10 Tha Stcrtesmcm, Solam. Oregon. Tu day. Juiv 22. 1948 Portland Livestock Portland Grain Help Wanted Situations Wanted For Sale Miscellaneous Financial Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. June 21 - (AP) Butterfat tentative, subject to imme diate change. Premium quality maxi mum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity de livered In Portland. l-93c lb : firt quality. 4-92c lb.;: second quality. 80 93c lb : valley routes and country points 2c less than first. 87-90c lb Butter Wholesale f o b. bulk cubes, rrade A A, 93 score. Mc lb.; A, 92 score. Mc lb ; B. 90 score. 78c; C. 90 score. 75c. All prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singes SO'j-57c. Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 5'J5&c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large B4'.2-S5c do. rned:um. 51', c. A k racit small, no." . B. g:uoe. large. 4' i 44' ,c. Eti Put ii.i--.ed from farmer? cur rent receipt. 48,j-51'3c do Il-vers pay belt- wholesale quotations On graded bais U.. rest henr.trv en?s Poultr L'vr cn cken - I'ny ing p tee to priucers No 1. broilers undir 2 lbs 3-33c lb.. frwis. 2 to 3 It- Is aac 3 to 4 lb . 3o-36c: roj-ten 4 lbs and over. ZS-3t . fow. .. U-shornv un der 4 lb 22-ZJc lb., '.vrr 4 lb- 25 26c coinrtcl fo', all we'.Rhts. 2S. lb; ata;. all weights. H-!7. lb Rabbi'. Avtrir tn tr'ai'.e:: for lo Cailv dresd animals. 5.i-6nc f: r live w.h;tr 30-32f lb . cuioied 28-30C. Old or hfiv 15-18- Breotlrr turkeys--No 1 htn 47-4Rc ib net to poKlucer on dressed ba;s. ;-. 1 torn. 43-44- lb "n.( h .nr. Fre-h d:r scd meal- AH price are Stnctlv rifT- inal due to inte: ruptwris of norrt-1 market, nc and processing pro cedure by the flood. Cour.T k.'.'ed meats - Veal -- Per pound top Lur-,' 42-44c other giacie according to weight ami quality. Hriki Licht bi(,i !:. 34-35f. lows. g-28c b lairhs 45-.m lc lb ri;utt..r . 12-20C lb Iit-f f.oy! tow. 42-4HC. canr.er and iii'Ii'v 3-l-4' c Wt.ol - t'ojr -e. :v and medium grail-. 4"c b Mor.a r Z'c lb ..i: 12-:..onth. gn 'h Or.un "o-lh C'a.if. e'I'-w $3-3 5' red 3 2;-::j PotAi- N-w c. p C'rf f.. "i wt-te roe loo il.. $3 75-4 1.' B. $2 60 i 70 Ha -- Follow :ig p: .ci are ft: ctly nom lr.al I or better c if, V. S No vetch :i.it-d ha. nominal S N. 2 fit-en alf.ilfa i,t fob f'i ;.t :. $.r 1 tirr.o'h .vi'l ..-it and ,1ai , urn ei tifn-d clove i Today'. Pattern ! ' Mm Srrxart MotKers put Toddlers Sn S'.v-ej.- St:nsuit-' P.itinrt. 4765 is Fellow the trend fir gracious a w rap-and-b jttoner, (joes on in a lmnj' Make this ch.iinimg filet jiff, opens flat to iron. She'll look crochet chair set for your favor so dainty in this suit and bonnet ite chair. Of course it's ea.y to do' et' New motif! Eagle leaf design This pattern, easy to use, sim- goes with every type of furniture, pie to sew. Is tested for fit. In- Pattern 874; chart, directions, eludes complete illustrated instruc- Laura Wheeler's new, improved lions. Pattern 4764: Toddlers' size 1, . 2. 3, 4, 5. Size 2, playsuit, 1 ' , yds 35-m ; l yd contrast, bonnet, . S yd. Ser-d TWENTY -FIVE cents In colr.s for this pattern to Tr Oregon States man. Ar.M A-larrs IS F.rit t San Frar.cneo i. C.:f pr-.r.t platxJv NAME, AbbltM, ZONE. SHE a.-.f STYLE MMBtt You-' NEW AN'NI ADAMS summer Pattern fxx s as ONE HUNDRED T CiTV - S XX i:; jstratior.s cf smart rooi i-T-s Ieas u oua your ward- r'rfce. ?. yovt bj'lgrt F.fteen cents rr.ore tr.' f i 7ou tr.'.s 1 cir.atir.g eata pi jk free pattern printed In the book a sun-ten nalter with built-in bra No. 59-37 Bvr.opii cf Annual Statement for the rear ended December 31. 1947. of the rulitrm Lumbermen's Mutual Insur- ance Co-r pany of Indianapolis, in the , State of Indiana, made to the Insur- ance Corrrmlsslor.er of t.-.e State of Oregon, pursuant to law-. Net premiums received. $5 675.577 42 Total Ir.tere.t. dividends and real state income. $208,386 54 Income from otner sources. $167.- 718 10 Total income. $6.051.682 06. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses. $1,876. 465 24 Loss adjustment expenses. $88,268.37. Und4trwriting expenses. $1,790,763.49. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders. $619,447.11 All other expenditures (including; Investment expenses. $86,184 35). $193.- Investment expenses. $14,095.60). $1. 472 19 r ! 739.399 23. Total disbursements. $4.367.318 40. I Total disbursements, $14,998,156.04. ADMITTED ASSETS ADMITTED ASSETS Value of rial estate owned (market ' Value of real estate owned (market aluei. $833,612.94. I value), none. Loans on mortgages and collateral. I Loans on mortgages and collateral. tc . $23,000.00. etc.. $10,820.00. Value of bonds owned (amortized). Value of bonds owned (amortized), $4 .313.79. $1163.046 04 Value of stocks owned (market i Value of stocks owned (market val alue). $272.734 00. ue). $814,600.00. Cash in banks and on hand. $84$.- 86 63. Premiums in course of collection written since September 30. 1947. $666,826 42. Interest and rents due and accrued. $38,044.77. Other assets (net). $94,663 93. Total admitted assets. $7,42086.50. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND ' OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $437,500.00. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. $17,000.00. Total unearned premiums. $4,319. 176.53. All other liabilities. $247.000 00. Total liabilities, except capital, $3. 120.676.55. Capital paid up. mutual. Special surplus funds. $200,000.00. Unassigned funds ( surplus r. $2,000. 09 95. Surplus as regards policyholders. 3.200.309.93. Total. $7,43084.30. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $177 ,$68 .33. Net losses paid. $33,494.43. Dividends paid or credited to poller Holders, $8,144.39. Salem Market Quotations BUTT ERF AT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail EGGS (Baying) Large Mediun Pullets and cracks EGG S (Wholesale) I arrc Mcll'in F'uKets and cracks ... POl l.TRV No 1 Leghui n .90 .80 .87 S2 .54 .32 J4 .58 .3 .42 28 30 .34 .37 .14 No 1 colored hens No 1 colored fryers. 2 ',-3 rbs. No. 1 colored fryers. 3 lbs up No 1 old cocks LIVESTOCK (By Valley Park) V 1 ., up to 24 50 Wooled lambs 19 00 :. - ".ea:e lambs 15 oO to 19 00 Yearlings 10 00 to 15.00 2 04 to 6 00 18 50 to 20 00 Faf dairv cows (.'utter coi Dairy r.eiferi .. : u. . Calves 1 300 to 450 lbs ) Veal. Vear? choice . . 13 00 to 18 00 . 15 O0 to 22 00 17 O' tc- 2 no 20 00 to 23 00 2 4 00 to 2(3 00: 28 00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press June 21 STOCK AVFRAGH :;o is u eo Indu R.uls Ctil Stocks Vfond.iv 7 44 2 42 0 70 5 Prevo.is ua . '.i7 7 44 7 42 2 71 2 Week ) 98 5 44 R 42 2 715 M. . : .ico 8 (4 8 42 2 70 9 lear aM 17 ?.2 7 42 6 64 4 BONO AVI RAGI 20 10 10 10 Ra.N Indu-t I'fil Fi.rgn Mond..v . 'JJ 3 H! fi 1C1 6 ! n Prev.i.'.iv dav . 9.! 3 1016 101:1 62 Wnk jto . 93 7 101 7 1018 (2 3 nlr. gn W2 8 101.6 lo: 3 fi2 0 V. ,ir in.'.. 912 10.14 10? 4 72 ISeetUeeraft pattern makes needlework so sim- pie with its charts, photos, concise directions, Send TWENTY CENTS In coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman. Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson Sts , I San Francisco. Calif. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME, AD- DRESS with ZONE. Send FIFTEEN CENTS fight now for ' your Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book I The best needlecraft catalog ever pub- llshed. with 101 Illustrations of the finest embroidery, crochet, knitting. home decorations. toys, accessories Printed in this book are FREE lnstruc- tions for weaving on huclc toweling i the newest hobby I No. 51-29 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31. 1947. of The Preferred Accident Insurance Company of New York of New York. In the State of New York, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon. pursuant to law: INCOME Net premumg received. $10,605,383.54 Total interest, dividends and estate Income, $276,364.63. real Income from other sources, 714 73. Total income. $16,752,462.64. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses, 330 22. $3,870. $6,203.- Loss adjustment 419 19 xpenses. $1,689.- Underwriting expenses. $5,366,017.38. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditures (including Lash in banks and oh hand. $898 51 25 Premiums In course of collection written since September 90. 1947, $1,23224 26. Interest and rents due snd accrued. $36,529.32. Other assets (net), $739,046 17. Total admitted assets. $15.697.527 06. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims, $7,057,270.57. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. $95, (41. 23. Total unearned premiums, $4,193. 5407. All other liabilities. $99332.14. Total liabilities, except capital. $11. 344.005.10. Capital paid up. $1,230,000 00. Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus), $2,123. 3214. Surplus as regards policyholders. $3,333,521.94. TotaL $15,697,327.04. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $19127.89. Net losses paid. $109,491.09. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. PORTLAND. June 21-( AP) - ( USDA ) Receipts at four packing plants since Friday: Cattle 1.000; calves 100: hogs 100; sheep 1.000. Limited early trading steady on cattle and sheep, around 2.54 higher on hogs compared with last Wednesday. Good -choice 180-230 lb. hogs 28.00-28.50; good sows 10.00-17.50: lightweights to 18 00: feeder pigs lack ing. Med lum-Ujw -good grass fat steers 27!50-30 00; good fed steers quoted to 3200. Medium beef cows 22.00-23.00: canners-cutter 17.00-19 00. Good beef bulls 27.50-28.00. Good-choice vealers 28 00-30 00. Good-choice springs lambs 28 00; common grades 21.00. Good year lings 19 00. Good ewes 8 00-8.50. few light ewes 9 00. Water receding from stockyards area, stockyards company anticipating opening of yards effective June 28. No. 50-28 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31, 1947, of the I London Assurance of London. England, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, made I to the Insurance Commissioner of the Stale of Oregon, pursuant to law: , INCOME Net premiums received. $43.829.499 34. Total interest, dividends and real estate income. $331,696.10. I Income from other sources. $401.- 433 50 : Total income. $7,582,630 94. DISBURS EM ENTS Net amount paid fair losses. $3,507.- 882 29. Loss adjutrr.ent expenses. $184,671.39 I Underwriting expenses. $2.613.129 53. Dividend paid to stockholders, none. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditure (including I investment expenses. $7,397 49 1, $560. 658 53 , Total disbursen ent. $8.86.351 74. ADMITTED ASSETS V.ilue of rejl estate owied (market valuei. none ' j Loans on mortgages and collateral, i etc . ri.ne I VaUn- of bonds owned (amortized1. $6.556. 1!'2 91 Value of stocks owned (market value. $4,875.98 00 Cavi in barks ajid on hand. $1,420. ; 425.27. ! Premiums io course of collection , written since S-pten.ber 30. 1947. 1 $;77.1l'7 34 Ir.tere-t and rei'.ts due and accrued. $:! ,?4S4 '.0 Other ast-ets inrli. $286.339 07. Total ndmitt.-d assets. $13 848.405 34. LIABILITIES. SI'RPIA'S AND OTHER FUNDS i Total ur.p.iul claims. $2.501.296 47. Estun.iti-d Ios adjustnient expense for unpaid claims. $89.822 56. Total unearned premiums. $5,439. 856 58 All other liabilities. $953.318 91. Total liabilities, except capital. $9. 004.294 52 Capital Deposited. $500.000 00 Special mii plus funds. Vol. Res for Cont . $2U.ni 00 Unassigned funds (surplus). $4. 