The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 22, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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'1 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Thtgaday. July 22, 1943
Madison Jones, 9fKYear-01d
Local Pioneer Farmer Dies
. (Picture on page 1.) ;
m " Madison L. Jones, 99, early
: farmer who developed the fertile Lake Labish district, died in Port
viand Wednesday afternoon at about 4 o'clock.
- Jones, father of Ronald EL Jones of Brooks and jEllis H. Jones
of Salem, would have been 100 next March 29- Funeral arrange
taenia will be announced later
but! interment will take place in
the Pioneer cemetery at Brooks.
Retired At H
Last public appearance of Wil
lamette university's oldest living
graduate who" crossed the plains in
1853 took place in i4f at uroow.
Her attended a birthday dinner
given in bis honor by the Masonic
lodre there, of wnicn ne was a
charter member.
Jones retired at the age of 80
from eastern Oregon wheat farm
ing. He has been living with
daughters in Portland and Arling
ton. A bronchial ailment, con
tracted last summer, hastened his
Indiana Natfva
The deceased was born March
29. 1849. in Kokomo, Ind. He
came to Oregon and tha Willam
ette valley in 1853 with his father
S. W. R. Jones who died in In
diana in, 1911 at the age of 97.
The family pioneered the Brooks
He married Emma Jane Hoven
den of Hubbard in 1880. Mrs.
Jones died in 1939 at the age of
1 Jones graduated Willamette
university in 1871. He also at
tended law school, passed his bar
examination, but never practiced
Legislator ,-
In 1882 he was elected to a term
In the house of representatives
of the state legislature. He served
as a member of the state fair
board from 1915 to 1321 and was
president of the Oregon Hop
Growers' association prior to 1910.
He led the way to establishing
the Lake Labish drainage district
which cleared and drained the
rich bottom-land north of Salem
Jones moved to eastern Oregon to
farm wheat in the early 1920's.
The deceased was a member of
the Methodist church. Brooks AF
& AM and of the Al Kader shrine.
In addition to the two sons,
Ronald and Ellis, the deceased is
also survived by three daughters,
Mrs. Anderson M. Cannon of
Portland, Mrs. John Withycombe
of Portland and Claire Jones Gray
Los Angeles, Calif., a sister,
Mrs. Sarah Clark. 90, of Port
land: nine grandchildren and 13 V
4 Salem Couples
To Attend Y's Meet
At Long Beach
Four Salem couples are to at
tend the international Y's Men's
convention August 15-20 Mn Long
Beach, Calif., local chapter leaders
announced Wednesday.
Ronald Hudkins is official del
egate and Robert O. Smith alter
nate. Treasurer Everett Clark
and Advisor Gus Moore also plan
to attend. All will be accompanied
by their wives.
Members of Salem chapter and
their families are to visit Camp
Silver Creek this Friday afternoon
and evening.
Assembly called for 2 p.m. Sunday,
August 1. 194 at Marion Square. Sa
lem. Oregon. Electors ot the Progressive
Party of the 1st Congressional District
of Oregon wtU meet la assembly to
consider nominations (or the office of
V. S. Representative from the 1st Con
gressional -District of Oregon to ap
pear on November I. IMS ballot of the
Progressive Party. This assembly caller
by following electors of the Progressive
Party of the 1st Cong regional District
of Oregon:
A. M. Church. 1400 ti. Summer St.
fculu M. Phelps. 5209 N W. Cons St .
Pearl D. Formick. 2460 Z. Nob Hill. S.
B. Dodge. Rt. 1. Box 27J. Philip A.
Tussmg. I1M S. 14th St.. all of Salem:
Clyde A. Munger. Chester M. Girt. J. E.
B rough, all of Rainier: Mrs. Zula Be
den. John K. Belden Dayton Holloway.
William Edward Wallu. all of Rt. 4. Al
bany; Leslie A. Pete. 118 3rd St.. Forest
Grove: Margerie Bancroft. Rt. t. Box
74. Portland i David Eakins. Uth at
Jackson St, Hendry W. Hendricks.
ZS30 Orchard St, Mrs. Clarice Hen
dricks. 2S20 Orchard St.. Lois T. Mer
rix. J25 N. 2Sth St.. Charles H. Skinner.
9m Tyler. L. R. LaVaUec. 90S Tyler.
Carlyle Cole. 2121 Monroe, W. R. Sy
monds, 333 N. 15th St.. Lee. Symonds.
33 N. 15th St.. Mrs. Ethel Vattesv 735
S 14th t.. Mrs. Jam McLean. 2120
Harrison St.. all of Corvatlls; Charles
F. Henne. Tidewater; Shirley M. H as
kin. 413 Jefferson St, Milwaukee;
Mary H. Davis. Tait. Box 734. Toledo;
Mrs. William Pittman. 17 Morton St..
