: : h For ? -eal Estate For Stl-utieal'&Uta For Sile &ad- Eiiiltf For SaJoKsa) tfcariV I irroViCalniKGiiiiilJ I 7anted Heal Estate tOWO TUI. OSHXD S bwlroom hMI nice locrttnn. lg. lot, - East front, ea bus line. C-'I M. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Hm : . .Ill r-twMiv.k.t. &Mwrio Phone TO- .- m 9-gye I owner: nra. apt. mum, a odrm.T" "Tt.1?- "?" SA-Vfey Klj 1 bedrm. horae.korao tor owner. Uim. income. Lee., Pi L with stairs to floored attie an 1. let riT kr. fbT fiU fur. att. ex. bus 1 bL House is 9 . I I r- - . old. Can Mr. WslteT. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Sal Chemeketa- Phone 2792 E.s.- a-5f SS THIS; 4 rm. house, not all in- ishad Inside. Livable. On 1 A. On nignwsy sva. nro, grapes, etc. mwui black aoO. rtea location. $904 wia haa-J die. Ttm and poasstslon. Boo M. O. Looney with , William El Mosea SSl'-i State St. Phono M Sparkling New Home To be eeld for 10M lee than, todar'i or future turner buutunc eosta. Taxe advantaco of this now and oca thio badrm raaerous wall apace brine 1 BILL STEWART room, ftrapiaco, utility and ecuiuflm Pectfte Bldg. Ph. S990 or 4TO kitchen, sunlit dinette, elee. radiant I " " beat, blanketed with fUMrgOass Insula- . "A . ttoT- IM per menta tion. And for your chUdren s future A,to. Comer tec Wjla walk- lk "era tract la fUberta. payed road, bappinaas It's I blks to Salase ft te dtUncjjo town. Pht 3?5 ; fuit the placo to build your country actoVln Eadowood dlsC 400 down and a.000. NEW MODERN X-B9 homoT borne. Price $1.130JQ. TERMS, e total modest surprise cost waltm bardwood floors, flrrpiaca. V blmds. - acres on parrad road, aprlas. Water. for you. cowiparo UUS nomo. comper - ison tells. That borne should lust meet your reeutrements once you see it. ror Inspection call 1-12T7. Owner and build - rour reettrements once you see n. ror 17300. A COOX a Bedroom bouse with oaaement, dose tn worth, noi a zone. 97400. la Acre room house. (Mae to acnoot at store, bus oy eoor. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. HOi N. Commercial St. Phone a030 Eves. 8314 2 Acres 2 Homes SsO.00 monthly Income and your own home. 2 acre - with brooder ho barn and garage. All kinds of fruit and berries. South tn town. Art Madsen 4 Stst. St. Phone 11540 1 this is rr 44650 4 BJL HOME. L.R.-D R.-Kltch- an. Hwd. firs, frplce. dble. plumb. Lg. bsmt. Oil rarnace. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Kitchen. Dinette, frplce. , Bsmt. fur- nace. Can Omer . Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors .341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-1549 Eves. 3-5091 Calaba's Coluipn DID YOU KNOW? That for $3500 you can buy a cute 11 bedroom home. 4 - years old. with large att. garage, extra large front trd and Just outside of .the city Iim- YOU'LL AGREE WHEN YOU SEE That this home, at the price of $8404 Is Salem's best buy it has full rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fire place, basement with auto oil furnace. fenced in bath yara and less- than t blocks from Jr. and Hi Schools. BEST SUBURBAN BUY Completely' modern 9 room home. ' bardwood floors throughout, dining room plus nook in kitchen, fireplace. V, blinds, double garage, insulated, bus . at door, extra large lot a real buy at only $9890. CAN YOU BEAT THIS Lovely new 3 bedroom home, oak floors, large utility, room, att. garage Eped oil furnace, lot Js 40140, well 11k throughout. A dandy homo for be;Jow price of only $10,500. Buy.it today. Move in tomorrow. Rudy Calaba & Co. 1 Eft N. High. Realtors Phone $434 " Ive- 3779 8514 S593 -7 '- FINE CORNER HOME ' On bus and near school. 2 B.R ham. Boor, part basement, automatic heat. fireplace, attached garage. Shade trees. Buirt 4 mo. $3000 down, bal monthly. C. A. COS, REALTOR ' . - Phone 2-5471 Attention City Farmer Over 4 acres. 2 Bl from citr limits. AU cultivated. Lots of fruit and" nut trees. Has a 3 BR home, basement. Auto oil furnace, city water, double garage and small tool shed. On a paved too, oua oy ooor, about tMree mtn- from down town. $14,000 with reasonable terms. Will make a good saoaivunon. aee wamoerg. Joe L. Bourne Realtor 1140 No. Capitol m Phone 8214: Eves, gnd Sun., 431$ FHA ADnrovcd New 2 BR home LR DR Inside utfl- fry Rm Hdwd firs Automatic Oil Heat htped to all rooms $8300 full price 1700 down and $32 per month Includes taxes ana insurance. Call or see KreiL Joe L. Bourne Realtor Il4 No. Cspltol Photic 4214 j Cafe tV Oil Station Excellent corner location on hleh- Way near Salem, has major Oil sta- uob. separate cafe, separate livina quarters with attached garage. This pioperty can be pOrchased. outright er it can bo leased, if desired. Oil sta- wu.. lone, win lease for $104.04 per I tn. and we have oartv willinx tal - m' m vfrcr-1 a, station. Th. property 1. a real moo- rri r wwm j w wMmA.&v m f at. good investment property. See Joe L. Bourne Realtor l'o Capitol Ph. 8216: Eve. 7217 ENGLEWOOD DIST 1 S-stery Eng .Bsh fptace. bsmt. could be 4 BRs. Nice ateinoornooa. Terms. $13.704. . B. Isherwood Realtor FH. 4F1L WsUaco Road.. RL L Box 142 or CT,gSt Wslem Will MI tiMMTl Appro, acre on Garden Rd. $3730. vjw owo. cKsi.