324.110 82 Surplus as regards polu holdei s. $4.844. 110 82 Total $13 848.405 34. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net pren run. s received. $66,799 50. Net losses pn:c!. $26.556 38 Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none Principal office in Oregon. 607 Henry Building. Portland. Ore. No. 58-36 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the year ended December 31 1947. of the Baker Abstract &t Title Co. of Baker. In the State of Oregon, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $20.925 95. Total interest, dividends and real estate income. $248 95. Income from other sources. $9,267 29 Total income. S30.442.19 DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses. $161 64. Lots ad Mistn-.ent expenses, none. Underwriting expenses, none Dividend paid to stockholders (Ca.-h. $5,500 00: stock, noneh $o.54Mi oo Dividends raid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditures. $24.6456 T3. Total disbursements. .tO .128 37. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value, none i Ians on mortgages and collateral. I .. . - vi'jt of bonds owned (book). 110.- ' 479 SC Value of ftocks ow ned ( market valui- . r-o --.e Ca-h in banks and on hand. $17.- 731 'yj Pre.-r iun. in course of collection writ'en f;nc September 30. 1947. Ii.':e7 m. Inteie-t and rents due and accrued. none ftr er assets (net. $26,578.69 Total admitted assets, J56 467 11. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. nie Estimated loss adjutm4-nt expense for unpaid claims, none. Total unearned premiums. $919 97. All other liabilities. $15,057 87. Total liabilities, except capital. $13. 977 84 Cap.tal paid up. $20,000 00. Special surplus funds, none ! " ' Unassigned funds (surplus). $20.489 2 Surplus as regards policyholders, $40,489 27 Total $56,467 11. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $20.925 95. Net losses paid, none Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, none. No. 57-35 Synopsis of Annual Statement for the vr nrli-! rmhr 31 1947 of t O j0hn Hancock Mutual Life Insurance ; Company of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Total premium Income for the year. $353,761,980 06. Interest, dividends and rents received during the year. $64,188,316.98. Income from other sources received during the yea,r. $23,862,048.94. Total income. $446.81 2 J4?02. DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annui ties and surrender values and discount. $120,882,729.36. Dividends paid to policyholders, $29,773,452 63. Dividends paid to stockholders, none. General Insurance expenses, $74,627. 613.32. Amount of all other expenditures (including Investment expenses. $2. 161.57905), $13,557,854.22 Total expenditures. $240.841.649 73. ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value). $26,196,830.26. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. $196.630.360 94. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $1,771,149,779.55. Value of stocks owned (market value). $92.108.469 36. Premium notes and policy loans. $61,843,436 54. Cash in banks and on hand. $31, 138.633.11. Interest and rents due and accrued. $17,077,692.28. Net uncollected and deferred pre miums. $36,361,139 46. Other assets (net). Cr. $4.532.549 34. Total admitted assets. $2,228,963,772.14. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Net reserves. $1,783,54790.00. Policy claims and losses outstanding. $11,549,493.39. All other liabilities. $264,243,148 18 Total liabilities, except capital. $2, 059.341.Q30J7. Capital paid up, none. Special surplus funds: Special Re serve for Group Insurance Contin gencies. $3,103,467.68. Unassigned funds (surplus). $166. 520 .274.49. Surplus as regards policyholders. $169,622,741 57. Total. $2,22843.772.14. BUSINESS IN OREGON TOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annuities received. $737,621 48. Dividends paid to policyholders dur ing the year. $44,784.54. Net leases and claims, endowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year, $326,642.52. Principal office in Oregon. American Bank Bldg.. 621 S.W. Morrison SL. Portland. Oregon. PORTLAND June 21-(AP)-No wheat futures quoted. Cash gram: Oats No. 2. 38-Ib. white 81.00. barley No. 2. 45-lb. B.W.. 73.50; No. 1 flax 4.10. Caah wheat (bid): Soft white 2.30: soft white (excluding Rex) 2.30; white club 2.30; western red 2 30. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 30; 10 per cent 2.32; 11 per cent 2 38; 12 per cent 2 44 Hard white Baart: Ordinary 2 50; 10 per cent 2.54; 11 per cent 2 60; 12 per cent 2.66. Today's car receipts: Wheat 9; bar ley 3; flour 8: corn 1; mlllieed 8. NOT1CB TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 1:15 p.m.. Monday. June 28. 1948. In the office of the City Manager. City Hall, for the construc tion of Pqrtlanu Cement Concrete sidewalks in the City of Salem. Ore gon, as provided for by Sidewalk Res olutions nuntered : 3306. 3307. 3308. 3309. 3310. 3311. 3312. 3313. 3314. 3315 . 3316. and 3326. Clans and specifications may be had at the office of the City Engineer. City Hall. Each bidder will be requir ed to file with his bid a certified check or bid bond, payable to the City of Salem, in the amount of five per cent of the amount of the bid. winch- will be forfeited to the City in case the bidder shall fail or refuse to enter into contract for the construction of the sldewajks if awarded the bid. The successful bidder will be re quired to comply with the provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Salem in regard to the rate of pay .and working conditions of those that will be employed on the project. Bids must be made out on forms secuicd at the City Engineer's Office and must show the resolution num bers ami description and location of the property. All uoi k performed must be com pleted not later than September 30. 