tS Hu Station- BaUm, . Orwqon. Bandar. At-tiast 1, 183 Needlearaft JaPrV! Help Wanted Fcmalo nrtrrsKK EEPIJl In eonenial home. Good wages for right Party. Ph. 3330, trnrrsioceEPER In modern home. O, E, dishwasher. IuieraU. dryer, pri vate room ana auv. ;ceu t mij. 1 children, references. Ph. Stayton 14-R, collect vniiwr. lady under 28 yean. neat. Miii hirh school education, free to travel; 840.00 weekly; bonus, plus traveling expense paia to sun. miui" fled position. See Mrs Hardaway. Mar lon Hotel, s-8- p. m. COOK AND COOK'S helper for fra ternity in CorvaUls. -alary open. Statesman Box 114. lMRmnns woman of character. Miwatton. refinement. 11-40. Prefer one experienced In teaching, club, or -hureh work. Dianifled work with a large national organization, many benefits including group miurnx, hospitalization plan, etc. Must be resi dent of Marion county, unemployed now. and desirous of rendering serv ice of national importance. or inter view write: fully giving phone number and stating If you have a car. Address Pox 112, Oregon Statesman .XPERifcNCFn TYPIST, some dic- tatton. 40-hr. S-day k. Call 4171. Ext. 229. Monday or Tueaaay. OKE leaf turned in various directions gives the effect of floating leaves. A summer's pleasure, an autumn treasure quilt! Applique-leaf quilt is econom ical. Use scraps. Pattern 878 has pattern pieces and directions. Laura Wheeler's new. Improv ed pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos, concise directions. Send THE.NTT CENTS in coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman. Laura Wheeier. 1st and Stevenson ts.. San Francisco. Calif P"nt plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME. AD DRESS With ZONE. Send FIFTEEN CENTS right nowfox out Laura Wheeler Needlecratt Boo It 1 TMe best needlecratt catalog ever pub lished, with 101 illustrations of the finest embroidery crochet -nitting. home decorations toys, accessories. Printed in this book are FREE instruc tlons for weaving on buck toweling the newest hobby' Electric light meters in U. S. homes and industries measure more than 216 million kilowatt hours each year. Livestock and Poultry mr.uisT PRICES oaid for rabbit skins shipped to West Side Fur Co.. West Salem. fARti SALESPEOPLE. Best deal on coast. 33 St 90 Xmas cards for $1. FREE SAMPLES! Write Ideal Card Co.. 165 N. Hill, Dept. 300. Pasadena. Calif... FLY TIER Some experience. 187, S. Com'l. Anpiv Monday or Wed. PERMANENT office clerk, familiar with PBX board. Also Burrougns comp tnmeter n erator. Phone 9205. WOMAN tocare for children and do h-ti .wnrlr Phnnc B440. LADIES for survey work. Excellent earnings. Short hours. xor mwr Phniw 2S279 a th ACTIVE girls over 11 Full and part time usherettes. Apply tn Twrinn Or and Theatre. PERMANENT position girl for typ ing and general office work S-day, 40-hr. week. Good salary with ad vancement, Portland Gas ana coke o 109 S. Commercial. "TSRCffrrtONIsl in doctor's office Write Box 96. co Statesman, stating age and qualifications. WOMAN;, general housework. Stay night. 695 N. Liberty. Call mornings. Salesmen Wanted START INDEPENDENT retail bus iness front your home. Two hundred household items, cosmetics, iowu, good profits. Steady- repeat business Permanent. Car necessary for deliver ies. Write today for full information .... v . . . . EC . n MAKE $20 A DAY! Complete line rrnnr name nlates. knockers, numbers ratalotf available. Hubstamp, 355-B Congress, .- Boston. Mass. CALENDARS OFFER excellent full time or sideline selling. We can sup ply. Midwestern. Box vol. pringiie, Missouri. For Sale MlscelLuieoTi ( For tSaIeanacllancyni 8. of I DOGS BOARDED AND TRAINED Reasonable rates by day or rao, trfan- mtn- and Ka thine P-k-UD and deliV. ,R. star 8AW 1r LeGray Kennels, RL 3. Phone 8-3168, s-tjr'. twiI ... . 0 i - TrviawsnstDSS. Be lb. U-pick EL w Miller. Rt. L Box 284. S aalles Hopewell. wioroPuth Walling Sand & Gravel Co .Mkai rii cimnvooA Products. Saa I HIVUUIP ' I r"o m m V sett st.. west saicm. rnsnea nocx: FLATT Bed Trailer Fey roads driveway Cement, for hauling Boat. Farm implements. Read y -mix Concrete Garden sand etc. Like new. See at 655 Chemexeta. Buildoxing. drainage and ditching 4 BABY'S Play pen and Tecter-Babo. yd shove) & drat line rnono eaoi ALWAYS a big stock . ii 197A Nebraska. Hi "" I mm .....- Uk - - -. i ntnarT . unniui. .... RYE GRASS and ciover nay. ? - . fervsTt t aura Dajeo. ai. rm, rruitland church. DAVENO. blue floral upnomery. auni Ph H0 w a? draut iJAVUNPORT and chair, brown, good cond.f 1036 Highland DTTsfTi' screen remnants. JSe each while they last, skeiui arara Lumber Yard. , . 8MM P ERF EX TURRET douDie eignt BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat, shovel and truck work of all kinds Lloyd M. Hill, Inc b. ...... tJtttn Rt. 2. Box 92B COMPLETE HOUSEHOLu iurnian- , . Money to Loan Private Money Oa Cars. Tracks. & Trailer Homes IT Btnori una njamie Roy H. Simmons 3t a Commercial St Phone fits Financial Ed Byrkit and Company FTRST MORTGAGE loans at P H. A A construcUon loans 13t Chemeketa - , , Phc iffJ V REAL ESTATE LOAN 5 PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOAMS State Finance Co. marine moC eameTtjTlSi lnTinch5ini electric refrigerator and m?5". 