r X 14 Thai Statesman. Salem, Oregon, Th ax-ay. July I. 1943 II in Stock Market - NEW YORK. June 30-tfVThe tockitnarket finished the lint half of 1948 today with a general aa- Tance that earned prices near to a 22-month hih. - The high was reached on June 10. Ralls and oils stole the show with advances run ning to more than 5 points. Most gains, though, were fractional. The market dawdled along more or less aimlessly most of the day but during late trading demand be came a little more insistent. -Volume was unusually small for - No. 4X-1 " . Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31, 1947. of the Mercury Insurance Company of, St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota, made to the Insurance Commissioner 01 uw State of Oregon pursuant to law; INCOME M.r nr.mlumi received. S8.S05.130.80. Total interests, dividends and real state income. $32946941. Income from other sources. 87090.43. Total income, ss.ow.zso.ie. niSRITTtSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses. $3,235.- - 907.19. Loss adjustment expenses. I17S.1W.80. TTnil.rwTiiinf expenses S3.13U39.02. Dividends paid to stockholders (Cash, 8200.000.00) 8200.000.00. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. .... All nth.r expenditure (includins in vestment expenses. $1383.70) $43433.41. Total disbursements. 9v.too.iom.. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of -real esate owned (market value) none. - Loans on mortage, and cullaterat etc none. Value of ,bors owned, (book) $8. 84431.61. . Value of stocks owned, (book) $1. 062.05S.00, Cash In banks and on hand. $1,158. . 895.87. Premiums a in course of collection ' written since September 30. 1947. $1. 150483.55. Interest and rents due and secured. $96,106.(9. Other assets (net) $3,768.31. Total admitted assets.. $12,457,453.78. LIABILITIES, SURPEUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $1,431,163.42. . Estimated loss adjustment expense ' i for unpaid claims, $29,000.00. Total unearned premiums. $6,884. ' 828.34. , All other liabilities. $353,046.23. Total liabilities except capital. 88. 893 838.01. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus) $1,763,-. 815.77. Surplus as regards, policyholders. 83.763.615.77. Total, $12,457,453.78. BUSINESS IN OREGON Net premiums received. $134408,41. - Net losses paid, $25,869.80. , Dividends paid or credited to pollcy- j holders, none. Principal office in Oregon L. R. I Centro. 1012 railing Bldg., Portland. . Oregon. . No. 33-2 't. ' Synopsis of Annual Statement for the rear ended December 31 1947. of the London Guarantee & Accident Co.. j Ltd. (U. S. Branch) of New York 3. in the State of New York, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $15411.79638. Total interest, dividends and real estate income, $617460.89. Income from othe&s sources. $606.56132. Total Income. $16,435,919.79. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses, 85.323 800.78. Lose, adjustment expenses. $1,269.- 63.73. Underwriting expenses, $5,869449.17, Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or ..credited to policy holder, none. I All other expenditures (including investment expenses $11,047.57) $79.- S34.08. I Total disbursements, $12.544.446.75. . ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real. estate owned t market value) $125380.00. Loans on mortgagee and collateral, etc.. $11303.94. -" Value of bonds owned (book) $17, 149 138.94. Value of stocks owned (book value) 83.105443.75. Cash in banks and on hand, 81491, 47032. Premiums fat course of colle-rtlon written since September 30 1947. $2, S.7TLQ3. Interest and rents due and secured, 8863723L Other assets (net) $347,034.76. Total admitted assets. $25,186.53533. LIABILITIES, SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS . Total japakl claims, S10.40942S.74. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims $27300.00. Total unearned premiums, 86479, 19537. AU other liabilities. $1.718.42136. Total liabilities, except capital. $18. 33334437. Statutory Deposit, $900,000.00, Special surplus funds: 85332491.78. Unasxigneu iunds (surplus, none. Surplus as rerards oolicvhnldera. 8452491.78. . Total. 825.186 53543. BUSINESS IN 'OREGON FOB THE YEAR . Net premiums received. $103358.77. Net losses paid. $4435731. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. ' Principal office in Oregon Q. B. Leidig. Wilcox Bldg 503 S.W. Sixth. Portland 8, Oregon. Ne. 24-S Synopsis of Annual Statement tor the year ended December 31. 1947, of the Manufacturers 8c. Merchants Indemn ity Company, of Cincinnati, m the State of Ohio, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon. pursuant so law: . INCOME, Net premiums received. $2489341.72 Total Interest dividends and real state Income. $34,775.62. Income from other sources, $18,079.43. .OUl income. $223,790.77. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses. 8614. 828.43. . , Loss adjustment expenses. $190.73433. - Underwirting expenses. $303495.75. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditures (Including In vestment expenses $644738) $74,62631. Total disbursements. 81.383,672.82. . ADMITTED ASSETS i Value of real estate owned (market Value) none. . -t Loans on mortgages and collateral, te.. none. Value of bonds owned (amortized). jS3 639395.37k - Value of ' stocks owned (market Value Book Is less) 812737140. 17445? 1,1 bnk OBJ. 8407,- Premlums m course of collection written since September 30, 1947, 8329.- , Interest and rents due and accrued 13.07233. w Bwmej Other assets (net). -$3.76841. - ToWa SlfiJHSl 341x.I8035. LIABILJT1ES. SURPLUS AND ' OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, 8599494.88. m Estimated - loss adjustment expense for unpaid -claims. $1647236. ' Totai unearned, premiums, $1454.- . All ether liabilities. 