-5 i-t 1 Th CtetotmoBu ScIsTa. Ortgrori. Thurtdorf, Angnst 23, 1943 Auctions - TENNESSEE ' WALKING iORSE SALE 52 HEAD COMPLETE DISPERSAL atAVXNO DECIDED TO SUBDIVIDE J3UTLDINQ. X WILL SELL ENTUvE SANO vr bi.(j15Jlbui nu-jvuw AT AUCTION TUESDAY SEPTEMBER j 14, 1948 BO BY-BIDS Sin Stallions INCLTJDINO otjr fine stallion Chocolate Soldier BROOD MARES. YEARLINGS. TWO YEAR OLDS. PLEASURE HORSES. SHOW HORSES. SEX OUR AO Of WESTERN HORSEMAN write roR nunc catalog JOHN CUPP CENTRAL POINT, OREGON 3 MILES NORTH OF MEDFORD COL. A. H. DUDLEY. AUCTIONEER PHONE 871 The angler fish has a stiff rod behind its mouth on which dangles what looks like fresh meat. When small fish tries to eat the "bait he himself is eaten. SUMMONS v McCLAINE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE Or OREGON. IN AND- FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. STATS OF OREGON, act-) lng by and through the) Stat Land Board; and) WILLARD BENSON. ) Plainuirs.1 vs. KSUMMONS A. F. McCLAINE and) MAUDE B. McCLAINE.) his wile: EDITH COOL-? 1DGE GEESEY. ELIZA-) BETH COOLTDGE. JOHN) DOE COOLIDGE. RICH-) ARD ROE COOLIDGE;) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS) OF F. McCLAINE. deeea-) ed. Al Coolidge and S. F.) Coolidge. deceased; also) all other persona or par-) ties unknown, claiming) any right, title, estate.) lien or Interest tn the) real property described in) the complaint herein. ) Defendants.) TO: A. F. McCLAINE adMAOTa. McCLAINE. his wife: EDITH COOL IDGE. EMMA COOLING GEESEY ELIZABETH COOLIDGE. JOHN DOE COOLIDGE. RICHARD ROE COOLIDGE: the unknown heirs of F. McClaine. deceased. At Coolidge and S. T. Coolidge. deceased: also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, hen or interest in the real property de scribed in the complaint herein. DEFENDANTS. THE NAME OF THE STATE OF REGON: You arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 21 day of September, IMS. 'and if you fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiffs will take a de cree against you as prayed for tn the complaint herein as follows: (1) That the above named defend ants, and each of them, be required to set forth the nature of his or her . claim and that all adverse claims by said defendants, or any of them, be determined by decree of this Court. l) That bv said decree it be de- "" elared and adjudged that none of said defendants has any estate, right title or interest in or to the following described real property: South half of the Northwest ouarter of Section 29. in Town- Ship 7 South. Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian. Marion Coun ty. Oregon. LESS that parcel of land tn the said soutn nau as ei out and described in the deed from the State of Oregon to K. R Warnock and Tirzah Warnock, - husband and wife, as found in fMcd Records of Marion County, Oregon. Book 388. Pages 431 and 452. recorded May 19. 1948. r any part thereof and that the title of the piaintm. aiaxe ox urt gon, to said real property is a good and valid one. 3l That bv said decree it be de clared and adjudged that none of said defendants has any estate, right. title or interest in or to tne zouow in described real Drooertr: That narcel of land in the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 29. in Township 7 South. Range I East of the Willamette Meridian, as set out and describ ed in the deed from K. R. War nock and Tirzah Warnock. hus band and wife, to W II lard Benson. as found to Deed Records of Mar Jon County. Oregon. Book 388, Page 453. decorded on May 19. 1948- er any part thereof and that the title of the plain tin. wiiiara Ben son, to said real property is a food " and valid one. (4) That the defendants, and each f them, and any person or persons claiming by. through and under them, be forever enjoined from as serting any claim or title to said - real property, or any part thereof. 5) For such other and further relief as may be equitable. This summons is published by order eg the Honorable Geo. K. Duncan. Judge of the - above entitled court, made and entered in said court and cause on the 11 day of August, 1948. pi escribing that this summons be erred by publication for four con secutive weeks id the OREGON STATESMAN, a newspaper of gen eral circulation tn the County of Marion. State of Oregon. Date of first publication August 19. 3S4S Date of last publication Septembes U4S. GEORGE. NEUNER. Attorney General. Thomas C Stacer : Assistant Attorney General Attorney for Flam tin. Supreme Court Building. Salem. Oregon. . A-19-3S-S-3- Livestock ami Poultry FOR SALE: Sorrel, six -year-old. art Morgan saddle mare. Perfectly gentle for ladles or children. Also six-year- id bay saddle mare. Reasonable. Boute 2. Box 24. Turner.' -- YOUNG Family cow 3 yrs. old. Civ- sng a gax. per say. w. as. Webster. ' " f0 after s, WANTlD: Good nuik cow or heifer t will freshen soon. Ph. 1212. Rt. BOX 3T0. fcOSJLii. 8 YR. Old part More an aad- sue mare, perfectly genua for ladies Children. Also s yr. old bay saddle snare, aeasonabie. rc J. box 24. Tur ner, Or. ' . -TJCSUT PRicXS paid. Cattle and porse wanted for fox feed. Call eol- afcr gnei www 44,13. - "WTCJ ' RAfillliaT needs rabbits. . . - , KO.-3 FOR lALt F luttered Ameneaa saddle) ' - bred etaons, brood snare, yearlings and wrmt'ti Rt. 4, Box 278. Salem, t'l.'-! ! 