V. , a . r 1 The Ckrtmaa, So3tn Oracoo Tu 3ot Wt t3. It Guard Olympic Torch's Path s ft '.. - ; I) : ; ; ' ' I M- Mr I ,1 -. "a J ''-I ::. -' -f ATHENS, July It. Carrying flaming- torch lighted at Olympla by magnified rays of the an, Greek runner passes soldiers gaard Inr his roate against gaerrillas in Greece. Torch will be carried tn relay bv runners through Europe to site of Olympic times at Wembly Stadium. London. England, ((jf) Wlrephete via ra.a from- Rome to The Statesman.) . I Tiome Pdlice Keep Demonstrators on the liuh . . . 1 1 "i i n i ii it -i . ' . i d7 tiij-i KOBfE. Jaly It A riot saaad ieep loaded with Komaa poUeemen mores down th sidewalk la the Piazza Colonna la th downtown section of the city of Komc as s handfal of people cower against waU and doorway dorinc one of tao depaoastrattoaar set off by the shooting of Palmlro TocUattL eomnranlst leader. Police mad periodic charf es to keep crowds mlndXal of their presence, ((if) Wirephoto to The Statesmaa). UW Professors Participated in Commies, Claim SEATTLE, July 19 -P- Most of the fireworks occurred outside the hearing chamber as the legis lature's un - American activities eofhmittee opened its University of Washinston faculty inquiry to day. ' At the hearing itself, three ac knowledged former communist party members testified to having attended party . meetings wjtn more than half a dozen faculty members. They said they took the educators' party memberships for granted. Two said their associa tions were in 1933-39; the other's were in 1945. Jerry O'Connell, state leader in the Wallace - for - president move, was taken into police cus tody during a demonstration out side the armory where the hearing was in progress. He was booked on a charge of disturbing the peace. Dr. Raymond B. Allen, univer sity president, announced the sus pension of Prof, Herbert J. Phil lips for refusal to respond to a committee subpoena. Witness Moro Jewell, operator of a detective school, said he at tended meeting at the Phillips home while he was a communist party member in 1945.. JET ENGINES ORDERED NEW YQRK, July 19--The U. S. air forces has ordered mors than $7,000,060 worth of jet pilot engines for trainer and utility air craft from the Wright Aeronau tical corporation, engine-building division of Curtiss Wright corpora tion, it wss announced today. Flees vefo .an.inp-pjfcmMB5iafc'""ssooa , ff.:anpwaiw frr X 1 . -t c v V , M j. ' i t . i -' -1- ft Tbo New York Tlatos said It learned that General Aatoaia Bohsuall Haaal (above), senior ranking Czechoslovak army of ficer, has fled Czechoslovakia with his faasfjy to the V. S. zone la Germany. (MP) Wire photo to The Statssmsa ) Bb tfea CTtremit Cnn r ta Stat at Orj fr tko Ciwly t Marion Departs m Prokste In the Matter of the EsUto of . SOPHIA A. TBURMAIf. Dteund. No. 12-T4S -- NOTICE OP PINAL, ACCOl'NT Notice lis hereby given that the un Sermiened. as administrator ef the ea tat of Sophia A. Thurman. decaaaed. haa nled tus Final Account In the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oreeaa for Marian County and that the 4th day of Aufun. ira, at tne nour or 1:3 o' clock in the forenoon ot said day and the Court room of said Court ha been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objec tions thereto and th settlement there of. Dated and first publication. July S. 14. Date f last oublicattoa the Srd day of Aueust, 1S4S. EDWIN HILTON THtTSlfAN ' Administra toe LOYAL M. KcCAHTHT Attorney for Administrator jiy.s-u-ao-rr-Aj Bowiars