-uxe rent, 'i."' ' H. C. SHIELDS yregon Bldr. Phone 8902 4 RM. HOUSE.' attached gar. 1 blk-to "w. w sumpeon. Statesman Classifled AirertJslar. Classif ied Ads Call 9101 re Has : Three Insertions per Unat Six insertions per line ESa One month per Iin ' M lOalmua two lines. Cmmnt f worda te Una,' ' . - aeader la city briefs linr SN The . doadttne for- cUastflad and reader advertising is 4:45 pjn. daily. Only emergency "lost" ada wiU be accepted after that hour. . The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to placo an advertising under the proper classification. v V The. Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished hi its columns and in cases where this paper . la at fault wiU reprint that part of an sdvertise ment In which the typographical mistake 'occurs, ' A "BHnd" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for aa address .is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty - to divulge Infor mation aa to, the Identity of aa ad vertise eating a "Blind" ad. . WZ3T SAIXM bomo T I rnv. a lge. I hdrira, X matt bedrm. Full bsmt. with I fmlshed room. Auto-oil furtt. V blinds. 2 sprtnkiia ratem. . ,a 1 utility room, sawdust -furnace. Lot 1 Uj . $l0.8aeT $7000 'cam. Bat. easy l t i mi will c . a . - H1W a Bedrm. house. Ante oil beet. ant in. rm. over art;: garane. Piaatt S098 da. Balj FHA loan. $34 mo. tth a. as W. side of Neef In, Dan H. Viebe. Rt. 4. pear 114 A. 1; ' LIKI iTHI THAINSt- All kiddm aside. If vnu riant mtrut too aoaa. a save a gooa nome located very coed district. S B8. DR. full! tiassiiisiir riti.il ac egaoo mrt mum hrtor more snrwhere else. See tt and HO TOUT -Olrer.-' SUBSTAKTIAZ. OLDER ROUX Do you bairo a family with school enadreat Do you lika aoacioua rmnxf T aa, bmb tKla Knma h. South Salem Mar schools, but. rtoree mmA athar Cna homes. S BR. DR. kltch - I an and Nank Full Bu. i Auto hi Hsm x PriMT JTaio vto l y ujnaeBsa aaraga. anruo- I oery. iare wt. cut bus. located Ni I w mm oown. ; uut -btanwy I "w as 1 Brown with. Suti Finance Co. Realtors I J33 S. Hlrh St. I LAiS-fcSl Ph. 4irij Eves. J-5M1 I Here is a new 1-BJL borne, situated i and designed to be used either ner. IXVVZ I want somethteig you can afford, some- 1 thing FPU can enjoy and something to! saro reu money, nera h is. i A CarafOrtable a-BJLl home.. Hawhrl v-uw.t.w m ana raw rule io wna d out.' Fine lot with nice snaoe trees. Just outmida irtt- nut h. it and sewageVr F TT ' -""I repreaenu i new value. It's baUt. K s aicebr located. nTa trveiy arraaged. Lot 43 x 211 ft. for good garden 1 blk. from shopping and bus. Fall price $8330. Call Walt Mus- Walter jAIUSgTaVC KcaltOrS igjj Mgewaier ! ! Phone 4100 $13,000.00. J YEAR OLD 4 bedroom I home, dble plumbed on acre. dble. garage. Vert good. Very clean. Call itay uavis.j. j i .-'I S ACRES $10,300. Vefr aood 4 bedroom mown home, large kR. rtre place, nice floors. basement, furnace. Elect. Wtr. htr. Very good largo - barn, bottom soil, a real ouy. uau say Davis. 1 f Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors M 341 Chemeketa St. lnone 3TS3 : ; i Eves. 0441 suu iiii cortAfia st: $440041000 dn. 4 rms needs a lot of tuun. Lareedot with fruit in rear. Half mock to SCHOOL 1 Madsen 1324 Ststei St. Phone 3380 NOT ROW AFTER ROW OF t .'l HOUSED : EACH I HOME is different. Drive out and see for yourself these cozy. cwBranaow names. ; open even ings and Sundays for your con venience. Several ready for imme diate possession, i Select aun ucaiea i. on risher Road and on Vaughn avenue just north of Sun- nyview.!. Price $8,000. (Terms. State Finance Co Realtors 131 S. High St. Phone .4121 2 RR. PUMICE stne Ht ceUiag. gas cooking, gas floor furnace. I desirable location, lgew lot. Only $8930. $2500 down payment. : ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT, new 2 BR. nome. nvT. rioors. fireplace, utility rm., garage, elee. radiant heat, close to schools, on dead and rd. Price $11400. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 54 COURT STREET Phone 7696 jl Evei 2-4789 or 3432 LOVELY ;i bedrm. Hollywood. 30 ft. living . tm fireplace, full basement, auto, heat and hot water. DM. garage. 50 x ISO ' lAt PriM rmmA il r7.,TCi: 1 flii' i?l!r Ii.!5,?felJ0!:.Sulc,t sale. Key jt 1863' Market. Ph. 4130. Realty! Bargains ! -': 46308 4 Brm: homo in excellent lopatlon sulUble for sleeping rooms. CaU Mr. nains. i $4300 FARM BARGAIN 24 acres flood lrriti . Silo Barn. 12 stalls, water cups. '"" n oumiii. rianiea to clover and pastur grass. Can be handleti fnr omy 9ou :aownj call Mr. Rains. i- i i $350 DOWN 4 Acres Of eeod aofl m exwt mrmt f0-.? " Paved highway. Excel- euiaiuag site. xee. available. Call jh-J $174j4 DOWN HO lafc kuAlJ 9 obex Win buy a beautiful 20 x 20 Newberg Cottage starter homo full tWW . ll7Silo. :runiu. .