives Ava Gardner i
log aeinters e a saovle set la Henywead.
Leftist World
Condemn West
WROCLAW, Poland, Aug. 28
WV The predominantly leftist
world congress of intellectuals
condemned tonight what it de
scribed as a "handful of self-
interested people in America and
Europe who are seeking war.
The congress called for the es
tablishment of peace committees
throughout the world to avert a
new conflict.
Long hours of wrangling be
hind closed doors between rep
resentatives of the Soviet Union
and her friends on the one hand
and delegates from the United
States and Britain on the other
were reported to have- preceded
At t - M A&- - I. 4. )
uie issuance ox uia noouow.
Nine of the 32 persons in
United States delegation refused
to sign the manifesto or to vote
With only a few scattered excep
tions, the remainder of the 500
delegates from 33 nations backed
up the . Soviet Union's shouts of
The bitterness of the discus
sion on the manifesto was evi
denced by the comments of the
Russian writer, Ilya Ehrenburg,
to newsmen. He described several
unnamed Americans and Britons
as "imbeciles" and "idiots."
Due to Japan
Labor Policies
TOKYO, Aug. 28-4f-The Rus
sian and American members of
the four-power council for Japan
quarreled bitterly to no conclusion
today over occupation labor poli
cies. The meeting was called at the
request of Ma J. Gen. A. P. Kis
lenko, the Russian member.
He renewed his demand that
Will lease eatire tad fleer (20e q. ft.) ear mew afflee baiid
lag aaw starting eaastractloa and easapleta ia salt tenant. -LaeaUoa
171 N. Charch at Center, near new Bas Depot.
Call at oar office or Phoae as, tilt.
Oregon's Largest
129 K. Commercial
Salem and
Fall Term Begins Monday, September 13
(Night Classes Starting September 20)
Diploma Courses
Jaalor Accounting
. Higher AeeoaaUag
' Calcalator - , .
Iadlvldaal atetaras Federal Xnceme Tas Class
Free Esaplaysneat Set tea .
We Eeeeive More Calls Than We Can Fill
Approved for G. I. Training - Free Catalog -
245 Court Street. Saleaa '
some tebaece threogh his lees
in north Carolina.
i act
General MacArthur withdraw the
suggestion which prompted the
Japanese cabinet to forbid strikes
by government employes. Kislen-
ko called it a "directive."
He charged the supreme com
mander with hampering "revival
and strengthening of democratic
tendencies of the Japanese people
and activities of labor unions In
Papers Merge
Increasing operating costs today
caused the merger of Indiana's
two largest newspapers, the In
dianapolis News and the Indian
The action was announced by
Eugene C. Pulllam, Star publish
er and president of the new com-
thHny, and C. Walter McCarty,
president of the News.
The News, an afternoon paper.
and the Star, morning and Sun
day, will keep their identity but
both will be published In the
Star building as soon as it can
be enlarged.
"No change in personnel of
either paper. is contemplated," the
joint statement said.
is r- t n i iff m reovf m
Camm fa Mr udUaa
Batteries for all aids
Salem Headquarters
James N. Taft & Assoc
218 Oregon Bldg.
ia . cwrrr
Upstate Agenc'
Salem - Dial tilt
Coos Bay
Key Calculators
Dee trie Calcalatars.
Tftaakkeeplag Macalaa
Adding slachlaes
Fhoae SSS7 (259S7)
( Ketone
. -
Official list
Of Candidates
A list of federal, state and dis
trict office candidates and several
state-wide measures to go on
Marion county ballots In the No
vember 2 election was I received
Saturday by the county clerk
from Earl T. Newbry, retary
oz state. . - , xpr-
The candidates are those who
filed with the secretary lof state
and were nominated at the May
primary election. They wil - be
on the ballot in addition to county
office candidates and measures
and certain municipal measures.
The candidates Include Dresi-
dentiaL vice-presidential and
electors and candidates for state
office of republican, democratic.
progressive and independent can
didates. A suit filed in Marion
county district court early last
weeks seeks to bar progressive and
independent candidates from -the
ballot. i
To Ceatala Electors 1 ,
Marion county voters will face
a ballot containing, in additi to
county candidates, six electors of
president and vice-president, one
U. S. senator, one U. S. represen
tative.' Also to be elected are gov
ernor, secretary of state, - state
treasurer, attorney general and
district attorney and two circuit
court judges, four state legislative
representatives and three state
supreme court judges.
The 10 measures up for approval
Include a measure to amend the
constitutional 8 per cent tax limi
tation, to provide funds for forest
rehabilitation, authorizing a state
boys camp near Timber, amending
the state hydroelectric law. re lax-
ink qualifications for school dis
trict voters, increasing old age
pensions, Increasing personal In
come tax exemptions, permitting
sale or alcoholic liquors by the
drink In hotels, restaurants and
clubs, providing a veterans'
bonus not to exceed $500 per vet
eran, and prohibiting salom fish
ing In the Columbia river with
fixed appliances.
The ballot County Clerk Harlan
Uanled ... . Hen
It to 4 to train for
and Air Conditioning In our
well equipped school shop.
We teach you to build, main
tain and repair deep freezers,
milk coolers, bottle coolers,
walk In coolers and all other
types of domestic and commer
cial equipment.
For Information on training,
housing, terms, part time em
ployment, etc, see -
Morion Hotel
MeavTaes. at Wed.
Aagast St Sept. 1
A3C. to f:t TM.
Approved for Tela
Tht;;in Ho Sol Crcda Tcms
In Any of Dr. Scaler's Denial Olficcs
DR. ' - ., " .- '
DeaUst -
1 to 3 DAY
dUScnlt cases excepted
1DAY Plato
air Service
wym m - hi, m w trm uu Ul, iU.l
ed and printed by September 2.
However, as the number of regis
tered voters cannot be determined
until after the registration books
dose October 2, the ballots prob
ably; .will not be printed until
Cities In the county must, have
their! ballot measures in at the
clerk's office by next Thursday
afternoon. The ballot is then to be
completed and certified by the
county court and posted in the
clerk's office.
Pearl oysters may live from 12
to IS years.
For 32 Gallon V
s Clitotpoint A
sa.a,s,fat.os, I - . '
Ralph Johnson Applinnc;
355 Center St, Salein
Dr. Samlar scrrsi
tarns to suit yoar own convasiance. Par
lor "your Dented Work In Small Weekly
or Monthly Amounts . take any rea
sonable length ol time." Ton wfl pre
date how easy It Is to arrange for credit
art Dc Semlec's. No delar or nnnecasaary
brvasttaattoa - no third party or finance
companT', to deal with.
Coma la at Your Convenience
yimtami sa...... tmiiiiMM
7 S wVden li i 5 3 miles lonV "and
has an average width of 1S3
miles. .
(f r--aS
1115 No. CamTi
Fhene -"
1 ;
cnar tow rticis
w-TUt rtoncTien
Yee get the aataslaf
"Magic Greta" heat of
Presiariied Calrod
Units, providing, the
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efficient hoc water serv
Ice". A new t jpe thermo
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aad a nbergli-Ioio
lated tank stores, hot
water for three days
Ask far data Us oa
America's leading clec
trie water beater a od the
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Thone 403S
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Arrange (he rxrymaci
Ask your DenUst about these
wonderful pew Denial Xlates.
iSaleai, Oretaa