610433931. e,!21..U1aitl'- teept capital. 8L 874.79638. " Capital paid up. $700,000.00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus) f337 983.77. ." I474X77 1,rd" I7hoMV $L - Total, 83412.180.05. ; BUSINESS IN OREGON i t FOR THE TEAR " . ' Net premiums received 31.7S5.43. Net losses paid. $14.05. Dividends -paid or credited to policy holders, none. , Principal office) ta Oregon, Portland. a Thile, then picked up. At that, sales totaled! only 990,000 shares. This compared with 920,000 yester day which was one of the slowest of the past three months. - i The financial district didn't have much in the 'way -of 'news to - ex plain the improvement, . The Associated Press average of 00 stocks advanced .6 of one point to 71J. Th: compared with-71.7, the 22-month high reached on June 10. The rail component of the In dex jumped .8 of one point to 46.1, a new high since 1946. Only 995 issues appeared on the ticker tape. Of these 513 advanced and 248; declined. Livestock and (Poultry FOR SALE : J Jerse v cow. freshen In one moji Between 8 and 1 eve. only. near ae teres t i emerery. wan peu. STANDING FEE $100. Annie's Joe A. Q. H.I A. 10441 chestnut sorraL 14.1 ,, hands. Winner of S grand champions, one reserve, 7 blues, at 3. E. Pyeatt's. Rt ; 1. Bex 120 Riekreall, Is mi. N. 1 mi.i W. jpt Oak Grove school. FOR SALE 10 head Reg. Hereford cows ard calves. J. E. Pyeatt, Rt. 1, Box 120, KlcKreall, ore. mL rt. 1 ml. w. ;ot pax urove scnoow 1 - H6RSES F6R SALE Registered American saddle - bred stallions, brood ? mares, yearlings and spring colts. Rt. 4, Box 270, Salem. Phone 2-1143. Roy H. Simmons. ' NEW ; HAMPSHIRE baby chicks. Weekly hatches. Ph. 8-2861. Lee's Hatchery. FOR SALE: 4 milk cows. Ray An- drews. RL 1. Box 284, Jefferson. ,i mile west of ; Parrish Gap. FOR ; SALE: 75 one-year-old Par menter.hens. now lavtne. Phone 2-2807. N.H. FRYERS. 2', to 4 lbs. Rt 5. Box 108E. i mi. W. Penn annex WINGS Kabbitry wants fryer rab bits, top prices. Pick up service. SSS5 state st. tnone loara. 2 CHESTNUT saddle horses. genUe. well-broken for trail or pleasure. Priced ; right. Inquire Interstate Trac tor- & Equip. Co. 3055 Silverton Rd. WANTED: Any kind of cattle. ho St sheep Will call at farm. Licensed Si bonded buyers Prompt service K I Snethen A- Son 1550 Lancaster Dr Salem i Ph 2 1345 McCandliah Rt 9. Box 233 Ph M47 DEAD Stock picked uo. free of chare day and night service Ph. Sherwood Ore 4432 or 4424 Call collect: Help Wanted CHERRY PICKERS Good orchard. low trees, level ground. Drive out or transportation furnished. Rt. 7. Box 200. Pnoner2446S days. 8333 evenings. S. A. wneatiey. SINGLE MAN or marrieiT eonola to work in trailer campj Write P.O. Box 167, Salem. CHERKY PICKERS. 8 mi. out on Wallace Rd. Take gravel Rd. at Y. 2nd house.; Ed Linstrom. Rt. 1. Box 285. PiN bETTEt is wanted. See Ralnh at Perfeetion Bowling Alley. i WANTED AT ONCE 1st class experienced all around ar chitectural draftsman. Must be good at detail. 3 man office residence and small industrial work. Excellent work ing conditions -Suburbs of Salem. Sin gle woman preferred. Living quarters if required. Permanent position. Must have good presonalrty and fit into, harmonious organization. Personal in terview only by appointment. Write do not telephone, with. full, account of qualifications and experience. George K. Weeks Rt. 3. Box 689-E. Salem. Oregon. WANTED: ? Cherry Dickers. Good crop. Camp ground. Rt. 4. Box" 407. 3 mi. west in Polk Co. on Orchard heights Rd. Ph. 16F15. Ammon Grice. WANTfXt: .Fry cook, also person for kitchen work. White's Lunch. 1138 S. Commercial. , iu! sikabkv pickers urgenUy needed. Drive out especially. 18 acres excellent berries. la miles N.W. of Ketxer. K. P. Barnwell. Ph. 2-5957. QL'AUFIEt) PERSON for general office, works in established furniture and appliance firm. Shorthand and tv ping t necessary, also some knowledge of bookkeeping. Good salary and per manent position. Apply at Hogg Bros STRAWBERRY PICkERS, 2 mUes N. of Salem. West of Hayesville on Che- maws Kd. Chemawa bus passes prov- erry. jouoert. sneea. kx. 6. Box 1306. Rfo Wanted Male FIREMAN: Hi pressure steam boiler. Must; know HJLT. boilers and main tenance. Age between 25 and 45. Ore- on state Training school. " VEGETABLE CLERIC, fiavine Cen-r West; Salem, i PART-TIME doorman. AppIv In oer- son. Grand theater. PART TIME service station sales A lubrication man. 1190 N. Capitol YOUNG MAN to learn saraxe and service station business. 809 Edgewater ?i.. vresr saiem. CHOKER SETTER and loader. Dave scnarer. star route. Silverton MECHANIC Wanted, must be first dass. Kaiser Frazer dealer. Good pay. j i uiancni posiuon zor ngni. man. Bit- ticn Moron. McMmwviiie. LOCAL Representative for Salem and surrounding territory to register families in - mi, new hnanlt.l nla- Plenty of Hve . leads furnished. Can make over $150 per wttt must have car, so experience necessary, we ad vance comrnission. write box No. 22. Statesman. T MAN TO GIVE automobile driving instruction at night. Write SUtesman POX T9 Wo6iXjUiTRS. Phillips Bros- Rt. 6, jBox 118. Salen. Ph. 68F22. EXPERIENCE-) fender A bodv men and mechanics. See Mr. Gearhart. Valley Motor Co4 Salem. ' H3p Wanted - Female CAN PLACE 8 neat, well-groomed women as Luzler's cosmetic salesla dies thU week. Wj train those who qualify. Earn $50 to $209 per week. Can 6146 for interview. - : GiRi, OR woman, housework, stay nighty. Call rnornlnyg. 695 N. Liberty. NEAT, attractive girls for full for part-time usherettes. Apply Grand Tbe- work and care of children. Board. room .- and -waees. Phone 2-6248. WANTED: Dishwasher and kitchen helper. Chuck's Tavern. Phone 3992. BEAUTY ; Operator. Most attractive offer -far Salem. Phone 7870. WOMEN to sell accident and" hospi tallratlon Insurance. Leads furnished free Must have car. Write Box No. 19. Statesman. . WANTtU: Exoeriencawl ofiW 771 fprr permanent poglttrm. Phone 857if HOUSILKIXPER. 