a. 5 2gTr S "EH "S BIANDB , . . : . m . - ' . ti --ft-- foSTW FiiXSI I ANO TME WXPER SUPPORT KNCJWlDIOrT. N030DV A FOCCCTCy-A CLEVER . STILL MCXJDS. BUT IT MA TJE - WjLL. EVE3? TlieSTfli FORGERY SOMETHING'S OS INTEGRATE ANY - OVp-THf SJJSiSSl- BUTT Jrmi VWRONG WTTM TKAet.jf SCCQHDf TIME HAS ABOUT TUPfellJSS 5W ff MPS7nniL RUN OUT. THE NEXT INSTANT g- - EKflONE' DICX TRACT 1 WAS JUST VJDNDftlNG WHAT PEOPLE WlLL-SAV WHEM WE TELL , THEM THE TBUE STD8Y QF WE fx VAIHlOHIIvO I 4.rt ii k mm ft f t-. li ft 11 ll I've TPOTTEO WY LftlGS OFF.LOOKW FER GROfXOV CREEPS VMJZ SHE DCXAXS) HERE K4THT HCXLER UNKSWOffy? 7 OAEZT COCCL2 JjiSi f&t-T1 I I I LOVE MM. I KNOW BUZ I f2kiRNlNG ( rVE60TTD CT" "rrST lili: VUi5Z VOUWT DO ALL TW THINGS v AJK. SfrlgN j $jl pV I THEY SAY W Pip. AN AS FOR ZlUT YOU CANTM HPLP HIM MY , J- Ck "T I X V1 MONET-HS JUST WOOUXT. 60 TO WORK. Vnw: MADfiuPM ' IS BUZZ SAWYEa ' F S rff rrr- "FWr fJtbTTX ns -t dvotead LW .CIZI 1 1- J you Mown fTrlckJ pf MICKET MOUSZ 1 " ikjS. f "TZ V LxX Cj-OY OORRY. THEY'RE TWINS I 1- 7!? WILL YE DO 0T E SAYS, J mi, YS LOOKS PRETTY i W" "TS- FDR SIZE. ...THEM BRJN9 "af CCARiET IT' YERONLY 1 NOW 00 UPSTAIRS, UlCI ) I " ' TrL. AJLssA SHERRY ON DEC. .. I'LL i 5VCMAJ"AN',T'A,EAS HANSEN SAID.... 1 ;,-;-rF- hc1- tEPa oh-ohj ecMESOCvv VmJ U and who vw " 6LUKT AMD lVp 1 I 9 kAAl flTWSAX I 11 OUMPCO CAN OVER U WOULD DO fT U S-, I ars cettino X If obc caNrmLf I" oJg pencs: I jt eujNTin W GASOLIHE AXLCl J .:.'t ! -i i i' - 1 1 -I :r;-,: ! T VOTRE Axil A nosv Lteng i JU6HAIO? V . 1 V - 1 III K?7 .. i 1 :5 IT THEYlL THINK ITS JUST V 1 1 1 r ANOTHER SAILOR YARN MOST fOLKS. ESPECIALLY LANDLUBBER OOMT BELIEVE ANY I HI NO IHfcY BOUT SHE'S BEEN HERE- AM GONe-SHE WENT BACK OPTO BUZZARDS'. ROOST TO COOK HERSET SOM6 1 1 1 ACT cm iC CCDCrKl I v lla i I . I invvi i vmw, kvr hwnu I i ri 1 1 iKim iiRQros rtnunr rciieve? uni Artwrr ic a ctoaut zi i iun TLiAtiicm uenwcmmn j ft I e. wwwvuo w ,, i aw. t tfiHwiwi i nm rwft ss IV nuoni. ruuNw M I ANYlHiNi THEY DOMT 5 I TfTLD Mb ARTS IT ClFOVR!r77R&TSJ I Tiar I OCT kmiCO Ailfl nil! l-l J IV V X 11... . -J I 1 -TT. - ' ' . T"- r" T"""-"- k. " " T"' " '"r X ri- i r i iwiiu iuiu sAioinf i a h-mi-ii n.ji i & i Tuti Lurnb . POTION -tDW DON'T PESTER - AW-a aarrr m YORE ERRS 7T AMO THE C0:: i MNOVN WHAR ICA WAKe A HUNNCRX LXXLER3 i' 'mm THE FOOLS LAUGWEO AMO CALLED ME DAFFY DICK WHEW I TOLD MY STORY- BUT ANWE BELIEVED KE H thawks to her, we rouuo LOST MOTHER AUD CHILD OUR STORY ; i i m : I WAftUCLCSS VORS - 5.LEETLC JUCHA1D COCOe INTB HOUSE AWFL YORE BONES ON, TH' BEDSTiD XLLTAKE OFF YORE SHOES ACT RUSTIC YS OP SOWS VITTIES Nqvtl Ybrlr SfcJcIt Quotaliona NEW YORK, Au. 2-(A-Todjt3r. rckwiaS QuoUtians: Tniericmn Can 64 Gen Hectrle. Am Power & Ut ofGen Foods Am Tel & Tel 152 Anaconda 37 Bendix Avia S2 Beth Steel S6 Boeing Air , 24 Calif Pack 38 Canadian Pac 33 Case J I 41 Caterpillar ; 55 Chrysler 00 Gen Motors 64 Goodyear Tire 44 Int Harvest 29 Int Paper 39 Kennecott . 