ill' II . ? . . -. . k 1 ' I . . . . till --! . .' 1 . 1 . n , ' 4 1 I I Th gtaf mad SdUifC'Owyon. Ttuwgy, fu!y -13.-' K:; DAILY AND 'SUNDAY Your Ilom ?rv?nziicr . r- . - i - " - - rr- 7T-'- - " J'9 ' ;j:oe , Hc.-0i-3 kjFT0R NOW THE OTHG? j i sou 3172 5. 1 -: i 7 t T X. - M "-t-Tl ilpiiplilR, I WHAT HAPPENEIX) .JUST SCREAMED 7 ANO RAN CJUT "C V OF THE ! (jEPONT POOR) SHOW J -- n I UL yS, MR CMD MXlXy ' LforrwERS-- CHggkTTHE 1 VI CHBCKTID BLORD3 f Pt-CASEf FIGURES 5 SMOMS r r cjrvri Ar 1 S. ffeeSS. II vl u THZ r?ossv lA G6T 7 I DEMAND ANjlfc! - u DIGS TRACT r HEELS, tVC BGEM TT?VJNCi TD K-4U- WHERt -V-, SEEN VOUR RACE BEFOOE- AWO I TVMNK rVCPlGUHED, 1 NOUte A PRETTV NOTORIOUS UTTUE CCNCIOENCE MAN AND FORGER, AND THT5 CAMOELEZ7 CHECK PROVES fT I M - VI - i ij r untr r -tvik: rucnr canceled; MOLD IN MY V CWEO MR. J WAND FEAR MDT-TME THIEVES MUST BUT THE LrTTLE GOOCESS HAS 6EEM M SEfSSFnSI cim eunyMMDii txi vcr Tumi cavil u - jrkAAv iuriwn unt wiw fcKj inci ESCAPE UMPiJWiSHEO! J 7 iJjjW-l RMS LITTLE AllltIZ EOOHSt A -ME J I WUflTSAYESTTMOU HAST THOU LEARNED VIAMESOFTHFM IMS ORDERS 0F1 teUOY SAVAGES? CBAfTY Of VAUGCA ANO THESEVEM SACES AOE" THAT WHEN THE PEOPLE LEARN THEY HAVE LC TOE PfaiO OF THE (mO GODDESS, tODVAU. tJBOEST)VEDANl VALA66AWlU.fiULE. WO VCJOCMi MtEAiA, MRU pT8ETt xlV! P0UJ6 OF FB3MTTOt OV5 MOtCX. U fMOtrtSowrA NOtt 040. rvf Wc-M V x w bwmw WSAOI V CHONb y oiiatEi -voue ri f V RTsiwivf kocksj BUZZ SAVVY 13 HINfWn 5HHI nATBAIO CIV IT TO IMS OTtSa4UfPfi(X KSXY A ( tOrrtTTTUSM AUUION VfSATVC3UaiT0P. poiiAajT J l j MICZZT MOUSZ AAAAPAAAp.. Jl A-1 II I, 1 WW m mm 1,1 1 SAVI iM 1 7MOU5HT YiiilHx THE ATOMgCELLA T- Tv wwcn we went A vLi- : Z' JN (VENiMtS ORES. AMO W IX a OCt SUBTLY WW. ES3T - 'j - BXP THAT SUE OWMSO BErORC SHE WENT 10 TIC RtvERt ivtt i inspect thc i grrrfrirff rmTrf i THERE'S CMT V OF COURSE S 010 UEABTHiK3 BTT I CM, RIP, HXJ'Ki SWT! I J&LUSmmi OH, RIP, I U7VE XU , M Ml W CET ALL DRS99SD UP I MPORTANT W GASOLCIE ALLCT f iMWCAN)CUMrY JUSTBSNiai 1 WNKUKEA I AND DOnT LET NEW BABY? TWEV DUR CONflOOMOl ALL LOOK ALIKS., CS VOJR CUOC. Hano POWTCAU.T.I SUPPOSE o. !" j HOW LON6 W1U. IT TAK6 QRtWNf CREEPS I to cook try ponow. THTOWeS FftOMTH POTION WW. COUER TH HOLLER IN rotau PITCH-BLHCK ORRKNCiSS - W W POHON RtOPt BOOK. , fER FOLKS ANT ANIMALS WHAT v wuz. cxjuekftj FWTMTHvnrc mr ' vwji kmc X DONT HECMjN u WLtt, NOttwi ICnPOKlHNT Y w POTION WYST V J. POTION RARE, 7N V T on spoieB aib -f ) ( VOU P0O5TGOOW HAIR J V C il li..,W I A I HE YOUNG IDE A" Bj Mosslejc nvdL I eaal prmls Enythlnr, Bsford. bat in ccrUUly b hmwy to pal yrar not Um prop ! unr Portland Produce PORTLAND. Or July ! (AP But trf at Tentative. autoact to kmmd- tat enanfe iTemmnt qumj bbjc wm M Ji N I per cent acMUtr lrver4 la PwtUad. Me lb.: ilrt oual Ht. Re H.; accond qualitr. t3e lb4 vajjejr routs and country poiota, je than fin. Butt Wholesale. f--b. bulk cubes. rrwS AA, M