'IVzZZ VLT KnH.M smm Icotuse range. See Sunday at 1745 S. projector, model, eight 33. coated lens I Cottage St- . Md radiant self contained screen. NEW 32 SPECIAL Mariln. fV beaded. Like new. a P00Mjrlu. at rel. never used. E. E. Adams. RL . Sldu lal. sola oniT mm m i jl-jj. . - ' . Kodachrome: I 47 boat with 1ft H. P. outboard motor. H. E. TAui itai 1 13R9 center st. ENAMELED WOOD range. 30-gaL LOGANBERRIES. UPICK. c lt. ranee boUer. SO-gaL drum & faucet. 1 On Chemawa-Quinaoy d- arry ncui. 153 S. HiSTb St. Lie. S-Z16. M-TZ3 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS 9 to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC; REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 8261 3b. ice bed. spring. S-burner eiec. pxaie. ov-1 Rt. 3. Bo 34 cheap. 893 Ford I gmall pillows. 30. S. 13xd off Lee I cond.. 85. 580 S. WALNtff DiNl 30 Evergreen Ave. tJSED DAVENPOKl" c St bet. S. 22nd st, St ' GOOD t6P S61L. Iree. 390 S. 34thT TWIN SIZE bed. mattress, springs, i . BO-lD. KtRUI, WB lth. DINlNG table. 44xi-in, with 4 extra leaves. chairs with blue nrentY WASHING machine, used 3 I leather seats, lsza a. wnurcn. r-n. i months. $200.00 cash price. 314 Water I f0R THE BEST IN AP ct icTic SCREEN remnants. Sc each while they last. Keith Brown Lumber Yard. " REGISTERED MALE Kerry Blue Terriers.- II wks- excellent blood Unas & bench stock. Ph. 2-3981. " FREE FIRE Wood. Furnace for sale. 341. N. Front. ttHtttt hAtftEP Terrier puppies. EU- ble' for registration. Box 4i3, Fisher i-ok SALE: Size 18 coat. Fox fur collar. 2860 Roger Lane. WINDOWS piasterDoara. jaoaern. srr RALPH JOHNSON KELVIN ATOR ranges, refrigerators. Bendix washers, dryers, ironerm. Fowler porce lined 30 yr. water heater. ftn..n washers. ironerS. rWtromaster. Estate. Thennador BPA Victor radios. rwnfreese. Harder Freeze. Beall American Central Kit. Cab. c Sinks. Eureka St Lewyt Vacuum cleaners. Ironrite Ironers. Tappan. Rudd St Mission gas appL n a i pw JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center Phone 4036 1 r. m. n-4 FOX TERRIEK PUPS, mont -oo Double run windows in frames. 4 atan- I vT1pvs vn nlumhinff needs fulfilled d.rd sies Exterior glas. ooors w.ui -,u ,,nabi requests. Capital iambs, hardware; sUl and wteide fae- ,"-. M5 center St l undclose-upled toilets I CEDAR FENCE POSlS. wood.n and Kohier Uvatories. ,i in. plywood laths, cedar shingles. No. 1 per squares. lit Tpe? sq fL C. G. Lang. Rt i Box 11.00. Cedar shingles. No. 3 per square. 3SCS?lern?t mile north of Kelzer. All kind , of inside trtm ST. BERNARD PTTPPTFS v- I i..i. rii 9ins A beautiful litter now available from ' ' ; . T-.' KEIZER BUILDERS SUPPLY INC, , Blk. K.eizer scnooi Phim. S490S LAWN WEED spraying. Philip W. th"e matmg of two of the world's f . ALMOST -p o--r nwiew Ave. and FACTORY SALESMEN Sell Charles Chester nationally Known eusnion shoes direct. Complete line for entire familv. Full time or side line. Full . . . i Rr.i. vi.m j uji ll'lL"?3 uJl.IJri:y.,S Cottage between 3 and 8 bloodlines, . --r -w -v -wv a -STTbi -arrV Kill! 'h VI If III Al.illi.3 'irsm washers: Automatic Mr. and MrsHugh B. Wood, owner. convenUonal tyP. Guaranteed 30 fiJ!i2!L5Sa sufn&JiEaPJL ' TRAILER HOUSE davenport, goou A aooti eon(j- toon FVHerirk St. Phone 8689. 1 NOTE CASH REGISTER good cono.. - - ' ' - -- I aai sr. !... It4 4- ot-vlaa, A gnatr. aVTfl 18-IN. EAINTED shakes, with under I "'"-."'"ys, ,fter SC or all day Sat. Sc Sun.. 970 Hood St. LARGEST FAMILY size wasiuns nturw wr sauare. S14.50. Sheating paper. 800 sq. feet, $3.00. is.lhs felt pa per. per roll. $3.00. KEIZER BUILDERS SUPPLY INC, J1K. wesx rweizer ocikwi Phone 24208 For Rent Rooms ct rrorwn RMin BAS N. Cottaee kiEPlNG " kU " ctoae in. Kitchen riv. By week, or roootn of August. one -savm CLOSE IN. clean quiet room for em ployed gentleman. 697 S. Liberty. NEWCY DECORATED rm. with hot St cold water. Across rrom state -n sm 1 144 Court. Ph. 7319. -feLP. RM. Centleman. Oose in. "Ro drinkers. 343 S. Winter. SLgglyG qOOM. 1305 Broadway. -ffiEffSzniSOM. empWedman: D.nn RSTQ 795 N Winter. " SLEEPtNC ROOM for employed lady M s isth St. Phone 26231. ' 1 XVtr.r pLEA&AnT aleeoing room. Ground floor. Close (n. for 1 or S employed. 753 Union. I, a' ...J" .... mnrt H wood si. rms. sua ncvojrj-a. wn. Room and Board Lots For, Sale- Real, Estate LEVEL, close tn. excellent bldg. Iota with improvements In. Call Portland owner. MUrdock 6047. EAST FRONT 75x100. Si HI Just N. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. For Sale Real VUlzl9 ... - , am oaks New F JUL, const, t B-R. home and ful basement. S fivepli , Q elects 4Ul OX Kurai, exceuent wcauon. , wa aww i . .. - -M ti. .irlve throut 4 . ff' iir.'.f. Tr drTv. 3 blxs and follow sogn. Al h.v lot a&xiBU. um umi avl. aaau. a-n. - Ti .. . 4396 or 23400. this area. For Sale -Real Estate right party. FAIRM0UNT HILL EXCLUSIVE $10,500. A eharminc home, not new. but very livable. Living rodra. DR. Kitchen. 1 hwtraun. batk down. 1 bedrooms, bath up. Bamt, oU furnace, beautiful maple I xsgs Portland RaU tree in west yaro. laurei neage tor seclusion at rear, outdoor barbecue. Large garden. View over river, nua home has everything and can be pur chased oa easy terms. Call D. L. BISHOr S-1Z CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 230 N. High St. Phono 2-4123 Phore even In r 2-4160 SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEKEND. several -view homes under construction 1 Plus a t2IJ0 heme If there lever and wants acreage. This borne leaves mmmtt Ml .. . . . .. M.r Mihnvnvtf Two Urge homes close la on largo creek lot. both art ta Meant condl w .17 7.Ti KV-2TTf. ... h.t 2nd dbL phimbing. A good dasi for the UVn WW . W M. ll ll ... . . . mm 1 -w .. I. Owner la 'retlrtna from 'fcuslneM to bo desired. Shown by appoint nttTTH (COLONIAL Large wooded lot. nice B-R 3 firepUees. targed-n. dbL mrmm tW . njA anal no erandeT location In the country. jPnce dbL plumbing bunt. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. RjEAL' lltXIOii J Phono 3333; XV. TOST Or -13f $1000 DOWN S60. PER 7S0 H no. IRKt 2-BDRM.. UTILITY. GARAGE. WATER HEATER. LINOLEUM, ACRE. SPE CIAL PRICE FOR CASH. BOX 653. CUMMINS LANE. KEIZER. $8200 BARGAINS A completely remodeled renovated S B R. house with extra steeping rm. upstairs. Cement foundation, driveway and steps. Garage-work shop, large back yard. City bus i blk. Paved st. Inside city, north. Priced right for quick sale. ,1 GHLAND AVE : : ' . i i 2 Bli.. LR.. Kit., nook, balk Ven. blinds, Basement, Kcept best -terms or-1 woot fnm ejlec. water heater, gar.1 Pre-war built. 8400. ! T ARSF.N HOME & LOAN CO. kmm . .h.i t. T I oio tt; avanlnf 1440 ! S ntn i amr nr VOTT .SonneUgohigt.. medium sisea oi - j - - - - (n r.n.nn ..ii .Uu. r id oaks. On Oipav. ro. near mm -: r NELSON NEW M. 0. Humphreys a Co. Realtors' 4Mlta tA.-tl J mJt JdZr- rnfnueHvrom .-.00 rirepLee -TtTyjTgood buy. on-1. 2. ed ceiling, tnotty cedar j. ULfhWorfey comfortable apartment house, 4 apu. and a 4-wm Th. homo is priced at 310.730. if can oaamwea w, NELSON SiNKU?UIM 703 N. High BpectaltetaW Realtor. f OPENING NICK clean home for refined cultured aged jP- I wk the nrtce' pie at Dundee. Ure.. on mgnway ww. i rsiTP REAL ESTATE CO. Nurse In charge. No Sunday inierviewa. i Phone 8708 Ph. Newoerg. lott 1 ' - 1075 N. Capitol Phone 2431 Sunshine Home. Box r.ew0erf: t -TrttTfrsZ-l I iltorv fcrT? VACANCY. 1144 Center St. Ph. -8636. .h. .tTil'rslSL vl XIm,K Akrrv ft. 8 fKHr JTu75 " r"-':,c' . "" 1.. " - - Men only. No smoking Phone 714. T , 1 T 1. ' ROOM ANITBQAR1P. 2 hot meals and I JJ. IgherWOOfl Kealtor pack lunch. 1095 N. 5th St. pn. griL Wallace Road. Rt. 1. Box 162 or 1289 Sixth St.. West Salem LEE 01IMART & BEST YET ! The moat comfortable one bedroom w'vm Men for aonne. time. . km.. nr. rtnwn hn n i f nl I Full basement with good lurnaee. I'fe- fir, imm. "ps. N. edge of jTalom. N. flly orchard, elect, heat. hdwd. .Zl bus line and store, m. firs .. large miuty rom V'" ZZrm7 ...nt.. iut eive us BUPLW-vth stove. Adults on. tchen . ite rm, 1 too. sk for For Rent Apartments -VY-TSWtiTK-S yrs. bld7"6rms-. on desirable 4 A. 10 minutes irom aown- Phnn SAftS MOD. 2 RM. apt. Einp. couple on lnriv nreferred. 208 Bush St. Ph. 9331. NEW I RM. furn. apt. Oose in. Pri bath. Pri. entrance. Emp. lady. Ph. 6969. 3RM. FURN. apt. ton 1st floor, oui- Reasonable Terms, By Owner New S-bdrm. home. 4 blks. to grade Mr. Sullivan i HERE IS A BUY I 3 iew lota 70 x 103 each. located off Glen Creek Dr. Basementa partly dug. Priced 31.200 for both tthis week only!. i" pkone 443S 0., REALTORS v : -' : Ull:!" NOW IS THE TUa price just reduced to 1fm m this 3 bedroom-homo located at 164 E. Wil son; Includes extra lot; drive by. than call Mrs. MankerU to see the Interior. machine. 350. Come, give it a trial use. fjde entrance." 2 blks. from business school. For detailscaU J628. J R W at kins Co products 1717 can- KELVrxATOR refrigerator. 1060' N. ter St. Salem. Ph. 5393. Free deL commission. Big repeats. Samples and equipment free to producers. CHAS. CHESTER SHOE CO.. 354 Chester Bldg.. Brckton. Mass. SALESMAN NATIONALLY known line imported, domestic laces, embroi deries, fancy linens. 10 comm. Nan yang. 220 - Fifth Ave N. Y. WANTED A D DITION AL SALESMAN to Join SO-f.R ICEBOX $7.50. Call 23188. AtR LOGGER'S calked boots. 10' i. nearlv new. $10. 1165 Chemeketa St. THERMADOR elec. water heater. 42 gal., 3 mo. old. and an oil circulator 1 yr. oKi.jt3 a. nun ai. """Y USED DOORS, streamlined wuiaows. cement mixer, tow Dar, sou lutings. 460 20th St. -WHEEL army trailer 12a. Miscellaneous I center. Also sleeping rm. on 2nd fir. 20 A. FINE apil. part beaver dam. 3 .... K.ih jc, ihnu-.r Fh 7511:. hMlrm. house, eiec. neat. nam. ure- LARGE 3 RM. v. ell-furn. apt. Close 1 place. large Parn. post, in iau. aicn- tTt court St. in 1BO S Cottaee I ness. pneeu n kh nun . 3 RM APT, emp. couple only. Ko -C. J. CKSON 341 State St S sm drinkers. Frrtm 1-5P 1295 "D" St. NEW 3 BR. Roomy, lecht ull "FURNTaPT. for 3 adulU. private pase uDie. gar. w. rr-ISNT LAR1GE OR rANCY, BUT Brother. It's jonly $1,000 down tth balance monthly: a small J suburban home n Ji acre souths suit price enly LEE 0IIMART & CO., REALTORS . s, j 9 i ' " Phone 2-411$ - 2-411$ Evening phone 2-1222 or 6770 RUDY CALABA I C0J, REALTORS K.th State St. r A r. S: t r N FU RN . upstairs flat. Very rood condition, tiec. neai. ' - i $70. Phone 21994 or see at 56 terry. our appliance sales staff. Sales ability necessarvi-anoliance training not es- AnriT.E HORSE, kood riding out- sential. Will train salesman in our com- . .. i . .i i -11 .It.. 1 n m 1 .1.1. lin. r.f ITritfirl.ire MaVtAf and M11"- -" 1 ETsy APPiUncesi-Good- starting salary Prlces.We deliver ' FOR SALE SADDLE horse, fine 3 with opportunity "ra' ... ih -TTfniv. Arabian breeding, with reliable and established funn. Ap- APT. &tE electric stove. Phone24256. KEW ONE panel & flush doors J - 02 - 62 - 83 Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph 4069 Dental Plate Repair sMiri tTATTn croutr rM MHST CASES 2TIMS. and bath, UpsUirs. Unfurn. Bring or MaU Your Platea rer Repair 355 N. 18th. DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST fTJRS. APT. 45 a month: 143 Abrams Adoiph Bldg State Jk Com Ph 3311 Ave wr.ATHER strips Pullman Ph 595 - vfAi.l. APT. clese in. Priv. bath. HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine I prefer 1 employed tody: Phone azu Upper and lowar Hat. Partly rum. $8500. 