't' Wot H. Simmons. , - v a; i Any kind of cattle bog .ee- . wtJl call at- farm UmwI m rxn..w j Ouvera Prompt servlco E nuwi rn use Laneaeter Dr a-'-" t i 4 lwi . t . fi i w ; - JAkfSHIR baby . chicks. tVeexly " Lues. - lb. MUL Lee s Hatcher. . Auctions' SNOWY BUTTE RANCH NO RFSrrPVE BIDS PHONE 1441 Livestock and Poultry BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E. C McCandllsh. St 9. Box 233. Ph. 8147 Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS wanted starting Sept 1-8. Ph. 2-2543. Marshall Crick. Rt. 8, Box 430. S mi. east on Garden Rd. R. CI DeSart Hon Yard. HOP PICKERS. Kauffman-Schurter varda. Now Dtcklna. Inquire Ben Kauff man. About 3 ml. S.E. of Central How ell. HOP PICKERS WANTED for our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem. 250 acres choice river bottom hops, pick lng begins about Sept. L Fine cabins. shady camp ground, anower Daws, electric) lights, stoves, wood, tables, stools, and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transporta tion. Write JOHN i. ROBERTS CO.. Salem. Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose $1 for reg istration and use of cabin, which will be refunded at close of season. Help Wasted BEAN Pickers. Friday, Aug. 27. 2 mi. on Wallace Rd. R. P. Barnwell. Rt. 1. Box 201. 2 OR 3 MUSIC registrars. Large ter- ntory to cover. Long tune work. Con tact W. R. Davisson. Sat. ajn. Battle Creek Ha.. Turner. Ore. BERRY PICKERS wanted. U ml. N. and 44 mi. K. N. Howell School. Rt. 1, Box 111. Brooks. PiN fcUTLlvS wanted. See Ralph at Capital Bowling Alley. Help Wanted Male MARRIED Man on dairy farm. Must be experienced. See Don Kellv. Mav- flowr Milk Co.. 2135 Fairgrounds Rd. HIGH SCHOOL Student. ed in wood shop work to demonstrate power tools after school and Satur days during school term. Full time un til school opening. Montgomery Ward St Co.. Salem. BARBER Wanted : 613 N. CapitoT VENDERS Needed at ball nark. Call . . . euj. A Real Opportunity First class auto mechanic wanted. xop wage guarantee plus bonus oppor tunities. 'Ask for Vera. Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty. Phone 2-4173. SAFEWAY has wpening for men 18 to 35 at Rose burg. Oregon. 48 hour work week, pleasant working condi tions, good salaries, opportunities for advancement. See Ted Medford. dis trict manager. 206 McGilchrist bldg.. geiem. tjregon. WANTED: Experienced full and nart time service station attendants, also man to work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Steady employment. Apply Robinson cc uiarn. pou uemtr St. EXP. HOP DRYER. Ph. 2-253 ifr. shall Crick. Rt. 8. Box 430 Salem. Hln Wantfwf Female WE Still desire to interview further applicants for the clerical openings in our office. We prefer girls under 28 yrs. of age. and typing is required. Phone 8800 for an appointment or caU at 311 Masonic Bldg. Metropolitan Life insurance c.o. FOOD Service Supervisor. Perma nent position. Excellent working con ditions, experience in large-scale food service activities or 2 yrs. college wim specuuizauon in home econom ics. $173 per mo. to start. State quali flcations in full. Statesman Box 173. HOUSEKEEPER, around 50. by re spectable gentleman in convenient nome m country town. References turn. Statesman Box 174. WOMAN to care for 10 months baby in my home, steady. Call after B. 214 Water. WOMAN TYPIST-clerk. 5-day week! 8 to 12. Call 9137 or at School Admin- iyi ration office. 460 No. High. WOMAN TO LIVE in home and care for baby while mother works. Board, room, and some wages. Call after 8 p.m. KatcilfT Drive SWITCHBOARD operator, evening shift. Senator Hotel. ' BOOKKEEPER at dormitory office. Mimmit nau. wuuunette Univ. Ph. Miss Jack. 9263 or call at her office. 250 S. .Winter St. NEAT. Attractive girU for usher- etw. Appry m person. Grand Theatre, jrir.MAi.r. sales and inventory clerk. m - ODcnenet n.i mi Montgomery Ward. 155 N. Ubertv. AC COUNTS-Receivable clerk. Must operate adding machine and typewrit- rr. to nr. wk. riWHH yzuo. HOnSEKEtPER wanted. Ph. 3330T EXPERIENCED Beauty operator. Apply In person. 243 N. H gh. LAU, IES for survey work. Pleasant working conditions. Good pay. Appl; "Person, tun, zj, iw w. commercial. YOUNG Lady to clerk in brug Store. Experience preferred. ? Apply in per son.Wlles Drue; Store. STENOGRAPHER I for ', steady tn ployment Dictation necessary. Good psy. Ph. - 3877 for sppt EXP. Silk finisher AddIv in n.e. son. Foreman's Cleaners Ac Dyers. 1079 s. conx St. ' Salesmen Wanted REAL ESTATE salesman te imrk from the best located office hi Salem. Ption. 2-0l3. SALESMAN wanted to eonlacri nuk- tie in their homes. Good pay. ' Good territory. See W. R. Davisson, Sat sjil. Battle Creek Rd.. Turner. Ore. SILL ADVERTLStNA riTrvnlbi Compact Bales Mca kite now ready. Complete 11m includes wall. desk, hangar, metal, leather, nlaatica. .tc Low prices. Big advance commissions. WILLATS Printing. . 850 Folsom. San Francisco. - - WANTED i ADDITIONAL SALESMAN ta torn our appliance sales staff. Sales 'ability necessary appliance trainine not es sential. Will train salesman ln our com- ptere one or mgidaire. . Maytag and Easy Appliances. Good starting salary with, opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. in. Jriyjn person at tm SUte SL, Bogj Situations Wanted FAST. ACCURATE typist and book keeper (employed) desires extra work at home, call Mrs. Baer. 4590. VACANCY for 2 or 3 small children. N. Salem. Phone fffoa. Cabinet wk. weld, ftr repr. Ph. 16T3I. LADY WANTS permanent position. Housekeeping in country. 