r 12 Thm Statesman, ScJgm, Oregon. TadaT Anqost 24. 1913 Blbndie Helpingl Unravel Atom Mystery ' , . ' i . mi 1 I I r - " T Kll 1 ' I KEW YORK Two eminent atomte physicists. Dr. John R. Droning ef CfclambU vnlrerslty (left) mii nr. LbbI M. hil far rirht. head f the physics department at Cooper Union. New York city. talk over atomic enerrr with Joe Musial, Veteran King Features artist, as "Darwood, "Blondie," and Mandrake the Magician listen Intently. All six hare combined talents to produce new series of comic panels that are explaining; atomic energy to the pnbllo at New York city's Golden Jubilee exhibition. August 23 to Sept. 19. Comic Strips Are Handed Dif ficult Job NEW YORK-(Special to The Oregon Statesman) -The comic strip atomic scientists hope is the new key that will unlock the mystery of atomic energy for mil lions of Americans. The funny-page folk, used dur ing the war to help pilots learn to fly, and in our schools to teach 41 variety of subjects, are tackling their toughest educational job to date in the Atomic Energy exhibit, a feature of New York City's Golden Jubilee, which will con tinue to September 19.- Called to active duty by Lt. General Leslie R. Groves, former commanding general of Manhattan Project, Blondie, Dagwood, and other famous comic strip char acters responded nobly. They vol unteered to star in a 24 panel, full-color exhibit planned to bring scientific jargon of atomic theory down to the every -day talk of Blondie's kitchen. - The comic and the atom got together when Mayor William 0'Dwyers scholarly committee on atomic energy, headed by Dr. John R. Dunning, Columbia Univer sity's eminent atomic physicist, was ' searching for a simple but effective method of reaching the general public. General Groves, long a Blondie and Dagwood fan, suggested that the job be assigned to the comic strips. Joe Musial. veteran King features fevncieste a rust ana comic book director, was called in to work with Cene1-! Grove. Dr. Dunnin?. and D. Lou? 5 M. Heil. head of the physics deaprtment at Cooper Union. From more than 200 pencil drawings, Musial made a series of comic cane'? vhowin? what an atom Is, how it is split, ard what happens when it is snTit. Then Blondie and family wr rhrurk to molecular size on the Yv.r hand ef Mandrake the Magician's wrist- j watch, and finally made to dis- appear inside a molecule of water. From there they set out to ex plore the mysteries of atomic fis slon. Serious-minded atomic experts chuckle when they see Dagwood stretched out on the water mole cule say in 2. "It's soft as a matt ress." And in another panel, Dag wood works with a pile of pro tons and neutrons yelling, Hey Blondie! Look! I can make gold! Ill be a millionaire!" Six-foot caricatures of leading cartoon figures serve as markers pointing the way to miniature atom smashers, ray detectors, the Theater of Atoms." and other exhibits, illustrating the use of the atom in medicine and indus try. After New Yorkers have learn ed to split the atom at the Golden Jubilee, the comic panels will ap pear In leading magazines and make the rounds of schools, col leges, and libraries throughout the country. Additional Classified Ads on Page 11 Auctions Livestock and Furniture Auction WEDNESDAY. AUG. 25TH. IS A.M. & V P.M, AT. LANE SUDTELL'S AUC TION SALES YARD. LOCATED Hi MILES EAST OF SALEM ON SILVER fbN RD. PH. 6098. S-pIeoe oak dining set, mahogany davenport table. Sealey bmerspring snattress. like new. Lawn iwing com plete. 74 ft. Norge refrig. In good Xond. Blue chrome table and chairs. Z xit linoleums. New windows.- Dav tnm davenports, wood circulators and ranges and many miscellaneous artl- les. Ford son tractor. McCormlck mower. m. and 1 inch pipe, xumbier rraper. S bottom 1 men Tractor piow. rolls new SO rod barbed wire. Chickens and rabbits. Day old and ' weal calves. Weaner and feeder pigs. Several good cows and heifers now consigned. " i TO BUT OH SELL CALX. LANK EHrTELL. PHONE S09S. 5EXEtOl3 TX&IAXGZ AUCTTSN AUG. 2S. 70 p. m. at 24 N. ComL, ; ver Greenbaum s. Aatlqie , and other : ollectors Items wQ be sold. Let us Sell your surplus collection. Ph. 21443 : fcetoro IS a. m. for Information. Hop Picket. Wcnted " HOP PICKERS wanted starting Sept. ' 1-4. Ph. 2-2M3. Marshall Crick, Rt. S. Box 430u I ml. cast on Garden ltd. JL Q. DeSart Hop Yard. - HOP PICKERS. Kauiiman-Schurter wards. Now picking. Inquire Ben Kauff snaa. About 3 ml. SX of Central How- KCP Pickers wanted starting AuiT tS. Both early S lata hops. Cabins, clean, shady camp grounds. Orey Hop ju. s, oax in, rn. s-svoa,, "X. i i , I I ft r I ' Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS WANTED tor our yard, about 4 ml. SW of Salem. , 150 um choice elver bottom hone Pick' ing begins about Sept. 1. fin cabins. shady camp ground, anower huu, electric i lights, stoves, wood, tables, stools, and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds, bus transport tirr Write JOHN J. ROBERTS