5 rms. Base., furnace. $8950. Va cant. Terms. - WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 173 S. Liberty Phone i 1 MODERN bdrm. house.-liv. rm..din. $4000 FOR ONE $6500 FOR OTHER Liocaiea wmum, - - room home with 3 acres rlchsoU. let ... nnlnm and DotatoeS. $4000. New Phone 7113 j j bedroom stucco home with 1 acre; $6500. Will sell for S1U.UW. 11 i;iuin"t. as one North. It's a good deaL S300 OFF Owner has lust reduced this prop- ii' Zl I'Z' .rtd. Wonderful ply in person at 260 State St.. Hogg UlSpUjlttlVMl m mm- m m j Chestnut sorrel, mare that Is tops. WeU educated, spirited et genue, 0. See us for repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative fa. aaii tor delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before Tjv,r, r4-0 I work is sxarxea aipscr "t"" . . -m . t.rt I i i. chine Co . 13 n Lommmiii KEIZER BUILDERS SUPPLY INC 2 i3iJ.. VC3t. jra-arid TJnTURN". 3-RXf.spt.. upstairs. Write Statesman Box 107. crrrt? WAWfTr TTkfn ant. Suitable - , z . l.ii i ear., now. noon, ei for working coupie. o pe m i .... . i.i.ih TTnfi- kitehen. Garage. $4500. 362$ Pleas antvlew Dri-e. . z : 1 m i . i MUU. K. nouse. i yr. o. nn; y-iZZ' . ' v, t.r uiek iu a. r io kinds fru t. caraee. lis enr irom w v . . t.at i.ti of shadi. 3240 So. Com!. sale. Has a very. comrvsote,j . For Rent Houses Situations Wanted GOOD CARE given your youngster. $1 per day. 1180 Shipping. )U 1 Can be seen by inquiring 2395 S. Cot- - ! MALE HOG. Chester Wbite, old enough for service. Also 1 sow ready to fatten, pnone TNGS RAB-TTfiY needs ra Top prices. Pick-up service. 3-. -.'TtaT T saddle horse work in Honor's office. Ph. 3217. VI fi" 1 - . , I . . x for man or woman, see ciauae wran dall. Rt. 9. Box 384. Phone 24313. NEW HAMPSHIRE baby chicks. Weekly hatches. Ph. 2-286L Lees Hatchery 8 Camp Adair windows. doors, num- a v Vn rnli dlXeloDed end ber windows. 2x8. 2x10. 2x12. 12-in. s d- Any 6 or -1 1 Exp roU developed ana lng. 4-wheel trailer, wining ru tar two nrinta of each negative I clous Uving. AU rooms on one floor blonde i wr ixe or can 'jSLv. send X I FOUR-ROOM nouse n excnanB. rar -.j-tu-j carpeting wall-to-wall. mmmm. - " ,., NTWT30M by builder. 2 B. R-. att. ' s and family i5w- .SJf W"lf o-Vrd. cy SSi d'oon cEol very SpSTk mTto . p. mT sunda77.1oei clcOnl, Only $1500 down moves you In NEW HOMEr-CREEIC tOCATION Verv attractive and well built 3, bed room home, pecan floors; oil beat, largo ..tilH- room, lot la 66193 WHh Cietk on back end of lot. back ysrd has lot tor posaibOitlea-- 13.300 buys 1L i ; '.: ':Jt LOOK ' I2200 jDOWl wdi! btiy this nice suburban homo v lust east ox wwn wun j.w'1"' double pjumbing. flrepJaee,' large lot, bus service, etc Full price; Is $ltisf0. $2200 down. baL at . You may move right In. E. Rural. HOME BEAUTIFUL with floor plan I , tt?1. 111. CdOO t7vri Ph to Include every convenience for gra- Z6l il. Hlgfl - -M-- "1 CIOU1 UVUl. " wi woo TO7T IF YOll have a repair or remodeling Including Spinet Weaver piano. Uv. rm. nv n. I i n - n.iivi i " - . - , - - - . - I D l- --'.-. ftl - i- ffk mm f T-W I e TS fVI M V i I UNDBERADUATf NURSE desires f ,"'K Thiv er hl-h'chair. 8-ft. De luxe Hotpoint retrtg.. ueiuxe rcii- ore eiec. range. law ftiapie. BEAUTIFUL Cocker puppies $15. 1145 Hood St. LOOK r 3779 - 5514 - 8593 $16400 NEW1 $ B R. Rambling tub. borne East. LUR. .. aavan-n. pmi S. Box 576. Dietz Ave.. Keizer. Cherry I !T"r r i nr-tH Xso I lioki .hni Must vacate April 1. '49. I .i.ii .. - --111 AveRiver Rd. Jet.. 5th house on left. it SJ? rXn deionid ind Drlnted. 40c I Prefer couple with pension 11 mil-s 1 Vontrol for .ach room. . . i -TJ ia attached garage, lg. lot -.!cil"i1t,e: rum fack, Developed 1 and Prttedeoc ronIem. Wrrte Stateanlxigj Nothing ha. been, overlooked, and the . .10-. fLAfii . Urn'( jululrx auiowwui ' price U conservative at hjw. seeing i rr ,'. v- nu floor olan.n "T V Interest, GET YOUR children s clothes made mor(f ele- range. 1980 Maple. for school and winter. Mrs. D. H. Ja cobe. 920; Monroe Ave. CARPENTER work, new or remodel. Phone 6252. Reprints 3c Each Mart Your Film to SALEM FILM SERVICE Salem, Ore. U7ANT TO But Used Cameras lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 Stats Commercial Art rent free to middle-aged Christian cou- n m urn tot ear - tiu .jii i fonshin. Man to work elsewhere if de- -. , nia. H lT. n. V""1 la bellevin-. Owner occupied at 1910 1 n.niwv. -rr . ' .-- .m,ll I rs. irpice pi.i t BJl. homo. U plumb. Hwd. a 1 - l MaVBr mrri-illlSI li . - - m m Market, corner 19th. No agents. JW""U',:'rirt Ume listed. . 5?lr,m-,"': fi ij . .. I j .1 v. u niwncaf i. - . -.11 ,.- ), ; r.. , . . ... l I montnry pa d. ..,h.n.-l Writ- Rt I '-' ".: J "K" rU Maddv. -u. .c..-- - I h i- f .ct rnvin fjornera aaaixton. i . . .V-. . TVT tm M 14 11 V 1 u u LR. bamf Letterheads, cartoons, business slgs. I Tryon Ave. New Mapleton "aHREal buy AVAILABLE now s Carpenter. cab- 2 ALEXANDER Smith Ajoninster marks? photo retouching. Bob North Front St. Road. i-. tt15 nrt 10i.. Phone 5006. S; c.Z. 