The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' ' - " p The Cta1amcnC Scion, 1 Oregon; " txindars Atrial tV 1 813
Miss Trey.'
Now Mrs.
At the Tlrst Congregational
church Saturday afternoon at 2
O'clock Miss Ulliaa iae Frey,
daughter of the late Mrs. Freder-
. fcka Frey. became the bride of
- Cart Wilcox, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Wilcox. The Rer. Seth.1
Huntington performed the cere
fnony and Mrs. Josephine UcGee
Was the soloist. The altar was dec
orated with bouquets of whit gla
dioluses and Hgfrttng the tapers
were Miss Halne Enele, Portland,
In blue taffeta, and Miss Viola
Wilcox, who wore pale pink taf-
, (eta. -? -
. Clarence Frey gave his sister in
marriage and for her wedding she
chose a white slipper satin gown
fashioned on traditional lines with
' full length illusion veil edged In
, lace. She carried a prayer book
narked with a lavender orchid.
Mrs, William Shimmin of Cor
vallis was the matron of honor
and wore a nile green taffeta frock
and carried yellow gladioluses.
Sirs. Charles Winkenwerder was
ie bridesmaid and her gown was
r yellow taffeta and she carried
iiavrnder gladioluses. In their hair
were coronets of flowers. Beverly
Frey was the flower girl and her
- dress was of pink taffeta.
Gerald Davis stood with the
eroefm as best man and ushers
were Ferd Zurcher and Charles
Winkenwerder. -
A reception followed in the fire
place room with Mrs. Eunice Bell,
Portland, presiding at the punch
bowl. Miss Elaine ngle cut tne
cake and Mrs. Gerald Davis I
Mrs. Clarence Frey received
with the bridal party and wore a
grey suit with black accessories.
Mrs. Wilcox attended .her son s
wedding in a blue shadow crepe
' gown with navy and white acces
sories. . When the. couple left on their
' wedding trip the bride donned a
grey suit with . black and white
accessories . with orchid corsage.
Mr. Wilcox and his bride wjU
make their home in Portland. '
Mrs.1 Cart Wilcox (Lillian Mae Frey) who was married
on August 7 at the First CbnqreoatiQnal church. Her hur
band's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilcox. The couple
will llvvk Portland. (Kennell-ElHs).
Ashland Festival
Begins Aug. 11
Opening curtain for Ashland's
nationally famous Shakespearian
i festival, will be rung up Wednes-
Miss! Dragoo
Is Mrs. Amort
Miss Ruth Dragoo, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F Sumpter ex
' changed vows with Herman J.
Amort, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Amort at a ceremony in the home
of the bride's parents Monday
starring John G. Hume V"? .w
The bride, given in xarriae bv
her father, wore a wine red suit
with gray accessories and an or
chid corsage.
Miss Arlene Hflfiker sang "Al
ways" and Miss Marl oris Roseman
lit the tapers, f
Mrs. Paul Wolf was matron of
honor and 4 wore a tan - suit and
white accessories and Mr. Wolf
was best man. $
Mrs. Sumpter wore a sink mesh
dress and rose corsage and Mrs.
Amort wore navy blue and
corsage of gardenias.
- Assisting at the retention war
Mrs. Glenn' Lengren. Miss Louisa
Spaulding. Miss Gloria Brlnaa.
Miss Sheila Baltzer and Mrs.CC.
The couple will live In Salem
day night for the performance of
of Sacramento, a graduate of Pas
adena Playhouse in the lead role.
Angus I Bowmer is directing the
performances, which include,
'Love's Labour's Lost." "King
John" and "The Merchant - of
Venice," and -continue through
August 28. i
Richard Graham of Los Angeles
who came -to Ashland from the
Pittsburg Playhouse after ex per
fence on Broadway with Kather
lne Cornell, stars as Philip in
"King John" and: as Cassio in
This, the fifth Shakespearean
Festival, will again be the colorful
outdoor Elizabethan theater In Li
thia park. The productions are giv
en in authentic style of the period
in which they were first perform
ed. It is said to be the only theater
playing Shakespeare in repertory
in the United States.
Ketaaa. elab members will meet
Monday at B:30 p.Tn. at the home
of .Mrs. Herbert Miller, on route
1, for a no-host picnic. Reports
will be given on the convention at
Glacier National park. Assisting
the hostess will be Mrs. George
ia snail and Mrs. Laura r arris.
upon their return from Lake Che
lan, Washington, and Vancouver,
Picnic lor
Zonta Club
The Salem Zonta club will meet
Thursday at 0:30 for a no-host pic
nic at Miss Maxine Buren's Roll
ing Hills farm on Glen Creek road.
The assisting hostesses will be
Miss Anna Peters and Miss Hazel
Mrs. Carl Booth will give a re
port on the UNESCO conference
which she attended in San Fran
cisco. -
PRATTJM Eaea I Grune
wold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Grunewold of Salem, and Char
lotte Hopper, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hopper of Salem,
were united in marriage by Dr.
B. Earl Parker in the Pratum
Methodist church on Wednesday,
August 4, at t p. m. The couple
was attended by Wayne Johnson'
and Mrs. Fred Pfenning. After a
trip along the coast they will
make their home In Salem.
ft - -!
