r TTT f- ' li ' ) 'I " do thi rivrr srurr0 Slow, gontfo action for fluff stuff liko ilks, rayons and A J " "IT vif nC2 RoguUw spood for If 1 ll'NKy ro0h stuff liko J f'f ' ' "! ' ! uYKlyvk lioavy gormonls Howl 7fcis meWf amazing l4pecd Wishe makes fvcr washday tA oasjr.safe and nn. Aaiaspla htm oA Iht SpftJseltctor grit slow WtV Jo octioQ for Jight, delicate piece ws&r actios for ordinal? piece, -.ZISIJ USSflD WAHTITT C&rriUr1' JCCKIKSaTAWAYI Ycaler Appliance Co. 233 N. Libert SL ', ' Phon. 4SU Maiy Parker Will Become ' Bride of Mr. Robison At Nuptials Today ! St. Paul's Episcopal church will be the Belling this afternoon for the marriage of Miss Mary Letty Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence William Parker, and Gerald Manley Robison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manley F. Robison. At 3 o'clock the Rev. George IL Swift will perform the nuptials before a large gathering of friends and relatives. All white flowers will be used to decorate the altar and the pews will be marked with Dowers and wnite ribbon, Wis Bernice Isham will sing before the bridal party enters and Miss Ruth Bedford will be at the organ.! Preceding the bride to the altar will be Mrs. Robert i Siddoway of Portland, as matron of honor, and the Misses Jeanne; and. Janice Myers, as bridesmaids. Their dresses are a U of frost green taf feta fashioned with Peter Pan col lars, short sleeves and full, gath ered skirts. They will carry bou quets of white gladioluses and, as ters and in their hair will be wreaths ot white flowers. The bride will enter the church on the arm of her father, who will give his only daughter In marri age. Her handsome f bridal gown is of white satin fashioned with drop shoulder scalloped neckline with nylon net yoke. The two tier ed skirt is scalloped and is gather ed to the scalloped waistline. The train is circular and the sleeves are long. Her full lenrth veil of Illusion will cascade from a half bat of French lace and net with clusters of white carnations and marquisette caught i at the side. Her bouquet will be of red roses. Ralph Stearns of Portland will stand with bis cousin as best man and seating the guests will be Ri chard Stearns of Eugene, also a cousin. Dale D. Morgan and Rich ard Williams of Portland, and Ri chard HiEL f Mrs. Parker has selected a pow der blue; crepe gown with blue" Uce peplum which cascades to the hemline in back for her daughter's nuptials. She will wear a blue hat with lace trim, white gloves and a corsage of gardenias and pink carnations. Mrs. Robison will at tend her son's wedding in a nlum duvetyn gown with white hat and corsage of gardenias and carna tions, i Reception' In Garden - The couple will receive the con gratulations of their guests at a reception in the garden of the Par ker home on Rose street. Presid ing at the coffee urns will be Mes dames George Waters, J. M. Dev ers, William Ekblad, Lee War nick, Frederick Hill Thompson and Frank James. Cutting the cake will be Mrs. William E. Chandler of Bend and Mrs. Paul VanScoy. At the punch -bowl will be Mes dames Catherine Stearns of Junc tion City, Wayne Gordon, Roger K. Putnam and Walter L. Spauld ing. Serving will be the Misses Grace Shields, Marilyn H J o r t, Margaret Moritz.