'r.-.ri.. Ph B1A1 I a. Box 1Z3. aiem, l - r ...n v. ..-k- J i ruma. .u riii. i i . . . . i NEW MODERN 2 bedrm house tor Mr,. wUninYtt upstairs. Insulated. . ,.-! -b.d. 2' tT. TonA..mwXtonICddlon - buUt-, W. A. Slater. Rt. yoorPTbVt. 4 Irn. P6g M $8250.00 Immed. pos. New 1 Bedrm. mm, nice Uv. R. KUtahon with B. rues. 9xiz and xiov. t-none -wo BOYSENBERRIES, you pick. Be. on Beautiful 5-yr.-oW mare, Stan- met builder and finisher. W. M. John- CenUT st 2 mi. e. of Kruegef's store. is. American addie preea. uui nn. Salem. Oregon, en. ei of Rex Highland. Excellent conforms- stUDEJNTWANTS baby sitting eve- tion. spirited Put easy to nanaie., muuy nings. Statesman Box lua. ; ..." . i niu jx.-v wfc. . j 7 MONTHS OLD steer 28c per lb. Ml 1 try home; by hour, day or month. Phone the hoof. King parxieit. rt . pa- i 23FZ4. E. I ' VETERAN needs steady Start Sun. No children. Melvin Klampc. SEE US for your window sash and frames with weather stripping. KEIZER BUILDERS SUPPLY INC. )a Blk. West Keizer School Phone 34208 , CHEAT MAY. excellent for horses. Browne. Salem Engraving. Phone S101 . 1 K C r m n.f.1I - I - i r. 1 LES SPRINGER, men s hatter. 44 'ourt. Closed Sat. p.m. WAT feR WELL driUing. Domes tic or 1 irrt.atton Duffield Bros- Kl . box 473 Pnorie z-ijij Box 104 NICE 6-ROOM house, between T3 tr lt- Good terms. Im Du 1 ii. r-lose to school. meditate, pos-; For" Rent un!tnp,i i 'VESTOCTK Duyer MoCandlish Et 9 Box 233 Ph. 8147 work badjy. WiU do most .anything that Ba,STfrom shock Frank PetzeL Phone ,HOIt-s run 5ai . pays goon, -.ge. vj,.."4,y- 22739. Rt. 2. Box 246A iri-t-ri American saddle - bred I water. West Salem, or Phone 3618. I -.. VJi t. . r r stallions, brood mares, yearlings and SEWERS and septic tanks installed Elsl5petel. Phone 22739. Rt. 2. Box 253 spring colts ki. . and repaired, scnanr pros, r-none . fAfaftfe YVP red rasbberries 7c. you Phone z-1143 Koy n. aimmona. LAWN'S worked and seeded, ugni Btek. t Hillyer. Rt. 1. Box 223. 1 net in . irTrn a b,nH . tti nnvi i , ..ww n..w jv.. ln 7 jw I . . , . w-i' - - i ixa . mi iuuuc. t - - i fBt;T mi. nortn oi oroora. ADT6 painting. Juat a shade better by Ray t i l uui Shrock Motor Co ROTH'S TRAILER camp Is now open, Across from Paulus cannery. i... . ' '" . c... IRONERS bv the week Phone 2-4439 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff $2,700 DOW 341 rjZ -TRAtL-R tl6tJS- and two sleopmi nd hot w-tor Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Uio n. 5th st ggeat possession. Call jwaaay. GOOD LOCATION & sheep Will can at farm -icenaeo St bonded buyers Prompt service E 1 Snethen 6c Son 1350 Lancaster Dr Salem Ph 2 1345 v ". Af Stcii picked up free of charge Oav and night service. Ph. Sherwood Ore. 443- or 4424. Call collect " tAlmrwTORK. Remodeling and repairs, new construction. James M. w-aDie. 1674 n. Liberty. acuera. ai. mt ua wi., .... Contract Work goads Clearing -. Ditching Sewer 4 Basement Emilomcnt Rental . .11 a mi. norm diuuiu. i T h tos. w t io4 TTVr-'-rXC iSnn 0- r-n rea. I 1A f. vt- 9 SO DOT BX. r7 cat m uozer , p 12ic lb. Iil'I'V.An At- buvins tools, try rent big them. Hawser Bros, t-none jo-d igewater. Hop Picket's Wsuilfidl A FEW MORE pickers can bo used at our farm 12 miles N. of Salem. Pick ing begins about Aug. 12. Mission Bot tom Hon Co- Gervais, Ore. Phono Sa- sTrwraraBiM T i-TiT- IK i ra iitr.r. wvuruv, irunmuig, tupping, icn- i box I JO. mi. soutn oi tncniim. tag. removing. Ins. oper. -Tee estimates. HIGH OVEN type elec. Universal 4 W, H. McAllister. $4rTrade St. Phone VJL mnd. Verv reason- ; : I lil. at 2335 Center. MUV1HU ana naming, rnonc t- it Dozer st Dozer Phone Davs $406 Kvealngs 824$ or 2440$ Salem. Oregon 8.40 per nr. .7 00 per hr. Ed ll.hRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 SMFJ5A home with excellent business property. PAINT SPRAYER rentals reduced $ Fireplace, hdwd. firs,, basement, attic. a day wwn purcnase m emr wui- Ktver Ha. rnonfiww. Walker or Pittsburgh pamia. cr- i TEW 2-BDRM. h WII.I. cARE for children in my coun try home by day. ; week or month. pnone Z3t -. CEMENT contracting. Ph. 4396, 2-3400. s,ler-.DaU Hwy a a nv ..n,n ru.rl laHv 9-fiQln I Tt. - SHINGLES. Shakes, plywood, ma- sonite. Let us quote you prices. Eola Lumber Co. Wanted Miscellanous a fresh stock. Hawsen Bros. Ph. 3646 nF Akitri tfiiVri. work, excava- Mnn whinf and scraoer work. Call Halvorsen Construction Co Phono 4047 or 6006. TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c nrs Mknrin Woodrr'i Mkt- lttoa n Summer WANTED BARKXE Douglas fir poles I TRAILER Space, ahado. clean 4 A C K b o Good 2 -bed room home. Large barrd 3-car garage. Well. This Is ajvery aH -.- nlM. East. Price $13,000. Call Dent. $7,000 4A frM ffVrr Liberty, tt-bodroorrt. home. Nice neat place. Good build ines. $2,500. Cmll Dent. j -C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St.. Salem- A T c n W ft T V t? V FJ no TPAnF. iv owner. 54 A. eouiDt. l ll I . . 1 it ., - 1 nome. near schools nd bus line. Elec. heat. Fireplace. Hdwd. firs. Call before 8:30 ajn. 750 N. 16th St. i BDRM7hOUSE. 