The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The StolesmarL ScJern, Oregon, Tusriayy AncasMI. 13U3 v j"
Jungle Bailer s9 Betty Evctns to Perform
In Varied Program t IFaters Park Tonight
t The "Singapores, Hawaiian
Jungle bailers, "Bullet Betty"
Evans and her famed Lind
Pomeroy Florist gal softballers
' f TVirtlanri h lnral tanlft-
tes and an Isand . citizen who j
demonstrates the art of punt-.1
Ing a football baref otted will
take over Waters park to-j
night at eight o'clock for one of :
the most colorful and varied pro-;
grams of the season for the ball
yard. Hula dancers and singers ,
will offer a 20-minute program '
before Softball activities start.
The jungle ball game, featur
ing the Singapore, will see the !
gals romping between bases 70
feet apart and pitching from a ;.
found 43 feet from home plate.
They pitch overhand. The Flor
ists, with the famed Bullet Betty
on the mound, will tangle with
the local Maplettes in a regular
sofball dish. Joseph Kahaulelio is
the Hawaiian who will not only
put the foot to the football, but
also will demonstrate various Is
land dances and singing.
The Islanders are playing most
major cities along the Coast and
are said to be highly entertain-;
ing. Although it will not be the
first , Salem appearance of the
whizz-ball tossing Miss Evans, it
will be her initial excursion in
Waters park. She helped draw
over 8000 far..s to the Portland ball
park recently, when she pitched
against . "numerous Beaver and
Sacramento players in an exhibition.
' 'it it)
la vends Kaleikan (left) and Kaylene Toms (right) are the top hit
ter and pitcher, respectively, for the "Singapore," the Hawaiian
Jangle ball team which will perform at Waters park tonight.
Ace Racked Up
Jim Zigler of Salem is the lat
est to rack up a hole-in-one on
the Salem course. Zigler aced the
168 yard No. 3 recently while
playing with Bob Price. A four
iron did the work.
Cap! Await Cascade Series
The Salem Capitols, after finishing up tuneups in a six o'clock
workout at Leslie tonight, will go on Wednesday night travel to Eu
gene, for the first game of the State League vs.' Cascade league
champions playoff. The second game will be played Friday night,
also in Eugene Manager Johnny Lewis of the locals will open up
with Pizen Pete! Jones on the mound Wednesday. Jones will be faced
by either Frankie Dierickx or Bud Brewer of Manager Don Kirsch's
Miller Lumbermen.
.. a ; ti i .
The new Sacramento baseball
Weekend wasi: We're a feared Salem's Bill Bevens might be in
. a wee mess with the Yankees. Details of his recent chat with Yank
General Manager George Weiss aren't for public consumption, of
course, but his stopping in Cincinnati to buzz With Commissioner
Chandler doesn't hae t o healthy a ring. Bill wants- to see the big
boss, "Just to find out where I
stand with the club." ... At any
rate, the guy will be home late
this week. . . McMinnville Gene Pe
terson is to have another "night"
at the baH yar.i Friday his many
friends in the .Yamhill county are
putting in on for one of their fa
vorite son.-. But lorciie, let's hope
Pete doesn't have an encore visit
from Dame, Fortune that evening.
The last lime he had a "night,"
he was bas' by the enemy right
after the ceremonies . . . Come to
think of it, Peterson has been a
much improved pitcher of late.
He's had a handful Of dandy relief
chores and fcr ruch a skinny guy'
certainly can throw a baseball hard
park, to be m?de of steel and concrete, will be finished next Fbruary,
according to the contractors. Furthermore it will: seat 11,000. No lost
motion there, for the old one burned down only last month ... It has
done them little good insofar as the pennant is concerned, but one
of the slicker! player deals of this or any other WIL- season was
maneuvered by the Vancouver Caps and "Ruby jRobert' Brown. He
speared both Bob Costello and Jack Warren, considerable as a bat
tery alone, incidentally, for the grand total of $1750. Costello was
bought from Brooklyn for $1000 and Warren from Cincinnati for
$750. True, Costello isn't the 22-game winning fireball he was a sea
son back with the Spokanes. But he's won 18 games so far, and that
ain't hay. As for Warren, the hard-hitting likeable of the 1941-42
Senator teams, he's only wafting a cool .351 for the Caps, including
13 home runs... Brown should be pinched for j grand larceny...
