18 Thm Statosmcnx, Salem Oregon. Sunday. June 27. 1948 Rural School Boards Talk Over New Law Rural ichool board members from many -pa rt of Oregon gath ered here Saturday where they discussed many problems involv ing the new rural school law. The meeting was called by Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public instruction. Considerable discussion cent ered on what constitutes capital outlay and when it shall be al lowed or disallowed in budgets. Capital outlay and when it shall be allowed or oisanowea in uumcu. Cr.vr xaiH thpri was wide di version among school administrat- or in connection with whether thL or that proposed capital out- lay was important and necessary. Establishment of uniform salary schedules also was considered. Among other important topics discussed were revision of the ba- sic school support formula, elim- ination of duplicated school bus routes, legislative changes to cor- rect problems created when scho' j raxh ths ctnTiK m iiisi U 5 "u" . r u Class, ana wnai sieps to improve budgeting practices i IrHividual school districts. Thf conference was conducted 1 c B.s an open forum with artirn . u most of the problems ncin re- ferred until a future meeting. Courthouse Courtroom Needs Planned Definite recommendations for law court plans in the proposed new Marion county courthouse were made Saturday morning at th first meeting of a committee of members of the Marion County Bar association. The committee, aesisnaieu uy the courthouse commission for making recommendations to the courthouse architects, outlined the need for four courtrooms to be used by the circuit court. Three are planned to be J.x40 feet in dimensions and the fourth to be 40x60 feet, wit.-, seating for 200 Fpeaaiun. .iduCu a foot room to house the county law library. Judges c. imbers are planned to hae accesses to the courtrooms as well as private en trances. Consultation rooms, lawyer.-' lobby, witn-s assembly rooms, jury rcKims and dormitory, and two district court rooms and Jury facilities are also planned. Private corridors would Connect jury rooms and courtrooms, and e'.l would have adequate lavatory facilities, as would rooms for court reporter and stenographers. Making the recommendations on tbe oar association committee are Circuit Judges E. M. Page and j ueorne n. uuncan, District juusc Joseph B. t--i. . -i reilOIl. ano nuui lirjs I Walter R. WinsloW and George A. Rhoten. Harlan Judd. Marion county clerk and secretary of the u 1,1 n vouroiouse uuoo,oK at in on the conference taking Tlotes with which to make up the Committee report. Final Coimtv Budget Meet Set Wednesday No changes in the Marion coun ty budget levy for 1948-49 are forseen in the final open meeting Wednesday of the county budget committee according to Marion County Judge Grant Murphy Sat urday. Marion county's levy will fall , in line with the 6 per cent levy I Increase limitation a finally an- proven uy siA-nmn iuumi ( get commute a montn ago. inis will be under the $963,328 ceiling. The entire outlay for county purpose, including the $200,000 j special courthouse levy for the Jear and revenues other than tax evies will exceed $2,500,000. Judge Murphy said that deletions may be made upon consideration of any proposals made but that ny addjtiong could not be made unless gome other portion of the budget were to be deleted. However, he added, he expects no changes. Office-Residence For Stavton Man Being Built STAYTON. June 28 Construc tion of a combined residence and office of the most modern type Is under way here by Dr. Then Stuckart at 1035 Third street and Is to be ready for occupancy by September 1. The building will be 36 by 40 and built so that it may later be an office building while a separ ate residence is constructed. It will have reverse heat and cool temperature regulation, first of the kind in Stayton. The heat out take well has Just been completed, the second to be dug. Rock was struck at 19 feet with the first well after having gone through sand and it will be used for the out going water. A fire proof room for storage of filing cabinets and all records is another feature. It is to be built of pumic stone blocks and will have exterior Venetian blinds, al so an inovation here. The office will be sound proof. The ukelele is not a native Ha waiian instrument as is generally believed, but was Introduced to the Hawaiian by Portuguese sail ors In the 18th century. Hawaiian word ukelelej means literally "jumping flea," and was applied to the instrument because of the swift motions of players' fingers over iL Detroit Vacation Bible School Holds Closing Program DETROIT, June 28 Vacation Bible school closing program was held here Friday night with awards announced for winners in various contests included memory contests. Winning awards were Michael Moore, Susanne Moore, Ellen Ferris, Robert Holbert, Don na Howland, Thelma Wilson, Billy Shuford and Kenneth Smedley. "Skippy" Roser. 3 years old, won a special prize for having mem orized the greatest number of ver ses for his age group. Sixty-one were enrolled for the two weeks school and 30 of these were certified for achievement in j the groups ranging from 4 to 12 yean. - uyard Auxiliary mi' Installs (JftCPrS ! HUBBARD legion auxiliary of the American Legion installed ! Mrs. Levi Miller a president Wed- nesriay. She succeeded Ella Moe Loop. Other officers installed are Mr i w(crtre i,nmrs. vice ores - , T,.v,.. -fv ucm, ins. w.-mi ..v,..ai,, -treasurer; .wrs-. iiantra ic- rienburc. set geant-at-arms ; Mrs. Frank Anderson, chaplain; Lenore ( l y, ; .Scholl, historian Mantling commuxecs announced Standing commiueea diuiuumru included Mrs. Amanda Dimick, ; membership; Ella Mae Loop, con- ! stitution; Mrs. Duane Hatcher,1 publicity and poppies. j iwenty aonais wia to the Portland child welfare cent- , fr fnr rplief work among children -. .