The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 26, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 Tho Statesman. Salotn.' Qrogon. Saturday.' Tuno "2S.
Bodies of Dr. McLoughlin, Wife
Exhumed, Reburied at New Site
OREGON CITY. June 25-.-i-The body of Dr. John McLoughlin,
Hudson's Bay company (actor in early Oregon and founder of Oregon
C ity, has ben exhumed for re-burial, a Catholic church official dis
ci sed today ,
The casket was dug up from its resting place of 80 years at
S' John s Catholic church.
The Rev. John R. Laidlaw. pastor of Immaculate Heart parish.
, Portland, said it would be reburied
County D.A. to Vice Presidential Candidate Gov. Warren
. - i
Speaker Today
kJ L I
Vice Admiral Thomas L Catch,
rt-tir-d. will be the speaker at 2
p rn today at the dedication of
V Kd burn war memornl swim
rti.i.if'pool in Settlemier p-irk Ad
niuai Gatch is a native f Marion
c .mnty. (Story on page 1
School Board
Reassigns 2
(Story also on page 1)
Realignment of two elementary
, h.Mil principals was luthori.-ed
f iidjv night by the Salem -ihool
,M:d. Glaoe Folhs will change
fi .in Washington to Highland, and
G ads B Tipton will supervise
V. h:ngtori as well Crant.
v lii-ip .-he is now principjl
Tr.e . i.unge was nerevt! :ei by
t- r' c-nt resignation o.' L'iuri-1
M IVrr.otk as Highlan.i principal.
T double assignment to Miss
Tioion wa made since both Gram
aM W'r. .-r.i'-.gton ate u six
tn 6-hcrls and sit; Hie lat
ter buildng is scheduled for
Kindor.ment as soon as no longer
n "ii-d.
Tr.e toard also autt.n.'- 1 t .- ' -in
,. rues for 10,000 .-
e-:'n fi'.l ?-nd grading in order to
r- new fa.nletic g "u.'-' .
V. "- i Saiem junior high sciiool site.
(r cr the June 1 election,
v i-i. h ntmtrd Gardnei Knapp as
a din tor. opposed addition of
kind- : carten.-. to public tiooh
n-1 rejected consolidation with
M Uw V,ew district. revesVH
it. !,arfc-s in the results earlier
aiii'O'ir.i ed
Rov Hai .and. whose tei in ends
J ice 30. t-..rncd the chairmanship
o ; U D n Young, next in sen
I . r ;.
Chin-Lp Club to
Rodeo Tickets
Ti ken to the rodeo at Gresham
J.ilv ?.-4-? ill be futtu-ned free
or ili.nrff to members of the Chin
up C'.ub ef Oregon and their attendant.-.
Beth Sellwood. club
p .-ident. was notified Friday. In
orf. to t the tickets. th- mem-1m-
ate to write immediately to
I an SUift. 104 N.W. 12th st..
Giesrrm, ftating the number
Damage Slight in j
Automobile Collisions
A rsr drien by George Andrew ,
Cum. 2010 Virginia st., and a
tr'jck driven by Thomas Robson. j
1350 N Liberty st.. were damaged
vs hen they collided at 18th and
Midison ftreets Friday afternoon,!
Sal-m police report. Also Friday l
an-rnocn city police reported a
collision of "a car driven by Leo
I,uglas Egbert, route 7. box 408
and a pickup driven by Mrs. Fred
Thomas. Gervais route 1. at 4th
.. .trwit Rnth the latter
i-tnc? had fender damage, police
Wayne Straehan
and His Orchestra
Each Saturday Niffht
V.F.V7. HaU
Hood and Church Sts. j
Salem Capitals
at the church s new site In trie
Oregon City hill section.
The body of McLoughlin's wife.
Margaret, also will be exhumed
:'i r reburial.
The proposed removal of the
bodies earlier had been protested
by Dr Butt Brown Barker, pre.-i-c!ent
of the Oregon Historical so
' iety.
Fatl.t r I.aitilaw said the retno-il
took levsuhe the chuieh
piofM'ity tuts been s 1 1 1 com
mei i i . ' 1 site.
U'hiU- we regret the necessity
of tin- transfer tt the remains of
one whom we all revere as the
greatest figure in pioneer history
of the northwest, it has been felt
alter long and careful considera
tion that the decision is the one
best calc ulated to show respec t for
his memory." Father Laidlaw said
in a prepared statement.