1 or 2 adults. Write Box 185 co Statesman, DESIRE employment. Part time or I by week. Domestic or child care, ex- perlenced. Route . pox in. CARPENTER work. Repairs, remod eling and new const. James Sellers. Rt. I 3. box 15Q-N. fnone was saiem. WUrLS 1 a pamuni, int. or wrtwaii paperins. Reasonable. ph. COUPLE WANTS painting, int. or WELL DRILLING Meyers Bros. Rt. 1. Box 394. Dallas. Call 3068. - BRUSH Painting. Exterior or inter ior. Free estimates. Ph. 4587. Oil Burner Service AND REPAIR t hr Service ' PhaM -SMtI BRIMMS HEATINQ 422' 8. High BLDG. CONSTRACTORS CEMENT contractinc Prompt serv - ice. Drake a uunftam. pit 2-4791.. PICKUP BAONG Bob Hulst - Ph. 2-1128 Carpenter, house cont etc. Ph. 4273. shingling: New or old work. ph. 8752. GOOD CARE given your youngster, 81 per day. 1180 Shipping. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros Phone 25588, OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace end chimneys cleaned Vac uum used a r Ensley Ph 7178 DRAWING house plans. Ph P82T WEATHERSTRIP PINO and Insula Hon. Crofoot Bros. Phone 3-4858 Well Drilling Domestic Irrigation. Industrial H A ROSIN SON 2214 N FRONT. Salem. Ph 73 Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK OREY Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive. patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic tanks cleaned reasonable. 5327 or 848 CHIMNEY sweep. North nesa. ph 4450 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned, koto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 8468 or 8327 . li m a. BUBCnib KOOi UIT BIVUl PUiH lliu. Bna f.Maa rt. IT W HameL 1143 8th St. W Salem ph 7404 WArfTrP- Fiimlriirs tit arine and n pair lee tsros rurnrture Kermianirul I v.O- r-n -iz33 jzo E state St. fAiM i wu St papering itm esumate I -. . .rsaTa a. ... . Ph 9513 857 Shipping I h 9513 857 Shipping I PAtNtlft d P.p.rnw; Re.m- able prices Free estimates. H J Wood worth Ph 3013 For Sale Miscellaneous 5-PIECE Walnut Vernier bedroom set, with mattress and box springs $120. 8-piece dining room set, $80. 833 Try on Ave., Mapleton Addition. HOLLYWOOD Bed and nearly new I Snowflake ruftless mattress and box prtnrs. 849.00. Ph. 2-6013. 1675 Norway. .j- -s-j i i . . . ... . i kitchen table and 41 chairs. 3728 Monroe Ave. Phone 2-3116. BABY BT tor TOUT locker. 4145 n. giver Ha., saiem. SPRING FIELD 30-08 S porter. Max- well Smith Scop. 2 boxes chells. Chris's Barber Shop. 2545 Portland Rd. BDSTAXJ. lnnersDring and mat tress, like new. Circulating wood heat er. Mrs. R. L. Stephens. Aumsville. Ph. 1032. HORSfi MEAT: 1 and 4 lb. cartons. Free del. weekly. 20c lb. LeGray Ken nels. iTl. 1-3108. Cement for Sale $1.60 PER SACK Southern California Portland Cement t Pumilite Block and Supply Co. West Salem - - - Dallas Hi way see n quick, car iust amvea .1 COLEMAN oil neater good aire with 1 drum and connections, used 4 moa. $73. Ph. 7543. 1OS0 N. 16th St MAGIC CHEF. Flattop gas range. $45. Kenmore washing machine with pump, I . inzo a. rtign ct. wiuuui r urniiure. inner items, i Power motor, tools and miscellaneous. I 845 Monroe Ave. Ph. 2-2798. I O'KEEFE and Merritt gas range, also I 30 eal.. gas water heater. Phone 5267. U TT T f'DnWU t T annv T.Ea Tl.O D.ui. t n j 1 Phone 47F2. I wim uv n&A. I TIME TO FERTILIZE- USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS & QAPnr.Me. 8 SACKS CS $3 or $10 PER TON I . Free Delivery Anywhere In Salem WEST MUSHROOM TAKM Ph 8127 days-. 2-4397 eve or 8127 WORLD GLOBES. Desk lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC Room heaters, steam, ra- diant and fan types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ALWAYS a big stock Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph 8110 "REGISTERED Cocker puppies. Otto Yunxer. Rt. z. box zs-b. mi. Pi. rtelzer Sch. a - PRESSURE Cookers. Revere war. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. RADIOS and record players. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. HARVEST SACKS. Northwest Poul-1 try, ijoj rt. from, rnone tout. i risii-iwii. us ceiiopnane lute l finish for your floors, linoleum, wood- i worx. requires no waxing. I YEATER APPIJANCZ CO. I GRAVEL, sand and silt Delivered, or on your trues at tne pit, rnone on. APT SIZE (as and elee. ranges. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. CARDBOARD packins ooxea ano I I sheete anv sise 1790 N Front "BY OWKeR! Gulbranaen- Sranu I piano, exeeu. cond. Mays bo at I izzi ra Irmount. or call 8198. DAVENPORT and chair, used IVrL iwi n. nxn. - , - - A. B. ELEC ranxe. like new. $70 Minnesota treadle sewing machine. $05. na.Knr.T.J'". T,r I Yew St . ... .m ..... kEDIUaa SIZE oil circulator. u circuiuor. -er- i feet cond. 850. 1760 N. Water. Ph. 827T. 1 BABY BED and mattress- 8 vr ' Excell. cond. 1413 S. 12th after 3 p.m. aaaikuw Diaw. niu ku uuiuuin,i Piano, davenport and chair, rug. fruit LJLAVaMtt State. Will sell furniture. rumnuue. etc. See at 1400 S. Cot I 22 YR. OLD auto. Hotooint electric. I ranPe. Phone 7985. NEW RUNABOUT motor boat. 82SS- 2065 N. Commercial. - CUlCKERlNd Mirr-A pUno. This dainty spinet styled piano has the tone 20 1 A I I oim naoy grano. umy S4ya. sae an. $ mo. Seo at Tallman's. 33 S. 12th. mne rrom n 1 gh prices. tne from high prices. I FRESH-CUT screened sawdust. 2 1 units $7. Fill your bin now and save. Call 2253. Dallas, collect. CigMNEY Blocks, drain tile, step-1 lng stones. Kola Concrete Tite and I ping stones. Kola Concrrt. Tite and Products Co- Rt. a- Bm sa.r Kalam. Ma'a "'way. Phone 1-8834. GAS ENGINE. Wiaconain ikn. with I dutch. Also 3 h p. Wisconsin less clutch. I W. A xiZZiL i?i MuVHfL .V'iSo' I buiu taAuiwniu toiiie puppies, I BPg.t'HPR li. mm i 1 for beautiful intelligent pet Sired by I Rockland Rogue of Shomont. $65. Kol-1 umbUn KoUie Kennels. 