Hotc About Snapp for Starter, Mr.'Salkeld?
Tex Salkeld intends opening up the winter boxing season in mid
September, and from what we hear hell lead off with Bobby Rich
ards in the main event. Tex has long captained the clout produc
tions in Salem, and has at times done a good ; Job of it. But if he
doesn t already know same, Rich
ards simply won't draw here, so
shouldn't be considered for the
top spot. What the heck, Tex,- if
you're going to put in something
big, and worth while, why not
bring on the fast-coming Jack
Snapp?. Gents such as Richards,
Chuck Brown. Paulie Cook, Ray
Garcia, et al, have had their
innings' here too many of 'em. .
Baker Puts on Spangles
Baker is going all out for the
t?t- ff:H-ii tmn-riment in its
first year as host. Picnics, sight
srsnr tour?, etc., have been ar
ranged for the visiting players,
and almost $4,000 has been put
Into various championship tro
phies. The ban park has been
enlarged to seat no less than 4500
fans and 90,000 watts of lighting
Is ready for night games. . . . The
town Senators have had their ups
and downs this season, but an all
time low was hit in Spokane
Sunday when the. club, punctured
with injuries, had to play two
pitchers in the outfield. Bob Stev
enson in left and Gene Peterson
In right. September 15 just won't
come - soon enough for 'em this
year, as the . Senators certainly
have had more than their share
f the bumps ...
Camilli Doing Okeh -
Dolph Camilli. - the . old Sacra
mento and Brooklyn - first sacker
who has done so well in a p inch
managing role for Buddy Ryan
that Spokane natives .are urging
him to stick around for the next
mayorality race, may do just that.
Of course he won't run for mayor,
but he mav bur into the Snokes
with the aging Ryan, a friend of
long standing, t Camilli has his
California ranches up for sale. In
cidentally, since Camilli took over
for ailing Buddy, the Spokes have
climbed from a poor fifth to a
dangerous second ...
Beavers Open
Road Invasion
The Portland Beavers, after
taking five of seven games from
Sacramento and currently in fifth
place, 2Vt games out of fourth in
the Coast league, Tuesday open a
series at Hollywood with the sev
enth place Stars. Next week the
Bevos play in San Francisco
against the league leading Seals
Elsewhere this week, Sacramento
plays at San, Francisco, Seattle at
Oakland and Los Angeles at San
Portland Sunday divided with
the Sacs, Vince DiBiasi taking his
16th win in the opener, 8-3, and
Tony Freitas checking the Bevos
4-1, in the nightcap. Freitas won
both Sac games during the week
The Beavers have won 44 of
their last 70 games, .629 percent
age baseball.
01' Satchmo
masta j slept a year some
where.' Satchel Paige remark
cd today aa he handed ever a
$500 check to a mail wb prov
ed Of Satchm had played
professional baseball before
1927.;.'-' j- - -:ir:: ),:,;
' The Cleveland Indians! age
less Nerra hnrler was at least
ne year eff la his calculations,
because Cart Goers produced a
photostatic copy of a box score
la the Memphis Commercial
Appeal of May 17. 1926, show
tag a "Satchel" pitching for the
Chattanooga Black Lookouts
against the Memphis Ked Sox.
Satchel! made the S599 offer
in a - story appearing in the
Cleveland News three weeks
Orioles Nose
Statesman 9'
The Oregonian Orioles, taking
full advantage of weak defensive
maneuvers, (11 errors, yes) and
the generosity of the umpires,
yesterday won the grudge ball
game from the Statesman Stag
nants at Waters park, 10 to 4. L.