1 adulu and 2 ehildren. Board, private room, wages. Ref. reQuired. Ph. 9432. iftnjABLE WOMAN for light bouse vrk ; and , help with care of child. Roonw board and waves. Ph.i 6510 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eves, call 8266. ou roa stenographic nositioo. Must it be able to take rapid dictation. Experience' net ry. See, Mrs. Pirkett, 355 N. Libci EXP. stenographer.- Steady employ' ment.iSend app ucau ttoa to Statesman. ox ana. . $! i Salesmen Wanted FOR SALEM-Silverton. Dallas. Me-Mlnn-iQe. Make from $300 to $500 per mo. Easy sales. Part-time or full-time. U-d0?.te-, I4 w- rn X87. VW( VACUL-M cleaner salesmen for viusiae seuing. uuaranteed draw lus go oa commission.- Excellent ities. Write Box . 103. Situations Vi anted - IRONING DONE tSS-isnaTilj in rusot eiMik - - . fi-; -xpenenced saleslady for dress shop, fields Dress Shop, 426 State. ... . v. i j . 1 1 , . lUWXMlr U to helo with hauu Sltnat!1na VWanted DISABLED VETERAN wishes typing to da at borne. 121$ 8, 18th, Apt. 4. W. F. wembera. . -. PAINTING by tor. or contract. Ph. 752. CUStOM plowing, d-cing,, Ph. 8-8713 after PJn. McCain Ave,! r Schmidt. ' WILLAMETTE students, any type work., by hr day. week, or contract, Phone 4734. -j -..hi w' . i .Sood ou7rSc7uonT.nd" r. nces. CaU' M. Hallett after t tuni rr,one . 1 Li PUMP and electrical sales engineer - tag. experienced. Good of f ice man. rimng -i7wv- m oi.tr,iiwn cw 1 OIL CIRCULATORS refinished. Dial tm 4nr r-inMi Sat 3 WaNTD : Hauling Jobs. '. Cattle. Hauling lobs. . Cattle. sheep, hay and grain. C L. Harris. :Rt. s. box so. uaraen ko. EAiMflMft wr.tiny ISS or exterior brush or spray. Free esti mate. Phone 2-15. Painting, papering. Jerry Johnson. 37231 Graduatc Massuse GIVES SWEDISH and remedial mas - sage in your own home, ladies only, Call for appointment. Ph. 8377, Painting & Decorating ph. 7552. Outside Painting Specialty . SEWERS and septic tanks installed and reoaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. CEMENT work. Ph. 4396 or 2-3400. Swedish Massage.- reducing. Helen LovaM. 816 Lives ley Bldg. Ph. 879S. UGH dorer work, discing . Ph 2-2818 Barns Whitewashed Fly control guaranteed, any kind of I tree soravea. rn. z-M4. Curtains washed, stretched. Ph. 1-4ZO. Valley, Engineering Co. Logging engineerine. surveying.' . 800 Locust St. Phone 8-6318. Painting, brush or spray Ph. 1-5511 rututu En worx. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646 for appointment. PAINTING. Brush or spray M- stained. Paul B assert. Ph, 3-2306 Bookkeepinj I rr Call Wallace. 2-4596. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vae uum used B. F Ens ley pn 717a DRAWING house plans. Ph 9631. WEATHERSTR1PPINO and Insula tion Crofoot Bros Phone 2-4656 LJVwnt Huwuia, sc sors. Knives sharpened Dexter, 966 Center, ph , 6833 Well uniiing Domestic Irrigation. Industrial H. A ROBINSON 2214 N FRONT, Salem Ph. T293 CEUT4T CONTRACTING rnc 2-3045. Stanley Fagg. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZX IN INTERIORS t-5444 DICK ORE Y 269 CHIMNEY sweep Northness. ph 4450 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 9468 or 5327 Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive. patented . razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drains.. Septic tanks cleaned reasonable. 5327 or 94CS Septic Tanks .Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine Service. Modern. Econ. Easy Meth Clears lines of Roots, Grease.. Etc K F Hamel. 1143 8th St.. W Salem Ph 7404 WANTED: Furniture to glue and re pair- Lee Bros Furniture Re finish ins Co Ph 8-1233 4020 E State St PAINTER and Paoerhanrr Reason able prices Free estimates . H 1 Wood worth Ph JO 13 PAINTING A papering Free estimate Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. Fof Sale Mic;naneu TRACTOR tires reduced up to 20 All brand new. first quality. Clearance to make room for Wards new extra tri D . . . C? 1 . I.U,4 ,4 popular sizes. Quantities limited I Hurry I Montgomery Ward. 1'S StUb- erty. : ALWAYS a big : stock Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph 5110 HEAVY steel clothesline posts, porch railinn in atnek and order. 2S bars 4" Chanel at cost. 1145 N. Liberty. I batch cnwCRETK mixer on steel wheels with i-horse Gearhead motor I ana iso-it. line. $150. L J. creerw 184. wh ismina. ore. I ELEC. RANGE, good looking, high oven. U0. Phone 5222. ay i . T n j W rCCKlHZ J Tge JJUllUlUg . - J t t . . n I m Lnemiwi uiaian scnooi. -.umoer, .Mnpip " ,ol? from a.m. to 5 p.m. I ROCK LATH, some sheetrock-ceU- ing tUe. Rt. 7. Box 434-A. McCain; Ave. otf silverton Rd. ONE-MAN Universal buckine saw. $368. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem. loss s. commercial. Phone boz3 DISSTON CHAIN saws, parts and re- Kirs. - Industrial Supply Co. of 58 S. Commercial". Phone 8023. of Salem. IJ-FT. PLYWOOD boat. 1947' 2. p. Johnson motor. Rt. 9, Box 314. 1 1 lie south of Liberty Cannery. , j Pianos BTTV NOW SAVE! I lUltMirii va T, tMh I we will' oner our present stocx 011 Baldwin Be Jesse French pianos at the I Lower Prices. STONE PIANO CO. The Valley's Finest Piano Store 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. (cor. N. Cottage) less tvjixj usea very urae. Rt. 9. Box 814. 1 mile south of Libertv canner. 14-ES.'Cn PAIN TEL) shakes with un- dercoursc. $140 per sq. Cedar shin-1 gles. wood lath. Keizer Builders Sup- I iy, inc. ;t Dioca wear ox ikcizer acnooi. 1 none 2-420S v strawberries ; You pick. 10c lb. I i m.;. uoerxy oca. on pavemeni. 1 r ; I CEDAR POSTS Ph 68FZ2 1 TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT rOR LAWNS St GARDENS I - aAi.n ea or iv -ar lun I rfww?r.