253 Pars; Ave, j hit uruf.i t . F.rr. 1 1 far acic ne 1 r... - i ELECTRIC naJr dryers, vibrators. - I n v.i-. - . i . RANKLYN piano. Rebuilt. Mahog any case. Fine tone and action. 8265. $33 dn. $1$ mo. A snap I Tallman's, 233 1 o. mm. a nun zrom alga prices. , PLASTERIAU, , Phone 4830 evenings. I chine set. blue and white. Verv nwd I -ih-v, . .. m r.l WELL drilling St drivin. Fred Wy- cond. Not soiled. 90. Ph. days 4122. wheei7l315 N 8th st after 8 pm Bo?JT-.Ph: lll'afll- PORTABLE battery radio. 807 N. " DAVENPORT and Chair Set; f. Curtains washed, stretched. P. 2-8343. I Coral St. I dressers and 1 bed. writin -, Hop Picker, 7tmted HOP PICKERS ATTENTION Lakebrook Hop Yard NOW PICKING n .1 e 11 v - Una will make the following pickups Starting at 5:45 A. M. daily except i L FAIRGROUNDS AND HIGHLAND i CAPITOL AND MARKET 3. 17TH AND MARKET 4. 17TH AND CENTER . , 1 1TTH AND STATS J 13X11 AND STATS 1 T 1X111 AND MISSION Lakebrook Rt. 2, Box 188, 8 mi. N. For Sale Aliscellaneons ARIENS tiller, rotarv tvne. a KP. I Skav a a . . .. w " ' . J wmcn cut. trtnietii new. Ph. S986. EN'flAGEMENf and wedding ' rlnV set. new. cost 845o. Sell for t tax. n. Z343S. - NEW Air compreasor. 0 -.. aTl.r-JT??"? "a- t , , BiiUiViWiC Phonograph. 1840 N. Z3Td. Ph. 8338. I' j.. .. ... Z.TZ..1 P.0'n:1.. 1 tension O.HB.U after, p' Ph? 1231 S40. Call after 8 pjn. in St.. w. salem. S ROOM Dua.Th.rm All eirmilalnr I including 2 BbU.. fittinr Ac about 125 g" "- tyone 21359 GOINC EAST MUST KET.t tZZi I 1947 Frurldalre T cu. (cold wall I with I freezing chest. Practically new B. P. I John davenport and chair, cost $229, seU for $150. Walnut B. R. set 899. Chrome dinette set $33. A. B. electric range $75. Blue platform rocker $35. Qulul rh.lr stanza Y.mn I bd't.wln radio, washing Melvin Schrammeck. Rt, 8. Box 1408. North end of Lancaster Drive. BABY Bed and buggy. $15.00 for ow. i renr. adi. i. "?!"f- awing rocaer. u , . ' irw w. ry goou wno' y w-m mu mil ji. iimt .. e, - . . . aiaroet wooa range wiin eous. good condition. H. R. Schohc. coils, good condition. H. R. Schohc. r 2" rod to left past the Cottage Farm. ARMSTRONG 9x12 Congoleum. Like new. $3. Baby stroller $3. PUy pen $L Ladles coat $3. 1244 D. MERCURY Outboard motor bt Johnston Sheet Metal Co, 1410 . 12th. . ... . . i Pn 5391. WHEAT STRAW FOR SALE $1X0 per ton . CombinlnaT was lust com Dieted on 38 acre field. Will have to be mowed ZZut r.kZV HOMESEEXERS AGENCY Silverton. Oregon Phone 161 or 1454 FOR THE BEST IN APPLIANCES" SEE RALPH JOHNSON X?" lV2d oaSr- SSlSriatr- speed (jueen Washers, lroners. "Jrlf1ri. . sate,. xnermanor Estate. Thermador ranges. RCA Victor radios. Deepfreexe. Harder Fieex. Bean freezers. I DAVENO and platform rocker, mat-1 OHr.whMi .r.ii irv- - , 10 im I, 1 pjn: 7 Central Kit. Cab. & Sinks. LjKDiVAk Auto, oil pip furn LewTt Vacuum .t-,-. I see. Good cond. Ph. 2-1361. American Kljp.lr. a. I.ail V.mMim mXw.. i Ironlte lroners. Tappan. Ruud 8r Mission gas. appL RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 335 Center Phone 4038. T 1 it . Ajoci&er ltieai Beef on hoof. 25c a lb. Ph. t-34ofii PEDIGREED Airedale .m.I. MAYTAG Washer. Piano, late model refrie wood range, swine mirror. rugs. desk, library tables, davenports. m - a. ... ... ... winter " NEW and Used refrigerators. tW. r'.n:'J circulators, new and used, all sizes. ice boxes, breakfast set. dlninx set. eicc. wasner. sewinx macninea. snass showcase, beds. 8 ft. meat ease, cash reg, printing press. 1941 Pontiae sta- tion wagon with new '47 motor. Hard man Bros, lust this side of new Drive I in theatre on Portland highway. Open ht; s. ju-iz midntKnt. ' a a.ja , . , . . . . uining room set. 155 N. 21st. BED. Kitchen tables. Dressers. Dav nocxing cnairs. call Z86Z9 2l H. P. Johnson outboard . I like new. used 23 hrs. Save 824J0 ouLDoara moior. i oo Norman Ave., off Center St. i Nelcreit Kwrneta. Rt fi tj" I -TumtT ore I PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St Block Co. S. 12th St at Vista Am I Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 8904 . UM "Ji J Ph sarzz CEMENT. Screen doors- doors- roof. inc. wall boards, shingles Sm shakes. tola Lbr. Co.. Salem-Dallas hwy. 25950. iaAJUL&ujK piano, rebuilt Sweet . - a-jt-xL . l .i. a i I tone. 877 83S dn. 819 mo. Tall man's. wjs. inn. A mile from high prices. r a 'srv-v v v a c u A JU It L L 1 A 9 Selline out larva buahv shruba. 82 and fv Sun. and evea. on renter Kt ll ml past Lancaster. J. A. Mitchell. Cnmmrrrix Hariri Xi (Zrnvr VXJmmerCiai Dana a Vrravei Cruahaid rack. R.adv mix. ATI kind. I of sand and araveL River silt and fill I Mr I Tt ni OaTaT . I Ph. 21966 BAR RUN GRAVEL AOpOOll I Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds I MI trUCK worn OS SU XmOS I B-riv v T 1-.I Rl - YTIII la. a .;-' I auiuyu ai. juuix, iiaL. , i .i rone s-ajsr U.7aVll.i"l IH H aaa .1 waau uavciiw. nuufa. vtwi nmmv i n. wnnvrs. . I TFATER aPPTtlKrV m I .a.Tx - r-j , rT I "WlhO f "Pi. '" v TV.. ..L.J T.La I ywta uiiuui 2160 So. Commercial - mmmm ---m -T I SDiK. BELOW wholesale, new 4 fAronum txirnmed steel cabinet, also toilets complete $33X0. seats $2J0, Rt I T. Box 434-A. McCain Ave, off SU-1 vert on Rd. I . ." .. , ,-- , - . '. I NOW CONTUALTlUg fall planted I K - " - . -in?i; Vt!7ipZ: "4 baga,, etc Charles H. Lilly Co, Al-1 hPJ' t0r ; . '. U- K- Johnson outboard fox sate I or trade for 8 H. P. motor. Ph, 3646. 