-t ,-oiur.jr, ui. "min ' ' F lfieen ditferent vitamins now are known, and scientists believe 'r .1 . l t oirieis caisi in ivo. l.ie-lock and Poultry 2 CHESTNUT saddle horses, gentle, well-broken for trail or pleasure. , Jr.ceu nght. Ingu,. on OF xabbit Inquire Interstate irac- 3055 Silverton KQ wanted at :uhe : p: Wr't SiCe I ur Co.. west TTroTTtYEH5:"5'2To4lbs 3i35"DSr "lEaVLnTG STATE. Young TamTIy Cuernsev cow $150. Rt. 8. Box 1406. north end of Lancaster drive You Are Invited To McLEOD OPEN HOUSE" July 3. . 5, and 6th. 1&48. "nrieard of Buvini Oooortun.t 40 : ead of Bred in the Purple Registered npr 194g foalg Rebred - ROYAL rRf:r iIlOO.OO Service fee paidi. Maies at LOOMIS LOCHtK lancli, V miles S W'. of Walia Walla. Wish In- quire at Walla Walla or Louege fiace f,,r directions to LooinU Locher ranch. hle 2""-. r " " .".'orman H. McLeod. Gen State Stables. Lewiston. Idaho N H FRYERS. 2 , to 4 lbs. Rt. 5. Box I1I8E. t mi W. Per.n annex. PALOSlINO gelding, about 18 hands. Well reined. A nice pleasure horse. Sorrel gelding, coming 5. flaxen mane and tail, bald face, well reined. 62 Williams Ave., o ff Silverl on Rd WING'S Rabbitrv wants fryer rabbit-, top prices. Pick up service. 3985 State St Phone 109F5. baby CHICKS 0 varieties Weekly hatches Lee s Hatchery. V ANTED. Any Kind of cattle, hogs Sc sheeD Will call at farm Licensed . kM-H h,,vr. Prompt rvlr F ! ( Snethen & Son 1530 Lancaster Dr Salem Ph 2-1345 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer VfcCindlish Rt 9 Box 233 Ph E C 8147 DEAD Stook p.cked up free ot charge dav and nich! service rh Sherwood Ore.. 4433 or 4424 Call col 'ret 3 MO. OLD pullet ti $1.25 to $1.5 Choice selection. Edward s Hatchery. Phone 2-2943 or 7000. Help W antr-d QUALIFIED PERSON for general office work In established furniture! and appUance firm. Shorthand and ty- i ping necessary, also some knowledge I of bookkeeping Good salary and per- manent position. Apply at Hogg Bros.. 2BQ State St STRAWBERRY PICKERS Sunday73 I p. m. and evening. Pay 50c per carrier, i Good berries. Oo north on B9-E. turn , right at LyUes Corner l' mile east G W Nltschelm. Rt 7, Box 363 CARHOPS, fountain Doy or girl, and fry cook, hite's Drive In. Inquire 1140 i S. Commercial St No phone calls rurmiv Bli-tTBrt TA Klrkwood. 1090 N. Summer. Ph. 8347 CHERRY pickers. Ph. 5 or 17F4 eves. On Orchard Heights Ka. Chap man 4 corners, turn left, lit house on i ff 6c Per Pound We are paying 6c per lb. for straw- ''-l sen. Rt. 7. Box 313. Salem. 1 mile east. 1 j mile north Hazel Green school. sTRAYBERRV PICKERS. 2 miles N. of Salem. West of Hayesvllle on Che mawa Rd. Chemawa bus passes prop erty. Gilbert Sneed. Rt. S. Box 1306. Help Wanted Male MAN for steady employment "caring for saddle horses and general barn work. Inq R. C. Maxwell. Interstate Tractor 8 Equip. Co. 3055 Silverton Rd. C6MB. DISH-WASHER U kitchen helper for summer resort out of town. Call 2-1M4 after 10 a. m. BOYS WANTED. Over $50 week I Sell name plates for front doors. Write CAPTAIN EDDIE, 212 Summer. Boston. Mass WOODCUTTERS. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6, Box 118. Salem. Ph. 68r22. WANTED: MAN to work in appli snct service dept.. position perman ent for responsible party. Apply 260 State SI How Bros LTTTGTJXKBr Summer vacation Ei one of Oregon's beautiful parks on the coast. Living quarters available. Must be over 18 years of age and have Red Cross lifeguard certificate. Apply State Civil Service Commission. 444 Center St EXPERIENCED lubrication man. good salary, good working conditions In reply state qualifications. Write Box 18. Statesman. EXPERIENCED body and fender man. Good wages, the best of working conditions. la reply state qualifies tlons. Write Box IT, Statesman JOURNEYMAN mechanic. Loder Brot hers. 463 Center St. EXPERIENCED fender aV body men and mechanics. See Mr. Gearhart. Valley Motor Co.. Salem. Help Wanted Female WOMEN in Dallas. Independence. Stayton. Silverton to do phone work In your home. Box 26 Statesman. EXPERIENCED LOADING engineer. C. W. Logging Co.. 744 E. Main. Mon mouth. Ph. 6774. Monmouth. 'ONE WAITRESS L one fountain girl for summer resort out sf town. Call 21644 after 10 a. m. OPPORTUNITY rah girl to learn medical laboratory work. Inquire Hen drie Lab.. 614 Llvesley Bldg. WantEd: bTllLng cUrklT gener al office work. Good starting salary, pleasant working conditions. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER 130 South front BOYS' CAUP cook. 8 weeks, start lag July S. Good salary, pleasant work lag conditions with adequate help, good equipment. Ph. 2-4117 man for Interview. Help Wanted Female TYPIST FOR permanent position. Must be recent high school graduate. Apply in person. The Ink Spot. 363 Court St. PaAT-TIIIE secretary who has had some experience In general Insurance. Telephone 7171 during office hours. SALESLADY Part or fuU time. Dis trlbute "REX Samples and demonstrate in the home. Will out-demonstrate any thing on the market. Good earnings on sales. Statesman Box 30. WOMAN fOR maid work. Steady Job, references. Ph. 6423. HOUSEKEEPER. I adults and 3 children. Board, private room, wages. Rcf required. Ph. 9432. RELIABLE WOMAN" or light house -work and help with car of child. Room, board and wages. Ph. 5510 from 9 -30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eves, call 8266. BEAUTY Operator wanted. $35 per week plus 60 comm. Box Statesmen. GIRL rOR stenographic position. Must be able to take rapid dictation. Experience not necessary. See Mrs. Kicnett. 359 N. Liberty CASHIER wanted. G ive experience and references. Writ Box 189 co Statesman. EXP. stenographer. Steady employ ment. Send application to Statesman, Box 23. Salesmen Wanted WANTED ADDITIONAL SALESMAN to Join our appliance sales staff. Sales ability necessary appliance training not es sential Will train salesman in our com i 1)le,, ,,n, nf Kriirfir. m.v.. , nd Easy Appliances Good starting salary uuunnj ii uii:iiirii with reliable and established firm. Ap i py in person at 260 State St., Hogg Hros uviv looking FOR WORK Es : tabiish your.