ltThd CfcrtOTznan,- Cdan,'. Ortrot' Sxm&arf. Rwt S. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Orw Aug. T APV Sutterxat ttMrnnin, niDjfn w w medlat change. Premium quality maximum of U d 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland, 80-83e lb: first ?uality. 85-88c lb; second quality. 8- eie IS; TUWf routes sums svuuw Dointa. la less than first. Butter Whole!. . sW butt rube grade AA. 83 scor. 83c lb; A. 82 score. 83c lb; B 00 score 13c, 88 cor, im in. adov pica sun nominal. selling price ' to Portland wholesalers, Oregon nniio, Oregon 3-lb. loaf. M-ele. Eggs- To wholesalers: A grade. ftii-ic. rfm- A erad iTMdlum 6tt-6He: A 'pmd mall. 4a-ft0',kc; B grace, large, F.ggs Purchased from farmers, current reeeiDts. Mtt-Wfce doa. Buy ers pay 3-3Ve below wholesale quo tations In xraded basis for beat Hen nery eggs. . Poultry liv chickens Paplng price to producers: No. t broilers Under mif. Ik. u.u 1K mmrm ft. lb 40-42C 3 to 4 lbs. 40-42e roasters, 4 lbs ung. o-42c; roasters. ids to rer 40-42C ZOW1. ICgnorns. urraer e torn 26-27C lb. over 4 lbs. 36-270 colored fowl all weights. 30-31c lb: stags, all weights. 15-18c lb. - ' Rabbits Average to retauers for locally dressed animals 88-62 flyers live white. 32-33c lb; colored. 30-31 -.1.. VV. W ...... . i Fresh dressed meats: The following fresh dressed meat prices quoiea voow salers to retailers for fresh meats are In dollars a nunarea pounas as rtporaa Kw Ka TTCT1A m.rk MWm Beef: Steers Good, all weights bu-oojo; commercial, oo-oa; uiuny, $45-48; utility. 39-41; canner-cutter $36- Cows Commercial. $43-48; utility, .$40-41: canner-cutter. $37-38. i Beef cuts (good steer) Hlndquar ters, $64-63: rounds $63-63: full loins. trimmed, $80-64; triangles. $31-53. square chucks, $56-57; ribs, $66-74; fore- quarters, S31-93. -. . I Veal and Calf Good and choice. $46-60; commercial. $45-46; Utility $40- 43. - I Lambs and mutton: Lambs Oeod ' choice. 30 to 60 lbs, $48-62; commer cial, ail weights, 46-47. Mutton Good. 10 lbs down 621-22. Pork cuts: Loins No. 1. to 11 lbs. fag 17; shoulder. IB ids oown, $48-80; spare-ribs. 3 lb down $43-44. Carcasses All weights. $44-43.; Wool. Cascara bark, hides - '- Cascara bark Dry 30s lb. Green Jm. wool Coarse, valley and medium grade. 46 lb. Mohair 39c lb. est 18-month i growth. I Hides (to city dealers) Calf, i 34c tan; kips. 23c If: beef, 18-17 lb. I Bulls 10-llc lb. Country buyers pay le Country killed meats: Veal per pound, top light. 40-42e; other grades according to weight and quality. Hogs Light blockers. 42-43 lb. Sows. 33-34C. - Lam be 4S-46C ID; mutton, lS-SDS. Beef Good cows, 36-30 i nera and .cutters. 33-35e lb. HH ; Onions SO lbs Wash. Walla. Walla ! yellows, commercial $1.75-2. Potatoes Long whit 100 lb mostly ! $4-4-28: six B S2-50-1.6O: at AH ib S1-10-L20: 10 lb 5-53c: commercial i size A $3.65-3.73; Wash. Triumphs No. la $3-225; Ore. Boardman $35-3.75. Prior to the middle of tha 19th century, cotton rags served for almost a thousand years as the basti for most paper manufacture. Livestock and Poultry FRYER Rabbits or does. Ph. 6327. GOOD JERSEY producing family Quick sale. Rcasoncr. Turner, pre. Hir.HTQT nrWva iuid fop rabbit akina shipped to Wesf Side fur Cos, West " '&ADDLE5 New named saddles, several types. Silver bead stall, bits and spurs. S. Me Fsrlane. Rt. 4. Box 129B. eves, and Sun. YSL OW bay saddle gelding.TQ bands, good disposition. This horse Is an excellent reining horse and Is very fast. Also nice for pleasure. $175. for Information Ph. 7712 or see at 75 Williams Ave. FC-R SALE: White rabbits.' excellent breeding stock and fryers. Also - good laying hens. Route 9. Box 621. South on Liberty Koaa to lAinningnara lAn. Turn right ' miie. i iOOrriiD Poland China bred rflta. Beaaonable. Rt. 6. Box 78. Ph. tlf3 1 GOOD family cow, Jersey-Guenw sey. Price $200.00. R. g, Bx 1506. Ph. 22188. HoUywood Drive. - GENTLE Saddle pony. 6 yrs. old. Tor children. Bay saddle horse 5 yrs. old. perfectly gentle. Man or woman. See Claude Crandall. Rt. t. Box 384. Ph. 3-4312. 3k YR. OLD milk cow. Guernsey Jersey. $190. Rt. 8. Bos 1522. Holly wood JJT W1MU3 UAtiBiTUy needs 'rabbits. Top prices. Pick-up service. 3086 State St. Phone 109F5. NEW HAMPSHIRE Baby chlcka. Weekly batches. Ph. 3-2861. Lee's Hatchery. " BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E C McCandlish Rt 9 Box 233 Ph. 614T Horses For Sale " Registered American saddle - bred stallions, brood mares, yearlings and spring colts Rt. 4. Box 270. Salem, pnone 1-1143. Hoy k. Simmons. WANTED. Anv kind of cattle, hoav A sheep WIO call at farm. Licsnsed 4 bonded buyers Prompt set ice. K. 1 Snetnen a Son 1550 Lancaster Dr gglem pb 3-1345 flZAn T fiiock nicked ui. Ire & charge, dav and - night service. Ph. tbtnraod Or, td 4424 Call collect . J- ... Hop Pickers Wsmted HOP Pickers wanted. Zaiiles S Utes. Cabins, lights, wood 8, stoves furnish ed, store on grounds. Picking starts Bitwise Aug. 16th A 20th. Werlln Bop Ranch. Independence. Ore. - fiXOIiTEa. now for Brown Island Hop Yards. Good crop. Early and late heps. Cabins, elee. lights, wood, water ' ana straw xumisnea. store on grounas. 15 mln. drive from Sslem. Phone 7864 or 3-3197. . A tsVH MORE pickers can be uUS at our farm 12 miles N. of Salem. Pick ing begins about Aug. 12. Mission Bot tom Hop Co, Gervais. Ore. Phono Sa- arm -z i . ' -I 1 1... IS AUfUilA OVW. OMn AS- M. John Bushman Hopyard.' Write . or phone,' Harold Bushman. Ri. 3. Box LTV A. Wood burn. Ore. Pbwe 14?7i HOP PICKERS WANTED for "our ward, about 4 no, IW at Salem, 150 acres choice river bottom hops. Pick ing begins about Sept. 1. Fine cabins. Shady samp ground. Shower baths, electric Bents, stoves, wood, tables, stools, and - straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus trana porta fion. Write JOHN J. ROBERTS 8s CO., Salem. .' Oregon, stating number - eg t pickers ana enclose $1 tor ref itl on and use of cabin, which wul refr'lJ at clrxe of season. 1 500 . HOP PICKERS. Harvest starts serly August. Cool" shady camp with abins. showers, wood ana light tree. teat mkt. and store, on grounds, nag- now. Mitoma Hop Farm, to, J. 260. Independence. Oregon. Ilelp T7 anted PIN SETTERS wanted. See Ralph at fsoital Bowling Alley. WANTED at once. Man or woman to do experienced alterations on men's pew clothing. 