Attanflon This Is too time to prac tice. Plenty of pin setters. Capitol Bowling AHt 4 Ferry SL Phono 3575 Legion Seeks Memorial Gun One application has boon re ceived for the 155 mm gun which has caused city fathers to scratch their heads recently. Capital post 9, American Le gion, through its commander, Lawrence Osterman, has asked by letter thit the gun be placed on Legion hall lawn, 2650 S. Com mercial st., as a memorial. Mem bers of the post, meeting Monday night, approved the move of -the commander, and it 'is expected that alderman Howard Maple will next Monday, Introduce a resolu tion to city council asking that such acton be taken. Previously Willson park, state This Week n Freddie EeUer jane! Orchestra CI ci Cento 3059 Portland Rotd Huggins Heads Capital Legion; Delegates Set Charles H. Huggins, secretary- treasurer of Huggins Insurance agency, will head Capital post 9, American Legion, following elections held at Legion hall Monday night. Huggins, to sue-, ceed Lawrence Osterman, wiU be installed in ceremonies later thisj were badly hurt and that members year. juf a British family also were in Other officers elected for theJu- 1949 term are Sephus W. Starr, first vice commander; John C. Kerrick, second vicecommander; James Turn bull, adjutant; Chet Zumwalt, finance officer; the Rev. George Swift, chaplain; James Garvin, sergeant-at-arms; Marion . Lamb, quartermaster, and Irl McSherry, historian. Elected to committees were Hans Hofstetter. building; Mem Pearce, cemetery, and Lawrence Osterman. Dave Hoss, Walter Kirk, Rex Kimmell and Claude Martin, executive.. Thirteen delegates elected to the state encampment at Astoria in September are Ira Pilcher, Brazier Small, Al Feilen, James Turn bull, Sephus Starr, Claude Martin, I. N. Bacon, Dave Hoss, Paul' GemmelL Hub Saalfeld, John Kerrick, Rex Kimmell and Art - Johnson. Alternates named are George Feller, Chet Zumwalt, Frank Graham, Don Apperson, George Gabriel, Gene MaleckL Merle Travis, Willard Begin, Ethan Grant, Hans Hofstetter, Don Madison. Marion Lamb and Jack Edwards. Post members endorsed Walter Wood, member of Salem post 138, as candidate -for district two commander. The post went on record urging all stores in Sale mto close for Armistice day. capitol grounds, had been proposed as a resting place fot the enor mous relic of recent wars. The gun is now siorea in a city stor age lot awaiting action by the council. Pieces of salt have been re ported found in an Egyptian tomb dating from about 2400 B. C. Open C:45 Ends To-Day "Out of the Blue Blonde Service Begias Tomorrow Second Featnre -WILD WEST with Ales Al Larve, Kobt, Bassy Henry Stoiiers Slay Yank in Cairo WASHINGTON, July 1-(JP- Stephen Haas, Philadelphia rea estate man, was stoned to death Sunday I afternoon in Cairo by an Egyptian mob, the state depart ment announced today. Haas was a naturalized Ameri can citizen and a Jew. He was in Cairo as a tourist, officials said. Press; officer Lincoln White told reporters several Egyptian companions of Haas and his wife Mrs. Haas apparently was not baaiy hurt. The : state department's an noun cement was based on advices from the Cairo embassy. Cairo itself was raided by Is raeli bombers on Thursday, and the Haas stoning was taken by officials here partly as evidence of taut nerves among the Egyptian population. There have been evidences of increasing anti-American feeling in Cairo and other Arab cities. Republicans Slate Delegate Reports A meeting of Young Republi cans, Marion