198. All work shall comply with the "Specifications for Concrete Walks ' for the City of Salem. Oregon. The right is reserved by the City of Salem to accept any. or reject all b:ds in the interest of the Citv. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. J 22 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF KXEf I'TOR Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed as ex- i ecutor of the last will and testament i and estate of Mae Ledgerwood. de- ceased, by the Circuit Court of - the State of Oregon, for the County of ' Marion, sitting in probate, and has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having clam s nj;aint the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified, as bv law required, to the undersigned at 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon, with in six (Hi months from ttie date of the first publication of this notice Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 25th day of Mav 1!48 CLAUDE C WHITE. Executor of the Estate of Mae I-edccrwood. deceased RONALD C GLOVER. Attorney for Executor, 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon. My25-J-1 -8-15-22. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL 1 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned Administrator of the : Estate of Arthur Donald Smith. De ' ceased, has filed his Final Account as . such and that Wednesday, 7th day of j July. 1948 at 10:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day has been fixed as ! the time and the Court Room of the 1 , Circuit Court of the State of Oregon i 1 for Marion County at the Court House. Salem. Oregon, has been fixed as the ' place for the hearing of objections to said Final Account. EVERETT F. SMITH Everett F. Smith. Administrator of the Estate of Aithur Donald Smith. Deceased. June 8. 15. 22. 29. July 6, 1948. T. Harold Tomlmson 390 State Street Salem. Oregon Attorney for Administrator. J 8-15-22-29-Jly 6 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the Circuit Cjurt of the State of Oregon, for Marlon Countv, Probate Department, her duly verfied Final Account as idminUtra- tnv nl lh. rftXd of Crnrm I- lu.-l deceased, and said Court has fixed Mondav. the 28th day of June. 148. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock A.M. of said day as the time, and the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem. In Marion County. Oregon, as the place for hearing said Final Ac count and all objections thereto Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 25tli day- of Mav. 1948. MARGARET MIIXER LEWIS. Administratrix of the estate of George E Lewis, deceased. RONALD C GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix, 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon. My-25-J-l-8-15-22. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CARRIE B. ROSS has been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, ap- pointed administratrix of the estate of LEWIS BRADFORD, deceased. Anv persons having claims against said es tate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said admin istratrix at 310 Pioneer Trust Build ing. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 1st day of June. 1948. CARRIE B. ROSS Administratrix of the Estate of Lewis Bradford, Deceased. RHOTEN St RHOTEN SAM r. SPEERSTRA 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administratrix J 1-8-15-22-29 NOTICE FOR BIDS Marion County Court will receive bids for painting the steel work and wooden guard rails on the lnter-coun-ty bridjre at Stayton. Oregon. In ac cordance with specifications on file in the Engineer's Office. Bids must be filed on or before 5:00 P. M., June 30. 1948. J 22 TRADEMARK NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Holiday Casuals', a partnership. of Brooklyn. N.Y . has filed Its trade mark "HONEYBUGS" with the Sec retary of State of Orefon. J.22-29-Jly.6 Livestock and Poultry RIDING HORSES. One big Iron gray and an Indian horse. Call 2-4290 after 6 p.m. N.H. FRYERS. 2', to 4 lbs. Rt. Box 108E. WING'S Rabbltry wants fryer rab bits. top prices. Pick up service. 3983 State St Phone 109F5. COMING 5 yr. old gelding. Wt 850 lbs. Bald face, flaxen mane and tail. Oood drill horse, good disposition, gentle, some tricks. 62 Williams Ave. Off Silverton Rd. BABY CHICKS 9 varieties "Weekly hatches. Lee's Hatchery. WANTED: Any kind of cattle, hoes & sheep Will call at farm Licensed St bonded buyers Prompt service. E I Snethen V Son 1590 Lancaster Dr Salem Ph 3-1345 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. MeCandlish Rt 9 Box 233 Ph 8147 DEAD Stock picked up, tree oi charge, day and night service Ph Sherwood Ore, 4433 or 4424. Call collect ONE PALOMINO gelding. Posse horse. $150. 42 Williams Ave. off Sil verton Road. a MO. OLD pullets tf $1.25 to $1.75. Choice selection. Edward's Hatchery. Phone 3-2943 or 7000. Help Wanted SOMEONE to move 4 rm. house In country. Call eves. 1110 S. 22nd. Ph. 2-5374. STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Ph. 2-2281. MAN OR WOMAN National manu facturer desires man or woman to take over route of coin operated radios for restaurants, clubs and beauty shops. Full or part time. No radio experience necessary. $495 handles. Can earn up to $350 per month. For Interview with factory representative write box S. Statesman, STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Good pick ing, clean Zield. C. E. Andresen. Rt. ). Box 175. Corner N. Lancaster Rd. .V Havesville Dr. MUL1IL1TII operator and tabulating machine operator. Permanent posi tions in state dept. Good salary, ad vancement possibilities. Paid vaca tion and sick leave, retirement bene fits. 40 nr. week. Experience necessary. Apply State Civil Service Commis sion 444 Center St. WANTED: strawberry' pickers. Not under 15 yrs. Herr St Riensche. 