Ac CO. Salem. Oregon, stating number' of adult nicker and enclose tl for reg titration and use of cabin, which will be refunded at close of season. Help Wanted BERRY PICKERS wanted. ,i mL N, and , mi; E. N. Howell School. Rt. 1. Box 111." Brooks. BEAN PICKERS. O. ZsUl. RT Box 10S-J. ml. SJL ft mi. W. of Pen Anne. PIN SUITERS wanted. See Ralph T Capital Bowling Alley. WRITTEN APPLICATIONS being , cepted fori Job as proof-reader, five nights weekly S pjn. to 3 un. Young man with some newspaper experience preferred, or journalism student. Place would be ; open beptemoer a. writ Webb. Oregon statesman. Help Wanted Male A Rial Opportunity First class auto mechanic wanted. Top wage guarantee plus bonus oppor tunities. Ask for Vera. Teague Motor Co. 358 N., Liberty. Phone 8-4173. ACCOUNTS-Receivable clerk. Must dberate adding machine and typewrit er. 40 hr. wk. Phone 9200. SAFEWAY has ooenlng for men IS to 35 at Roseburg, Oregon. 4S hour work week, pleasant working condi tions, good salaries; opportunities for advancement. See Ted Medford. dis trict manager. 206 McGUchrlst Mdfr, Salem. Oreeon Jam 1 1 1 ii i1 WAnlu;: jutoenencea iuu ana pan time service station attendants, also man to work from 11 pjn. to 7 a.m Steady : employment. Apply Robinson Be ClarK. 080 Center St. ' EXP."h6P DRYER. Ph. 2-2543. Mar shall Crick. Rt. t. Box 430 Salem. WANTED. EXPERIENCED mechanic, also a man to wash cars call WARNER MOTOR CO, 130 P'in'l. Phone1 7249 Wanted AUTO MECHANIC TOP WVGES. good working condi tSons. - i W. L. ANDERSON, INC. Ce&'A a Distr Plymouth i360 Marion Street EXPERIENCED Grade A dairyman. Must be able to obtain references. G. A. Robison. Ph. 349. Jefferson, Oreg, EXPERIENCED Bartender. Ph. 26949. Vf AN CAPABLE of handling men! clothing department. Permanent posi tion Good salary and commission. See Mr. Glanville at Montgomery wara Co. EXCEPTIONAL oODortnnity -tri ad visory capacity, poise, tact and ability to meei dudiic aKnuai. jsausb w wcu groomed.. Flexible hours, full or part- time. For appoinxmeni ior personal in- terview eall Mrs, seioy, senator Hotel HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Ph. 3330. EXPERIENCED Beauty operator, Apoly in person. 149 N. Hign. LADIES for survey work. Pleasant working 'conditions. Good pay. Apply in persow. Rm. 23. 348 N. Commercial. YOUNG Lady to clerk in Drug Store. Experience -preferred. Apply in per son. Wlnps Drug Store. ! OFFICE GIRL with telephone, exp, Hours 1-7-30 pjn. Apply Mrs. Rice af ter 1. 433 Ferry St. Oregon JournaL LADY FOR Light, housework. 1 per son. PtiMSQl- 1600 State st. COOK WANTED : Hillcrest school for girli. Phone 2-3022.; ! STENOGRAPHER for steady I em- ployment. Dirts tion necessary. Good pay. Ph. 387 for appt. EXP. Silk finisher. Apply in per son. Foreman's Cleaners 3c Dyers, 1070 q. Cotnq. St. ; EXPERIENCED Waitress fori tray service.!; Pn. Z694S. ! ; alemrrj W anted I SELL' ADVERTISING CALENDARS Compact sales sales kits now ready. Complete line includes wall. ! desk, hangar, metal, leather, plastics, etc. Low prices. Bii advance commissions. wrLLATS ranting. S90 FOisom, san Francisco. " ' REAL ESTATE salesman. Exp, pre- lerred. Good deal for riirnt man. A. :K ISAAK. BROKER. Ph. T820 ! f Sun. or Eves.. 3558 ' WE HAVE a permanent Job with an excellent future for a man 23-33 yrs. of age with bank or loan company exp. Must be alert, aggressive, able to meet the public and willing to work hard : for success. Typing experience desired. Call 691S during business BOUTS; j - ;: 1 II WANTED I ADDITIONAL' SALESMAN to Join our appliance sales staff. Sales ability necessary e pp iiance training not es sential. Will train salesman tn our com plete ; Bne of Friiridaire. Maytag and Easy Appliances. Good starting salary wltls ! opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. Ap ply mn person at see btata st4 uogg I Situations Wanted r Cabfret wk. weld; St repr. Phi 18F31. TROUSER pockeU renewed. Clothes menoVKl and remodeled. 1410. NJ ComX LADY WANTS nermanent tmitioa. Housekeeping sn country. 1 or 2 adults. Write -Box 183 co Statesman, i " Di&lRX. employment. Part time or by week. Domestic or child care, cx- perlenced. Route 4. Box Z77. - I WILL reweave cigarette burns on Chesterfield in your own home. Aim recover for insurance co. Write IV M. Klnc, 14S E. Miller. - i ' CAJEIP ENTER work.' Repairs, remod- cling and new const, Jsmea Sellers. Rt. 3. Box 730-N. Phona S62J Salem. Situations Wanted VET COLLEGE Student wishes one mo. work (office preferred). Ph. 522S. COUPLE WANTS painting, int. or ext. Wall papering. Reasonable. Ph. Z-Z9Z0. WELL DRILLING Meyers Bros. Rt. 1, Box 394. Dallas. Call 3066. ; ' BRUSH Painting. Exterior or Inter- lor. Free estimates. Ph. 45S7. Oil Burner Service AND REPAIR 24 hr. Service Phone 2-6062 BRIMM'S HEATING 422 ','a S. High ALT BROS. BLDG. CONSTRACTORS Ph. Salem 22780 - Silverton Black 173 CEMENT contracting. Prompt serv ice. uriKt at iwBinm. ra. z-4751. PICKUP BALING Bob Hulst - Ph. 2-1128 Carpenter, house const., etc. Ph. 42? SHINGLING: New or old work. Ph. 6752. GOOD CARE given your youngster. 