The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 04, 1948, Page 6, Image 6

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    S Th, StgtoTOga. Sql.m. Oregon. Wdn diT Aujurt A
S Runs ih 9th Not Enough
renins Up to
TicEts, Wi
One of the New Hot-Shots
By Al Lightner f "
For 9j uproarious minutes at Waters park last night it
a if the town I Senators were to take a bite out of the whamrrj
ha been the Bremerton Bluejackets this season. But the five-run
rally uncorked by our men in the ninth fell three short and th Tars,
-up to their old tricks, took down, an 8-5 series opening wiri. That
makes 15 Brem wins in 18 starts against the Solons this semester.
The Salems get two more whirls
looked I ' .-jQtV YCjfd
y that ! I ;.;-rw - " j - -
at the league - leading enemy to
night in a double bill, starting at
seven o'clock; but lo, Manager
Jack Wilson, slapped in the face
with an old plague, is faced with
playing eeny - meeny with his
pitching staff for the .tilts. Wilson
will start either Hal Saltzman,
Ray McNulty or Bus Sporer. The
win.- happy I Tars, blessed with
the best p tching in the circuit,
will shoot Lefty Max Hittle and
Righthandei Keith Simon, both
big winners! at the locals.
Speaking pf big winners, Side
armer John Conant, although he
failed to weather the Solon storm
in the ninth,; pocketed his 17th
decision of the campaign for Al
an Strange's crew last night And
one of Salem's top f lingers. Cal
Mclrvin, absorbed the setback.
Cuffed about in spasms, Lefty Cal
swallowed loss No. 9, as against
13 wins. It seems the big blond
just cant hurdle that "13" level.
The Bremertons, by virtue of
a-walk and three of the bloopiest
bloopers imagineable, jumped off
to a 4-0 lead in the first frame.
This, accompanied by Mr. Conant's
oft - impressive serving, looked
to be enough for the eventual
outcome. Things, looked even
worse in the seventh when the
visitors put together three more
btngles and two walks for two
more counters to. make it 6-0.
They rubbed it in with two more ,
for an 8-0 bulge in the eighth, a j
walk and two hits bringing about ;
this damage.
But what had beer, s breeze for
Conant the first eight frames
turned into blizzard in the ninth
as the Salems turned nasty.
"Mighty Mouse" Mel Nunes start
ed it by busting a single into
right field. Joe Gedziu: foiced
Mel af second, and Bill Burgher
skied to left. But Meirvir., not to
lose this one if at al! possible.
Klammed a triple high onto the
right field wall and Gedzius was
in with a run.
. Mclrvin had hardly caught his
breath when Jimmy Wert punch
ed a single to right, his fourth
bingle of the session, to score him.
Conant then went all to pieces and
walked both Ray McNulty, in for
Al Spaeter, and Ralph Samham
mer. Then when Dick Sinovic shot
a double into left for two runs,
that was the end of Mr. Conant.
Reliefer Bob Pirack, once with
Yakima, came in just in time to
walk Eddie Barr and hit Nunes in
the back with a pitched ball, the
latter cast forcing in the fourth
Salem run. Strange jerked Pirack
in favor of Johnny Marsh. 11, and
with the sacks jammed up strode
Big Jim Olsen to hit for Qedzius.
Jim came through, all right, but
in the wrong place. He lajshd a
Liner to deep center that wjas tak
en by Eddie Murphy finally, and
had the ball been pulled t right,
accounts of the entire rassle would
have been quite different.!
The Brems got to Mclrvin for
13 bingles. and Salem biffej 12 off
Conant. Wert's quartet wts tops
for the latter, and Jay Rajgni for
the enemy had three. j
3assiNsasii 'fiMF!
Paige Maoris Tirilbe
LBacfc to Top IPflace
Satch' Tops Solons in 1st Start;
Yanks in 2d Place, A's Drop to 4th
V Ol Satchel Paige pitched the Cleveland Indians back into the
American league top-slot Tuesday in his first start as a major league
pitcher. Paige went seven innings before a crowd of 72,434 before
being lifted for a pinch-hitter and gave up six hits He was credited
with the win. The victory out the Tribe lust two oercentase Doints
; ahead of the surging New; York Yankees who moved up into second
place with a smashing 15-3 win
QJinicDe S
sa mni siroaiTGC
Pore (Q)DyinnipiCiDga
Patton 1200-Meter Victor; Men's I
Swim Relay, Shot Titles CaptUrexU
By Ted Smite -;;,:" J
3 -iffy- Uncle Sam reaped another .bumper crop
Dick Reese (above) in his special car Is one of the many new midge!
racing pilots Promoter Jimmy Ryan will have on hand for tonight's
resumption of Hollywood bowl action. Reese hails from Fresno,
Cat, and durine the war was stationed at Salem Army Air base.