Detroit Dam
F imd Assured
WASHINGTON, June 25 - tAt -President
Truman signed today an
appropriation bill carrying $641,-
575,668, including $40,236,000 for
Oregon and Washington projects,
j for army civil functions for the
12 months beginning July 1.
More than half of the Oregon-
; Washington item total was ac
counted -for by a $22,000,000 item
; for McNary dam on the Columbia
river. The Detroit reservoir re
ceived $3,500,000.
The bill provides a record $573.
000,000 to the army engineers for
the most extensive program of
flood control and navigation proj
ect ever undertaken in a single
year. Construction funds are pro
vided for 200 flood control projects
and 78 rivers and harbors im
provement jobs throughout the
country. Additional sums are pro-
ided for planning future construc
tion. Other Oregon items Includi-d in
the bill were: Dorena reservoir
$3,000,000: Fern Ridge reservoir,
$155,000; Lookout Point reservoir.
$5,000,000: Nehalem river, $15,000;
L'mpqua river tributaries, $116,000.
and Willar.iette river (bank pro
ter'ion) $500,000. Rivers and har
bors clauses gave Columbia ricr
.etween Vancouver and The Dalles
.326,000; Columbia at Bonneville
$500, 000; Columbia and lower
Willamette rivers below Vancou
ver and Portland, $775,000.
Truman Raps,
Siirns DP Bill
WASHINGTON. June 25 - -?irtenl
Truman today reluctant
ly signed and then bitterly criti
cized a bill to let 205,000 European
war refugees enter the United
States in the next two years.
The additions to America's melt
ing pot will be carefully screened
mt-n. women and children who
fled to the now-occupied zones of
Germany or Austria and to Italy
between Sept. 1, 1939 and Dec. 22,
1945, and who stayed until Janu
ary 1.
Many will be persons whose na
tive lands are now behind Russia's
iron c urtain.
The president said most of the
Jews who entered any of these
countries by 1945 already have
left, and most of the Jews now
there arrived after 1945 and
"hence are denied a chance to
come to the United States."
U. N. Board Leaves
Jews Free to Push
Convoy Through
TEL AVIV, Israel, June 25 -4JP)
Jewish authorities were advised
y the U. N. truce commission
here today they were "free to act
as they saw fit" to push a convoy
to the Negeb desert in southern
Palestine, arj Israeli announce
ment said.
A communique Issued tonight
said the Israeli government would
take action "in a manner and at a
time and place which its general
staff will deem suitable."
The announcement concerning
the truce mission s attitude was
made after a U. N. spokesman dis
closed the Egyptians had refused
to let a convoy pass and had fired
on a white U. N. plane piloted by
an American, Lt Col. M. L. Mar
Carl L. Pruitt, 575 Patterson St.,
West Salem, was cited to appear
in Salem municipal court this
morning by city police aiter his
arrest in the00 block on South
Liberty street Friday night. He is
charged with having no fenders
on the front of his car, police rec
ords show.
Old Time
Every Saturday
lit Court Street
Over Westers Asrio
Maste By
Admission Mo Tax
r ter m-m- $r m )
f' aUn j if nr.- m2Sm-&, - j If ; II
p- 5. V )rm$A
KARL WARREN was born In Lo EARL, at 6 (above), had moved THE FUTURE GOVERNOR Td
Anceles in 1891. his father Nor- to Bakersfield. His father lot uated from V. ot C. law school
war-born, his mother of Swe- his railroad job In Los Angeles and was elected Alameda roun
dish parentage. after a strike. ty district attorney three times.
First for GOP
j By D. Harold Oliver
' WASHINGTON, June 25 -(P)-i
The republican party has picked
I in Thomas E. Dewey of New York
I and Earl Warren of California its
1 first east - west, coast - to - coast
presidential ticket since iU first
i national convention in 1856.
It established a precedent by
l giving Dewey a second nomination
I after having lost his presidential
i bid in 1944.
In naming two governors to top
I its ticket, the party has taken an
other rare step, although in 1944
it- also had an all - governor slate
in Dewey and John W. Bricker,
then governor of Ohio. Bricker is
a senator now.