'j ml. from Fairgrounds on Silverton Rd. Ht. 7. Box 409 Phone 2-1363. .VlKAVfcUKKY pickers. North on ind Pacific highway to Lytle's Corner J ra:t i Pierre Saucv. EXPERIENCED checker for new food market. Best of working condi tions. Salary open. Contact C. A. Ladd, I-add's Market. 1705 South 12th St. STRAWBERRY pickers. 30c per car rier. Richard MJler. Rte. 7. Box 418, Salem. mu N. of Middle Grove School Ho use. 100 STRAWBERRY pickers urgently needed. Driveouts especially. 18 acres excellent berries. l'j mi. N.W. of Keizer. R P. Barnwell. Ph. 2-5957. WAiSiED: Strawberry pickers 33 acres clean patch. Pick every day. 5c pound plus lc bonus. N. P. William n farm. 2' j mi. E Totem pole on u.oi'd road. Labish Center. 4th house on right URGENTLY Needed: Straw bei iv pickers. taicd clean patch. A. Schweri j t.j fjrrn Rte. Box 356. l' mi. E and ' mi. S. .f Totem Pole urgeiHly biKAWBEKKV PICKERS needed. Good DU'kim. Henrv Rasmus- sen. Rt. 7. Box 313. Salem. 1 mile east. j mile north Ha7el Green si.!iool. WANTED: Man. lady or boy to helpieacn- traiton kus sell papers on corner Sat. night and m",0.r- 15 ,j;'0 Lancaster Drive. Ph. Sunday. Call 3421 in forenoon or eve.. " j4--!- or in afternoon inquire at News Corner. .VI KAi BERRY PICKERS. 2 miles N. of Salem. West cf Hayesville on Che mawa Rd. Chemawa bus passes prop rtv GilbertSneed. Rt. g. Box 1306. S I C AW BERRY pickers. Look for the sin at fork in road. 2 wiles west on Orchard Heights Road from intersec tion on Wallce Rd . Camp grounds available. Williams Fruit Farm. Rt. 4. Box 4M3-D. Phone 17F3. Help Wanted Stale MAN HANDY with carpenter tools to work in furniture and appliance 'tore. Steadv employment. Good wages. App 1 v Hogi.': B s . 260 S t.ije. SEED CLEANERMAN T u I e 1 a ke. California, permanent. $1.40 per hour 40 hours, time and half owrtime. Write Box JtMKlamath Fjills. Oregon. " MAN FOR geneial farm work. Rt. 1. Box 36. RukreaH, Ore. JOURNEYMAN" "im chanic. Loder Hiotner-. 465 LVr.ter 't THACroH driver tor logging on H D. 14 A. C Alson choker setter. Fied hrkvear. Silverton. Ph 3283 . EXPERIENCED fenrjer St body "men and mechanics. See Mr. Gearhart. Valley Motor Co Salem. EXP. DAIRY hand. Married. 45 cow herd. House, lights, water and milk furnished. Phone 2X5. Webb's Garage. Turner. Ore. WANTED: A respectable family, preferably a man and wife with a bo 16 yrs. or older, to work on peppermint ranch, hoeing and moving imitation pipes. House available. Drinkers need not apply. 6 mi. west of Jefferson, at Talbot. Lnqujre at store. Lorin Hoven, Route 1. Jefferson. Ore. Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR stenographic position. Must be able to take rapid dictation. Experience not necessary. See Mrs Pickett. 355 N L i bertv CASHIER wanted' GTve experience and references. Writ Box 189 co Statesman EXP. stenographer. Steady employ ment. Send application to Statesman. Box 236. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly lady, liv ing alone in country. Good wages. Phone 4)363. NEED A TT R A CTrVE girls for full and part tint usherettes. Apply In ' ,.RD,rd- "1 m person, (.rand Theatre. li -m u; vaiw. llw o. in exchange for baby car. 2th. side apt. ; YOUNG WOMAN to wrap meat. Inq Saving Center. Portland Rd. Salesmen Wanted FOR SALEM-Silverton. Dallas. Mc-Minn-fille. Make from $300 to $5O0 per mo Easy sales. Part-time or full-time. I. M Qglevie, 548 N 2t'th. Phone 9487. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING" INC. has opening for an experienced appliance salesman, for outside selling. Excel lent opoortunity for the right man. "SALESMAN: Full or part time. Ex cel, commission. No experience 're- 1 quired: car necessary. Write States m n n Bo x l "TWO VACUUM cleaner salesmenfor outside selling. Guaranteed draw plus I good commission. Excellent opportun ities. Write Box 103. Situations Wanted i HSEWRK . EXPERIENCED reliable ! woman. Ref. Write Box 2. Statesman. IRONING DONE 10 my home. Ph. 6364 Spraying Apple trees and cherry trees now Phone "900. CARPENTER work, alterations, re pairs. cabinets. Phone 2-3735. BERRY DISCING St plowing. Elmer Schmidt. Ph. 2-5713 after p.m. Mc Cain Ave Swedish Massage! reducing. Helen Loyald, 816 Llveslev Bldg. Ph. 8798. Painting, brush or spray. Ph. 2-53 IT. LIGHT dozer "work, discing. Ph. 2-2816 Barns Whitewashed Fly control guaranteed, any kind of tree sprayed. Ph. 2-3346. Curtains washed, stretched. Ph. 2-4343. LAWNS worked, seeded. Light trac. on rubber with dozer. Ph. 3-6750. Vallev Enineerin Co. Logging engineering, surveying. 600 Locustt. Phone2-4318 ROTOTfLLER work. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646 for appointment. PAINTING. Brush or sprav. Roof stained. Paul Bassett. Ph. 2-2306. LET US BID ON Spray Painting M. L. Gottenberg. ph. 4244 SEWERS and septic tanks Installed and repaired. Schartf Bros. Ph. 3-5548. EXPERT HAND, circle and crosscut saw filing. All work guaranteed. 1795 Yew St. Ray's Saw Shop, frh. 3305. Bookkeeping call Wallace. Z-45VO. CARPENTER work of all types. Re pair and alterations. Ph. 23787. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum used B. F Ensley Ph 7176 DRAWING house pUnT Ph 942L WEATHERSTRIPPINO and Insula Uon Crofoot Bros. Phone 3-4454 LAWN MOWERS, scissors, knives sharpened. Dexter. 944 Center. Ph. 6833 Well Drilling Domestic IrrHratlon. Industrial H. A ROBINSON 2214 N FRONT. Salem Ph 7293 CEMENT CONTRACTING" FhSSe 1-J040 Stanley Fagg. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS t-3444 DICK PREY 6245 CHIMNEY sweep Northnes. ph. 4450 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Rot Rooter Service mi Sewers Ph 9468 or 5327 Sewe & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented 1 razor-sharp steel cutting blades CMiml sewers or drain. Septic Lacks cleaned reasonable, $321 or 9464. CARPENTERING: Contract or by day. New or repair. Free estimates. Phone 7628. REPAIR bicycles for berry pickers after 6 p.m. Also all day Sat. Ph. 2-4461. 18 YR. OLD SENIOR boy wishes Job. Likes hard work and long hrs. Is willing to do most anything. Write Box 6. co Statesman Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine service Modern. Econ. Easv Meth Clears lines of Roots. Grease. Etc K F Hamel. II 43 8th st . W Salem Ph 7404 WANTED Furniture to glue and re pair Lte Bros Furniture Refintshtni Co Ph 2-1233 4020 E State St PAINTER and Paoerhan-.r Reason able prices Free estimate H J Wood worth Ph 3015 PAINTING St papering Free estimate Ph 8513 857 Shipping. For Sale MiwFi;in"ni! WOODTURNING lathe. 2 wheel auto trailer, nearly new 14 inch Royal type writer, model 40 inullnraph duplica tor. Must be sold Phone 7K58 ivu LOH.MlM cupboards, divan. electric stove. 4 red drapes. 775 N. 16m. rOK SALE One siae good baby beef. Phone ! BtJTCDERS - XCMBER DIRECT From sawmill, at a saving. Specified orders filled. West Salem Lumber Mill. 1050 Wallace Road, Free delivery. rrriAD PoT; K s- ' I RUBBER T1KED milk cart. 2 can) capacity. $17.50 Man's good bicycle. I 20 Bath mom sink complete. $15 2, table model radios, good cond . $17 :) , 1 PHONOGRAPH, recorder nd PA amplifier with moke and 10" dynamic spe .ker. Ma t. s fine recordings. $60 Ph 2-5223. ask for'Jhiles STRAWBERRIES You pick. Che- maw a-Silvcrtmi Rd l'j mi. E. of Ha- rel Green -cliool. 1st road left. Peter Has'ebpcher DOGs BOARDED AND TRAINED, reasonable rates by day or mo. trim ming and bathing Pick-up and Delv. I .eG ra Kennels. R t. 3. Phone 2-3168 NEARLY NEW M.W. washing ma chine. One pinking attachment to Singer ewine machine. 12W N. 24th st. USED TREADLE Singer sewing ma chine Good cond 4140 N. River Rd. PAIR AI.ASKAN Red Fox furs. J Phone 2-4748 LEAF MULCH. Ideal for flowers or vegetaDies. i raiier load so. aei. ft'.. (4Vfn. 18-INCH PAINTED shakes wiUi un- dercourse. $14.50 per sq Cedar shin- gles. wood lath. Keller Builders S ir- plv Inc 2-420B blk. W. Kelrer Sell. Ph. LUMBER, shakes, paint, in in sulating wall iHiarJ. shingles as low as $3,341 per q Eola Lumber Co. Salem-D.illa High way Phone 2-5950 DLVIENSION lumber-of ill" kuu'.. Windows, doors, scieen doors. Cemer.t. plaster, sheeting paoer. $3.00 per roll. Keirer Builder's Sui-ply Inc. Ph. 2-42na. 2 blk. W Keizer School. TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER ! PERFECT FOR LAWNS & GARDENS 8 SACKS $5 or $10 PER TON Free Deliverv Anvwhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph 8127 davs. 2-4.S7 eve or 8127 1 CARDBOARD packing ooxes and I ?eitan ji7f 17941 Trent ! I PLASTER BOARD waUboard. 4x8 ! Celling tile V wall olank Rt 7. Box J 434A. McCain Ace . off SilyertonRd I TRACTOR tires i educed up to 20' j I All brand new. first quality Clearance to make room for Wards new extra Hi-Bar" tires' Sale includes most I I popular sizes. Quantities limited'! Hurry! Montgomery' Ward. 135 N. Lib- i ertv 1 ONE 2 BOTTOM 14 in. plow. Phone ' 6698 Rt 2. Box 32-B I 12 T. GOOD clover hay. baled. R T. ; Asbur . R 2. Box 292 Phone 2-341 ri WESTINGHOUSE cabinet m.-clel mangle. Very good cond. Therr-.o-t jl control, knee actio. i. Call 2-2055 after 6 pm. 10x12 CANVAS tent. 1810 NT 17th St Phore 82.10 1 DAVENPORT and chair. 1 dimng room table with 6 chairs. 1 library table. 1 apt sie elec range. 625 N. 20th. FOR SALE Young locker beef and ctrnfedpies. Pflp'r 2-C639 iy47 BOAT'A" MOTOR. 7', hp. Made out of rranogany plvuood. 641 N. 16th STRAWBERRIES.' 10c Tb.U "pick. Bring containers. Herr St Rensche. 2'j miles frorr Fairprour.ds on Silverton Rd Rt 7. Box 409 WHIZZER Bike. Elec. lawn mower. 2 revolver Inner spring and bed com plete 34 Ml M a h rt Ev s . Pen 4 Corn irrs FIREPLACE. 8t)5 NWinter. 9 to 5 p rn. GOLF CLUBS, full's- t and bag. Sac tif.ee puce $35. Pno-ie 2-6013. 1673 Norwav , STRAWBERRIES You pick. 10c lb. Bring containers Rt I. Box 181. 1', m' ? .Sal.r,: brul' on Wallace Rd r ranx n. J.mnxin FOR SALE PUPS. Small breed Cocker with Pomeranian strain. $5 each. Karl L. Berry'. 390 Salem Heights Ave SEVERAL Cute pups. See fharon Bewlev 2267 Simpson. Ph one 8295 WOOD RANGE. Exc cond. Call 6758 between 10 a m. an d 9 p m. VSEU BIKES. Car hub caps! ail makes. "31 Chev. rear end. 553 Coleman oil circulator. Used fluorescent lights. all kinds. Ph. 3-4461 UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner, onlv one vr old Excellent cond. Ph. 2-3863. MAYTAG WASHER. $50: PH 4317. Home Freezer-Cooler Beal Walk-In stainless steel section al construction 60 cu. fL freezer stor age. 100 cu. ft cooler storage. Two compressors. Perfect condition. Used one yr. Owner moved to Irg citv. Price $1250 You take down. Call 2-1710. $10 VALUE for $5 1 aoi. assorted fancv iris. All different present catalog prices. $ 10 or more. Ph . 2-5894. LIV. RM. SUITE. 9x13 Wilton rug. oak. dinette set. refrigerator, washing machine, beds, chests, etc. Rt. 7. Box 181. On Lancaster Dr. 4 mi. off 99E North. 3 NICE MALE Fox Terrier puppies. 1110 S 22nd. J. F. Koenig. 1947 ROTOTILLER. Reverse gear. Excell. cond. Phone 5754. STRAWBERRIES. Get them now. 17c lb. You pick. Herr 4c Rlenche. Rt 7. BowWS. 2j E. on Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-1363. 