Dick is within the top It drivers in the United Racing Associa
tion of California, which has a membership of over 30. Tonight's
meet, expected to be the biggest of the season, opens with time trials
at S p. m.
Legion Loses
To O-Citx
OREGON CITY, Aug. -( Special)-
Tho Oregon City A me; i fan
Legion junior baseball team to
night squeezed oat a 7-6 Win over
Salem to even their district two
battle for a 'state tournament
berth at a rame each. A third
and deciding game will be played
later, possibly at Salem on August
It. The winner of that one enters
the state playoffs. (
RJidget Racers Return
To Local Bowl Tonight
Equipped with a brand new night for operations and, of much more
importance to the local speed customers an influx of new talent
from California and Washington the midget racing dandies return
to Salem's Hollywood bowl tonight. A full program of events is
Hell Driver
Too Lale:
Bremrrtoa (8)
-B K O A
Murphy.m 3 14 0 Wert.l
Samcoff.2 5
Maul.l 5
Ronning.l S
Ragni.r 5
Stanford.3 5
Volpi.c 4
Arnrich.s 4
ronant.p S
Pirack. p 0
Marshal.p C
3 5 Spaeter J
7 OSamhmr.ri
3 O'Sinovic.mj
4 0 Barr.l
1 ONunes.3
3 0! Gedzius .
2 2;Bprgher.q
0 0
0 OiMcNulty.2
0 OiOlsen
Totals 41 13 27 7 Totals
f Batted for Gedzius in 9th
Ran for feamnammer in
(5) Salem
S 4 9 3
1 3
2 e
o o
o o
39 12 27 13
400 000 320 8 13 1
000 000 005 5 12 3
833 38 12 5)3 3 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
41 13 8 8 5 5
y pitcher :
Mclrvin . 9
Wild pitch: Mclrvin. Hit
Nunes. Left on bases: Bremerton
Salem 11. Errori: Gedzius B. Spaeter
Ragni. Three base hits: Mclrvin. Two
base hits: Samcoff. Stanford. Nunes,
Barr. Ronning. Sinovic. Rjins batted
in: Maul. Ronning 2. Volpl 2 Stanford.
Ragni. Mclrvin, Wert. Sinovic 2. Nunes.
Double plays: Spaeter to pedzius to
Wert. Umpires: Skulik arid Mathiu.
Time: 2.-00. Attendance: 1063.
When . tho movies attempt to almost won himself a title was
portray a widely recognised
sports figure they're in many
instances picking a rocky road.
For cinema, Idols are rarely con
vincing in such roles. Gary
Cooper did a good piece of act
ing as Lou. Gehrig in the Pride
of the Yankees so far as the
lines of the script went. But
gaunt Gary had an awful time,
physically speaking, trying to
put over the ball field technique
f the Iron Horse, who was as
sturdy a guy as ever hit the
big time. Cooper looked like a
wraith when you pictured him
up alongside Plane Legs Lou
and Cooper swinging a bat?
Bad had! . .; . Now comes
the Babe Ruth story with Bill
Bendlx as the Bambino. And
reports say that Bendlx does a
right smart Job with the role.
BUI is sufficiently husky, though
he's minus that Ruthlan blob of
a.1 nose and, the important
thing -- Bendlx has a semlpro
hall background. When he
swings It Isn't at the coaxing of
mm director fresh out of the
haaeballess Balkans. Fact Is that
Bendlx smacked one Into the
stands at Yankee stadium re
cently In ceremonies eonneeted
with the premiere of the movie '
a New York. . . .