89 Libby McN Long BeU A Mont Ward Nash Kelvin . Nat Dairy . Comwlth Sou - N Y Central 17 Northern Pac 22 Cons Vulte 10 Continental Can- 35 Crown Zel 29 Curtis Wr : 10 Doaelas Air . S3 upant de Ne174 Pac. Am Fisr Pac Gas Hec 34 PTsT- 98 Penney J C - 45 CBAFMAN . f ' . " vrini.m W nmmin at fh mi I n tliimlmr WiiliwrtT Salem; father of Mlu Vlrclnia Chap man and Robert Chpm. both Salem: eon o Mr. and Hn. fsed Clapmin of Salerno and broUier o frfvi. nunlmi. Un. Alt M I ruren. Mrs. Ethel Christoferon. aU of Saiem. Mr. FTeda Biack of Alhambra. Califs and Fred Chapman era! nieces and nephews. Cmkei wll pjn. at the Ctouh-Barric chapel with in KCV. ouis nmw oiikmuu. tcrment in the city , view, cemetery PARUON . Gtadra Pattiaoaw SI. late reaident of i lnu ki . mm a -" naiDiui. A us - Ut IS. Surrlved by the itabend. Cor by PatUaon, Salem, and a dauchter. xlm n.arir Imiur Vrtlanf. Seiricea will be held Saturday, Aucuat XI. at 1 10:30 a.m. at tne nowtu-uwimi nar el. Interment tn Belereat Memorial ler-. CHAPMAK ' ; Jum Perrr ChaDtnan. at the re Id Umi at Thuradav. Auc uat 1 at the af e of M years. Husband of Mrs. RXUa fcC Chapman of Salem: and brother of Mrs. Ellen Tomllaon of irf.hn Sfrfim will be held I Saturday. August XL at 1:M pa., at the Ctoufo-Mmn cnapet. wwrmen l in tha salt creeK cemeterT to rwi county. iinT Eugene Beady, late resident of 41M I era i-v .... tnrtlani. at a local Tina pitaL Aucuat IS. Sunrrred by hat par- lents aa Komano. niupmon wtmm ammn made to roruina zor aunii uj Clough-Barrtck company. irrrt RjtMMtl I Mrs. Ada Pearl Steethammer at the reedence at S9 North lTth street. Wed nesday. August IS.: Wife of John T. Steelhanuner of Salem; mother of John P. Staclhammer and Carl O. steel hammer, both of Salem; and sister of Mrs. Edith Melntire of Pendle ton. Mrs. Myrtle Cromer. Mrs. Fays Liechty. Sllverton; Virgil O. Taylor, Maclear. W. A. Taylor. Slhrerton. and Kan M xayior. ruutr, tm. mo survived by three gTandchlklren. Ser vices will be held Saturday. Aug. SI at 1 30 a m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with Interment la th cny View cemetery. MOBJUS In Portland. August la. Mrs. rar thenia Llnnie Murphy Morria. age SS. years, native of Marion county. Mou ther of Sylvia Chandler of floreoee. Ore- Reber Murphy of 8L Helens. Ore.. Ivan Murphy of Bend. Nina O' Reilly of Portland, Mum Winters of Loiurvlew. Wash.. Sarah Thomas of Coos Bay, Lois McCturg of Quillicine. wasn- uauatne cs oc uunmuigs. Calif- and Rex Murphy. San Diego. VS. navy; sister af Ralph Desert of ! Salem. Mrs. Echo Bowen of Salem. Mrs. Maud Pooler of PTatum. Mrs. Bes sie Turner of Raymond. Wash- airs. Mario McCa Ulster of Portland and Mrs. Ann Brooks of Kvorrtt. Wash funeral aaivk.es Saturday. August SI. at it a.m. from the W. T. Rlgdoa chap el, interment Murphy cemetery. ITANTON Harlan Stanton. T7. late reefdeni eg Aamsvuie. Auaust la. at a laeat neat tal. Survived by the wtfe. Cora: broth ers. Clyde and Ben Stanton of Walla Walla. Member of the Christian church. Ss-nkoe Saturday. August SI. at 1 pm. at tne Howou-sawaroa cnapei. wttn conrKirllng acrvtttis at Mt. View Cam tery. Centralia. Waeh. BOATMAN Thomaa Boataaan. lata reakfent eg MSS JeMoraon at. at a Psrtland hos pital, Thursday. August 1. at the age of 5X years. Husband of Mrs. Anna C. Boatman of Salem; father of Bruce IK. Boatman of Salem: son of T. T. Boatman of Wtaoan. Minn., and bro ther of Mrs. Iva Pew of Windom. Minn., JEOgar Boatman eg Ban Gabriel. Calif., and Frank Boatman of Peter son, Iowa, AnnouMoment of ear later by Oough-Barrick company. WICKIZEB Mrs. Minnie Wlcklser. late resident of 10S S. ISth at., at the home of her daughter in Silverton. Iriday. Au gust 20. Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Wsnda CappeUe. Salem and Mrs. Douy wngnt. suverton; a son, Kelly Wckix?r. Salem: a sister. Mrs. Kath- erlne rawcett. Portland; also four grandchildren. Announcement of serv ices later by Uough-Barrick. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. Aug. SO (API. fUSDA) -Sellable : cattle today 80 cal ves none: few sales steady to strong I with late demand improved for can- ner common cows; for five days aal ablo XCv Total S.TTS; calves 45 and ttt; for week xnost claeaea steady; some medium grass steers weak to M I cents lower; canner-cuttar cows clos ing cully st cents higher; medium grass steers ZS.0O-M.sO; good SoS lb. load up to SX50; common down to XS.oa; common-medium heifers XlJo XtJSO: rood load 30 00: canner-cutter cows 140-17.00; aheUs down to 1UDO; I comraon-medhim cows 1.0O-Z3.0O; good grades X330-S4JO; few S3 .00; good beef bulla X330-1S.OO: i sausare X0.00-X3JM: rood vealera 30.00-M: oxtreme top XI.- : goad grass calves 21 00 down. SftUhU Km, IimI., iA 1.1 Mft. steady; for five days salable SOS, total X600: market fuUy 140 burner: coed. IchoicO 180-XM lbs. largely XXM; lata sates up to xz.79. wiui extreme top X3.00: new record high; heavier wta. penaliaed X. 00-3 00 or more; good sows UO-aM lbs. 33.00-3g.a0: good -choice XX.. -34a0r good stags lf.00-U.00. Salable sheep today ftO. steady; for five days salable Xa23. total XJ6S; mar. ket uneven; good -choice grades all classes strong to SO cents higher; lower grades . steady with medium lambs weaker: good, choice sorimt lambs 34.00-23.00: madlum-eood lota 22.00-23 JO; feeder lambs 21.00 down; medium - good yearlings 17a a. lt.OO; good alaughter ewes aSO-S.OO; com. oowa to aao. , Stocks and Bonds OrwpftM by the AyatyJ Pi Aug. so :'... I STOCK ATERAOaa , . - m is is at Xndua. Rails trtu. Stocks Friday ' " ; M 2 44a 40 1 I Previous day SXJ 43 S 40. T , a 3 ! Week ago tU 43 1 40 4 U Month ago 4.4 -444 ' 41 J Ct.t Year ago , , , S2a .S4.S 42J 43S I BOND AVERAGES M It It It ' Rails Indust CtiL form Priday - tl.4 luoa SO T i 1 Previous day Sl-X 1014 M l n Week ago 11 J 100.4 09 t S3.1 Month ago - - 2.t 101 a 100 J - S2.S Year ago 4J 1034 lotA - ISA Radio Corp 12 32 23 40 18 '38 61 65 26 9 12 33 88 13 78 11 46 Rajanier Raronier pfd . Reynolds Met Richfield . - Safeway Sears Roeb Ac 9 So Pacific 29 34 Standi CaL Studebaker. 18 Sua Mininf Transamerica Union Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines - US Steel Warner Bros 29 Woolworth Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore- Aug. ZO (AP)- sMnierxav-Tentatrvo. subject to un mediate change. Premium uality max imum of JSS of 1 per cent acidity de tvered In Portland, 86c-89c lb.; first quality, Sl-4c lb.; second quality. 73- 7ttc lb. 1 Butter Wholesale. FX - bulk cubes. Grade AA. S3 score. aOe lb.; A. S2 score. Sic lb, B. SO score. 73c; C St score. 73c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 3-S9c; Oregon S lb. loaf. M-41e. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. exiB-as dos.; A grade med ium. eo'i-2V,c; A grade smaU 11, &3aC; B grade. Urge 64,-4 . Eggs Purchased from farmers. Current receipts. M,a-te dos.; buy ers pay S-3lB below wholesale : cjuo- nery eggs. Live chickens Ps ylng price to pre ducers: No. 1 broilers under Iba, 37 -30c lb.: fryers 2 to X lbs, 4X-44C lb.; S to 4 lba, 43-44C lb.; roasters 4 lbs. and over. 43-44c lb.; fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs, SS-ZSc lb.; over 4 lb, Ss Xtc lb.; colored fowL aU weights. 31 33c lb.; stags sU weighta. l-lc. rresh dressed meats: The following fresh dressed mest prices quoted wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats are In dollars a hundred pounds as re ported by the USDA market news service. Beef cuts (good steer) Hindquar ters. $41-42: rounds. 15S-60: full loins, trimmed. S5S-00: triangles, S44-4S; square chucks. SSX-M; ribs, 444-74; foreouarters. $44 -45. Cows CommercUL S4I-44; utility. $37-41; eanner-cutter $34-37 Beef steers good, all weighta, X54-S4; commercial, f4t-ftX; utility Veal and eatf Good and choice. S4S-M; commercial. S4S-4S; utility fit Lambs Spring, good-choice. 30 to ttlbs, S4S-80; commercial, all weights. Mutton Good. 79 lbs. down, $21.23. Pork cuts Loins No. L. S to 12 tbs, S4e-et: shoulders. It lbs. down. $31-52; sparer ibs. X lbs. down. S4t-oL Carcasses Al weights. $43-44. Wool, cascara bark, hides: Cascara bark. dry. XOe lb.; green 7c. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grade. 43c lb. Hides (to city dealers) Calf. XOe kips. JOc: beef 12-13c; bulls S-tc lb. Country killed meats veal per pound, top quality 41 -42c lb.; other grades according to weight and qual ity. Ho Light blockers. 4X-4XC lb.; sows 52 -37c. Lambs 43 tic lb.; mutton l-l$e. Beef Good cows. XS-toc lb.; catv ners and cutters XX-XSc lb. Vegetable.: Onions N lb. Wash. Walla Walla yellows. roamteWuO. X. 00-23. Poutoss Oregon, Boardman. White Rose. No. Is. $3-323; Russets. Central Oregon. No. I A. S3 40-3 73: Wash. Yak tona Ruseets. No. 1A. $3J0-3.S0; White Rose. 25 lb- tO-S3e. Hay: U. 8. No. X alfalfa X3.-2S haled on OTiuameno valley farms. Salem Market Quotations BCTTERFAT Premium No. i No. 3 PRINTS Wholesale .72 2 Retail EGOS BeyWftg Br re MiMe A Medlu Pullets Cracks EGCaWWaeleseJe) Larre double A .79 -7t mmhibi double A . Pullets and cracks poditsi No. 1 Leghorn bene ' No. 1 colored heos No, 1 colored fryers. XU-X lha. -Nef. 1 colored fryers. S lbs. up i? 7S 00 cocas -LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Snrms . OS XX tt 14 04 Yearlings , II 00 to awes X.0t to SJt 17.00 14.00 Slat 34.00 23 00 a st aairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers I3.se to isat to - se ae . sum Calves oa t aaa the t nui. VeaL ehoice 2S.04 Livestock and Poultry COOT) S V e.4 mf4ii,w mtumw lwi ,nase. hi. i. rferzersoo, tjreg. ana nse rt. or arapey srore . 6T. SHANN0W milk aosL 1UI s. summer st. PURJ-oRLD Shropehira rams of Oath reeding for fall service. Call or write Sam J. Barker. Rt. L Boot XS4. Salem. moot -ez7, TOP' duality leaoor UnuW to Ie0 or put on snares. ws gar inror- Bunon. vslley Packing Co 111 Excellent breeding owes, over 3 yearhnga. balance X to S. to sell In lota of It for $240. Ph. StXt or see them at Valley Packing Co. storlryords. Hey 1:GHX3T PlCt3 baL taUe2l horses wanted for fox. feed. Call col lect Sherwood 44X3, WTNGa ILAJ-UXl-tt a Am rahhl-L Top prices. Pick-up oar-lea. XSSS State St. Phone 1ASFS. Ntw ELAmpSHISX baby chicks. S-astt, Lee