18 Ths Stcrt man. Salem. Otwcjon. Friday. June) 18. 1MB la the Ceaaty Coert of th lUti ( atregea for Mario Cenaty In th Matter of the Annexation ) of Adjacent Lands to the Four ) Corners County Drainage District) NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice to hereby liven to all owner or peraona claimant any Interest in any land within the boundaries of the pro posed annexation to Four Comers County Drainage District, and describ ed In the hereinafter petition, that the petitioners, being owners of more than twenty percent, of the acreage within the boundaries 01 saia prupoiu nexatlon. having filed their petition in J the office of the County ier ior ww County of Marion. State of Oregon, that Wednesday, the 7th day of July. 1948 at tne hour ol ten o cioc. o . ; In the County Court Room of the . County Court House in Salem. Marlon County. Oregon. ha been fixed by the ' above entitled Court for the hearing , Of the said hereinafter petition and at . which time and place all person in terested in said petition and In the an nexation of aid Undi to Four Corners County Drainage District, or in oppo sit Ion thereto, or in any manner re- la ted to iucli annexation or to the fix- , Jng of the bounoanei thereof, may be heard. That the foliumg J a true an.i cor rect copy of said petition, to-wit: 'IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE , STATE OF OREOOIC FOK MARION COUNTY , PLTITIO.H I For the Annexation of Aajaccut i Jand to the Four Corners County Drainage District established May 10. 1948 TO THE HONUKABI COUKT OK THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION: Come now your petiiojiei . pnw;J Shown b the records of Marion Coun- ty to be the owners of more than 20' r of the acreage in a continuous body of swamp, or .erfluec land, waters from which contribute t- the amp. wet or overflow t-d lonuitiun uf such lands or any ot.-tr lands ntuated in said Marion County. and nerewn:' present to vour Honoraole Kodv the.r petition that tne l-ind described heie ln be annexed tr. a, ,jjrt of. that estab lished Drainage District pursuant tt Chapter 289 Ok coii I a. 1947. for 'i.e purpose of hawng succ. lands rcc'..m ed and protected by drainage or othe--wise from the etfects fo water, for ag ricultural purposes, tne same ir.R conducive to tr.e public health., welfare and safety and of public utility and benefit, and for uor, ' pu. po s.u n owner have prepared and sieiif: t .s petition :n which tney repectfuh rep resent L Tl-.at the boundaries uf saiw (n -pofed annexed acreage is as fol low s Beginning st the po.nt of i. t-i iectiun of the East line of E'mj Avenue and the South l.ne o: the , Southern Pacific Company R ifht- I of-Way in Section 30. Townsiup 7 South. Range 2 West of the Wil- ' lamette Meridian. Marion Cou.ty. Oregon; thence East along : South line of said Right-of-Wav to a point that is 10 20.'. .n.;n. East from the Northeast ci r.iet of ! Four Corners Addtlon. in said section: said last referred u point being also on the Northerly ex tension of tne East line of the Isaac Durbin Donation l.ar.d Claim in said township and range: thence South alonu the ; said East line o' said cia;'-. t. the; South line of Market RoaJ No. 21: i thence Weterly along fie South i line of Market Road :o. 23 to the i Westerly line of Ma.ket Road No. 27. thence Northerly along the; Westerly line of Market Road Nc. 27 to the Westerly er.'en'.on of ! the South line of Bevk Avenue: thence East along the South line of Beck Aver.ue to t! e Fas- hne I ol Elma Avenue: thence North I along the East line of Elma Ave- ! nue to the place of beginning." I. The estimated acreage within said boundaries la 163 acres, and said land is wholly In Marion County. Oregon. 1. All or substantially all of the lands within said boundaries will be benefited. 4. The lands within the boundaries set forth constitute contiguous body of swamp, wet or overflow ed land, waters from which con tribute to the swamp, wet or ov erflowed condition of such lands or any other lands, and all of said lands will be benefited by the construction of drainage, irriga tion, flood or surface water con trol works. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that the land Included within the boundaries hereinabove described be annexed to and be-orT e part of the Four Corners Count v Dra.nage District under the provisions of Chapter 289. Oregon laws 1947. Name Address No. acres owned County Publication of thl! notice Is made by j virtue of an order of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for the Countv of Marion, dated May : I6th. 1948 Date of first publication:! Mav 28. 1948 Date of last publication: June 18. 1948. H. A. JUDD Cleric of Marion County, Oregon By G. E. White, deputy. (SEAL) My-28-J-4-ll-18 In the Circuit Conrt of the State Oregon for the County of Marion Probate Department In tho Matter of the Estate I of i GEORGE CAWRSE. Deceased I No. 12753 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, by : virtue of the terms and provisions of I the last will and testament of GEORGE CAWRSE. deceased, which said last ; will and testament was duly admitted j to probate in the Circuit Court of the I County of Marlon. State of Oregon, by I an order of said Court duly given, made rendered and entered of record ' In said court in the matter of the ! estate of said decedent, on the 18th day of November. 