1 RUMMAGE and used furniture aate" I Thurs.. FTi., Sat. 1373 8. High St. BOY'S BICYCLE. Good cond. ilS.Z2LZZ - ' -"- Behind 2241 Mill St. I rfri. . a.' . t 7 J I .ft I w uia. ocana tor canning, u I Rt. 2. Box 274. Salem. Phono 2-3419. " HTkXL clothealine posts. Railing Li stock, to order. 1145 N. Liberty. mcs. wr id. unr aaa. a arm. siNUawi-fiaAytil piano. Rebuilt Easy to pUy. Special. $293. $39 dn. $12 I mo. Shop Tallman's - and aava- ass SL I ma. rttt-rir a i 12th. I FOR SALE or rent. Several wooden I counters. Very good for SUte Fair. rnone. aote. Hop Pickers Wanted aunday a. LESLIE SCHOOL t. STATS EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 10. COMMERCIAL AND CENTER 1L MAPLE TREE IN WEST SALEM IX COMMERCIAL AND COLUMBIA IS. KEXZXR SCHOOL Hop Yard on River Rd. Ph. 2-2385 1 For Sale -Miscellaneous I !th H01 cir- nd rui J-rs. V O. IvUl riT.. ffl SI t.f 8 1 - ggm.y-.. AZ" . "rf reiriSeraur. Tappan 1 f", ""i. ancnen uoie c i tri l i rw jia m xm w i Ium4a. n Chairs. 314 S. 3rd. Sllvertrtn (V. - , "' KTMrirn CI-. ' i '.j I o iztn st. "LARCE More oH clrcU., I 4 I Like new. S80 177 rw I ilt B . -u. .. ' ! 1 ww iiur arm water nearer tr.8h burner, with coil. .pp. 33 ft.' 1 on oldSS Pnd pipe a fittings, bassinette stand with pid. electric Items ln excellent eondi- onably priced. 670 Itensen on folding piate. au I tion Mi raamuhl. Ave. "OYT ST. surplus : SURPLUS: Olt. nonu iTnt. I Coleman. Prewav. Bollv nr t f83: OU tubing: Ice Boxes 11 50; 1 Oak Radio or phonograph tables 87.50: Bunk Beds $8.50 Pair: Bunk bed Mat- I If85 folding- Steel Cots $5 JO; New ' "p AC Ball Bearing- Repulsion In- I OUCtlOn heaW dUtV .laplri. w.tm &, tu?mJSZ?'0 ! w. Woo Blankets 66x84 $5 JO; ii.n S?nv" .Vu New $4-00; AC KW. i t r, lutttu and Cookers: Jeep cms and spouts. NEW MERCHANDISE: Toilets . "T roupiea auent Type; Shower I puaii. oa in tubs; LAVATORIES: f . 1 ... . r-. . . . i Aakna.jia: uboicuiii ii5 yarm welders; Cotton Aprons Vf"1. ... fkjer,: Cotton Aprons tP'hJJL.Hl J?"tr Heaters; Room Heaters; Scarce andljoutS. V?! C"'- P1fTia- Box1f'0ut- KSa-.5tX?'1J 10 Amp Entrance a , . C, ' Tames I wm MUU1 on lzth iiOYT- mg "S? 1.. I Tel TOIII - kLkmiC Ran.. i Used leas than 80 dara. Ph i I mm l.lftTfg wui.. v-ui ii .i i maple wheels. Worn 10 times. Cost new 823.70. Sell $20. Pale blue net formal; tafette slip, size 14. $3. New off-houlder dress, size 14. $iXXL 88A rZTrL-l." -fr -' SSSISSJ afmVTg. Pnt eond. ,130: wins Kroehler daveno St club chair. bAVEMpoftT and chair. -4 drape-: I Ph. 3957. 2275 Center ftt - itai e-wn.Tvfvt i... . . ., . , 1.". IM't' "w- "r'.a 41nt "ra" " Dw PEARS. "4416 SUNNVVlEW AVE. I 21208. I TAYLOR Tot stroller. unhoUUrat 1 high chair, like new. 81S for hath I -n. -woi. HEAtToURtauMSl'lU , ,1 rJt JfJt H.if.ny-.il! ciean. convenient, safe. See us for free ffWIITUlMT. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC " IRONS, steam ironsJ YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC and gas water beaters.- YEATER APPI.IANrr rvi OIL CIRCULATORS, all sizes: YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J R Watkins Co products 1717 Can ter St Salem Ph 5395 Free del Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads A drlvewav Cement neaay-mix concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 rd shovel St drag line. Phone 8561 Trade Miscellsneons Witt TSllWi TT-f N1 f - . . .u... . ..vw iw vutct ui i trae 42" gauge or AOS. Cletrac for neariy new large size wneel type I Ace, Portland. Oregon! I I Wtuited Fnrnitnre USED FURNITURE Phone 81 USED FURNITURE Phone $1U Illiseelianeons Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE Cf MOST CASES Brine ort Mat! Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEin.tit nija'r- I Adolph Bldg. State at Com Ph 3311 1 WtATntH Strips Pullman Ph 5963 HAVE YOUR Sanger sewing machine repaireo py quauxwe singer repre- sentatlvo. Ph. $512 for tree pickup 8i I delivery senrtee on alt makes of ma- I ehlnM. rias Mtlmit. vm work ts started Singer Sewing Ma .1.. .aa a. .... - . WANT TO h ut Lisea Lanwrai aa tenses Mcgwsn Photo Shop 435 State I Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, business sirs. trademarks, photo retouching. Bob I . . : l . 7 z . . . . . VT" l mw BoarBBW onoio mouenmc tioo I ir.w,i - n!L - rf P.rowBs Sa- Eryrrsvina. Phone S101 I ' i i nw.1 itxTPyii ' i i 1 s. commercial. - a-" o w a AUTO P.intlng,'lu.t a shad; better I j.,. . . .. aeaai . I : SPRINGER. - Boes cioSd SaL t!m7 LES SPRINGER. . men's batter. 444 I WaTJT9 LL driUing. bomestie or a?t pkm t.nn . .. aJaairilll a Illl U . 11 iflWr.l W -l M 1 Contract Work - Roods mm Ooartnf Ditching - r u ia SLa' Cm Equipment Rental ' su ns per nr It B-4a yds. D - T Cat Its SO per hr Docer . s-so per nr. 8 40 per hr -t oo per hr. rH ?? twf D - 4 Cat a Dozer Phone Dsrs fried vnings 8246 or 1 tngs $246 or 2440S " I Salem. Oregon I S syiTS. ladies plaln dre-aes I Sl.U' C?i "I4 TVZ.TTIZ I a . I 3? 1 S43 Jf ComX - . . ... v " ' . a-n. hi i douglas fir tnera no' seed Ltd.. PO Box 647. Salem. ORAKG5 boei7Phor.e 2-257IT HAi,0 TUrtuiS Walls iiusla Etoro, aUUca Wanted Miscellaneous stebte & otrbur2 1 i! uH;a city-1 T WILL par tlJW rer bushel for rreen I :. "T1 gw ?irr. lb iji ichooi. bus and .tor. w.ii cones. Squirrels are etittlne4 AhOSt. 