Weekly ' hatches. Ph. H6&-X1 foa iau. Registered Amerlcaa saddle. brad stallions, brood aoares. yearlings sad spring coRa Rt. 4, Box 178. Sslea Phone S-1142. Roy H. glmmoris. WANTED: Aar kind of caTtie. boas St ebsep Win call at farm. Uceneed tt beaded buyers. Prompt aervice. E Saethea Son. us Laaoaoter Dr. ste i Ph 8-134$ BONDiD LTWX3TOCX buytr. E. C McCandliah. Rt. S. Boa 833. Ph. el7. Help anted VAN CLEAVE Farm in Basel Green picking thorn lees blackberries. Mora pickers are needed. Marvin Van Cleave, rtt. i, Bo m f n. -sil. APPLY NOW: ExaminaUooa lotTi. Sr. and supervisory office positions la SUte Govt, Salary $1M to 8220. depen dent upon qualifications. For Info. Call or write State Civil Scrvtee Com i, 444 Center St.. Salem. Ph. 4171. ext. 21 PIN LZTttXS wanUdJ Cee 'lUpfaT at Cap tal Bowling Alley. WRITTEN APPLICATION'S, being ae cepted for lob as proof-reader, five nights weekfr pjn. to X am. Young man with aome newspaper expert, nee profaned, oc Journalism student. Place would be open September S. Write Webb, Oregon Statesman. JIop Pickers 7xcrted HOP PICKERS. Kaufrman-Schurter yards. Now picking. Inquire Ben Kauff maa. About X mi. BX of Central How ell. li6P HciL iled. picking start! Aug. XS. .' mt. XL of Pratiuu. Albert Pratum, Ore- . 40 39 Tha Ctatatroga.- ScJotai Oregon, Sdytrday. An-nfi l, ' I .57 Hop Pickers 7suiLeJ BOP Pickers wanted starting Aug. 23. Both early A late hope. Cafeine, clean, shady camp grounds.. Orey Hop Parwh. Rt. S. Box 17. Ph. i-tr. aUbUiaTER new tuLxowa lUand Hop Yards. Good crop. Early and late nope, caatna, olee. lights, wood, wster and straw fumished. Store on grounds. IS ealn. drive frees Salem. Phono 734 or 2-J19T. "HOP P1CJU&3 WAhTlXn for our yard, about 4 mi. SW of Salem. S3t acres cnotos river bottom hops. Pick ing begins about Sept. 1. fine cabins, shady camp around. Shower baths. electric lights, stoves, wood, tables, stools, and strsw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds, Bus transports 4. 1114. mum t DfmsDT' ft- m wwmim m .... ft mm ft iv. Salem, Oregon, stating number oi adult pickers and enclose $1 for reg istration and use of cabin, which will be, refunded at close of season. Help Wamied filale EXPERIENCED Crade A dairyman. Mast be able to obtain references. O. A..- Robison. Ph. 34S. Jefferson. Oreg. MARRXi man to work on grade A dairy. Tom Webb, Turner. Ore. EXPERIENCED Bartender. Ph. 26949. hJJt of handling men's clothing department. Permanent posi tion, uooa salary ana eommtssioo, ttee Mr. Glanville at Montgomery Ward Co. . ' MAN 'under 40 needed for perma nent custodud position with public agency, i Address application to PXX Boa 87. Help Wauled Fenuda LADY FOR Light housework. 1 per. son. Ph. 4381. 1X Stste St. PART TIME maid. Grand Hotel. COOk WANTED: Hilicrest school for efrla. Phone 2V3022. GIRL. FOR Light housekeeping and Child cere. Hrs. t 30-80. Ph. X-4474. YOUNO LADY wanted for general drug store work, f lt to $20t a month according to experience. Ph. t851. STtNOCRAPHH for steady em ployment. Dictation neceaaary. Good pay. Ph. 3IT77 for spot. GIRL,, TOR Housework for about I to. Rt, 8. Box 382. Salem. Silverton Rd. rtesr LlttlePuddlng River bridge. cuu. wamtuj to work at drive-in evenings. Apply after S p.m. at King Cole Drive In. 8. Com! ac Liberty Hd. WaTTRESS. Day shift. Bright Spot Care. 373 N. High EXP.' Silk" finisher. Apply to per- son. Foreman's cleaners Ss Dyers. 