1946. The First Na tional Bank of Portland. Oregon, as the duly appointed, qualified and act ing executor of said estate of said de cedent, was duly authorized, empower ed and directed to sell the real prop erty hereinafter particularly described, of which said decedent died seized and possessed, at private sale; and that, pursuant to such authority and power contained in said last will and testament, said The First National Bank of Portland. Oregon, as such ex- ecutor. will proceed to sell at private DOC PARTS One of the newest buitweaoea In the nplU7-fTOwins; Portland road district la the Shrock Metayreycle store, for sales and repairs of motorerclea, scooters and motor-bikes. The easiness was anoTed from Its site adjacent to the Shrock Motor company on North Chnreh street, to make way tor expansion of the motor firm, and is to be operated as a separate entity of tho Clarence R. Shrock enterprises. Left to rixht are Gordon Sines, mechanic and assist ant manager; Ted Stark, manager; Clarence WL Shrock and Gilbert Downing, salesman. sale and In on parcel, from and after the 23th day of Juno. 1S4. at tho of fice of said The First National Bank of Portland (Oregon). Salem Branch, lo cated In Salem. Oregon, on the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, and subject to confirmation by said court, and subject also to all right and In terest of tho tenants In possession of the said real property, all rights, title. Interest and estate of said decedent which said decedent had at tho time of his death, as well as all rights, title. Interest and estate which has since ac crued by operation of law, or other wise, to said estate of said decedent since his death, in and to tho following described real property, to wit Beginning at tho Southwest corner of the John S. Hunt D.L.C. In T. 7 S. R. 1 W. and running thence North l'V East along the West line of said Claim. 57.48 chains to the Northwet corner, thence North 89 4.v East S3. 53 chains along the North line of said Claim: thence South l'a' We-t. 90.00 chains to the middle line of a County Road: thence South 77 West 34.10 chains; thence South 74 West. 13.13 chains; thence Soutn 61 1 1 West 8.S7 chains; thence South 48" East 17.40 chains; thence North 89 43 West 13.00 chains to the place of beginning. Save and except from the above-described premise 1J7 acres heretofore deed ed to the Mount Hope Cemetery Association of Marlon County. Ore gon, being situated In Township 7 South. Range 1 West of the Wil lamette Meridian in. Marlon County, Ore on. Trims and conditions of sale: Cash or credit terms. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of Mav. 1948. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND Executor of the Estate of George Cawrse, Deceased. BRYAN GOOD ENOUGH Atturniv for Executor 4'3 Mavin.-c Building Sa!rrr. O.econ. M -211-J-4-1 1 -18-23. Da'e of first publication: May 28. 1948. Dote of last publication: June 23. 1948. loci, ami l'oultr EXCEPTIONALLY fine chestnut sad Me rr are Wei; bled, gentle, with lots if actior Has a Palomino filly colt ne mont i old with four white stock ig and blaze face. Due to accident unav!e to care for them. Gladstone Kennc -. one mile south of Mllwau - ie ri. sufw-r highway. 'Phone Port al 1A' 1139 i (. . 'i.c; 5 r old gelding. Wt. 8-"0 HV'd .ce. llaxen mane and tail. Go'.:i drill hore. good disposition, ijentv some tricks. 62 Williams Ave. rJ s,)jvt.r,,n R( -T O1") SADDLE Horse and saddle 2 i 1 c ' Pratum. 2nd J-ousf on Mey H.l Jo Lake FRYERS FOR .-ale. . - .1' after 8 p. m. ' -t... Avr BABY CHICKS 9 varieties Weekly atrhes. I.ee'i Hatchery. WANTED . Any kind of cattle hoes & heep Will call at farm Licensed & bonded buyers Prompt service E I Snethen St Son 1530 Lancaster Dr -stem Ph 2-1343 UONDED LIVESTOCK buver Rt 9. Box 233 Ph E C 8147 M.'Candlnh DEAD Stork picked up. free of hatge dav and night service Ph Sherwood collect. Ore. 4432 or 4424 Call Help Wanted SINGLE MAN or man apd wife to ake care of trailer park. Address P. O. Box 187. WANTED: Strawberry pickers. Not under 13 yrs. Herr 8c Riensche. 2' ml. from Fairgrounds on Silverton Rd. Rt. 7. Box 409 Phone 2-1383. - N EED eT3! strawberry pickers Good picking conditions. Van Cleave Farms, l'j mi. E. of Totem pole. ' mi. N. on Van Cleave Rd Ph. 2-5161. STRAY BERRY PICKERY Cabins fur nished. Also trailer space. David Scha ier Star Route. Box 31, Silverton. MAN OR woman fry cook for eve ning shift. Good working conditions. Stop Lite Coffee Shop. Just S. of 12th St. Junction on 99E. DISHWASHER, night shift. appl J B Drive Inn. 2230 Fairground? Rd STRAY BERRY PICKERS. 