cor. SSe lb.; A. M acor. tSe lb4 B. M aeor. 7c: C seor. T5c lb. Abort prices are strlctljr noanlaai. Oiass SeUinc rtc to Portland wholesalers: Oregon ilnpw, fl-flc; Or con -lb. losJ. fl 5oc. Es To wboirsaler: A trad, larg. Wta-aoe ooc A crad. medium. HViC A crad smalL 43lh-4Hc: B Krad. larce. Ma-Uac Txmt Purrhstxl from Carmerm. Cur rent receipts. M!fc-W,fcc doc: buyers pay S-3 below wholesale auotations on graded basts for best henneijr eui. Poultry Urrm cnickens Pay price to proancers: no. i prouers unoer I fbs IVMc lb- fryers. S to a lbs, XI- c: 3 to lbs.. X7-J8c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. Tl-Mez fowL Icchoraa. va ar lbs..--c lb.: over 4 lbs. 3 Mcr colored fowl, all weights. 273 10.: stags, ail weirnts. I-17c lb. Rabbits Average to tetailers for lo cally dressed animals. 98-3c: fryers. live wntte. w-szc lb.: colored. ZS-JOc: old. or heavy. 15-lSc. Breeder turkeys No. 1 hens. 47-tSc id. net to proaucer on dressed basts; No. 1 torn. 43 44c Ib: some higher. rresh dressed meats The following rresn dressed meat prices Quoted .wholesalers to retailers for fresh meats ar in dollar a hundred pounds as reported by the USDA market news service. Beef S tears Good, all weights. $34- 97; commercial, uo-ta; utility B4SH Cows Commercial. MX-4r utility. canner-curier wu I. Beef cuts (rood steer! Hmdouarten. I $Sl-i; rounds. $S2-3; fall loins, trim- mea. -o: triangles, bss-m: square chucks, 9M-7; ribs. f64-9; for quar- ters. si-az. Veal and calf Chotc 'S4tS0f good. 55 nOIJEY$$ FHA ? 4H Kcai Estate FerMaaJ 4 'Ato Laaaa Slalo FinzrcaCo: US . Rig St, IJc 821t-MZ21 Uo Uani Ydot Eggs! Always a Dependable ' Caih JIarketr Cnrly's Baiiry Phone 8783 commercial. $4S-M; utility. $4o- 41. Lambs Spring, good-choice. M to M commercial. aU weights. Mutton Good. 7 lbs. down f ls-Xt. Pork cuts Loins No. J. g to It lbs, 9C5-M; shoulders. It lbs. down, S90-M; spareriba. S lbs. down. $!. Country kQled meats: Veal Per pound, top Ugh. 43 -44c: other .grades according to weight 'and 4juanty. Hogs Light Mockars. M JPc lb.; ar-zsc jo. Lambs 42-49e Ibn Bnutton. l-ZOc. Beef Good cows. 3 le B.; can ners and cutters. 23-Jsc lb. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grade 45c lb. Mohair Mc lb. en 11-month growth. ' Onions M lb. Waste, Walla Walla yellows, commercial. $2.10-2-23; CaL yeiiows and reds. gZjn-Z.TS. Potatoes Long whites. 104 lb. mostly t--2i; mam B. $2J9-rM; six A, St lb. $1 lft-10; 1 b, 90-53c: commercial sixe. A. S3.C3-3.75: Wash. Triumphs, No. Is. 100 lbs. $3.73-343. , Salem Market Quotations BtrrrearAT Promium No. 1 , No. 1 , PaUNTs , AO Betaa BOGS Bytog) Large Medium ; - PuUrU , Cracks KGCg Wkslssals Larg double A Medium, double A Pullets and cracks POVLTBT No. 1 Leghorn bens N. 1 colored M J7 Ai .40 M IS. No. 1 co-srd fryers, S-3 lbs. n. 1 coioroa rryrsi u up AO No. 1 old cocks . . ' 44 UVBSTOCK CBy Valley Pack) Spring Iambs op to X3.W Ewes 1.00 to .oe Pat dairy cows 17JW to lt.00 Cutter cows 13.0 to 17X0 Dairy bettors ., 19 X to aXM Bulls - 17.00 to 23 JM Calves (300 to 430 lbs.) 13.00 to 23.00 Veal, good - 23.00 to 23.00 Veal, chotc . 