1070 S. Coml. St. BCPBTENCED WaiUeea for iray service, Ph. XOttg. ?.Tle-mf?n Wanted REtJABLK manufacturer can use de pendable territory salesman. Sell top quality line oils, greases, and special ties to farmers, counties, contractors. Regular repeat earnings. Should aver age $4,000. or more, per year. Proper field training and drawing account ad vanced If you can qualify. Write to day to PETROLEUM DIVISION, Box 1341 Dallas. Texas. I WE HAVEapermanent job with an excellent future for a man 23-33 yrs. -of age wim Dank or loan .company exp. Must be alert, aggressive, able to meet the public and willing to work aara tor si Typing experience desired. Call hours. - ttlt during business t WANTED f ADDITIONAL SALESMAN to loin Our appliance sales staff. Sales ability neceasajT appliance training not es sential. Will train salesman In bur com plete line of Frlgldaire. Maytag and Easy Appliances. Good starting salary With opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. Ap ply in person at Sot State "St. Hogg Bros, f Situation Wanted CLEANING, woodwork washing. Work : evening. Reetauranla. Ph. $77$. Km. a - TOUTLt WANTS p.Mtng. Lai. or ext. Wall papering. Reasonable. Ph. z-zns. WELL DRILLING Meyers Bros. Rt. L Box SS4. DeAaa. Can 3Q6S. 'BRUSH Painting. Exierior or later rree eetimstes. Ph. 4307, UXJC.IPlSaTSFvTce for smaU buetness firms. Federal a state reports Include!. Tel. MNt. LXfitteCAPmTt.r4nmxm. new laws put In. old towns rebuilt. Ph. X-5S-X. Oil Burner Service AND REPAIR X4 fer. Service Phono 3-t0(S BRIMM'S HEATINQ 422S. 8. High CA1-P-34TLR work. Repairs, remod eling and new const. James Sellers, Rt. XL Box 730-N. Ph. tx3. Salem. r ALT feftOsI ' BLXX3. CONSTRACTORS Ph. Salem 2T7SO - Silverton Black ITS -B.aun 4 raniricuDf. rnmpi as Ice. Drake a Durtham. Ph. 3-4751. PICKUP BALING Bob Hulst . Ph. 2-1 ITS Carpenter, house const, etc. Ph. 4372. PALNTING. decorating; interior, ex- V. .r'J tpTr' Ph. X-4S11 hiiiiMiuiU; New or old work. ph. S7S2. GOOD CARE el -en voue a-ui4. $1 per day. list Shinpinr. and septic laoVa Wefled and repstred. Schsrff Bros. Phone 2356S. PLASTFfirl?G7PrTonea'evenln'fZ "TJOVINC and naulinc. PrSme2246e. t ti.Mi.WT contracting. j-7i. 4390-3400. baby sitting. Elderly lady. 2-4Q30. WXL'ari-fing 4c driving, rred Wr r. ut. 1. pox sit, PT. 2-5113. rre est. Cur rtstns washed, s'retcbed. P. 2-4343. TSJLZ Work, trimming, topping, fell ing, removing. Ins. oper. Free eat. W. H. MCAMt-rer. Q4S TTtde St. Ph. S-I4tt, OIL CIRCULATOR and chimneys cleaned Vaa- Btrm treed. B. F. Fnsley. Ph. 717$ .TjiJCSwrMO bouse Dlarr,nlir" !XL4THliPinNO ond InsuSP OOBL crpfoct Bros, fhona X-454. WeU Drilling Xrnrsrlon. Industrial H. A hoanaoN rat . front, ssiejn. Painting & Decora line wr EFxtLry m interiorj I-S444 PICK ORTf - 4?f Sewer & Drain Serrice ET.ECTXUC -toto-Raotee axeluaree K tented rssor slisip steel euttlag idea Cleans sewers or dra'na. Septic ymlrf cleew.-i r.!!.!. f ;7 tif 4'l Mike'i Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rontaa SeD tic Tanks Cleaned Spartaa Bectrla Sewer Marhtna ServioaL Modern. Ecoo. Easy Math. Clears lines of Roots. Grease. Etc. K. F. Hamel. 