Newberg; Robert O. Schwartz. Arnold
Arms. Monmouth: Mrs. C. L. Schneider I
and George Schneider, both of Rt. 1.
Bo 166. Yamhill; Mrs. T. St. Ellis and
T. M. EJlta, both of Philomath. Sly .23 1
Tea have a date
the peat time
yea're te FertUnd far
at the Northwest's
Finest Night Spot
tU 8.W. Salmeai SL-At. S5a
i Vision??
- imt iaw
E. ..' Bering
Imperfect vision la a needless handicap. Hare your eyes
examined and get alasses if you need them. j
. i ' j
; -V -:;V- ' AT r
ltorlng Optleal -
Salem area pioneer legislator and
Dy xne w. i. wgaon company
To Discuss Fire
Control Tonight
KEIZER An open business
meeting in connection with the
proposed Keizer fire patrol will be
held Thursday, July. 22, at 7 pjn.
in the Keizer grange hall. Ques
tions regarding the proposal will
be answered.
Directors and supporters of the
proposed district are currently
canvassing the community for
contributions to purchase fire
fighting equipment.
Petitions requesting formation
of the district are being can
vassed by the Marion county as
sessor s office. If enough signl
tures are contained in the peti
tions, a hearing on the proposal
will be set by Marion county
Keizer families are being asked
to contribute $5 each and busi
nesses as much as possible. Direc
tors said a home for the equip
ment can be secured if adequate
funds are raised.
An open meeting will be held
Thursday, July 22. .at 7 pjn. in
the Keizer Grange hall. Any ques
tions pertaining to the proposed
district will be answered during
the session.
Portland Youth
Granted $1,000
Damages Bid
Judgement of $1,000 was award
ed to a Portland youth in Mar
ion county circuit court Wednes
day in a false imprisonment suit
brought against Safeway Stores,
An additional request from
plaintiff for $7,500 punitive dam
ages was denied by Circuit Judge
George Duncan on motion of de
fendant. The juryk in turn, pared
down the" general damage request
from $1,500 to $1,000.
The suit was brought against
the store and Joseph Wangler,
store manager. It charged that
Stonewall Jackson, 15, of Portland
was taken into a back room of
the Court street Safeway store
and searched by Wangler April
5, 1947, when the Jacksons were
in town from a nearby hop yard.
Helen Jackson, mother of Stoner
wall, charged that the occurrence
humiliated and embarassed her
Both Wangler and young Jack
son testified that the youth had
no ' store merchandise in his
pockets when searched.
Kids Dress-Up
Day Scheduled
Kids who like to dress up had
better hope for a cooler day Fri
day, for it's annual dress-up day
or the city-school playgrounds. The
contest will start at 2 pjn. on the
neighborhood playgrounds.
A wares will be made, according
to Director Vernon Gilmore, for
the prettiest costume, best char
acterization, best foreign, funni
est and most unusual costumes.
8:15 P. M.
Waters Field
Salem Senators
: Vicioria
Bex Seat ReservatioBa
: Pheae 4C47
: I me? lstoir r-
si ass m ! Vkta
Freddie Keller
; and Orchestra Jj
;Clnb Gooba &
iwjj rpnuna ivoaa
!j it,.
Iff I - 4 W
WASHINGTON, Jmly 21 The pet office department released the
a bore photograph ef a comme ns arm tire stamp In Washington. The
Oregon Terrltery stamp will gm mm sale at Oregen City, Ore Aag.
14, (JP) Wirephete to The Statesman.)
j IPimlbpc IHleeirdIs I
Lola Andersen vs. Derrel Andersen:
Defendant files answer admitting and
denying and la further answer seeks
divorce, charging cruel ana mnumu
treatment and asks for custody of two
minor children.
Ruth Marie Johnson vs. Dyle Frank
lvn Johnson: Decree of divorce re
stores plaintiffs maiden name of Ruth
Marie curtias.
Doris Elizabeth Curry vs. Neal Allen
Curry: Decree of divorce awards plain-
tuf custody of two minor cnuarcn, re
stores forsner name of Doris Eliza'
beth . Rett and. approves property set-
Claude Kenneth Castle, vs. George
Alexander, state prison warden: Order
allows petition for writ of habeas
William B. foster vs. Clara roster:
Decree of divorce to plaintiff restores
defendant's former name of Clara
Stonewall Jackson, by guardian Hel
en Jackfon. vs. Safeway Stores. Inc..
and Joseph Wangler Jury awards
$1,004 general damages to plaintiff in
false Imprisonment suit.
Allwin r. Kenfteld vs. Dorothy ray
KenfieW: Decree of divorce awards
platntiff temporary custody of a minor
cfaUd; and defendant custody of a mi
nor eh Ud.