3. J. Clothes Shop, 381 -tfiite Ft. - -. - SttJiTTJCZS woo! preasexs. Taao lon Dry Cleaners, DaQas. ... Help hauled Hslo APPLXANCX SALESMAN Large wall established Salem firm, Oeneral Electric experience jpreferred. Drawing account and liberal eommis- gjon rn. write Box 139 co Statesman. to work- on nortahl has r.i k- tng machine, start In Auf. 23. About weeks steady work. R. W. Gouley, Rt 1. Box 73, Brooks, Or. Cn Port UaKt III way. Help 7ented llsla WANTED: Neat, well mannered boys out of school, for doorman. Apply Cap itoi Theatre, 1 A.l aiHAXIC5. Good working conditions, Top wages. $ paid holidays. Vacations with pay. Loder Bros. 41 center, s a lem. BOVS Wanted. Over tod week I Sell name plates for front door. Write Na tional EngTsvera, 313 Summer, Boston, Mats. MAKE $20 a day I Complete line. Door name plates, knockers, numbers, cata log available. Hubstamp. 355-B Con- rTTl, Boaron. ia in. MAN WITH CAR for 1 daytime hours weekly to explain training pro gram available under ui urn or tugata. tlS.OO aalarv and auto allowance with opportunity to earn double and triple for satisfactory work. Writ V. P. Dept. American Techncal Society, 850 IV ftetb. The alANtfrAcWRE&a oi Lux Lifebuoy - Lux Toilet Soap - Rlnso -Swan - Spry desire a salesman for the Salem Territory to sell to the whole sale and retail grocery trade. Some travel necessary. Good opportunity for young, ambitious man. Between u ana 35 years old. Salary, expenses and car furnishedS Write Box 126 Statesman. fYPrKtrvrrn irvmin Surea milkers used, wages inciuae moaern 5-room bouse. ' M. L. Brassficld at Meadowvlew Psiry. cioverqaie. ure. UAN under 40 needed for Derma sent custodial : position with public agency. Address application to f.vj Box 87. UJC PI. : , , buy material on commiaslon basis. Hess Manufaeturlne Co. St. No. L AumsvUle. Ore. (Shaw) - WOODCUTTERS. Phillips Bros, Rt 6. Box 118. Salem. Ph. t&TZL Help Wanted Female WANTED: Neat, well mannered, at- 41- mt m aohnnl for full tlrne usnerenes. Appry apixoi i nmre, general office work. Permanent posl- CLrJkA nW riwti mrtv. Write full Information to Box 13$ co States- LUZDXRS cosmetics can place 3 womZ en- Earn $50 to $2O0 weekly. Call 6146 between w ana 11 a.m.- ble position. Knowledge of auditing and statistics necessary. Must be good -..t- aa K a.. ..-. S9AA mAnth in start. Apply State Civil Service. Com- misgion. denier at. 'Bl8'(r tVi. nmnnnil nf- fice. See, Dr. Withcy, Eaton Hall. WU- lamerxe vnrvergiTy. t-n. hoj TPrtVfA.M r ; light houaework for 1 lady. Modern nome. ra. aoci. JOB with a future, starting with filing. Must be able to type and will ing to worK. Fn. 4138. AKTJlD: Beauty operator part or full time. See Mrs. Loveall at Miller's Dept. Store. Phone 7670. ll'nlli'M 1 .i 11 1 J (Nil UfN. VWIill MM 1VI ular paying monthly accounts. Must Write or, apply in person. 721 Morgan YOUNG LADY for ceneral bookkeep- inc in local lumber co. Must be ex perienced in . payroll and Journal, ledger' posting; Lbr. experience desir able, but not necessary. Ph. 8593 after p.m. HOUSEKEEPER In modem home. G. T. dlshwaaber Launderall. dryer, pri vate room and bath. Excellent salary. 2' children, references. Ph. Stay ton S14-B. collect. Salesmen Wanted Salesman fWanted We are In need of a SALESMAN who can actively represent us. Type of man that we want is on who is amDt ous to increase his earnings afraid of work. Preferably be- tbe ages of 35 and 85 car nec- Our company Is recognized as on of the leaders in the Industry this is our 65ta year. Our products are sold to all jtypes of businesses and he , . twmnn w miiiiiiiiiwiii If interested write us immediately zor our proposition. U. 0. Colson Company ? Paris, Illinois OLD WELL established national firm recently promoted two salesmen to managerial positiona. leaving openings In Salem sale organization. Excellent opportunity for right men. No can vassing. Car necessary. Our men aver aging $150 weekly. Mr. Simpson. 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. 248 N. Commercial, rm. 23. A PROFITABLE SIDELINE. If vou nave a jod selling to ousiness nrms you can earn $100 a week extra by offering your customers our excl. goodwill adv. specialties. Every man in business s nrosneet. Weeklv advance aeainst or ders. State in confidence what you are selling. age,, car. terrv to Westware, inc.. Cincinnati . REAL, Estate aalesman leaiuintMl tn and around Salem to work for Home finders Realty Co. Excellent opportun- ny. I mue norm eg underpass 89E. WANTED ADDITIONAL SALESMAN to fotn our appliance sales staff. Sales ability necessary appliance training not es sential. WQl train salesman tn our com plete Hn of TTigtdair. Maytag and Easy Applianc. Good starting salary with opportunity for advancement with raliabi and established fbrm. Ap- ly ni person at 280 State St, Hogg Situations Wanted fWfT.tlwrN Cared for. Pfc. SSIT. ti GRANT sen. vicinity. Baby sit ting by reliable. xperiencd high seh. JiV,.Z,h W' Cr. MIDDLE AGED man. married, d sires work. 16 yrs. general office ex perience. Perm, cc temporary. States men WT 133. 'eARPENTRYi Let Van i, RrUI Ai your building, remodeling, ate. Sv u pereentag. uy or aontract. Eree tftmiste. Ph- Tgf?' rLOWZS'a and Uscina. Sob SulaL GOOD' CARS given your youngster. EEW'ERo and SCDtic tanks InstaUed tyd repaired. Scharff Bros. Phone 15568. "PLAgTEEIN'G. Phone 4330 evenings. MOVING and hauling. Phone 22456. CEMENT contracting. Ph.43ag. 2-3400. BABY sitting. Elderlv Udv. 2-330. TwXLJU driiluig c drivins. Tred Wv gjhre.jRt. 1. Box 317. Ph. 2-8135. Ere est. RUG c UDholsterv cleaninc in vour Bgmt. ceii. t-n. V3B or i Curtains washed, stretched. P. 2-6343. I OIL CIRCULATOR - ruraac and chimneys cleaned. Vas- tram B, F Ensley. Ph. 7176. DRA WLN'G house plans. Ph. H21. " WEATHEHSTRIPPING and Insula qn Crefrn B rm Phone 2-456. - LAWiN J3WEfS icisors. knives gharpened Dexter. 86 Center. Ph. 6t33 Well Drilling !-- h Ddtnestic, IrriMtion; Industrial : ri. A ROBINSON 214 W. rP.ONT. Sslem. Ph. T?3 o:r 9. r i Euiiuiig u Eccorauug WY SFECXALTZS IN INTERIORS $-8444; DICK OR1TY t;3 Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter axclusrv. patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains. Septic tar Irs cleaned reasonable. B221 or 649 CHgl.NXY sweep. Nortnrtess. rn. 4-.;X JSlike's Sentic Serrice TanS e!njM4 t?nti tfnryfmm CmvIm sa Sewsrs, I n. $4U er 82. tious an and not tfeen essary. ; Situations iTTanted PTCTNO and r.t drer. Ph. liiiSOl BrTsss rd. construction. gta. graded, tiled ditches filled. Ph. 8033 Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electrie Sewer Machine Service. Modern. Econ. Eary Meth Clears lines of Boots, ureas. t n. w Ksmel. 