H. Gregory, sports editor of the
Oregonian, hurled the entire nine
innings and was backed by solid
hitting support on the part of
Catcher Eddie Adams and Out
fielder Babe -Adams.
Al Schuss, Howard Maple,
George Emigh, 'Doc L. E. Bar
rick. Jerry Lillie, Paul Harvey
and Bruce (The Voice) Williams
were potent at the plate for the
Stagnants but were denied runs
repeatedly by sparkling defensive
play by the Orioles. A return
match will be played at vaugnn
street in Portland next Monday
Orioles 1S1 330 00010 12 2
Stagnant 100 000 210 4 10 11
Gregory ana Ed. Aaimi; ugnuicr,
Lewis (5) and Maple. Harrington (3).
Portlands Nab
Legion Fracas
YAKIMA, Wash A nr. 2MAV
Fortland, Ore., battled for 19 In
nings here today before defeating
Great Falls, Moat. 9-7. la the
opening game of the Junior Am
erican Legion four-day northwest
regional base ban tournament.
: Portland banged over four runs
in the top of the 19th and thea
halted a two-ran enemy threat in
the final half of the inning.
, Lewis ton, Idaho, and Yakima
were scheduled for the tourna
tent's second game tonight.
Yakima's entry trimmed Lew-
Iston, Idaho, 5-1.
Aug. 23-iP)-Joe Baksi, 209 Kulp
mont, Pa., making his first start
since losing a decision to OUe
Tandberg in , Sweden 13 months
ago, gained a four round technical
knockout : decision over Willie
crown mi, -New xorx. in . tneir
scheduled 10-round feature bout
tonight before a - 3,500 crowd at
the century stadium. ,
Mat 'Cap Mere Tonight
One of tlie few challenge-handicap mat matches in local history
and it's apt to be a dandy from the looks of contestants rolls
forth tonight at the armory to hlghllgh Machmaker Elton Owen'a
weekly production. In It 262-pound Erie (The
vjenest) Holmbaek, a glganUe who sports a 57
iinch chest, 20-inch biceps and $20 which says
I he can flop any two light-heavies within S9 min
iates, will tangle! with Bruising Bruno AngeUo
and Frankie (The Whirl) S to jack, a pair of the
1 rougher as well as faster operators now m the
I Northwest Holmbaek loses his two-hundred to An--r.jgello
and S to jack if ho falls to pin both within
Jtbe una limit. Holmbaek, a true strongto,
heft 399 pounds over his head.
itches dot the extra-eurrieular card, storting at
Frank St jack
Three other
MiJ9 o'clock. la the opener Angello wiU "wans asT la a ooe-faUer
witn Tex Hager. Then S to jack will do some tuning in another oao
faUer with Baldy Knox. In the special It will bo Danao McDonald
against Bawdy Kolas Jones, a 2-of-S faller. There will bo no hike
la admission prices, according to Owen.
King Ranch Colt
In Derby Lineup
CHICAGO,; Aug. 23Hip-King
ranch's- S year old colt Better
Self, who made an unsuccessful
Jaunt to Chicago from the Arling
ton classic some weeks,' ago, is re
turning here from Saratoga to
run in Saturday's rich j American
derby at Washington park Satur
day. 3f -
-The field tor the derby shapes
up with eight probable starters.
This would bring the gross value
to $91,750 and net the winner
$69,450. Calumet farm's Citation
is a certain Starter. f
- National league! Brooklyn at Pitts
burgh (night)-Erskine (5-4) vs. Chew-
it MeW York at .Chicago Har-
tung (-) yr Kioh 1-S: Boston at St.
Louis night) -Sain (IS-12) vs Brcnen
U-4 (only games acneduled).
American lea rue: St. Louis at Wash
ington ( night h Kennedy (VS) vs Wynn
(1-14): Detroit at PhiladelDhi (niehtl
Gray - vs Briasic (12-1); Chicago
at New York Wight (1-12) vs Looat
(12-7): Cleveland at Boston nisht)
Paige (S-l) vs Oobson (U-I).