Erwin E. Batterman vs. Henry D.
Palmer and others: Suit seeks $17,923
allegedly due for services and goods
rendered by plaintiff and asks that
plaintiff's lien be foreclosed.
Doan fleeter vs. Kobert K.. Keefer:
Suit for divorce charging cruel and
inhuman treatment asks for custody
of two minor children. $40 per month
support money for each child and cer
tain personal property. Married May
S. 1945. at Salem.
Valdaria Bennett vs. Ralph Bennett:
Decree of divorce grants plaintiff cus
tody ot uiree minor children and ad
vances matter of support money to
a later date.
Vera Mae Kosanke vs. Donald Har
old Kosanke: Decree of divorce awards
plaintiff custody of a minor child and
$35 per month support money.
Fredricka Frey estate: Order author
izes sale of personal property.
Lillian May Bitney estate: Final ac
count set for hearing on August 23.
George Cawrse estate: Executor au
thorized to settle certain real property
Vernon Elwood Canfield. Salem route
8. failure to stop at a stop sign, fined
$1 and costs.
CasDer Mike Schweirert. S4S Mar
ion St.; Richard Frank Smith. 687 N.
Capitol St.: Alfred Carl Lave. 2350 State
t.; Earl Erhardt Huber. Marion: Rlcn-
ard Kinnan. 457 S. Commercial St., and
Donald Everett LaBranche, 3870 La
Branche ave all charged separately
with having no operator's license. S3
fine suspended on each on payment
of court costs.
Albert John Braun. FT9 Spruce at..
failure to stop at a stop sign, fined
$1 and costs.
Mabel Beulah Whiteford and Cdy
Lancelot Whiteford. both of 2490 Broad
way St.; Philip Andrew Jackson. 2470
Doaald way: Emtl Cornelius DeBauW.
Portland: Gerard Lav erne Porter, Sa
lem route 2; V. Omer Huff. 460 N. Uth
st, and Edward Lukinbeal. 440 N. 14th
st.. all charged separately with an-
glina in a closed stream, each fined
$25 . and costs with $20 suspended on
each fine.
Joseph die Leclerc. 1231 Sixth at.
' - ' i"". .i'fc v
oun EirnnE stock of
Even Though Prices Are Going Higher We Must
Room lor Incoming Stocks,
233 IL High St
Stamp for State
West Salem, passing on crest of hill,
fined $5 and costs.
Vert Eugene Ammon, Salem route
5. no operator's license, fined $5 and
Raymond Gallagher. 1815 Norway St..
violation of the baste rule, fined $5
and costs.
Walter Adolph Brarkhahn. Portland,
passing with insufficient clearance,
fined $10 and costs.
James E. West. 1S50 Yew st driving
with defective lights and brakes, fined
$2.50 on each charge.
Thomas D. Chastain. Silverton. viola
tion of (top sign, posted $2J0 bail.
Warren A. Stanton. 17S4 Market st,
violation of basic rule and driving
without operator's license, fined total
of $15 on both charges.
Donald C. Mauldlng. Silverton. haul
ing logs without permit, posted - $15
Edward A. Remington. 20. United
Air Lines employe. Portland, and
Carolyn Ann Weeks. 18, typist. Salem.
Dean Shull. 22. soda dispenser. 729
S. Uth St.. and Maydeen Walden. 19.
cashier. 1106 Mission St.. both of Salem.
Cordon Lit tie John. 27. student. 1255
N. Summer St.. and Stella Pearl Tee
son. 2. music teacher. 410 S. 14th St..
both of Salem.
Glenn E. Nado. clerk. Silverton. and
Nellie C. Johnson, technician. Salem.
Salem Band to
Play Tonight
Salem's municipal band will
perform again at 8 o'clock to
night in Willson -park, under di
rection of Prof. Maurice Bren
nen. He has announced the fol
lowing program:
Senn Triumphal Huffer
Sequoia ,. .- LaGassey
KnighUbridge March Coates
Midnight in Paris. Conrad and Magidson
Conqueror March . r-,. . Leike
New Moon Selection Romberg
Intermezzo - Coolidge-Taylor
It's Only a Paper Moon .. . Arlen
Hail to Old Glory Jewell
Opens :45-
CVTai AMrf.
Second Featare
Kaeeee Ates At Lame. Root
Bazsy Henry
O Lanps
- r , i
twN- , --r"j
Yfr- " ' z:i lt II
O Shades
O Floor Lanps
O Bridtje Lamps
6 Dccoralive Pollery
AH Hems Are Late Fttrchaaes
Buy A Beautiful Floor
Lamp at 1 off
Home BiiUding
High in Dallas
DALLAS Building permits Is
sued from January 1 to June 30
far exceed those of .the same, pe
riod last , year, according to the
office of William BlackJey, city
auditor. Residential construction
and remodeling accounts for the
largest number, of permits,- which
total $191,090.: Six business and
industrial projects amount to
$11,050 and two church remodel
ing projects total $4,000, bringing
the total to $196,140. .