27X0 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Awcttd Prers ! Jidy It BOND ATUUGU SO 10 10 10 Bails Induct. Ottl. Pom Monday I t2l lou loo t . i t Prevtous day wXm ImXS 100A 43JI Woek ago 91Jt 101 l loijt S3 a Month age tJ 1014 leu gxo Year age , 4JI 103.4 100.4 7ZJ STOCK AVEKAGCS - .30 IS IS SB Indus. Bails ITtlL Stocks Monday . tlJm 43..0 44VS M O Prevtous day P4.7 44.7 . 41.4 70J Week age S7.T OAS 41JI 72.4 Month age. .., OCT. 44 t 41 M T0J Tear age X3a 43i 7J Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, July IS (AP) no wneat ruxures quoted. Cash grain Oats. No. 1. 34-lb. whit sz.00: barley No. 3. 43-lb. b.w. 4430; No. 1 flax mM. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 1.17: soft white (no Rex) 2.17; Whit club 2.17: western red 2.17. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.17: 10 per cent 3J: 11 per cent -JtS: 12 nr cent 1JX7. . Hard white Baaxt: Ordinary 2.41- 10 per cent 2.42; 11 per cent 2.44: 12 ner cent 2-34. Today's car receipts: Wheat 14: flour 11: corn s: millleed 3. Portland Livestock PORTTA NT! Or. . July IS API ftJSI-A) ratt Rl-hl iiu ti -OB? ealsea -1-W - SA tnlml n- ja so nigner; outer slaughter ciaa aoous sveaar: no ioa ton good 742-1072 -lb. Idaho ex perimen tally fed -staera -S.7S.37 Dor wmI arr-a- s.uv-.90; mea turn kinds SO-32-0: ne iters scarce, raw medium-good grass helgers 27.44-30.00: good cows 240- 2 OO- nuMlium 91 on--. mt eommon 77 --.; canrters lSe-14J0; eaad haaw ti-if kmiui ti u 11 i t head 24,50: good sausase bulls 24-4- 25 00- vaalera ataa-tv ww 4 K. a sa 31.00; common-mediuns IS4W30O; calls wo (o ia or oe tow. Hnrs flalahla USL tatal 1S8A -n.-v ScneraUy steady; bulk good-choice 1SO- -wio. Duicners ijam top; few small lots good 143-17S-rbs. SO30.S0: few atr- liw-ina h imt .i-w-i- Ught smooth sows 34.00-44; bulk geoeV ctaso aeraa-4-r ana lit- a. few weighty stags H.OO; good -choic -vui pvs arouna ijo-ws. j.oo. r Sheen filalabla una. total Sana- m4ii- swugnicr ismcs -m sower: yearling slaughter ewes about steady: bulk good -choice 44-114 lb. lambs 24.00-40; medium light good -chotc SO-Iba. Early 27-13, but no crttertoo at the market; meaium-cooa snorn ratruan IS OA. 21.00; medium 17O-lsJ0; good slaugiv I-Hk. , BTATTON Thm Wmca Be rt ety for Christian Service of the Methodist church will hold a garden tea ThurwKy, July 22. at 2-30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Warry Rowe. Mrs. Bowe will be airted by Mrs. Irvia Parberry, Mrs. Robert WaddclL Mrs. Nell Jones and Mrs. Robert Wood. An invitation is extended td all who are interested to attend. Coriscdentious, Digiiif iect ! Service : Fed Steers' Price v: Record at Portland . 