2 miles N. of Salem. West of Ha?esville on Che rr.awa Rd. Chemawa bus passes prop ertv Gilbert Sneed. Rt. 8. Box 1306 STRAWBERRY pickers. Look for the sign at fork in road. 2'i wiles west on Orchard Heights Road from intersec tion on Wallce Rd.. Camp grounds available. Williams Fruit Farm. Rt. 4. Box 415-D Phone 17F3. STRAWBERRY Pickers 1 j miles west of Liberty on Kubler Rd. Tel 2-224-1 Rt. 3. Box 647. A. J Flaming. PICKERS for Corvallls strawberries Picking starts June 19. Odin Holm-i. Rt 1. Box 10S. Brooks. l ml. N. of North Howell school. BERRY PICKERS for 33" acres. Sec ond year Clean patch. Pick every day. N. P. Williamson farm. 2' miles E. of Totem Pole. Turn left on Labish Center Rd. 4th house on right. Ph. 2-2971. Help Wanted Mule BOYS 18 OR OLDER. Apply Capitol Theatre. WANTED: Man. experienced In tire vulcanizing, to work In re-cap shop. Walter A. Zpyel. Chemeketa ic High St. SOMEONE TO harvest 9 A. clover grass hay near Wood burn or will sell all as it. Write M L B. Rt. 2. Box 422 Vancouver. Wash. THOROUGLY experienced service station man. Prefer Standard Oil train ing. Walter H. Zasel Co.. Chemeketa and High sts. TRACTOR driver for logging on H D. 14 A. C. Alson choker setter. Fred Ixx-k vear. Silverton. Ph. 3283. EXPERIENCED fender St body men and mechanics. See Mr. Gearhart. Valley Motor Co.. Salem. Hlp Wanted Female POULTRY pickers wanted North wert Poultry. 1 505 N. Tront. WILL GIVE working girl reasonable room and board in exchange for light household duties. Apply after 6 p.m. 1170 Market St. GIRLS 18 OH OLDER. Apply Cap- itn! Theatre EXPERIENCED waitress w an ted . Nohlgren 440 State. BANQUET WAITRESS. Marion hotel 1 :4 Help Wanted .Female SALESWOMAN 25-33 yrs. Permanent position. 44 hr. week. Apply in person. Singer Sowing Machine Co.. 130 N. commercial sr. WANTtD: etPEftlxNCEtf switch board operator. Should bavo some typing experience. Box 242 Statesman . WANTIQ: Experienced office glrL Phono 8377. fcXp. WAITRESS. Wedows. 340 Slate. Sundays off. EXPERIENCED clerk" -stenographer. Federal Civil Service. Call 8SM for ap pointment CIKL FOR stenographic position. Must bo able to take rapid dictation. Experience not necessary. See Mrs. Pickett, 353 N. Liberty EXP. lingerie salesladies. Apply at Sally's. CASHIER wanted Give experience and leferences. Write Box 189 co Statesman. EXP. stenographer. Steady employ ment. Send application to Statesman, Box 2M. Salenmen Wanted SALESMAN wanted for firecracker route. Call 2-5073 or 3980 Portland Rd. SALESMEN for fireworks Co. Ex ceptional earnings. Merchants need tho merchandise. I need men to supply them. SAXL ENTERPRISES. 1273 N. 9th St.. Corvallls. Oregon. Phono 1080-R. TWO VACUUM cleaner salesmen for outside selling. Guaranteed draw plus food commission. Excellent opportun ities. Write Box 103. Sil-i:-- - :inl'H on WOMAN 38 years old. with daugh ter. 18. wishes work at roast resort or country home. Call at 205 N. 23rd St. Phone 9330 WILL CARE for invalid lady in my home Ada Young, phone 412 Jefferson. WILL KEEP children day and night or days, ages 2 to 10 years. Ideal for children. Treva Cable, 193 Lancaster Dr Phone 2-6321 VETERAN desires work in or near Salem. Experienced 3 yrs. tn heating and plumbing Arthur J Kahabka. 3155 j Portlan rl R laci CARPENTER work expertly done by Ka or contract. Call or write. Chas. F Sample. 1042 Rujfe. W Salem WILL CAKE lor children evenings and af ternoonvPhone 5812. Swedisn Massage. reducing. Helen I ovald. Blfi I.iveslev Bldg. Ph 87S8. B OO K K EE PER- Ac o u n ta n t and office manager. 12 years experience, wants permanent portion. Moderate starting salarv. Available immediately. Norman O. Melby '060 N.W. Thurman. Br 6738 Portland. fiEAUTY Operator. 15 yrs. experi ence, desires position. Write Box 241. co Statesman CAPABLE G IRL to care for children days or eves Ph. 7034 640 N. Com l GARDENING work. 28" yrs. exp shrubbery, hedges & roes. Best of local refs Statesman Box 240 CLASS A Machinist tool-diemaker wishes employment with local firm. Has complete knowledge of machine design, large or small. John Kolshi. R R 4. Box J62-E Painting, brush or sprayTPh. 2-5318". LIGHT dozer'work. discing PhT 2-2816 Barns Whitewashed Fly control guaranteed, anv kind of tree spraved PH. 2-5346 THEE falling, pruning. Call 9309-or 2-5838 for estimates. Curtains washed. stretchel. Ph. 2-&MS LAWNS worked, seeded. Light trac. op rubber with dozer Ph. 2-8750 Valley Engineering Co. Logging" engineering, surveying. 600 Locust St. Phone 2-6318. CARDEKTNG of all "kinds. alsoTawns put in. Ph. 2-3834 . 8 to 5 ROTOTTLLER work. Howser Bros. Ph. 3646 for appointment j PAINTING. Brush or spray." Roofs stained. Paul Bassett. Ph. 2-2306. CEMENT WORK, large and small lobs. Ph. 4396 Or 2-34Q0 LET S BID ON Sprav Painting M L Gottenberg. ph. 4248 SEWERS and septic tanks installed snd repaired Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. EXPERT HAND, circle and crosscut saw filing. All work, guaranteed. 1793 Yew St Ray s Saw Shop. Ph. 3303. Bookkeeping Call Wallace,. 2-4596. CARPENTER work of all" types. Re pair and alterations. Ph 25787 I DO special and regular typing. 