O O 'ODD! 0 0:0 O C3 O O .E3 O O O O 3 O 11 The Statesman. Sal in, Oregon. Tuesday; July 20, ' IMS Unit Planned InCoimtyArea . ; ,V- K' :! ' !, ' Seabee reservists of Marion county are pointing toward an or ganized unit for regular training; within the next two months, local leaders said after a meeting with navy leaders of this district. As soon as Seabee reserve re cruiting, -under Lt Ray Webber, doubles the outfit's present volun teer strength to f the prescribed unit strength of five officers and 40 men, the unit win start train ing on a pay basis, reported Lt. Charles Day, assistant Seafiee of ficer for 13th navy district, who was in Salem Friday. The Seabee unit will coordinate its training with the local navy re serve organized training division under Lt Comdr. David Morey. At its last meeting the Sea- bees also endorsed the Salem area disaster service plan as explained by Salem Fire Chief W. P. Roble. The Seabees offered the assistance of technically trained members in time of need. SP Promotes 1 v r Stay ton Area To Gain Soils AdwceOffice - STAYfeN A two-man office here for the Santiam soil conser vation district is being set up here with a view to rendering technical advice to fanners to save soil and use it to best advantage. Directed by the department of agriculture, the office will be in charge of L. H. Burns, work unit conservationist from Gervais. The other member of the office is M. O. Biever, engineering aide, who has been transferred from Soledad, Calif. I . ' XV. Corbett. former Portland division superintendent for the Southern Paeifle railroad, who has been promoted from Paci fic lines . general manager to operations vice president for SP, with offices in San Fran cisco. Bi E. IIa.Ha well succeeds Corbett.- who replaces the late L. B, McDonald. Idalio Residents Guests at Roberts ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Fry and son George from Malad City, Idaho, are guests of his mother, Mrs. Harriett Fry, South River road. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy M. John son have returned from a two weeks vacation to Boulder, Colo., where they visited with relatives and friends. Johnson is associated with Interstate Tractor Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Nelson, parents of Chet Nelson, left Sat urday for their home at Boulder, Colo. Mrs. NelSon suffered, a heart attack while here but had recovered enough to be taken to Portland by ambulance where she was put on a train. Mrs. Dale Smith; of Oakland, CaliL, a daughter, is making the trip with them. New Bus Fares Now in Effect Increased bus fares involving Pacific Greyhound, West Coast and Oregon Motor Stages are now effective, j The fare between Portland "and Salem is Increased from 80 cents to $1.05 under the new order. The 15 federal tax is extra. The in creases are lor distances under 300 miles. Fares over that distance are not changed. Order granting the increase was released recently by Former Pub lic Utilities Commissioner John H. Carkin. " ? j. Falls City Families On Vacation Trips, Entertain Guests FALLS CITY Mr. and Mrs. Dick Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murray, Grace Coffin and Nor man Davis enjoyed fishing last weekend at East lake. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reeves and daughter spent last . Sunday night with - the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Reeves of Salem. , , - Mr. and MravChancey Ferguson of Vasletz were ' recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Ferguson. - Mr. and Mrs. . Jack Marr and Hall's Ferry Folk Move to Maryland HALL'S FERRY Connie New ton Kealey and husband have left to make their home in Chester town, Md. : Clemens Nichols and Norman Newton left Sunday to spend a week at Camp Pioneer. Redgal A. Rawlins and family have moved into the Simmons place. I Mrs. Jessie Barker of Eugene visited her son, Ray Barker, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Rose and infant son; Terry, have moved into Snug Harbor. Visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Winnie Wilson, is Mrs. B. M Hicks of Bremerton, Wash. ssBssBssaHHHHMnaMMsssssMsssannMsssvHMM j The Hysiery H Slore f !; eaeaBBaBBBBmWSeBStaBiBaBaBB fflPEEJS SQES9M 1 453 Court Sfi NOW Clearance SonSimies ; L Mr. and Mrs. Chests in this Sensationally Low Pries Bedroom Suite! For All 4 Pieces Two Mr. and Mrs. Chests, 32x46 Jjh. mirror and foil sixe bed! in "Dusted Oak." A BegUar S139.M Value! ' Incredible Savings on Other Bedroom Suites. f i II. Cz II Fnrmlure Co.. 1550 Fairgrounds Road 1 " I i Phone 3797 FalrgVoaoads Rd. at N. CctUre . Bobby Marr attended the donkey baseball game In Dallas Tuesday night. ; i A few friends met at the Mil dred. Wray home last Monday eve ning for a no-host dinner. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mur ray, Grace Coffin and Norman Da vis. - v I ; r. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ross cele brated their 40th, wedding anni versary the past week by taking a trip to Crater lake and visiting his brother's f amity at Florence. Gilbert Garry of Los Angeles Is spending the summer with his un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis. - 1 Mrs. Don Sundstrom ' and chil dren were recent house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Plankington of Waldport. Arietta Teal went .to Auburn, D oa d n tif ?n3 o n o Brooks Garden Group Startk Year's Work BROOKS The first meeting of the Garden . club year was $ held Thursday at ' the home ' of , Mrs. Waldo Lowery, with Mrs. I Evelyn Jones as co-hostess. The business Waslv, Thursday morning to spend a week with friends. i Mr. and Mrs. David Borxer have moved home from Paulina. Katherine Richardson visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward K. Richardson, last weekend; She is employed at a Eugene newspaper office. - i meeting; was conducted by the president, Mrs. Elva AspinwaU. The members brought red, white and blue flowers. . fXorsrav life for cut flowers" Lwas the subject of Mrs. Hazel Bartlett'i talk, and Mrs. Ora Gregg talked on how to root slips from cuttings. Ann Lowery entertained with piano solos. , . 4The Garden club received third award for its yearly program book from the Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs. Visitors were Jean Ewing of Los Angeles, Mrs. J. J. Lesher arid Mrs. E. B. Klampe, and Mrs. Will lam Kingston of Salem. ' Fifteen members attended. The annual picnic will be held at the gardens of Mrs. Gertrude Zenger, July 22. Mrs. Elva Aspin waU is co-hostess. Santiam Erosion Gives Concern In Stayton Area STAYTON Reports of ero sion along; the North . Santiam river east of Stayton have caused concern and the city council at its recent meeting instructed the dty recorder to write a letter to the U. S. army engineers asking for advice. Councilman W. L. Frey said he had recently been along the river back of the Giles Brown place east of town 'Where the river was said to have worn away as much as 30 feet in the last year. ' - .Various opinions were express- O'Q'OTV ed as- to the coarse the driver might take in case the spot known locally as lligh Banks' f wus washedt away entirely. Some ero sion Was reported there. I" , I Expert, Reliable men lEIBSD'S C4Q 74Z1 . . 4SS Court tt mm rcnrc nnnmnn - Mil U j u u ro j l j in i Checli These Representative Samples ola Real Deal in Every Day Heeds. Remember! .'There Are Tvo Ways to Save Honey: Drop Dead or Bay From Us ! ! ' n " ' : 1 MlW: DEPT. M, J J I OneCoatl j Covers ! V! CoVer. Any- if ic Economfcal ) f I ' is . Ease-On Inferior j J 1 Pure BrUtle T Brush -p: - On Gallon Silt jl l i 1 mmM sm I I r 1 'i Pouring s. jj. Chalk High Lead Zinc Economical Guaranteed We Guarantee This lo Be the Best Deal on Paini in Salem! 9E mm ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF BRUSHES, OILS, COLORS, TURP, STAIN, ETC. ALL AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. $?so jJ GaL in i '" -r Pnr Br 4 Heavy Duty Size 16x12 A Real Boy f DISH RflfiS ';)) 0n Ssde (o) Each FUshllirlit m Dalleries !S:assS 4f.r 19c if mmm 0nly rL ji -T Gal. j j Thick Beau- jj 1 tiful Coat Jj Y Spreads V Y Evenly- A Insect Bepelleni bottles i90 Hhtilii Pauls New 8JL Chino. Pair only Blanlieis All Wool Oxford Grey Navy Crew . Pocket fee 10c ! i Used Perfect Army Cols - Pack Boards Genuine G.L Trapper Nelson Used Perfect Folding Stool 7 Hardwood Frame Heavy Duck Cover. Each . Fool Genuine G.I. ZVi pz. Shaker Can for Fitch's j-. Shmpco 2 for 25c Jteg. 50c site Cocoanut Oil , FIRE ExiingnisIiQr lYt qt. Solid Brassv New 0:dords ic Brown Officer Type lit Plain Too MASTER ; Padloclrs Laminated Case Hardened Only each 190 Hair Tcnic 2 fsr lSc t sr Trade Winds r- . .. i . t 8 oz. Bottle) it R?. 50cSi2 Ends Sulsrday (ft n u u (ft FAEEIIOnilDS L10AD Cr II. CHUIICn ST. " T&ks j , FalrffrounJT - : si I or Capltoh . ' H I . Bus