county chapter, to night at S o clock in the Salem Chamber of Commerce will hear reports; on the reunblican nation al convention in Philadelphia last month by delegates and represent stives, i Salem's Top Shaw Barraln! w v 0 utw iai nJtIEK tSIarm MOMiie owoust mil suSns jf tad Socko Hit! aiaaajiMytUtt w-, X ftAhroiMSW ( . j aUf am sW iV oat era Aloe Brevity-Wi Soconci-Wook Entries in Tho Statesman's S U MMER PHOTO CONTEST Will Bo Accoptod Until Midnight Wednesday! No tntry f po. No obligations. Anyono May Enter Who Takes Pictures Solely, as a Hobby or for tho Family iUbum. i four cUssif lea Hons: (1) Children - animals: (2) portrait - character studj; (3) pictorial - scenery! .'. v-'- 1 1 ' ' 4) News -sports. ? Weekly prizes in each classifleatioa; $70 .first, $5.00 second, 2Z9 third. Grand prtzs of $10 in ' ' " : ' - fft each classification. f Rtiles of the Contest: SL fietarea saast have beea taken slaed Jaaa 1. IMS. U rictares saast be ea glossy vaner. no smaller than Sat and mo larger thaa llxli. . i J. Os the back of each entry mast be pasted a sheet gtrfag year aaase ana aaaress: tao ciaasUicatloa yea are eateriag; daU "the photo, inclnding eanaera aoed. film, shatter speed, diaphragm peninr. fUter, eta, and whatever other iafor- maHoa ts perunent tacladlag Idea tinea tioa of sabjeet m ter, date,.aad eendiUoas asdo which pictare was taken. 4. Eatries hsrsms the property of The Oregon; Stat winners will be pahlished ia this newspaper. f. Ne entries acceptable if they have been or are being entered ta ether eoatests. . : "A J, , ' r ' '; t. Declstesi e tmpaxtlal Jadges wOl be final. 1. Entries shonld bo mailed or broasbt to the Photo Depart ment, The Oregoa SUtesaaaa, 21a 8. CeaaasereUl Si, Sa- - less. Ore. - , " John Koeneke Dies Here; Rites Set For Wednesday Funeral services will be held Wednesday for . John .j Koeneke, former Salem cement contractor who had lived here since 1907. He cued at his home, 1870 Cen ter st, Friday, at the age, of 73, following a three-day illness. Mr. Koeneke was a native of Bremen, Kan., and a lifelong member of the Lutheran church. He was married to Lena Barttel in 1894 at Enid, Okla and they moved to Salem with their fam ily in June, 1907. t Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lena Koeneke; a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hirsekorn; two sisters, Mrs. LfZ zie Lohse, Turnernd Mrs. Anna Brei, Odell, Neb.; four brothers, Thomas, Fred and William Koen eke, all of Bremen, Kan-, and George F. Koeneke, Mission, S. D., and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be : conducted at 10 a.m. Wednesday by the Rev. Mark Getzendaner in the. W. T. Rigdon chapel, followed by in terment in ML Crest Abbey mausoleum. o - i o , . if Jenkim CntCCTT COURT . fe Metvin Waldo vs. .- Harriett Waldo Order continue- divorce suit for- SO days -from May S and continues tem porary custody ot a minor chud to plalntltt. - t Cordelia. Zander vs: Hubert R. Zan der; Suit for divorce ctaarelns cruel and inhuman treatment asks lor res toration of former name M Cordelia Howard. Married May S, 1S3S. at Mis soula. Mont. , : WUUam B. rostes vs. Carla roster Order, -of default filed. : LAraina Borsick vs. Claude Borslck Suit for divorce char sins cruel and Inhuman treatment asks restoration of tlaintuTs maiden name .of Loraino leyerr. " - i Hazel Zdiaon vs. W. J. Kdlson: Do. at marriase annulment crantoa, piainuxrs nam of uazei : Erwin E. Batterman vs. J. m. Friz sell and others: Trial of July SS