31 per day, siiwrss" ay. lino snipping u ana septic and aeotlc tanks installed and I repaired. Scharff B lred. Scharff Bros; Phone 25568. PLASTERING. Phone 4830 cvenlnrm. "MOVTMfl and hauling. Phone 22456. BABY sitUnc. Elderlv ladv. 2-6930. WELL drUlinX At drivina. Fred Wv more, Rt. 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. Fre est. Curtains washed, stretched. P. 2-6343. OIL CIRCULATOR Fumaoe and ehlmaeya cleaned Vae- uum nseo b. T Ensley Ph 717S DRAWING house plans.' Ph9621. WEATHERSTRIPPINU and Insula - gon. cTotoot Bros Phone 2-4656. Well Drilling Domestic Irrigation. Industrial H. A ROBINSON 2214 N. FRONT. Salem. Ph. T293 Painting & Decorating WI SPECIALIZE Dt INTERIORS S-9444 DICK OREY SMS Sewer & Drain Senrice1 ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive. patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic iwrmnj rwoniwg. pjzy or 4Ca CHIMNEY sweep. Northness. ph. 4450. Mike's SeDtic Service Tanks cleaned, Roto Rooter Service n Sewers Ph. S46S or 8327 Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Elactrie Bmp llwhuu service, aaoaern.. icm. xev m)i Clears lines of Roots, Grease, Etc K. W namei. im pxn ST.. w saiem Ph 7404 WANTED: Furniture to elu and r. pair Lee Bros rurnitura Rftai,hb, V" wzd E state St PAINTING 4c papering Free estimate rn 3ij hp I snipping PAINTER and Piiwnui Ruk. oie mca rree estimatea. H j Wood worth Ph 3015 For Sale Miscellaneous HORSE MEAT: 2 and 4 lh i-mr-imm Free deL weekly. 20c lb. LeGray Ken- TO GIVE AWAY: Black mU -wlr. Gentle and obedient. 7 yrs. old. LeGray Save $ $ $ Highgrade fire screens, solid brass spark proof, piano hinge. Our prioe $4.95. sells elsewhere up to $12.00. Get Jours tooay. woodry Furniture Mar et. 1605 N. Summer. Cement for Sale SI. 60 PER SACK Southern California Portland Cemejlt at Pumilite Block and j Supply Co. ! West Salem Dallas Hi way i i See It quick, car just arrived Pumice Blocks 3 x x 16 PHONE 7113 Used Wtntjows r With frames If desired. 1 washbowl Ph. 7113. i COLEMAN oil heater, food size with drum and connections, used 4 mos. $75. Ph. 7543. 1080 N. 16th St. T MAGIC CHEF. Flattop gas ranxe. 3H. Kenmore washing machine with pusap, $75. 1820 S. High St. WICKER Furniture. Other items. Power motor, tools and miscellaneous. 845 Monroe Ave. Ph. 2-2798. i O'KEEFE and Merrltt gas range, also 30 gal, gas water heater. Phone 5267. HILL GROWN SLAPPY PEACHES Roll in Beaver, up Glen Creek Rd. Phone47Fx. - i TIME TO FERTILIZE H USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER ' PERFECT FOR LAWNS & GARDENS S SACKS $5 er $10 PER TON; Free Dehvery Anywhere tn Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM : Ph 8127 dan: 9-4397 w or 8197 US C ranee. 82250. used toilet, steel bed, lavatory, chairs. SIS So. Commercial. 1 1 ELGIN S'i H. P. outboard rruitof. 1947. Will trade for shotxun. Walter Sirmund. Jeff erson. Ore. Ph. 243. WORLD GLOBES. Deck lamps, i Y EATER APPUANrr 1 Jl ELECTRIC Room beaters, steam, ra diant and fan tvoes. ' ItATlH APPUAHCT CO. ALWAYS a but stoca, Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph S!0 REGISTERED Cocker PUDuies. 1 Otto Yunker. RC 2. Box 29-B. U ml. N. Keizer Sch. PRESSURE Cookers. Revere ware. YEATER "APPLIANCE CO. RADIOS and: record players. r. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. H HARVEST SACKS Northwest Poul try. 15Q5 N. Front. Phone 7007. i WILL BUY. SELL or , TRADE . MODERN or ANTIQUE FIREARMS THE HOUSE of DON. 260 N. Capitol PLASTI-KOTE. the ceUoohane like finish for your floors, linoleum, wood work, requires no waxing. i , TEATB.lt APTL1ANCT. CO. GRAVEL, sand and nit Delivered, or on your trues at the pit. Phone S444. 7APT SIZE gas and tec ranxea. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. a ITop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS ATTENTION Lakebrook NOW Bus will make the following pickups Starting at 5:45 A M. daily except L FAIRGROUNDS AND HIGHLAND a. CAPirpL and market! 3. 17TH AND MARKET 4. 17TH AND CENTER . 9. 1TTH AND STATE . 12TH AND STATE T. 12TH AND MISSION Lakebrook Rt. 2, Box 188, 8 mi. N. For Sale Miscellaneous CARDBOARD packing boxes 1790 N Front sheets, any size i ROTO TILLER for sale or trade for garden tractor. Howser Bros.. Ph. 3040, ; 21s H. P. Johnson outboard for sale or trade for 9 H. ; P. motor. Ph. 3644 ' MONT AG Princess range, good cond Mrs. J. Cogswell. Rt, 9. Box $71. Jones Rd SINGER-PLAYER pUno. Rebuilt. Easy to play. Special. $295. $33 dn. $12 mo. shop Taliman s and save. 393 S, 12th. ! FRANKXyKT piano. Rebuilt. Mahog any case. Fine tone and action. $265, $33 dn. $10 mo. A snap I Tallman's. 393 S. I2th. A mile irom mgn prices. SINK. BELOW wholesale, new 54 chromium trimmed steel cabinet, also toilets complete $35.00. seats $2.50. Rt. 7. Box 434-A. MCCain Ave, ou Ml verton Rd. NOW CONTRACTING fall planted garden seed acreage. Turnips, rut a baga. etc. Charles H. Lilly Co, Al banv. Ore. ? ANTIQUE marble top table. 