6 yrs experience. Reasonable rates. Ph 24401 from 9 to6ueekdays. WILL CARE for children in my home Phone 7750 CUSTOM plow"Ing and discing. Phone 2-5712after 6 p.m. Elmer Schmidt. Mc- " oil circulator Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum used B. F Ensley Ph 7176 DRAWING house plans Ph9621 WEA THERSTRIPPING and Insula Hon Crofoot Brw Phone 2-4656 LAWN MOWERS, scissors, knives sharpened Dexter, 966 Center. Ph 6833 Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation. Industrial H A ROBINSON 2214 N FRONT, Salem Ph 7293 CEMENT CONTRACTING Phone 2-3Q43 Stanley Fagg Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK OREY 6263 PAINTER and PaDerhanr Reason able prices Free estimates H J Woodwortn Ph 3015 CHIMNEY sweep Northness, ph 4450 Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers Ph 9468 or 3327 PAINTING Si papering free estimate Ph 9513 857 Shipping Sewer & Drain Service ELECTRIC Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor-sharp iteel cutting blades Cleans sewers or drums Septic tanks cleaned reasonable. 'i.'i27 or 9468 Septic Tanks Cleaned Spartan Electric Sewer Machine Service Modern. Econ. Eav Meth Clears lines of Roots. Grease. Etc K F Hamel. 1 143 8th St.. W Salem Ph 7404 WANTED rurni'ure to glue and re pair Lee Bros Furniture Refintshlng Co Ph 2-1233 4020 E State St " HAY to bale L rhowmgTrhrSOFJST- lem. Neel Bice. "T'ATNTIN'Cr "anddecorating. interior and exterior, roof spray. Free estimate. Ph. 2-4813. For Sale Itliareliunroua 100 LB. ICE BOX 115. Electric Hot plate and roaster. 838. 3113 Moody Ave. 2A OATS and vetch hay, Ucut. Coolerator Icebox, Montag (cream and Sreen ) wood range, colled. One mile . Pr ingle school. Wm. C. Holrup, Rt. t. Box 33 Turner. WOODTURNLNG lathe. 2 wheel auto trailer, nearly new 14 inch Royal type writer, model 40 multigraph duplica tor. Must be sold. Phone 7658. YES I WE still have some bedding plants. Tuberous begonias St fuchsias. Pemberton's. 1980 S. 12th. Ph. 2-3348. G.E. VACUUM cleaner. 674 N. Church St., upstairs. 100 LB. ICE Refrigerator. Good con dition. Phone 2-8072 WHITE ENAMEL oil range with coll and water tank. pert. cond. Ph. 2-3980, or 831 Capitol. PRACTICALLY new. small riding tractor on rubber, with plow, disc. cultivator. 2553 "D" St TWO CORNER cupboards, divan. electric stove. 4 red drapes. 773 N. 18th. 1947 ROTOTILLER. with reverse gear and dirt blade, like new. 1330 N. 21st St. Tel. 3989. TOR SALE: One side good baby beef. Phone a-2639. STRAWBERRIES. A. clean patch. Come and pick them. 11c lb. Bring containers. No children. McDulin. 2 ml. N. of Brunki Corner. CUSHMAN motor scooter, good con dition. '47 motor. Call SS77 after S pjn. For Sale Miscellaneous OUTSIDE door frame 34" x 81. $3.00: Built-in breakfast table and benches, $10.00; Double window frame. 43" x 48". windows included. $13.00. 1883 N. Cottage. KENMORE washing machine. J5J. Phone 1-1320. SUITS AND Dresses. Size 14 and 1. Excellent cond. Phone 8249. DELPHINIUMS blooming 10c and up. Cleaning out primroses. 40c doz. Lupins, painted daisies, shastas. border sweet William, many other shrubs and plants. Camellias rooted 25c. Bring con tainers. Closed Sunday. Beroeyi Flow er Farm. Across from Hubbard stage denot. 99E FRIG ID AIRE. cider model. good conn. 173. call 24358. USED WASHERS: Automatic and conventional types. Guaranteed. $39.50 and up. Ralph Johnson Appliances. joa i enter sr. f none 403S. STRAWHERRmS- tl.nllrlr . Ifte W McCutcheon. Rt. S. Box 118, on the Aumsvllle cut-off. 1 mi. beyond Cot tage Farm. EASY WASHING machine. $50. 1142 Ruge St., W Salem. ELEC. RANGES, new or used. Some apt. size. Gas ranges, some apt size. Oil heaters. New and used any size refrigerators, ice boxes, elec washers, dining sets, hotplates, waffle irons, elec irons, radios, vacuum cleaners. Printing press, boy's bicycle like new. Wood and oil ranges. 1933 Pontiac coupe. Very reasonable. Hardrnan Bros. 4 mi N. of Salem on Portland highway. Open until 1Q eves. NEW HOME treadle sewing machine. Extra eood. 3610 E. State St. AVENTORT"anorRaTrtrnGood cond. 555 N. Winter, Apt. 30, or Phone 25336 after 6 p.m. USED LUMBER. 5x4s and shiplap. Also fabricated panels Call 23448 or contact Sound Construction and En gineering Co State Hoapial. Salem. 2 -WHEEL TRAILER, ready to go. 825 Phone 22146. BUILDERS - LUMBTRTjIRECT From sawmill, at a saving. Specified orders filled. West Salem Lumber Mill. 1050 Wallace Road. Free delivery STOP IN PUMILITE BLOCK A SUPPLY CO. Edgewatcr St. West Salem Empire Pumice Blocks Outside White Paint Norns-Walker Aluminum Garage Doors Estimates Figured 16 FT. runabout .boat with 33 h p. 1948 Evinrude motor. Will demonstrate. :!B01. vV ailing SanJ & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock Tor roads St driveway Cement Ready-mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing drainage and ditching rd shovel A drae line Phone RS61 River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MTX READY MIX ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL. Cement Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 2-3100 J R Wat kins Co products 1717 Cer ter St Salem Ph 5393. Tree del. PUMICE BLOCK F. H. A. Approved 12th St Block Co. S. 12th St at Vista Ave. Tele. 2-5363 Evenings 8904 ALWAYS a big stock Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph 3110 WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE MODERN AND antique firearms. Don Madison 266 N. Capitol 3 USED outboard motors; 2 Evtnrudes 2'i and 10 hp. 1 Johnson 2' hp. How ser Bros Ph. 3648. HEAVY steel clothesline posts, porch railings In stock and order. 