The most popular areas lor resi
dential construction at the; present
time are the Dallas-Salem high
way near the city limits;. Miller
avenue in the east part of the
city and the FJlendale district west
of the city.
t i fill irrn HririL-fwl f
m, aouva amav ca aim wft&a
For Angling) in
Little North Fork
Closing of the Little North Fork
of the Santiam river to angling
by the state game commission July
15 brought a number of hooked
fishermen into Marion county dis
trict court Wednesday.
Seven anglers were arrested
Sunday on the stream by state
police and charged with anglins? in
a closed stream. All pleaded
guilty Wednesday and were fined
$25 and costs each, with $20 sus
pended on each fine.
Police told the court that three
others were cited to appear later
this week.
The seven who appeared Wed
nesday include Mabel and Guy
Whiteford. 2490 Broadway St.;
Philip Andrew Jackson, 3470 Don
ald way: Gerard Laveme Porter.
Salem route 2; V. Omer Huff, 480
N. 13th st.; Edward Lukinbeal. 440
N. Uth sU all of Salem, and Emil
Cornelius DeBauw, Portland.
21-4 JP) A new pilgrim band 29
Baltic born men. women and chil
dren made this old colonial port
today after 43 days in a small sail
ing craft on the Atlantic.
Tear Top Shew Valise!
Robin Heed Returns
Jon Haul iit:
Companion Fan-Hit!
Sell to Make
Phone Hearing
Airs Relations
Of Companies
Relationship between the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph Co. and
the American Telephone and Tel
egraph Co. was the subject of
testimony introduced Wednesday
in the state public utilities com
mission hearing on P.TJtT. re
quest for rate increases in Ore
gon. .
Oregon General Manager F. D.
TeUwright of P.TA.T. said his
company operates under license
contract with the American com
pany, paying it 1 per cent of
its revenue in order to take ad
vantages of such services as arc
made available by Bell Telephone
Harry C. Getz. assistant comr-
troUer of A.TAT, testified that
in 1947 the Pacific telephone com
pany's Oregon operations turned
over $323,682 to A.TAT. Of the
total expense Incurred by A.TAT.
during the year. $371,328 was
charged against Oregon, he said. ;
The hearing in Salem Chamber
of Commerce rooms will continue i
today. 1
5-. fr-?'
. , " . ,. f. it
.' ; t f
1 V
(Ml " '"'vl
' . i . I jjj; ;;
'Stretch 'for Limfy 1
Pause for it Coke
, ' 1 1 S y r . , , 1. , 1 ',- '
1, 7- L 4
- J
Oregonians Invited
To Attend Banquet
During Centennial
Gov.1 John H, Hall has Issued a
blanket invitation to residents of
Oregon to attend . the governors
banquet which will climax Ore
gon's territorial centennial cele
bration on August 14 in Portland.
Reservations are tx ng accepted
at the Portland Chamber of Com
merce.! Governor IlaU said -the
Masonic temple sunken ballroom,
where the banquet will be held, is
inadequate to accommodate . all
who wish to attend, and reserva
tions will be made on a first Come,
first served basis.
Governors of the states which
were a part of the original Ore
gon territory were expected to
attend along with Oregon's I con
gressional delegation and, mem-
f 003 &pm:izt3
t-i -t --jrvi-a
She Ruined Them AH . .
The Men She Tormd"
The Men She Hcrtedl
XTJt. a -if
Meet aa evil a baneh of seoaadrels aa
ever rained their friends and wrecked
each ether! f
of Ihe FOREST!
Rollicking Musical Fan-Feat
Leaded with Romance Melo
dies! j
Color Cartoon
Warner News
-5. -
bers of the American Pioneer
Trail association.
Storta At Dusk I
1 1 i
Errol Flyna
Asa 8heridaa;
"Silver KiverTI i
i 1 1 ;
Celer Featarette
Tower Beiiindl
; Tha Katiogi
. ? . ; ;
Celer Carteenv
Late . jNews; I
Matinee DaUy Franx 1 p. aa,
: " : . New 8hewinf!
Thrll Ce-IIit! .
1:4 S p. m.
, a fi . -FLAYING
Caaale, Bennett
Gary Grant!
I 1
Leretfa Tetuig
New! Opens 8:45 p. sn.
! ii
Ce-Hit! Jfimmy,Wske!r
ffr" -m -ffr
v I " r 'rfcfrr
asswf V afaV
m i&. v v M
' 1 ill:
ill: "
; ' ' 1 ! I
it- x
i-'t-' -