But along with these "firsts" and
"near firsts," the GOP adhered to
the time - honored custom of se
lecting standard bearers who hail
from states with big electoral
Vote-Pulling Power
If Dewey and Warren can show
next November the vote - pulling
power they demonstrated in their
gubernatorial reelection cam
paigns in 1946, they will have-cor-raled
more than one-fourth of the
clectorial votes required for vic
tory. Now York has 47 and California
25 electoral votes for a total of
72. A to:;d of 26C is needed to
Dewey had a plurality of close
to 688.000 in beating Senator
James M. Mead in New York in
1946 for another term in Albany.
Warren confounded the politi
cians by taking both major party
nominations in California and
coasting to a second ."overnorship
term at Sacramento.
States Not Unified
And, the republicans have not
lost sight of the fact that the dem
ocrats are not any too well uni
fied in New York and California
this year.
Win or lose, Dewey and War
ren will stay in public office next
year. Their present gubernator
ial terms do not expire until 1951.
In the 24 conventions of the
party there have been 16 east
midwest tickets linking states like
New York and Indiana four times,
Ohio and New York six times,
Illinois and M3ine, Ohio and Mas
sachusetts, and so on.
Of these 16 east-midwest tick
ets, 11 won in November.
Pope Asked to
Rule on Beauty
Contest Status
25 (I-Sponsors of the annual
Viet Virginia beauty pageant to
day asked Pope Pius VII to ex
press his position on Bishop John
J. Swint's ruling that any Catho
lic girl entering the contest faces
The appeal was made in a ca
blegram addressed to the Vatican
by William J. D. Miller, public re
lations man for the pageant.
Two Catholic girls withdrew af
ter the Bishop of Wheeling de
nounced such contests as "totally
pagan" and "absolutely immoral"
and said "if nakedness were elim
inated the whole thing would fall
to pieces."
Miller's cable explained that tal
ent is stressed and indecent expos
ure prohibited in the contest and
said Bishop Swint's ruling "threat
ens success of a civic enterprise
(whose proceeds) go to worthy
In conclusion:
"Appreciation expression your
position this worthy cause."
Elub Tumble Inn
Presents for Your Pleasure
The Royal -Four
5 Piece Orchestra
PUyinsr for the First Time Saturday Night,
and Ererj Saturday Following.
No Cover Charge Saturday Nights Until 9 PM.
Open 3 P. II Snnday, July 4lh
Choice Steaks and Chicken Dinner.
2 ML N! of Albany on Old Highway 99 Phone 913
:. -.1-0 T Wm mqmt
PHILADELPHIA, June 25 Mrs. Earl Warren and three daughters attend the republican national con
vention session to hear the California governor named the party's candidate for vice president Left
to right: Virginia. 19; Nina. 14; Mrs. Warren and Dorothy. 17. (AP Wirephoto to The Statesman).
Wives of GOP
Nominees Stay
Out of Politics
By Cynthia Lowry
Thomas Dewey sighed and
thought, "Oh, dear," when her
husband won the republican nom
ination for president.
Mrs. Earl Warren, seated with
her children in the convention hall
balcony, heard her husband nom
inated for vice president with
tear-filled eyes and a genuine
feeling of surprise.
"I'd heard his name mentioned,
of course," the light-haired Sweden-born
wife of the California
governor said, "but I hadn't heard
anything definite. I didn't believe
it until one of the California dele
gation caught my eye and shook
hands with himself."
Thought of Responsibility
Mrs. Dewey said that her first
reaction was a worried expres
sion. She though of the big re
sponsibility it put on her husband.
The two women, first ladies of
states on opposite ends of the na
tion, are very much alike in many
ways and have been friends for
some time.
Neither takes part publicly in
politics. Both are devoted mothers:
the Deweys have two children; the
Warrens, six. They both renovat
ed their respective governors'
mansions, and enjoyed doing it.
Both dress well.
Mrs. Warren said she had not
expected things to happen the way
they did.
None in "Sunday Best"
"Nina (the youngest daughter)
had on a cotton dress none of
us was in our bunday best, &ne
said. Nevertheless she looked fa
shionable and handsome in a sheer
navy blue dress with a white hat
trimmed with maline.
After accepting congratulations
from the crowd, Mrs.' Warren,
with daughters Virginia, 19; Dor
othy, 17, and Nine called "Hon
eybear" who is 14, had lunch
eon with a friend and then plan
ned to attend a small reception
given by the California delegation.
D. Holtzman, 1485 N. Summer
st., reported to Salem police Fri
day night that someone entered
his house through a basement
window Thursday night and taken
two radios from an upstairs room.