-n. 7 aowa, uueis. snutters and window box. Come tn and let Lester RamJeT lamiy Amunioei w tn the photos and I yimnm. Aav o,ner SIZeSi A ! ;:l a i . iimunuson itealty Co. Phone 2-6S87 Realtors 334 Ferry St. j 1 u Two G.I. Houses By owner and builders. No l e n s unf in. unii!Hhdwl nr riui. .iim N. 24th ;St No. A $ B E. Hdwd. flrs.h ? r ""'JC'oen. I hone 2-6474. I $1215 DOWN, bal 450 per month buys A - w..iiA aa . , .. . late ouut ! 9 room homo. FuU price $7300. Garage, Comer lot TT x 100 Im- meoiaie possession, tfl O. V. Hume with e Finance Co., Realtors 133 S. K)gh St. J Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-3204 nwiHiAms ana neat x-roam fur. nished jhorne :looe ; to bus line and nere. p ig i.- i i . . $4750.!: Located North inside etty. Clean 2-BR homo, attached garage. $4300. 1 4-BR home on N. 20th. Base ment, x-uar garage. Corner lot. Im mediate possession. ! i - - 37 450. fi Attractive B-mnm t.i. Knllf Attractive K . - " - i ?2- ."f0"-, ,r btate Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. f Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-3204 $1000. J NEW K 4-BR home located I m mi' iina. x joti n im ninmhin. .Hardwood throughout. Attached aa- as. urn m. l erms. CaU O. V. Hume with ' State Finance Co., .t Realtors ' " 153 S. H!h St. ! Ph. 4121: Eves. 2-5204 SPECIAL: We offer for your incnec- uoo a cornxortaoiv snacious noma with 3 bedrooms, a den. and a sewing root u. inert s;i a very comfortable' living I room, si: a minx room, end a verv eon. venient kitchen with j a nook and aU kinds of buUt-lna. There is a fireplace, of course, and Venetian blinds. A full nasement with a pew piped oU furnace installed. There are shrubs, flowers and fruit trees to make a aettine for this ue noma, xne price is 412)00.00. . Approxi !, t acrea i view . property; mai cnerry ana wainnt orcnara; well' buUt 4 bedroom home, fireplace.. waU 1 tn. mil ..n k.- . w. I of built-tns in kitchen. Lovely .view of vaiiey from front windows, nr. I T rr T 71 ;T ' t. " I A XI. XC11, XXeaitOr imoaem nome in aaiem aa part pay Kt rsi. t . btuMi' jms I - w p-!fc -ew Baw 1 s m MVUSJ J UaFSJ 0 Even: 755L tW - v. I 75t 411 on 4 loan. Less than tt cost new, r. 1 rr. ago. rm s bv - homo By Owner S32S Bawlia Are, GRABENHORST SPECIALS lAIGZ TAKLT HOHI I bdrma lea, iir. no. din. " tm . kitchen aook. 4 bdrm. tip, full baamt. I J-X. ST.rSfS V Kr I Total price H0JW0.OO. Call D. J. Dtw- I ATX. ON ON FLOOR lrme hdwd. flra f ireslaes outdoor fireplace. 1 yr. old. Call COUNTRY BOMX irw 1 bdrm. honae. fruit school. AJ1 otoe. Price $7,404. Call Earl Wast. I NEXT TO SCHOOL - ' 1 .tKirm- modern 40 acre farm, aU tn I eiui. xiua oiaco boo. aoaa raovcoa far I k mlm. WUlJatebaast tn Salem aa I prymroi. Mn I COUNTRY BOMX SITES t CTH- baai lne caorry or eubo. IkZ mL SJL m 1 5rr noiaiMw vniuii. UMT. A OOOa buy at S3. I e!w "r Uo. 1 eonund Into beerinc, payed reed. I mu. cjeae ecziooi. mlia to echool. mltoa fra I torn. Price S2J0O. TERMS. I Pow lead, mrhtly location, I Jwtl.1. road. Ushta I arallabla. Price l.frUO MOO dowsCbal. I una a-raiiaoio. rnwuax. GRABENHORST 1M South mow imi Kvemags MO FtttBLmB CZOaXfasanaVaanl aamCaTaCaw SULLIVAN M m Wam fa m Im t, .i.in,,..i I Hwd throughout. Iga closets. utuUy. . -. landscaped. Balance at HL00 per month J 4. An nlAmr .UllUl . Wtmmtm CM 4tM Mdtrmm -4 a m.mrm iim.'Iiim Ifel WM YtmA- I rooms, living room, dlnine room, firenlaee. eawlnx room, inside utility and fruit eTM r H KEIZTR - f .h SULLIVAN 3389 Portland Rd. Open Eves, LEO N. CHILDS, CHOICE BLDG. SITE on payed hixhway tn fruit. $2400. IN MAN BR IN GARDENS area. acres LARGE LOT. Good modern 2 bedrm. Corage. Claao to school. $7650. , . - RIGHT ACROSS FROM SCHOOL. 4 bedrma. Modern home and lb acre. S7S00. TAKE TTalE TO. READ THIS. Large homo with two 2-bedrm. apta. One T yr. old 3-Dearm. nerne. locateo on 1 acres of land within city umits. City water and sewer. New brooder house and barn. AU types of fruit and nuts, berries, and grapes. $9430 la the full price. FOUR BEDROOM HOME and 11 acres town Salem. Barn, garage, two good chicken houses. Plenty of fruit and nut. 411S04. , wwwmuwn unjtrimL. um inree-roont $12,700 For these and many more LEO N. CHILDS, "SI YEARS OF DEPENDABLE 344 State t. Evenings can: 2 1 ACRE SILVERTON ROAD 2 BJL LR. DJt. KIT. and ' Bath. ' Double Gar. $1134 Down $30 Me. Total price $7800.04. CALL ED. NL $ B R. on one floor. Large L-R. D R. 1 KIT. and nook. Utility, double gar. ilO.000. Englewood a BR. Home $ years old. 1 S9500. CALL ED. II Acres flae orchard. Cherries, orunes. filberts and walnuts. Ground I very nice and dean. 4 B.R. modern house, barn and chicken house, sort water. 