The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 29, 1948, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Th.
Sal.ra. Owgon. Sanday. August 23. 1943
Dock Deadlock
Continues at
North Bend
NORTH BEND, Ore., .Aug. 28
(ffVThe CIO continued its dock
side deadlock today with the AFL
in a strike that seme observers
feared might, spread to San Fran
cisco. The test will come when the
picketed lumber carrier Rolando
sails from North Bend . for San
Francisco. The carrier is being
loaded by AFLjcrewmen. It is ex
pected to sail next week:
Another Ship Tied Up
.Another ship remained tied up
here as a result of the. strike. It
was the Grace line freighter Santa
Leonora, which was at the Irwin
Lyons Lumber company dock
when the Rolando arrived.
That company signed an AFL
crew for the Rolando. The CIO
contended below-deck Jobs should
go to CIO men, and pickets were
posted about the lumber carrier.
When the AFL crew began unload
ing the Rolando, the CIO extend
ed the picket line around the
Irwin-Lyons mill and dock.
AFL Takes Challenge
The AFL took up the challenge.
A representative from San Fran
cisco, Robert Domdroff of the
Sailors Union of . the Pacific,
came here and urged the AFL to
"crack any CIO picket line."
A few AFL mill maintenance
tempt on return to get through
employes went through the line
today, but a bigger test will come
Monday when the full AFL crew
is scheduled to return to work.
The mill does not operate regular
ly on Saturday.
AFL crew members from the
Santa Leonora left the ship for
breakfast today, and did not at
the mass CIO picket line.
Dombroif said this endangered
the area, for the Santa Leonora
Is carrying 1,400 tons of nitrate
similar to that involved In the
Texas City disaster. He asserted
the crew should be- allowed to re
turn "to protect the ship for
safety purposes."
Jeep Crushes,
Kills Owner
NORTH BEND, Aug. 2&-(&)-Herman
Haughton. 38, whose jeep
fell on him while he was repair
ing it yesterday, died in a hospital
here today.
The vehicle slipped from tim
bers and fell 18 inches, pinning
Haughton underneath. He suffered
head injuries.
Haughton's wife and a visitor,
Robert Surkamer, Roseburg, at
tempted to lift the jeep', but failed.
Their cries brought a neighbor and
thethree of them freed Haughton,
who still was conscious.
Expert Proves Law-Breaking
Saves Little Time in City Traffic
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Aug. 28-('P-The big convertible
broke every traffic law in the books as it raced wildly through the
downtown section.
. Pedestrians and motorists cursed, then blinked in surprise. They
saw white-hatted .policeman in the front seat and a banner on the
car proclaiming "safety program."
The driver was Cliff Bergere,
veteran of the Indianapolis speed
way. His passenger was Capt.
Cecil Caldwell, head of the police
department traffic, program.
The wild drive was taken to
show how little time you save by
driving, recklessly.
Drove in Sane - Manner
Bergere drove once, in a sane,
legal manner over a 15-btock
route. Caldwell clocked him in 9
minutes, 35.1 seconds. Then he
drove the same course so wildly
he broke 52 traffic laws. His time
was 9 minutes. 31.2 seconds.
For risking his own life and
others, he sax ed .3.9 seconds.
Bergere is touring the country
making traffic safety demonstra
tions. "The kind of driving I did
here," he said, "is what many
motorists consider normal driv
ing." He drew many an ugly look
from pedestrians as he poked the
long nose of his convertible into
the crosswalks eight times and
took the right-of-way from walk
ers five times,
nieral Speed
He drove at an illegal speed,
didn't give hand signals, cut cor
ners, jumped traffic lights, ran
past a boulevard stop sign, turn
ed right from center lanes, drove
on the left side of the street, pass
ed cars at intersections and on
the wrong sides, drove through
a safety zone, and broke. many
other laws. t
"The way people drive." Bec?
gere commented, "it's safer on ih$
Indianapolis race track than on
the public highway."
By pushing their trunks up
above the surface of the water an
breathing through them, ele
phants can walk on the bottom of
Permit Issued
For Stores
Permission for construction of
a new store building and a new
residence was granted Saturday
by the city building inspector's
The store will be a one-story
building at 989-991-993 S. 12th
st to- be erected by J. K. Cloyd.
The new building will house a
modern barber ship, to be operat
ed by Cloyd. and a beauty shop.
Tenants to occupy the rest of the
building have not yet been chos
en. Cloyd said.
The one-story house will be
built by Mrs Orpha Hughes at
255 N. 18th st at a cost of $7,500.
Other permits were issued to
O. E. Wallace to repair dwelling
at 1555 N. 4th st, $250; W. J.
Hardie to erect woodshed at 755
Breys ave., $150; J. D. Kaster
to reroof dwelling at 110 E.
Owens st., $200.
a river.
Exclusive Special
New 2 bedroom home with
large unfinished upstairs (room
for three more bedrooms). Full
basement with furnace, electric
hot water heater. Coved plas
tered ceilings thruout. Large
living and dining roras. Large
kitchen with eating space. At
tached garage. Located east. 2
blocks to bus. Exceptional buy
at $10,800 with as little as
$1500 down. Don't be too late!
201 So. High Phone 9293
Eve. Sum. SM5. 2323, 24628
Hoarincj !
Hard of hearing?
Come in today. Find out how the
famous Zenith Radionic Hearing Aid
can help you to new joy and hap
piness through better hearing.
Light wight sUtgU-nH
is all you wear. Super-power
high-fidelity tone jewel -like ease.