709 H Cottage. WINCHESTER rifle, new con dlUon and 30 calibre German Luger 30 Fatrha' n Ave. ZENITH her. good cond, $50. Ph. 26506. 11L. N. 14th. 3A-30 SAVAGE single shot rifle, like new. box of shells. rnxiM: z tv enrude outboard motor. A-l shape, $65. A. Marmon, Rt. 1, Jefferson. Jef ferson junction hlway to 64 mile post. then mJt mile east, REGISTERED " "white CoUie puppies. ready for delivery. Ex cell, for stock or for beat utiful mteUigent pet. Sired by Kocsianrt Home oc snomonL sea. k.oi umblan Koliie Kennels, 255 Park .Ave. oh. 21959. CUSTOM BUILT home freezers, en I -1 . M J Ul . .1 . 1.. RefrigeraUon Co.. 741 N. Russell. Port land, ore. pn. weoster 34jo. . S-IN. BENCH SAW. 4 H, P. motor, 975. Ph. 26123. 3,ix4U SPEED GRAPHIC Complete outfit F 4.7 optar lense, $395. Call after six. 4870. DUO THERM oil stove with Ian. SO Caritonway. -- nji-rmp nair oryers. vioraiors. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. UTrlLL clothesline posts. Railing in Stock, to order. 1145 N. Liberty. EARLY Dutchess apples. Will de liver. Ph. 2-3418. CAMELLIAS Selltne out large bushy shrubs. $2 and $X Sun. and eves, on Center St. Vfc ml. past Lancaster, j. a. Mitcneii. Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Readv mix. All kinds of sand and gravel, lover sin ana tut cut. Ph. 21966 BAR RUN GRAVEL fc TopSoil Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds Llovd M. Hill, Inc Phone 2-4367 Rt. 2. Box 32-B USED ELECTRIC ranges, water heat- ers, washers. YEATER APPLIANCE CU DISTILLED White pickling vinegar for all pickling purposes. "Keeps your pickles krUp" also old time pure apple cider vinegar, aged In wood, the best made. Puritan Cider worm, w. saiem SEWING Machines repaired, rented. bought. W. Davenport. 193U . isui. Phone 7671. ; HOYT ST. SURPLUS SURPLUS. Coleman, Preway Or Hol ly Oil circulators small and medium size $29.93; Bunk Beds $J0 pair: Bunk Bed Mattresses 30 lbs: Tents and Tarps; lis Qt Fire Extinguishers for loggers and saw mills: Fire Engine: saw mui Engines 100 HP to 900 HP: Potato Peel er; Dish Washers; steam cookers; steam kettles; 25 KW St 100 KW Electric nlanta: Wood Ran ires: Oak Radio Ta ble with one drawer $7:5: Fire proof Safe $125.00: Wooden filing cabinet $30.00; laundry presses, , tumbler dry ers, extractors. NEW MERCHANDISE: TOILETS, dose coupled silent. Kitchen Sinks. Shower Stalls, cast or steel Bain tuds; Cast Iron baked enamel wash basin with center faucet and P trap $32.50 (try to beat that one If you ean: Washers; Electric water heaters, table top and upright; Apt Size Electric Ranges; Electric house and outside wire, boxes, switches. 100 Amp en trance boxes, range outlets, pig tails. NO FORCED OR TIE IN SALES, buy what you need only. 4" Gary Pipe ar rives on Aug 20. reasonable amounts to all comers. Come south on lZtft to large HOYT sign, turn East one block. Tel 791 ; . New Outboard Runabout Sell or trade on car 2160 So. Commercial GAS ENGINE. Wisconsin 4 h.o. with clutch. Also 3 h.p. Wisconsin less clutch. w. A. sxewa. 850 W. winter. Ulal 4ua. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved . 12th St Block Co. 8. 12th St at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-5363 Eventnes 8904 CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 rFE-Jrff-xj Amm big. wall boards, shingles St shakes. Kola Lbr. Co.. Salem-PaUas hwy. 25950. LAKESIDE Diana" rebuilt. Sweet tone. $225. $33 dn. $10 mo. Tallman's. 39 s. iztn. a mile from high prices. FOR SALE or rent. Several wooden counters. Very I good for State Fair. Knone 9S4.: CHICKERTNG Mirr-A piano. This ilnty spinet styled piano has the tone of a baby grand. Only $493. $50 dn. $20 mo. See at Tallman's. 393 S. 12th. A mile from hieh prices. 5-MAN RUBBER"-RAIT used twice! single breasted i tuxedo -and vest, size 40. regular. $22. Dark doubJe-breasted Kuppenhetmer business suit, size 40, regular, $18. Ph. 3503. 1050 N, 13th. BEAUTIFUL BEIGE UxU CulliStan symphony rug. almost new. , Almost 12x19 burgundy carpet. 9x13 American oriental, rn. 3497. $49.00 BABY BUGGY. In fine con- ditlon. $20.00. Also play pen and small baby bed. Ph. 2947. . ; FRES H-CUT screened sawdust. 2 units 97. Fill your bin now and save. Call 2253. Dallas, collect. CHIMNEY Blocks, drain tile, step pins' stones. Eols Concrete Tile and Products Co. Rt. 4. Box 450-P. Salem Dallas Hlway, phone 2-5834. . '34 PLYMOUTH CPE,, good cond. beater, reaa. Ph. 21137. 902 Oregon St, east on center. - WOOD RANGE, tan finish, good dlUon. $20. Phone 4440 evenings, flop Pickers Wanted Hop Yard PICKING Sunday I ; 8. LESLIE SCHOOL 9. STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE I 10. COMMERCIAL AND CENTER I 11. MAPLE TREE IN WEST SALEM 12. COMMERCIAL AND COLUSf BIA 13. KEIZER SCHOOL Hop Yard on River Rd. Ph. 2-2385 For Sale Miscellaneous TJXX T,2X fur eat ."STEEL Trailer for sale. J. A. Watery. a-" s csbv svenue. Why Pay More? 9x12 Gold Seal Rugs $10 S3. Wool base rugs. 9x12. 