de- laved to a later date. Bay M. Ramsey vs. Anna L- Ram' sev: Default oroer lasueo. Hugh R. Murphy vs. BeStriee Alene Murptoy: Order of default entered. Jean nuzabeta- Wuaoo vs. Warren K. Wilson: Default order entered..' Nora Bell Hulls vs. Harold Walter Hulls: Decree of divorce restores plain tiffs former nam of Nora Beu snook. A. W. Dodaon and Dasaia B. Dodaon vs. Norma Meeks and ethers: Pacn quiets plainUffs tlU to real property. Rar M. Ramsev vs. Anna L. Ram' lev: Decree of divorce to plaintiff. Hush R- Murpoy vs. Beatrice Alene Murphy: Decree of dtvorco to plainttft. Sylvia A. Lehr vs. John t. Lehr: Da- ere ot divorce restores piainttn s tor mer nam of ayma a. uearntn. Helen Lucil SchtteU vs. Norman John Schuetz: Deere of divorce re stores plaintiffs maiden nam of Helen LMrtle wauiscn. PROBATE COURT Anna M. Eeoey estate: Order seta time for hearing on final report for August II. Clara L. Albert estate: John T. Al Wrt aDOointed executor. Urban ii. Kiwooa estate: uroer ap points X. O. S tad ter. Jr, as adminis trator and Fred Elliott. Rex Gibson and Peery T. Buren as appraisers. Marcarct Aiaruir cuaraiansnip es tate: Order authorizes final account in and closina of guardianship. C. D. McBride estate: Order appoints Hazel McBrkle administratrix and Ired Kaser. Fred Knight and WUlard Hurst aa aDnralsers. Anna Marie H ancle eatat: astaie appraised at SS0. Marearet Campben cuaraiansntp ea tate: Order confirms sal of real prop- rty. . . . William r. Nuttine estate: rmai ac count hearing set for August SI. Emily Mae Hawiey estate: rmai r ler rlnara estate. Ceoree WlUis Herts estate: Order authorizes sale of real property. DISTRICT COURT Frank Winn, transient, charred with attempted forgery, bound over to grand fury following pie of ' guilty, held in Ueu or si.ooo ball-. Darold WUbur Cain. Salem rout. S, charged with no angler's license, trial set for August 11 following plea of Innocent. James Franklin. Salam route X. tall Ucht. fined SS and costs: charged with defective brakes, trial act for August 11 following plea of innocent. Joseph Martin Map, auverton. charged with possession of obscene pictures, fined $30 and costs. Evan Mesenhemar Bankston. 100 Will lama' ave no motor vehicle license. continued for ploa to July z. (UKGAXn 0W!IM K02EIT PtlSTOM OM34T THOJSUS C10XCC KUSTHT KAttM K00TH IDWAID AttJOlD BUTCH KKXm KITTY CAJSHT NOW! I I rJQjaJfcf A Ends Today! C:4S' F. M. Vaa Johnsoa "HIGH i BARBAREC Jean , Farker i "ROIXING nOMaT TOMORROW! Co-Hit: Jiauay Wakely "PARTNERS OF SUNSET" Ends Todcrjl (Tuss) j ' Bod Ccrmaron 'Tcrnluznclls'' I & "Madonna of tha Desartl" Tcnorrow! Box Ollica Opens 6:45 A PAIR OF TE-IUFFICAL Re-issucs! I Cary Grant f Connie Bennett - Roland Young "TOPPER" Co-Kill With a tames the west. low-cut cjown she) 'i; s ma operator's license, sg fin suspended on payment of court costs. Dwlght Leslie Cruber. 1775 Fir st, failure to stop at a stop sign, fined $1 and costs. . : Herbert C. Lincoln. Salem route S, ne motor vehicle license, fined S4 and costs. j . . ' Joseph Milton Oracroft. S1SS Byram rt-. passing with Inadequate vlew;4nd 2 and costs. " Allen Alva Canaan. Salemv no opera tor's license. $5 fine suspended, on payment of court costs. i Rowland Fred Tangerman, Indepen dence, no operator's Ucenae, fined SS and costs. Claud Lester Rodgers. 14S N. 23 rd st no headlights, fined $5 and costs. Darlin Martha Coon. 23B9 8. 