v. - . . . . . ' v t r t c f i . - i - . ... . - i n v y ' ' " . ' " . - ". . - .. . - " " ' -. I'THE .YlJlJNC IKA,, Rv lTngtTir Th Statwaan. Salta, Ofyon V7da day, Jlcrast 11. 12 1- -3 Corn Prices G)ntiiiue Sag Mi 1 -' s u -j 2LOKS3 - WElXWSlfY f Ketf 6y STS-T . fci li in -v. H in Y WANT ME TO QOIDTWg MCVT I MV SUP? r "-jL, . 1 ill 'mill ! ., I NEVEP V. know vat 1 TO ANSWER v BACK VJWEM J SXff ASKS T J 4 1 THAT -A AH)S OUESTOnV- C&$ &2 TlMO nVE-TVIBTTV A. M. VES. THAT'S MIS ADOESS WfS AHMTWtNT MUST c ON TUE FIkST FLOOR. DICZ-TRACT THE MILKMAN'S COtKk UP TO TME TMIgQ FLQQg. THIS rs MY CHANCE. LrS MY CHVICfc,. MrS ROUTE BOOKf AMAf rVES MSTfT WC ABE, DICK TRACV, PlSTAPWi?TMtlsrT: STRICTLV A MILK CUSTOMER it J-zlrmi mt,t to QmCVlV. BEWIMO A DARK ENED row op suoueeERV, HEELS BEALS OPENS SEV ERAL TIWV CAPSULES AMD-. POURS THE WWTTE POWDER ONTO A PIECE OP PAPER, i r ftCS, CAPtttt-wE SCARED- 1 TUE PGDPUEAXS ALL UCLLBZH'Atfl 2 ACnttfStty.lSOTTMC PALACE 15 Wis - Ai m JUST T READY TO LCAVE-W Z WEIL US OUT TO TMff 1 SOMfMOW- TLTS WiTKK UAVfi LOfiT PAtTU IM TUE ku SFTCaVED TUEM "ID THE EVIL fSPifirnc who dwell inwc the T J 1 MOJNXWN- 1 THAT CEAPTY VTLLAW HAS TUNE9 TUS AAIHT MACS TUE KMS TWJNK IWCAKS TO 8LAME POS EVEK TUIN6 WEtZS IN Mt6i4Ty i WATERS MOW! XJTTLE AITNIZ ROOKZT CCAff ME 1 iT DOCOALC 1 iVC C)VtJ MXJ AM CVE 5UGELY VOii BEMSMgEfl XUAT WXI MCKK ROC PCONT1S o dont voor -3 7 DUMO. BUZZ SACTTQ 1 AUf MO KACTV3i HO PC&J4APS IT t Vf MOT TO V MM A MC0NO INJaCTIOK r is i W - T 1 T. a i i BUT MOW f rtwfiCnd.ifti- lAOOUT OUR- r no armatc 0994 TO STEALTH 5 ATOMBREfLLA? n MXCZZT MOUT2 rA WlLDPkStSOM CHASSI NOW WHSSS'LL. WS LOOK POR THS ATOMSRSLLA? 1 1 ID svet( PCU40 I ' " v , PWAJT A awtem 5OSM..P0NT ITELL. AH OUR MIND JS STARTING TO WORK X V 7 1 ptMink PSOl PSNIFT? Pi5NJPP'? n M AKHtnANTlC T WIN A BET zeaevECMtto rCM8jOSI CFITf ( iCU, ICWTi A MAN WHO WILL L ONCE WILL VUEAOAIMf ME OCW EVERYTHlMiJ ABOUT THE &ZL AS WSJ. AS tXJ.SO HE ii: "3 CD0KEDUPTMSC0OfrAH M AS AN OFFICER OF THE YAS A MAN. ITS Art OUT LAW, IT'S MY CVTY TO CONVICT I TO CLEAR HUt IF HE'S HIM IF HE'S oUtlTY 7v PMOCENTI f OtO VOU Y I "CM, I I IOSPT A5WN0 WWE33 THE OOOO n5l-UMa tfAS ANC7 IBOUJOVVEO THS F79H f ALL THE MAP. 1. GASOICTa. ALLCX rr w(A9 alwaw eoMsyyHcass 1 I EJ5B UKS TM3 POT OF a X I KJSOW. VDU T RIGHT. BUT I KEPT I WE23 AUACAVV I ON TMU TZA1UAN0 I I ABOUT TWO I ENDED UP HE2E I VPAV9 BSHINO. A VWJra I TARTCDj rr.nxr.rniu hour w-fg HAS OOUCIE-OCGSCD COS!! 5HE Ef.'CAD Off TO TBS OHCU3 TO Sf JTITH T SO X HEEJRED TELL cms 5 . - A L2l I CO ArTCl H! THftRHAKgT 5 XlLfdCH HER YfU- I BACK HM PlENiy O If ' - TIOTG FEHSPWTX3 71 Z Gf. mt Vj tUtoi Urn W. Syft. We Tak t. U. i. fat. OMa kH w - " IptM tired UxtnUac abt It that I Jost har to Uk llttto a9 bef mn I sUrt. Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Aur lO-i-Today! dodzK quotations Al Chem & DyelSl American Can 84 Am Power & LX 9 Am Tel & Tel ,. 151l Anaconda 36 Atchison 110 Bendix A via 31 Beth Steel 35 Boeinf Air , Calif Pack Canadian Pac Case J I Chrysler 23 36 15 42 60 Comwlth Soil 3 Cons Edison , 24 Cons Volte 9 Crown Zel 29 Curtis. Wr 9 Douglas Air 52! Dupont de Ne 172 Gen Electric 37 Gen Foods , Gen Motors . 62 Goodyear Tire 43 Gt North pfd 42 Int Harvest 28 Int Paper pfd -34 J Man vUle . 35 Kennecott ,' 57 Lone Bell A 27 Mont Ward 53 Nash Kelvin 17 Nat Dairy 29 N Y Central 16 North Am Co 15 Northern Pac 22 Pac Am Fish 15 Pac Gas Elec. 34 P T & T 87 Pan American 9 Penney J C 45 Radio Corp 39;Rayoniei' Rayonier- pfd Reynolds Met Richfield tSafeway ISearz Roeb Sinclair Oil So Pacific ' Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal Studebaker Sun Mining Union Oil '. Un Pacific Un Airlines Un Aircraft U-S Steel Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or.. Au(. IS (AP) Produce: Buttcrtat tentaUv. subject to Immediate chance. Premium qual ity maximum of .S3 of one percent acidity delivered In Portland. KMOc lb; first quality, SS-8t lb; second qual ity, 79-S1 lb; valley routes and coun try points. Sc teas than first. Butter -- Wholesale, fib bulk cubes, rrade AA, S3 score. 93c lb; A. 2 score. 83: B. 90 score. fS: C. 89 score. 1 73. Above prices are strictly nominal. cneese Hell ins price to Portland wholesalers. Oregon stasia. 83 89c; oreeoa -u loaf. m-. I ESS" To wholesalers: A grade, large ei'k-eV.s doa.: A grade medium eO. 3",; A grade small Mtt-&3c; B (rade large sa-MB. Xggs purchased from farmers cur rent receipts. 85-ft8.s doa: buyers pay a-1, Deiow wnoiesaw quotauona o graded basis for beat hennery eggs. Iht poultry Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broOers under IV lbs. 3-3Sc lb; fryers. 1-3 Tba. o-U: lbs. '40-42; roasters. 4 lbs and ever. 4o 42: fowl. Leehoms. under 4 lbs. SsV 27; over 4 lbs, 2S-27; colored fowt. WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Daylight Saving Time - Kilocycles: KSLH 1396, KOCO 1499, KOZN 971. KGf? C20, KEX 1199 HOUX 999 99:15 V 99:39 99:45 , sj. am arfBH mwuui nwwi juiaaBvxrsria gmaia .u av uuw itwbji KOCO" KOCO KLOCXlKOCO KLOCX (KOCO KLOCS I Tex Sitter 11 KOIN News at Amer, IKOIN Klock IKOIN Klock IKOTM JOock W SOW Hodge Podge IHodge Podge IKneaas New iHodge - Podge lany uro inns oour KKX Early Bird Early Bird I Farm Hour KILM KOCO KOIN KGW News ' fRise and Shine Extension BervJNews KDDt Klock J News Farm Time '- I Farm Time Cowboy I Rise and Shine fTop Trades SportsJTop o atornlng'News News I rreor Beca told Songs JSam Hayea in KSLM KOCO KOIN . KGW Orchestra Cecil Brown (Sons Pioneer (Bargain Counter .Die Shannon i Young Ameneaiwest Melodies