-eir in a profitable Ra- Ileigh business. Be your own boss. No experience or capital necessary. Write immediately. Rawleighs. Dept 1 w-tm Oakland. Calif immediately. Rawleighs. Dept. ORF Men With Car Attention You can make monev if you have . the ambition to better yourself. If you are making under $150 a week, and : have a car. don't hesitate. Write for an interview. It s new and definitely salable. Comparative newcomers to , this business are enjoying profits of tjm ,to "' w ef. w0peni"l! I Salem. Silverton. Dallas. McMinnville and Sheridan. For Interview writ.. Hoi 12 co Statesman FOR SALEM -Silverton. Dallas" Mc Minnville. Make from $300 to $500 per r.o tjtsv sales. Part-time or full-time t . M. Oclevie. 548 N. 20th. Phone 9487 TWO VACUUM cleaner salesmen for outside selling. Guaranteed draw plus good commission. Excellent opportun itles. Write Box 103. Situation -intf-fi Graduate Massuse GIVES SWEDISH and remedial mas aee In your own home, ladies onlv Call for SDOointment. Ph 8377 SEWING. MENDING and trouser K-kets renewed 1410 N Com'l WILL CARE for child in my home Phone 7750 PLASTERING and chimney building F.xperienced Phone 24389 , PAINTING, sprav or bruVh. "hour o"r , )ntn,ct lnterlor or extenor. free es- I :lmat ,ad'y K'ven. 135 Highway Ave (ahin 5. GUTTER Work Repairs A new gut ts installed 1030 W'lber St ('.ill eves. I. AWNS worked. seeded. Lipht trac. m rubrier with dn.'cr Ph 2-6750 Painting & Deforatinp Ph 7552 Oiit.Nlf Painting Special'v EXPKRIENCFD stenographer. Local lf-l C h Hf Z - 54 0 1 . RKPAIR bicycles for berry pickers lfter 6 p m Also all dav Sat. Ph. ?-44M 1B40 Borry St WE BUILD fireplaces, brick "and pumire stone work, all kinds. Robert Douglas Gen Del. Brooks. Oregon SEWERS and septic taaiks Installed and renal refi Scharff Bros Ph . 2-55fifi . CARPET Laying and refitting New or used. Phone 3R17. ( FMFNT work Ph. 4396 r2-3400" Swedish Massage, reducing. Helen LovnM. 8J Livesley Bldg. PhBTJlfl Painting, brush or sprayTTh 2-551 f. 1.1 G H T dorer work, discin g Ph. 2-2B16 Barns Whitewashed Fly control guaranteed, any kind of ' ree snraved Ph. 2-5346. Curtains "washed. ttretchedPh. 2-634"5 alV Engineering Co Lllllircrill,, .U. Logging engineering, surveying. 600 Locust St. Phone 2-6318. ROTOTILLER work. Howser Bros, Ph. 3649 for appointment. PAINTING. Brush or iprav. Roofs stained Paul Bassett. Ph. 2-2306. EXPERT HAND, circle and crosscut saw filing. All work guaranteed. 1795 Yew St. Ray's Saw Shop. Ph. 3305. Bookk ooKKeeniii2 Call Wallace. 2-4596. i aki-imiiji worn oi all types. Re pair and alterations Ph 25787. OIL CIRCULATOR rurnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum useo a r gjisiey pn 7176 DRAWING house plans Ph 9621 WEATli ERSTRIPPING and InsuJi tlon Crofoot Bros Phone 2 -4656 shaded te Crh LAWN MOWERS. Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial H A ROBINSON 2214 N rRONT. Salem Ph 7293 cTSUnT contracting phone 2-3045. Stanley Tag. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK OREY 6269 CHIMNEY sweep Northness. ph 4450 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 946 or 5327 Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp steel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drslns. Septic tsnks cleaned reasonable. 5327 or 9468 REPAIR bicycles for berry Dickers aner e pjn. Also all day Sat. Ph 2-4461. Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine iervlce. Modern, Econ. Easy Meth Clears lines of Roots, Grease. Etc K. F Hamel. 1143 tth St.. W Salem Ph 7404 WANTED, furniture to glue and re pair Lee Bros furniture ReftaUhlng Co Ph2-1233 020 g SUte St PAINTER and Paperhancfrr Reason able prices free estimates. H J Wood worth Ph 3015 PAINTING it papering free estimate Ph. BSU 857 Shipping. For Sale MiBceilaneoua BABY BUGGY, $20. Phone fl73. TRACTOR tires reduced ud to iorL All brand new. first quality Clearance to maxe room tor wards new extra Hi-Bar" tires I Sal Includes most popular sizes. Quantities limited I Hurry I Montgomery Ward. 155 N. Lib- SALE: Young locker beef and com fed pigs. Phone 2-2639. 147 BOAT i. MOTOR. 1I, h p . Made out of mahogany plywood. 641 N. 16th. ALWAYS a big stock Woodry's furniture Mkt Ph 110 HEAVY steel clothesline posts, porch railings In stock and order. 25 bars 4" Chanel st cost. 1145 N. Liberty. BALTD HAY Rt. 1. Box 258. Salem - Phone 2-5795 ' STRAWBEKAIE5. you pick. 1.4 miles east of Keizer School on Chemawa Rd. J. C. Mount. Rt. 2. Box 40K. RUMMAGE SALE A rug. bed. fire- place screen and andirons, dishes, clothes, shoes, small wood stove, mis cellaneous articles st rsrsge. Z80 S. 19th 1 BATCH CONCRETE mixer on steel iieel wheels with -hors Gear head motor and 150-ft, line, 8150. L J. Green. Box 184, Wlllamlna, Ore. For Sale MifceTlaneonf ELEC. RANGE, good looking, high oven. MO. Phone 5223. 100 IT. GOOD 4 ft. ornamental wire fence with gate and 4x4 poets. $25. Ph. 1-5021 or see at 2445 N. Church. COIL SPRINGS and bicycle. Excel lent cond. 795 N. 18th St. Wrecking Large Building at Chemawa Indian School. Lumber, doors, windows, pipe. On Job from a.m. to 5 p.m. ROCK LATH, some sheetrock-ceU-lng Ule. Rt. 7. Box 434-A. McCain Ave. off Silverton Rd. 16 x 1( ft. SIDE WALL tent. 340 Division. C1VE AWAY: 4 kittens. Part Per sian. 1068 W 7th. W. Salem. CL. SAW. Target revolver. Like new. 2105 N. Church. g FT. B1RKENWALD meat case. Tri pie glass. Installed and guaranteed. $475. Ralph Johnson Appliance. Ph. 403. MARSHALL strawberries. Bring con- talner and pick at Van Cleave farm In Hazel Green, 1', miles east of Totem Pole. t mile north on Van Cleave Rd. Alvln J. Van Cleave. 10c a lb. FREOLd SkflMGLE. 