TT S3 Th C lata crura, Sdra. Orxon, Sunday, Angrturt 8. 1343 - N: : ri n-r : ! ! - .-. i , : "r : . ' : ' . : The Coniiim'ilT j r ( ) ': iLl l,7 3 ' Tito's Sweeping Vy ' o STURDY V.'ASHADLO PRINTS? o BECOMING VARICOLORED STRIPES 'A'SS 0 PAINTY RICH RACK TRIf. :-CSwS(; - . -.v:..---' i ':' s .11' k' . i,! v i ,tyJr xTrr I l Sbbs 7 to 12 AnyTdiing Miss-Will take this hirl-skirtccl'drcsstraight to httThtttt U.t.iand hcriMnm will-gasp at i the i unbelievably low-price! tMother jand daughter' will i be ' delighted! at itbUtnutstandinc . value ! For iher i2.98 Mom wUl get 'a. aturdy -wishablei print thatwill look HkelneW after many . .washings: She'll jget i colors fl that are truly dear :and becoming plus dainty ricklrlack trimming,, neatly applied. Anfl daughter 'will feel likfe i at true i princess i In this most ifetchingoLjili I dressesAtJthis price you simply n!t pass it up I ! i ." :. 2nd FLOOR Port Cotton Drofiibc That Go To School 4iwi Looti Mont 4 SCHOOL BAG TO MATCH at Only 298 c I Moccasin Oxford at a Low Low fPrice! r id One entire factory la completeljlderotecl to rnak Ins this shoe for us - that's why we are able, to bring It to you at this low Penney price! Nothing but the finest materials available 0 into its eon strnction. Composition sole. 82 to 3-' Downstairs store. That Take Really f Rough School Wearl School days begin for the rery young miss. Gram mar school and junior grades. Gay plaid dresses bright enough to match her happy face, cotton gingh&ins each style and pattern are sturdy, wash able, with good deep bems. A price so right Mem will hurry to buy several. S to 6x 7 to 14. ,' ' j 2nd FL003 - i Ozss 4to 6 o DAILY COLORED' PLTMDG o d::? 3 ir:cn n:ns O VASHACLG ? f YES I For her first :day at'echool "Ttvhat tould be nicer. than a pert little cot . - " .. ' i - "V. Ion-dress' with IUenrowrfrmatcIi - i '- .- I ng7schocJTlMgf4Tbe:dre8siUrgaiiy 2UidedImlbluereltorvf7eeiiaanq Styled to'make every little Bliss proud; Ind happyJiAU.thUjttJUtinY.231 and 1 " rl;2i if I''' . -:.'., '.. ;1 'A r 'A 1 3 r :3, i S