1 . - PORTLAND. Ore, July 1MP) ea 4teers tut 937, a new record high price, at North Portland livestock yards today." . Thirty wheat fed animals from the Idaho experiment station brought the top figure. The rest of the two-car lot brought $36.75. The top price was a Jump of $1.50 from Saturday. Good grass steers sold at '(35. :ji(tX2nc. KOKNCKB 1 i ( In this dtp Friday, July 14, John Koenek. late resident of 1420 Center st. Survived by bis wife, Lena Koenek of Salem; a daughter, Lena Hirsefcont of Salem; four brothers. George Kooa eke of Mis-ton. BUD, and Thomas. Prod and William Konek, all of Bremman, Kaa.; and two starters. Lizzie Lohs of Turner and Mrs. Anna Brel of OdelL Neb. Service will be held Wednesday. July 21. at 14 ajn.. at the W. T. Big. don chapel, with the Rev. M. A. Gt sendaner efnclating. Concluding serv ices at ML Crest Abbey mausoleum. pospisn. ' " IJ; . I Frank FnspisiL 44, laU 'resident ef Salem route 4. at a local hospital July 14. Survived by his widow. HrnrVelta Pospisil. Salem; two daughters. Mrs. Betty Oorls. San Fernando. Cahf, and Kvelyn PosplaU. Bottieau. N.D ; ad sona, Charles PospisU. Bottteau. and Prank PospUU. Salem. Recital ton of ro-ary 'wu given Monday: at HoWelU Edwards chape L. Bequiem mas at St. Til nil's etu Tt 1 ini. m S a.m. Interment at ML Calvary cem- w"7, rm-uw. i i ' - . "t ;i Ne. 4-51 Synopsis of Annual Statement of the Abstract and Title Insurant: Company of Portland. In th Stat of Oregon, on th thirty-first day of December. 147. made to ut insurance commis sioner of th Stat of Oregon, pursuant to law: f CAPITAL Amount of capital stock psld up. 4iog.ouo.ou. INCOM- Net premiums received during th year. $210,744.44. Interest, dividends snd rents received during tb year. S4S24S4. Income from other sources received during the year. Cr. 43.44X24. Total income. 4214.10S4S. DISBURSEMENTS & Net losses paid during the year In cluding adjustment expenses. 44.414.17. Commissions and salaries paid during the year. 4100-M7.44. Taxes, licenses and fee paid during in year, na.ara.ns, , - ' utvidends paid on capital stock dur LAstny - i - i e Chri tian unnn ll -i I at letz. Or, at a Salem hospital Friday. July la. Survived by a halt sister. Mrs. Mary Chris ten sen of Senics. S.O, and a ' half brother, Andrew WUIUmsen of' Red fie Id S J. Shipment is being made -to Siletz. Ore, by dough-Barrltk com' peny for ssrvUes and interment. MrJUUOLL ' I f I I - Mrs. Mary Ellen Merrin. In Oakland, Calif. Wife of Charles T- 14mu -J Oakland. ihuhl, ,nt r w L Tavlor of KakemJat-s nt J .. i K. Taylor ef Salem. Alas survived bp " aon.1 noirw wangerui. Woodburn. y and a aia-r- f a Ii- p,,rr ; h--,. Christiasi Science services st'ciough. f-rnca chapd. Wed, July 21. st S ptm. Interment In Bclctest Memorial park- vcixm t .