266 M. Capitol. DAVENPORT and Urge matching chair. Phone 9523. 2335 Maple. USED MONARCH elec. range. Very good cond. Rt. 2, Box 278, ', mile south of Clear Lake. 4 A. VETCH and oats hav In field". Rt. 2. Box 278. ' ml. S. of Clear Lake. MODERN, blonde, high quality bed room set. Call at 1050 or 1058 Howard St. (Polanski Court.) Phone 2-6462. USED KENMORE washing machine. Good cond. $35. Steering-column shift ing rear, will fit '39 Ford or under. 815. 1210 Elfstrom Dr.. Apt. 3 ONE-MAN Universal bucking saw. 1368. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem. i0S8 S. Commercial. Phone 8023 . DISSTON CHAIN saws, parts and re- fairs. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem. ""I8,-5- cl'?n"!rnerci1: .h-ng- 8023 - BUS SEATS suitable for lawn or porch 825 pair. 700 N. High, in rear. C E. VACUUM cleaner. Like new. All attachments 830. Phone 2-5156. STRAWBERRIES $T a crate, you pick. Rt. 9. Box 314, 1 mile south of Liberty Cannery. ir-rTrPLywc6D boat. 194-? 2r- h p. Johnson motor. Rt. 9. Box 514. 1 mile south of Liberty Cannery. T54S T0TO TILLER. Used Ve rVli ttle". Rt. 9. Box 514. 1 mile south of Liberty Canner MILES l'i-GAL. Ice cream freezer, automatic, complete, dispenses soft Ice cream. F. C. Klaus 138 S. Liberty. " 18-IN'CH PAINTED shakes-witHiin- dercourse. $14 50 per sq. Cedar shin gles, wood lath. Keizer Builders Sup- jy. inc. block west of Keizer School. one 2-4208 River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 J R Watkins Co products 1717 Cen ter St Salem Ph 5395 Free del PUMICE BLOCK F. II. A. Approved 12th St Block Co S 12th St at Vista Ave Tele 2-5363 Evenings 8904 WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE MODERN AND antique firearms. Don Madison. 266 N. Capitol YOU PICK your strawberries at SI per crate. Bring containers. Ph. 2-2284. Rt. 3. Box 647. 1'. mi. W. of Liberty. n ivuuirr na.. oil sKynne na. a. j. i t leming STRAWBERRIES: You pick. 10c lb. mi. E. Liberty Sch. on pavement. Ph 2-6052 eve. R. C, Docge. STRAW BERRIES: You pick. Phone 2-2281. SL'HPLl'S STORE 1351 HOYT ST. SURPLUS PICNIC TABLES $12.50. BUNK BEDS $6 50 pair '3 HP. ELECTRIC MOTORS $14.73. SURPLUS COLEMAN OIL CIRCU LATORS $29 95. TOILETS, lavatories, kitchen sinks. shower stalls, swing faucets $6 49. ELECTRIC, water heaters, loomex. boxes, switches, range receptacles, pig tails, range cable, underground irriga tion cable. 100 Amp. entrance boxes, electric heaters, outside wire, apt size ranges. ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS: 25 KVA Gas AC 30KW Budda Diesel 3 Phase AC 100 K.W. Superior Diesel A C. 3 Phase. MOTORS 225 H P KERMATH Gas 225 H P G.M. Diesel 380 H P. marine Gas LeRoy 140 GAS. LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. presses. tumblers, extractors. GALLEY EQUIPMENT. Dish wash- lectric bakery oven steam lack- ted kettles steam cookers. SLEEPING BAGS, tarps and tents. ot sizes. Come south on 12th to Large HOYT SIGN, turn east one block. Tel. 7916. WHITNEY Piano. Call 4121. 8:30 to 5. Call eves 674 N. 14th. NEW 6c USED electric ranees, re frigerators, some apt. size. Oil heaters. 11 sizes at cost. Electric washer, apt. size gas range, wood range, oil range. rons. hot plates, waffle irons, radios. gas plates, ice boxes, dining set. 8 ft. meat case, printing press and type. world Boy s bicycle, like new. elec tric heaters, oil floor furnace at cost. Elec. churn. 1932 Buick coupe: runs good, 5 new tire and tubes. Cheap. HARDMAN BROS. 4 ml. N. of Salem on Portland highway. Open unt "used til 10 eves 7 days a week. BIKES. Car hub cans, all makes. "31 Chev. rear end. 555 Coleman oil circulator. Used fluorescent lights. all kinds. Ph. 2-4461. UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner, only one yr old I. Excellent cond. Ph. 2-3863. REROOr YOUR home with WARD'S better roofing. Complete Insulation available. Just 3194 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY-WARD CO.. 155 N. Liberty St. CRA'vEL. sand and silt Delivered, or on yovr truck at the pit. Phone 6444 Vailing Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock for roads at driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching 1 yq shovel at drsg line Phone 8561 BUILDERS - LUMBER DIRECT from sawmill, at a saving. Specified orders filled. West Salem Lumber Mill. loop Wallace Koad. Free delivery. CEDAR POSTS Ph 68r22 TIME TO FERTILIZE" USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERfECT fOR LAWNS & GARDENS S SACKS $5 or $10 PER TON free Delivery Anywhere In Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 8127 davs: 2-4397 eve. or 8127 1 BATTERY" Brooder. I finishing. uruuocr. dqui xor siuu. izs canton Way. CORVALLIS strawberries. 10c. U pick Close to town and a nice clean field D. R. fish. 1488 So. Com! Ph. 8524. USED BIKES. Car hub caps, all makes. 11 Chev. rear end. 555 Coleman oil circulator. Used fluorescent lights. sU kinds. Ph. 2-4461. 1640 Berry. mjK MJ v -: I ac : iuiLLi3, capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. STRAWBERRIES; Vou pick. l6c lb. On Center St. 3 mL E. of Xueger's Store. Watch for sign. Melvln Klampe. Rt. 6. Box 296. 60 LB. AIR com pressor with 1 h o. Brigga Jc Stratton gas engine. 13S High way Ave. csoin s. STRAWBERRIES : You pick. 15c. Joe Yellen. Rt. 6. Box 270. miles east on Center St. frurtiand. GOOD WOOD range, coils, hot water lank. $35. Rt. 8. Box 778. FRUIT JARS, '29 Chev. ring gear it pinion, day bed. Delaval cream separ ator, army steel truck box and rack. Ph. 4250. 196 W. Miller. USED Electric range. 610 S. Coml STRAWBERRIES: You pick. Good picking. Rt. 7. Box 341. USED BATHTUB, toilet, washbasin. Good shape. Sell complete outfit or sepsrste units. 820 Hansen Ave. 16 GAUGE Remington auto. -22 tar- get rifle. 47 Evinrude outdoard motor. Phone 4963. CARDBOARD Dacklna boxe sheets, any size. 1790 N. front. For Sale Misceflaneou STRAWBERRIES: U Dick. 10c a lb. 1 mile N.W. of Indian sch. Guy H. Smith. Phone 2-2195. MAYTAG washing machine $50. 