Meet Looms
Even though Porky Oliver, the
Seattle sharpshooter, is
back in the lucrative atmos
phere of big time competition
dent be too sure, hell i pass up
the North west Pro-Amateur
show at SGC next week. Perky
owed he'd be here and the
gent Is said to be a man of his
word. Incidentally,. Oliver's sud
den trip back ; to the Western
Open at Buffalo ' where he
spurred by the Wilson sports
outfit with which he has a eon
tract. Of course, if the Wilsons
rule that Oliver continue swing
ing foiv the ; big dolugh that
would be another thing, again.
. . . Oliver,: or no Oliver, the
tourney, starting next Wednes
day, is going to be a eracker
jaek affair - and asi a means
of showing the visiting lumi
naries that Salem Is 4 tlnt rate
golfing town, let's have some
whopping galleries enj both days
of the meet. . . . Speaking of
divoters. Chuck ' Conrdon, the
Tacoma ace who b ure to be
here, runs contrary to the usual
pattern. The high-water mark
of Chuck's career eame after he
had passed the 49 frnark. He's
one of those guys who's not
overly consistent but who can
be devastatlngly hoi at times.
If you followed Congdon in last
year's Portland Open you know
what we mean. In that one he
made even t Hogan ook medi
ere o o
Around the To ten
Have you noted the almost
Identical positions that the Sen
ators and the parenjt Portlands
hold in their respective stand
ings? Both repose lit the No. 7
slot. The Solons, stj this writ
ing, were 19 games iff the first
. division. The Bevos rested 7Vi
games back; of the select group.
If the Salems could but togeth
er something resembling a win
ning spurt s they'd have a fine
chance to gain a lot! of ground,
for the Spokanea, the Vancou
ver and the Wenatchees have
been rather wobbly of late. . . .
Precedent: That's what Walt
Lebold's Mayflower Milks set
when they (1) went through the
Junior A league campaign un
beaten and; (2) racked up their
second title in a revf. Key
clash in the local sof tball pic
ture comes August 1J5 when the
Moo try Druggists and Camp
bell Rock Wools tangle in the
contest which, will probably de
cide the American loop title.
That un oughta be a hum-dia-ger
with Jim Rawlins and Bob
Knight locking horns. . . . And
more than; one win tell . yon
that the victor in that fracas
will eventually represent the
city in the state tobrney. But
them maybe the Golden Fheas
' 'ante and J the1 Master- Breads of
the National circuit; will have
something to say abeut that....
Mr. Consistency: That's Bob
Gregg, the masterful ntaneuver
er of the midget machines. It's
gotkn to be so much a habit
with Bob to snare, all the laurels
out Hollywood "Bowl way that
you can be safe in .writing the
headlines a week before. . . .
if v
r yfc-i .;.--S
Certainly not recommended for
those who love life, this 'stunt
of piloting a motorcycle through;
a flaming wall is but one of tht
many offered by the Sitan IleO
Drivers who will Friday night
present their 2-hour thrill show
at Salem's Hollywood Bowl. In
the above shot Johnny (MeGee)
Smith, one of the doxen Holly -
1 wood movies stunt men who
make up the show is aboard the
Tractors Licked
The Stdnes defeated the Inter
state Tractors, 8-4, last night in an
Industrial league sof tball clash.
Mickenhaijn set the Tractors down
with seveit hits and hit a homer in
the fifth.
menued. starting with the time
trials at eight o'clock, instead of
the usual 7:30. The main races,
opening with the helmet dash,
start as soon as the trials are
New drivers and cars due for
debuts include Wild Bill Evans
of Palo Alto, Bob Barkheimer of
Berkeley, Dick Reese of Fresno,
Jim Oney, Hank Whitney. Walt
Fain, Shorty Clement, Leo Haak,
Junior Husbands and Stan Ness.
They'll go up against "oldtimers
of the local season Bob Gregg,
Gordy Livingstone, Gordy Young
strom, Howie. Osborne, George
Amick, Stocky Stock well. Bob
Vorberk, Frank McGowen, Wade
Althuser, Leo Wahl. Lou Sherman,
Dar Moor, Frenchy DuBois, Jim
Healy, Len Sutton, Bud England
and others, to make tonight's field
by far the largest and classiest of
the season.