-.?aem .r.,l".., sr 1 1 . j 1 1 yajs, -w g ejTw. m cAe 1 TOILETS" Capital Barsain House. ia center St. V J S8gV VI F4J laugr;, W1W -3. VUIU 4. I CARDBOARD packing a. tj t r Tr .a-.i boxes and sheets any Size 1790 N Front 16 GAUGE Kerninfton auto. -22 tax- get rifle. 47 Evlnrude outdoard motor. Phone 4963. G.t. RANG- Rt. I. Box US. 2i mL E. of 4 corners. 40 GAL. ELECTRIC hot water: heat- er. almost new. Phone 2-6617, j SUA SAJ: i-ectrie range. (iiMon, nearly new. $160. Nelson. 2628-' Pioneer Drive (smith on Rstcllff). r IJT5 7TJ B.lo-M PmmLimr . IL'rlia for details. Mrs. W. E. Klein, $48$ West 41st Ave., Denver 4, Colorado. LOW PRICEIi fireworks for sale. In front of Black and White Hollywood district. " IJLr-l1 CUTTLM bale- clover hav. In field or will haul. Phone 2-2844. Cot ter Gould. Raspberries uc, strawberries loe. You pick. iSk miles east of Brooks and 8 mi. west of North Howell school. Oar. ence Hundet, Rt. 1. Bx. 17B, Brooks, Ore. PIANO, very reasonable., excellent condition. 1690 S. Cottage. r MUiT-MUHUUSS Upright vacuum Cleaner and attachments. Tel. 2-1039. You Dick- Sc lb. Hi miles east of Greeu Apple.f Rt. 7. BOX : t MARSHALL BERRIES. You pc 1 lb. Rt. 9. Box 2S5, N. P. Williamson. Phone 2-2971. ' - -; " STTAAWBERRnCS. you pick. Iftc lb. 2'i mi. from Fairgrounds on Silverton Highway. Rt, 7. Box 409. Herr A Rien- sche. , 1 Lium BIKES, car hubcaps, all makes. Repair bicycles for berry pickers after 9 pjn, all day Saturday. Phone 8 446L 1040 werry tet. ; U PICK 1 strawberries. - ' mile past Brwh Colleee. OHon's, Rt. 1. Ph.; 2-5937. ' STRWMRTiIlS"7o pick.: " bring containers. 15e lb. C E. Andreeen, Rt. 7. Box 175. North Lancaster Dr. and Havesvflle Rd. - J ' i iJiiirwis Tir 1 i nr u.-v bemea. Call S4964 a eninga.r - For Sale -ligccnanrona SURPLUS STORK 1331 HOYT TOILETS, silent type, lavatories, kit chen sinks, shower stalls. aTTUc- washers, apt. siae raiurae. water hirk LoIuh HL.h n XlKZtZ&rinZl ceDtacles. entrance! -noxT t K1IRPITT Vimm TiMTC 11 u I oak bedside tables $7 50, Coleman oil j circulators $29.95, bunk beds $630. mat- I M .., rw. IJU t LA FRANCE FIRE ENCrPTE- I .JF.PTC LIGHT PLANTS. J KW- BRASSALVES. sa I SLEEPINO BAGS, tenta and tarn 1 GALLEY EQUIPMENT, dish washers, I spud 4ealers, steam cookers, steam 1 jwKviva Keiucfl, jraiiey la Die. I LAtttUnT uJUli'MENT, I tumblers, extractors. I i-omeouta ontzujtp HOYT, Turn East One Block GRAVEL, sand and silt. Delivered, or - 1 on your truck at the pit. Phone 6444. Plaster Board Rock lath Blaster board. 38 in. thick. Car load Quantity Cold Dot rW. re frigerators. New 1 nanel doors, all 1 sizes. $10 to $1040. Asbestos siding. $10 I per q. mciuaes nans, anower cao- I iriets complete, for -830. C G. LONG Rt. 2 Box 33. Salem. Ph. 2-5821 Marshall Strawberries 10c lb. Van Cleave Farms L ger. pU. L Jt Cleave Rd. Alvln J. St Marvin Van Cleave. Attention Frozen Food Locker Users ! Ua k.w 1 c.,1 tti.. k.. . r frnn Xnt.)-- Ti I Mr thousand tTnit-4 n . t- " Save I . UlHIKUiU miff 1 T I 1 V, -$10.95 - XM Jennv Lind Beds - 16 93 uavenos . 1 .JO 8-Way Floor Lamps 1245 Come In A look over our nice selec tion of really good furniture for ev ery room in the home. H & H Furniture 1550 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3797 tfuaiity rumlture for Less WHITNEY BABY carriaee. SIS. Te: ter-Babe jumper $3.50. basinette A pad $12.50 car seat $1. Ph. 5193. . SM 6F cement stationery tube and fixtures. $12.00. Phone 8314. . BABY BASSlNETT and buggy, 635 STRAWBERRIES. U Dick. SI for 1J lbs bring containers. Ph. 2-2284. Rt. J. box Mi. i, mr. w. of Liberty on rvuDier mo. oxr axyune Rd. A. J. riem FOR THE BEST IN APPLIANCES SEE RALPH JOHNSON KELVIN ATOR ranee, nfrtmntim Bendix washers, dryers, refrigerators. aowier porceunea zu yr. water heater, speea wueen washers, ironers. Electromaster. Xatate Thfrnudar ranges. lRCA Victor radios. Deepfreeze. Harder Freer. Bean freezers. American Central Kit. Cab. A Sinks eureka & Lew yt Vacuum cleaners. Ironrite Ironers. ' Tappan. Ruud A Mission gas appL RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center Phone 4038 CANOE. Wilitte all wood, light weight -bv ids,, weu varnisneo. canvas nrn. iccuon cover, sail- n. aol. uso sag. U PICK strawberries. Fri.. 12c a lb. Brine containers. Phone 2-2282. STRAWBERRIES: You Dick: 10c lb" J. L. McDonald. Rt- 7. Box 355. Ph. Z-Z903 KENMTISH pic cherries. Ph. 24256. STRAWBERRIES. U-Pick. Ph. 22281 LAWN MOWER, good cond. 86.00. New window and frame. 20x12. G. M 29 00. 323 Academy St. ELEC. ADDING machine. Call after 8 p.m. 1008 S. 12th St. Z-WHEEL luggage trailer. 8 ft. bed, I $75. Full bed with spring A mattress 120. 1042 7th St.. West Salem. I -" . STRAWBERRIES You pick. 14c a lb. 11 . miles N. of SaJem-St. Paul-Newberg Rd. to Wa- conda. turn left, first house on left. T. D. 18 TRACTOR In sood cond 1 auippe- with dozer and drum, readv for work. Calvin Meek. Grand Ronde ; iva evlnjiude. motor. 9.7 horse. Burtchetafte boat. 14 ft. 1038 7th SL. '. r CORVALLIS strawberries, you pick. per jo. uam iiouin. m. 1. box 1U5 Brooks. 'a mi. N. of North Howell sch - CTRAWftEftRTTg Von nlrV ifte . Ih cdr-ilmPNii: rer . Ed Snroed. Bt V Box 4fR No Saturday. STRAWBERRIES, you pick, 16c lb Clean pawn. A. M. Zahare. Rt. 7. Boy 353. 14 ml. E. of Chemawa 4 Corners. 11-TUBE GftTJNO cabinet radio. So-r- tn reinxeraior. ootn in line conailion. 1765 state St. Phone 5336. STRAWBERRIES, you pick, lie lb ring containers. Earl Hyde. Rt. 4. Bos 439 A. 2','t miles north of Brunk's Cor per, off Salem-Dallas Highway. .'UrNITIIBT. TftM : gATir 2 bedroom sets, davenport and chair dishes, dining room chairs, lots of an- Uques also. New Nesco elee. cooker. cost S80. now 850. 2189 Ferrv St Ph. S494. v-uan. acuuiut prsc. new, su. f"- J,ul ml P aner or vaae for sport equipment STHXWE Wm .1.W Y T. Clean patch. J w. ,.v. . IV. Plentv of barri. Ken. neth Biyne, Rt. 7, Box 201. 