880 N. ZIBt. USED BARGAINS Hotpolnt Electric range .$T0 Gaa Range 29A0 3 50 490 G.E. Washer Davet.o. blue velour 2 pc. sectional davenport 8930 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CO. 467 Court St. Phone 9611 STRAWBERRIES: 10c a lb. You pick! Harry Heth. Rt. 2, Box 394. on Che- mawa-yuinaoy Rd. FULL SliE G. t elec. ranee. 75 Rt. . Box 123, 2 mi. E. of 4 corners. Call after 1 p. m.. Sun. NEARLY U.EW j horse disc, i cut ters. in-wneel. 8494 N. Front. u i . r i i4 1 uciuxe g. E. re frigerator. Must sell immediately. 1050 wr ns nowara at. (Koianskl court). Ph. 2-6462. STRAWBERRIES. YOU pick. l2c lb. Clean patch. Kenneth Bayne. Rt. 7. Box 301. 1 mi. E. Lytle s Corner. nooayiew na. MODERN WHITE flat toD ranee and hot water tank. $40. Ph. 3413. I'-FT. LADDER, $10. 2193 Myrtle Ave. ELECTRIC RANGE. aDt. size oil oir. rulator. blue daveno, maroon platform rocker, floor lamp, bookcase. 5-ptece dinette set. Inquire Rt. 9. Box 63A. on Garden Rd. ml. past Lancaster Drive. ARMY TENT 16x32 ft. Standing 45 li-s. 3795 Monroe. YORK CORNET, new, call after 5 23231. BLACK COCKER Spaniel. Ph. 2-6501. SEED - POTATOES Rt. 6. Box 298 Ph. 2-3042. Bruce Squier. FOR THE BEST IN APPLIANCES SEE RALPH JOHNSON KELVIN ATOR ranges, refrigerators. Bendix washers, dryers, ironers. Fowler porcelined 20 yr. water heater. Speed Queen washers. Ironers. Electromaster. Estate. Thermador ranges. RCA Victor radios. Deepfreeze, Harder Freer, Beall : reezers. American Central .Kit. Cab. 4c Sinks. Eureka Ac Lewyt Vacuum cleaners. Ironrite Ironers. Tappan, Ruud & Mission gas appl. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center Phone 4036 USED WASHERS, automatic and conventional types, guaranteed. $39.50 and up Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Cente. St. Ph. 4036. STRAWBERRIES for sale 10c box Pick on shares 50-50. H. W. Miller. Rt 1. Salem 2 miles S. of Hopewell. FOR SALE: Good buildings. Phone 2-6727. SLEEPING daveno and chair to match. Good cond. Phone 7290. TWO 9x12 RUGS, all wool. 1 daveno and center table. 1 breakfast table and 3 chairs. 2 all metal cabinets. Call 8742 after 6 p.m. week days; anytime Sundav. LOCKER meat: "j dressed prime hog. 42c lb. Write Mrs. J. C. Adams. Rte. 1. Box 34. Jefferson. BARREL trash burner with copper coils. 6 V. set Sandburg's "Lincoln." new Phone 8430. OIL CIRCULATORS refmi&hed. Dial 3736 for estimate. Closed Sat. ROYAL typewriter in good cond. 131 Pacific Bldg. D1MEN'5I6N lumber 0 all kinds. Windows, doors, screen doors. Cement, plaster, sheeting, papery $3 0 per roll. Keizer Builders' Supplv. Inc. Phone 2-4208 'j block west of Keizer School. ANTIQUE" WALNUT hall stand. mar ble top. $35: old elec. ranee, good cond.. $35: Thor washer, $45 . 465 Garfield St.. Wood burn. Ore " BALED CTOVER hav in the field. $25 A C Spranger. Rt. 6. Box 153. Phone 1(I9F14 BOARDERS at LeGra y Kennels- ST. 3 Choice registered Pointer pups, male $35. one female $25. Also pure bred Cairn Terrier. 1 year, male. $15. Phone 2-3168 U PICK strauTerries. bring confain ers. 10c lb. Dr. Davis' place Sat. and sun Kt. 1. Box 128B. Portland Rd.. near Have-ville School. "GIVE AWAr 2 "kjTtens. 2360 Clierry Ave Phone 2-1504 NAILS. 8x16 commons, toilet tanks with or without trim. Rt. 7. Box 434A. McCain Ave. off Silverton Rd. STRAW BEftRrEsrTScIb- U pick. 5 mi N. on &9E. turn left at Lake Labish School, second house. Herman Hahn. "LATE- MODEL Apex washer, light enamel tub. $24.50. Davis Appliance Re- utii. 1111 cugcwaier at., v est saiem rnon 25241. Pumice Blocks Tested and approved class "A." Brick, cement, aluminum windows, waterproofing materials, etc. BOOK BLDG. BLOCK CO. S River Rd. Ph. 2-5873. eve. 5968 MALL CHAIN saws in all sizes, now available at WARD'S FARM STORE, Trade A High Sts. BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Phone 2-4367 Rt. 2. Box 32B 2a JEWEL Waltham railroad watch $o0. Daniel Skinner. Rt. 9. Box 490 DOGS BOARDED AND TRAINED reasonable rates by day or mo. trim ming and bathing. Pick-up and Delv LeOrav Kennels. Rt. 3. Phone 2-3168 LUMBER, shakes, paint. U in. in sulating wall board, shingles as low as so.oo per q. Eola Lumber Co. Salem -Dallas Highway Phone 2-5950 Trade MiscellAiiroua WE HAVE several S gaL cans of paint, green enamel, orchid, grip-deck gray, will trade for car, furniture or what have you. at $2.00 per gal. STEVENS 2ND HAN D STORE 1694 N. Com'l Ph. 6821 Miftcellaneou SMITH'S WATCH Shop. 226 Certh Ave., moving to 1127 Edge water St. W. Salem. WiU be closed from July to July 19th. Davis Appliance Repair New owners. Formerly Paul Parker's repair, washing machines, all house hold sppl lances repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. All work guaranteed. 1117 Edgewater. W. Salem. Ph. 3-5241 ROTOT1LLING. Phone 33132. LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. Closed Sat, p.m. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Brine or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. SUte A Com Ph 3311 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 AUTO painting. lust a shade better by Ray ETTEB. Call Shrock Motor Co B50X HAVE YOUR Stager sewing machine repaired by a ausufied Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3513 for tree pickup & delivery service on sll makes of ma- chines. Free estimate given before work Is started. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co- 130 N Commercial Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, business slgs, trade marks, photo retouching. Bob orowne. saiem Engraving. Phone 9101. 