829.75. Swing rockers. $39.00. l.J oor lamps. $12.95. Davenoes. $43.00. T ft. refrigerator. $115.00. Hot point electric range, $50.00. Cinderella washer, $27.00. Good beds, new and used. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1603 N. Summer. Terms . TnriM . r... B. ELEC range, like new. $70. Minnesota treadle sewing machine. $63. Trimble Bathinette. $13. Ph. 8421. 1770 xew at. ? .-.wnub eiec. ranee. Deo. inrinn matching dresser. 3 pc. dinette set. 880 rt. oiiare. fnone Z-6447. MEDIUM " SIZE oil circulator. Per leer cona. sao. 1760 N. Water. Ph. 8277. BABY BED and mattress. 3 yr. size. Eccll. cond. 1415 S. 12th after 3 p.m. '- oiaie. ,wiu seu lurmture. Piano, davenport and chair, rug, fruit l"'. ninuniit, etc &CC St Z4O0 S. Cot taire. 22 YR. OLD auto. Hotpomt electric range, rnone uses. ;ew runabout motor boat. $295 5 N Commercial. .prrrp iir.i . it i i N 2085 3-PIECE Walnut Vernier bedroom set. with mattress and box springs $120. 8-piece dining room set $80. 333 Try on Ave.. Mapleton Addition. HOLLYWOOD Bed and nearly new Snowflake tuftless mattress and box springs. $49.00. Ph. 2-6013. 1673 Norway. uniwjaniu xucnen table and 4 chairs. 3728 UonrM 4m Phmi. ma BABY BEEF for vour Wk., Am l' Di. I BZHthP 3-8 Sporter. Max- wu onum scope, z boxes chells. I nns s paroer snop, Z545 Portland Rd. 6 RM. HOUSE to wreck. Call 6277 after S p.m. LADIES FULL length fur comL kia -.5 Sri.,ulC diT' skirts and shoes. Nothing over $5. AU good. weaving. 1Z44- D-- St. BABY BED. S3. New unfinlK4 XKf oeo. o. rotten gate $L Steel cot $3. 1244 -D" St. . x 1)4 ft. RUG. 810. 1 tr. wm. mattress and cower. as. ftm.ii $3. 2 burner elec. plate. $2 JO. Garden tools, (less Jars. Ph. 2-5248. 1370 Che- meaeta. BEDSTEAD, innersprlng and mat- ess. like new. Circulating umrf k-.t- erfrs. R. L. Stephens. AumsvUle. Ph. '- 1 LUNCH cOuW'lUk. il stools. Tt SSm usc.k, 2: ss . . . . - .r w-.w benches. S 7-ft oak benches. Ph. OITW, SLAPPY Peaches now ready. Short crop, on yours early. Puritan Cider workt, W. Sslemj HEAT YOUR H6m eUctrlciiv ft'. clean, convenient safe. See us for free csumaie. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC IRONS, steam Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ELECTRIC and gas water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. OIL CIRCULATORS. all aixeaT YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J R Watkins Co oroducts 1717 Cen. ter st saiem Ph 5395. Free del v7 ailing Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads St dilrewav Cement Ready -mix Concrete. Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and- ditching ti yo snovet et drag line 'Phone 8561 DOGS BOARDEiranrTRATIjED- RmmmIiI. rmmm h, rf.w M nw. I Reasonable rates by day or mo- trim- mine and hathin bllr.n H w.l,. I LeGrsy Kennels, RL 3. Phone 2-3168. Trade Miscellaneous WILL TRADE 193 Terra plane for I mum. or ocer nut. ta s. umi. . - Wantetl Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY show eases. Ph. I 2-1683. - I Used Firih. Swedish primitive rug or j scatter rug. French beige. Ph. 3303. 1 1050 N. 15th. I 6 RANGE boxes. Phone i-25?8. I PIANO TUNING- Wills Music Store, Salem Wanted -Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone $110 USED FURNITURE Phone 9188. Miscellaneous Mattress s Capital Bed Co Ph. 4089 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Btlne er Mail Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adblph Bids. State St Com Ph 331 tl w Father strips Pullman Ph 8s65 ' I wcAim.it strips runmin r-n oyoa I repaired by a qualified Singer re pre- I Mnvm umixci wwiuk umvum. I sentative. Ph. 3513 for tree pickup Si 1 delivery service en an makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started singer isewtng Ma chine Co- 130 H Commercial WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenses McEwan photo Shop 435 State Commercial Art xjtttxtt j Letterheads, cartoons, business sirs. trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Browne, saiem Kngravvng. rnooe aiai 815 S CommerclaL - knives sharpened Dexter. 900 Center. Ph 6833 AUTO pa in tins, lust s shade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 502 Court. Closed Sat. P.m. 1 WATER WELL drUllns Domestic or I rrutattoa Nuffield Broa. Rt t. Box I 423 Phone 2-1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. ' Contract .Work loads deaiinc - DrtaCUas -t - Sewer A basement - . . Eaulmnest RenUl ; 19 B-u yds. per hr. 10 B-4a yds. 9 80. ner hr D-T Cat St Doaer ' 9 SO per hr D-4) Cat a Duser 8 44 per hr TOO m kr I i-a ui a uoser StwiM n.M a&na - I Evenings $248 or 144SS fillseellaneons MEN'S SUIT'S, ladles Dlala dresses ana coats si. casa ana carry. Deuvery service $Lla Dyeing, alterations and repairs. PANTORIUM CLEANERS 943 II. Com'L Financial SEE US TOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST I to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 921 X?txZ& SS. sTXm.' Portland. 