1 mile east of Lytle's corner. Hood view Rd. KtU iOOF YOUR home with WARD'S better roofing. Complete Insulation available. Just 3194 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY-WARD CO 153 N Liberty St. - , . . r umice OlOC KS Tested and atwimmB-l alsr A Brick, cement, aluminum windows. waterproofing materials, etc. BOOK BLDG. BLOCK CO. S. River Rd. Ph. 2-8873, eve. 8968 ALL CHAIN saws In all sizes, now available at WARD'S FARM STORE. Trade or Hirri yts. " WILL bW. SELL 6ft TraT MODERN AND antique firearms. Don Madison. 266 N. Capitol 50 LB. CAP. ice box. Keeps ice very welL Very, good cond. . 818, Rt. 1. Box Sal eST'TTI ' - ELXCTROLUX Vacuum cleaner. New. never used, statesman Box 80. 1948 ;. Evinrude Speedi Twin 22 h. p. motor 19 hrs. New 12. ft. Speed- liner . all hardware and remote i steering. Phone 2-6615 for appointment. STRAWBERRS: You suck. ldclH! H. D. Ronne. Rt, 8. Box 484. on Boone Road, 4 ml. west of Colonial House. .ELECTRIC range, apt,, size oil eZ culator, blue daveho. maroon plat form rocker bookcase. 8 piece dinette set. Inquire Rt 9. Box 63-A on Garden Rd 'fc ml. nairt Lancaster Dr. LATE MODEL white Monarch wood range, cheap. 1779 Chemeketa St . OLYMPIC enameled wood range 83l 73-lbooleva tor Icebox $25. Rt 1, Box. i. mow zpi ia. YOU PICK. atrawberrW. lie 1k. f maw a-Sllverton Rd. 1i mL from Hazel Green school, first road to left, Peter nasieoacner. i Tg-n Jli ' i i i :n mr ai. !o winer sx. STRAWBERRIES, you pick. lOe a lb. Richard JMuier, Rt. T. Box 418. mile north of Middle Grove school. EXCmiAKU piano $114. U'.i Broad? way. Phone 2-4004. ARMY TEXT lll "hi unn. f&. S799 Monroe. . - " STRAWBi- S": You pick. 10c lb. Bring containers. One mile E, ,i mL N. of Brooks.' Box 216. Joe Henny, - LATE MODEL Apex washer: Ugbt enamel tub, $24.60. Davie Appliance Re pair. 1117 Edgewater St, West fialera. Phone 25241. "COOS QUALITY clover bay. Ai Farms, 1 mile north of Turner, For Sale , MisceHimeoas RCOUNG CHAIR, smaU chest. lea ther music ease. 194 S. Cottage. 1 ' . WASHING M A d H I N E S. cK rocne DreaKiaat ana ainette seta, S-pieee wal nut .dining rm. set. beby besinetta and eriba. '. .' ' - ' STATE STBEET FURNXTTTRE " 1900 State St. - ' Ph. T598 Walling Sand & Gravel Cbf Crashed Rock For roads -A driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete. . Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and dltchlne 4 yd shovel f, drag line Phone 8561 BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat shovel and truck work of aD kinds LloydiVI. Hill, Inc., Phone 2-4367 Rt. t. Box J2B River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MXC READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement 5 Commercial . f Sand and Gravel Co. PH- 8-1966 -. 1-3100 J H Watkina Co produeta 17l1 Cetj" er St Salem Ph. 8398. Free del PUMICE BLOCK F. H.' A. Approved I2th St Block Co. . 12th t at Vtt a Tele 2-5363 t Evenins 8904 DIMENSION lumUf . il liAi Windows, doors. r.i liea rn I DLaxte r ins Inans 8t V AA an ' ?r Builder? Supply. Inc. Phone 2-4208. 'i block west of Keizer Kehnnl BUILDERS - LUMBER DIRECT . From sawmilL at a aavine Kerl ?rder filled. West Salem Lumber MiiL loop Wallace Road, atree deliver-. CORVALLIS atrarrr. ' ia Tl Plc,-- Close to town and a nice clean Meld. D. R. TUiL luiC r.i dk 6324. . WS ED. BARGAINS' Hot point Electric range Gas Range e GX. Washer 3801 Daveno, blue velour aaaitl 3 pc. sectional davenport aa sa 46f Court St. - phone Mil .Mjtiij NiHivrirrvui kin vr, . r, ,j k,.ht 1 .i r . - WAA Luni.r. new. i art, w MODERN WHITE flat top range and ot water tank. t4d Ph tit ""t water tank. $40. Ph. 3413. 1H s-ia : i withwiuthRL- -a.r, err Miwton m . STRAWBERRIES, you pick. 16c lb. DOGj , BOARDED ANB t RAINED. r - w "- as s--rsvai. reasonable rates by day or mo. trim - nuns WH Daining. 1 LeGrav Kennels. Rt Plck-trp and Derv. tt. 3. Phone 2-3168. i-t l- U wT . paint. t In. u I iruorn -i . sulatir U ni -, as $3.50 per -sq. T!nT a T.iirriris C .-.rn J7r" . ronw a-seao MiKrllanoa SMITH'S WATCH Shop. 228 Gerth Ave., movlne to 1127 Edeewater St W. Salem. Win be closed from July 6 4Vm T. 1 mm aS ' w mj ijtn. Davis Appliance Repair New owners. Formerly Paul Parker's repeir. Washing machines, an house- hold appliances repaired Lawn mowers sharpened. All work guaranteed. 1117 axncewaier. w. saiem. PH. 2-5241. ROTpTTLLrNG. Phone 22122. XES SPRINGER., men's hatter. 444 Court Closed Sat, p.m. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adotph Bide. State Sr Com Ph 3S11 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph S&63 auiu painting, lust a shade better " - onn-s aoiorj te n a. ww n aanxer stwmi nucfiUM repairea oy a quaiirted Singer repre sentative Ph 3512 for free pickup aeuvery service on ail makes of ma chines. Free estimate given work Is started Singer Sewtne II "-" mine 1.0 iju commercial Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, business sirs. traoe mirss, pnoto reioufnmg. bod Browne, saiem Engravmg. Phone 810L WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation Duffle Id Bros- Rt a. Box 4Z3 Phone 2-1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work dealing - Ditchrnc tewer 4 Basement Eauipment Rental 15 B- yds $12 00 per tir 10 B-44 yds. 9.80 per hr D-7 Cat a Dozer B SO ner hr D-4 Cat a Doxer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Doxer 7.00 per hr Phone Days S40S Kvenings 8248 or 24408 Salem Oregon Mattresses Capital Bed Co. Ph. 4069. i - ...-s ' I W ateO--r nrnitTXre j tTSro FTJRNTTURg. WANT TO Buy Ui Phone 1118 aed Cameraa lenses McEwan Photo Shoo 4.13 State CASH for used oiano At other mu . I i T .'I sical lnatrumenta Call 4441 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jsoutth Music Co- 191 S High USED FURNITURE. Phooe 9188. rVanter-iliceI)aeous A COON or bearle ' hound. Pun or I young do. CUbert Bataon. Pratum. Ph. I 2-3961. ' I SMALL SIZZ refrigerator fusedT. I neasonapie. r-none msx cays. . wu buy u. gold, silver, or cop-1 per coins. t,sii L.. A. wanwr. Ft. 7S4S. I CLEAN taCS, Hogg Bros- 260 State. I PIANO TUNING WUla Mast Store. Salem . Loans Wanted WANTED, $8500. 