Both Evans and Barkheimer are
bay area hot-shots, and Reese, who
was stationed at the Salem Army
Air base during the war and who
married a local girl, is listed in
the top 10 midget pilots of the
United Racing Association of Cal
ifornia, which has over S00 mem
All of which should make the
evening indeed v interesting for a
gent named Bob Gregg who in his
No. 25 buzz buggy has been hav
ing things almost entirely his own
way on the Salem and Portland
ovals this season. Tired of seeing
the Camas Cyclone sweep up all
the marbles. Promoter Jimmy
Ryan has lured the new threats to
I the local bowl by changing the
racing night from Saturdays to
Gregg was nosed out at Port
land last week by Livingstone
in a torrid race in which Rapid
Robert had some expert driving
to do to finish as well as he did
His task is more than two-fold
tonight. Five of the newcomers
were on the track yesterday get
ting accustomed to it.
over trie .Detroit Tigers, xne
Philadelphia Athletics, - erstwhile
leaders, fell far down into fourth
place as they bowed to the Chi
cago White Sox, 2-1. The Boston
Red Sox slammed the St Louis
Browns, 15-8, and took over third
In the National circuit the low
ly Cincinnati Reds surprised the
Dace-setting Boston BraVes for
the second straight time, 5-4. All
other games were rained out.
National Lea roe -
fuM-innati 202 000 0105 S
Boston 100 200 0104 5 S
Wehmeier. Gumpert. (8) and La man
no; Sain. Potter 4 and SalkekL
Americas Leas '
New York 12Z OI3 3C3 15 12 ' 1
Detroit ... . 10 110 000 3 4 J
Shea and Berra: Trucks. Pierce (3).
Overmire . Houttemaa (7) and
.Fowler and Re
000 000 100 01 S
ooo soo ooi i a 4
ir; Gumpert' and Roto-
Washinston - J00 01ft 0003 7
Cleveland - 000 121 10- 5 11
Wynn. Thompson 5. Mastenon 47)
and Early; Paige. Klieman (8) and H-gan.
Boston 401 001 4SOt13 12 I
St. Louis 003 000 140 S 14 t
Kramer. Johnson 44) and TebbetU;
Sanford. Stephens 42). W id mar 44), Bis
can 47). Kennedy (S). Ostrowski 49)
and Moss. t
Petersen Clouts THO
Victory Over Hawkins
PORTLAND, Aug. S -4JP- Big Bill Petersen of Seattle pounded
out a vicious technical knockout over Roy Hawkins of Portland here
tonight after 43 seconds of the ninth round of a scheduled 15-rounder.
The 200-pound Petersen had knocked down his 182-pound challenger
for a 10-count in the second round.
Jons, Nenof f
In Mat Win
"Tiger j Steve" Nenof f, alj the
roughie-toughie operator he" was
cracked tip to be, and Rowdy, Rule
Jones, 4lespite taking a three
stitch crack in his pate, nabbed
the most important wins last night
in the grappling party at the ar
mory. Nenof f was just too much
gladiatoi for Al Szasz in the reg
ular mainer, and spilled Affable
Al' two falls to one. In doing so,
the big Russian made nothing but
enemies of the clients.
In the winner-take-all and any-thing-goes
Jones -Jack Lipscomb
grudge, Rufe finally butted Lips
comb into submission, but only
after somebody had cast a giant
firecracker at the negro and some
body elsje tiad conked him on the
head,, (kitting it badly. Rufe
thought he was shot when the
cracker went off, but enough gen
darmes, j hands upon their saps,
were present to prevent mayhem
of such qepth. In the prelims Gor
dy Hesell dumped Salvadore
Flores and Danno McDonald and
Mike Casey went to a fall-apiece
State Tourney
Semi Slated
TORtLaND, Aug. S -AV Port
land's Timber Structures and Fire
men eliminated opponents from the
state semi-pro baseball tournament
series tonight and will battle in the
semi-final tomorrow night. The
winner will thea get u crack at
Albany Aleeo in the final Thurs
day. Timber Structures handed
Portland's Coney Islands a to 4
defeat after the Firemen had edged
the Ames-Willamette, team. 3-L
V-8X Dallas dash
The Taller Meter .Junior A
league ban club meets the Dallas
Legion 'nine at Dallas . tonight at
t o'clock.1 Coach Bob Schwarts
asks all) V-S players to meet at
Olinger 1 at 6:15 la preparation
for the trip.
But Hawkins got to his feet and
resumed the battle. The referee
let the bout go on because of a
disagreement on the count.