SGC Divoters
Bow. to Eugene
I A 31 -man Salem golf club
crew journeyed to Eugene Sun
day to suffer a 59 to 33 licking
at the hands of a Eugene Country
club team. Jimmy Sheldon was
low man for the Salems with a 73
for the 18 holes, while Bill LeaL
Eugene, was medalist for the day
with a 68. .
; Fast approaching is . the an
nual Fall Club championship
tourney. SGC officials announce
mat tourney qualifying scores
tnust be turned in by September
5th. All flights will complete
lOrst round play by September
12th. ' . - ; : -v.-1
Salem scoring In Eugene match:
Goodwin 3, Baxter Phipps 0,
Eastman 0, Painter , Hendrie 0,
Mapes 2, Lengren Waterman
1, J. R. Wood 1, Emlen A;
Pekar 0, Potts 1, Miller , Sheld
on 0, Needham Vi, Putnam 3, In
gram 3, McCallister 2, Mitilia 3,
Thomson 2, Gustafson 0, Roth
3, Fish 0, Kleinke H,- Perry 2Vt,
Brande Owen 2, Harris 0,
Bioch 0, Helterlinu 0.
Page Bird Keeps
Up Winning Ways
Ray Page & Co. continued to
burn up the air south of Salem as
his racing pigeon Sunday took
first prize for the flight from Cot
tage Grove 80 miles in two hours
and nine minutes against 54
other racers. This is the third
straight win for Page.
Doug Chambers' ird finished
second' by 27 seconds and Al
Brown, of the Capitola Browns
nabbed a close third. C. L. Mc
Neill edged his Salem Heights
neighbor John Gunnell for fourth
OSP Grevs Annex
Two More Wins
The Prison Greys won two
games over the weekend, swelling
their season record to 18 victories
and only 4hree defeats. Saturday
Bob Hotz' hurled his ninth straight
win, a 13-3 win over Junction
City. On Sunday Lefty Harry
Little beat Amity, 15-3. The Greys
haven't lost a game since June 13
! i
oirag YaduEis -irate. S,eveiniElto StiraSgGi;
Ground Broken for Neiv Horse Center
! f
h ' " " v
: .
., -
State aenator ana KeoooUean gnoeraatoriaj eanaiaate Douglas If cKa jr, wltk aheTrl. break : gron4 far the new Willam
ette valley korseaaea'a center eat ImUi River rose aa aaeaaoera of tko Saleaa aea anal SaOOle elnk lak m. The S4-
crv uw wiu mnauir irtnif cqaiptei iicuiun ier Mnwita mw uia area, latciMlag roOeo gronnOa. graaS
etaae, arter-aslle track, kucklag an roping e bates anS koMlng kens. Left to rlgkt In the Mrtaro are
Glenn CoakMn, Dr. Dreel Ellis, Walter Zosel, McKay, Art Saalther, treasorer of the orseaaea's aaaoelaUoa. iack
mj . wi v ,rnmMMmwrww mmm m w. Auo, pitiwtii e iat Boraemea a.
va wihh mm im i.irwl uu Mcnwj, v
Senators Spank Spokane in Finale;
Bambino Remembers Kids in LHlis Will
i 1 i
ri mi i "tFTfi .n. .in atio
uisen iaKes im .a r onion wven
To Foundation
16th Victory
FERRIS FIELD, Spokane, Aug.
23-( Special )-The Salem Senators,
after absorbing 17-5 and 18-4 shel
lackings at the hands Of the Spo
kane Indians Sunday, ton! g h t
bounced back to do some WIL
bombing of their own when they
socked the Indians, 13-6, in the
six-game series finale. Spokane
G AB K H Pet.
Musial. Cardinals US 4SS 109 17S JSM
Williams, Ked Sox M J'a
Boudreau. Indians 111 411 83 190 JS9
Mitchell. Indiana 100 424 If 143 .337
Pafko. Cubs 103 393 60 131 .333
Dark. Braves
99 383
128 .330
Sum batted In: American leacuo
Stephena. Bed Sox. 112; DiMaggio. Yan
kees. 112. National league Mizo, Gi
ants. S7; Musial. Cardinals, .