1st mtg- at 8 Inter- est it. Write Box 27. care of Statesman. . Financial MONET TO LOAN f ??. I LOAN e -Vu (-...!. . . I contract or mortgage . . Approved eityi loans, low interest rates. Leo N. Quids, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St - Ph. 9261 KIL KtTATK LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. TJe S-216 M-2 I Me- "7? I 153 S. High St Ed By r kit and Com pan rissr r HutrruAUB soana at tk H. A A construcUon loans Cbtnekta . Pbos 8981 Money to Loan ..ry" ',7 or refinance, ae F. G. Delano, 290 No. I C"orch. : - . FA and1 CltA tlANlT"-1 au. aiwt i I Your own terms of repayment srttrW I l reason Cash for Real Eatato'Con- I traetaand Second Morteseea. . I L.J CAPITOL SECVRITL CO. I vt -to ne rnw Bjdg pnow n q I ! Auto Loans - Willamette Credit Co. 898 STATE ST ' -is8 Nan Bank told ouarters) Money, to Vomx QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN.LVSTOCX ARM MAC1L NO COSIGNERS eor in eonn nn. i'iUUI .aJ.JJ IU OUU.VU v-- .; - . Lie. -No S-138 1- , -. . ON CARS OR TRUCKS ' Repayments up to 24 months . i ON LATE MODELS T . From $50.00 to $500.00 Lie. No. M-338- 8SAKX APPUCATION BY PHONE PH IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE - CORP. . PHONE; 9168 . t Or A of Ladd A Bush i a Commercial St Salem Private Money On Cars. Trucks. A Trailer Homes Long or Short Term PaymenU Roy H Simmons us s commercial St tor Itt-rti Hoomi CLOSE IN. Light cooking. 1271 Che- men a pi, kaau i. s in1 1 - ffifl L' nt - also garage. No drin-ers. tola Oak 1 NICE ROOM in HoTIywoooTdktrlEL Call 7M. . PlXASANT ROOU for ol m. 745 N. Capitol. Phone 5323. Hollywood alp. rma. 30M McCoy; 8093. 1 nr and l bk la full bsmrt Hwd . : l 'Iflrs. thru-out Flrcolaee. LR- DR. lea . j is j ipuui nuts miaru BOARD AND room desired by Ule. KITJfr.'rl oU1 d"ht" Ph. 882S after 8 PJn. For Rent ApsrtincnU smau, ArT. ooae-in. Bete, tth prn. i emp, UKJT. fn. DZ1I. Mic a rm. private apt. Private bath. I Partly turn. ff. drinkers. liMruu Tear 1 Ooor of 2770 N. Front ) . 1 rm. apt: Pri. bath, eround flooe. 1 ul blk. to bus .and food market. S workine I , . . . . - - UB".i lor summer. Ideal, com-1 Pletelr furnished 2 rm ant. th KatH l Convenient locality- ResDonslble eou. I nw. via hii".w I private phone. All I v.,l . . e. i . . o v. I 1 RM. turn k 1 Pt with kitchenette foe middle-aged woman em p. davs. No ?L.!fh-... I ana siicneneiie lurn- ' u nous., itt I larf rm. " - ' -i? "" PT. adulu. 1073-N. 1 Sifi1- I . BEACH APT. Make reservations now. 1 V- rtew. windows, no lone steps ta I feT 00 ht- -eomp. burnished, clean. r.. m ,k. n xk- i-i ft ? 9?Jke. Ore. Phone DeUke 741 or Salem 22612. DUPLEX APT. Clean, quiet, modern, rst floor, plenty shade. Must have I first habits and good references. Write eiaiesman box za. 3-ROOM UKFURN. apt 2607 Talr grounds Rd. I r UPSTAIRS APT. S rooms and private oein. r-none z-esvi. CABINS by week. Camp Joy Motel. For , Kent I loused NEW, SUB ". 2-BJt unfurn. house. t 8. Box 63A. mile past Lancaster. ' SMALL HSK. foy rent Hotlnd cold water. $33 month, 1225 8. 25th St. NEW MODERN 2 bedrm bouse or rent For information come to 450 Try on Ave. New Mapleton Addition on North Front St. Road. NELSCOTT Beach cottage. Ph. 6160. For Rent MOP. Offices, good loc. Ph. 8389. IRONERS by the week. Phone 3-4439 U-5r1V TRUCKS FOR RtNt Blankets furn 197 S Llbertv Pn 1M1 I nna C.n. . .lui... ana laws roller, weed burner. Wallace l m ae7i GOOD Used PlaTio H 1 L Stiff CAT. AKD SHOVEL work, exeava- ire workCal to. Phone 4047 , lion, rrerwnln. un ra I narvorsen construction or aoos TRAILERS 75c first hr 80c hrs touowinf woodry s 4Jrt 1609 N Summer I ""TRAILER Space, shade, clean Best l rooms. Keasonabie rates. I lr crest l I Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road. I Rent-ll H C PuTh' 684 N 17 492 TRUCKS and cars lor rent Blankets furnished Smittv 'a CI Inner Service Center and Church . Phone 9600 PAINT SPRAV GUN. Ph. saer Wanted to lent 2-BEDROOM HOUSE for apartment wanted bv state mnlove tranaf emd to Salem Phone Scar! at 9141 1'LJJLPHaN'g a olova -twl .ri.nl HS1. Kit ! mediatelv Call 4MS after S:M T nin BUSINESS man and wife will rent! nice nous near uouywooa insu fa. i 4667, is a.m. to b p.m. 2 OR 3 BEDRMi partly turn, or un- furn. apt or house. Close tn. Must be UV-r-J?rSr-7, sCr'a.T ---," ; . - -- : . ! : ; Lou ' BUILDING LOT located outside eitv but has city water. Size 82-128. Price 8730.' Can O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., 1 Realtors 153 S. HieTi St - Ph.-4121, Eves. 2S208 -BY OWNER: lot . 64x163 north of city. X750 szs un. siomo. Ph. 2-3?03. CORNER LOT. nice location, paving A aewer in A paid.. $1000. Owner. 823 lAceoemy i. .V - ..I, - . ' . I lt0j,U9-,P.JU1- ster. electricity mnO. gaa. 8750. lot my water. eiciciry ana gas. 9101. 1 nu-"- rmmwaa. aaorningswie m rsts 1 Rd. off Hulsey Ave. VW L6T: ktic view 'PavsJ atreet 1 Kinrwoea ourtnet. raon - S3J7 - ; nings. Phono 4641 days. - V For Sale Real EsUle 814.000.00 ENGLEWCOD. Nice clean Enxlish 4 bedrm. home. Liv. R. Dln- ui ss. luicnm. nn, ura. irncjU!, li . , . - 1 Euicui uam . ' "l,YrT XZ, Z Hwd. fi, Frple, Nlc Loeatlon NX ., W..S.. , -. fw ctvw a m . wuit a vi,, r wc mr r -11 - A 1 n. iuiuwi. w I Kitchen. 1. lot. Good i terms. Call I Omer. . ; . Jb Huff Real Ektate C6. Realtors - 3411 Chemeketa St Phone 2-1549 t Eves. 2-5091 . "-T-e n ,,i.li r.i ii;Ti home- ' BJt actual cost 818300. WU1 eonsid anv reaaonable offer. Phone I 8 T . . I 4704 -4- NEW I BDftU, kouaej atu garage and utility rmr Elec beat hdwd floors, lots I of MUllins. m I i ru Kn, wamusi trees, nice view, good district, city I water end bus. 88950.00. Terms. 