4 miles oat. $11,000. CaU DahL ED BYRKIT & GO. 3 Chemeketa St. NELSON NEWS 3 BRMS. IDEAL FOR FAMILY Near High school, owner built A lived in. Good subatantial home with spacious LR. A DR. Hwd firs, thruout up and down. Full basmt. Autom. neat. Corner lot. gar. 1ft blk- to H. School by appointment. I ENGLEWIXJU UU.UA M BX. 1 looxing tor aomauiuig wnar woi constructed A-l cond. t RMS. on 1st fir. 1 brm. up. PhlU mag. woodwk. hwd firs thruout. auto. beat, fun basmt. attached gar. Lge lot. $19,750. SUB. blUUBI A good located grocery store with fine living quarters. WiU make a good living for the right people. Increasing in value dally. Owner must sou. EXCEPTIONAL LHAPILA A I confectionery, variety A Jewelry bus. busiest in a good valley town near Salem. Buyer caa have very good lease -on real estate. Crossing about $7000 mo. Price $33j800. DUUUAIAU m Aim ea ae. Will. Silt Loam. Grows beans twMt corn, clover saint, aeed. hay and grain crops growing. Irrigate from riv er. Old hse. moo. oarn levxou;. . i stanchions smt other bldgs. On pev. Will take hse. acreage or apt. nee io $1000. Price sisaoa. JeZta toU ulrhatou wTnt. If we do not alreadl Ido not already have it listed wo probably know where to find It for you qtucKiy. Nelson A Nelson Specializing Realtors 702 N, High Phone 4422 NOTICE: ONE 2-BR. ONE 3-BR. ONE 4 - BR HOME. ALL WITH BASMUJlia AND GARAGES. FOR SALE WITH - - 4m at aa W.awaasx SkS? A STT B Ax ANCE LIKE RENT. CLOSE TO BUS. SCHOOL AND STORES. BE SURE TO SEE THESE BEFORE YOU BUY. SPECIAL: 111 acres of gooa sarin land, good Improvements, plenty of water and not too far from Salem for the low price of $9500. ThU wont last. One acre and .a 2-BR house 4n the city limits. House la completely fur nished. This acre can bo developed in to a good, permanent income. All for $7300 with reasonaohs Terms. WE HAVE a 4-BR homo on Urge view lot that can be had for a reason able down payment and balance like rent. House has d replace, aouoaa s- rsge. extra large Dving room, aming room, large . closets, hardwood floors. room, large .cioseis. nunaiiw aavww, wall to wall carpeting and is beautiful ly I situated. Cau us tor an appoint GoodWin and McMillin Realtors' 444 Court PhUne 4707 Evening 8314 - NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Lovely English style 2 Bdrm. home with fireplace, den, DR. Basement, auto, oil beat, nice lawn and trees. $12,730. ; . i - SHnSL- SflUAL 1630 "D- St. Is the address of- a $ Bdrm, home, close to aU schools, fire place, utility room; garage, nice fenced back yard. Insulated and weatherstrip ped. bus at door. Immediate posse anon, good terms.. Yep, we have the key. why not cau us now? , . CaU either Reese or Crawford ea these. Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 3210, eve. 2-5390 - 237 N. High St. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME . 1 Largo modern house.- gorgeous flow en garden, shrubbery and' fruit trees. Just the place for a lover of horses fig do-, " Aci" , Wfflamette Val-. ley s choicest soil. Large barn, mod- PXxUtry bouse and, other bundings. aeparate modern horaj for Grand- from saiem. frice $0300. WIU accept meuw oeo otaniey srowat wit - - C....:-.P.' C Realtors 133 S. High St. Ph. 4121aves. aVdS4t FOR SALE . t acres locatad mi. South m Pacific blfhway. 4UO ft. frentosje. Coed pminass loeaueaw mem fapuu. SUNRISE HLIGHIaV Located South eewrlooking the city. If it la a view lot that you are Inter ested la buying, let us show you the nexgnuL tou wiu oe pjtassa. mem range laoa.oa w yi.Tie so, EASY TERMS. t , ! . : ' K VMM I THUrO YOXT HIEO S bdrom. hv. din. rnv, fireplace. large insulated unCia. upstairs, dole, beating, full baeuit, yrs. old. beautl neatmg, run uaemt, yra. out. oeaua - ful grounds with creek. S1LM0. Call Royrerria. f TODAY'S SPECIAL-" tl.M down and bal.-M oar i wm I auy tftis norm. aealM ft. Price $80. SEE IT I "rm a V n mmmtmm m, tl.l lAY.Xlec alec, range. Call C H. Grabenhoist. Jr. LOCATED NR. 1TW a nn hma artth 1m 1 1 im ' a W nook. bdwd. firs, fireplace. A nnfin. attic, utility rm. ft arage. Only t yrs. old. Tsmlly fruit ft berries, small barn, all fenced. 4 ae. A well kept place. Price si 1.000, Call G. H. Crabenhorat. Jr. . BROS REALTORS Liberty St. ags 438i, s-aas. Mas. t-xn$ to List Tour Property With TJs , REALTY CO. nnnnf A .... 11 Vu Lltol.. unfinished upstairs, a largo lot and nicely y1" - m- .v DISTRICT T ,t.uw ... pw REALTY CO. to t.-08 PJI. Phone X234 INC REALTORS few mnes out. About IS acres. Most all of excellent building sites. $3,000. home with oil circ. and oil tanks Included. on good road five minutes from down ana one tout -room apis. Joi aa x tw. CALL or SEE INC., REALTORS SERVICE TO HOME OWNERS" Phone $241 - 4007. $620. or 2-8438 One of the better' homes Eng. Dist. 2 B R. L.R. D R. Kit. and nook., full Bsmt. 2 fireplaces, carpeted wan to wail. auto, on furnace, fine lawn and shrubs. $14,000. CaU DahL Va TREES AND BERRIES. FJec Heat 2 BR. LR. Kitch. Breakfast Nook, Bath, Utility .Room. Garage. 1 yr old. Nice lawn and shrubs. $7900.. CALL HILL. INCOME PROPERTY -1 '.4 - STORY. Large lot. Living Otrs. $ Room Apt up. 1 Apt down. Partly furn. CALL KEN HILL, Only $6000.00. Phone $441 er $70$ $3950 FULL PRICE 2 RMS, plus bath, la A. lot, subur ban. Located N. I $1850 Down Each a brand new 1 bedroom houses. FHA approved, private well. elee. heat. bdw. firs, att. garage. Ooae to bue A store. Manhrin Gardens Almost new 2 bedrm. bouse. bdw. firs., fireplace. Insulated and weather stripped, paved street. FuU price $1L- 000. Alvin E. Isaak Real Estate Broker (Formerly M. O. Humphreys A Co.) 3015 Portland Rd. Ph. 7 TO or 2-4590 Eves. Ph. t$3$ new HOMES. $7,200 A up. Let mo I show them to you. General Real Estate 23$ Center St Ph. 3284 1 COLBATH LAND $500 Down CO. AND BALANCE LESS THAN RENT wiU buy this law priced $ bedroom I house in city. HURRY. 