Homo .runs: American league Di
Maggio, Yankees, 28; Stephens, Red
Sox, 24. National league Klner. Pi
rates. 32; Mlze. Giants. 31.
Ilore Like D:
Saleam (13)
8 9 4 0 Vannl.m
() Sookano
4 14
4 113
3 9 3 8
1 I ? i
9 19 9
4 19 1
19 9 1
9 9 9
19 9 9
Wert.1 8 3 9 Hyaline J
Mclrvin.r 8 4 3 0 Thomas
Burgher je 8 9 11 Wright j
BarrJ 4 3 3 0 Sheely
NuneaJ 8 13 Ol Peralli.l
SamhmrJ 4 2 8 SICHangraJ
McNultyj 8 9 9 43nClmntJ
Olaen.p 9 9 0 OlOrphal.p
Petersn.p 119 0 Babbitt. p
j coroeu"
iHedngtnj) 9 9 9 1
Total 4419 27 9 i Totals 38 9 27 19
Batted for Babbitt In 7th. f
Salem 291 419 91413 19 3
Spokane 941 001 900- 9 9 3
. 28 9 9 4 9 9
S 9 999 1 9
3l7 97t 3 9
.413811 44
2 14 7 8 4 1 1
Peterson ,
Hodington .
"Denotes plus.
Winning Ditcher. Olaen: losing Pitch
er, Orphal. Errors: SanOemente. Sam
hammer, Olaen. Thomas, Homo runs:
Mcnrvin. sneeiey. Two paae uu: wort.
Barr. Petralll 2. SanOemente. Runs
batted In: Mclrvln. Eheeley 2, thomas,
Nunes. SanOemente. ' Beeson. Burgher
3. Wert 2. Barr. Samhammer. Stolen
bases: v Vanni. Wright. Double plays:
Salem 1. Spokane 1. Umpires: Staves
and Mathieu. Time: 20. Attendance:
With Al Spaeter painfully in
jured when a foal Up off his bat
opened a gash on his face, Dick
Sinovle still hobbling around on
his bad ankle. Joe Gedzios park
ed on the bench with a re-injured
back and Bos Sporer
nursing a stiff neck, the Sena
tors were soundly thumped
both games Sunday, IS to 5
and 17 to 4. The Spokanes
smashed ont 21 hits off Bob
Stevenson and Jack Wilson In
the first game and 23 off Rookie
Irv Whitt In the second. Bast
ness Manager George Enairh has
called in Outfielder iHHl Bee-
son from the Pioneer league to
help fill In the vacancies now on
the wonnd-rlddled Solon ciud.
Beeson, a rookie, has been at
Great Falls on option. Sinovle,
Gedzios and Sporer are expect
ed to bo back la action this
week. Spaeter Is doabtfnL
took the series. 4-2. Salem now
moves to Wenatchee to play the
Chiefs tomorrow night.
Big Jim Olsen was recipient of
his 16th win of tne season to
night, but he had to have three
Innings of steling relief help from
Gene Peterson. John Orphal was
the loser.
Cal Mclrvln. Salem's outfield-
lng pitcher started the Solons off
to their win In the first when he
slammed a homer over the right
fiolA fence with Jim Wert on
base. Four more runs in the fourth
and four again In the ninth clinch
ed things for the Solons. Mclrvin
wound ud with four of aaiem s i
hits off three Spoke flingers. Hill
Beeson, Wert and Bill Burgher
each had three. Beeson Joined the
club only today, being called In
from Great Falls, Mont, to relieve
the shortage of players on the
Salem team, four being out with
injuries. I
Peterson allowed no nits in nis
three innings, after the Spokes had
threatened to close an 8-6 Salem
lead in the seventh. )
Net Doubles
BROO KLINE. Massl, Aug. 23-
Wr-With most of the star entries
relaxing comfortably ! on first
round byes, four divisions In the
national doubles tennis cham
pionships got underway with a
slim total of 30 matches complet
ed today at Longwood.