12tn sL. voUtion of basic rule, fined S3 and Charles Robert Bprague. Salem route X no operator' Ucenae, SS fin sus pended on payment of court costs. Barbara Joanne O'Brien. S6S N. 19th rt.. no operator's license, fined S3 and coats. j Walter; Alvin Bowman.- Salem route S. inadequate brakes, - fined M and costs. D. C. Robinson. 'Albany, parking la restricted area. S3 fine suspended on payment of court costs. ' ' James William Lea. Salem root S. no operator's larsns. fined $3 and costs. Lena Martha Hijdobrands 7 N. Z3rd st, no opera tris Ucenae. S3 fin sus pended on payment of court coats. Virgil Glen Cook. Salem route 2. no stop Lght. fined S3 and costs. Alvin Oscar Christ on. Brown Is land hop yard, charged with angling without a hcense, trial set for Septem ber 14 following ploa of Innocent. Glen Albert Utterbeck. Salem route t. no operator's license. 33 fine sus pended on payment of eburt . costs. Stella Irene Pierce, Salem route 4, no operator's license. $3 fin suspended on payment of court costs. Kenneth D. Ahrenklel. Salem rout 3. charged with larceny, bound ever to grand Jury following plea of guilty; held m lieu of $L0OO bail. KtJlCTAi; COURT ' Carl Bdmond Roth. Lebanon, viola tion of anu-nolso ordinance, posted 1S bail. , i Kenneth Ray Class. Coos Bay, vio lation of anti-no ia ordinance aad fail ure to stop at intersection, posted total Of tlLM bell on both charges. Paul H. Hall. Portland, no operator's Ucenae charred, case continued. Lonnle William Caves. San Lean dro, Calif, allowing unlicensed per son to operate motor vcblcle, posted S3 bau. John Calvin Baker, Turner, charged with reckless driving and havlne void driver's ucenae, posted total of fiS bail on both charges. 1 i Wintoa X. Zimmerman, Salem route -.WloUtion of basic ml, fined SIS. Duk M. Gust. Salem rout S. viola tion of anti-noise, ordinance, posted 913 bail. -i . j Jack N. Menear, 190 E. Owens it fa 1 hire to atop, posted 32.30 bail. Gerald Hall. S4S N. 17 th St.. viola tion of noise ordinance, posted 320 ball. Carl Chancer Beatty. 'SIS N. Com mercial st, driving with void . license plates and void driver's license, fined . total of 333 on both charges. . . Edward Ogle. 32S Union st, rhsrged wtui movtng notor verlcle without consent of owner, posted S3 bail. MAKUAGE UCN8E APPUCATIONS . Howard NeaL IB. farmer, and Imo Parker, VS. domestic, both of Turner. Carl Kuren Jensen. SI. Ore on lan branch snanager, Mul CUy. and Patri cia May Kerry IS, domestic, Lyons route L? ; - i Doublcheader Tonight :3Q P. M. Waters Field Salca Senalsrs Vicloria Bex Seat Reservations ' rhoae 4647 r Ends Today I Bad Slcallon Tullar Brush Mfm'' (TuasJ & "Where) the North Begins" - . - e 1 Q rhoae S4f7 'o Matlaee Dally rroas IP. t 0 stahts Tuiionnou! i' SCORES OF GORGEOUS! . '. ' I flQUMUTIES...SlAIS: 1 li VILLAINOUS IDOL'S " . ; ...... j- e-f-v AaazlBx! AttonUhlni ! Dtllf htfill J Tfci weird csd wendtrfid stent Klnz- p doa cf Pttrls and Its ruthlns rtn tod tyrtjt ... dtaSy fot cf Tintn, tottitr cf fcls forblddsa Btridlsil eat ftsastt taisnsfan sitaesaaf j v. TaTZSfltrsosthttoxspa . H Oatoa k Ms flawstl I --Tssea. tsaaw iris ef asetsss Ic K rttse sal fwaflliB vose I , tot the Biasstsf attopas I tit klfsapsf kride. tarrlflsd sva-asrtflei ts art takil the fsJassas; sf rare, Brtcstsii r V w tat aU tosjrk wtSat kutj arts sirs-, sft tmm 1 ) io:o i i V i) iiissnaiifi iii sUiiU.i ui&aiuiieUa rrodiicsi it SCI LESSD Diraxts4 1, c::st nx:i7 j Orlemsl Sterr Stisosaj CAiutOU tOUhfl " md Him Ml rtwMet .. Collar ' 1 "Flame: The ;T7onder Dog! HZ vtoily Y II v t , if n i i ... - !V - -.. 'it 3 Plus I- JLatest News !