2 loU. just out side city. N. E.. garage, water system. j shower bath. $4000. terms. ftABY sitting. Elderly lady. 2-6930. WEIJdrillin 5t driving. Fred Wy-1 more, Ri 2, Box 317. Ph. 2-5135. Fre est. HU- Ac upnoisiery Cleaning, in jwu Jr - and nUingor stumpage. write or phone I rooms. Reasonable .rates. Fir . C Phone S-89S0 JulpoU TPn Co. P. O. Box Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road VV- -. I for erade A dairy, yr. around creek. mu vi ... v .ii w . xr au in nigniuiu urni .. r" I REALTOR torn Hop Co, Gervais. f"' i.r.-. - ... a..- KiXi 1 Wf rd Wrtta ' home. Refs. Ph. 9528 or 24697. BhIn5? o"v.PJd- p,WriU h ? Curtains washed, stretched. P2-634j. 120- A Wood burn. Ore. Phone 1430. DISCING and light dozer. Ph. 2-2816. HOP JlCKJUXtS VY v i. J6--' iu4 v-ws i rfuiiiwii b . ae,- .r. t" I yard; about 4 mi SW of Salem, 250 Sts. graded, tiled ditches filled. Ph. 8035 CAMP TTU acres choice river bottom hops. Pick- n WhaT? Need painting-CaU 2-3190 f; lng begins about Sept. L'Flno cabins. C0MtINING In communities S. of sa. TftO MILL Rd. Ph. 9593 CAM- TRAILER 150. Oil circulator Lowery. Rt. 9. Box 447. t - i . ' 1 i - tog begins about Sept. 1. Fine capma, i COMBINING In communities S. of sa. io ice cr""" ,17 shady camp ground. Shower .baths. i.m r Cammack. Rt 4, Bx. 216. P. 49F3. irdonte taets. cogiplete tamWB. lfLltoJ, PAINtlNG .nd decotmg. Intarior byck b . runtar -"Se. butter shop and I r.. ""-."f,",, popper, complete Karmel Korn equip- --.-. . . . vini--s. j 'v"v - i mnt Artfi0athr wr rjtraf si v r;rrsi i f5H! ?ISr5,urrS: nit TOniTT ATHR t conditn: Bargain price. The Ren- M'encfci. .rfoTrogl rumace and chimneys cleaned Va- SStlon and use of cabin, which will um l-'"T rJl be refunded at close of season. r Co. P. O. Box I Trailer Park. OTIO W. Kiver r,au. . I 0ftrr --fuXed. Ph. 6821. 194 N. Com! ... mZ Rnilrlprs ContraCtOri 482 Albn3r- r2,n- ,ViePhon I , 9, p r ffffn 684 N n 4692 BY OWNER: fl-vr.-otd .-bdrm. home. Ev,: 3-3088 UUlIUers VjOII LI CIUI I xib.nv. or new price list. I Rent-sell H C Pugh, 684 N 4csr. I ,, -, ir toi-da. nice vard. I m- LUMBER I VV ANTED NEW and near new corn l trucks ana cars "l " Direct from sawmill at a saving. I tr.rtnrs all sizes, drills, field I furnished Smitty a Cupper Servlce. Specified ords filled. Free delivery. I harvesters, balers, discs, plows. Bob Center and wiurcn. rnooe w wer sal. t ijUmdla i stone. Ph. 838. Charlton, tows. mi. N. of Edgewater St. on Wallace I pYano TUNING Wills Musio Store. Salem at $7950 wfth $2350 down. Balance $42 a month. Phone 26711 Wanted to Rent or f-se3D NOTICE S BEDROOMS -k rowN tsaoe $ Bedroom home aH on on win. , n4 . . nif ment wit Wanted Fnrniture 6V OWNt: Modern 3-bdrm. house. I nrhre place, large living nntv Wv-tlnn Clean. 465 N. 17th St. I no v-- kltehi base - . T i i , . 1 ! " . - M I-Rnsu house, nartlv modern. 1 A J .,tra room. Imm. poaa. asuai in -k.nlM AiU-k AfWl Hnll-wnnd Ave. I r-i. - uhnnl. Call MaddY. ' COUPLE and 10 yr. old daughter ur-1 - tftomXiiimm; firepUce. 1 fctrauRftAii: corner lot 11$ 80; Itt. Llr. R. Kitchen-I luO.OO lnl Calli Otner. Huff R ' I Realtors ardwood, Phr,e rage. rm. homo, etta, etc. $L Huff-Real Estate Co. hui bv door. lines. Close to town. $5900 will handle. I t,im won t last) Calli Maddy. Ph. 23902. '2 wt TTIE DREW HOME at 493 N. 19th 5t. I ' Tllll II II W IV ! -...-. lit ramaketa ? IJv. rm.. dining rm, kitchen, bedroom v- . Hard wood PbrVre 5-1545 Ivts. -o- and bath with dressing room down- 2 -bedroorn homo FsL Marowoua ,rnw . : stairs- Beautiful stairway of walnut floors, fireplace, very "'"L J'i;.j $6600.0 3 BEDRM. nome. newiy oee. finish leading to a front bedroom and I Large loi. inii no. ."..., I orated, nice location. ig. - vn, iy a very large attic, a Kinas or snerry i conaiuon. . r 31 mooa x. eow - ntuBi trees, walnut trees, aiso appiv inu i possei". j holly. The utility room nas launary neater, me nome water, oil fired. 1 . . . !! -and tnW . . a . , u auu. I - J Tnere is atso a. garage. m jot ivux i hoUe. 3-bedrooms.i Modern.) ill iS prPe"y "n DOUgnl Ciy water and .... Call DnL BY OWNER A stealTS-rm. modern FtTRN ru&Ni Phone SIM. hi. Phone Slia. TYftiWTNft house plana. Ph. -62L- WEATHERSTRXPPINO and Insula- ' . ""v-j-vn ,",V-1t T " T.-hi ' ri--t ea?ly AugusL CoX .hady cn "wtth - on -ffoot Bros Phone t-j85S nin. wersTwood and lights free. LAWfcl MOWERS, scissors. dervous. Phone 5042 R. Stayton. Ore. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St Block Co. 12th St at Vista Ave. Evenings B9Q4 Loans Wanted www- - - -- y -. - -.-. I 9U8 - in-iiii iw aUUUAOAivi m. ra a- --r genUy need a iwSnd basement. Englewood district. By own- yMr ,id Bungalow style. Irving WfU give best of care. Call Portland I . 2025L19thSt. I dining room, kitchen. 3 bdrms. an coiiect. an ?w. . i c - I VTeIX CONSTRUCTED buUding i Mt7; wired for range, gooo wi ST-ACy. RESPONSIBLE taUphone j -g.x56. location, make beautiful j urn. $8200.00. . I -n nrntIT neeOS reason-one m w - 1 -m- r.t-i7- , tm-. e Jd row- I iniwa. lib acre view tni-r " I -.--..v . . .vr-f tti B. R-. tmfurn. house. Catt 25207. ers. Rt. 8, Box 118. near Wltrel school. m all cherry and walnut orchard; wellf HE rxiOR. THIS IS 9i BEflROOM HOUSE, near bus line. ijtLWOOi SCHOOL DYSTRlCT built 4 bdrm house, fireplace, wall to ""VS' t-yRY Cln- WANT $2000 PRIVATE MONEY Write Box 113. Statesman. fl SXU AHIJ Tor Information leading to rental of eSSSte-: S.rr r.xr.EIJJCNT 3 BEDRM. HOME AT 1835 MADISON ST. SEE THE REAL ESTATE MARKET Walters, r Huf f lUal Estate Co. Realtor i- . . 