icoue cup User News I Feature Story Grand Slam I Rosemary Fred Waring iFred Waring (Jack Berch ' iMelodiea dub iBreakfast Club (Breakfast Club , I Breakfast dak KSLM KOCO com KGW KEX 10 11 . Kate Smith, J. B. Kennedy IPastor Call I Orchestra ' Oospel Singer JVocaa Varieties (Without Words) News ' . W Warren (Aunt Jenny (Helen Trent IGal Sunday Tommy Dorsey fTommy Dorsey (Tommy Dorsey ITemmy Dorsey laalody Go Rnd (Easy Aces (Breaafast IBreaaiast KILM New IN.W. News fOrchestra ; IHarmony H KOCO Peggy 1 ' ILuuaby Rhythm!HawaU Echo ICeee THo KOIN Big Sister fata Perkins IDr Malooe Gusdmg Ught KGW ' Kneaas New (Nelson Olmsted! Claudia . Joyce Jordan Galen Drake iKienSBt rrue Story TTue Story KSUW Waltz Tkne fWalts SerenadetOueen a Day KOCO New I Cowboy Jubilee! Hal Derwin KOIN Mr Burton Perry Mason INora Drake KGW Double NothlngiDoubl Nothing' Today's Child KEX Betty Crocker - j Listening (Star Spotlight IQueen a Day Hal Derwin Evelyn Winter lUght World (Northwester efl gsaXSLM Hit 11m (News i' (Bike Show .fBuckNattoa X "J KOCO Meloay (Ted Steel News J Noon Favorite M KOIN News (Come Get n Stand In,- ' iHilltop House ; mm KGW Kneas News Ma Perkins Pepper Young I Right Happiness ' KKX New lEtneL Albert 1 2d Honeymoon J2d Uobeymoon - SBBBBBBBSaaBBBieasBBaeBBBBSBBSSBB y KSLM pji. Today ... -IJohnaon Family West Salem (Blng Sings 1 KOCO. Classics . Classics Oelbert Mem. Musi KOIN V Art Baker"' (Art Baker (Newspaper Newspaper ' KGW Stag Wife ISUna Dalla iLorenzo Jones JWkkW Brewa KKX Listen to Thai ILAsten to This tKay West (Kay West 2 KSLM HearTs Dcswe IHeart's Desire fFavorites I Orchestra KOCO - . W. Salem Hourfw. Salem HourlW. Salem Hourl W. Salem Boor KOIN' Meet Missus . Meet Missus lHous Psrty I Rous Party - KGW Girt Marriea . Partis' Life (Plain Bill iPae Farrell KKX Jay Stewart pay Stewart (Bride a Groom (BrdeftCrooa ' 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW., KEX Alway WoinanlAlwiTi Woman! News ILattas American 12th SC Hour 112th St. Hour 12th St. Hour- 12th St. Hour ( Kn-kham News n"uneciy Yours lArtimr GodrreytArtnnr Godfrey bom oz ux lira uvawi jaunt Mary INora urax, Ladies Seated . pad tea Seated (Travelers (Travelers CHICAGO. Aux. 10-PV-Xiqul datlon in the corn pit influenced price action at the board of trade today. Corn was easy at the open- I Int and continued to 'saX as trad ers prepared for an optimistic rov eminent estimate of. the condition of crops as of August 1. Sexlinr in the corn pit was re flected in wheat, for a time, but toward the close a food rally car ried some deliveries to around 2 cents higher than the previous close. :y Corn advanced from the day's low toward the finish and at the dose, wheat was 2 higher to 'lower than the previous finish. September sxzi-. Corn was 4 to 2 cents lower, September $1.60- 19. Oats were to lower. September 72-72. Rye was 1 to 2 cents lower, December $1.67 and soybeans were lower to 1 cent higher, December $2.63 . 