- Jeanne DeMytt, Anita Hager, Laurie GoodelL, Port land, Jane Walsh and Mrs. William Dunn, Woodburn. Assisting in the garden and about the rooms in the house will be Mesdames Carl An thony, Carl Emmons, A. A. Sie wert, David Eason, Leona John son, K. K. Adams, Ralph Gordon, George : Hoffman, Arthur Bates, Ruth Herndon, Fred Keeler, Da vid Cameron, Harlan Pearson. A. A." Siewert, Claude Murphy, C. B. McCullough, Roy H. Mills, L M. Doughton, Frank G. Myers, James Hatfield, Woodburn, Misses Artie Phillips and Mary Phelps. When the nowlyweds leave on their honeymoon the bride will don a grey bengallno suit with white hat trimmed in roses i and green veiling and white accessories. Her corsage will bo of red roses. Mr. Robison and his bride will be at home at the Devereaux apartments after August 22. - j The Spinsters win meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Fair mount Hill homo of Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr. Assisting hostesses will be- Mrs. Roy Edgerton and Miss Lorraine Taylor, i Oak Knell Salem ladz players took honors at the golf course on Friday. Mrs. Ortis Goakey took first In lowest number of putts and also was runner-up in low net. Taking honors as low net8 Mrs. Samuel Miller. Luncheon fol lowed the morning ol play. Capital Unit, American Legion auxiliary executive board will meet Monday night at the home of Mrs. I. N. -Bacon. 1810, N. lVth street, at o'clock. Mrs. Merle Travis, president, will preside. 4 r 7& v2 2sM The secret of good baking is in the blending t Dormeyer mixers blend mix smoothly, evenly, thoroughly Dormeyer features save' you time and steps; port able mixing head, trouble-free motor. Jiffy Juicer, "Qik-Mix" arm and others. fl. Mixct, Jmiett, t Mixing 3095 Bmh 04 Ck . ; . M : Pbom frit '-: ' Tho Stcrtesmcmy Salem .Oregon,- Sandcry, Ancsl t. 113 g 1 We Ail Pleased To . Announce:! K The , . ion ! Of Portraits E. M. B. WEI? N Exhibit Famous New York Painter of Portraits ; , Also 'r -: ! : Mr. Weiner will be here j In Person- ' Hours 1 p. m. - $ p. m. To Greet the Public 3 II ; Commences Monday Afterhoori y Art GoIIorlofl Third IToor j 340 Court St. - i E f 7 EL. 11 I Y If V , HI 41 II DESIGNED FOR WESTERNLIVING o An Elf strom Exclusive W"1 IttjiJ mm 3 I , , TT fl , II I , I A . Mi i a W4 Mr i i;Pt I, Cf i, IM ! : -""'Vi til... -1..HJ liiii ; 'i'!-.':i. -' - .III -III' J jmjiit-. S'iiis ! mm . 7T- i.ia a i r i l i r a l i i . i i il ;, . r w. 11 iff 4 l!ltdk ESP Here are stylet that capture' tHe Imagination. Hie early Cali fornia motif is always interpreted with simplicity and charm adding freshness and luster to any style of architecture. MASON MONTEREY is available in sets or in individual pieces to suit your tasts. Beautiful living and dining room sets as well as the bedroom groups pictured here. III CP w J TIMlD!SfflIfii - I 11 f - "Tit -i f III l. -i rr "III, $:i:lf- Uf mm i 1 i - ill...-. r t - t eV wm w mi si vm i I it 1 1 1 1 111 .-3 II J3 H mmm f i-j i - - - ' " " ' " - .it?., H ti. ,i .ii 1 ' '-Ujlfrn r :!; r " . ! 1 1 ; j LJ ! III- T 1,1,1 I II " l.ll I IM 1 111... 1 : ir3'l mi I i-B .1 l & ...E IhfslTflr Y : ! - - -T! , XJY W ' WW ' V V Villi -1 wilt 21. "TTTT "! TTT T I 4. . , "fsafeK I, ii A I r fci - i?ai i rti. r;r tr t,-r? it OPEN STOCK BEDROOM PIECES, j . . .-' Bod (Tun Slxo) 49-SO Bod (Twla Clxo) 43.13 Commodo S3J3 Vanity & Bonch .104X9 Drosslng Tablo 3123 Nlghtstand Chsst-on-Chast Drossor Baso . Mirror . , Chair 270 84.53 84.53 47.50 SI " ,11 4 ! 1 1 ! 1 , 10 Discount for Complete Groups A: A "'ti.- Nor w. i . - tt I- n , A ifV ! V 340 Court : ' f - - - ... A , v w .i.v. - v Vf v v a j. t J Phone 9221 II jjr I'!-' A f - f" i ii