1 EASY TERMS $900 Down AND BALANCE TO FIT YOUR POCK ET BOOK will move you into this t bedroom house. PRICE W BETTER BUYS Full Price $4250 TAKE LATE MODEL CAR as part payment on either of two 1 -bedroom nomeS. I FASY TFRATi I $1500 Down NICK $ BR HOME near Enxlewood 1 school with LR. DR. utiUty. lge. Jot, I shade trees PRICE $4500. BETTER BUYS .On lA Acre BEATTTTFUL. 1 yr old home on edge of city. Nice lawn, shrubs, and gar den. Has a Urge bedrooms. LR, DR. Utility rm, fireplace, hdwd firs. At tached garage. A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD OF. PRICE $9500. COLBATH LAND CO. loprji- rvr . -1- 1683' Center St. . ' Phone 2-4532 $15,500 Modern a bedrm. home, located ml xclusive ' Enxlewood : DisL- Flreolaoa. -JiTT VJL IT I ;.r. ."rr jr-r ,:"Tr-:i faU basement. also j nice.- lawn.and -y.. .$7,950, VU-. 1 bedrm. older type nome. Located in cone a on . State St. This Is a very clean place and right In line for busi- s "See H. E. Corey: Real Estate 1464 Msrion St. .' Brand New5 3 BJl. Home In hew addition.- Very modern Utll tty and 'firenlaee. Ready to move' Into. Come' in and. kit us - show tt to you. 113,750 $7500 loan at ,$39.90 nonthly. Art IM adsen j V I " State St . . Phone 5W Old Close-in Home I a rma. ina nur. urn 101 runs dock i . C...I 4S,( I rr -"L -rz" ; " I Mike Ramp with Art Madsen - 1324 State St. - Phone ?W XNGLEWOOD SCHOOL DlSfT-" 1 yr. old. a B R. home, rireplace: LL oak firs, throughout. Lee. lot. Dbl. ga rage. Bus by door. 84 or: St. -'- Older type a-bodioom bnusa. Tur nlsbod. B utlful let. South Satom. Un zuuanoo attic. Cau Dent. -1 ACRS SAKTIAM HIGHWAY S room Houaa. ) bbUo river frontage. fjuoue, weu uent. tdooe Sown 4 S bedroom borne. Hardwood floors. All large rooms. Attached garage. Large WC Very neat and dean. That won't ax ions, cau Madly. , - , rNOLE woon tBSOo. I hadraanM. Hn nlaia Cstra W I vary nice yero. immediate I Good terms. Call Maddy. , l . : . tag powir fiardwood I I floeru, fttepJaee. attached garaco. Large toCOoao to bus and store. Balance like it. Call Maddy. 1 i o T i t I UlSOXl CL IlCCVf llfealtors Im e rwwiwihi . nui iW Phone 45 CITY PROPERTY IIS cottage, modern. I in. euxt lUvatod. itei. . . I Tn acres and farm buUdingj. Modern. vante hijw, B. Iahcrwood, Realtor 1 FH. OTL Wallace Road, Rt, L Boxful 13f Sixth St, West Salem Sale 14T A. en' bway. 1 m. N.W. 144 A. cult. Lvet. All routes. Superb location. nxos. . . t.v . . . A. Cows sows, bens. tractors. So. I lem routaa. Bay. $4600. t aid As stock farm. SO mL weeL ewitai as rrs.' 17900. ISO A. Salem suburban. Wild, ranced. naee heme sites, scooa. - - ' WE HAVI (7XHXKBI I .7 - ."TOT. 1 wr I waiiace iteaa - Kt. 1. box izi Farms' 44JS08. tk A. S blks to boa. 1 house and utility rm. Cute ae a bugsf u-. nice nera ana-exraen. sit ima a a k.. I win. duti ..... a h.. I mr raneu. etecn.w. aeater. nara. grano '-KIJ.frT: ? "u;ri"rrMi2L,'I, JwlTr-rntfir II T tl II 1 , A re a story housoNew w -w...... wvi. i . elee. Chicken house. 40 A. 4 mi. E. of eitv limits. Fine dairy farm. Willamette silt sou. 4 BR. house. Some stock and all machinery mciuooa. nnown oy appotntmenu Ph. General Real Estate 235 Center tt: - CHltiCDJ fAllli Vm Acre. 1 Bdrm. nice homo and laree chicken houaa. Only $3450. Eeax are : ntgn ana seea w coming oown. LARGE ACREAGE 100 acrea of producing 144 acres of Mature, i Not. buildinex. 2 I springs and one stream. Cherry crop I I greisid $344104 in 1944. so it is really la barealn at S4I Dno mni mat mrA 1 wi 111s. Can either or Crawford en these. Burt Picha. Realtors Pt. 2210, eveS.t-3394 237 tt. High St I 30 Acre Bargain Siaes an. so a. tn walnuts and orunes. Well eared for. 4 rm. house with auto. water system. T mi. S. of Ladd At Bush hank, linlw school. $7JW0 full price. Art Madsen 1324 State Phone 3584 BY OWNER: Moving to Salem. My home and 11 A IS mti tri.. fmM Salem. On highway. ' A. prunes and pears, family orchard including Data. etc $ A. barley. Ail rich black aou. $ bedrm. mod. homo, with furnace. I firenlaee. elee. hot water heater; elee. water system, with : unlimited water. Lawn and shrubs. Bus at door. Will consider house tn Salem as part. This is an opportunity for someone. Terms ana posnssion. JO days. M. D. Looner a31, State St- Phon 4993 20 A. WITH LIVE running stream ana large trees, no buildings hut beautiful building spot. 4 A of fine cans berries, acre and half of evergreen ye m oe ptckeo. race souvojxi. R. E. Meredith Realtor 174 S. Comral. Phone 4841 44 ACRE FARM. Ige. modern house. a bams. Garage. An farm rround. $1204 with terms. RU 2. Box 44. Tur-1 ner. Ore. 350 A. RANCH. 109 A. culL, pasture. woods. Stream, springs. Bldgs. 