3 by t week f-rvone 2-44., ) I walI carpeting, auto, oil heat, elee. If interested write Wood. I C.C " IVOlino H T. f f I w aa . Loans 7 anted DOABLED veteran win ay saw 7 r T Z L .iS at 0. Loan to be secured by 812.000 net ' worth. Excellent character and credit refs. Ph. 3738 after 8 pjn. Financial MONEY TO LOAN Wanted Real estate mortcace loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans, low interest races. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. tJ1 SEE US F6A ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST S to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 8281 4Vs REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 'J?.8' fl He. S-218. M- rj nlj.;e r. CiU iiyritlt and LXJmpanV FIRST MORTGAGE loans at U. F H. A At conatructlon loans - S3 Chemeketa Phone SMI Money to Loan INFORMAL LOANS $25 to $500 mt ma a . a ra mtfuk aw mi 1 1. i&o. a ur iw w-" ui v vn- NrTURE-S ALARY; UP TO 8500 on AUTO FROM PERSONAL FINANCE CO. IS AN INFORMAL LOAN, I . . ..... ' iwrwaiA pcauso ypu oeai wiw jun 41 w-is iw I I rKrmnl A t Ka.a.a va.. ulut . Hi. I INFORMAL because there to no "stand ,rd- security required: furniture. I ear. auimwnt livestock, machin- r : . . 1 cry are acceptable basis for a loan. ...... .Phonf..or. MANAGER todr- M yn to 4 out of 5. P F B ? O N A T X U 11 U U A A li Finance Company 818 SUte St.. Rm. 123 Phono 3191 E. GaRinger. Mgr. He. S-122. M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Natl Bank old Quarters QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN.LV STOCK FARM MAC1L NO COSIGNERS I r mm SZ..IIII tf S.-Stlll.UU V." -7.T- Lie No S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS 7rnm f;n HH In $00 ATI t""u' -yrw.w Lie No M-33S MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONS OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr S. of Ladd Si Bush I 138 B Commercial 8t Private Money On Cars. Trucks. St Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments . Rov H. Sirjgmons 138 S Commercial St Phone 918$ FARM and cm LOANS . w Vmm Mm l.rm a--. mit aa.w. I . ZT .-Jr D" .7V.V... hAT" C srM.. bArnui. 5h.uiu ius cu w. riam a. nn . For Rent Rooms 5-S?MSr and t?1!"- 103 k St . SLXePING ROOM, men only. $7 week. Convenient location. Ph, 9207. bLUfUMU huum I or men omy. taa N. High St. NICE ROOM. Private entrance. Hot water. 830 Hood St. SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. Phone 5764. LARGE rront sleeping room. 180 N. 23rd SLP. ROOM. Kitchen privileges. S63 " ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 3-4427T LGE. SLP. KM. for 1 or 2 imp. nm i iwi . unnm NICE Sip. rm, Men only. 960 N. 16th. 1 I Room and Board t." - w-'"a- OPENING NICE clean comfortable Bom. E TVia cunurea ea peo-1 . ' . . . . f." w..-. Ph. Newberg. 1S54R or write Searcy's nunanino nome. wn wewoerg. For Rent Apartments ONE 2-rm. apt. prtv. bath; two 1- rm. apts. 255 Division. yiAM rm. apt. no eojecuen m - a s i ci jm 'i X KM. APT emu. elderlv ladv or teacher. 2142 N. Com! - l km. mm. ape rn. ao. 1 RM. APT. with kitchenette. Imp, I t" .""T ' 2 RMS. and bath. Close in. Middle I " m'lJ?1..uPl with references desired. Ph. 8418 9 a.m. to J I 2 UPSTAIRS Apt. CaU at 1060 Mill I kiiwt nwm in wtt, wot . y.jti. "TTIM. Pum. aoL PhTRlO. 4 RM. XpC Partially furn prt I bath. Closo in adults. 69S N. Front. APT. i5. 144 AbTims Ave. For Rent 'Houses ...j : . . j i FOR RENT Store building- at Shaw. I I $23 mo. Phone 26112. I 1 TiU. modern col tare. furn. Couolel iH ... am m rf ""t- y -. ... . . i only- 850 per I. - lC-ar- I J KM. Duplex A bath. Partly furn. 1 imiii r-n 1 i - I in Monmouth, pn. S37S. n. .TTi1."; r.' '1-.-'.'" 1 mo. . Must lease 1 yr. Inquire 423 . -. - nn'g'tl I mm in S0S4. - a una For Rent orna ?pM prrtnf .-..ruble. OaUSUSW SS VtifFM J--now S-W, Corner lot 8. Coml and Mission suit-1 . UJ IjaAO. I able for trsUers. Used cwSjjrto. Inquire a as. rtunter neat aanaio. j st. tm . i on. ztV7. I rgRVlgC STAT10M lor le CZ location. Inquire 2320 Fairgrounds rd. I M.w muutHfl omce. rnone i 'DilVT lUu. .ml aawa t .al n.lni I mr..-. Mri vith m.n-h.ia or v:nrHa.W.lkM ar Ptttahurvh nalnta. I Hower Bros S0 Edrewater St. I SAVE. Tim; And do a proleaaionai I Mob. Rent power tools. Vibrator. dic I and belt Sanders. Pine and auto tools. I b. Rent power tools. Vibrator, disc, I m. e. . . . a . I ana oeit sanaers. npe ana auto toois.i rarden tractors, ete. Howser Bros. a(M- .- i i - . . . . THAlLS-3 ?ic tirat Kr fc bra I foliowlng Woodry s Mkt. 108 N "iai For Ilent y-DRIVX TRUCKS FOR RENT I g"""1 J"r" uipen? m rwi TRAILER Space, shade, clean rest rooms. Reasonable rates. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3918 N. River Road alHUKAIi Ozone Good healtn Rmt-sell H C Pugh 884 N 17 TRUCKS and cars for rent furnished Smittv'a Cllnner SaTTkeU Srvkce Center and Church. Phone Seoo Wanted to (tent S EM. unfurn. spL or court for 1 Dusinesa giris. uu evenings. Z5287 at ier m ju p.m. WANTED ar7.."iTi . I frTd.r ww-e- a. it. D. with wife ana baby dealres sj&zxnz w? .fsTSS IT.mM'V'x0 ?7amkifl " mokln- tiJAT 1 JP - j , , m m hrf p n b. ui .u WAW&n kJ Pef r?