31H 33 23 39 17 37 26 55 27 66 24 10 34 88 12 25 76 Warner Bros 10 West Elec ' -- 28 Wool worth 45 an weights. 20-31; stags, all weight. Rabbits Averaea So retailers for lecaily-dreseed animals. SS-SJc; fryers. mi or ateavy, iws. Fresh drissm meat (wholesalers to retailers to dollar a hundred lbs.) : Beef steers Good, all weirhta. 8S5-S4-80; commercial. 990-A2; uulOy w a. i Cows ComtnerriaL 842-48: trtllitv. aa-u; i canner-cuwer. m la. Beef - cute f good steers) Bind- quarters, 8a-a: rounds. SO-43: full loins, trimmed. fSO-a: triangles. 8S1-S2; equar chucks. 854-57; ribs. 864-lt; lorequarters. 8al-ftS. Veal and calf a Good and eholceJ f8-6; commercial. S4a-eS; utlUty, 840- a. - t Lambs and mutton: Lamb -- Soring. good-choice. SO-SO lbs. 849-81; eonamer- ciai. u weights. S4S-4T. - Mutton Good. TO lb down. $21-23. Pork cuts: Loins No. 1. S-12 Ibe, IS-SI: sooulders. 18 Iba. down. 849-ftO: apareribs. 3 lb down. 847-8L Carcsssts AH weights. 949-944. Wool. Cascara bark, hides: .J Cases ra berk Drv. 2ee lb: ereesL Wool Coarse, vstler and medium grade. 49e lb. Mohair - Sfte lb on U -month growth. Hide (to city dealers) Calf. 94c lb; kips., 23: beef. 14-17: bulls. 10-11. Country buyers pay 2c leas. Country killed meats: Veal Per lb. lop light. 4l-44c; other grade tag to weight and quality. Hoes Ltaht blockers. 28-41 lb: owa-29-24. Lamb 40-44 lb; mutton, 12-18. Beef Good cows. best. 40-44e lb: canners and cutters. 20-38. Vegetables: Onion 80 lbs. watlL, Walla Walla yellows, commer cial. 81.7S-2JML otatoes Ore Boerdman white mm No. Is. 83 00-3 05: Wasnmeton lone white : No. la, S2.T5-S.00: Calif omU long White, mostly S4.00-4.2S. size B. 8X80-2.M: six A. 25-1 o. S1J0-1J0; 10 1b. 80-43c: commercial ante A. $345-75. ay iroiisvmf prices are strictly nominal) C . & No. 2 green alfalfa w . aw fun ami, sjj jo; . 8. No. 1 Timothy. $37: eeta and vetch nuxed nay, uncertified clever hay to a- ion.'- . . BEXSfN . ' Raymond V. Bersin. lai resident el Independence route I. at a local hos pital. Sunday. August 8. st the ac I ' 48 years. Husband of Mrs. Li li. Bersin of Inoecendence:, lather of Pa trtcU Ann and Frank Bersin of lad. and son of Mrs. Kmllv ir. un of Independence. Services will be held Wednesday. August 11. at 1 30 p. nv. at Cknif h-Barri-k chapeL lm th Rev. N. S. Hawk of fir U ting. Interment m Buena Vista cemetery. PAaUCaUfTEX i. '. ' Mrs. Susie X Parmenler". late resident of Sut N. Commercial St. at a local hospital. Sunday. August 8. Survived, by brothers. Roaco and Will Dickie. Long Beach. Calif- and bv nieces, air. C. S. Stradan. Sacramento. ClaLi . and Mrs. Esther