341 Chemeketa . Phone 13793 J 1 I -.Ii"' iTW)-NICt 1 BMiliomev. ilS unfinied attic, near iSalom Heigh'J taW, school. Lg. lotL f -vd use. Call tt gvd ho Waltets. ' A i ' Huff Real Estati. Co. Reattars 341 Chemeketa Phone 3793 - l tw.j. ' , bRCIlAfta llElGlTI- " S4!t Mn TnM InJ Inc. 4 t-.i. $2250 down. 1 yr. old. ii B R. Auto. J jL $800 worth new fin-. JLot 100 x H3. trees, landscaped, city wtr. House aloao is worth asking prw e. i jj , M . $5500. S. : f 8 BR. ran re j refric. St floor Co v. tn, Reas. terms, will take trailer house H Phone 4398 1 tr-j I i $2850 DyWJl. BAL i St New 3 B.R. Auto. Ht.Jexei Fin. wot pvd. SL worth the Money,. CaU to. Lukinbeal. -l Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors ! 341 Chemeketa fs. Phone 3-1 54 i r ve-. ?-". ""sEvErIn" Rf alTYTIoT til HIGH ST. I PHONE 4018 CREATE AN ESTATE AND HAVE A NICE HOMEY PL ACS TO LIVE. 3 BEDROOM- AND A-N AU- WITH BUS HI IIS :j IXXTATEl SOUTH AND VTRY CI-OS IN. ONL1 UUUI "W --- .-w - -W " ., ; wall carpeting. f DTrST S $1508 TO HANDLE. TOTAL PRIC valley from, front ' vrtndowWOd. ONLY $4500. YOU CANT EXPM Box 260, Independence. Oregon. . v ' !-.. - I i A wm mowers, acts aors. Knives fetL .ndrongoudZ lV-r- Center. Ph 6833 -., lster now. Mitoma Hop JTarm. St. 1.1 ; TYI1 rii-illino- I " TIME TO FERTILIZE TT Vl Mjaj Domestic Irrigation, Industrtal w H A ROBINSON 2216 N. FRONT. SSlem. Ph. 7293 Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK OK i Belp Wanted BEAN PICKERS, about Aug. 8. reg ister now. yk mi. JC of Pratum. Albert Echoner. - STRAWBERRY HOERS. start Mon- TJSE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS & GARDENS 6 SACKS $3 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere to Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 8127 dars-. 2-4397 eve or 8127 GRAVEL, sand and silt. Delivered, or 6268 I on .your truck at the pit. Phone 6444. CARDBOARD packing ooxes ana T113- $25,000 First Mortgage Loan Will give references and pay adeauato ent. pnone ew. "COUPLfc in need oi api. or . - - rmimr um i. windows. 8l3oo.oe. i or,xunrr. nvin awn a wivr Phone 3-4783 S Year old ,iV,rTUS MING POOL AT THIS PRICE. BUf here must good -auted dining room, -ii I rr IS AT LEAST UNDER MAR in m nti m a i ninn. zi nrTTT.i i . . " i inunun t. i houie furn or partly furnished. Please By OWKER- bdrms. and ut-ity on PF cloVeitTEnii "uTSTATDTG1tXt' nlrT of STATE owner here mint r w .-m ..-I it is at least sw unum man rent. hone 6483. ' . I n ihk k! Mod. 1 B R. homo on 1 1 flooring. lull 'U!TZZ I KET. CALL MR. MOORE AT 114 mmmu l ri-. Aee-ntlne sealed bids. 1103 Berry. I utow- .- - call 5688 after 12. a x t.j . I ii too i a .. i ' . . -. ,i , i wai irnooi. iu wjw. TnsnrwTNa qoy -ui ii - i .. f.t 11 m mis t niwur r wv I - - wtth nice surroundmgs. Ierencea. or.ted. 405 S. 25th St. 1 p TT RC1L Realtor T.n . fJUflB n- JmmM. II 4U X iiw f T T"1M nmt 1IM. -! I 1 . I Sir .-.' -i ififn-nitlan. I rT: . o-- ":r ' V. I Ml f-H-meketa St reel. riwiw IV ' ..-.. I flu. , , , i ' . I "f Wl. pus. Jl aiiii-c. I J -. . fjuM VYTB MrYT lu than 1 vear with $53.' 008 real property as security. WIU pay j Don 2-e409 Fri. Ask at 1930 Fairgrounds Money to Loan day. Inquire Sunday a. n nenry Itasmusaen. Rt 7, Box 313. 1 mile east. I 'i mile nortn narei -reen scnooi. ".J..4... miA.mmlm.r .W . - O f I WU--JAu pc n buw V...-a-i Jb I lw-irt T1ft I KMt am ale 1790 N Front T. -n.7 clul-. Vl-IMENSION L U MB R 2x4 3x4j .r i .i im- a a u i i vnr&rnUA. bween Vhe eea Kr."l .rior drinSe5uc 1 10-1 at ji $45,00 per 1000, -.s.r.mZ ZZ. T train for aoda 1 r.W rC reasonable. 5327 or 8468. KEIZER BULLXJEKS -U-I. xn. fountain and lunch counter manage-HrjyjWeeprNortr- Ph. 445y of cooking, baking and menu planning. 1 MiJC8 Septic SeTVlCe tr ihdw, miux . v u ii. FARM and OT1 LOANS aAfc , and $ Tour own terms of repayment wtth- L . I,. - I lirve wax. iui. mv iw. c. j BBBU THrMTCB! -r ulible for S I o-Tcnmni 1 J -!--- k-j- JO i . ww. , - - w I Z W I --' "w i ' families, wear ou L.ri urban. By steadily employed families. yedyfrmuYei: I r -1' a" I Ed Byrkit &Co., RealtOl References furnished. Phone j I tnrtfikling system, fruit and walnut I THREE BEDROOM, liawiiirm. 'im mmi m. mrm .. ..nrnmi. I -L"--t i . rv..trn-r flr. I V..T1 K..-io.-t Sawdust Furtl. BUS I a WW a-sxwx-. in-, vn."" ., " rTT" a., im m rMT. PRI . , I place and douote garage. ""looor, nonn. eJMw.w. . - It. DAHL. ., . A ' Ptirane 4261 m ..ml 1 1 ... y.. i- ' k Block West Keizer School pnone zzu WILL ftUY. SfcLL or TRADE" stable, growing pusineas. i , . . y . . , W-.i,.. .rn.ri.m-. nreferr-d. but not Xanxs cieanea. noio ? 1 T,Trrmin Uniform, and OH Sewers PO 8468 OT 8r furnisned. Good salary while learning. CtJ-i Taribo C..tantA wmo at i .-. I - . .: . . i. No Sunday or holiday work. rtnpmm tn Ron: lOfl TThe Statesman. X i .1 ikJ.. . '!. ri A M) RKBICI WIU. WW - Spartan Electric i rnns-RiM -r ANTIQUE FIREARMS THE HOUSE of DON. 266 N. Cgpltol kULfiPL-X SAW. No. 40A. 1 set IS and 7-tnch Dado. Timberline and T1- 1 Wlk-r a -inrh iointer. Adas -ewer iii-i drill nrnaa ciectnc ennaex. bun saw, i . -m-m A . t- Modern, i Econ, Eosy M'th-1 Fairbanks scale. Clyde E. Moore. 14441 111 II K lV5l LUAilO toon leader. Harriet. Robinson, iw i Clears unes or koois, ureue, v ' i g. -ith St. , i a t-m a-tttr FTTRN LVSTOCX. . ii l TV c.- A... Trn.l Hm.l i1143 8th BtJ W Salem Fn T404. I .,s,t WP -... r-i'.,r"- vxr v rW-. i-aT. is,--rrr- -i., r-1 .r" . .r. r,, - jt--,- t farm mach.-no - . i ii .iiii.w, "" j a ll J- I i- t - H.-nltm- R. fhitaUnS I T im m townTH .