In the fifth Hawkins clouted
Petersen out of the ring and into
the spectators' seats. He was lift
ed back just at the bell. The sixth
saw both fighters carry the fight
until both were exhausted and
slugging blindly in the center of
the canvas Hawkins was badly
cut up and unable to see during
much of the seventh and eighth,
but he stood off the Seattle slug
ger until the ninth opened.
Then, after Referee Ralph Gru
man awarded Petersen the TKO,
the punchy Portland slugger
swung at Gruman and then at his
own second, Roscoe Toles, who
had come in the ring to help his
fighter to his cornea. Earlier, Jack
Snapp, 165, of Klamath Falls, and
Bobby Ward, 164, of Los Angeles,
lumbered through a dull exchange
of blows that was classed as a
draw by the referee and judges
after the scheduled ten rounds.
Gty Softball
Play Resumes
City softball play resumes at
Leslie tonight with the American
league-leading Moo try's squaring
off with Warner Motors in the 8
o'clock first tilt. In the nightcap
it will be the Golden Pheasants,
National pace-setters, battling with
the Marine Reserves.
Salem Ball Nines
Slate Silvertons
SILVERTON, Aug. 3 (Special)
The Salem Midget Market Junior
baseball team. will play Silver
ton's C team here at 6:30 o'clock
on McGinnis field Wednesday,
and on Thursday at the same
time the Salem Sand and Gravels
win tangle with the VFW "B"
aggregation. The "B" team Sun
day downed McMinnville, 10-9,
at McMinnville.
022 312 10 2
123 021 0 S 4 S
Gustafson. U. Lester and Johnson;
Bleualy and Boone.'
Bevos, Acorns
Divide Pair
By the Associated Press
The Portland Beavers and Oak
land Acorns divided- a Pacific
Coast league twin bill last night,
the Oaks taking the first game,
2-1, and the Bevos coming back
to snare the nightcap, 7-4. Duane
Pillette was the losing hurler in
the opener and Roy Helser was
the second game winner as he
set the Oaks down with eight hits.
Portland . 000 100 01 7 0
Oakland . 010 100 -2 I 0
Pillette and Silvera; Tost and Rai-mondl.
Portland - .. 030 101 0027 10 0
Oakland - 020 000 200 4 S 2
Helser and Silvera: Lee, Salveson
(5), Buxton (S) and Lomb.
Seattle 03 000 03 S
Hollywood 000 430 7 11 1
Hall. Karpel (4) and Crasso; Woods,
Oliver (3) and Gladd.
010 001 021 S 14 2
.. . 000 001 023 10 2
Grasso: Krakauakas,
and Kahn.
Corsica and
Maltzberger (9)
San Francisco 101 000 Oil
San Diego - 000 000 0004
Melton and Leonard; Kerrigan,
den (B) and Camelli.
4 1
Los Angeles .
Sacramento .
Ad kins and
ooo ooo 1001
ooo loo 02 3
Novotney; Grissom
? I
Sands, Bakers
Nab fC Wins
The Walling Sand and Gravel
club chalked up its fourth straight
victory in Junior C league play
last night, defeating the Midget
Markets, 7-4. Master Bread
dumped the Four Corners nine.
Carr, R. Puhlman and Fry all
homered in the Walling "win.
The Breads' Cross set the
"Corners" outfit down with three
-Corners 100 112 2 4
a. z
Victory Smiles, No Less
JPi-" i anjssni sjsuusauusjslnsnnske'iijtui s f j r si ipse im,,' '
jf- ' 4B - i-S -' ' t
KV ' .. " f,-
i- i
of Olympic championships today, thanks to two Caliornians Sprint
er Mel PattonJ and Shot Putter Wilbur Thompson and the men's
800-meter swim relay team. ' I ;
Patton, a bitter disappointment
in the 100-meter race, sped to vic
tory in the 200-meter fisals. less
than a yard ahead of Barney Ew-
eu, ine so - year - old former
Penn IState star. The 23-year-old
Southern California! student
was clocked in 21.1 and I the, fin
ish was so close that Ewell re
corded the same time on; the of
ficial watches. Neither came close
to the Olympic record of; 20.7 set
by Jessie I Owens at Berlin In
An Olympic shot put record was
set almost every time ah Ameri
can tossed I the iron ball-. I
V ffm
LONDON, Aug. S -Ph Mrs. Victoria Maaela Draves (right), rasa
dena. CaL. smiles aa she stands with teammate Zee Ann Olsen of
Oakland. CaL. after winning wesson's Olympfe springboard diving
title In Olympic pool, Wembley, today. Miss Olsen was runnerun.