-f0 WANTXD by Sept. Ut. 2 bedroom mvusw vi snijvw w aa. vi wiu u turn, or unfurn- near bus Win p.y i to $M mo. Ph. 7959. lyouNO couple with baby desire 2 or 1 3 rm. apt. immediately. Write Box 16S, I ?? Statesman. - I BUSINESS girl desires f urniahed an- I artment. Box 168 Statesman. RESPONSIBLE party desires modern unfurn. house immediately. Ph. 8814. -TJRGENTLY needed bveteran and BEDRM. home by responsible party. NEED unfurn. hse. 2 children in am- tlv. Parts mrr. lender Rrna. Pti. M87. WANTED: Liatines at dwellinsa. aoartmenta. and hoard and nun .vail. I .Li. . . . . . . . I mviw iw twin uv vciwoi leacners. rnooi I SU7. School Administration office. Lots MORNTNCSmK WTT.T. , I Ewlmlv. district irUw ran't K. an I tu ft '' I Real Estate Ph. 8833 $850 W. Salem Corner lot, Nice to - i ..i. $850 Cascade Drive. Terms. aiuuo tuuxjow joi on inoeM Hgta. Wooded. 1 yj Tl, A Tt-1- lslierWOO(l KealtOr PH mi W a liar. Rot1. Rt. 1. Rm $1000100x100 lot on Candelerla PH. 6T11. Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 182 or 1289 Sixth St.. West Salem t . . .1 "1 ' I wriuon. uirge tot ana iota 1 ACRE on Ratcliff Drive. Inquire at I of shrubs. Basement, auto. heat, fire 878 Vista Ave mornings. I place, hdwd firs. Ph. 8244. For Sale ileal Estate VERY Nice 9 rm. anfinlshed house. h'1Wiri"?.i"5r.1Pi;eV, tt. v. t. m i ian. rnce yiw. v.aii iw pitji nw. BY OWNER; 3 run. bath, i, A. un pavement, uose to ous. inciuocs '15-, "to-I.iL t'J'tor. Not com- E'tLT.a,0nirt,?d nd-?20V. Kt Box 88N. Macleay Rd Pen 4 Corners, muu. a pea room nome. pecan floors, fireplace, double garage, gar. den. gas furnace. . 314 8. 3rd, Silver. ton. Ore. - NEW 3 B. R. borne by owner and builder. May be seen any time. M Waldo Ave- 1 blk. S. of American Legton hall, left 4 blks. FH-A. terms. " LEAVING" OREGON." i ' hTT. R) HOUSE ON 10. ACRES. ELEC. ALL linn mw j nm pi Arr. oil heat, make orrZK. Hi. a. bux 701. 8 ML SO. RIVER RD. ON SAW- BY OWNEU: I rm. modern houae. 1300 blk. N. on Broadway. Large cor - ner lot. fruit trees. $8250. Terms. Ph. a aiiui FHA approved S BR. all modern. hV new. in Engiewood. S2MW down. oai. less than rent. Ph. owner 23727. j i x i 1 a avaa. mw. nome. now. iwwi uiru - out. fireplace, baaement. lovely Uwn nd . (hnita Naiv rjwwr lot. Reasonable. 1020 Shipping SI Ph. I 1 26068. 4 BDRM. Cape Cod 65.110 lot. Dole, plumbing, firepU fully insulated. a.w.v ...mm.vm. f' iiui uawiawu, I ..... Xll V. T. 1 as.il ir.in,"" ;i"c".,?.. -l'T'"-! ".' I "VtT ..""IV I house 1 block east of 8. Coral, on nilCI III ur. uwiin -n. SALEal HElGHTSBovfE Owner leaving State must sacrifice new ONE OF the most attractive 3 B. It. 8 rm. home. Large rooms, hardware homes we've seen. Only 8 yrs. old. floors thruout. Auto, furnace, electric Completely reconditioned and pot water heater, wired for elee. stove, lessly clean. Nice lawn. Valuable Breexew.y .tt. garage. La rgelot.FHA approved toan. 885 twakj Ave. Drive I South on Coml to Ewald. turn rlrht. I TTIOUSlarin5diW5rii;iir I uv. rm- din. rm kitchenette with 1 builtina. wired for range, lire, elee, wa- I " neater. 3 rma. up. Lge. lot. close I to Dusmeas oisx. ssaoo. call after. pjn. iLJ"!!"yj'lng'yrri . I hi otn-i norm, nouae nearly pLpPro?r ji : .""v000. ou- I a. pifynmi. Aunwrint, pit. IUJZ. .- naa. iiat. wun urepiac py owner, $8750. Down payment you name rt. Z200 Laurel. Open anytime. UUHT ROOMS at 2605 N. 4th St. r.M .t-a. -h,.. rauu iw-. 1 mnM PhM. aaa I BY OWNERTTtedrm. hdua. Ru.lt 8 mos. Near bus. sen. St Store. Hdw flrs oil furnace, baaement. Immedi ate possession. 83000 dn. 410 S. 23rd. 4 BEDROOMS. Bargain at $6750. Just right for large family or apartmente. .ufp wcHMn, iww paini. ncaay w JLr tntertnatjggu GOOD. SmaU 4 room hse. garage. ' ....hk . . . - , w "'"""'. nuv. .i I ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. I ni . upttoi non a 2-4631 850 E. Street Phone 8708 BY OWNER: 3 bdrm. borne, bsn.t. 21 r - -- . ' p.m.in.Mjy r.. n. a tut. ilit. Gooa loc. new eund.1 Barrain. 463 N. 17th. BVOWNEnT i One of Salem's fine outer homes. Lo- I rated 1693 State SU t large spacious I ntj mI.mKIm. n .... ....i iotTcIll 496 ' i BY OWNER: New large mod. hon. 6. rma. 2 baths, full baaement com- ""- wiui anmij pin, a-wy im. 2 fireplaces, elee. fur.. dbL gar. 1 lots, Prl tMTSOPhoneSKS TCOuSTTHa HOME ou want or an apartment house, or motel or ro.g. nunww nwn win ivr business, apartmente, cottages, homes ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 1073 N. Capitol St, . . Phono 2-4631 8e E. St. Phone 87n6 LBBBU HVW P.L to sell. Terms. 990 Morntngside. uu 1 n.ictiir oi r or nuiwr t Ave ..,wh, '..yj?. tTtwns.y"'? ' T ' .p m." Abr'm AT- . - .2 rwuae. completely juraiahea. iriicv k. mw. siv a. I eirc. - a.u jwa . I hand loote Mack rulnnl tifcim. . TtZZLJt. Jlzlm I 8 room home, wired for ranee. 1 acre. rood trade and location, pavement, all Ior fPALgZZ HOME FINDERS REALTY CO. 3819 N. Portland Rd. Al Hauth. Broker " velv 3 B R. borne, all I fir. Insulated, weather stripped. pecan firs, oil heat, fireplace, utility rm. beautiful Uwn and shrubs. Excel lent location. Across st. from hi. sch. pVT toefl. 1345D' St 'nrf. I - rrr.-t'i.- J .11.1 J Dl.nT. r . jm. .. .ftMu.. Ranl'kt. A enrnera. ST I CHL tHA arw provcL inquire 478 Girth A Salem between 6 and 7. v-it,pw a "t.j 1 - ,.2". s'" thruout. all electric, pecan floors, dream sutcnen. Cork stone floors in utility Shd bath. 811.000 Will CalTV UrXO loan. CaU st 1770 N. 24th St. Owner st 2443 Garden Rd. TuTOU sni. In fiaUrr. ColVa. Academy subdivision. .yr. old. all eiectne. a bdrma, bau nta 1 ts - ftvn satl vf; a oarmsw o-tn. xitcnan. dm- ette. liv. rnv attached gararo and wy' .i7. w . " I. 7 UtUity. $2800 down, bat terms. Call, sf ter 8:30 pjn-4 W house on right. View BmaU corner lot. $2200 will hanuie. ii prif-e "son. Fh. T-4TS1. - BYOWNta rKTwTfciirTn. bt. lae. rma. soma uuw I'wu. i n. iwu. For Sale Tlenl Uilzla U ACRE ON CLEN CRETJC with a 1 comlortable cottage conaUting of a li I lng and dining room combined, k Itch- I en. nook, bathroom. . oil circulator which stays in the bouse, electric wav er heater. This is a charming home for any on who appreciates auiet and I c,".,.l: ' " I . u Kz.1xa.1t &ciiooi a new nwiw wiui a oeo rooms, living room, kitchen, nook, fully plumbed, oil cir culator and priced at 875UO.O0. Conven ient terms can be arranged. We con sider this to be a safe Invent rrw-nt. INVEST IN CHICKENS NOW. The price of feed Is cheaper but the price of eggs is much higher. We ofler a ful ly .equipped chicken ranch. 