Battery cost is only of a cent
an hour let than any other single
unit aid of equal power!
This amazing hearing aid
needs no "fitting." You can
adjust it instantly for your best
hearing, anywhere!
Only $75.00 completa,
ready to wear.
441 State Street
We Carry Batteries for Most Makes of Hearing Aids
South America
Warned of Plot
SANTIAGO, Chile, Aug. 2o-JP)
Hie newspaper EI Diario Illustra
do said today that U.S. intelligence
agents had warned South Ameri
can governments of a communist
revolutionary plot. The Chilean
foreign office said, howevw it
knew nothing about it.
Manuel Trucco, sub-secretary of
foreign affairs, said that Chil hart
received no communication from
the state department about ex
posed communist revolt to explode
-.. ;V.
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FARM G I R L-Beuy Ak.
era. 18, heads Las Anreles Conn
tj fair's corps of farmerettes
being organized to act as host
esses daring the exposition
which will be at Pomona. Calif.
simultaneously in Chile, Peru and
' Ecuador.
He addad that Chile had taken
"all precautions" because of the
communist issue in this country.
The Chilean congress now is com
pleting action on a bill to outlaw
the communist party.
Hughes' Death
Brings Note
Of SvmDatir
OSTERVTLLE, Mass.. Aug. 28
OP)- President Truman sent a
note of sympathy today to the
family of Charles, Evans Hughes,
retired chief justice of the United
State?, who died Friday night at
the age of 86.
Supreme court attaches an
nounced in Washington that fune
ral services will be held at 1:30
pm. (eastern standard time)
Tuesday, in Riverside church.
New York City. The services will
be conducted by the Rev. Dr.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor
(emeritus) of the church.. This
plan follows wishes expressed by
Hughes to his family some . time
ago. .
Burial will be private and there
will be no announcement as. .to
where interment will take place,
the attaches said. They said the
family has requested that no
flowers be sent. .
The noted Jurist and statesman
died in a cottage at the Wianno
club where he came August 5
after 'a heart condition had kept
him in his Washington borne for
several months.
President Truman today ordered
the flag to be flown at half staff
P' The PLAINLY MAttKED prices in our f
T disphf room git ouuronce Ihot
f fou'U be Oiled to pay no more tor $8i
$SsS$sf ony ptVen swvice than othor fomi- JLs
Clcngh-Damcli Co. 5
tt JtoaUk Chareh Street, gala. Oraa Sat. IS 7 1
oo all government buildings un
til after the funeral services
Tuesday afternoon' for Charles
Evans Hughes in New York.
He 'also - asked the nation's
citizens-to "render every appro
priate reverence to this great
American, in their homes, thai
schools, their churches and la
other suitable places.
-: ff.
rjm" ninill '-" ll- rt' -
Inddcnlally ...
Have You Seen
The IIev7 Holpoinl
Push Eullon Range?
We now Lave a model on displar.
That's right we hare the famous
Hotpoint line of appliances.
Ereiyone knows Hotpoint and w.
want Teryone to know we hare it.
You know, .reryone's pointing to
Hotpoint and we want to point out '
that Ralph Johnson Appliances '
will soon hare the complete) line for
your shopping convenience. Also, a
complete Hotpoint service) and re
pair shop will be available to all
Hotpoint users.
Our line wul soon' be complete,
place your orders with us now.
i -V' -
Ralph Johnson
555 Center
Ph. 4035 y
11. SQ pm..
Westinghouse Laundromat
wash a load of your clothes
Wait until you see the
automatically. No bolting
down required. The heart
of the Laundromat the
transmission is now seal
ed in steel and guaranteed
for fire years after year of
manufacture against manu
facturing defects. Tour as
surance of long life and
trouble - free se trice.
Well wash a load of your
soiled clothes in Landromat
installed in -our store. We want
to prove that it can get your
clothes spotlessly clean
quickly without work.
There's no obligation. Every
thing's FREE1
Veafcr Appliance Co.
Phone 4311
255 N. Liberty
':'V".V-. ' 2 $
Vm Benny
Thm Washer
Vm Bonny
Thm Ironer
Tm Bunny
The Dryer
VlC laLiC UK UU UI1A UA ViUAti UU ViQsiaftuuy
Come In and See Us at Ralph lohnson Appliances
Only $54.00 Diw Model B210
The Brand Hew
Gentle Tumble action washing for eren the Dain
ttest of fabrics.
Bares hot water and soap 16 gaL hot water far
complete wash. 2 to 3 spoonsful soap.
Triple Rinses in clean warm water, plus an t min
ute pre-eoak period If you desire.
Spin Drys.
Cleans itself. Drains and shuts off all automati
callyMerely set the diaL add soap, and walk
. - S199.95
Only $48X0 Dn. Model D
The Ilalchless
WLWSK- 111
r - I
..: . . ". . f
The Tine Saving
" - a
mm ii ii
Model S-101
Priced as low
Cast Iron chrome plated satin finish shoe
for even heat distribution.
Double Thermostat Dial controlled heat.
3 open usable ends.
Can be adjusted to fit any operator.
Perfect visibility.
Gentle criss-cross tumbling action for all fabrics.'
Time controlled, to allow ' operator to - remore
clothes dry for storing, or damp for Ironing.
Visible lint trap.
No lifflngof wet, heary clothes to hang on tine.
Weather worry free. Let It rain or snow.
ExdusiTe temperature control to enabto drying
synthetic clothee as well as Cnens. eottons and
We Have Our
Service and Repair Shop
W Mill.
35S Center Street Salem
I t
Fhone 4333