1 A. and Heard... By JERYME ENGLISH I TACATJQJUNCi, . . on the Xuropean - continent arc Captain nd Mrs Winston Williama They arc enjoying" a three weeks sojourn in Rome, Paris and Swit- serland . i. They will return this week to inkfurt whtrt Winston . Is stationed -With the army , Grace writes slowing accounts of Home and is so impressed with the beautiful buildings and monu ments . . . and enjoyed the sight seeing tours by horse and buggy taxi, which really slow enough , ao ithat one doesn t miss a thing. Sally McLellan, daughter of the Daniel J. McLellans, who Is in Weisbadden, Germany with the army special services, recently returned from a fortnight s vaca tioh trip to Italy and Switzerland . .j . While in Rome she had, an audience with the Pope . . . she also visited in Venice, Naples and Isle of Capri, which she found most fascinating ... Speaking ef Rome . . . reminds us tht Mrs. Ronald Jones, who with Mr. Jones, returned from the continent in mid-June, told us that Rome was one of the high lights of her trip . . . She also was thrilled with the architecture .and thi fact that Rome itself is built oni ruins ... Of all the places they stayed the best hotel accommo Nations 'were in Rome . . . Their hotel was across the street from the American Embassy . . . they bad a suite with balcony - over looking the street . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jones also flew over to London for a short stay, returning by boat and train . . . the latter a luxury train called' the "Golden Arrow" . . . 'their compartment was all glass so that one could see on both sides . . . furnished with lounge chairs with table be tween and meals served right in the compartment . . . Mrs, Jones aas that the food us really bad inj London . . . the only difference Inl France is that the French peo ple knew how to cook . . . When questioned about clothes, our fa vorite subject . . . Mrs. Jones said that she attended two style shows, one being Madame Schia parelli's '. . the clothes were so high styled that they hardly seemed adaptable to our living . . j. just for fun she bought a darling shell pink linen jacket . . .' a horti with swing back and three-quarter length sleeves, which she wears over her summer fbrmals ... SAILING IN THE FALL . . . for Europe will be Roger Wagner and Forrest "Dutch" Simmons . . . who will leave September 10, on the Dutch boat. The Veendan . . . Tfeeir first stop will be at South Hampton and they will dock at Rotterdam . . . From there they will go on to Zurick, Switzerland, where they will attend the Ber litz School of Languages for the year . . Roger who received his degree at Oregon State college in June, will take graduate work In German and French ... as will Dutch who finishes school this summer . '-. . both are Phi Delts . . . HEADED EAST . , -. come Fri day will be Eleanor Trindle, who takes the train . . ..going the southern route. . . . Her first stop over will be In Med ford to visit with Manfred and Edna Olson . . then on to Santa Barbara, Calif., for a visit with the Andrew X. Burnetts (Helen Purvine) . . . Incidentally Helen will come north In August for a visit here With her mother . . . Eleanor has S ranged for short stays in New leans, Atlanta, Georgia, Wash ington, D. C-, Philadelphia and Nw York ... In Alantie City she Will Tisit the Litton Tyes (Helen Taylor) . . . Helen lived here prior to her marriage and since has been on the east coast with ft ITS "HEAVEN-ON-HEELS" COMFORT M Ifca FOUNCATMN NaJ KED CROSS SHOES ; What efner she ever j brought m much bessee fmfort to so many million : women to iott, block kid. ' SaeW to 11, AAAA to i. her navy husband . . . and Boston Eleanor will be the gues or or. and Mrs. Melvm T. Hur, (Martha