215 S. Commercial. WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt Box 423 Phone 2-1313 PUMPS. Universal pump sales, erompt repair service all makes. Stett r Supply Co- 173 S. Liberty. Phone BACK, breast and abdominal sup ports. Spencer Corsetler. Ph. 3-1536 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer A Basement EoulDmaal Rental 15 B-'k yda $12 00 per hr 10 B- yds. t oo per hr D-7 Cat k Dozer t oo per hr. D-4 Cat ft Doxer 8.40 per hr D-4 Cat Doxer T oo per hr Phone Days 0400 Cveeiings 8246 at Salem. Orego Miscellaneous Mattreaaea Capital Bed Co. Ph. 4069. Wanted furniture USED FURNITURE Phone Slid 1 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State CASH for used piano & other mu steal Instruments. Call 4641 dan or 537 evenings or send description to jsquun music co 191 S High USED rUKNITUKJ. Pbuoe 9185. W anted Miscellaneous SEWING MACHINE. Phone 8752. WANTED: Polo and piling stumpage. Write P.O. Box 283 Albany or call tjyatt 1ZB7 Albany. WANTED: Douglas fir poles and pil lng. Write or phone Standard Pole 8c Piling Co. P.O. Box 282 Albany. Oreg. Telephone 1287 Albany for new price list. WILL BUY U.S. gold, silver, or cop per coins. Call L. A. Warner. Ph. 7249. CLEAN RAGS. Hogg Bros., S60 State. PIANO TUNING Wilis Music Store. Salem Financial 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-218. M-222 Ed Byrkit and Companv FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4U F H A 4t construction loans 339 Chemeketa Phone 5981 SEE US roR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years an NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 SUte St. Phone 9261 Money to Loan . BtMJ. A.NKL1N f LUtJlAL, HOME LOANS AMPLE FUNDS AT 5T. quick serv ice. If you want to buy, build, remodel or refinance, see F. G. Delano, 290 No. Church. QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN LVSTOCK FARM MACH.-NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Lie No S-138 ON CARS OR TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From S50.00 to S500.00 Lie No M-338 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCfT CORP. PHONE 9163 1 Dr S of Ladd 136 S Commercial St Bush Salem Vacation Season Special Loan Service Short of time as well as Cash' Then see Personal where 4 out of 5 who apply get a loan. Loans $25 to 55500 on Auto, up to $300 on furniture or Salary. Up to 20 months to repay $50 for 2 weeks costs only 75c Other amounts in proportion. Special lunch hour service for busy business men and women, for faster service phone firnt. We Like to say Yes Personal Finance Co. 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 3191 E. Gallinger. mgr Lie. S-122 M-165 Private Money On Cars. Trucks t Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercisl St Phone 9168 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1st Nat'l Bank (old Quarters l FARM and Clt LOANS 4a and 5 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 fr lt-nl Room LARGE sleeping rm. 949 N. Winter Phone 8459. QUARTERS for single man. Free phone 50c day. Near bus. Ph. 8048. SLEEPING rm. Close in. Gentleman preferred. No drinkers. 345 S. Winter St ROOMS. EXTRA nice. Moderatelv priced. Outside entrance. 830 Hood St. CLOSE IN sleeping room for 3 girls ouo union. ROOM with cooking Drivileees. 573 N Cottage NICE ROOM. I or 3 women emp. daytime. No smoking. Phone 3-6962. 1 MCE ROOM" in Hollywood dittrict. Call 5768. PLEASANT ROOM for business man. 745 N Capitol. Phone 5323. CLEAN sleeping rm. Men preferred. No drinkers. 1596 Ferry St. Hollywood sip. rms. 2035 McCoy. 6093 For Kent Apartment SMALL Fum. apt. Close in. Clean, corv. Private bath. Phone 5211 1 RM. APT. with kitchenette. 1 mld-mdle-aged woman. No drinkers or smokers. Prefer empl. Vscant July 1st. Mav Oe seen now. 161 S. 14th FURNISHED apt. private bath, three adults. Don't come until Monday. 3455 State St. MIL 2 Bdrm. upper flat. Fum. or partly furn. Adults. Ph. 4697 or 9313. WANTED, elderly couple, no chil dren. to rent 3-rm. furn. apt. Available July 15. Fine location. Box 23. States man. CABINS by week. Camp Joy Motel For Rent Bouses FURN. 4 B R. home. Very nice. Close In. 2 couples O.K. Kids. too. $100 a mo. Inquire 1596 S. Liberty. Mon. only. muulh.n 2 rm. cottage. Ph. 2-6618. WILL LEASE for one yr. ScdL 1 mod. 3-bdrm. country home. acre. uouDie carage. to responsible people. 5 mi. N.W. Salem. Write or come. Mrs. Lulu Stratton. Rt. 3. Box 179. NEW COURTS ready to rent 4 rooms and bath. Partly furnished. Inquire 13th and Rural Sts. Phone 9561 after S. NEW MODERN 3 bedrm house lor rent, for information com to 450 Try on Ave. New Mapleton Addition on North rront St. Road. NELSCOTT Beach cottage. Ph. $160. For Rent SMALL Store. 994 N. Commercial MOD. Offices, good Ioe. Ph. 8389 IRONERS by the week. Phone 3-4439 U-bAJVE TrUCKs f6a rent Blankets furn 197 g Liberty Ph 9063 FLOOR Sander, elec floor oollsher and lawn roUer. weed burner. Wallace Hardware, the Marshall WeHs store Ph 6877 GOOD Used Piano H L. Stiff CAT AKD SHOVEL work, excava- tton, trenching and scraper work. Call Halvorsen Construction Co. Phone 4047 or 0006 TRAILERS 75c first hr. 50c brs following Woodry's Mkt. 1005 N ummer TRAILER Space, shade, clean rest rooms. Reasonable rates. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road. ATMORAYS Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh 684 N 17 4693 TRUCKS and cars for rent blanket furnished Smittvs Clloner Servksa. Center and Church. Pbooe 9000. For Rent For Lease Several good business locations avail able soon. See Joe. Also have some gooa business building lots, and a parry wining to buy a business build lng suitable to occupant, Joe L. Bourne, Realtor I14Q N. Capitol Phone 8216 PAINT SPRAY GUN. Ph. $361. Wanted to Rent 2-B.R. HOUSE bv man. wife nf well disciplined child. Can fun. local refs. tmp. by national concern. Write statesman Box 23. NEED IMMEDIATELY, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED I or 3 bedroom house. Convenient to Downtown Salem bv naw man. wife ana i school children. Write. SAM CARPENTER. 