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 133 S. High St. Lie. S-21S, M-722 I Ed Byrkit and Company riHST HUKTBAGE MUU at IUI F II A St constructloa loans 339 Cbemeketa Phone 3931 Money to Loan INFORMAL LOANS $25 to S500 YES. A LOAN UP TO $300 ON FUR. NITU RE-SALARY: UP TO $500 ON I AUTO FROM PERSONAL FINANCE I INFORMAL because you deal with Just ONE the YES MANAGER. W(iunMAi, oecause 7"" . ?,evl ...mo.... a a At monthly repayment amount. INFORMAL because there Is no "stand ard" security required: furniture. car, equipment, livestock, machin ery are acceptable basis for a loan. Phone or see the YES MANAGER today. It's "yes" to 4 out of 9. PERSONAL Finance Company 313 State SL. Rm. 123 I Phone 3191 E. Gallinger, Mgr. Lie. S-122. M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Waft Bank old Quarters! QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN LVSTOCK ww.w From $25.00 to S300.00 FARM MACH. NO COSIGNERS Lie. No. S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to $500.00 Uc No M-338 I u a trv iDntriTtniu n otrrirB OR LN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 1 Dr. & of Ladd Bush I fSS rommerelal St Salem mvaie iioney On Cars, Trucks. & Trailer Homes Lone er Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons I ISS 8 Commercial St i"nsii iii 9 nisi 1 Ct trtirssiss SIM " . FARM and CTTV LOANS I . . T4V4 and 8 I Tour own terma of renavment With. I tn eaaon Cash for Real Estate Con. 1 tracts and second Mortrsres. CAPITOL SlRITlES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bids Phone Tin For Rent Room I SLEEPING ROOM for men only. $33 I N. Hien St. I NICE ROOM. Private entrance. Hot I nt.r HA Hvt St. I " SLEEPINB ROOM ior centleman. r; - ..... i ljlmxmm. irani uccdim room. im r. 23rd. SLEEPING ROOM. Phone 7176. SLP. ROOM. Kitchen privileges. 565 N. Cottage. Kiirv cl rr-Ptvrt unnm Ph 7S.U. SLP. RM. for emp. man. Close 4i bath. 877 S. Commercial. NICE CLEAN sleeping room for emp. ladv. 1155 Leslie St. NICE SLEEPING rm. Emp. men. 1210 N. Front St. ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 2-4427. LGE. SLP. RM. for 1 or 8 emp. Ground floor. 755 Union St. NICE Sip. rm. Men only. 960 N. 16th. Room and Board BOARD and nice room with double bed. No smoking. Ph. 9-696-2. . UfJUNUMl. Mit-a, ctean conuorvaoie n -. . . . . . - , . . . . . k. n.flMH MiltlirMt BM. pie at Dundee. Ore. on highway 99W. ZSr f? Pn- NCWDerg. 1S94K OT Write aearcy S rf-wT.rV .1 TLVS unsnine noroe. dot hp. ncwwri. For Rent Apartments 1 RM. HOUSEKEEPING apt West .1'"' " " I kii- i 'j I h -I a u wiy. vuvyw. mxt lone rn Wlhenett, for emp. Uyll ttJLct. Close tn. Call at 1467 Court st. I NEW 3 rm. and bath apU, parUy I furn. Inulre at 650 Kink wood ave. I NEW 2 BR. electricaUy heated du-1 plex. partUlly furn. Close to buses and I stores. $105 per mo. Working couple I preferred. Ne pets or drinkers. Refs. I reouirea. nuM x-isju. I For Rent -Houses 3 RM. MODERN rum. cottage. Cou- I pie only. Call at 930 N. Commercial. NEW 1 BEDRMT home, just com- . TnM..4 Uv 1 NEAT SMALL house. Adult only. I Phone 6085. I I RM. furn. ' home, food location, Adults. No drinking. Rets, required. I $100 mo. call 488L For Rent FOR LEASE Comer lot S. Coml end Mission suit- abl for trailers, used cars. etc. inquire I u r.i. na rm'l I miot I atri'g WiWAW I P. 1 - rtrTinda rd. 1 i.ftni Imnrnil ri .laa I PAINT Now "and save. 3 gaL paint I tun I sprayer rentals reduced with pure of Norris-Walkrr or Pittsburgh paints. I Howwr Bros.. 408 Edeewater St. I k rmiI toi. Vihr.fH-. aiac I &AVK Tune and do a proieaaionai I T"- ?W and auto tooU. cloaeta. att. garage. Lot 60x101 on par- "J. ZZZZ!' -. JHT Ifled st. Close to bus lines. Ph. 1809 or garden uf uiu ti w iim sai av- arr sa. a CoT lTT, 8u''Te.rPhon 4j TRIERS by the week frnone 1-4439. COOP V.J Piano H L StiTf tt-st, rrr gS7,yvd erv.-4f 1 Blsnkets fum 197 8 Liberty Ph. fr2 TRAILEaS 15e first tir, 0c bra I following Woodrys MkU 10$ . Summer BUSINESS Room. H. L. Etift 7TRAXL1R Sic. shade, clean rest I room. Reasonable rates. Fir Crest I Trailer Perk. 3919 N. River Rood. TRAILER PARK VILLAGE SS wek. etectrleltv Included. Clean. heated rest rooms, Elee waaber and I lrvr. Kehaol rm close. , No streets I Ito cross. Stores, bus. On hlway 9, I I lk mJL X. dty limits. For SaleReal Estate $1150 DOWN OR TRIM EQUITY FOR TRAILER HOUSE 3 BR. LR. Dinette. Kitch. Rat. Dble J, NEAR HI SCHOOL ENGLISH STYLE, Hfc story, Double Plumbed. LR. DR. Kitch. t BR Down, Fireplace, S BR up, Full Basement. Call KEN HILL, $11,250.00. -.,.. 32000 DOWN WILL PUT YOU IN. Excellent null months old home. 9 extra larre rooms, at U.T Extra Nice K. H.W. floors, fireplace. . Insulated and W Jt ' I full price 110.000. CALL DAHL. Ed Byrkit and Co., Realtors 339 Cbemeketa St. Evenings SULLIVAN r t 7.350 Suburban East. Hen la an , rooms, living rm. dining rm. nook, built-ins. Immd. possession at only . $100 dn. WtU accept Uallet bouse or pickup as down parment. 