1 mL Newport Hiway. co. road. 12 mL Cor- valhs. $13,000. 1411 Court St.. Salem. 30 A. MALLS CULTIVATED. S A, berries, balance bay. corn, grain. Mod. plastered 7 rm. hse. Grade A dairy farm, milk haw, silo, chicken bee. Close. to school, store A locker plant and on paved rd. $14,000, stock and machinery can be bought. Call Henry Torvend tor an appointment to see this. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 43$ COURT STREET Phone 796 . Kve. 2-4789 or 3632 LOVELY 27 A. Farm. 2 mi. SJL of Wood burn. Willamette silt. All under cultivation. Nice story and a half, plas tered house. Modern. Wired for range. Floor furnace. Lots of good out bldgs. AU kinds of equipment, inc hiding trac- tor. etc. Owner, Phone 1404. m Atfctae 4 ACRE New 2 Room houaa full plumbing good well, Elee. Pump, small Barn ana bhop. 94200. some-, terms. - Alfred Dumheck Real Estate 147 N. Commercial St. XL A TBAfflS i "ion il i.t...' I Good soU and fir trees. On easy -terms, Cr niffMt nariikk hv. b I CaU I Percy Ullman i-none asoz Oregon Bldf. iu X. imnr-i ir IrAA k..L. wii I for range. Good barn, wired. New I chicken house. City water A well, on I paved rood. South, Just out city limits. Rt. 9. Box 384. Ph. 24312. 4 A. HOME. Good soiL 7 rooms and double garage with white asbestos sid ing. Utility and partially furnished bath rm. Plumbed throughout for hot A cold water. Elee. water system. Barn, other ouxoiag. ,j a. new strswoernes. Fruit, walnut trees. $3,000 WiU handle. Fred Fowler. RC 1, Box 44. Turner. Ore. k mi. - norm n. !antiam ecnoi. $3200 BUYS 24 ACRES on old P Hiway aaprox. 4x miles downtown Sa lem, shack - house, coop. well, elect, I nice seiunx in trees, waltui socD.iMMitinr A tvav tar ma. ra. z-zaeo. LOrSKY. Real Estate. Phone 8833. ' 1 BY Owner: One acre, excellent View I and building site.-Large oak tree. Re-1 rtricted. 4 miles i out - $4sa Terms. 1 "Uto. I taburban SUBURBAN 44350 '135 Acres and S rmr hse. 10 mitee north. Timber, berries. tllJJOO 4 Acres and a BR home. Nice ror.cnUdren. UaK grove. Barns.. Terms, - sxz.soo t -Acres. Nice home.t Could I uwuth. nicvir mia mrl iu " i-none agistrorces aaas. -y. , i ...... I B. Isherwood, Realtor ph. ariA. waiiace Road, Kt, 1. Box 142 ITRV Btrffl st west Sfelem BY OWNER: 1 bedrm. house, utility.! trays, elee. hw. htr. 50 x 183 ft, lot. 1 Dble. Ktf. 4090 Eart Ave, ' fcxcaangc rjieal instate . W- a ar. a en m . ... .. . . . . ' . enuipineni. urnov, BJL home, men and mUk routes, sch. I bus. Take housa bus. Tske house in Salem or trailer house forour eouity. E Landon. RLI 2. Box -94. -Turner. , - Box -94, -Turner. "TRLDUCLDfor quick sate by tty o owner. Mod, 4 yr, okt home, near bus. sen, 1 and stores. Just -outside city limits.. south. Consider late model car as parti payment. Or will trade od business property ' or farm E. or N. est pave anaxu. tm. s inia,- asr, Cri We Need Your Listlnge. Thanks. ESTEP ItEAL ESTATE CO. 107S K. Capitol Phone 14431 s3Ka4. . Phone 970m liosiacw Opportnnitics Suburban Grocery A very alee Grocery and Caa bust ass tn a splendid suburban location. Price Includes inoucitj with two bed- and living quarters. la worth your Sulliyan Realty Co. ODSiEiwtolMDJL EWS Portland Rd. Phone tiSi I jvtaa. juouivoo I foe asos sm in eafa Saba dolne Vabrw good buslnesa total only S2Ue. ; GAS AND REPAIR Income tltf weekly. This tf real buy at fine. THIS IS GOOD any bailniss 144 ft, frontage BSC Near a acres new 4 Rme near fin ished as ft. well Ed, system $4300 with easy terms. . AUTO COURT 4 units dKm a B. Boom t acre north S8O00 wiU handle 91404. TRATLLR COURT SITE S miles North underpass MS small bouse TS x aia ft. gTound trees., only n.ooo tnoa down. Yours for nnslnssa can . E. M. Hunter Real Estate I 7, SCom Phone a-S4Q7 HERE IS A MOST VNUSUAL OP- POkTUNITY TO SECURE A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS. IT NETTED SM00 LAST YEAR. MORE NOW. THERE IS 13.000.00 WORTH OF TOOLS. EQUIP MENT AND PARTS ON HAND. 000 PEET OP CONCRETE FLOOR SPACE. LEASE TO RUN f YEARS. RENT ONLY 4130.00. EXCELLENT WINTER ACCOtTNTS. THIS IS A BATUMI. FOR TWO HUSTLERS. -AS OWNERS HAVE OTHER AND LARGERINTKR iimi havx loaiioj ihu nirenrrt ami in rvrt itcrvn vl I kit v .11 km n. wm mu 1 iuu u. iuy w uvui. Avi-rin ltV fVl, 1 1 uutrnn wah 1 uj u rcna a ur. I w, baw, a fm. uidg. for yotr at S40 S. I Lancaster Dr. Would make a ful drive-in. Salem's Best. Fmo place foe cabins or any kind of- bus, ZKXO. . 10 UNIT COURT . e-"" " - -- " 1 Gross 8400 ato. -see so. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ml Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1344 Eves. i-em I0I0O. RXAlTfV SALON fully- equip- pad. Located hi Salem. Long lease. Good location. $2JMe down. Immediate can otaniey tsrowa . wiui State Finance Co., Realtors 133 S. Hirh St. Ph. 4121: Evee. 2-3341 BUSINESS OPPOKTUMITIES grocery store, handling pacKAge . with 1 aero of ground to a rich agricultural community. The store is equipped with, m Large walk-in freeier. mooem snewcases. scajes. ana mu nw duct of a store. Living quarters in the rear. We -consider this an Ideal setup for a young energetic couple. They are grossing $40,000 annuaDy. And the price of the- entire actus Is $13,000.00. We will ho gLadto snow you this at your com 1 . w H. BELL. REALTOR I 281 Chemeketa SC Phone r.M' VMS 981 - I ".fay. OWNER: Salem Beauty . Salon. I yxreOent clientele and location. $4.300. j. -k aa - - - -FURNHED apt. house, ciose lal . . t, -i c rk.nu . rw. t..mw.m ii m KsmcFm TtlMni area. Carter r-. .. doing good business, excellent Iocs- SonT SliOO, No blue sky I CaU Henry Tervend for appointment to aee good K. 1 M- jHULn X a A UJb. terchandiso. Joe Hutchison, Realtor -AAS r-COJWT STREET Phone 744 . Eve- 2-4799 or 9X32 FORkTNT . Store bu tiding., medium , size, on bus line. 1273 N. Church. Ph. MoiorcYcIep INDIAN Worldx Motorcycle aUpeirtni AH Makes Shrbck Motorcycle Sales nan Portland Rd. Phone 1-1423 1 Cushman - Motor Scoofersl vmir . ta-and-from-work trans porta- tion problem can be . solved with, a Cuahman scooter. 40 mL to a gal. low- uokeeo cost. A model for every Law dmn payment. smaU month- t MTmMiiL Immediate aeiivexy. uo - . .h.MMMMrihirt. I age. Riding a Cuabmaa makes your mi wwi 7 r- - new cor lost , longer. Loder Brae, Be lem. 46$ -Center. Phone si 33, ,943 Txa otle-r. iZUX eves. star M taVlntawr rvw a. " - - . 1 I, iMf INDIAN. $653 Inquire U N. frHrtf rear ant. "1942 kJl. 44. Cood'cond. Will make trade on model A roadster. Ph. 9-3404. 194$ HARLEY 45. Terms available. tana a rami 1 INDIAN Cbtef. Leas than UKO mL I $87$. Ph. 8U4 Independence. Trailer 18 FT. trailer house. 8JE. Swegte Sch. hae. Rt. a. box u aner pm. 1 wrwir B..1U ...II if ft I rn. r, 23 I hot water tank. Leonard refrlg. opt. mi ulnluin. nw- ly decorated. Ph. 994L 130 Lena Ave. Mrs. Welsh. 11 FT. '41 model Varabond trailer I house $1,050. 2344 Portland Rd. Inquire at office TOU WILL buy wish conrMeace and ewa with pride, trailer coaches bought SECURITY MOTORS Authorized dealers for MobObome, Normel. Whirlabout. Cabana. Uni versal and Pacific Liner. Bonded and licensed by the State. Portland RA is sat north of the Lost and Found FOUND: Baby's sweater. Owner may FOUN'D VIonday morning: I horn rimmed el asses near S.P. depot. Owner identify at Oregoa SUtesmanl office. IJ-1ST: Una. mwnlmm. Ladv S SoeC- taclee in red ease. Call B3Q1. . : - - 1 LOST: 2 blackdosv lo Black ie S Bu tehee. Blackie has short tall. Reward. - WaUy. Roust, RL A Box L Personal 1 rx rnwrr v stu Rnh 1 Wade. n,,' mm vmmum. wm. mm .am reliable Club. AJcohohcs Anonymous.. Bex 724 4U4 Transportation tJRTvTNO to DesMotnes. Iowa. Aue 27 or 14. Can take 1 or 2 -pass, to help onvo a snare ciawi uuu a IT St.. casement apt. 7. ILSIRE RIDE on or soon after Aug. 14 to Butte. Mont. Or vie, Share;, driv ing and expenses. Rets. Ph. S-137A a Pacific 1 V- M, dei Pacific Lodge No. 50. AF4AM. derrees. Friday. August 00 PJX.,, .'. ,( CHliiAUtTA LodgeNo. 1. JW. every . Wednesday aught. For SsJe-Used Cars i MAKE YOUR FINAL SELECTION FROM I USED CAR AND TRUCK "DILLYS" OF THC VALLEY. EVERY UNIT PRICED TQ SELL ATiD r SOLD TO 1941 144 144 IMI 141 134 134 Convertible Ford Deluxe Sedan Ford Super Dehtxe Ford Super Deluxe Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Tuner .' 1U1 Plymouth Tudor. 144 Ford ltd Ton LWB platform Body . 14T lu, Ton LWB Cab and Chaasla 1S44 Ford Truck. Thornton Drive. Cab and 144 OJLC Logging Truck . 1M4 Dodge 130-T MTB t Speed Vaa Body 1M0 Ford Panel. . . 144 Ford Pickup, Good . ' . - MORE TO CHOOSE FROM' 1 We Pay Top Prices too! VALLEY- MOTOR LOT Liberty at Marion SeU now to get Today's Top Price , ;Claan late' models tag sale : EtisNER MOTOR CO. WJ, High ' ' "Phone T80t iiifOLSS. CONV, radio. beaterVnd seorcalight. Good tiros. 4430. Call after g t m. at 1339 N. Church St- Aot. a. 3 CHEV. Very good condTiurxT. 1 KfW RA Tail ruW WWW ft I I CaFirUrl ai nS aLlliir'. JZ - 1 pioa Add. - s-iiciJ ti, FT r.,L.r k... lit I t i4 r. ixaiier Iwum. 141 fon- I "d' ssdan, R as H. New seat covers. aTsim- 1 r - - . - R A H. Good tires. $243, 1144 Ird St, TTcHEir aVPEOAL deluxe I coupe, radio d beater, very cleaa, 1304 t,encr. to I WE HAVK 1 izrz rVTt " ISM DeSota 4 door 1934 V-4 Ford 4 dr. 193 Model A Pickup 1433 Chev. 11. ton Track 1 !- j i Just the Truck for Hops 1947 Chev. Fleetline. Also all extras. KINCWOOD USED CAR MARK FT lt Edeewater ph. 2-S29 GET THE anost for your car. Let ua ,t M fnT yaH, KING WOOD USED CAR MARKET Il -rdgewater' ' ph. 2-4S24 , OR TRADE: J7 Pfymouw coach. A-i eond Good rubber, new paint Job tnatde 33 Plymouth sedaa 4 dr. Extra coed I "Zrri?Zm,' J.'" ruttomr. mSiZtir F- T84 w? rUtrftt sru fWf" auiajuaj. mM9U VI taTXirajJa. S AUTO PAINT SHOP 1090 Lancaster "Pi lee y TORS deluxe coupe. Mtf, Fx. J g' 'itiJlS i'l42 hTDSOn. I ista at. Apt. A t For Sale Wood atDfDLING wood, tsxa bui rw. Fuel Co. Phone 5U1 . C66D DRY 14 in. adfinn at 1 10L.V,T Oregon Fuel Co. i rriorw aarj. ."ili ,nc"U I far sale. 94-00 cord, attavm 4m vm- I . . .. w - - - -" rtTSPtr I . rl VOT? I Sf; "175? . saved for furnace or vea IMS a. r'.nitni SAWDUST: 1 