25 bars 4" Chanel at cost. 1145 N. Liberty. IRRIGATION pump. 6x3 inch. Double outlet for flooding or single outlet for sprinklers. Used guaranteed ' j h p. jet type water pump and tank for home water ivstem. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. MARSHALL STRAWBERRIES. 2490 Broadway. NEW LUMBER. 2 in.. $33 per M. Shlplap and sheeting. 845 per M. Cedar posts, cedar shingles and paint. COMMERCIAL LUMBER CO. 3165 S. Com l Phone 2-324 CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS 6 SACKS $3 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 8127 days. 2-4397 eve or 8127 CARDBOARD packing boxes and sheets, anv size 1790 N Front PLASTER, BOARD. waUboard. 4 x8' Ceiling tile St wall plank. Rt 7. Box 434A. McCain Ace., off Silverton Rd. TRACTOR tires reduced up to 207.. All brand new. first quality Clearance to make room for Wards new extra Hi-Bar" tires! Sale Includes most popular sizes. Quantities limited! Hurry I Montgomery Ward. 15S N. Lib- erty. GRAVEL, sand and silt. Delivered, or on your truck at the pit. Phone 6444. Pumice Blocks Tested and approved class "A." Brick, cement, aluminum windows, waterproofing materials, etc. BOOK BLDG. BLOCK CO. 3. R 1 ver Rd. Ph. 2-5873. eve. 5968 BAR RUN GRAVEL Top Soil Cat. shovel and truck work of all kinds Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Phone 2-4:167 Rt. 2. Box 32B SURPLUS STORE - i35lTlWTsTT TOILETS, new, close coupled, silent. LAVATORIES, from $20 to $32 50. KITCHEN SINKS, from $6 50 to $65. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, up right and table top. COLEMAN OIL CIRCULATORS. $29.95. YOUNG DELUXE WASHERS. FIRE SAFE. 21-x 30". $150. l',-TON I H C. PANEL with fold down seats for 16 pickers or school children. AMERICAN La FRANCES FIRE EN GINE. ELECTRIC, apt. size ranges, wire, boxes, outlets, switches. 100-amp. range panels, range cable and pig tails. RADIO AND PHONOGRAPH TA BLES $3 to $7 50. 2" BRASS VALVES, new. $6. BUNK BEDS and mattresses. Sleep ing bags. wool, kapok or down. PIC NIC TABLES $15. LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT. TUM BLERS. EXTRACTORS, PRESSES. GALLEY EQUIPMENT, dish wafhers. steam cookers, steam packeted kettles, galley tables. McClellan Saddles $22 50. WALL TYPE SWING FAUCETS $8 49. Come South on 12th to Large HOYT Sign, Turn East 1 Block - Tel. 7916 FIREWOWKS Parents, why don't you let your child make his spending money selling fire works? A complete stock. Send for catalog. SAXL ENTERPRISES Importers, Agents. Wholesalers 1275 N. 9th St- Corvallls. Ore. Ph. 1080R Or contact agent Wm. W. Lesley, 458 Mill St.. Salem. Oregon. GAS STOVE, apt" size. Antiques. 1 settee, 2 chests. 1 chair, 1 silver serv ice. Statesman box 244. 2 BOYS' bicycles, both in good cond: $13 each both for 825. Ph. 5497. SHOWER CABINETS, complete with concrete base St shower head. Only $20. 8-in. cedar sid ing $123 per thous and. New grade A-l panel doors $10 & $1030. Slab doors $10 to $1X33. C. J. Long, route 2. box 33. Salem. 1 ml. N. of Kelzer. 9x12 rust Axminlster rug and pad $50. Excell. cond. 2393 S. Cottage. ' FIREPROOF', waterproof safe suit blo fdr business. $123. Washing ma chine. $80. Set of boxing gloves, $7. Call 3-3188. COOP 16xH TENT. 458 Mill Stl WALNUT dinette set. Montag wood circulator. Schwlnn bicycle. Ph. 8371. OAK LIBRARY table. Early Amer tcan divan, twin bed. mattress, new cond. elec. washer, apt. size elec. range. Phone 5353. STEEL clothes poles. $12 JO a pair. Zorne Industrial Salvage. 1st Che meketa Rd. Phone 2-3603. 1947 SEA KING outboard motor. 9 HP. Been used SO hours. Ph. 3-373. 11SS 7th SU W. Salem. For Sale Miace rianeoai FOR SALE: Clover hay. baled la field. $23 per T. WU1 help load. Schind ler Bros. 340 W. Meyers SL. South Salem. Phone 5148 18-INCH PAINTED shakes with isn- dercourse, $14.50 per aq. Cedar shin gles, wood lath. Kelzer Builders Sup ply Inc. i blk. N. Kelzer Sen. Ph. 2-4200. STRAWBERRIES. You pick, lie lb. Bring container. 3 ml. east of Krue ger's Store on Center St. Melvin Klampe. Rt. . Box 398. Watch for sign. LUMBER, shakes. Mint. ' In. in sulating wall board, shingles as low as $3.50 per sq. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Dallas Highway Phone 3-3950 ON C-WHEELED tralleTTlike new. aQ accessories: any reasonable offer ac cepted. 338 Richmond. Phone 3-1050, I-AJiGE colony of bees In new pat ent hive. Call 2-4343. DIMENSION lumber of all kinds. Windows, doors, screen doors. Cement, plaster, sheeting paper. $3.00 per roll. Keizer Builder's Supply Inc. Ph. 2-4208. s blk. N. Kelzer School 30 CU. FT. AMANNA freezer. Al- most new. Cost $793. Best offer takes It. Ph. 3484. Mrs. Howe. OAK BUFFET. 315. Phone 2-4217." CHICKEN House 60 x 20. 3 stories, shingle roof, make offer. Inquire at West Salem Lumber Co.. Ph. 9593. ieen washers and ironers. Jtalph Johnson Appliances. 353 Center St.. Salem. Ph. 4036 BEALL. Deep Freeze. Harder-Freere. Dietz and Kenvlnator Home Freezers. Ralph Johnson Apoliances. 353 Center, Salem. Phone 4038. AB. APT. SIZE elec range. Excel lent cond. $79.50. Maple finish knee hole desk. $24.50. Used unfinished desk. $10. Maple arm daveno $44.50. Thor washing machines In excellent running cond, $44 50. Brunswick sew ing machine, $39.50. Used Ironing board. $4.50. Coil spring roll-away bed with mattress, $18.50. Fluorescent desk lamp. $6.50. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer St. The store that bargains built SPARK-OIL circulator. Burns diesel. Excellent conrl. Pone 7543. FILL DIRT for sale" cheap from State Bldg. Inquire at Capitol and Court Sts. or Ph. 2-4002. Trad Mirellanpoua MODERN almost new furniture for complete house, to trade for trailer house. 3ox 238. The Statesman. Misrellaneou Davis Appliance Repair New owners. Formerly Paul Parker's repair. Washing machines, all house hold appliances repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. All work guaranteed. ' 1117 Edge water. W. Salem. Ph2-524L ROTOT ILLTN G . Phone 22122. LES SPRINGER men's hatter. 444 Court. Closed Sat, p.m. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State St Com Ph 3311 WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965 AUTO painting, just a shade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502. HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph 3312 for free pickup St delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Ma chine Co.. 130 N Commercial Commercial Art Letterheads, cartoons, business sigt. trade marks, photo retouching. Bob Browne, Salem Engraving. Phone 9101 213 S. commercial WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt t. Box 423 Phone 2-131? Salem Sand S Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads dealing Ditching Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental 13 B-'fc yds $1200 per hr 10 B.i yds. 9 60 per hr D-7 Cat 4 Dozer 9 80 per hr D-8 Cat 4 Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat Dozer 7 00 per ar Phone Days 8408 Evenings 8248 or 24400 sal em Oregon Mattresses Ca pita I Bed Co Ph 4069 PUMPS. Universal pump sales, prompt repair service all makes. Stett ler Supply Co, 173 S. Liberty. Phone 2-6038. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE Phone 3110 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras & ienen McEwan Photo Shop 435 Sta t e CASH for used piano St other mu sical instruments. Call 4641 days ot 9537 evenings or send description to Jaouith Music Co. 191 S High USED FURNITURE. Phone 9183. Wanted Miscellaneous WILL BUY U.S. gold, silver, or eop per coins Call L. A. Warner. Ph. 7249. USED Classical records. Phone 2-3605". CLEAN "RAGSrHogg Bros., 260 State. PIANO TUNING Willi Music Store, Salem Financial MONEY TO LOAN Wanted : Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 5 EARNINGS ON YOUR INVESTMENT We have a number of first mortgages on real estate, amounts $500 to $10,000. to offer, net you 5r on your Invest ment. Examine the security yourself: Salem and vicinity. Call us at 4121 for particulars. STATE FINANCE CO. 133 S High St. Salem. Oregon Ed Byrkit and Company FIRST MORTGAGE loans at 4', F H. A 8c construction loans 339 Chemeketa Phone 3981 Si INTEREST net, on your surplus money; buy a first mortgage on Salem and vicinity property; examine secur ity yourself, make your own selections. Amounts to $500 to $10 000 mortgages now available. Come In and look over the list of mortgages now. State Finance Co. 133 S. High St Telephone 4121 Money to Loan Vacation Season Special Loan Service Short of time as well as Cssh? Then see Personal where 4 out of 9 who apply get a loan. Loans $25 to $500 on Auto, up to '$300 on Furniture or Salary. Up to 20 months to repay. $50 for 3 weeks costs only 73c Other amounts In proportion. Special lunch hour service for busy business men and women. For faster service phone first. We Like to say Yes Personal Finance Co. 311 State St Rm. 13S Phone 3191 E. Gaillnger. mgr Lie. 3-122. M-165 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 390 STAT ST 1st Nan qank old quarters FARM sad Cm LOANS ! and Your own terms of re per men t with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Coo tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phooe TICS Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS ON SIGNATURE FURN. LVSTOCK FARM MACH- NO COSIGNERS From $25.00 to $300.00 Lie No S-138 ON CARS OB TRUCKS Repayments vp to 34 months ON LATE MODELS From $50.00 to 45500.00 Lie. No M-338 MAKE APPLICATION BY PHONE OR IN PERSON GENERAL FINANCE CORP. PHONE 9168 1 Dr S of Ladd St Bush 138 S Commercial St Salem Private Money On Cars. Trucks. & Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St. Phone 9188 Loans Wanted L $2300 loan wanted. Pay 6 first mortgage. Salem property. Inquire E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Coml. Ph. 25497 For Knl Rooms SLEEPING RM. Cooking privileges. Emp. couple. 1880 Center. Ph. 9463. COMFORTABLE ROOM for gentle man 113 hemeketa. Hol'VWMid slr. rms. 2035 McCov. 6093 NICE sleeping room. Ph. 7358. Room and Board WANTED by elderly lady in quiet home. Phone 2-5345. LARGE ROOM, upstairs. 1 person or man 4c wife. 1563 Court. For Kent Apartments 1 BR. APT. Stove and refrigerator. New apt court. 907 S. 13th. J ROOM furn. apt. Inquire Apt. 1. 481 S. Cottage. FURN. MODERN 2 rm. and bath. Ex tra nice. Emp. couple 1385 N. Capitol. 