8829 27th NJL. Seattle. Washington. SUBURBAN 3 or i-BH modern house. On bus line. 1 yr. art least. States man Box 24. BUSINESS man and wife will rent nice house uear Hollywood Dial. Ph. 4667. 10 a.m. to 5 D.m. QUIET couple desire small unfurn. house by 1st. No children or pets. Ph. 6421. 2 OR 3 BEDRM. partly fun. or un furn. apt. or house. Close in. Must be reasonably priced. Ph. 4171 Ext. 414. WANTED immediately: 2 bedrm. house. Will put up Security Bond If needed. Phone 6946. TELEPHONE employe and exoect- ant wife need small turn. apt. or house by July 1st Call 4606 after 5:30 p.m. Lots 3 LOTS corner of Church and Co lumbia. Possession about 60 days. Pric ed right. J. JACKSON. 341 State St.. Salem MORNINGSIDE HILL: Exclusive dis- trict. view ran t be cut off. 80x272. Ph at5. Walt Socoloteky. Real Ertate. LOT BOx 129. Peck Rd. Fruit trees City water, electricity and gas. $750. Inquire Peterson. Morningside & Peck Rd. off Hulsey Ave. LOTS ON FISHER ROAD Phone 2-2116 or 2-1156 BY OWNER: Bldg. lots. $350 up Inauire 3795 Monroe. Ph. 23112. VIEW LOT: Nice view. Paved street. Kingwood district. Phone 9537 eve- nines. Phone 4641 days. 2 CHOICE building lots 100x355 on oavement on Skyline road. Price $1150.00 and $1350. liberal terms. All in cherries. Call S. M. Earle. Rt. 3, Box 7 15. Phone 22428. For iale It-' -tir Hunpry for Chicken? Ten acres, all equipped and stocked with 3.000 fryers. 2 cows and calves. Livable house, city water. $6,300. will trade for house. Call Dent. Olsten & Reeves, Realtors 945 S. Commercial Phone 4590 3 BDRM HOUSE, living room, dining room, kitchen with nook, attached ga rage, corner lot. suburban. $8200. 2 Bdrm house, living room, dining room, kitchen, built in nook, extra storage room, attached garage. $8750 includes range, refrigerator and Bendix. INCOME PROPERTY 3 Rentals, large corner lot. Near Hollywood district. Present income $77.50 plus owner's quarter. This can be increased. Full price $9500. 3 Unft apartment on one floor. View from each apartment. 3 have one bdrm. 2 have 2 bdrms. Income $302.50. In ad dition there is a 4 bdrm house with full basement. Full price $37,000. P. II. Bell. Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Phone 4896 Eve 2-6686. 7563 $8750 00 EXCELLENT buy. 2 bedrm. home with stairs to Ig. attic, lot 71 x 132. only 9 mo. old. Call Mr.. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-5260 Suburban - North One acre with lots of shade 8c shrub bery. Good 3 Bedroom hoose. about 7 years old. Price $10,000. About 'i down. Balance easy payments. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. 110j N. Commercial St. Phone .'1030 - Eves. 8314 New 3-Bedroom Home By owner and builder. Open Inspec tion. Sunday, June 27. 2 to 7 p.m. $11.- 600. Terms. 690 Waldo Ave., one blk south of Normandy Manor, turn left 4 blks. YOU'LL BE PROUD OF THIS HOME. Close in. 3-BRs. all rooms well pro portioned, a wealth of built-ins and closets, s fireplace, auto gas best. etc. Immediate possession. 880 N. Cottage. Let us tell you about it. Act now. State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High St. Ph. 4121; Eve. 3-8200 ' INVESTORS ATTENTION We have a group of 14 modern ware house bldgs.. three of them steam heated, built of fine materials and with good workmanship, also a nice home with new chicken house. 14 'i acres of grounds, one-third of this graveled. This place adaptable to almost any kind of business or industry. Could not be replaced for less than $50,000. We offer this st an exceptional bar gain of only $21,600. Or will seU house and chicken house separately for 89000. "C" Kilgore Real Estate 425 S. 12th Phone 48S5 A COMFORTABLE 3-BR home close In on Oak Street, walking distance of downtown. Convenient terms. Price $7500. further details upon request. can State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. 7h. 4121; Eves. 3-5206 4 R. HOUSE. 3 loU, just outside city N.E. Water system, garage, show er bath, only 84000. Terms. C. J. JACKSON 341 State St.. Salem COME OCT TODAY; we're sure you want to give the kiddies a chance to romp around a beautiful yard of theirj uwn. Dig 1 11 uiiuc u .. 1 lew vfuiev secluded location. 3 bedroom house 4 years old. Basement, fireplace. Auto, oil heat. Just outside city on highway. 3260 s. commercial St. Phone 2-5996. OPEN HOUSE. Kingwood Heights REAL SECLUSION. Mod. 3 B-R. home on hill overlooking! West Salem. Extra lge. llv. rm am. rm. acre. Beau tifully landscaped. Chick, hse. Leaving town. Must sacrifice. Asking price $13,900 Go up Glen Creek Dr. blocks. follow sign. 3-6603. KELZEH DISTRICT GOOD COMFORTABLE HOME, a! most new. Living and dining rm. 3 large norms, down. 1 bdrm. up, mod ern bathroom and kitchen, utility rm. Hdw. firs. down. Garage. $10,500. terms. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 SACRIFICE. Beautiful fairmonl Hill borne. 3 B.R. actual cost $16,500. Will consider any reasonable offer. Phone 4704. HOUSE for sale by owner. $75 Rose St. Modem 3 BR. basement. Hdwd fh-s. Insulated. Oil heat. BY OWNER: 3 bedrm. home. 1 A. Will take trailer house fat trade. Rt. 4, Box 474. Phone 3-6308. NEW 3 ROOM house. In Swell dis- trict. Priced cheap. Inquire at dear Lane store. FOR SALE by owner: 3 bdrm. hsel Dlst'd A. Cove ceilings, hdwd flrs elect, heat and wtr. heater, out Sil- verton nd. to 3e ratmavew Ave. NEW 3 BDRM. house, att. garage and utility rm. Elec heat, hdwd floors, lots of builtlna. 100 x 165 ft. lot. walnut trees, nice view, rood district, city water and bus. $8950.00. Terms. 2695 Hulsey Ave, off Ratcliff betweeu 9SE and S. 13th 8. For Sale Ileal Estate BEAUT1TUL country borne. Com pletely modern. 31 A.. excellent soil, mostly in fruit. Tractor and equip ment. Nice view. tT7.00O. - Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 484 Court St. Phone 7fft UK Efficient and , affective sates service call the Salem Realty Co NOW. BY BUILDER, two 2-BR ail electrtt' new nomes. inquire 1145 S. IStfc. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. K.r.nt furnace. Perfect view. Large tot. tree. 22, CaU MJ7 evenings. Call .WY "Nfi Kom located in one of Salem a best residential district. $ rooms. Unfinished attic, full basement, auto heat. tlO.OOO. i Goodwin & McMillin? ! Realtors ; I . 484 Court St., Ph. 4707: Eve. Save 52000! ! . New modern 1 IwlrTM 11M ' la large corner lot. Tm n, -"vi. MODERN S hwlm kL Jwi ' V. blinds, ffreo? 7 x 13a. fruit and ; nut trees, extra ! 1. 1690. N 5th. Phone 4561. . ,i OWNER HAS RITw tb i rc- but thev cant tk tk.1. i . low home with them I Built last fall bv a good builder. Large lot well lahd rVTs nd drained. Garden planted. Cozy 3-BR home. h-w. floors, oil floor furnace. This offering- to located Sunnyview. close to bus and Mere! Price $10,500. Call Mr.hanaT i Mate 'Finance Co. f Realtors i 1 133 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Kw. J-52f- Thf.?D -R?OM HOME. 910.000 i This Is an alder tvn hAt7 k., well located, close in. Ideal 'or room rentals or large family , REAL ESTATE MARKET t"- 433 N. High St. Phone 94799 .55 WOOD Dist. Conveni.pt. colol fortable. 7 rm. hmtu m s home. Full bsnt, auto oil furnace ex- -tra plumbing, breakfast nook, fruit room, fireplace. V. blinds, lots of bullt ins. Large, fenced-in yard. Excellent cond. $15.000. Ph. 3381.' 3 B R. HOUSE. Basement, fireplace! good 'ocation. $5500. Phone t-8321 - SMALL DOWN pymt 3 bdrm. bie", 'e. lot, city bus. 3810 Monroe. JL- uPPr fiat- furn. Close in. Adults. Phone 4697 or 5500. EXCELLENT HOME wTTH TVVT Large living rm,. fireplace, dining rm.. 3 nice bdrms.. bath, modern kit chen, basement, oil furnace. 'Apt. in come. $50 mo. Can have another apt. Well located. $13,500. . . THE REAL ESTATE MARKET ! 433 N. High St. ? , Phone 24793 BY OWNER: New ! two bedroom, home. vo East on Center. 500 Illinois. Ph. 2-4352 580 niinoia St. z .BIG 2 BR. home' with dining rm. $1700 jn, E. off Center St.' 097 Nor man Ave. ;. i BY OWNER: Wew house near high school. Living rm.. din rm.. 3 bed rm- with pecan floors, kit., bath and. utibty with linoleum. Attached ga rage. Paved street and sidewalks. Prx- $9950 with $2850 dn.. $69 per mo. ph. 21228. 455 Fairv.ew ave. $850 DOWN: 6 acres cherries, cabin; henhouse, barn, fenced. Well. Paved rd. $3800 Ba!. R". 3. Box 746-E. Skv line rd. l'a mi. S W of Liberty "r SAf -RiFire By owner here; from San Diego, must sell t.is wk.i SJi. mod. home on 1 floor, f u!! bm-.t. fireplace. $9750. J.. aown- "J urry 51 Ph. 2-e7S4. BY OWNER:. Unusual lovely 2 bed rm. home on Fairmount HilL Beauti- "v fully landscaped. Prir1 to li rt. 704. A L6VELV HZ EXCLUSIVE J1TATTOM One of the few outstandine Iuurm now offered for sale and at a price less by far than reoiacement entt V-v nice entrance hall separating a spacious living room and dining room. Music room opening to a patio and extreme ly nice back vardJ Flill til vth large bedroom down with tiled bath, bedroom and knotty pine den which would accommodate two beds up. full basement, automatic ? airconditionlng oil furnace, comp'ete'y Insulated and rf' 'Po Montsiau to call us NOW. thi won't la't i LEE OHM ART It COij REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115 Days or 5 24722. 21222. 8770 EveniREt 1 Bet Buy : Englewooil District S7500 New 2 l edrm. home, beautiful hard wood fls. Very nice kitchen, plastered. 'xt;arB r"- Paved driveway, j blk. from bus. Paved street. New lawn and shrubs. 2 wks possession 11 recessa-y. Will carry FJLA. or state G.I. lj' . Priced Lfor quick, sale. M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors S 15 ?r.r-;and Rd. :- Ph. T830 or SSJU1 7820 EXTRA NICE HOME JUST COMPLETED Sp- e ir. living rm, fireplace, din ing r-n . 2 large hedrms. and bath down. All hdwd. floors. 3 nice bedrm. and bath up. Modern kitchen, utility rm.. attached garage, plastered. Price 515.750 and worth rt. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET ' 433 N. Wieh St. Phone 2-4793 HOME AND INCOME ' 10 R. house. 3 nice acts. Income bet ter than 10 on Investment, large Jet with fruit and shade, price $9000, or might consider acreage In trade. ALTRED Dl'MBECK. REAL ESTATE , 147 N. Cor-mereial St. R- HOUSE T Commercial SL Business zone. City bus try door. Eas ily made mto 4 apts. full basement. 75 ft. frontage. Priced to sen. $750 AURED DUMBECX. REAL ESTATE 147 N. Commercial St. 55300 FURNISHED i " f OUR RM. home of food construc tion. Cone, fdn garage, corner lot, fine location. Elect, range. refrtg oil cire.. b-drm. suite, davenport, unh. chairs. I- R. rug. All goea. Call Ike Bacon. Home Ph. i 8354. ENGLEWOOtJ DISTRICT " fine 3 B. R. EngBsh typo horn. Oak firs, fireplace, full basement. Bus at door, excellent neighborhood. I would be very haopy to -how you this fine home. Price. $11,500. CaU Ik Bacon Home Po- 8.154. ? Walter Musirfave Realtors 1333 mCWATTt J PHONE 5109 HUGE PROFITS! : OREGON. CALIFORNIA. Waahtnef am Tax Delinquent properties, 1 to 040 acres: 25c to $3 Sere minimum bid. fraction actual value. Send 6e poctare for circulars maps. Pacific Land Box 33M AC. Hollywood. Calif. AD VEFnsrNQ Vf estarri AdverUslnjj Kepresenta U vei , Ward -Griffith Company. I aVm rranciaes) Eastern Adwrtlslnf Representatives ; Ward -Griffith : Companv, ! ree.' Chicago New I York. Detroit Atlanta Membft Part fie Coast Division Bureau of Advertising ! ii I Ntteeed Che PffWorrVe at Sv m. Oreoow mm lirnsii n at.. tee PMMiened ewevy: wtormttm e erpg mtomdmv Bmtnm$ eice til South Commtmrviai Xtreel. . t I SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man fJubecrtotioft Rate fn vance- Wlthlrt Oregon: Daily and Sunday - Mu o cenu moa. $2 2S. I yeai $4 uo Elsewhere 00 cenu eer mo or $7 20 fee I vaar te advaoe. Pet copy t cents ; By City Carrier. 75 cents month. $ 00 a year la advacea te Marion , f ff.