uolta iTPiTT'liTUriT- en "M or write waiter rem. CLEAN. HAND-PICK Lb. ltTFTT" 1 SLAB WOOD FOB FURNACE Capita Lumher-Fuel Co. Phone T721 1 f ' ASK FOR SUB GREEN STAMPS $IO $ cord loads IS" sniU Fresh cut (acreaned) fir sawdust. Tri City Fuel Ph. 6683 Highway Fuel Co. STOVE A DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DHT SLAB- PH 4 "FIR wood Ph.. T721 . M In- West Salem Fuel Co. tf-itt. dht or green slab wood 1 : UB.T PLANEB ENDS Old srewth block wood 14 ; no bark. SCREENED SAWDTJST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL' AND STOVE OTL J. moam I Nam x-anu ajaa Meat up wood et 1523 (dgeweter st- w bavem 'li-INCH old growth fir , wood Tfi f&S? TurniJ ST2X I Wanted Used Cars WANTED Model A faa fate ah.w. CaU 7974 after 7:00 p.m.- ' ! USED CARS. Buy A sou. Ron's Motor Coi 44 S. High. Phone 4394. We Are in the Market I FOR LATE MODEL CARS I ELSNER MOTOR CO. Ssa N High Salasa. Oregoa DAILY CROSSWORD ACBOSS UTcnmt chiMrea S. Snake e.Col . (Swed) T. Stors; places) JtLExress IL. Bay window a. Turn sway. IX lAk4 s wliif 14-Hoarded S,ApOCt u.K0Bdor -rscd IT.LetUstsnd I (print) IS. rather j2LKersUT J reply 22. Applaud '23. Column ZS. Employed. I a(orwsi;cs (dlaLEnx.) 19. Past participle (sbbr.) 20. Breeze 22. Fllnt-UXd rocks 41. 23. Oothlnr for 42. errant SO. Way SL Eludes 33. Crew old - ' 3L Husk not 33. Tarry . 37. Stepped oa 40. Form 44,Glrrs nam . 47. Metal 48. Kind of duck 49. Requlr B0. Parks away 4 ! Bl. Herds of Whales ' DOWK ,l.Rlp X Pin on - whlclis . v wheel turns s. Clock face .Faatened, XWltBA -thona; 8.Ught . . fceditesl For Sale Used Cars' SATISFY. Sedan Tudor Chassis . : -Phone 3155 WE LIKE SINCERE lTTERY A&D . WHO D0ESNT-? We have been told by frteiids aai customers alike that we have the' dean est and best used cars in Salem ALL CARS WARRANTED) SOLD ON THRIFTY PAY PLAN IT PAYS TO BUY AT TEAGUE'S .1 19U Pontiace 4 Door Sedan . , 1941 Plymouth 4 Door Sf das .; 1M1 Pontine 2 Door Sedan 1941 Hudson a Door Sedan; 1941 Plymouth $ Pass - Coupe 1440 Hudaon Coupe ' I : 1944 Studebaker 4 Door Sedan 1934 Buk-k Coupe I 14 193$ Ford Coupe I.- M - 1934 Plymouth 4 Door Redan ' 1937 Plymouth 4 Door Sedaa ami rem e ijoor sedaa WITH MANY OTHERS TO FROM j v. YOUR KAISER-FRAZER TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY $32 N. Commercial Phar 2-41 ti ; This Time It's HUDSON I ! .i I f - Parts of Good Caed Cars Shrbck Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa Stx ' ) Ph. 830t " 3S FORD COUPE 43. Very (can In-sfde-and. out, mechanically At L 483 E. ewiia. raont l-3?46, ; j 4 TERRAPCaN t. ' ' Coach. lTrfoter overhauled, Aa is $90.. Ask far. Sandy. Sunset Hop Ranch, a ml N.i Indepcn ' dence. CaU eves. . 1930 MODEL A. Good nuuu, tires. 8190 Phone 2-34Q4. f 7. ISO CHEV. SlrBUEBATTt earry-au eete 9.-4 good flrea. ail steel, bodv. $673 or trade. Rt. 2. Bo hO. ft. 2-3514. 4TToarra5; E-chevr sidTRT . H. dock, fog lights. gri!14 "guards. Would take 1934 or older or pick up, good condition or $740. , See - at Vans Foe. Parm. Mt. Are-lt Ore. is4rRTrcupA4"T5pe7Tsl Fisher -Rd. ;, ; lA4iCllRVsLtR WindAor 'lown anl country. Very good cond. Call 9353. Can be seen at .1993 N,- 16 i eves. A "'"- 1 II - PONTIACSi .' 1934 4-door aedan If 1940 Olds station wagon' - Herrall-Owens Co. 60 N. Liberty Phone 2-4112 34 OLDS Coupe, clean car. ntotei needs work done. $450. Ph. 24'32 nwcraFsTjERiro7eou age. Like new la every respect. Must be seen. $7433. 479 N; High. Ptt Sg.10. FOR SALE: Three bum. auitable for transport me berry er hop pickers. UNITED GROWERS. . MS. INC 4 aitles south of Salem at Liberty. ! : New Outboard Runabout Sen or Trade on car;f 2144 So. Commercial1 ' 1934 CHEV. Cpe. Excellent Tcond. Low mileage. Good rubber, heatei. fog lixhC $795. 594 Row St. Ph. 7594- after 4 p.m. 19M M0DL A mud.. I Sealbeam lights. Phone 8374 after 4 30 p.m. 1629 CllEV. &D:r. Coodlis. aooJ transportation. $y. 343 Ci a Men R i. 1941 PLYM. 4 peas, coupe. E&1. condi tion. 123 Beech Ave. or call 6753. 53 FORD Redan, radio and heater. First reas. offer takes. 643 K4;'.wat.r, IQ-lft tx i ;l-t c f 4 J. . . a I. i 1939-BUlCK Special i-drJ aedanTby owner. 4T1 Riwrnonl I THREE-DAY special. '47 !Bukk Su per aedanette. Radio, heatef a pore I -ainfated. Low mileage, $2&50,i Ph. 21327. 349 N. Church, 4 a m. to 4 p m. FOR SALE or trade, 'Slud.be! ker Commander. Ph. 9674. 1163 Court in rear. -Hi' 1947 FORD stake or tr.l." for UU model paernrrr car. Ph. 7)7$ eves. WAKTILIL-Uodel A In lair-sI.aoaT Call 7074 after 7:00 p.m. i f IBJ7 FORD couoe. fadio! A healer. $521 18 High St ; f VMTORD convertabla. '44 aiolor. Good1 Clean cond. with complete xecessories. Ph. 7472. 232S Mission hU r: aj. CKOOSB k DEALER V 5 1 24.Coaatcll Uoa - 28. DeUrtlfir 27. Carry wita dinculty" 29. Moisture 32. South America (abbr.) So. Part of "tobe 3S. Leave out S9.Extlna bird 1 1 ! it 1 rt l1 -Qit '7 ' ' Tsetse tar's Asa wee 43. Concludes Retion 4S.fread 41 Bitter vetch Lines of vrrae izzzwizzzm. wmzjLtmmz a aa a v3t$ e , 4.1 v h -. T5""T 44 Um 4) . 'M-i " W I I 1 1 WrTx s