Nash. PorUand. and nephew. Edwin Dickie. Coos Bay. b-rv- weanesaay. August, 11. at 10:30 m. t CkMign-Barnck chapel. : the v. Lloyd Anderson olfldaung. ; In terment In City View eemeterv. Kiln- allstie services by the pythxaa SUters. KALLSTSOM Joseph Kallstrom. lata residonr f 1060 Mill st- at a local hosnltaL tun. day. August 8. at the age of 47 years. Survived by relatives lit. Sweden. An nouncement of servloea late . fc Cknign-Barrlck company." -JOBNSdN " John V. Johnson, lata reL n Portland, at local hospital. August 9. at age of T7 years. Survived by one dauahter. Mrs. Ada 3. PMi Pnnlui Private services will be held Wednea. day. August 11. at 8:20 pa, at Howell Edwards chapeL Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore- Aue. ' Id f API ne vntsi zuxurea quotea. Cah grata: Oats. Ne. 2. 2-Tb. white. nariey, no. a. a-in. ilw. S3. 00 No. 1 flax 8.00. - rttA stoj e soft whrte teachwtmg Rex) SOS; White cnio a.ia: wenern ran S.1S. Bard red winter: ordlnarv 1.18: 10 l cent 2JS: It Der cent 111: 12 ner cant Ut ' ' ' Hard white Baart: erdmarv 2.11: is per eena-as; per cent z.z; is per cent 2.48. Today car recelota: wheat as- haew ary a; ziow ; nuiueea s. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. AuV lOwfAPl-rtTSnAl Cattle salable and total ISO; holdovers zao; caive ao; market very slow, weak with Dart of suoolv naanlil- afermn mostly common grades and below; good grass steers quoted, up to Monday's cartos top ex azjw; lew common stssrs M.oe-a3.oo; cutters down to 21.00; cut ter and common heifers II 00-23 00: can ner and cutter cow largely 14.00-17.00: very few fat dairy-type cow abov itjo; one ccenmon-medlu 18.00-21.M:. bulla -am: bulla salable 23-S0-2: nod SO.OO; i couunun enedium grades lt.OO- a common-medium 400-450 lb. grass eahre 1730-25X10. . T Hogs salable and total 100: market active, teedyf good-choice UO-230-Ibv weienui aiaj so mostly JII SO; few 240 248 lb.: 2 JO: 280 lb. 28.00: 325 Iba, 27.00; good 270-550 lb. SOWS 23.0O-S4.oO HmIm ugnt reeoer pigs quotable up to 3X00. Sheep salable and total ISO: market active, steady; good choice spring lamb rge-y s.w-eu?.( ete lot good -choice No. S pelt lamb 23.00: nMdium-good grade 22 0O-2X00: medium feeders largely 2L00: shorn 1 dara oownwanl to 17 SO: BWdlum vstarlmea It on- mi wuiniw eweaj jar-o; sows w.-tiu Salem Mrakct QuotaUbxib 4 KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Pulton Lewis Remtngwsy New .. Pee Wee Hunt Hint Hunt (Hint . Hunt Woman's Secret "Life Beautiful Sunnysid Up (Sunnyside Up- Passing Parade (Orchestra . Rhythm Ranch IRoger Gal Club 15 - . ltd Murrow Linda Lev . (Star Today Sunnysid Up (Sunaytid Op No. 1 No. a POINTS -Wholesale I Ratal! EGGS Bayn Large don hi A Med rum . ' I PulleU Oatks - . y ii .78 M 5 KSLM Adv. Pared tChandu. Magic. fSupermaa KOCO - Sleepy Jb ' Uan Carber . Iss Keys , KOTN sKnoa Manntng 'Muss Sparkles iCoIltnswood KGW Foster. News (George Moored Sunny Side Tom Ml Gong Ha Shew -IBoo Garred s-GGaWwaeJeeUeTi Large double "a Medium deubleAZ i-auetsand . jS3 . M . M 6KSLt G. Heatter - (Newsreel at rruneup Tun I Leatherneck KOCO Biag Crosby f AUen Roth INew .