1143 8th st , W Sslem Ph 7404 WANTED, furniture to slu and re- pair Lee Bro furniture R finish ma Co- Ph 1-12 '3 E , fctste ct. PAIi'iTl.NO papering free esUmat. Ph 9513 8i7 Snlrr'-I PAINTER and Papcrnangw. fceason- abl prices rree eatimalea. U. i Wood worth, Pb. 8015. For SaleMiscellaneous CRUNO Refrigerator. 437 Pin. Apt. g. Call after s p.m. USED Wood f urnaca. Good cxmm See at 2335 Center. 4 PIECE Blond B. B. Suit. Box springs m Mattress. 890.00. aluminum Maytag washer, gi tub 685.00. lBO Mspie. ITALIC Boston bulldos. End J Cummtnirs Lane. Ht. s. Box otx. ' COCKEiTPuppies." Call 8053 after 6 p.m. or ail day bun. , r KENTUCKY Wonder beans A pick. ling cucumbers. Ph. 22474. St. 8, Box 1504. Hollywood pnvc. IRIS Roots 25c each. I lot L I16i N. 20th St. BRIGHT Red sectional davenport. Like new. fn. 4934. HUSKI Two wheel garden tractor. slightly used, complete equipment $400 cash. m. . box 151 RASPBERRIES; U pick. Bring eon- tainers. G rover Hamann. Rt. 8. Box 13Q4. mi. s. or cnemawa CAMELLIAS Selling out large bushy shrubs. $2 and $3. Sun. and eves, on Center St. Sk mi. past Lancaster. J. A. Mitchell. KENMORE oU. heater. 6-rmv size Dinette set. table and 4 chairs. 1230 S. 16th. Apt. 3. PRACTICALLY new boy's bicycle. wo; m. capttoi. Apt, zj COLLAPSIBLE baby busxr. 85. Ph. 2-6130. 50 tB. IC B6X $1 Also Coleman Camp bed. 1890 McCoy. Ph. 6145. SEVERAL new pieces of aluminum Guardian Ware. 1090 Jefferson St. REASONABLY-priced bus suitable for transportation of harvest workers. May be seen at Salem High SchooL pnone nisi or 1-4439. YOUTH BED. Sprints and mattress. iHce new. 33. raone 457S. ELECTRIC Range, washing maf Mne". daveao. rug. double bed. three-quarter bed like new, chest of drawers. 159 Crerth Ave.. W. Sslem. SALESMEN. Crew Mansers. "New patented tool multiplies man's strength 41 times. Indispensabl to thousands around you. Amazing earning possibil ities. Immediate deliveries from U8. plant. Write or wire, Palcoaeel '. Co Ltd.. Cornwall, ont., Canada. 1. HJ. MOTOR. 2 aaih 4-6" and CO ..New P-38 plstoL 8 in table saw. 3 blades. Also new house. 130 W. Rural. USED WASHERS: Automatic and conventional types. Guaranteed. $38.50 and up. Ralph-Johnson Appliances. 855 (Tenter St. Phone 4036. J-OR THE BEST IN APPLIANCES ? SEE RALPH JOHNSON KELVINATOR ranges, refrigerators. Bendlx washers, dryers, troners. Fowler porcellned 10 yr. water heater. Speed Queen washers, troners. Electrom aster. Estate. Thermador ranees. RCA Victor radios. Deepfreeze. . Harder rreez. Beau rreesers. American Central Kit. Cab. A Sink. Eureka St Lewyt Vacuum cleaners. . Ironrlte Ironers. Tappan. Ruud tc Mission gas appL RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 325 Center Phone 4036 K2W AVERY HYDRAULIC TANDEM" DISC. Easy hydraulic control over disc gangs at all times. No complicated operating mechanisms. No uneven cut ting or digging : on turns. 8 rt. slz. 91M.du. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE 8r HIGH STS. PHONE 7848 FOR SALE: National cash reelster. Good condition. 885.00. Solid walnut buffet 822.00. Blond dinette table and chairs $25.00. $70 Hood St. after MO r Sunday. ALMOST new Montgomery Ward washer- iw. Kt. z. box 2-j. ruRNrrtfRE f or saLE Builtwell davenport and chair, book ease, chest of drawers, kitchen cabinet, antique dresser and bed. tnnei spring mattress and spring, two wardrobes. chairs, mirrors, ; etc. 1381 Marlon St. Phone 5527. BED KM. SUttli and living m, suite For sale cheap. 1311 N. 4th. SMALL Refrigerator. Tricycle. 834 w. winter St. ynone z-ibtw. ROYAL vac. and hand cleaners. Like new. 300 Park Ave. Ph. 2-3627. New Outboard Runabout I Sell or trade on car S1SO So. Commercial UPRIGHT Homer M. Cable Piano. $105.00. Unused, new. Quiet De Luxe Royal portable typewriter $85.00. 6 piece, nearly new maple D. R. sst 173.00. 1853 N. Itn. ! PmUCE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 1 12th St Block Co. i S. 12th St st Vista Av. Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 8904 "Cedar posts ph 68F22 .MODERN STYLE fine spring daven port and chair: in maroon nylon va lour. Excellent eond. For quick sal. KITTENS to giv away. 2445 Gar- qen Boaq. tLK AND DEER rifles. ShoUunsl Bew and used. PhQh 6583. I CU. FT. APEX refrigerator. Ills. Fnone ai7. GOOD Eectrlc Beirut. Stove. Waah- mg Machine. Enamel A Chrome din nett table 8t 4 chairs; A mohair dav enport ehan many small piscas. "BOYSEXBrRRlES." You nick. 1 ml Wn M mL S. Lake Labish Sch. Ph. 2-8439. A Barntck, Rt. 2. Box 324. 1841 ' SXnMORE Washing machine. Good eond. $50. Paul Schaad. Rt. 8. BOxzTz, Baiem. w. Z341B APPLES. Early XXitchessl' Karlv Bar est, Wul deliver. Paul Schaad, JU. S, iT- .1 ' naiern. rn. 1341a. WILL Give away small do. Fart bull and fox terrier. 458 Bluer Av, arapieron .aaition. 1 DARK Green loom twist rue size 17x21. 8350. 1 brown rug $50. I grey rug $85. 1 set bunk beds with table, chair A chest to match, $55. 8-piece blond B. R. Set $83. Aeroeonie baby grand piano by Chickcrmg Bros., $400. 4-piece wicker Porch, set $45. Call at 4J0 N. Summer. 10x10' t GREEN MaDinson cotton rug. KVc new. $65. Ph. 49154544. U'RiTLN'GHOlJSE Eiec. ranee." Rt 4. gox 1478. On Stlverton Rd. Earl Malm. PIANO Accordion ' Ltt baaa with tral ble switch. Ph. 7271 JOHNSON ; HJ. motor. Some 33 Ford parts. PTu 26332. 700 N. High St. FRUIT Jars S4c dor. W. CapltoL ery good eond. 875, Sunday r eve after 8. 183 N. 19th. LARGE Size sawdust burner. See Mr. WUlmarth at The Statesman Publlsh- yg Co.. 213 S, Cotnmercisl St. i NAILS. 8x16 commons, toilet tanks with or without trim. Rt. 7. Box 434A. McCain Ave, off Silverton Rd. TSSSC. ITEMi" Ice box. fostoria. Sceptre pattern. Some clothe six, 12- 14. HITK a. Ph. 3M7Z. Builders ; Contractors ' ' ' " ' LUMBER ' . $ Direct from - sawmlil at a saving. Specified ords filled. Free delivery. ' WfcST SALUU LUHBEH CO. Vk ml. N. of Edgewater St. 00 Wallace ? Rd. Ph. 8593 Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Readv mix. All kinds of sand and gravel. River silt and fill dirt. . . Ph. 21966 rsnges. whers, and water heaters. mujx ill nrruAflU ui. 2.