Sprague), at their new suburban home at Newton Centre . . . After a i week in Boston the traveler will head westward on August 12 by way of Canada, Victoria, B. C. and Seattle, where she will sec her brother-in-law and sister, j Donald and Helen Reitzer . . , SUMMER JAUNT . . . for Mrs. A. A. Schrarnn.. ' who leaves to day for Denver to spend several weeks with f her daughter,: Sus anna, a registered occupational therapist at Fitzsimmonsf Gen eral hospital, . . Mrs. Schramm, is driving to Colorado with Mrs. Gayle Morris, resident house mother at Baxter hall, who plans to spend the summer in Denver, her former home . . . Mrs. Schramm will fly home in early August ... j In southern California for the summer is Faye Sparks, who went south in June to receive her mas ter's degree n music at the Uni versity of Southern California in Los Angeles '. . . She remained on for the summer, school session to study voice . . . Miss Sparks has a new car and is seeing the sights on weekends ... She visited with N. 8. Savage and his daughter, formerly of Salem, who now lives in Carlsbad, Calif . .-. they have 4 grand place complete with guest house . . . then on the Fourth Miss Sparks visited relatives, in San Diego. . . i. NEW ADDRESS', . , for Cap tain and Mrs. Henry Kortemeyer, who are on the coast again after living in Virginia . . .! The air corps, flier is stationed at Ham ilton Field, Calit, and they were fortunate in obtaining a house di rectly across from the field . . . Ihey are moving this month and temporarily have been with her parents, the Jerrold Owens, in their newly built home in Oak land . CRUISING TIME ... for the Carl Halvorsons, who are now living; at Lake Oswego . . . They have a new 27-foot Express Cru iser, which is moored at their lakeside home . . . they often come down to Salem and one weekend thj Ralph and Robert Eyres, met the Halvorsons in their boat at Oregon City, and went on in to Portland via the Willamette river Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brawn and Mr. and Mrs. James Walton will be in Portland Tuesday night to attend the stage show, "CaTou sel", at the Mayf air theatre. Pre ceding the show they will be din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Bishop at the Town club. 'Don't Look WW tW.'jf tTho gkriemop,.Sq!ern Oregon. SnadaY7ulyll'l843 9 BUT goinqr across the bridge the other night and passing a long line of cars held up temporarily by a minor accident, we noted only one person with a pleased ex pression, ana that was a prosperous ap- people really want business, better set them up to the second and third, they'd catch some folks several times that way. Hard day- . We note in a 'round the pearing man who looked like he was out , clock illustration titled 'Two Weeks With with his secretary and didn't care how long he was detained. Ha comma ha comma ha comma someone has cooked up a silverware anni versary for the fifth year of married bliss and hollowdre ior the 16th, and whom should It be but the Jewelry Industry Council. Just to keep the "record clear they now call the 25th anniversary the "sterling silver" one. En terprising fellas ain't they? On second thought . . . if the silverware Pay" that the young-lady bathes four times. a day, (upon arising, after morning lennis, j after her swim pool and before a dinner date). Some very young folk of our acquaint-; once would consider that a vacation lor which she pays and pays and pays. HLHo Silver . . . When we heard the Ladd and Bush burglar alarm Jangling out over , the Saturday afternoon air, we recalled that Jesse James is said to be riding again. ... Marine Buren Golfers to Be Guests Here Highlights of the coming week for the Salem Women golfers will be the Oregon: Women's Golf as sociation ; tournament here on Wednesday at the Salem , Golf club. Following the morning's play the visiting golfers will be entertained at luncheon at the American Legion club on South Commercial street , Several of the golfers will ar rive on Tuesday. Mrs. Robert E. Joseph will have as her guests Mrs. J. M. Odell, Miss Lillian Schassen and Mrs. Fred Lemke of The Dalles.1 Guests ef Mrs. John R. Wood will be Mrs. Earl Dove, Mrs. C. B. Collins, Miss Elissa Vawter land Miss Belle Schenck of Medford. The Women's Seeiety ef Christ ian Service of Jason Lee Metho dist church will meet in the church parlors at 11 a. m. Wed nesday for the regular business meeting. Mrs. Marie Putnam will give a revue of. the Methodist con ference she recently attended. Luncheon will be served at- 12:30 by the July circle followed by devotional meeting led by Mrs. M. ,W. Ready and the lesson by Mrs. Harry Carpenter. Ail mem bers and friends are to attend. Miss Ryan Is -Given Shower j A shower honoring ' Miss, Bar bars Ryan, bride-elect of ; Jean Elphick, was given. Friday night by Miss Pauline Jugate. A fea ture of the evening Was a treasure hunt on the lawn.. I Invited to the party were Miss Ryan, Mrs. Bessie Ryan, Mrs. F. Fugate, Mrs. B, Brand, Mrs. E. Rieber, Mrs. R.! L. Elphick, Mrs. R. Rees, 'Mrs. F. D. Voigt, Mrs. Barbara Reed. Miss Pat O'Day, Miss Barbara Hadley, Miss Lor raine Bidder, Miss Pauline Size more, Miss Mary Heenan, Miss Marion- Blaylock, Miss Norma Fisher, ' Miss Carol Crawford, Miss Joyce Siegenthaler, Miss Pauline Morse, Miss. Maxine Si- j moo, Miss Rosalie, walker, . Miss Be mice Etner, Miss Ren a Skaggs, Miss Florence. Kelson, Miss Joan Pietrock, Miss Lillian 1 Hoffman, Miss Vefnice and Miss JoAnn Keeker. , Shower Is Given! a The Misses Gladys j Schollisn, Lucille Proctor and Jeanne dy Buy were ..hostesses Tuesday at a shower given for Miss Patricia Weese, bride-elect of Carl Park hurst ' . ii l ' - Present were the Miises Bar bara . Baldwin, Mary Morgan, Ruby Strand, Maude Durfee, Ima Scheld, Mrs.. Carl Greider, Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr, Mrs. Dennis Brenner, Mrs. Glenn Wivr, Mrs. D. H. Weese, Mrs. O. jJ. Park hurst, Miss Weese and the hoet- ' M -Stole '1 J$5 N. LiLerty, Telephone 3194 Shop Til 9 p.m. Every Friday Night! for the wMev famm The most favorite garb la the Westl Whether it be for Pops, Mom, Sis, Brother or smell fry. Words hove 'em for the whole family. a ' .- .!. ' fW-.. Cr'' ' ;i ' ! v. m m f . I I I I I t , oily KYI v ft- MtN'S B-OZ. BLUI DENIM JEANS ; Hard wearing! . . . Sanforized; strain I points reinforced. In sizes from SO-42. : 1.98 WOMIN'J S-OZ. COTTQN DENIMS ' Sanforised, hard wearing blue denims. Zipper placket. 24-32. Buy now save I . I'--..- '. 2.49 ; OIILS' COTTON DUNGAREES Sanforised blue denims.! Bar-tacked at f train points. Hard wearing. Sixes 7-14. IOYl 1)7. Kilts nrutu trasje I Stxonr 8-os. cotton fabric. Sanforized. Snap button waist. In sizes from 10-1& 1.C9 ; 8 TO S BLUE DENIM JEANS (S-OZ.) Sturdy 8-ox. cotton jeans. . . . Riveted ai f strain points. In long lengths. Sizes 2-8. 1.49 i ' ' ' iden's Knit Shirts I Ass't solids. Sizes 1ML. 1.59 Women's Knit Shirt Ass't colors. Sizes S.M.L. ( . ; . , 1.93 Children's Knit Shirts Assorted solids. Sizes 3-6. Boys' Knit Shirts Ass't solids. Sizes t 5-MJ 83e 2-8's Knit Shirts Ass't solids. Boys or girls. - t urz Youa c&roir Aro taki ADVANTAGE OF WARDS LOW KICCS . . CUT U07 . v v V'-' V : ' 7 ? i 4. r y- , 4 I A f f V V Boys' Knit Shirts Ass't solids. Sizes S.MJ I V I, 299 1 I I ' ,2-8's Knit Shirts v f : V I Ass't solids. Boys or girls, f ! 79 ; -;'-f;A;tfV5i:"h:; i ) I-. i - J : ' . ! ! f. i 1 .- - ! : ' ' PAY CONVIllINTLY FROM MONTHLY INCOM3 : l-: r' f.