Nothing else was touched, the re
port said.
Family at the Convention
GOP Meet Sends
Note of Gratitude
To MacArthur
phia. June 25-,P-A resolution of
"gratitude and appreciation" for
the "heroic role" Gen. Douglas
MacArthur has played in war and
peace was one of the last bits of
business at the republican con
vention. It went through unanimously.
Senator Joseph McCarthy of
Wisconsin offered it. He said he
didn't want Japan to get the wrong
idea because MacArthur got so
few votes for the presidential nom
ination. MacArthur got 11 votes, 8 of
them from Wisconsin, on the first
ballot yesterday. He got 7, all but
1 of them from Wisconsin, on the
Swimmer Sets
U. S. Record
SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 2S-(JP)
Suzanne Zimmerman of Portland,
breaking her own American rec
ord in the 200-meter backstroke,
and favored Ann Curtis of San
Francisco headed the array of
winners as initial competition came
to a close tonight in the women's
national swimming and diving
Miss Zimmerman, of the Mult
nomah Athletic club, won the
backstroke, last event on the
card, in 2 minutes 47.3 seconds,
breaking the time of 2 minutes
48.7 seconds she set in 1946.
The Rosetta Stone, containing
inscriptions in three ancient lan
guages, provided the key that un
locked the mystery of ancient
Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Time Trials,
7:33 P. 11 .
Daces, 0:33 P. IL
1 Vi aiiles North of Salem
On Portland Road
Admission 1.50 inc. tax
jr :
SWORN IN (above) as state attorney general, be extended bis In
terest in better police work. That year (1938) his Interest gained
a personal dr.vr. His father was bladeoned to death and the crime
never has been solved.
220 yd. World
Record Falls
ALHAMBRA, Calif., June 25
iP) -Lloyd La beach established a
new world record for 220 yards
on a turn in the Alhambra games
tonight, stepping the distance In
21.1 seconds. The old mark was
21.2 seconds, made by Ralph Met
calfe of Marquette.
Labeach also won the 100 me
tres open race in 10.3 seconds,
I which ties the existing recognized
I record, but it is one-tenth of a
j second slower than the Panaman
I ian's recent 10.2 second perform
: ance in the San Francisco bay
', area.
BAKER. June 25--Dr. W. W.
Baum. Salem, addressed the an
nual convention banquet of the
eastern Oregon district Medical
society tonight.
After 1:45 FJML
Mat. Daily from 1 P.M.
Now Showing I
Wicked ( .g-vT
1 b
UfcVlVll iNKtlViatlK- r
rou Menial
Fun Co-Hit! o
Wilde Twins
"Campus Honeymoon'
ConL from 1 TM.
Opea as nsaai dmrlns;
Fraaehet Tone
Mtecha, Aaer
Pat O'Brien
Janet Blair in
At 124t with
Kesr. Show!
t.:; an
Co-mi! Gene Aatry la
5 Districts Plan
UMONDALE, June 25 -(Spe-ci.ili-
I ro and con discussions at
a special school meeting here to
night were followed by a resolu
tion of five school boards to cir
culate petitions to effect consoli
dation of live school districts. Dis
tricts censidering consolidation are
Unionrialc, Grand Island, Wheat
land, Hopewell and Fairview.
The petitions to be circulated
will ask the Yamhill boundary
board to set an election date when
each district will ballot at its "re-!
Ends Today! font 1:45
M ESTHER Wll I iamq i
"Spoiler ol the North"
Paul Kelly - Adrian Booth
Evelyn Ankers
v- fcURK UNA 1
If i o
The Woman
in White"
Eleanor Parker
Alexis Smith
Tnaido Story"
Color Cartoon
"Little Tinker-
vi n nil
vnacm . matam
For Tsar Added
Color Cartoon. Growtas;
Llil" ifliitttfl ,aA
HE IS FIRST garernor of Cali
fornia to b elected with nem
InaUon of both parties. Here b
sits at his desk.
spective school house on the coo'
solidation proposal.
SiVLEfJ'Sl NEtfEsjrv
jr These are only a few of
the many innovations that
are the last word in
scientific achievement!
Added Treats! ;
Special Brevity
"Fight of the Wild Stallions"
J s
Salea's Tep Show Barcsia!
t BiU Too Dare Not Miss!
tvsxa f
I XCisaKasaoai
Fains" Warjier NewsK
I r
r f