(AP Wirephote te The SUtesman.)
U. S. Gals Take IDiving;
Dutch Swimmers Lead
LONDON, Aug. t Py- Vicki Draves, a 3-year-old Pasadena,
Calif, housewife, today led the U. S. to a sweep of the first three
places in the women's Olympic springboard diving competition. Zoe
Ann Olsen of Oakland, Calif., the 17-year-old I American titleholder,
finished second to Mrs. Draves.
Patricia Ann Elsener of San Fran
cisco was third
. After their diving sweep, the
American women had to take a
back seat to the Danish girls who
apparently J are destined to suc
ceed the Dutch as team's swim
champs. Karen Margarethe Harup
of Denmark clipped a full second
off the old j Olympic mark in the
women's 100-meter backstroke,
winning a trial heat in 1:15.6. Se
cond to Mis Harup was Suzanne
Zimmerman of Portland, Ore.
Nel YanjVliet of Holland won
the women's 200-meter breast
stroke title; In 2:57.2. All Ameri
cans were eliminated In the early
heats. '
M. Bread 420 Ox a
L. Brown. B. Walker (3; and Walker;
Cross and SDrincer.
Walling 001 fl 7 a 2
Midget 300 104 S 1
Carr. C. Puhlman and Fry; Hughes and
Senator Swat
H Pet. B
153 JS6!McIrvln 122
SO ,328'Spaeter 41S
H Pet.
104 .254
41 .233
78 JX2H
t .222
2 .074
1 .050
117 .273!5hortndge 2 0 .000
99 J25
12 JOS!
21 .280!
5 .278
10S .274
Burgher 17S
Sedzius: 342
Stevensn 3S
Sporer - 27
Peterson IS
Sinovic 430
Barr 274
Smhmr 109
McNulty 39
Olsen 79
Saltzman IS
Nunes 394
Wert 42S
McNulty 2 1 5 Peterson
Olsen 13 7 SO! Saltzman
Mclrvin 13 S Ml Sporer
Stevenson 7 9 59lShortdge
2 3 34
2 S 29
1 7 4
0 0 1
V7LL Line Scores:
Vancouver 100 000 000- 1 11 S
Wenatchee 004 310 30-ll S 1
Snyder. Klndfather (7) and Bren
ner. Warren (6); Stevens and Gardner.
001 000 01
000 013
Kasparavitch and Recca; Nelson and
Sbeely. "'!!'.
013 231 000 10 14 S
007 015 00-13 19 7
13). VcntureUi ).
Yakima .... .
Oirr. Gleason
and Rossi: Kittle. Kramer (3). D. Dril-
lin 4 5) and Conkvtantion. I
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for
Compiled by Coast and
vey, oruana, uregon.
Tart.' Ore- August
Geodetic sur-
i im mi.
12:42 pjn. 2.1
11 Jl pjn. 7.7
IM pjB. S:4 '
Tims Ht
tM sjn. -U
3:15 pjn. 2.S
S:44 ajn. -1
SOS pan. 2J
W L Pet. W L Pel
Bremertn S7 42 419 Vancouver S3 SI JlO
Tmmi 82 4S M Wnach 49 SZ .441
VictorU t S3 49 A3 Salem m
Spokane M 92 J27 Yakima 39 71 J
Tuesday results: At Salem 9. Brem
erton S: at Wenatchee 11. Vancouver
1: at Yakima 13. Tacoma i; m po-
kan 4, Victoria 1.
W L Pet. W L Pet
Sn Trnr, W S3 HollTWOOO SI 91 .471
Oakland 73 97 .5621 Seattle 99 07 .44SS
r rsM inf ss ss J43 poruana
San Diego 67 63 J15 Sacramnto 90 75 .400
Tuesday results: At Oakland 2-4.
Portland 1-7; at Los Angeles 1. Sacra
mento 3: at San Diego s. san f rn
cisco 4; at Hollywood T-. Seattle S-S.