9 7.950 Reduced to selL 2 bdrms. bullt-ins, nook. hwd. thruoutl Inside utility, j nicely landscaped, plenty of shade trees, one acre. $1.9:4 or less down. $10.V)0 AH Urge rooms In this new i . fmM wm, Kiam WW iwn, auw oown. T 1 $1200 New TJtX. const, 2 B R. home and den, fuU bsmt.. sQ elects 2 fire- places and excellent location. I flSjDOO New rambling ranch type 3 t MiKhKkm mah4 Sk ahS wk a ... 1 I ii ici SULLIVAN REALTY CO. j Open Eves, till 9 .00 P.M. I jj Portland Rd. For Kent I AtMVsUtia. VeMSsW ngMIUl A 19 A VS aK& S - S las. Rent-sell H C Push 684 N 17 4692 TRUCKS and cars for rent B lankets furnished Smittv's Cllooer Service. Center and Church, phone 9000. Wanted to Rent WANTED by Sept. 1st. 2 bedroom house or apt., f urn. or unfurn.. near ous. will pay S40 to S-MJ mo. fn. 79S9. YOUNG couple with baby desire 2 or 8 rm. apt. immediately. Write Box 169, eO' statesman. BUSINESS girl desires urnuhed ap- artment. Box 16S Statesman. RESPONSIBLE party desires modern unrurn. nouse immediately. Ph. 6CI4. UKUENTLY needed by veteran and expectant mother small house. Reason able rent. Phone 4781. 2 BED KM. home by responsible party. fn. Mtai. Attention Landlords! t ARTHUR UPSTON. need a 2 bd. rm; turn, hse. or apt. Immed. Ph. 4722. I UJJ EMPLOYED mother wishes furn. apt where care can be given 4-yr. old boy, 5 days wk. Ph. 9337. NEED unfurn. hse. 2 children in fam P&j&grT ,r B7: Ir' :. J4" J l I apartments, and board and room avad- able for rent to school teachers. Phone 9137. School Administration office. Lots ! LOTS $850 W. Salem Corner lot Nice lo cation. S&50 Cascade Drive. Terms. $1000100x100 lot on Candelerla Hgts. Wooded. IB. Isherwood Realtor PH. sFll. Wallace Road. Rt 1, Box 182 i or IMS Sixth fit.. West Salem I35T43xi00. 11160. $800 dn" baL small monthly payment. Ph. 6920. 1 ACRE on Ratcllff Drive. Inquire at 873 Vista Ave mornings. I. A. on Evergreen Ave. Close to bus. Capitols water. Priced ngnt. rn. a-ima. TW6 Nic loU iust S. City limits. Streets paved. One corner lot. water meter In. Some fruit trees, huge trees across front. Sell together or separate ly, $700 each. Phone 2-4404. For Sale Real Estate I n nnnm . n a w hnm. . i nn .m. neai. sis.ouu. L-aii aiua zor I appointment. FHA approved 1 BR. all modern, like 1 new. In Englewood. $2900 down. baL I less tnan rent, rn. owner I NEW 2 bedrm. house, all on one floor, 1 , heat Replace, view, close to KllUUI 8EI1U SViai. S - awaaxe. I $2000 Down Mrm. modern home.- Bsmt and fireoUce. Nice lot Exceptionally well located. SS750 tun price. $3200 Full Price pkrtiallv furn. 4 rm. houe and ga rmm on lot 44 x 258. Lots of berries, wr.nm-m and fruit trees. This property Is nortn i diock zrom city paved street ThU Is a real buy. S'-e I IT P. fnrpv TT.ll Ffitnte Z JTZL J , i , . i tij... r vim iw. - I M. nwa. B, w. - : Vr', "-""l-.r V " . St Reasonable. 1020 Shipping; St. Ph. mtm TTJEW 4 BDRU. Cape Cod 95x1 10 lot Dble. plumbing, flrepU fully Insulated. auTA ou neat. nwa. noon, iuu dmtu.. fireplace in 15x28 party room, uversize le.g. rage, bu. . by doo, . Bluet abske 1 Ratcliff Dr. Owners Ph. 4ZS4. I 1 ballm huuius nuau. I Owner lesving State mutt sacrllice new water neater, wired for elec. stove. Breezeway atU garage. Large lot. rHA approved loan. 585 Ewald Ave. Drive South on ComTto Ewaldurnrlght. KEW HOUSE 3 bdrms. down. bath. liv. rm, din. rm kitchenette with built ins. wired for range, ige. eiec wa- r onwr. m ". ui. mi t 1 Lesmeister. Mt. Angel. Ore. : BY OWNER 2 C3rm house nearly I complete. Appro x. . A. lot good soit R- L. Stephens. Aumsvllle. ph. 1032. i 6 RM7HSE. with firepUce by owner. $8750, Down payment you name 2201I Laurel. Ooen anytime. uoni itiiaao w r. "- Gas. elee. shower, sjsmjw. vwner iw rupjed. Pone94g BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. house. Built 6 mos. Near bus. sen. St Store. Hdw. firs., oil; furnace, basement, immeai ate poiesslon. $3000 dn. 410 S. 23rd. 4BEDROOMS7lirrau at $6750. Jut right for large family or apartments. Too location, new paint. Ready to move In. Phone 3748 for Informstion. GOOD. Small 4 room nae. garage. .hmhh,- mit. ear. u n. i.l. l-nm Imrmm kttp rfaITeAtate CO. 1079 M Canital Phone 2-4631 B30 C 2MreeT rTlOne (W "TTiM. House. Caa cooktag and I heat fireplace, double garage, bdwd. floors. J ri.T' r. r r NEW 2 B. R. house. Auto, heat r ' TT""TZ1 - Plenty of bull Ulna, Ige. L. R-. tae. Inquire at 1460 N. Capitol. -BY" OwKER: bdrm. borne, Uti V "r,. gVj SFJfiT Bsrrsln. 465 N. 17tn, new cond. "f-" stoves ana floor eoverlnes. 85750. lmm. poea. and floor coveiines. $5750. Ph. 2-1990 428 Hansen Ave. L BYOWNER" ..ti imqi state fit. 1 larre nariaui rma. DbL plumbing. Beauuful corner lot. Call 4. 