Take Place :
Iri Dallas
At a 3 o'clock ceremony this aft
ernoon at the First Christian
church in Dallas, Miss Janice A.
Haugen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
HJ aimer Haugen. will become the
bride Of Kenneth Wright, son of
Mr. and Mrst J. C. Wright of Dal
las. . The Rev. Kenneth Johnston
wiu perform' the nuptials. - Mrs.
Adrian Sias . will be the organist
and Miss MarJorie Tucker the so
lolst The altar -will he banked
with bouquets of pink' and white
Mr. -Haug eh will riven bis
daughter in marriage and she will
wear a white wool crepe suit with
powder blue flower trimmed hat
and blue accessories. She will car
ry . a white Bible', marked with
white orchids. -
Miss June Haufen will be the
honor maid and will wear a green
suit wun grey accessories and cor
sage of pink stephanotis. Carl
Wright will attend the groom as
best man and . ushers are Vernon
and Harry Haugen, Gilbert Wright
and Robert Dornhecker. -
Mrs. Haugen will wear a now.
aer Diue suit wnn black accessor
ies for her daughter's wedding
and Mrs. .Wright has selected a
grey suit with grey and nary ac
cessories. Their corsages will be
of pink carnations. " vT
A reception will follow in the
church parlors. Mrs. Kenneth
Johnston will pour and Mrs. Lau
rence Goods wfll cut the cake. As
sisting will be Mrs. Marvin Wil
hams, 'Mrs. Julian Haugen and
miss Lueua . Haugen.
After a weddina trio down the
Oregon coast to California the cou
ple will be at home in Salem. For
traveling the bride will wear an
aqua suit, matching hat and white
ana Drown accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carter are
leaving Monday on a week's mo
tor trip north to Seattle and Can
Herbs Will " Be" ' :
Feature Auas 17
LEBANON Industry continues
unabated as members of the Leba
non Garden club make ready for
their annual herb tea. The mak
ing ef herb favors for each guest
and the preparation for. sale of
corsages, lavender sticks and a
number of herb products are keep
ing many hands busy as the tea
date on - August- 17 draws near.
The garden of Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Shimanek, 377 east Grant,
will again provide the , setting for
the affair. )
For the past. 11 years Lebanon's
herb tea has been an event of
interest in northwest 1 gardening
circles. ; Other clubs have also
adopted the' Idea of giving herb
teas but - none arrange them in
quite the same way as does the
Lebanon group. Most clubs brew
their own herb, tea, but the local
group provides a variety of herbs
and urns of boiling water, and
guests are allowed to mix their
own blends.- '.!- -
So many Inquiries about herb
recipes and uses came from clubs
In Oregon and 22 other states, that
in 1941. Mrs. Oliver G undersoil,
then, president . of the Lebanon
dub, appointed a committee - to
compile , a recipe book. Demand
exceeded the supply and when a
mention of the project was made
in a national magazine, the. flood
of requests necessitated the print
ing of a second edition in 1944.
During the first year of the tea.
a charge was made for each cup.
and later an admission charge was
made, but this practice has been
abandoned in favor of a silver
The herb cottage, always an at
tractive exhibition at the tea, win
be arranged again this year in the
Shimaneks garden summer house.
A large attendance of the local
gardening fraternity are planning
to attend the tea, as well as visit
ing groups from many parts of the
Willamette valley. Tea hours are
from two to five in the afternoon.
Featured for the program this
rear is Miss Artie Seaman, Port
land herb specialist.
Weekend geesie ef Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd W. Shepard will be Mr. and
Mrs. f William Mulligan of Port
land, their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and MrsJJS. C Johnson,
who recently returned from I'lcs,
France, and their other daughter
Mary Mulligan of Portland. The
Johnsons were married in Europe
and this is their first visit hczaa
la three years, both having fctta
studying in France following the
war. Mr. and Mrs. George Alex
ander of Eugene will also vltit at
the home of her parents this ws
SciIcLs;jcr Ci Co.
! t
W-. Is
ft f
IB. P) U !
in V
L 29 Tear Pro-Rated Gaaraa-
2. Porcelain Lined Tank. '
S. Eeenemy Temperatare Cea
treL ,
4. Werld's Oldest Maker ef
. dec trie Water Heaters.
Available la Salen at
Friendly Tsraas
255 Center 8L, Pheae 4321
Ilcdissie Ilcarirj
Single nait, sntauX Ught but
powerfoJL Readj to wear
needs no "tilting." Manu
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accepted by the American
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only 75.00.
See es fee year battery sm
Wa eany all slses.
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SfiMUH for toTO.tiei"f.r.M widner yoke-cellar
ttsias salt la Varsoaa wontetf, I nttiwl
-ft-- ' :-, - - V :
Caft fabric, fully Bass' la Duchess rayon crept)
. .:.-. -v-'rV-' " f ; " t'"". .
" riS'f first colors, and Mac ef coarse, sUss 19 ts 29 j
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US XL liberty
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Wo chopped tho Now York Fur Markot for
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Coats at tho Greatest values wo JiavoNovcr of
fered for this Groat lltU Annivorsary EvcntI
China Mink
Pprsidn ;Lamb '
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Fino Mouton Lamb
and many othor fino furs
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