9 H P. OUTBOARD motor 1947 John- son. Used onlv 0 mo. 27 VJ n. River Rd. Phone 7103. - A SWELL pearl, drum outfit cheap. Phone 4567. BABY STROLLER; matching lamp and coffee tables, scooter, toaster and misc. All reas. Phone 3-3627. YOUNG MAN'S clothing. Sport coats, slacks, sweater, dress suit, like new, size 37 4c 34. Priced reasonable. Ph. 3411. 1643 Grant. LEONARD Ph. 21583 REFRIGERATOR, $100. U PICK STRAWBERRIES. 13c lb. Nice berries. Ray Woelke. Rt. t. Box 344. Silverton. , ml. W. North How ell Sen I. SONOTONE HEARING aid. Used. Phone 2-1520. UPRIGHT PIANO. S. W. Miller. Ph. 2-4497. REROOF YOUR home with WARD'S better roofing. Complete insulation available. Just 3194 for free estimate. MONTGOMERY-WARD CO . 155 N. Liberty St. 9-FT. COLD SPOT refrigerator St Wards full ize elec range. Good cond. 260 Gaines St. or Ph. 2-4522 after 4 P M GRAVEL, sand and tilt. Delivered, or on your truck at the pit. Phone 4444. River Sill MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PEL 2-144 2-H04 - STRAWBERRIES YOU pick. 14c lb. No Sunday picking. Mrs. Ted With am. Rt. 6. Box 247. li mi. E. of Fruit land. E on Center St. Bring contain ers. TOILET. REASONABLE. 1545 Hick orv St. J R Watkuns Co products 1711 Cen ter St Salem Ph 5395 Tree del PUMICE BLOCK F. II. A. Approved 12th St Block Co S 12th St at Vista Ave" Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 89Q4 ALWAYS a big tock Woodrv furniture Mkt Ph 5110 WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE MODERN AND antique firearms. Don Madison. 266 N. Caoitol HE A steel clothesline posts, porch raihnps In stock and order. 25 bars 4 chanel at cost 1145 N. Liberty. Pumice Block.3 Tested and approved class "A." Brick, cement, aluminum windows, waterproofing materials, etc. BOOK BLDG. BLOCK CO. S River Rd. Ph. 2-5873. eve. 5968 EW ( - H A KTs MAN nphitp rlrill prts. 'i h p. motor. Sacrifice for cash ; or trade for small radial or table saw. 1210 Ruie W. Salem. Phone 78.S0. MALL CHAIN saws in all sizes, now available at WARDS FARM STORE. Trade A- lifh Sts BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds Llovtl M. Hill, Inc. Phone 2-4:"i67 Rt " Rot TB allinir Sand & Cravel Co Crushed Rock j for roads St driveway Cement l Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing drainage and ditchine i i yd shovel St drag line Phone 8561 Trade Miscellaneous t MODERN almost new furniture for complete house, to trade for trailer house. Box 238. The Statesman. Mi rf l lnnriu INSTRUCTION. MALE AUTO BODY' 1 ana rt.MJtit training, inciuomg weio- spray panuirif; ajiu u.euji son. ' 4.wp jdivj it - wile 'Jl inr iiiret ji.- llabl branches of tremendous auto industry offering chances for good job or juui own Dusines. larn in spare iime. veierans ana eivnian. rue mr FREE facts. Auto-Crafts Training, 248. vtateman. Davis Appliance Repair New owners. Formerly Paul Parker's , repair. Wa-rting machine, all house- hold appliaiH-es repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened All work guaranteed. 1117; Edgewater. W Salem. Ph 2-5241. ROTOTILLING Phone 22122. LES SPRINGER, men's hatUr. Court. Closed Sat. p.m. 44 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide State St Com Ph 3311 W EATHER strips Pullman Ph.5965 AUTO painting, just a shade better o Ray ETTER fJall Shroek Motor Co 8502 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre-s-ntative Ph 3512 for free pickup V delivery service on all makes of ma chines Free estimate given before work Is started Singer Sewing Ma rhine Co 1 TO N Commercial Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, business stgs. trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Browne. Salem Engraving. Phone 9101. 2J5 s Commercial. WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Cleaiing - Dttchtnf Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-'t, yds fl2 00 per hr , 10 B-. yds 9 60 per hr I D-7 Cat a Dozer 9 60 per hr I D-f Cat A Dozer 8 4o per hr i D-4 Cat a Dozer T 00 per hr I Phone Davs 40 Eveeilnrs 824$ or 24400 Salem Oregon Martresiw-s Caoital Bed Co Ph 4069 P IT M P C T'nlv-.e.! r.mn uIm pump fjrorr.pt repair service all makes. Stett er Supply Co,. 173 S. Liberty. Phone 2-6038 BACK, breast and abdominal 77 UD ports. Spencer Corse-tier. Ph. 2-1534. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone 5110 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras & lense McEwan Photo Shoo 435 State CASH for used piano 4c other imT steal Instruments. Call 4441 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co 191 S High USED FURNITURE. Phone $185 Wanted MiftceDaneous WANTED 3 Urge. old. cheap flat top desks, the older and heavier, the better. Phone 7493. WILL BUY U.S. gold, silver, or cop per r-oinsCall L. A. Warner. Ph 7249. USED Classical records. Phone 3-36QS"". CLEAN RAGS. HoggBro 245 State. PIANO TUNING Will Music Store. Salem Loans Wanted $2300 loan wanted. Pay 6 first mortgage. Salem property. Inquire E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com!. Ph. 2547 Money to Loan Vacation Season Special Loan Service Short of time as well a Cash? Then see Personal where X out of I who apply get a loan. Loans $25 to $500 on Auto, up to $300 on Furniture or Salary. Up to 20 months to repay $34 for 2 weeks costs only 75c Other amounts In proportion. Special lunch hour service for busy business men and women. For faster service phone first. We Like to say Tea Personal Finance Co. . SIS State SL. Rm. 123 Phone 3191 E, Galling er. tnfr Lie. -S-123, M-163 QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN. LVSTOCK FARM MACH. NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Ue. No. S-13J ON CARS OR- TRUCKS Repayments up to 24 months ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to $500.00 Lie. No. M-333 