-- : " - - - -1 '.!- 'I ' ". f - . : f S . I - I. " It: ' - ' . - : I ' . - ; I! t na.anwnnnB-swe.p-- m m naa-ew enemas "i m'T i Tho Statesman. Salem. Omqon. To day July 23, It 13 ?J A U mm BELTS 1 97 Genuine Leather Belts - Regularly 235 to 4.95 Raemar's 4C State 81. t i . S SI 'H,i:i it'i'ipi'iii I'iiimy i ':. t Paints - Wallpapers - Decals Supplies i i n OH Any Purchase OF ANYTHING IN OUR STORE. McGILCHRIST 4 SON 25S No. On! it Phone 478 (lit 1 I 1 WITH THIS COUPON Hamburg Steak With French Fries, Salad and Toast SPECIAL GOOD ONE DAY -ONLY The Cupboard Cafo Ceraer SUte and Hifb St. MSP3) 550 I 1 &3 l9 lu ir McALEER SIDE CAR CARRIER For those Iteats too lone to carry inside yeor ear. Fits any cv, easily attached. No bolts or screws. : Caaaet nur your car. Reg. 4.95. Tues. Only, $L98 " Keith Brown Lumber Yard I 1 fr p f This Coupon Good for $5.00 Discount Just receiTed! lOt new. fall eoaU '4 P"r 'wool covert cloth. I Ree. 450 values, QQ CA Fields Price - OiUU PLUS , a discount of 5.00 for this coupon if purchased today! FIELDS - - 426 State St. f , liwAi. Free photo of your baby, , W JrXlUKJ on presentation of this V VU FREE coupon Tuesday. )) St - f ! McEWAN'S 43$ State. Salem Zt Oak. SlUerton fV i - - ' -i- .h) Ip"1"" 1 1 BaaBaaaisaaa h titmnT ffnirarm nf?nifr. StecTdeos raltoTcr. All Wool Sweaters .65 Fez Cologne, Tale, After Share Lotion. pneo S&N CLOTHIERS . 458 Stato - .aw.-- ,. a 1 . - i . new I JUMi TRY mm A PORTABLE TYPEWRITER FOR 3 MONTHS I FREE If jtm aro thlaklaa aboat bvjing m portable typewriter for.faU aad wiater ae iMl defay. Neeibaaa'a now have aew Royals, TJiitimidi aa Orona portables. Uaar oar rental witk option to pnrehaaa plan yen may rent for. S Mentha a er reralar. ratea amy at porUblea. if at the anal of that tiaae yen decide to hmy then we -will dednet the aaaeaat of rental paid yen hare had the nee of the typewriter fee 1 moat as TKEZ TTFTNG INSTKUCTION BOOK airen with a NEW PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. ! NEEDHAM'S BOOK STORE AtiSUUSL . ' -l PheneSStt ananaanaannj V ' V theae i I fij Relarly 15J95 TUESDAY ONLY 9.98 AND COUPON Oak Play Yard ss SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. CT Sew CoaaX Mil X Jork'a - -Jerk They-. stay i Up . an an MEN'S SOX Rey. .7e pair 3 iNiirn loCi pairs S&N CLOTHIERS ' 4S SUt SI. Jlsa,.--- v'Z"' EHJ? 'SEE ESfS IF IMl Tuesday Is ralue day for Salem ! These co operating merchants in Salem are of ferine; yon truly tremendous savings all yon hare to do is dip the coupons to sare dollars. Each and erery item is specially priced for this rreat Tuesday Sales event. Look them oyer clip the coupons and cnt. your cost of liv ing ! It's easier, it's more fun, it's economical to shop on Tuesday t! . ; " :- ' ' ': ! . j. j. v v x - - j . - j,i : 1 YiJJ V Bermuda, Cashmere and ' j i 4 (i Weoi Cardiran. j jj ) l is fl ; n.B5 , t T Vi'Ltr" 44 State SL ! i1 I This money aavktc: sale berjaa when the co-oporat hur aaercnanta open their doors and end when they etoae them! Oneday only today.. To be able to take advaataa-e of these hscr edible savina yea nonet prase nt of the natnre of theae afferla. the