1143 $th st- W, Sslem. Ph. 74"J. WAMT-ili ( turn l ore to glue and ro- . Leo Brae. Furaiture Refraiahlng ph. x-1132. 49 a r,,t ,f t. "TliiG Sc pepeiiag.' iee o i. ii... a Ph $513 P57 ShlT"--. PAIN TE1 and Pat naoiw. Lria- sble prices. Free est una tea, li. J. Woodwort-. Ph. SOU. For SaJe-tiiscelITifrons Baildert Contractors i LUMBER Direct from sawmill . at a saving. Specified erds filled. Free delivery. WEST ML-M lAMnul k nU. N. of Fdgewater St. ea WalUee r. r-n. r " nXcTT," hiTTdrTi . V.L..H YfATFR APPL1ANCS CO. ii 1 Lf -L cluiltesune posts. Hui Xh stork, to order. 114 N. lArtr liver. Ph. X-X4iS. For. Sale Jlliscells-ieou CAMELLIAS ' SeUing out large bushy shrubs, ft an XX. Sun. and eves, on Center lit. k mi. part Latvr. J. A.' t'itrhl. Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Ready sola. AH klof -end and gravel. iUver silt and li dirt. Ph. 21966 i Caroer. out SUvertoa Rd. to McCain Ave turn left. Box 429 R. Come get them a.W- in. 4ft IW galvalvTed 257i. Jotots si i in. soil pips., Ph. "jRlVA'If kummsg. s.U frL & S.L Clothes, old dishes and misc. furni turelnfsrsre st X43 N. 17th. ROOilTLit Peaches 25eTlb7TEt f W ! per bu. Jacob Weigum. Rt. S. OVX-QllAD Garage door compiete. ?d, C.nd- P- "enry. Rt. g. jj0x $03. mt W. of Keiier Sch. BALDWIN ORGAN Now on display STONE PIANO CO. 1940 Fairgrounds Rd. phone 2-S2J1 SALEM. OBBCON BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil J j Cat. shovel and truck work af sll kinds Lloyd M. Hill, IncJ Phone X-4347 pt. X. Box 32-B S3JlXJfcCTRC! ranes7waterT.t era. washers. YF.ATFR APPLIANCE CO.1 DI3TLQU3w'hlie pickling vinegar for all pickling purposes. -Keeps your pickles krlsp- also old time pure apple cider vtnecar. a red in wood, the best made. Puritan Cider Works, W. Salem. . W&' TU -cliifvrs repaired, rented. boughL W. Davenport. 1930 li. 18Ui. Phone 771. H0YT ST. SURPLUS SURPLUS. Coleman. Preway or Hoi ly Oil circulators small and medium ire $2X013: Bunk Beds $4J0 pair: Bunk Bed Mattresses SO lbs; Tent and Tarps; ltt Qt Fire Extinguishers for logrers and aaw mills: Fire Engine: Saw Mill Engines 100 HP to SOS HP; Potato. Peel er: Dish Washers: steam cookers: steam kettle; 23 KW Jc 10O KW Slectrie planU; Wood Ranges; Osk Radio Ta ble with one drawer $7:30; Fire proof Safe tlXSJW: Wooden filing esblneU $30.00; laundry presses, tumbler dry ers, extractors. ; I NEW MERCHANDISE: TOILETS, close coupled silent. Kitchen Sinks. Shower Stalls. Cast or Steel Bath Tubs; Cast ' Iron baked enamel wash basin with center faucet and P trap X-X4W (try to best that one If you can); Washers: Electric water heaters, table top and upright: Apt Sice Electric Ranges: Electric house and outside wire, boxes, switches. 100 Amp en trance boxes, rsnge outlets, pir talis. NO FORCED OR TIE IN SALE-3, buy what you need only. Gslv pipe ar rives on Aug 20, reasonable amounts to all comers. Come south on 12th to large HOYT sign, tura East one block, Tel 7lt. time to tin? nil VSe ORGANIC FF-RTILLZr.R PERFECT FOR LAWNS Se GARDENS t SACKS $9 or $14 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph S127 davs; 3-4397 eve or SlrT HOTPCATE& Gas rangelTTuiraia apt. sice. Wood heaters, wood ranges, typewriters, cash register, meat case, printing press and type, breakfast set. dining set. electric washers. Ice boxes. elec. irons, apt. a full sice elec, ran res. refrigerators, oil heaters, 141 Pot) Ua station wagon, toilets. Liberal credit. Terms. HARDMAN BROS. ' Just this side of Drive In Theatre. Open from 8 am. until 13 p.rn. 1 days a week. " USES ELECTRIC range. lJo. use4 toilet, steel bed. lavatory, chairs. Sit SO. OOWW4fTt Itsl. i ELCIN 4 H."P. outboard ' motor. 