-TPe-rcy. Phono 2358 eve- fceT Ph, 3-1233 4020 E State SL I ' hxrVeST SACT-S. Northwest PouU ox 190. 1 PAINT IX t St papering sree mmumrnvm. 1SQ9 w. Front. Fhone 7007. ; tEKS wanted. Reciaier 1 Ph 9513 857 Shlrminfj I "fcVtf frt. Parage door eomptete wit now will start picking around Aug. L I PAINTER and Paperhang-r. Reason- I tosKj track 8-8-70 $63.00. rnn tt vaii desire. Louis R. Harvey. I ahi m-e Free estimate- B- J I irriTrn tttt rvni simPLY TNC. RL i. Box ISO. BUverton. Oroea 23L I Woodworth. Ph. 8018. I ft Blk. West Keizer School i terms of repayment with- I "',1 u"t T,i. Monhith 6473, - nV A'KrRiLNew ---drm. home. AT- FAIRMOUNT HILL. 3 BR wow tn re-son. Cash for. .Real Estate con- i&TTfv i nr i-b-rni: house by I taehed aarase. auto, oil heat.. V. blinds. I Unfinished up. LR. rr. iw. tracts and : secona nvrwwmm. 1 . "V"T t m.o.n. 7470. I -.ir ruora. Clone In. Phone 24601 eves. I Bath. Utility. Atrna -r. '."--T7U' CAPiTOL S ECURITU 9 i. I a- i'- - I rT7T-rVTnroi-Ww t lot. 811.000.00. WU1 GO 1W- -f- aB-s(BaBBBii a w -b rr " . . : I wirTt rAUI i 1 . I lots. ea. 72x103. iwr w uhp. Int 1 I MTO ti ATTRACTIVE. 88900. SUNDAY. - 1 bedroom home on a beatutlful lot with apple, cherries -end walnut trees; full basement, oil jheat, pawed - street and sidewalk. Close tn. Onlyi $8730. See Vic at 280 N. Church or Phone' 8710. .:'hioirERTisrNO : v; Westeht Adyrt!sln Wrd-Crirf!th Company, tno. 1 . Srui rranciaee . ta Pioneer Trust Bide Phono TQ Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Wsfl Bank told Quarters) SIX BEDROOM. Older type borne - mm r - . ... . -. i lmrwm vmno I rtrm. home, nicely linisnea. .v u n. wra wunun i . ... I KdwL floors elec. heat. Its ready j LR. DR. Kitch. Bath. Plenty rthaj; to movelnto Cll Walt Muicrave. Ins. Breakfast Nook. Fil Baeme rtl. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS Wired for range. Elee Hoi wtr ..WJr. 'i-r--s- n IIP- .- w trt r w n ntjssoris. ar i un s. ' - i mr-rm. g LOTS & ACREAGES WEST SUEM ANTJ NEAR WAU ivu- . . . i .. . I , IVi . inni.i ... i.iu mzi ii . ... I - , . . r , ; l rarrwiin . . . -i;. , w-.t $3-30 DOWN. Poe-iion 10 oays. - l ireea. - i- " - .A lu.il Wear 1 DVOIfrr " ' 1 Help Wanted ftlale Phone 242Q8 SI A N Chim4i. Phone 8502. WOODCU ri-KS. Phillips Bros- . 6, Box 118 Salem. Ph. 68F22. EXPERIENCED fender Js body men and" mee an lcs. See tr. tae-rhart I From $25.00lto $300.00 Lie. No. S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS ' RepaymenU op to 24 months ON IVTt MODELS From $50.00 to $500.00 FoialeMliseenancoiia Commercial Sand & Gravel tfB-f ratOT ZSm7ZMm GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. S. of Ladd ex B-S- Barn. some with trees. ' . ji . . . I -4nA ivmi'U eU' Ili davs. Si I trees. .n 1 1 r i m. im f " - . , n ABI-r 5a mrn.rn.im , . I . Iun- rarmmT DUUI DTlBIIUUli -- mm - " , .- - ..-! K-ir( CVM T.AKC.E LJ 1 . a if -$r5-C.ad. D, 100 x 100. Vlawleo y.. 9 offer, location. lOT. '"u."" "'"" JT-. I ri"r rwMrt wtr Mr. Garagr $2500-Klngwood Dr. View lot. Make of ige smoj- tmercTl St. Turn cs Vnge and Oil Clr goes. $2500 down rer. . i i. -hr an umwir iuh mm oniv aja.vw 11 ..-. - --- -700 Cehler Rd. 8 A. Chorrlos ona I ". " I L iMLoa. CALL ED BYRKIT. I . . . . . ., . i o i .I i.i. .- I . . . .m. IS A limner. v an. mo , . I k.w . ft B i(h dinine rm. I mjj b iwui : $6500 Frontage on wauaco no. wm i . i i Center St. 687 Nor-1 338 Cboroenrta lrlnei or court site. l$170O down. . "Off wonwr - '"-1 Event R. Tnhprwood Realtor i ruriN. cabiw; tittle r fork ur fcARc ! PH. ST1L Wallace Rcod. RL L Box 163. . - r"'.-';'. .worth: toglrood echoola. Opportunlt y to rer or - I :;" -r.i .v-., .- i tri i rooms, nico comer w.n. --T -. av -nai-i, - ail i ph. 8981 or nice vm Eastern Advertising : f. ' RcprcsentallvsTt Ward -Ortrf ith . Cor-pany, two. Clue go. r York.. Detroit. . Boston. Atlanta '.'., Membei ! " ' " Pacing Coast Dlvljloo ' Bureau of Advertising i CMered el the Po4roffve at ism. Oreoom eg Smrona Class Hit ter Pw bitSee1 rry awmwa' r. eepg Sfewdey 6kiniil olce 11$ fowl A Comnteretai . Street r.r CsTI 8-8277 ' f ETGLD-R HOME i ims. near Senior Hlgb aFd it 12 lxth St.. Went Salem A-I AUTO MECHANIC. Hudson exp - 11 . I K -- . t lti.l Kf..u. TlV.-e I .. T"-- T-, o..hl1.h. I dlrL. alignment mecnan-c a mvta , ... I wiu m r 77 i . 1 I r ,T .reWL W to selirTernL W0 IMorningsido. Out g AU ,T t-.NUoolt jR-tcliff off of Hulsey Ave. ,iprk$8auo. trees. All furnishings inc. ti big i Jjuded. el - NAT--, exit cominona. toilet tanks with r witnoui mm. . v,w MCCam Ave. Qtl uvenon n Ph. 21966 C4 213 S. Commercial St. t naa i . . ..--. refrigerators. -n hm and water h wTa e at r-L-si.mW-. 5-Tr-i-t I yeater Appllancx co. UA5 nXCTRXO k7ner-Vt.r"'Rou-.:LebVrPh S-mr FvVrph. 2-4,-m31jg0 -IffS' t AT t- wr. ; &.lm for tne I """" " - --- -- f , - -j phone 76)68 money. 1 blk. ..of Marxe m j Vw ra ST 8VL -rootage. $-450. Phono 4SU I and 3578 N. $U SL RaTem" lor the I i -nc. can at ivta w. , . wket 16-1 nro-R-SXIX by owner: 1 138 gv Commercial SW ltXZ i JnVLSTmXnt. good houfe $ -rt inquire gui . a f una att. : SUBSCItlPTION HATES ' Matt fNbscrtptl-O Rates IH Ad Vance: Within Oreguni Dally "d Sunday Mo 60 centsi 8 rnos, $3 23; I year $4 M fOsewiteie 63 cents r me or 81 28! for I veer ta advasco. Per copy 8 cenU J ii. Br City Carrier T3 Vents a montv 8S.M O yoari t odvsa S l-araiMl Valley Motor C, St. Phono 8-68. 238 N. Liberty