-, ..i r i Mra. Kmma V 'Witfc f a t T3S N. High st, Sunday, July 14, at a k. cat hospital. MoUvrr of Mr. Ceorse . " s a. . . a m a J ' . - tsoc ana Roy R. . Durcnvau, oi saiem; Mrs. Bar L. Jn- kins and Edward XL Ri.k r r.i. - Ore, and Mrs. Goorg Peltonof Cori ; vDt; and suraer of Mrs. Eunice AUiaon w anr-uootn. Iowa: Mrs. Rna Mc Dermott of Vancouver. B.C.i Walter1 Tur"-?U ?..rort B-t. Calif, and L Turnbull of Ban franclsc. Ala survnra I bv if m, uu . Kjat grandchildren. Services will fe Id Tuesday. Jul v so at TZ Couxh-Bs rr ick chapel with Dr. Che-, ter JlambJln offlcUting. Jnteiment la Belcrest Memorial park.; i CBABTUf ' i I I ,n )Cifi!Lltr Jvl Thomal Jefer- . Ml CnbtrM 1f , m -i ' rout S hnv 7SS.I -t ik. -a - - - i a mwiw rvarSL Surviin-fl m tt o r't. . of Salem: a eon. Millard Crabtra-, Hfo Bay. and three brothers. Job Crsbtre of Salem. Knut Crabtree of : wr"-. ana UlcK crsbtre of To ledo. Or. Saniliva 4Tl k- at.j nd.n July 2L at 1J0 pjn, gt W. T. ' niapu. . , j ICE CDEAII Qaaris SAvnrc .330 CEIITEn SaJeno A ffTeet B-lei lag th year, none. Amount of other x Dendituraa. ses.M. Total xpe-Jture-. 4174.420.7. ! ADMITTED ASSETS ' Valu ' of resl estate owned (book value). SS4 JOO.Oa Loans on mortgages and coQatcraL etc, s-obv.oo. Valu ; of bonds owned nar). 443.. 000.00. Valu "of stocks ownd (market val uer, non. Cash In banks and en hand. tI02. B17SS. I Premiums In cours ef eollectloa wrmen alnc September 30.. 1447, $14,. 427-M. i Interest and rents due and accrued. none. Other assets (net. $74,344 34. Total admitted assets. 4334 J 74.42. . ! ' LIABILITIES Croa claims for loss as unpaid, non. Amount of unearned srtmituna on all outatandtns risks. 471.471 Tt. . um for commission and . brokerage. none, -h AU other nabait-ss. S0230.7-. Total JiabiUUea. except caoitaL 4120.- Capital paid op. $1001100.00. Surplus over all liabilities. $114,722 47. Surplus as - regards policyholder-. . . fit. i . i . ., , Total. 4339 J74.42. I ' 1 BUSINESS Df OREGON L POB THX YEAR ' Met premium received during tb yar. S204-M7-O. Net losses paid during Che year. -.!. If.: . Nam of Com tan y. Abstract Till Insurance Company. warn of praeMont, Frank H. rielda. jwame of aacrilary. Hiuto H. Paul. -Statutory raaltien atlarn re ne mi lea. rrd . Wilbelnv. ITEALTn TO YOU After Crretinc nemorrboldg PUes) etstvls., Flassre, rrnlapse, a a 4 ether Kectal Ois- erders. Ne ni(talluUe Write r CsO 'far - . eree Deeuoi . .' Dr. XL lie molds Cltnle " Nstare-rreetaloglst XXf N. Llbertjf St, Bslcnt. Ore.' t-i- km m ri 4 1 -r - - J Dr.axsa.NJ4. CnrVESE tTEKBALISTS DBS. CHA1I til North Ubertr trpsUIrs .Portialid Geniral -Uectrlt Co Office ope Saturday only It . a.m to b4i. I I I p m Consul-f tatloa Blood brvaaur and trrlne ! test a re tree atnr 141T chars Practicad ! - v.'V ;;; ' I '''' Jf . I V -. nili IIjiCZpLIl Clear reception easier tan lag I wider range -that'4 what yea ret wbea yee- swtax te MetoreU. And there's a tne-el te ;., p1 View - a W a urn ii ia f . Rt ynr ear. i 3U DilCZQ EG; rjicae CJ.i Or. 1 it i I n 1 1S3 Co. liberty ii -1