W L Pet. W L Pet
Boston 9S 41 J771PitUburgh 4S 49 3M
New York SO 44 J32 PhUadelph 4S 4 .W3
Rrooklvn 4S 44 .522 Cincinnati 43 99.439
St. Louis 49 49 .521 Chicago 40 97 .412
TuMdav's results: At Boston 4. Ctn
rimuti s. St Louis st Nw York, rain;
Pittsbursh at Philadelphia, rain; Chi
cago at .Brooklyn, rain.
W L Pet. W L Pet,
Cleveland 54 3S J9l Detroit 46 50.479
New York 57 39 .594
Boston 58 40 J92
PhiUdelp 59 41 90
Washingtn 415S.423
St. LOUiS 3S 87 .387
Chicago 32 4 J33
Tueadav'a results: At Detroit 2. New
York IS: at Chicago 2. Philadelphia 1
(10 innings): at Cleveland 6. Washing
ton 3; at Boston is. st. lauis a.
trsMk mm
400 wstsr osti -1w OM4f 2nd iswmls.
? sOrWC PVv"tfoSa
1 10 Mr hurdti nwl6wals sod I
a- Is snm rl M
fsodso Foi OodividMsO.
P9BfssMlN (S6Msar"Tt,w6'oa6B64sj4Pi
ftftlwj At I3cf yL
YmthUmj Oil Torqmoyo
Bowlers Attention
All nersons wishing to
bowl in leagues this win
ter please phone 3575.
Capitol BowUnrj Alley
4C1 Ferry BU mono u
Order yoar sawdust at oar suxamtr price. Us a con
veyor lo fill your basement. .-.." ,
Phone 24031 1 'i ' 1525 Edewater
Night Shoot
Thorn d-
son, another Southem-Cal stu-
with ); a
It was
dent, clinched the title
heave, of 56 feet 2 inched
the seventh track and field crown
won oy an American.
The old mark was set
Woelike of Germany In 1A38, when
he did 53 feet 1 inches! i!f
The men's swim relay team,
composed of Wally Ris of Chicago
and Iowa university. h loo-
meter free style Olympic champ;
Wallace Wolf of Los Angeles;
Jimmy McLane, 17-year-old Mi"
ron, Ohio and Andover academy
star, and Hawaiian Bill JSmith cf
Ohio State, broke the world and
Olympic record of 8:51.5 set bv
Japan in-L 1936. The American
quartet was clocked In 8:46 flat.
Basketball, considered I a suro
thing win for the American squad.
proaucca a real surprise when
the Argentines made it close. The
UJ5. squad, trailing at half time
by six points, had to come from
behind to pull out a 50-57 vicUiry
in a game marred by arfumehts.
The Americans failed to place a
man in the hop. steD and liinhn
and only one. Browning; Ross , of
Villanova, qualified for the finals
of the 3.000-meter steeDlechate.
All three UJ5. entrants in Ith.
10,000-meter walk were Idisatiali-
fied because they were not walk
ing in the approved styleJ
Mrs. FannY BlankersKoeri tof
Holland, winner of the 100-meter
dash yesterday, matched her jbwn
world record and set a new Olym
pic mark by winning a heat of the
80-meter hurdles in 11.3 seconds.
Arthur Edwin Cook. 20-yeaif-old
University of Maryland student,
won the Olympic 50-meter small
bore rifle championship Deipite
a protest, the American water polo
team was eliminated when shut
out by Sweden. 7-0. I I t
' 1! r
(Special) 4 Tho Indepenoneo
Gan einb jwill hold a night shoot
on tta range Saturday night,
Angnst 7j It has been announc
ed. It will be a merchandise
shoot, with hams and bacons aa
prises mostly. It will be open
te the pqbllc
Wcrtch Daily Papern,
Iislen to Radio
! ! What
; ." j-m- r f, a m M j v,'rlw' -'f If ' i f
Tho ;Ag9-f.lslbvcd uz;7
From your fint sip right
down to the last dellcioui;
drop, of smooth, mellow
Luclcy Lager . . . you'll enjoy
the tgomellowed goodnesi
of this beer that's bfewed
from costlier ingredients, j ii
Hememberaslc for Lucky
, the Age-Mellowed. Beef
?ic cj tA& iirplAtatly- jure -6c&i
1 I ' Distributed by 1 " - -
347 XL Front EL. Colamv Orav Hion i:3IS