1?GDXN w3-bUiU 2 B R. home tn excellent location. Large lot and Vote of shrubs. Basement, suta. heat fire place. r4wd m. Ph. 4. bl Unix t-ii. ; iiw x frorm. r. Nice 11 v. and din. rms. Hwd. floors. Lee. windows. Patio, utility room, good location, Ige. let fSSM. Terms. CaU vjjs. For Sale Real Cefetd FUST OFT STATE 1 ON S. 23RD. LR. DK, 2 i n. Kitch. Fireplace, HdW floors. Full tiaaement. Furnace. Garage ta9.M. CALL LI. ONE THIRD ACRE' LOVELY, 3 BR. LR. Kitch. Break fast Nook, Bath. Home with Elec Uttt, Wonderful yard and Uses,; $7950.00. CALL ED. . 'If ENGLISH TTPB ' -This beautiful 2 Bedroom Home on beautiful lot. Lawn sprinkling system. LR with fireplace, DR. Kitchen. Dou ble plumbing. Really a fine home, $1J, 000. CALL DAHU jl; Phone '2-3277 Phone B9B1 or (764 REALTY CO. elder well keot home, new n.lnt ya. suburban home. 2 BJts, auto j heat, flre- 3f I B.R. home and dbL garage, large lot. .a Hi 111 m m . M ii. nw om zinisnea soon, st.OOtf should Phone 3223 I'of Sale Ileal Estate LOVELY ENGLEWOOD Prewar, two bedrooms first floor, lovely huge bedroom tipi double plumbing, hardwood floors (through out. fireplace, V blinds, auto; oil fur nace In full basement. Insulated and weather stripped; lawn sprinkler sys tem, very nice yard and ? shrubbery. For further details. call,Mri Holmts. Salem Realty Co. . Realtors 1 f 149 N. High St Phone 760, Eve, pbone 24773. f THE DAY'S BEST BUY Is s durable prewar large (home tt five bedrooms; double plumbing, full basement, furnace heat, fireplace; big lot with shade and fruit trees; Ideally located In the Englwood district. To see this good value, call. l&t Beckett Salem Realty Co. Realtors H . 149 N. High St I Phone 7feo Eve, phone 2-4 Wl BY OWNER ; Modern 3 bdrm. home. Sawdust heat, large lot $7000. See sf ter 8 !P.m. 98 Ahrams AveT 3 bd rmsT" firenl.M i.n T . dry trays. Dble. garage. NicS lawn. In excel!, residence dist. $9W0.1 3 bdrms. 13 x 12, Ige. liv, rm, utility, breakfast nook. Kitchen with venti lation. All hwd. floors throughout. Lee V0' S'arage with storage space. " w. u( now reaa v to didm into. Price $9500. You can t for price. j .j F. H. Weir beat this Realtor 1347 S. ComL Phone 9411 FOR Efficient and effective sis service call the S a lem Sea Ity Co NO W. LET'S SWAP Nice suburban home with seres go. to trade as down payment on farm. m S acres with small house snd nice bam for city property located north. Nice 1 bdrm. huu : . w ..www WI home In country. j jj i Have lovely 3 bdrm. house . edge to trade for city property. Your eholo of an .im iJ. Reiser district $25 demn. $19 montr.ly LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE aLOAflaa And Insil2rrfe4as 422 8. High i phone '.?( a 1 UWNER ! N..w l,. .t i.T... - . W . IIVIIIW. rms. 2 baths, full bn.n pletely fin. Wltll knult. nin. Dl. . 2 fireplaces, elec. fur.; dl. gar, 2 lets. Price $26.250. prion 832T S950 J)om urge S bedrm. hnmm "Ja mr im 1 Jl40 .pl. or chUdren.. Sch. and city ? l,bllt'' rm'- Possible 3rd bednn. for child. Priced to sell. , Owner mov. Inf to country. N. off Center St M Norman Ave. it 1 $1250 Down 3 rm. house inside k-itv north n.ti. nice yard. FuU price 84250 $9500 Fu I Price Brand new 2 B R Englewood dirt Very uc!l built. Attach.! r.n k... ALVIN E. ISAAK Real Estate Broker (F-f-merly M. o. Humphreys 81 Co 3015 Portland RH Phnne 720 - 2-4M"! I Eve ENT?IiWOOCrr05CT3lsTRlcT Lovely 4 B R. , home home. H.W. floors. firepUce, doutle plumbing. Picture window. $15.8t. Burt Pichaj Realtors Ph 3210; Evr. 2-S.?t0 I 3nt N. Ifirh swap" FbiTcrrY" 2 B.R. with nice livine rnom ' .nA dining room. Good well. Electric pun. p. Misr, : acre or gooa Mill with lots of shrubs and fruit. i-Ium to achnoi tore. North on pavement. $4750. Burt PirliaJ Realtors Ph. 3210; Fve. ;.Vrt I .117 N. Hirh ). bxt'V S41kUlT" For 2 bedroom country home II miiM out, good farming community, r.'tm garden, outbui.'dm-s. about ' aire luC Salem Realty Co. Rrltur. 149 N. Hleh St. , fi'f phone Fve. Phone J54(. tiTtX new Home 9 ' $3750 Nr. I.e't Jr. III. NTW co. 1 BR. LR. Kit. Garare. $2000 en, mirht handle. I :v 8500 Nr. Wallace Rd, New. 2 ERs. modern. Term.. ! 1 . 88500-W. Salem. I BRSi. Ijre LR. cak firs. Close In loc. FHA pOsmble. 89950 Nr, Wallace Rd.; New 2 ERS. Brk- bar. I.ee. lot. Very good terms. 810.500 V1IA loan mn , h. ... Lovely 2 BR home. East, Hwd. firs. B. Islienvood Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt 1. Box 183 or ' i ; f 1289 'Sixth St, j West Salem ADVERTISmG Western Advert!s!nf Rpresentatiyes Ward-GrlffMh Company, tne. 8a Francises Eastern Advortlslnf Represents U ves . Ward -Griffith Comflenv, fee. Chicago New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta Member I Pacific Coast Dlvisfon Bureau of Advertising Ciuered st the fofofr-t st fa tent, Orrpon ea Strong Clat Mat ter. Pabltaaed every SMrumf eept Monday Buin.M elce l.J South CemiMrnsl Strset, 1 1 SUBSCIirPTIOTl RATE3 Stall Fr-er1Mow fUte Hi Ad, Vance: VtiLhut Orr.oa : la,. , Sunday, Mo 40 cents. 8 mes. 13. ; t year liaewhere f ) e"i o mo or $7 28 for 1 year 14 eJvaocs. ter Cr"-T S cents. Pv Liil Carrier. TS ewta a roiH. fijua a year v and adiaceat r im a.1- a is iutum , -1 i t