-3 N. Liberty ALWAYS a b2 sicx a.. Woodry'a Furnilur AiJU. - Ph. S1L. 1 For Sal -liscellaTieons SLEXPTNO Daveno and matching chair, HoUywood style. Llx new. places f5. Phone 7.; 0. . Tinf-ToT-1 aftt-izS " t?SE OBOAN1C 8KRTLLLZEH ' PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS 6 SACKS $5 or $19 PER TON FT Delivery Anywhere in Salem - WEST MUSHROOIA FARM Wh Bin Haw. 1-497 eve or em GRAVEL, sand and Si'.L Delivered, or on your mien at the pit, fliont S44, CARDBOARD oacklns boxes and tneets anv sit niu n rmrt WILL. BUYTTiXL or TRADE MODERN or ANTIQUE FIREARMS HARVXoT SACKS. Northwest Poul- 15?5 N, Front. Phone 7007. ' T4 i S?kT:TG T1U2. new. 11 Jap. port rifle A scope. Argus C-4 Plus filters. Unertyl Target scop. 7x50 Binoculars. Call 8355 or ae at 1883 n. lvtn. 1 A. StRAWfiERBV Lease, near L- blsh Center. Will sell reasonable. In quire Cecil Contretl. Rt. 7. Box 128 E. COOK OFFSET DISC HARROWS ar xtra strong stand severest conditions Cut 6 t 10 inches deep. Ideal for cov er crop, orchards stubble. Hitch off sets right or left. Cbotos of sizes. $ Ft, in. $181-50. i WARD'S FARM STORK TRADE 8r HIGH STS. - PHONE 7848 OR TRADE: New ; RototUler. used only 20 hrs. West Foods. Phone 8127. ALL WOOL lady's, suit. Med.' sT. 86. 2350 Myrtle Ave. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. r Crashed j Rock For roads St drtveway Cement fteady-mlx Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 4 yd shovel Bt orsg line pnons ssai DOGS BOARDED AN1!) TRAINED Reasonable rates by day or mo- trim ming and bathing. Pick-up and deliv. LeGray Kennels. Kt. a. Phone i-aiga. rtTAM liahtiif.iffht h.rMk fAr rvftkc lng and shipping glassware or dishes. si eacn. zia aunsei (ivrurr . 4..-w?rr. . H .-l- i 1 LOGANBERRIES : U pick. 1 mi. E. of Keixer sch. Ph. 2-2600. A. E. Al- denburg. HOYT ST. SURPLUS SURPLUS: Coleman. Prewsy or Holly oU cerculatlng heaters 829 JS; Bunk Beds and mattresses; picnic tables with masonite tops 8 12. SO: Licht planta 1-15 8c 108 KW; IK QV Carbon Tet fir ex- tinrulshers 17.10: Larranc Fir m sine: Saw mill engines from 100 HP to 800 HP; TARPS, TENTS at SLEEP ING bags; commercial laundry press es, extractor and tumblers: Galley equipment, dish washers, steam cook ers, spud peelers, steam settles; under ground 3x6 cable. NEW MERCHAN DISE: TOILETS, household close cou ple silent type. APT SIZE ELECTRIC RANGES; Young washers, copper tub ing. 4" Galv Pipe: Kitchen sinks. shower stalls, wash basins; HP Elec tric motors $14.75: House and outside wire, boxes, switches. 100 Amp en tranc boxes, rang cable, rang out lets, pig tails. GE Farm Welders. Com south on I2tb to large MUTT sign, turn east one niocx. Tel 79 is. BAR RUN f GRAVEL Top Soil Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds Lloyd M. Hill, Inc Phone 2-4367 Rt. 2. Box STB TWO MILLS ice cream makers "and hardening cabinets, complete , fountain. back bar, stainless steel counter and nine stools, modem cabinet popcorn popper, complete Karmel Korn equip ment. Altogether or separately ajccei lent condition. Bargain price. The Ren dervous. Phone 5042R. Stayton. Ore. PIPE AND Dlumbinx needs fulfilled under all reasonable requests. Capital Bargain House, 145 Center St. J ft. Watkina Co oroducts 1717 Cea- tor St. Salem. Ph. 8395. Fre deL Wanted Furniture trsED FTJRN 1'1'U KB- Phone 8113. USED FURNITURE. Pnoo 8187! Wanted JkliscellaneoTis Ickers, tractors all sizes, drills, field srvesters. 1 balers, i discs, plows. Bob Stone. Ph. B3a. cnariton. lows. USEB Sewinx machine, either trea- dle or electric, u. u. nuz, iiu vnuas Aee. Ph. 8616. WAN Ted: ftARKIE bOUGLAg fill POLES AND PILTNO OR STUMP AGE. WHITE OR PHONE STANDARD POLE A PILING CO. P.O. Box 282. ALBANY, OREGON, TELEPHONE 12871 ALBANY FOR NEW PRICE LIST. MILLS - interested in selling your heavy slab edged at a very good price contact or write Hess Manufacturing Co.. Rt. No 1 Aumsville. Ore. Shaw) PIANO TUNING Wills Mmlf Stor. Saiem 31iscellaneous Instruction. Mai. AUTO BODY and FENDER training, including welding, sorav naintma? and metal work. Look into It I on of - th most profitable branches of tremendous Auto indus try offering chances for good Job or your own business. 'Learn in spar time. Veteran and Civilians. , Write for FREE facts; Auto-Crafts Training. 141 Statesman. Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069. -Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE DC MOST , CASES - Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLXR. DENTIST s.dolph Bids. WEATHER strips. Pullman Ph 6S63 'itr A 17 vniTft cLnsraka aawlnS jnar h 1 nil kw a mia 1 1 sHan4 C4vastaf r as Firs senUUv. Ph. 3512 for tree pickup A delivery servic on aD makes of ma chines, rree nmaia given nexor nrk tm MtarmA -, Bineae Kewtne Ma- WANT TO Buv Used Camera St tenses Mcgwsn photo Shop 435 State Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, busmess sigs. trad marks, photo retouching. Bob Brown, saiem Engraving, rnoo iox. 215 S. CommercisL Lfis" SPRINGER.' men's batter. 484 Court. Closed Sat. p.m. wATEa'WELL drilling- Domestieor irrigation Duffiekl Bros. Rt 8. Box 433 Phone 1-1311. AOTO naintlnC. 1u Just a shade better! by Ray ETT ER Call Shrock Motor Co. $K2. t- : Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Ocartns Dttchmg Sewer A Basement - Eouirjment . Rental . .' : 1$ B- yda , $12 00 per hr, is yds. . 8 80 per hr. 8 80 per hi. 8 46 oer hr. D-7 Cat si Dozer D-6 Cat A Dozer D-4 Cat A Dozer 7 00. per ar. Phone Days 8406 lings 8244 ar i Saiem. Oregon Loans Wanted WANT to borrow money on first mortgage er will sell real estate con tract at 8 Interest.. Writ Box 138 Statesman. , Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN-LVSTOCK FARM MACLL NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Lie No. S-138 ' ON CARS OR TRUCKS Stepayments up to 24 months . -; ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to $500,00 Lie. No M-328 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE ' OR IN PERSON . . GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9163 1 Dr. S. ef Ladd Js Bush 13$ S. Commercial fcU . - i t.IIoney to-Loan i-1 Vacation Season Special Loan Service Short ef Urn as well as Cash? Then see personal wber 4 out of 8 who ap ply get a icn, .fLoaiis $25 to4S500 en Auto, up to $300 on Furniture er saiary. up 10 a menus u repay. - Other amounts la mouoi Uon. SDectal lunch hour servic for busy business men and women. For faster servic noon first. - - " W Uka to Say Tea Personal Finance Co. 818 SUte SL. Rm. 128 Phon $181 K. Galling er, Mgr LlC. B-1Z1, M-168 '. Private Money v-. ' On Carsv Trucks. At Trailer Hums Long er Short Term Pay men ta - Roy H. Simmons 138 S Commercial St Phone 6168 Farm and cm loans 4W and 8 Tour own terms of repayment with- m reason caan tor Real Eatate Con tracts and Second Mortvsces. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 1Q7 Pioneer Trust Bide Phone 7162 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nstl Bank (old quarters! Financial 4 REAL- ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS . CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216. M-222 Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4U r m. a at construction loans. 338 Chemeketa Phon 68ft SEE US ' FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ' ONLY 4 INTEREST 8 to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. . i REALTORS " 844 State EC Phone 8361 For Rent' Rooms SLEEPING Rm. for men. Pri. en tranc and phone. 1508 N. Capttoi St. rn. 9Z9. SLP. Room with kitchen privilcEes. lass n. capttoi. pi CllCrCZ Sip. rm. with lavatory, ior man. 47s w. cottage. LGE. RM. Close to bath. U blk. from postotnee. pnone 7511. f SLEEPING RM. for turn, sir! or woman. w. I7th. LARGE, Pleasant sleepins" "PIT. entrance. kj w. 1.1 Deny ROOM Jfor gentleman." Ph. i44l7T KICE Clean sleeDins rm. for emo. laay. iiao-iesiie bt. SLP: RM. Private bath. Ph- 808771371 Court St CLOSE IN sleenlng room. Employed genTiemsn. raene 1-1 4BS. SLEEPING room. Pri. entrance. lSOi Broadway. SLP, rm. Men. 1130 Chemeketa. H'woodsL rma. 2035 McCoy Jh. 8063. Room and Board LGE. front room, not A cold water tn room. Suitable for. man a wife er single. Outside entrance. 1563 Court St. BOARD and room, home cooking. men only, wo smoxing. Ph. 71B4. OPENING NICE clean comfortable bom 'for refined cultured aged RI at Dundee. Or., en highway SOW. furs In charge. No Sunday interviews. Ph. Newberg. 1654R or write Searcy's Sunshine Home, Bos 848. Newoerg, For Rent Apartments t RM. Furn. apt.' Lichts. water. 83 wk. Eiaeriy gent, preterred. Ph. 0Z7. Ty gent. Furn. 1 n. apt. 1308 N. ComX Ph. 26648. 3 EM. Furn. apt.'' adult, no dxink- ers, close in. Ph. 4468.' 4 RM. FURN. apt, pri. bath, em p. couple pref. No children. 757 Center St, LARGE 3 RM. well-fur n. apt. Close p. iw s. cottage. RM. Duolex aDt. Nicely furn. Rea- sonaoie. Permanent emp. er nusKlie sged couple. Bus. References, write Statesmen Box 135 I-Urn;. Apt.. Private bath, iiii SUte For Rent Donses 1KB, Mod. house. 1311 N. 4th St Ph. 8460. 3 BDBM. HOUSE, basement, sarase. Clean and mod. a oiks, zrom city cen ter. ass mo. Phw 1-S761 or vom. 3 RM. House for 2 emo. ladies. No smoking : or drinking. 1035 N, 16th St. 2 BDRM. all elec. bouse. Business women pref . Open Sun. 2-5. 265 S. 20th. ronwn pref. Ope CLEAN Uo&T T Hm ' kvi.a A Jl..l4a No o pets. I Share s nvu. a ss awsr7e nuuiiei Refs. Hennessy, 65 Hlway Ave. New furn. horn' with work' lng coupl In exchange for cars ef old daughter. Ph. 7455 RM. HOUSE. $4$ mo. to party buy lng furniture. Call eves, or Sat. and gun, aw Let at. 1 &JL HOUSE. $50. lift Williams av. For Rent FOR RENT Downtown business ' bids. Addtox. 1208 ft. floor space. $8$ per mo. 7 yr. Mas. available. . . M. O Humphreyi & Co. Realtors 2013 Portland Rd. Pttone or 2-4596 Fes. $558 tRAbTTpac. Cloe la. 848 it. girh st. BUSINESS Eld. 20x28. 850 xhontb. Can 1-4831. eves 4333. BUSINESS Room. H. L. SUfT IRONERS by the week. Phone 2-443i. GOOD Used I Pis no H. L. Stiff U-DRlVE trucks foa REV? Blankets furn 197 8 Liberty. Ph, 80CE TRAILERS 75c first nr 50e bx foilowlns Woodry's 8fkt 1608 H Summer TRAILER Space, shad, clean rest rooms. Reasonable rate. ' Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3918 N. River Rod. ATMORAYS. Ozone Good bealth. Rent-sell H C PUgh 684 N IT 4691 .HJMIJI 1 - A ' . ' IK I t TL TRUCKS and cars ior rent." Blankets furnished SmtttyS Clipper Servic. Center and Church. Phone S600. Wanted to Rent x-l BJS. bous bv local employee resident. Rent tn advance, nets, f. mi UMPLOYED Lady deairea small, clean apt. near bus. Rent must be reas. Write BOX 14(1 Tfc aTaxesrmin. STEADY, resoonaible telephone man nreentlv needs 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. hcAic. will give good care, rn. a-szu 1, FURN. or uniurn. 3 rm. apt. No chil- dren er pets, no drinking or smoking. Phone 4263 SMALL Farm dose to Salera With bides. Prefer N. or E. location. L. D. Flux. 110 Chllds Ave., Ph. 8516 1 or 3 IB. R. House. Family ''of ' 4. 2 high school age. Parrisa. disc Up to 850. Statesman Box 134. 2 OR 3 BDRM. hous by Aug. 13 or Sept. 1. Phone 7470. VETERAN student, wile and expect ed addition urgently need 3 or 4 rm. hoie or apt. Phone 6192. URGENTLY need small furn. house Immediately. Write Box 130 co States man. 1 OR 2 BDRM. hae. adult, bv SeDt. 1. In dtv lmia. Write S?tfmn Box 131. . POSTAL, impio? wiun imtil iwiiuf needs 2 or 3 txirm. bourn. Will give exceHent care.' Phn !2-4-',8. TAiiiCY iwa i.y s-eUa 2 B. R. hmw. P-"Me. Ph. f. 7. apt- References fura.. Deslrsbl ten ants. Writ tutesman. Box lii. t 1, LoU . ' LOT 86x88 tn collere addition en Dallas highway. Or Usds tor 37-38 Cnev, sesn. Ph. 443. TY Owner: 2 kit aujoiruaa view lot on . Kingwood Heirhta. Paved roads, water, electricity Ph. t-r9. nome 'BY Owner: Lot 17x117 on S. 2 kh No. $ business son. Ph. $963 or. 258 Eve 50 X 158 LOT on LocuaL lust off frynerry Aye, f fso. m. NICE LOT in new district. E1& Tor irrormatlon csll 1-1755. TI-EVLL. choice location. Hi a 164. Restricted area. $1,500. Inquire $1$ Sun set Ave. (Kir). BV ovSEa; Li,u n k lii. WA &L 0. BOX 99-U. "XotS. Restricted, paved streets, aU utilities. So. Capitol and Oxford. Ph. B470. A BaTvCALV;. 17 it fronUsa lot Call S35S or see at n. irth. BY. OWNER: 2 loU iOo'xlt' on Sun- ayview Av. $500 ea. Rt. 8. Box 2L For Sale Real Estate $8500. KICK HOME la Grant district. S rma. and nook. Also unfinished up stairs. Fireplace, basement, sawdust Dumer rumace. imm. poss. Melvin Johnson Phone 3723 ' 1 848 W. Cottage t OR DISCRIMINATING BUYERS 1 era of ferine for sale en of Sa lem's better nome. Ranch-type, hdwd. Hrs, 2 fireplaces. DbL garage. Lovely yard. 160 ft. frontage. Call L N. Bacon for appointment. Home ph. 8354. Walter Mttsgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater ? Phone 8108 BY Owner: !2"B. H. modern home. new. radiant heat. Venetian blinds. range, attached garage, space for 3rd B. R. Phone 1 2-6701. -MODERiOroMES In AND CVtf OF CITY S7O0O TO 817.900. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty - Ph. 7112 WILL ScU my equity for $5o6 in i, lots with foundation and some lumber at Corner of 6th and Locust. Rt. 2. Box 26G: Phone 13534. Newberg Cottages 8174.50 DOWN FULL PRICE 81745X0. erected en your lot and foundation. A beautiful starter noma. Amnndson Realty Co. ph. 2-68i Realtors ' B54 Ferry St BV OwnXR: Kew i B R. house. At tached garage. Completely decorated. Keizer aist. suce. mi. w. iMizer sen. to Rukand s store. 3rd hse. north. WONDERFUL VIEW Small S BJ-. bouse on Urg lot. 118 x 190. in restricted district south. 12 fruit trees, i berries, carden. uectne range, beat and not water. Garage. Selunr house because owner iraruier- red. 85250. 2795 Hulsey Ave. Ph. 1-33Q2. LOVELY bedrm. Hollywood. 30 ft. llvtnaT rm- fireplace, full basement. auto, heat and- hot water. DbL garage. 88 jk 150 lot. Price reduced for quick sale. Key at 1865 Market. Ph.-siso. VERY NICE 6 R. house and 1 acre Ni close in. city bus. 3 bedrnv. elec beat, water system, garage, fin bath. vea blinds, C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St.. Sslem FOR JUST THE HOME you want or an apartment bouse, or motel or cottage court. Also " choice sites for business, spartments, cottages, bomes. estxp Real estate co 1078 N. Capitol St. t Phone -4631 856 E. St. 5 5 Phone 8706 BY OWNER: Nice clean mod. 8 rm. heme. WeU-buiR. Utility rm. Art. ga rage. Patio, large lawn, lots of saaoe trees. Family fruit. Leaving state. Ph. -I JOT, SMALL DOWN payment. Mod. 2 bdrm. house. Lge. lot. bus, wis Monroe. . J 1 I . k t k i 4 BDRM. plastered home. Basement. Good locstion. ISO s. nth. ATTENTION! fey owner. A beautiful 2 B.R. house in nice suburban neigh borhood. Imm. poss. Going fast, donl wait to see this. 4zz w. saiem nts, BY OWNER: 1 tmm. and baaemenC Near Hi Sch.. Imm. poss. 2253 N 6th. BY OWNER : Only 8uoo for this mod. new 1 bedrm. home. Lee. , lot. Would consider late model ear as part pay ment. 18 Gross Ave, off Tess Ave. BY OWNER: $ bedrm. home, Fur- nace. fireplace, fun basement, recently re-decorated.- 1820 S. High St. BY OWNER: Attractive home, fir' place, large lot, S bdrms. ground fir. 1 ocmi norm, suuo inciuae inpa sir refrig and range. Terms. 20a fi. 19th BY OWNER: 8 rm. bouse, 2 bdrmsZ unfin. attic. Liv. rm. kit- bath. Lars utility rm. 85 x 120 lot. Cloe to 6a- lem HelghU sch. j CU 1-4633. . BY Owner: To be moved, small house 20x20. 4 rma. S bath. Furn. or unfurn. Corner SunnyvieW Ave. A Hollywood Dr. Rt. B. BOX 1394. iwur 4 ti. t n n n ttiu h AM..II It .UMriAWMthM. stnppea, insuistea, urepisc. uruiwoou nntm wavemenr. ciiv dub. eraae scnooi bus. $3000 down. FHA loan. $50 per month. OS canstng Ave. Ph. -i37. BY Owner: 4 l7l0 acre. 3 B.R. bouse. Lota of fruit and nuts. Good for sub dividing! Bus by door. Oil furnace in basement. 843 Radclitr Drive. OWNER transferred! Attractive Sr. old 8 rm home Ji Insulated. ndw rs fireplace, partly finished . attic, oil furn. Art. gr. Nice front A back vd. Lee carden space A chicken hse. 690 Ed ma Lane. Ph. rsuzs, S ROOM Modern house, attached Apartment. New 20x60 bids, double ga race, woodhoua. Fruit House. Chick en house; renced Area, call lxq er inquire permit xavern uetroit. ores;, $7250. Extra good condition, 8 room nous. room sown, a rooms up. 2 bathrooms. A comfortable larg family home or will make 3 apt. East off Center St. in city. BUVEN, COONEY S CRAICr 847 N. Hish St. Ph. T908. Eve. 5053 or 8918 I RU. House at 1514 U-alon SL UoM down, call 7ZZ1. ; ; "By 6UKTJ1" 42 Abrams. 8 bedroom. LR. DR. util ttv rra storss and workahon tn ca- rage paved driveway, on larg lot. lB block to bus. city water. Full prtc V.' T.vy - . prollers, BY OWNER: 3 bedroom horn, all on one floor, V years eld. - pecan floors, fireplace, Venetian blinds, oil beat, utility, room, beautiful e lawn and shrub, across street from high schooL 1345 L street. - ? MUST Sell 2 bedxrn plastered bous. Modern Good eond. Fireplace. Ire. back porch, garage. Gaff erf A Fattier gas range 81 oil circulator beater, included if desired. 4300. rs. cuiverton 1644. Monday, thru Friday 6 a. nt. to 6 p. m. $a7oo.oo on 4 loan. lesa than it cost new, 1 Imi ago. Fine 2 br borne By Owner. . DOSS. 33Z Rawiin Ave. BY OWNER: U A. and modern bom and gars re. 4 rooms, bath and sun porch with laundry trays. Basement. 3 partly finished BJL upstairs. Plastered and weatherstrlpped down. Strawber ries and fruit tree. 370 Taylor St. 1 block south Mspleton add. off N. 4tb St. f7W1Q. BV OWNEU at ereaUv reduced or ice. 4 bdrm sub. bom on a. Bus 81 school at door. Imm. possession. Ph. Z91B3. BY OWNER: New 2 bedrm! house ea N. 4fh. Inquire 2445 Garden Rd BIG 2 B-R. home with dlnlns rm. $1400 down. E. off Center. St. 67 Nor- an A V- - - 1 i TURN. CABIN. Uttl K. Pork Sn- tiam. 4 mi. E. Mehsma. Further info. Phone 65a. B. E. Hoinngwortn. SJdOO DOWN. 2 bedroom 4 year old home. Basement. Fireplace. If you like a cool shady lawn. view. A safe place for children. Larr lot. Possession 10 days. See owner for a good buy. 3260 S. Commercial St. Turn up private drivewsy left past Vists M s rket. MOD. 6 11. House. Fireplace. Cas heat, garage. lots of fruit and shade. nearly jr A. 3740 51. c ommemai. CUTE I MS. and bath. Allacbed garsse. ,i A. 6th hse on right S. of Swegle sch. $4250. Priced to seU quick ly. See Fred Mullin. Kt. 8. Box tS-G. ml. E. or i.iperrv, : byTJtOF TOWN owner, livarly new 2 B.R. mod borne. V. blinds. Hwd fL LJR. Larre kit. Lots of builnns. Owner will show I'rl. 7 to 8 p m.. Sat. and Sun. 11 ajn. to 7 p.m. 603 Llckory. TrA of N. Church. (Imj DO ,VI, iJ mo.; Inc iiili?t 1 . 1 1 . A . . . . T T7 ktl.e.l W 1 yr. eld. Pecan Crs. 7i4 at 2ath, 1. . - frr. Fcr . Tale -r- Real . HsLste : t rvGLrwoon Two "bedrooma main floor, third hugs bedroom up, hardwood floors throughout, double plum bin;, dining room ano book; rir place, v. blinds, auto, oil furnace, weather atrlDoed and Insula ted. lawn sprinkler system, .very nice yard and shrubbery, three blocks 10 tie wood school. Who csn ssk for anything mors? Call Mr. Holme tor snowing. ,SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors . 148 N. High SL phone 7880 : t-ve. pnone 14773. Today's Specials . Very : good 8-B. R. bom on bus line, wv llrs fireplace, fir. furnace, Idry. trays, rarsgc. corner lot. Price reduced to t&oOO. Country home on edre of city. S b. its, large L. o. ic. Kit, nook, hdwd. firs thruout.. Large f arag. i acre. Lot ef tree. Priced to sell. $11,600. One of Salem's better homes. All rooms are -large A hav hdwd. , firs. 2 B. Ra.. Very attract, living rm. with fireplace. Weatherstrlpped and insulated. Larg lot. Worth the money. Price 812Ml Call , Ike Bacon. Home Ph. 8354. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater Phone 8108 OPEN (HOUSE TODAY. 2-8 PM. Spacious 2 bedroom home with liv fata and separate dining room. Break- last oar. si ten en. iota of ouut-lna. Auto, oil heat. French doors connect dining room with shaded outside patio. The grounds sre moderstely landscaped. A convenient FHA loan can be secured as this fin bom meet the most ric- id inspection. A lifetime of happiness, it can be yours. Be there early, be the lucky one. It's st 395 Manbrin Drive )ust off the North River road. Follow the signs. Alden Bowes Real Estate Phone 2-4791 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. NORTH SALEM Here's a good value In neat compact home of two bedrooms, plastered, wall to wall carpeti f urnare heat, wired for range, elec. water beater, large lot. Priced at $7850. To see this property can Mr. Beckett. 1, f Salem Realty Co. Realtors 149 TC.H'gh St. Phone 7668 FOR Efficient and cffecUv sale service call the Salem Realty Co NOW NEW 2 bedrm. house, auto furnace water neater wired for elec. rang. Att. garage, large lot, paved street, close ta scnooi A bus. Furnished er unfurn. 2430 N. Church. ' '. ENGLEWOOD DLST 1 ',-story Eng Ush f place, bsmt. could be 4 BR. Mice neighborhood. Terms. 811.700. i- B. Isherwood Realtor PH. 8F1L Wallace Road. RL 2. Box 162 or IW Sixth St., West Salem T-WVOT YlVVT k, B.l to sell. Terms. 890 Morningsid. Out m - l.aya -e ww a siavwa iswiirc. m s.w Katciifl orr ot nuisey Ave. sasoo 1 New garage house. College Heights Besutuui view or saiem. NEW 4 CORNERS HOME i Well-built 2 BJL plastered horn. 1 blk off -highway. $9250. $2100 1 down. cau wait Musgrav. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER ST. PHONE 3108 " 2 B. A. HOUSE, full bsmt. double fireplace. 200 x 200 lot. Hdwd floors. V, blinds, weatherstrlpped. Insulated, Bus at corner 812.BUO. 4219 Ton! ave. Manbrin Gardens. 61000 Excellent buy 2 yr.' eld 2 bedrm. home In Leslie Jr. nigh dist, Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 841 Chemeketa SL Phone 3793 Eves. 1-62W0 86500 FURNISHED 3 bdrm. borne nice location, lg. lot. East front, en bus line. Call Mr. Walters. ! Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Phone $793 ' Eves. 2-B260 4lL6uo n. capitol st. la-djt: Kitchen. 2 B.R. Dn. finished attic rm. Fin bsmt. This is ideal for light busi ness locstion. Call Omer. ! Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 841 Chemeketa St. Phone 1-1349 Eves. 2-60B1 A BETTER HOME: JUST FINISHED" IN FIRST CLASS RESIDENTIAL DIS TRICT. FIFTEEN HUNDRED SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE WITH FULL BASEMENT COMPLETELY FINISHED AND DOUBLE GARAGE ATTACHED: LIVING ROOM; DINING, KITCHEN AND NOOK. 3 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. pENAND KNOTTY' PINK PLAY ROOM WITH BAR, TWO FIREPLACES, ELECTRIC FURNACE. LOT 100 a ISO. 4EESfi60M.' Barsain at 86750. Just Hsht for larxe family or apartments. Top location, new paint. - Ready to tnove in. Phone 348 tot information. $8,000. KEW MODERN 2-BR home. hardwood floors, fireplace. V bunds. oil furnace, attached agarge. snruo bery. larae lot. city bus. located NX. as low as giauo oown. Csu Stanley Brown wna State FinancejCo., A Realtors S?.?-J?11--8- "J;. rei. 2-S561 til UHAUi: Modern s-oorm. nous. ndy location. Clean. 463 N. 17th rt. OST-NEW ranch type suburban home. Large rooms, beautiful floor, automatic heat, fireplace and every thing that make for nice Irving. WILL CARRY MAXIMUM LOAN. Call US for appointment. 1ACRE AND 2-BR HOME TN CITY LIMITS. FURNISHED, for 87500. Ex. eellent for development. THIS WONT EAST. WE HAVE one of the best-built houses In Salem. 8 BR- full basement. LR. DR. kitchen, hardwood floors. Ve netian blinds, fireplace, double garage and en a corner lot. Thia bous is priced $1000 below market for quick ale. Be sure to see this. 825.806 Investment wul buy a 8275 per month Income with a solden op portunity for much more. COME IN FOR IN FORMATION ON THIS. Goodwin and McMillin . Realtors 484 Court Phone 6707 Evening 8516 ,- Calaba's Column - r DID YOU KNOWT . That for 85500 you can buy a cute 2 bedroom home. 8 years old. with - s large att garage, extra large front yard and just outside of the city lim its. YOUTX AGREE WHEN TOO SEE That this home, at the price ef 8S406 la Salem's best buy It has 8 full rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fire place, basement with euto oil furnace, fenced in bath ysrd and less than 2 blocks from Jr. and HI Schools. BEST SUBURBAN BUY Completely modern 6 room home. hard wood floors throughout, dining room plus nook In kitchen, fireplace. V. blinds, doubt garage. Insulated, bus at door, extra larg lot a real buy at only 8d850. CAN 1UU BEAT TIIIST Lovely new 3 bedroom home, oak floors, large utility room, att. garage, Eiped oil furnace, lot is 60140, weU uut throughout. A dandy horn for the low price of only (10.500. Buy it today. Move in tomorrow. Rudy Calaba & Co. 231 N. Hl?h Realtors Phone SS38 i . 377 - 114 - P'"3 WILL TRaL I'OaS.UBUKiiAli hgHe 3 bedrm. borne, all on 1 floor, wired for lec. range, elec. wster heater., tn good condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Contact Allen Jones or J. Irs. Needhnin. Realtors 3t ct ., Trx. 4 Pi. 2-4'-'1 L.vrTr3 2 LiXl.l A1 MJi. b . ill 1 UJJ- finiirM hou. Inquxr ii5 LUvsr toa JU4- ) Tor. Sale nrcXf! $3450X08 BEDROOM norm en lr9 lot, baa larg LJR. Dn. I, ax. 1 .t. l.i ., full basement, .l fjrnscs, i s and shad. Good CuuicU CJ lif Davis. 