aaer- ehaat aaay limit the nnmber of items eald to any These Special Valcss Gccd Only On Tnesday! fVJ f MENfS BRIEFSj j 'Yith this Coupon - M Armyr & Navy Storo j J 4y t Wo. CiwiMinlif rhon 4S4s Ml SELECT ANY 4 Shoppers' ; Special Tuesday Only." . This coupon is your INVITATION to a FREE nerving of NeJklrreu Famous : HOME MADE 1 PIE at ; Nohlgron's Noon-Day frf ti vuiwiwiiu ;; j 44t State SL Open It a.m. - t pm. only IIllllSI (yi vvlnill V ! DISCOUNT M On All BENDDC RADIOS WILLS MUSIC STORE 432 State St. ) 4 SLACK SUITS TUESDAY SPECIAL Reduced to V2 price 4 0 Slate Stree 4 Simplicity Pattern Frco with thiii coupon and pur chaso of material for ? making tho pattern soloctod Greenbaum's DepL Storo t TVot. Ci rrrisl $1.00 Trade in Value For Your Old Iron On any iron we now have in stock (includes , Westinghouse, General Electric, General Mills. Proctor). Yoator Applianco Co 25S No. Liberty r -j . y j 1.1 1 w 1 v 81 Tuesday Special add BLOUSES s, REG. 535 4 SO STATE STREET AV V. W VY"' - JJtX 1 r ,. . i r 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 r TUESDAY ONLY- 1. CO AND COUPON Foldlnf Card Table. Composition Top. -DelifhU Any Hostess. Kef. 1M Vaine. SALEM HOME FURNITURE CO. 1J7 So. Cml vl-mfilliHnfilT-MliH!fiyr Colgato Tooth jPowdo'r MONEY SAVING j OFFER h VL : p Regular 29c giant sixe lua 21c largp size. Ih for only Bed' Cross Pharmacy Corner State. A ;Hirh ' 1 h -4j ) fc 1 ki e C v 1 li li 1 1 1 a ! H.U i M t ' X BnonnnT -nnnw aB-s""'ns"nanw- -aw nnaasBnBr 'nnawaPnnnawBnaaaaavassaannn Mehs Sweaters )3i Two Tone Button Fronts W f Reg. 30 to 4.95 ' (7 (0 fl With Thl )) Jj JL.UU Coupon & Limit 1 to a Cnstssasr , V V Army & Navy Storo ill V ttS No. Comaaeretai Phone 4S4S f?J (0 m p Secimless Hose ) Reg. 15 & 130 j ' 69c d;ir y - , f 44 Stoto St. J fib'' 7 ;;- :' . 1 - '.. , m CO (ft y Ml V5 I Tl , fc -v-i-ri-vt fannnafct,,aanaBsfcsanafc. ) r-4-M;.) ABJBVCKLJrS have a spot rial an children's shoos Irons 4 to Urfe sum ft. Visit onr ehiidrea'a - shoe ' 1 i 2oC3 a3e3 ;U .1 iubncizlft s. Inc. 411 Stato i.v . I ) ) ) ) Ladies' Hancbags 00 Regular 8.93 to 10.93 Genuine. Suede Leather and Genuine Leather Raemar's 4MSUU8L . i SWEATERS Special r 2.95 100 Wool SUpon i All Sizes A Colors. ' 5.35 & ftSS Values. ' f LfeS NEWMAN'S mSe. CemX i' Men Wear i 7 esy Inc.. If , . .. JHf 7 V v V fa ti'. r.-ii . mi- Tricy clcsr VVagohs and . Scootors h i r ' " t , off any tricycle, wagon or ncooter in stock on presen tation of this coupon Toy & Hobby Shop !' S 1 1 111 N. CemmereUi I ' i 8 V ! 3 Months Rent Free! A new aTsmlnrln Kaad or Allen-Wales Addia Ma., chine la years to nae for S aaentha at ear rervlar rent al rate. If at the end af that time yea decide to bay the machine we will dednet the aaaeant af rent paid from the pare base price. The real costs yon hothia aad, yen ret tne nee of the addlna paeehtne free dartac a S months trial period. - j i Nocdhdm's Book Storo . ... 4CS Stale Si." ' 5 I . Phoae ttt - Salem's Independent Office Machine Dealer I AaBnpvnBks"JBsaasnwMbaBsn ' - y ' ' J' - n 1 ! 2 li. Dric!: Elrcli's i ) CO- o Byron CooloyVi Grocery! XZSt SUto Phone - 1 wa-MW-. ..'!--'