4 lare buildinaa. barn! e.r- u,.' .'a .a ef Acre- uja ua M under k T;, th4.,, it f t,r0?"l hZiJB. Pormi-anTar.!- . A beautiful 4 bedrm home on J,t. ferson SU living room, dining room. I E5 lurnKt, eieciric water heater. y.ro?rn ln b'"t- Altogether an I ideal hornet Attractive yard in back I for aecluaion aiu r u. .n show this at your convenience It la I priced at 118.000.00. I T tt r 11 r 1 X . 11. Uell. ItealtOr I 381 Chemelr.L. c m. ..n. - .... I Eves: 5387. 8B81. ni I tMoo no vrv . Lm J " wluTr.H" TZSIJ bdroo,Tn h"me S, TlFZ' ' Klt- $750.00 81850.00 down Bal. O.L Loan. I Rm. Kit.' bath. Floor furnace. block 1 to bus. North... cu W.i. I $8000X0. 2 Tear old l hntrmm kAm. I on ,St acre. Four Pnrn.r. ri. cii I rk.t. ' I mm-wsm. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Eves. S441 Phone 3793 A Real Bargain - $11,000 18 A. enfvf anil vth .11 1 " . uu oaaement. mis property is ciose 10 baiem and Is priced 1 rm"rk",bly 1ow todays values. This wwio con over l2.uu() to viuia mi present prices. or further uciaus can II. E. Corey Real Estate 1 44 Marlon St. Phore ;jg MODERN Well-built 2 B R. horn, in 0hon Bcst Cu 111 s 61 nS K.il1y4imrai .avM eleua I flrZ V ". a"ri"; '..Lt. u'Pnt- Total price '$6500. $1500 w.ii i $1000 DOWN New 2-bedroom hnm. with tmflnUh. ed atuc. Hardwood floors, electric wat- er heater, utility room, plenty of closet Pace. '5 x 220 ft. lot. Near store and bus. Full price $7 MX). Why pay rent? i large LOTS I Are you coin to build? v .r. f- I feting lots as low as 8400. $23 down, I $18 per month. 73 x 222 ft. i mile west ox aveizer school. Best of mil 8 ACRES Beautiful settinc. um fie . I Good 3-bed room home. Wn and out. buUdlngs. Close in. $8000. $4000 wtl I nanoie. cau uent. I TO TRADE nave several acreages for sale 'or I Will trad for house in town. CaU Dent. I . we have several choice pro pert 1-e 1 rm Mill City and Gates. Call Dent, I- PR?A CASTLE, 4 BEDROOMS I III MM Wai 1 sr In as IU4..U I LStWm- .. hardwood floors. I zirz. 7', . ?w """' w" umin I f00 ,fuH. basement. oU heat. This I noma la ideal for achooi. rvin't i iw ,,(., i , . . . . . . - I VgZH " A . ' LOOlCt Tnnv i $2130 down. Balance like rent, i-b- ITuc'rJd..MVVri.'rtr.ctfv. I Mdr V,rr attractive. CaU afaddv I "1,Ua' 1 Al . T -r i. I "IOD a IXCCVC, lieailOrS I u-TmTrrai r-none 45t I t7 J . - TT I 1'iniuiu x aiiuiy Iiomc -hrubs. large lot 179 ft front There i I room for a big garden and a hou-n I for mother, ton. if vmi -r.,. off Roaemont to 158 J Sixth St . mA I see tor yourse:f. Priced at S79O0 TTf7.. AT.. T 1. .iiu?ziaciicuii(HB I 1233 "TxjEWATER PHONE 5109 . $25 DOWN ON CITY LOTS I 77X100 ft. shade trees svta 80x240 ft. creek frontage ... I.-mKI ... f ?M af J. walnut trees 52x100 ft. paved street 14 SO 87x100 ft. excellent view t,l,0 72x174 ft. 2 blks to hi school .. 4.-0 80x100 ft. larce oaks K.SO City water to all tot. Ak fr .n. of our plat. $23 down and $10 month ouys tnee iota. HARDER S REAL ESTATE 419 Church St. I in n.il n,,i.l Dallaa Oreenn PH. 2CTI SALFM S BETTER JiOMES ho?, .f m IsIr.c? t nm tuun. taut, l ,..; tuutowiuT hd!! X PuTmb. VSr rarage. cor. lot. bus by door. FUR NISHED. 13.000. IDEAL FAMILY HOME. 4 P.R .vtra lge. LR. at DR.. aU to wall rugs over o. den at play rm. flrepl.. baem't I sawdust heat. - v . aa.. nc i unu. . .. . i . i scaoed. . acre. View nf v.lia. i i. mu or aoor. near grade ox Jr. ' Bi-.rtti i Larsen Homr X Ixan Co. I Excluaive r utins. - P-r onal frvice 164 5. ry-i. "f. r .. n .; rve. 74f 1 Trr - SPKlIIAI. HIIYS I 8500 dn.n sa mth it . i Salem S a. nmin a s i.., k. '.. J I eiec. iprntl price S.2750. H urrv I S100 down sio mmth ir.. ki. traCa south water F.lec. good toad I reaa. j 4 acre S Mrs. Bath double garage 1 cut mn. OFFER WANTrn $ Rms Bath unflnl-i-d nearlv material to finish , $5000 near schooL Pavlne 1 . ' Paving P f TT a f T v- . . fJ. aU. IlUnifT 11131 r.STT 77" rornl. ph. ?.Mt OK r.fficiens and effective a.ia. l-e c 'I the Sstem Wealtr Co NOW Make an Offer Hugo llv. rm din. rm. kitchen a bdrms.. bath St utility rm. Lge. cornel mM' vawi uiiiiir rm. f .Acro. rrorn HlM.nd school, rrt family with school children. It cant be beat. Terms If desired. 2203 N. 5th. ADVERTISING Western Advertlslnf FvpresentotJves Ward-Orirrtth Company, tne. Rut Francises Eastern Advertising Representatives Ware-Ortfflth Cnmpanv. toe. Chtcajro New Vork DetrU Boston Atlanta . Member Pari fie Cta'l Division - Bureau of Advertising Cnfered st the Potoff"-e et . tern. Ortfrm at Secona Cl.iss 8fs. ter PubiuHed weT s BWfi las i. eepf Honda v Bitmnttt offua t.J MW '.mnMrmi Street, sunscniPTioN rtATm Mall fiihacrtptlofi p.t tn as. ranee: within urttun: t . I Jundar. Mu 41 cenu. 6 nn. fj. j I rear H v) l.nmi.fr t) c-u i mo or 7 S for I t.ar la aJ. : Per eT"v 9 cfta P Cii CarrtH TS eT-,t. a r.,r 8S.C4 a year In .Jr ,t ui 1 . aAi arffu.nl .... - B . . ( 'fl