2695 I ""i fI- RateliM betweea WWI f".". V V71 tj . . - I n- homee. inquire 1145 a istk, asr 9000 i I i paVC y"U.,L. a. . New aera MrmaJ408 so, ft lare corner lot. Terms. Owner C Nel- son. frO Mornlneslde. ' I alODERM 8 bedrm bom, dbi plumb. I V. blinds. CrepL. dbl garaga cor. lot I 87 x 134. fruit and But trees, extra lg. I room ever garage, oil neat, run oasmv I lgo. w -strt. r-none i. S(ALL DOWN prmt, Sbdrro. jbae. I Ipe. lot, city bus. 3819 Monroe, t I BIG 1 BJL hotne with duung rm. I $1100 down. Off Canter St 891 Nor-1 Ave, ' ',. ! "!! '., ' For SAle-i-XZeal EsU T-lta! HIGIILAND DIST4-Late snod 4 B R nome with K. Sc U.K ven bldsnart baa it. Garage. Close to school, stores as ous. seuoe. onry SJUUO an. pal at 8. 1 iuon oist The Joe Jsiaual- I Jtr om x elri home -with L. ( M D. r a will convince you that here exceptionally sood buv at S&soaJ n terms. ' - h i ,. i. j . , Salem's Newer Choice . '"" Diiptrict ! . I !-. HERE IS THAT "HOME- FORi rfw st uvihoi APpx. 2200 SO. FT. IN ALU ACRE iOF LANDSrAPin GROUNDS WITH iLOVELT VIFW. 4 1 Creek rd. Elec. water sysUm. septle BRMS. LGE. LR HWD. A FIRE-1 nk LR with beamed celling. Widk PLACE, NEW WALL TO WALL nuoelPUnk firs. Knotty eedar n.u. .,... IN LR. A DR, BASEMENT Sr FUR NACE. 2 CAR GARAGE. OMT.V1 aaooa 830001 www. siswe. , i IS- Tf !:.. ' i i arsen . ttome & Oan l0.f rm. home on -business lot Hwd "Give To Your Red Croes1 I 164 S.ComT St. ' Ph. S3H9; Evf 7440 "4. R R Hnrrir I51r Inft i PC lO,DVU . . This home la toelne offered at 'a Photw. airiron.bl.priCfc,P,rUJr urB --AllbdAd kinds of closets and storage space. Xx- tion eouipped with ample water riant -tra Urge lot Full basement with oil Good 8 rm. home.: bam, hog hse. ma beat Very well landscaped. Call Mad- chine shed, chicken hse. new silo. On' dy for appointment . i , I ; paved rd. Priced $33. 000 j including 01tn Xi T7ws. T?UltU,e ??r !. i"- ir; 1 , .vHiiuio 1 845 K. Coml. i Ph. 4590 - J-5830 TiniT , .Ji . -1. j.- REALTY BARGAINS I 1 siooa faovM ;! 1 Lovely Stucco home with 3 BSts. on I isain. Lge lot. Bus at door. A real o a at niw. ui u atr. Hatna. Nice 2 Rm. shske cottage lot! 107.x "Senr.V,' ttZXrl notVbad. Call Mr, k.ln T f , I !,.. . aamk I sjl v Excellent New bunaalow S Rms. Flrd. acmc ii. uk. kiu Bath. Attch. Ga rage, Lot as x 132. t Located North in fine residential section. Call s irin-rr I Amunoso - i ; I. SZ-O0 . i I uiue neme compiese with HtjWtr. beater. Cau Mr. Rains. y j ' ' ' A - ST V-ak -e . m v A eaW w Phone 2-6CT7 Realtors 554 Ferrv St. BEAUTIFUL home: in the suburbs o7 Salem. Lovely view of river frofci win - I dows, . $ SBedrms. cement patioi" many . i - ax " , : . r . "mh hardwood f S I 7"--u ha" wood ? Iloors.s 2 Bdiia. " m'e'oper-tv : I s ttnit iurti U Vi sn, , ,u 1 lTlel ! 1 8s I Mntl tMiei fjrtth fuU basement, lull Iprice $370. f Attention invetorkl 128 ft. of hbrh- I wa- I .ituated I JJT aTs I a a frontage. Veryj eloaei la. jldeeily ea ior man iype ev lapreent. a s nana noma no. $Seo. - P. TT Tl.ll T?J-ltU- JZ T4ll L CnernekeU Street . IPhene 4896 NEW '. ROOM hoMse. In Swele d - trict. Priced cheap. Inquire a Clear M.J?"r- . j ' t . ' 975 Pine. 1 large BJi. and 4 smaller. 1 ?rf f 'A -?.caped. itar- I ".BT"T TP-!."00?- Puul m 1939. is a weil-bulit home. Imm. poas. Phona I-47S1 Alri-i l ni neai Ftate.!2286 Fairrrounda Rd. 1 si3l F'iM merciaf. A home with $j nice. Urge , . -7 -t. . " . v""- t5rf-.-.-noro JfJ" V Ji Sl?::,', fT- t.ks j L mVT. ? A i; .i - ' iV"? ossession. j; j t Rostein & Adolph, jfne. iist N. CoeimercUl St KTtone 303O w Emj 8314! W30 4 -EveeJ 8314 j- ' )0 $oym , new I SE with 'l . $800 Very small W Jij soe! M Price $2500. s . . it 1 Colbath tlanrj Co. (Open tie. 1-81 1683 Center St I . Phor 1-4552 One Acre NortK One acre with Slots of! shaide and ""rubbery. Good bedroom ! hoffse. JFe old. 310.000 ABout a down, baL eas toayments, j iiusiuu U lUlUUa 1C.: 110, N. CoanSnerctal Sti Phone 3030 Jvesi 83H? $3,750 I I 31000 down and 848 month ne. hrf. will bu thk iNi.n. k - xr 13th st. Has LR. DR; ruU bathllge lot." dble garage. INVESTORS oppos. TUNTTY. t .Vj s - ... n llii'.t ' -i L.O loath jLand (JO. (Ooen Eval 7-ai T "I 16S3 Center Sit ,2"! . L leax center at. j PhonA 1-4532 snecial . K . .7. 1 . ... . ..uuw owwi"- JI rent. 3J Ddrm , I "" " sifc. uintHf. rge sol well P- HiiTTFl Hurry, I rgia as or S49S at . ! Aft MaUsen 1T28 gt$t4) St.!- I treesT iv acrJ come everUni 1-tBDRM. JTOUll. Deep we!L!lO fruft tm. acreV Store and bus mi door. I evenings. Kt. a. Bo 909j Keizer Lnnnri. n. a. siranan, I 1 k i i ' li isrriCT. ri. A. STrah.it BV 6wKR: i bedrm. home. I A.' Will take traUer house In trad. Rt 4. BOX 474. Phone 3-6368. ' Severiri Realty ( CbJ US NORTH HIGH M- HONK 4018 I spicia 1 acres close In with I bom, fireplace, kitchen.! double ga- rage, deep well. See this. All for Sisoa -own. fuu price 7soa . ' - - Severin Realty Co? ' EVNTNG PHONli 6901f Vrrant OCllOOl Lllt. ' This well bunt EnkUsh stylet t bed- roorn Some with iWPent cVni be had for Verv r?asb tLr V I rar $8730. Very reasonable w. rened. & i be arranged. tU t f I Englewood Beautiful 1 bdrm hotne! on lot SS si I 127 feet. A.verv nulim. all I trie. Insulated. Owner must Sell b-I caus of Illness, in fahiUy. j 1 I AT-V; l..rTi:. ' I IVICi-lnleVI iUlfitJ I i This outatanding rental unSt freak I tSi, w.!r . i VT' I i li. rmifl ' T. T" I t on pus line. swoo. $1000 Dn. $68 Me. Tl"f i1 ,Avall?b.Wr A2' a. 1 L ..J w I Ph. 2-3203. No agents. j '" "!!; rral m I . w .wi:-. 1 LOOKING or a hornet, New 1 rm. P m" wkninlp" Completer; "ir.U ou.e ' with beth, planned tor add. rm-Z on the market has ensta. each haal!0"- L?" range go. Owner leevtej 1 -. r uu oasement j and ; double I ila Pmni rvi ia .1 rrYe i null wiU bring in 12 on, irrvset of 81400 i." ? WTV-J Richmon w a v-.n. ai aii.