Only one minor upset was rec
orded, and that saw the fifth seed
ed foreign team of Tony Mottram
of England and Vimi Rurac of
Romania, close to straight Clark
of Pasadena, CallL, and Gil Shea
of Los Angeles, 6-1, 6-3, 6-0.
----- " i .-. . - ! 4 .
Wo Lcnro too many trado-Ins.
From 1908 to 1943 models. Wo
harm mochanlc spodols at $10
and-1943 models usod oalj a
low hours Evlnrudos and
- Johnsons. Sortie) old pots at $20
or $30 oron troIL Thoso arc 10
to 0 ofL W still harm somo
18 UP. motors USL j
Ontboard Repairs on All Makes
199 ChetnekeU Phone 9301
WLPct. WLPct.
Bremertn 81 50 .818 Vancouver 87 82 .479
Spokane 79 60 .5581 Salem 63 72.467
Victoria 73 SO .MOiWenachee 89 73.447
Tacoma 70 SO .Sd Yakima 44 89 .331
Monday results: At Spokane 8. Salem
13: at Wenatcheen S. Yakima 1L- (14
innings: at Vancouver-Victoria (rain);
at Bremerton-Tacoma (rain).
Sunday results: at Spokane 18-17. Sa
lem 8-4: at Bremerton 3-7 Tacoma 2-9:
at Wenatchee 3-9. Yakima 8-4. (Only
WLPct. WLPct.
San Fran 86 59 .593 Portland 72 79.490
Oakland 84 65 364 San Diego 71 80 .470
Loa Angla BO 68 .541 Hollywood 65 84 .436
Seattle 75 73 .507 Sacramnto 59 88 .401
Sunday results: At Portland 8-1. Sac.
remento 3-4. At Seattle 8-4. San Diego
2-0. At San Francisco 2-8, Hollywood
11-5. At Los Angeles 3-4, Oakland 11.2.
;W L Pc. W L Pet.
Cleveland 70 43 .609 Detroit S4 57 .486
Boston 70 44 .503 St. Louis 45 67.402
New York 68 48 J6Washingtn 44 72 J79
Phtladelp 88 49 8l!Chicago 39 76 J38
Monday result: At New York 11. Chi
cago L (Only game scheduled.)
WLPct. WLPct.
Boston 86 49 J75'New York 58 53 J28
St. Louis S3 51 J53iPhiladelph 52 62 .454
Brooklyn 61 50 .SMICincinnatt 49 S7 .422
Pittsburg 57 52 J23 Chicago 46 68.404
Monday results: At Brooklyn 2. Bos-
ion a (it innings); at Cincinnati 3.
Philadelphia 3 (19 Inning ). (Only
games scheduled.)
Lenczyk Medalist
ST. JOHN, N. B., Aug. 23-(ffV-Grace
Lenczyk, 21-year-old golf
star from Newington, Conn., fired
a one-under-par 76 today to lead
a field of 102 in the 18-hole
qualifying round for the Canadian
ladies' open golf title she captured
last year. Match play elimina
tions wil open tomorrow with 32
NEW YORK, Aug. 23-KP-Babe
Ruth on his death bed remembered
"the kidls of America."
This was shown in his will filed
today for probate. N
One-tenth of the home run
king's estate, after $26,000 in fam
ily and I household bequests, will
go to the Babe Ruth foundation
upon the death of Mrs. Ruth. The
widow will draw upon the estate's
Income during her lifetime. Total
value of the estate was not dis
closed. Ruth's two adopted daughters
will split the nine-tenths remain
ing aftir the bequest to the foun
dation. The will was dated one week
before jthe baseball star's, death
Aug. Iff, as he lay dying of cancer
in Memorial hospital.
The New York Yankees famed
slugger; himself asked that the will
describe the foundation in the
words: ("Dedicated to the Interests
of the kids of America," his lawyer
said. 1
The Babe Ruth Foundation, Inc.
was tti up by a grant from Ruth
before his Illness. It Is to occupy
itself twih child welfare. Juvenile
delinquency, and high school com
petitions for sportsmanship prizes.