(Music Horizons KOIN County Fair County Fa i (Rarveef'Ster Harvest Star . KGW ' Tea and Jin Tex and Jinx jH'wood Tbetre!HWoed Theatre KEX - Sports , ; (Home Edition (Stage America I Stage America 7 KSLM Adv." of Falcon Adv. of Falcon IClaco Kid BaacbaTl r : ' KOCO Sport News Marine Band jTop Band jCisce Kid KOIN Mae Jordan Man Jordan (The Whistler (The Whistler KGW Music Soiree . Music Soiree ' ptng Crosby (Btng Crosby . REX Laete Ranger ILooe Ranger IKavier Cugat jlan Maaatrel 0K8LM Name Song - Name Song . IPublle Service FPubtic Service KOCO .. Top Band Dugout Dope - Baseball , Baseball i' KOIN , LoweO Thomas Treaa. Bnditnd. Dr. Chrtstlaa Dr. Christian KGW. , , Supper Club New Jack Pearl . Jack Pearl KKX - Abbott Costea Ljtbbott Costelle K3e tor House (Gor tor House , 9 KSLM Glenn Hardy fLawton fBuck Natkm Land eT Free KOCO' Baseball . (Baseball fBaseba!! 1 Baaroan KOI Amer.t Tapestry' Amer. Tapestryl Lewis Shew " Night Editor., !. KGW , News prebestra (District Atty. District Atty. , KEX iter Theatre I Amer. Tapestry IQn Trial )On Trial efl am KSLM' Fulton Lewi tOrchestra (New . JDrcfaeatr I Tl KOCO Baseball 4 Track 149 - lrrack.1400 - p porta News III KOIN 8-Star Final Talka , . ploakroom - . poakroom faf KGW New Sport Pag (Band Wsgoa Morton Downey KKX N.W. News jiermexxo lCostcert hour (Concert Hour nKSLM Open House (Open House (Open Hmis iNew KOCO rrack Ia0 . I rrack liM lrrack 14w0 - llvack 1499 KOIN Orchestra (Orchestra lAir-rio - (Air-no KGW New i (Wax Museum (Wax Museum I Wax1 Museum ; KEX Concert Bour I Concert Hour (Orcheatr . rcnestr !- POULTRT Ne. 1 Leghorn hen9 No. I colored hens ... jrt , - M f No. I colored fryers. 2-2 lba Jt No, 1 colored fryers. 2 lb. p A na i on coca js UTESTOCK CBy Valley fak Snring lambs . . tin. to 22.5 Yearlings 11 M to 14.00 Ewes 1 SUM to 4 00 Fat dairy cows 17.00 cutter cows ,-, , 13 0 t 14.00 Dairy- heifers - 14.0 to 21 no Bulls 24 0 t 24.00 Calves 1300 to 430 Iba.) la- to 23.00 V1, rotr ; in oo StbcLs and Bonds Compiled by the Associated 'Aug. 18 ... STOCK AVERAGES SO '. 18 19 89 Indus. Raits fTtlL tr-ka Tuesday st 3 40 S S7.7 previous oay S2 s 4 , o s , s 4 Wsek ago 91.T 44a 40 8 (12 Month age 7.1 47.8 41.1 72.1 Year ago , 82 1 34.1 42A 85.4 KOAC. 850 K Wednesday ISM News: IS OS Esseclally ' Cor Women; UM. Concert HaU. VtM New: UOS Farm Hour: 1-00 News: 1 :13 Rid m Cowboy: 1M Melody Time: US Tune Out; 2.