-.w finished upstairs. -, Hardwood ! floors "un. oenniteiy OJC at S8O0O. -I i . For above ads contact Berglabd wtth Art Madeen I Phone 9590. 13?S Srste. I FyW 8478 v a ' - t T f, f ,VlJfr i01- .Con arage. corner lot Fll lrFBi ari-rl 9 a io i fin location. Elect.' ranee. tefruf oil ! T"- J'a ,f or-- IT V, PT V" " . w-wfir twnnn i.icv-T . - i sT IT f .iu kX, n.w -4LL7- fii "l? door neighborhood, t would bo very happy to shew you this fi waiter imqs jna ve S lleaitors 1233 ETXigWATCW " PHOKW 9109 OWNh Kew Wuee r,.r hTiK Lachoot Llvtog rm dia I rm, 2 bid r , . with cn fioore. , vit.. th ! uUlity with linoleum. Attached ga- rare. Paved street and ! auca. Pries :sj wtth 82830 dn. '8t4 ; Per mo. Pn. aim. 435 Falnr lew avevl I'- RV ntTTP-RTXri 5. ewneri idn Mod. 3-bdrm. home oa one 2145 Perry St. .!! . '. $ LnQO;I HOUSE. bsaemeoL auto furnace. Perfect rtewj Large lot trees. By owner. Call $537: eve aga. ' Call inu siri. ' , For Sale -rt rtes-l. EiUlt NELSON NEWS COTTAGES $2860 Ideal for ainek rn a. e,-i T "JJfb". bdrm. part bath,, wood shedT- an I blka from bus. RUSTIC RETREAT 87800- Crolsan Creek rd. Neat 8 BR heme with yui rm, Lge gar.. Ideal setting with tall firs and other native shrub bery. About ls ac. Spring water. Owner leaving city. ON CRqisan rnnv n Approx. 1 ac Beautifully landscaped . I pius cedars, alders a oak m rrn,..n - 1" fpUee. OR, Kit. Nook. 2 Bra. Full . ". iuu-aamt.' L trays, furnace. . t ON POBTI.iVn n I piasierea. xpiace. part basmt. with1 iT - ' -,,Pv ml- from Sslem, Willamette River frontage. Chehalis A Wiliamette soils. Splendid erooa,. nm-. .m-m. Winter wheat, malting barley, ranta- I oi mi aoove meet your re- I "ulrements. teU us what you want, if ' I w J3?.""! slready have listed., we EuiekiV"" w iUld n ' - - B. " . it.;-. - Nelson 4 Nelson SpeciaiUing Realtors 708 Jf. High ... j ., phone 4621 $4200. Wall located north. rv bus line. 8-room home, SmaU beee- . I Rient, Garaea . i Immadlata n.i, I ment, oarers. Immediate I wiui State Finance Co.. Realtors! 153 S. Hlrh St.'- Ph: 4121.' STTLS t7T5Xf Piya-i 'i1: wiT I old. hwd. firs. OH fur. le.riot- fii liir" 1 ... - . ' , " r ' e e . e !. - I LlUIl Keal , Stflte t.O. I n. altor Sl i m, -,. a. 1 phone 3793 Eves. 2-520 VACANT 2 bd. rm. furnished. rv4 i AiiaU-ara i l. fast s. nri. wn . ne.t-rookin-g. Lgelot, walnut V I w-eir.r H.rt I p.; tin BV 6WKL i WrnQhou.. I olr heat. Close to schools and bus. Ph. - U. . I 3-t rJLA. toanJ $3,000 down. HASiasa S 1 Dill UFB4V!.; 11. W . I O0f I -CsU O. .V. Hume With j state Jb mane 'Co., - Realtors 13$ S. High St. - Ph. 4131. Eves 25?f TAX SALES! fMtv lota Sio- y.nr rtra.nn ..hl-. ; ton ranch, graxtng. timber, minlna rUnU W sre m in. bid. 8c rtarrj I Lands. Box 3350-PH; Hollywood, Cl!f. " 81600 DOWST I KrtyVh'u , .'i,i I ImMED, POSSESSION had on U-.ia I v.T - .T . " --"lr" - 1 , K3. . ... 4 l mi t..hi ini.t. -.knii- , 1 I ...-.., v iinui- fc sarage. a. city i ous ox ooor. f 1 ; OR j . . I . E this 1 brm. sub. Cape Cod home. I landscaped. aU kinds elbow room, doo- I P'".? aooui a yrs. old, Trees. a-o smau mooem oarn t chicken hse. Sturdily built for owner's, home. CiF bus. Lot corner 165x400 ft. . 'Mitchell Real Estate 3423 Portland F.3- S7750 Jl -llmn MM e V - - I ,a!. h'" Hde. nrs nice yu garage, ! rement dnve. Don't wait on this one. j Terms if yen wish. 1 "C KILGORE TtEAt. F.TATV 1425 S.? IrrH - Fve's 1B29 - Ph. 4;$ I JIOUSE.2 VrsJold avlth 9 larv. tU I jms. b!gving rm. On corner lot, Prlee 8750. $LJ0 dn.a bal. like renu - I F. H Wr .- v v . I 7 s. conn n lie1 Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS WE LIKE IT because it is secluded. I hM creek, lots of tree, a small cute I home with a basement, lis en a caved I SS?. .V,!!9 35- should be. an easy sale for any rf"ir. '' J.' wa, toi;ui run the Wheels rr our " trying to show yeulan-thlng that mould ave half the appeal and value I mcrm mien WIUT new houM has. Irs the pl.ee to raise trtose kide TSVl'. -l"? L 'ns.Ut irem ny i oy owner maxes adyrsabie sale of this I appealing, i warm, ranch tpe homo near the Vigh school. A king sis. lot 61 x IV. offers enhanced outdoor-living tn addition to providing this fine home with a settm in! keeping im the neighborhood. $13,000. For thee and many, more CALL pr SEE Leo N.ChiItls, Inc. . Realtor? - - "32 years. of 'dependable aerviee to j home owners" 844 Stete St. . . j- Phone Evenings caTI; ;? $95001 S bedrooms, living rm.. dining rm. auto, heat very clean, fully -in.u ted I and weather atrlDnevt. It v. .ti i. - i seapeo. inside city limits. Terms a- :i U X UHTIIUUIll illlll A ery nice 'home. Double lot. spa- Icious rooms, tiled bathrm. A kiuhe Aut U ,urnc'- basement. doutU rf Two blocks to bus. An ecl- lom for $14,800. ; , Ri- O. TTi. til.r . Jt Cn . T?i,lt-f . -VCailOTa . 901S Portland ; M 2?" 3-36 if Eve. t"9 - YES. IfrTR0Ef S"50 3 bedrm. furnished heme 9a nice locat- ... rii.. .-- I $50 . no. ' House la clean. Unk r,, aners, i TTi.rr V- 1 v-i - - . Healers 341 Chemekela ia fX. a-tsM ' Phone 3788 ,. Eves. ADVERTISING tTestarn Advertslnf Jftepreseptatlvsj ' Ward-GrlffMh Company. In. Sna Franciaoe Castern Adverttslns; , nepresentsUvrs Ward-Grlfftth Com per taA Caiieago. New York, Detroit Boetoo. Atlanta : Member - Padfle Coast Di vision Bureau of Advertising . Catered at the Postof-re ef F. e Ore we f Serono Clese !. ter. PtiMuHsd eeery bot-'- . apt Monde. Busfnesj eu.e L-i Seaua Commercial Street. . SUBSCIUPTION RATI 5 Mali Fiihscrtptto Rates tn Ad vance: Within Oreeoo: jDeilT m i Sunday. Mo 60 erpis. 8 mot, $3 i ; I rest $4t tiaewhere 0 cents p. t mo or 87 29 tot I veer la adveotae. Per cony f centa. t ' Pr Otjr Carrier 78 cents a r-of?n. 88.00 a year tn advane ia L.. riw. i diaeenS