1447. Will uade for ehotxun. Walter Slemund. Jefferson. Ore. Ph 143. ---ECTSOMASTLa ApU ranee, autol oven. Elee. . washing machine, good cond. Spark Deluxe oil circulator, like new. Ph. X-4004 or see at 1040 XL Rural ' WORLD CL6fcfc3. tWlt' lamia. ' ' sj L.f x sun Arri-lAJt V- au ,L. ; New Ontboard Runabout SeR or trade on car ; XlOt So. Commercial 1 T GAS IUslClN jCWiscotiain t h p. wl-a clutch. Also $ h p. Wiaron-ln lees -lulc-h. W. A. Skewts, JO N. Winter. Di "J4X PUAUCE BLOCK F. II, A. Approved 1 3th St Block Co. : j S. 12th St. at Vfcrta Ave FvemnCT t- CEt5A R IPOJSTI Ph tfrz2 "CEMENT. Sas n. doors, roof mg. wsll boards, sfamglae a shakes. XkOeLbr. Co, gV--Pel(as hwy. ag50. APT. Sixe eiwk tangs. Ilka new. Also X $30xlT Urea. Rt. , S. Box 142. EL E. Adam f. . 1 , IXXCtRlC1 Roo heaters, a teem, fi- dlant and fa YEATLit types. A4J ANCE CO. aXWav-T big stock. Wondr s Fum lt"e sfkt PTi $110 CI5TTayXa Yunker. RC X. Beez SS-B. U mL N. Kewer Sch. PEftSsL'HE Cookers. Revere wax 4. . V F. ATER APPLIANCE CO. ' RADIOS and record players. YFATTR APPLIANCE CO. 1 nrLTVl7rgXCKJ.Nai th imi Poul try. 1 SOS N. Front, Phone 7007. WILX. BUY. S FIX. or TRADE MODEJtN or ANTIQUE FIR A RMS TO g HOUSE of DOM. 24 Ni-tp2l I'LAS tf-KOTE. the cetiopfiane U-e finish for your floors, linoleum, wood work, requlree no waxing. TgATEH APPLliNCI CO. USED Duo-TlMurm o Jcir c3.tor. A-I cond. Heats t rooms. Fully equipped. CRAVXL, sand and HL Delivered, or ' on your trwk at the pifclr-t 6444. t Apt- g and elec. ranges. YIATfR APPLIANCE PO. CXRDBOAKD nackins boxes Sheets anv se i7"0 N Front ILLil--,--3oi;Ler puim. Seat s Farm Store, Salem. 4 MO. Gad purebred German sJieo- herd pupa, black with light markinn.. T3. John R. Berkley. Rt. $t Box 11. ROTO TIU-La fur sale or tiede lor garden tract r. Howser Pros , Ph. ? ' 4. Xk,b H. P. Johnson ouluoaid fur or tradf lf $ H.i P. motor. Ph. X" NS.W p J leut motor boaL cI7aie Monro, 17- N. Water. MONTAxi PrTaeevs ranee. SimmI cd.J. Mrs. J. Cogs we U, KU S, Hoc 411. Jooea -, , OiiaVietftl tiftilr wiUi J)i;ixl coesr and saiety addes. $40. 411 E. Ewsld Ave. CUICKXAIGl Mirr-A Diana. piano. Tills dsinty spinet styled piano has th spinet styled piano has the tone of a baby grand. Only $4S. $0 dn. 1-r mo. See at Tallman s. 3k m. lzih. tnl't rrri hlr! nrtres. "3J. f AO VOou clrcuialJr. " Is new. 171 Ovfnrd St. &U4-t-FLAYR fl.ru I no Rebui't. Easy to play. Special. $23. $3$ dn. $!$ mo. Shop Tallmaa's and save. ii S 12th. aiO.4AKC.fti . I e Ve r fvi rnJsJ ' ' ' HAi,-i j. i.JuTirrxrr - sny case, fine tone and action. 1 i. $oi da. $10 mo. A snapl Tarmn"tvi.i g. A r" '' '"1,11': ' v 3 f TTf O itV. ":Zftt-il.. 'TT'iTJ". Dining tH .. S. Ceil 1.1 U. 3ist. Phone f ). : CoJ!). ACVLXE and mc. amp. liobart portsbls wel -r. Ply mouth 4 rukup. l4 pansL 1 Fsr- grmin f 4. . . mai ii mTTT V J ..Ai..l t. t l j fci. Oft' Ai...u 1 J ' t ..n.iuuul i.ly". kZu. , . i luintr. i iul. PU. 3il. X-3 Center,