-09 Summertime: 330 Memory Boeer eg Music: 2:49 Thai Day a 60 Orecast Reporter: 3:13 Musk; of the 40 News; 403 The Story of Surgery No. 18; 430 Kern and Sloop: 4. -45 Children's Theatre IMOa Upbeat; 1:3d Snorts Club: S-OS News: :15 Mel- odies: 8:20 Chemistry: 8:48 Guest Star; 70 Farmer Unms; 1:15 r i Hour; 8.00 Artistry fn Classics: 8:30 Veteran; 8:45 News: 9:00 Music That Fndurea; :45 Lift Up Thy Vol ; 10:0 V. 8. Marine Band: 10:15 Serenade: 10:45 News; Uaa) Sign Oft, BOND AVERAGES -29 , 19 19 - 19 Ralls Induct. UtiL Form Tuesday .! J loo 7 SOT 613 previous day tis loea vts CI 4 Week ago IS 100 9 loo t C3 Month age 101- 'loot tit Year ago - 103.8 105 J "10.8 Builders of the Crest Wall of China ate sauerkraut to combat deficiency diseases resultLnx from an all rice diet. Stocks Sink to 3-MoiithIibwj NEW YORKL Au 10-!PWThe stock market dropped to the low est average, level in more than 3 months today when a last-minute expansion In selling: Quickened an . earlier down trend. Final prices were off fractions to 2 points or ' Turnover was 840.000 shares - compered with yesterday's slim 670,000. ! V The boost In the 'short-term. money rate by the treasury late -Monday was regarded as a possl- ' ble upsetting; Influence but more because of the Implications behind the treasury's move rather than because of a direct impact on se curity price trends. - Relations between Moscow and the western powei over the prob lem of Berlin were again mention ed as a trading: barrier. The Associated Press average of V 60 stocks declined .7 of one point to 67.7, the lowest level since Mir S. Of the SS3 Issues which appear ed on the tape. 638 declined while only 144 advanced. A Today, Britain produces half or more of its own food supply com--pared with one-third before World War n. . , - Yonr 53 AJway a DcpcndaLIa Csh Market! i Ccrly's bdiy Phone 8783 -' $$II0IIS$S v 4Vi aUal EstaU Leans rerseaal aV Aate Leans Slala Ffcizzcb Co. 133 8. Clgh St- Lie. E-ll-tl-tJ DH77CC HEAL?!!! '""rifis :"' ' Wie a far f " 'l 3s 2- in mis iti 1 ii M i Irs1ii4 FW MAJsLssJF.M SJt SwlA fwiiss 14. Why Suffer Any Longer ween otaers ran. Cki as It - years a China. Ne saaUer wtus what sihneafca yea are arillrt- SlserSersslaaslUa. heart, laags, liv er. kiSaeys. gas. eensUaatlea. v K-r. SUketes, theamstliam. rail and ttae ' fever, skii a, fisasls co-iplaiata. CHARLIE CHAN 284 RTJVE BXS i ' CO. N. r.iannlsl Pboee 8-1 o - v seiy. I J . sal. at, oac. umc Beers 9 t Tnea. and Sat. eely, i Or.T.T iwA tl.QXThi Ji SV. DX CIAII . . .. LT-I2 se irvr rr- -- ir4aaalie-Mls ,laaaaAlMua -a 841 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General "trt Co Of a oe open Saturday c . r li t tJD U I p m. 4 to 1 q in Consul. ! tauon Blood Drew u re a"1 unm lesu are free of charge r-rruced;f unee 1SI , . ti X