MAKE APPLICATION BT PHONE OR CN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr. 1 of Ladd as Bush 134 g Commercial St Salem Private Money Ob Car. Truck. A Trailer noma Lone ..or Short Term Pay me it Roy H. Simmons L34 a. Commercial SI Phone tin 1 EARNINGS ON YOUR INVESTMENT We have a number of first mortgage on real estate amounts $500 to $1000. to offer, net you 5 on your invest ment. Examine the security yourself: Salem and vicinity. Call us at 412 J for particulars. STATE FINANCE CO, 153 S High St. Salem. Oregon SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ! " 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INCJ REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 8261 Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4i. F H A St construction loans 339 Chemeketa - Phone S9S 5' INTEREST net. on your surplus money: buy a first mortgage on Salem and vicinity property; examine secur ity yourself, make your own selections. Amounts to $500 to $10 000 mortgages now available. Come in -and look over the list of mortgages now. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Telephone ! Money to Loan Auto Loins Willamette Credit Co. 390 STATE ST 1 st Ni fl Bank o)df ruarterst FARM and CITY LOANS 4i and 9 Your own terms of repayment "with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con 1 tracts and Second Mortgages. . , -"l J -S-1- M 1 f .1 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg ; Phone 71 1 For Rent Rooms SLP ROOM. Child care. Ph. 2-6930. SLEEPING room for jentleman. 57t4. SLEEPING HM, Cooking privileges. Emp. couple. 18S0 Center. Ph. 9453. rCOM FORTABLE ROOM for gentle man. 1130 Chemeketa. ? Hollywood sip, rms. 2035 McCov. 6Q93, NICE sleeping room. Ph. T558. SLP. RM. for men. 730 N. Church. Ph one 4335. ; ROOM FOR RENT. 55 N. Cottage. NICE CLOSE IN. 127T Chemeketa. 1 I.O SLP RM H.indv to ii'iiv iSfl , v, ,rrf c. ph s.-xkis NICE SLP. RM. for 1 or 2 girls. 6Sa Church. Phone 77S4-. I . Room and Board LARGE ROOM, upstairs, or man St wife. 15S3 Cauxt. 1 person, For Rent Apartments I NICE FURNISHED apt. 1 N. CaDitol. Adults. 107$ CABINS bv week. Camn Jov MoteL 3 RM. AIT. Pn. er.:.. i." bath: 418 19th St. NEW COURTS readv to rent. 4 rooms I and bath. Partly futushed. Inquire 13th and Rural Sts Ph 9561 after $. 2 B R. MODERN fcse. Call Wed. betw. 10a hd 6 p m 695 Edtr.s Lane. : 3 RM. TVRS. Apt. Suitable for two. 2349 Lee SL For Rent Hon e 3 RM. TUHS. cottage. Adulu only. Call after 9 a.m. 1937 X. Capitol i A LOVELY partly -furnished 4-bed-room home in a beautiful secluded fir tree setting, south, only 3 9 mile from city center. Double plumbing, double garage: auto, oil heat, rumpus room, outdoor fireplace, large yard. A responsible party who will take con scientious care of thfs fine place may have It on a long-term lease at'70l-O. Available after July , 1st. Reference reomrecj. Write Box 5. co Statesman. NEW MODERN 2 bedrm house for rent. For information come to 444 Tryon Ave. New Mapleton Addition ua North Front St. Road 2 RM. FL'RX. cab Jl. Elec cookinf, oil he.it. All utilities turn. $38 SO per mo. Fir Crest Tra ler Park. 2910 N. River Road. ; 3 RV HOUSE. Ga cooking, wood he-t. lights, water lorn. 560 Hansen Ave U:m:m Coji)-. preferred. NTLSCOTT Beach cottage. Ph."e6. For Rent MODERN OFFICES for rent Ph. j -J1-'?0!!- ' --l-rur. muRS fun SWI. Blankets turn 197 S Liberty Ph 9tl FLOOR Sander, elee. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner Wallac 1 Hardware the Marshall Wells store, ; PH 677 ' , GOOD Used Piar-n H L Stiff j CAT AND-SHOVEL, work, e-tava-tlon. rrenchine and craper work Call I Halvoren Construction Co Phone 4047 I or 6A06 - . ATMORAYS Ozone" Good health. !.Rent - ell M C Pu. :684 N 17 ( TRCCTTS and cars for rent "Blanket furnished Smttty's Clipper Service. Center nd Church Phone 9400 TRAILERS 75c first hr 50c nrsL following Woodrv's Mkt. 1609 N. nmn.pr TRAILER Space, shade, clean rest rooms. Reasonable ra'es. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. : River Road. STORAGE pace foe rent. Ph. 9fr Wanted in Rent 2 OR 3 BEDRM. partly furn. or un furn. apt. or house. Cloie in. Must re reasonably priced. Pn. 4171. Ext. 414. WOMAN. 2 SMALL girls, need B. R. furn. house -or apt. 1163 N. 18th. Phore 079 OWNER OF Vaiet Cleaners w is he to rent a 3 bdrm. house. North or NX. location. Phone 327. - 3 BR. HOME. S'rce neighborhood.' Nrv good school. WiB fi'rn. exc. ref. Steady emp. family man. Write States man Box 243 NAVY MAN and wife want 2 bedim, house. Reasonable rent. Call 2-6376 be - I wi o snH a -30. PASTOR WISHES to rent 3 or nedrm. house in norts art of Salem. p ;-:n-fi ; r: SMALL HOUSE out: of low n. on r i near bus line. S. preferred. Write Box j 6. rn 'tiiwman. t i I WANTED immediately! 5 bedrm. hoose. Will put ao Security Bond li newii-f Phone 44 ? UNFURNISHED HOUSE urgently needed Phone 2-40'. 1. ; w TELEPHONE emo'e "and exoect- . ant wife need small furn- apt, $ house by July 1st. Call 4404 a fte SJ0 p m. , ADVERTISING Western AdvertJsInj Eepresenti tire Ward -Griffith Cotnpay. la. San rrsncisoe Eastern Adwrtlslnf Representative. Ward-Grlff rta Company, t e. i CViicaeo Ness York Detroit, i Boston, Atlanta Member ' Pacinc Coat ;D1vts!o Bureau of AdrertJsln' i -nfered et the Porfofftc at 8m trn Orepon as 5ersa Cloa Mat ter P-MlsAe! evert tnominj ex eept Monday Bun$ office III South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail PubsertptUMi J Rate bi Ad eance: Withtn Ore Con: Dally and Sunday Mo 40 ceoU. 4 mas, 43 23: I year 14 UO Elsewhere 40 cents pes mo or 41 28 for I rear ta adranee. Per copy t cents j By City Carrier. If cent a monta. 9.04 a year ta adVaaea ta Max to and adiaceat aounttea. , - .. t f ' i