612.6M.00 Dandy larg 3 b,-oom r-n one floor. Large L.R. Dn. m. Kit.. Bath, baaement, furnace, Stt a. Very larg landscaped lot. East ca Cents bU Call Ray Davis. t Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 841 ChemekeF ft. in Phone 3793 vt. I Coast Property Alaea River. Oregon, Fl -.ermsn's Paradia. Lovely weU built river front cottage suitable for year rnund use. Ideal for retired couple. Cot tare con sict of living room, dining reom, kit chen, two bedrooms snd bath. Lieciris hot wster heater, G. E. refiiiferstor, utomatic oil ran re and heater. Cot tax completely furnished, large sa. rage, covered dock. Alto nice woi k shop. Finest of drinking water. Se cluded cove, no fog or wind. Complete only 87.500 cash. Actual cost over lvv. Severin Realty Co. 212 N. High tt. 5 Telephone 4016 oflce hotirs ?13 eve. "l5ioO.' 5-room house wiiS-UdfuiUhed ttic. East. Hardwood floors, fireplace, electrie water heater, wired for ranjre. laundry trays. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. Owner transferred. Must sell. 67.500. KeUer district. Nsw horn With 73x222 ft. lot. Best of garcenj sou. Living room, kitchen with din. ett space, 2 bedrooms, - unfinished attic, hardwood floors. Electrie water heater. Wired for range.- Near stor and bus. TM A. loan can b had. $750 down. Unfinished houne on good sized lot. East. Full pric $3,500. Fi nancing to finish to. right party. 83.800. 6 acres on ME. Partly in ber ries. Fslr house. An excellent buy. Good location for auto camp ar other business. LOTS CHEAP We ar offering loU 7x2S8 ft. fny as low as 4O0. Newberg, sandy. n. loam soU. Nothing better for gardens. Ask your county agent. $50 down, ti$ per month. Near store snd -bus. mile west of KeUer school. Olson A RccvA Keixer tracts. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 848 $o, Commerclsl Ph. S" IEzDroOmJ - Owner must sell his fin bom well located on paved st. South. Construe! Uon will stand the most rlirid Inspec. tion. Insulated, weatherstrlpped, won derful fenced yard, bus by floor, elo to stores snd schools. Large lot with variety of berries etc. A iaj value at 110,500. $3,000 will handle. , . , 3 BEDROOMS DEN t Ideally located for family With school children. In Englewoed district close to ALL schools and bus. Auto, oil furnace, larg rooms. Just a fin family home. 1 1 4.500. See at any time, v WANT QUALITY Then you'd better take a look at this extra well built home la North Salem oa bus line. 2 Bed rooms. Lr. Dr on main floor with extra bedroom ar.d Den with Fireplace in a very gar! baaement. Very nice yard and shrub. It not just another house but a teal bom. 814,750. 1 I need good listings. If fear home is for sal call m now. RILL STEWART ! 131 Pacific Bldg. Phon twy or Abrams & Skinner. Inc. Complete Real Estate Servic s READY SOON 1 W hav two FHA houses in ImK. Enrlewood (23rd to 25th Streets. Hon A of D" Street) that are nearins mm- pleUon. These homes carry top Hi A commitments and now I the time to purchase. Prices ranee between ilo tuA and $11.00000. , lO U K-BIDROOM KIW ' A Sparkling new home in Kc)7f with two bedroom down and room ft5 two tip. Cap Cop style with bay win dow. , nrepiaee, beautiful i hardwood floors, irv kitchen. See tr now st $8750 00. EXCELLENT TER I , 411 Masonic Building. Ph. tiU or 8S16 Insursnce. inmrr. 1 1 r-t $wvi0. 4 room apt. with Lain on fut . zioor and 5 room sumished apt. with bath en second floor. Ate tached garag. city lot near Les lie School. c BUVEN, CQONEY A CRAIG t 647 N. Hieh SL' Ph. 7906. Fv. 6o53 cr ,n,8 FARM ST5RE-Cntrai Tloca" prosperous farm community. Leadir g franchises on farm equipt pumps, stc. NEW block and concrete 'bldg w tti 7500 sq. ft. floor space. Modern equip ped shop. - .(.. i ALL foes for 8S5.0P6 -COMMUNITY CROC EJtY fj.w bWk. bldg- Modern 8 room borne, Fumiv d 2 room cabin. Corner lot. ' Ni'vf large display .refrigerator -i St equirt. $14,250 plus Invoice of . grocery siocm, . 32 ACSE FARM Grade A Til bara and milkt house. New home with beau tiful vle-v About IS A. eholee hot tor soli balance Is Willamette . gilt Loam. 8 A. Larr Walnuts. 2k -A.. Matur4 . Filberts. Family fruit and berries. Ill i 500 or would consider trad for SaleiA property.'' j i Dunn Realty Exchange On Pactfie Highway BSE 1 Wood burn. Orevon f ' - Phone MAIN 134 i e offer lot our ifl- offer tot our spection s - comfortably spacious home wren s oearooms. a den, and a fewir f room-. There is a very comfortabil living roo mi a dining room, and a very convenient Kitchen .with a nook and all kinds of built-in. There is a fire place, of course, and Venetian blind. A full basement with a nsw piped oil furnace installed. Ther are shrur-sl flowers and fruit tree to anrke a eel ting for this fine home.; lb prie tall2.0u0.00. j : Approx. l,i ' acre view property t small Cherry ,and walnut orchard; wei.t built 4 bedroom home, fireplace, w J to wall carpeting, full basement, loti of buiit-ins in kitchen. Lovely view r valley from front windows. 61J(0(m. 1 Yesr old horn, larg living room, good sized d thing room, all hardwoo4 flooring, xfuli basement wkh tuinimi tic fumac-aad room for party roon.f completely insulated and westiiert trtf ped. AH in top condition. Close to gtewood schoyL. gl2.6u0.00.: P. H. tfell, Realtor 261 Chemeketa Street Phon 4St Even: 2H, Excellent value practically new tw bedroom, nicely arranged. as for coo In and water heater, rai floor fur. nace. large lot 128 x 143 with .everal bearing fruit trees. Loan of 45 r payable 817 mo. may be assumed. 1 uA price 86T.J0, l - , j Salem Realty Co. ; Realtors 144 N. Hirn St I jSTrtTAN ERXE37mT near Engleweod school. Oil hest. ho,.. urs., nrepiaee. A. wltd Jovelr rd, sprinkling systerft. fruit and Wa'nut trees, berries and garden. O'l'donr fit., place and double, garage. IXiO N. . St. ' 1 I ; ADVERTISINGS 1 Western gdvcrt:: in j Representatives Wsrd-Griffith Compsry, tn. , Sna rrarciac Eastern .tdvcrtlstr ' Ward-Griff !fh'(Combsr-y. In. Chicago NewtVnrk. Lctrb.t. Boston. A'.:snt8 . " llernhet ' ' Pacific Coat Divion " Bureau cf Adverts;.-.; Entered et the 'fortof-'- t lent. Ornnn e Sien t i,i. . ley Pti'biuhed f'irf. niir -o r cept 31on4(iy f.'j.tei c,', US l.J Houth Comnicrcval lirttU SUDSCTLIPTION r.AT:.n Mall ? -re".,i F? . A. eance: Vvi nm Or 'un: t i t f t Sunday M tt cei-.s. . 13. ; 1 year t 1 I . e ' ere t 1 1 t eno or 1S) f.-r IrVear l it C.r Carrier c- -1 1 J year La . - - &4 adacect sw;. . . . ... ..,... . .