Ruth, left all his personal effects
to his widow and his baseb '! sou
venirs,! including his equipment
and scrap becks, to his attorney
and his co-executor.
Reynolds Top
Chisox Club ?
By the Associated Press ,
Phil Masi and Connie Ryan
came through with successive dou
bles in the 14th Inning Monday
to give the National league lead-'
ing Boston Braves tight 3-2 vic
tory .over the second-place Brook
lyn Dodgers. The win Increased
the Braves' argin to1 24l games
over the idle St. Louis CSrdinals
who took over second-place, three
percentage points above the Bums.
Relief Hurler Harry Gumbcrt
cracked a homer in the 10th frame
to give the Cincinnati Reds a 3-2
decision over the Philadelphia
Phils in the only other National
contest !fi
The New York YankeW -halv
ed up their seventh straight j tri
umph with an 11-1 win over the
Chicago White Sox as Allle Rey
nolds hurled a seven-hitter Jna
DiMaggic cracked a three-run
homer for the Yanks In the eighth,
his 28th of the year. The ; victory
put uie xanxs nair game one game
back of the second-place 1 Boston
Red Sox and 1M games ; behind
the top-place Cleveland Indiana.
Those clubs were Idle. i i
National Laaena : I
Boston ..-z. 010 000 010 000 01 5 14
Brooklyn 116 000 000 000 002 - 9 I
7.0,PVBrr'tt White 19). Mogue
(101. Bickford (14) and Masi: Miniter.
Behraman ). Roe (Si. Rariv ak
Campanella. Hodges til). , . i
Philadelphia 000 000 020 02 i T 1
Cincinnati . j . 010 000 100 13 li 9
Robrrts. Bubiel (). Row (10) and
Seminick: Biackwell. Gumbert B) and
Aaaerlcaa Leaaae
enicaro ono Otto 010 1 ? f 9
New York 03O 010 34 11 14 a
aVI rl 1
der ) and Robinson; Reynolds and
Yakima Glubl
Whips Chiefs
By the Associated Press
The Yakima Packers pushed
over two runs In the 10th frame
last night to trim the Wenatchee
Chiefs, 11-9, in a Western In
ternational league go. The Vic
toria at Vancouver and Tacomd at
Bremerton tilts were rained out.
Yakima 221 210 loo 2 li; 17 9
Wenatchee 003 010 401 0 9 18 1
Bob Drilling and Constantino: i Cro
nin. Gilson (3. McCollum (St. Stevens
(8. Conover (10) and Oalrymplc, Gard
ner (7). j I
Woodlins StUl
Holds Lead i
With 141 hits Jn 355 times at fcat.
oene wooaung, san Francisco,
tops the list of Pacific Coast league
batsmen. His averrre vas .391 in
cluding games of Sunday, Aug. 22.
Gus Zernial, Hollywood, led: the
league In runs batted in. with '132,
while Jack Graham, San Diego,
with 46 home runs.' topped; the
league in that division.
Table of Coaftlal Title
Tides! for-TaTt. Ore, August. 1848.
Compiled by Coast and Geodetic Sur
vey. Portland. Oregon.
i Time Ht, Tune i Ht
24 3 50 a m. 5 2 8:53 tJn. 1J
Ijipjn. 5 8 8:48 pjn. 1.4
Louis Tops Field
Joe Louis, heavyweight boxing
champion, won medal honors to
day in qualifying rounds of the
United Golf Association's nation-'
al negro tournament. j I
Louis tied with Gordon Good
son of Harrisburg, Pa., with a ?4
on the par 72 course, and won
playoff.- -
Os Kleaw
Roblee rcdaee the ante on heavy
- i I r
oles) with this stout-hearted 4V
" ' " - , f i '
ply beauty. Mellow mahogany
uppers In the boot-seam blucher
plain toe pattern. See It; today.