3 RM. FURN. act. $60. Adults onlv. 82 State. CABINS by "week. Camp Joy Motel. For Rent Houses WILL SHARE house with employed lad v. 1185 Jefferson. 3 KM. HOUSE. 642 Edgewater Su 3 RM. HOUSE. Furnished. Man pre ferred. 2030 N. 5th. J - B E t) R OO M, turn, house. Seventh house left on EvanAve.. Keizer Dist. NELSCOTf Beach cottage. Ph. 6160. For Rent MODERN OFFICES for rent Ph. 8389 IRONERS by the week Phone 2-448 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FLOOR Sander, elec. floor polisher and lawn roller, weed burner Wallace Hardware, the Marshal Wells store Ph 6877 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff CAT AND SHOVEL work, excava tion. trenching and scraper work Call Halvorsen Construction Co Phone 4047 or 6006 ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C Pugh 684 N 17 4fi92 TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished Smltty's Clipper Service. Center and Church. Phone 9600 TRAILERS 73c first hr 50c hrs following Woodry's Mkt. 1603 N Summer TRAILER Space, shade. Clean rest rooms. Reasonable rates. Fir Crest Trailer Park. 3910 N. River Road. Wanted to Rent BY JULY 15 to Aug. 1. 3 rm. un furn. apt. and bath, downstairs. Near bus Phone 4366 MIDDLE-AGED man would like room and dinner in private home. Al so garage. Best of refs. Statesman Box 245. 2 B.R. HOME. Nice neighborhood. Near good school. Will furn. exc. ref. Steady emp. family man. Write States man. Box 243. FURNISHED house, small preferred, close in, for couple. Ph. 7463 from 9-5:30 THREE bedroom fully modern fur nished or unfurnished house. Will lease. Reasonable rent. Write Rev. A. E. Butcher. 2901 Cough St.. apt. 201. San Francisco 23. California. TELEPHONE employe and expect ant wife need small furn. apt. or house by July 1st. Call 4646 after 3 30 p.m. EMPLOYED lady and 5 yr. old boy desire 3 rm. furn. apt. Close In. Ph. 4171. ext. 537. Lots LOTS ON FISHER ROAD Phone 2-2116 or 2-1156 $600 will handle best $800 lot In South Salem. Owner, Ph. 9463. 8 p.m. to 8 p m. only. 2 CHOICE "building lots 100x353 on pavement on Skyline road. Price $1150.00 and $1350. liberal terms. All in cherries. Call S. M. Earle. Rt. 3. Box 745. Phone 22428 BY OWNER: Large lot on paved dead-end street. Excellent location. Priced right. Phone 25639. LOT80x27"5. Railroad and paved street frontage $2800. Phone 25024. np TnariE- T.n K tn vet Excellent for court site. Englewood dist.. 1380 Jefferson. For Sale Real Folate MODERN 5 bedrm home, dbl plumb. V. blinds, firepl.. dbl garage cor. lot 67 x 136. fruit and nut trees, extra lg. room over garage, oil heat, full burnt 1690. N 5th. Phone 4561. OWNER LEAVING town. Modern home. 2 bdrms.. liv. rm, din. rm.. kitchen with nook, utility, v. blinds. Insulated. AtL garage. On double lot. Located 580 S. 16th. $6500. FOR SALE or trade. Modern home. 1 bdrm.. liv.. rm.. din. rm, kitch, ga- uorrrn xo 11 New and unfin ished 2 bedrm. house. Two 30x130 lots with large garden. Good weU. $1630. Melvin wicnol. wesr srayron. NEW 2-bedrm. house. atL garage. elec. heat 100x163 ft. lot. walnut trees, view, nice district, city water, bus. $9300. 2893 Hulsey Ave. Off Ratcliff between 99E and S. lztn st. 2-BEDRM. house. East; newly dec orated. Large lot. Ph. 3241. 3 bdrm new redecorated, basement. close torchool. on bus line. 403 S. 25th. BY OWNER 8-rm. modern home with 3-rm. apt. upstairs. 3 bdrms.. liv. rm., dm. rm, kitchen, full bsmt.. auto, oil heat. Good location south. 815,000. Phone 4473 sfter 6pm BY OWNER: Neat i-rm. house, util ity rm.. 2 -car garage, deep lot. close to schools At store St bus line. $6830. Only $2100 down. 3040 Maple St. BY OWNER: 3 B.R. view home, fin Ished basement, party room St extra BJL Terms If desired. 740 Cascade Drive. W. Salem, NEW HOME. 2238 Mill sL. 2 bed- rooms. hardwood floors, floor furn ace, completely modern and high qual ity throughout. FHA financed. Inquire 2241 Mill st. BY OWNER: New 2-bdrm. house with large attic floored. Oil floor furnace. Hardwood floors throughout. Large lot. North near Kelzer. $8600; good terms. Ph. 2-1302. BY OWNER: New two bedroom house with utility room and attached gar age. Electric heat. Large corner lot. Lata model light make car would be acceptable a spartlal payment. 444 Aca- demy St. Awvrp. a .... wm K.. 4.. Turner. Ph. 1883 Aumeville. eves. az "'- ' - " 1 l ww -aa u kikuk new homes. Inquire 1148 S. 13th. For Sale Real Estate tooos New modern 3 BR home. Unfinished upstairs. Hardwood floors Fireplace. Venetian blinds. Oil furnace. Attached garage. Bus at door. Call Stanley Brown State Finance Co. 1S3 S. High St. 4121 or 3-5584 ROOM HOUSE. North in business cone. Paved St. City bus by door. Easily made into 4 apis. Pull base ment. 73 ft. frontage, garage. Priced to selL $7850. Call or see. Alfred Dumbeck 147 N. Commercial. Room 4 $1500 Down Neat, new two bedroom home with dinette, oil heat: ready for immediate occupancy. Total price $8000. Salem Realty. Co Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7680 $8300 BUYS A GOOD 2 bed room home with basement. Good location on So. High St $8000. Very nice 1 -bed room furnished home on comer lot. Paved st. $750 Terms. Good lot. Call Ike Bacon. 3109 or 8354. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 5109 Save $2000 New modern 3 bdrms., 1400 sq. ft. large corner lot. Terms. Owner C- Nel son. 990 Morningside. Rt etinngr One of Willamette Valley's most beautiful spot'. 7 rm. hse. with bsmt. Worlds of water piped from 3 springs, sumken gardens with hundreds of dol lars worth cf shrubs. Good income. 27 acres in all. 21 teres in walnuts, fil berts and holly. Goo.'! barn and out buildings. Full Price $30,000. Call for appointment I -.v. Ta'l 316 i fllcrkn ithI K o. v- Kp!I tnra v-r. v, " wvi ' ' 94 coh l.'o.i-r.- . Knone ?w iF YOU HAVE $2000 for a down payment, we have a 2 Bdrm. plastered home, on large lot. with 4 room rental on the same lot. bringing In $40.00 per month. The balance on good terms. You may drive by 1365 N. 4th Street and if you rre interested, call Reese or Crj . 'oni. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 3310. eve 2-5390 337 N. High St $8750 Clean modern 2 BR home close in North. Hardwood floors. Fireplace. Full basement. Furnace. Shade trees. Ga rage. Immediate possession. Terms. Call Stanley Brown State Finance Co. 113 S. High St. 4121 or 2-5584 GI Special I; you have $2000.00 to pay down you can buy one of the cosiest 2 bed room homes in the Hollywood Dist. North Salem. Write Statesman Box 2.T9. TODAY S BEST BUY. Lot 100 x 6O0T. 100' 99E frontage. 100' S.P. R.R. track age. New business bldg. and a business property now leased. Ideal for cabins, trailer park or business. Don't wait on this. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors 484 Court St. Phone 4707 Country Paradise Newly redecorated 3 BR home, fire place, tile bath and kitchen, large liv ing room and dining room. Breakfast nook overlooks nice yard, with lots of fruit and nut trees. Beautiful roses. One acre, only 2' miles S of First National Bank. A buy at $9450. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216: Eves 8318 BUILDERS Ideal building site East- Five lots. Livable hse with 3 other small bldgs. Enough good lumber in bldgs to build a good hse. Live tn one while you build. All for $5500. COLBATH LAND CO. (Open evenings 7-9) 1683 Center St. Phone 2-4552 Str. THIS NEW 2 BR home locat- ed on a suburban corner lot. Can Be had for $9200.00. $2000.00 down, ask for Wamberg. Evening phone 2-6319. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors - 484 Court St. Phone 4707 Ed Bvrkit & Co.. Realtors DON'T MISS A BARGAIN, l'i acres east, fruit, berries and nuts, modern 5 room home 2 years old. hardwood floors thruout. elec. heat, insulated. P., 11 V.,cm.nt rnmnltlv finished with 1 BR In basement. Double garage, close to school, pricea at siz.uw.wi. uwner will give noerai xerms mi unnm. ED BYRKIT 8c CO. 339 Chemeketa Ph. 8981 or 5708 Evenings 23277 S1350 Full Price 4 rooms, extra large lot on pavement edge of Turner. House new, unfinished but livable. Drilled well, new pressure water system. $1350 ful price. Some terms. ' C, E. Coville, Broker S. of 12 St. Y on 99E Office also In Turner, Ph. 22 Today's Bargain For quick sale we offer you this 2 rental unit. Each has 4 rms . bsmt. This place needs some redecorating. Should bring In $100 per mo. on $6,850 Investment. Call Bergiana. Art Madsen 1328 State St. Ph. 5580. Eves. 8438 writ 1 vuinnn 5 hdrm hoiw near St. Vincent s School. fcJec. nest. an. garage. 1 yr. old. $2500 down. Call 2-4791. Alden Bowes Real Estate. 2288 ralrgrounos Koao. Ill Kl uuima 1 vjj . -tllr-CT) . A 1 n.ui , D R house. L.R. DR. Kitchen, full bath, utility rm. Hdwd firs thruout. V. blinds. Gas and elec heat. Drive In garage. Basement. Furn or unf urn. All new furniture. 931 Cascade Dr. King-wood nig.. rv. . a 1 n 1 1 . BY OWNER : 6 rm furn. home. Call eves. Phone 5285 FURN. SUMMER cabin on Little N. Fork Santiam river. 4 mL E. Mehama. Ph. 5658 or 2-151$. B. . HoUings- worth. 3 BEDRM. home. Hdw. firs. Furnace beat, firepl. 690 E. Lefelle. Ph. 3658 or 3-1518. B. E. Holllngsworui i BY OWNER: 5 rm home, well ar ranged. Utility and bath. Hdwd floors, plastered, plenty of closets and built ins. In good neighborhood In W. Sa lem. Close to bus and school. Ph. 7212. 3 BED RM. home, fine cond.. all on one floor. In good neighborhood. Terms. H. L. Stiff. FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW 3-BDRM. ranch style new nouse. FlFe- glace. elec. throughout. ',i acre. Ven. linds. hwd. floors. $9500. 955 Morning side Ave. Off Ratcliff through Hulsey Ave. LEAVING SALEM. 3-bdrm. home ln- cluding refrig, elec. range, rug. Roto tuler. power lawn mower. 1 ac Near bus, store. 890 Lancaster Dr. Ph. 3-1130. BY OWNER: New house near high school. Living rm, dm. rm, 3 bed mu. with pecan floors, kit, bath and utility with linoleum. Attached ga rage. Paved street and sidewalks. Price $9950 with $3850 dn. $69 per mo. Ph. 31Z28. S3 rairview ave. TOR SALE or trade: 3 BR home for mrromm around Salem. 'Bv Owner. W. B. Moore. T71 Rosemont. W. Salem. 'SaULL DOWN pymL 3 bdrm. hse-. lew. Int. eitv bus. 3818 Monroe. TRAILER BoUSJ, furnished. Tor sale or trad on or loC Phone 3585. 3915 State St. BV OWNER 1-Ldrm.' home, elec heat, large lot. room fee nous In front. Nice neighborhood. 823 N. 15th .St. . MUST SELL at once. X-bdrm. ranch type house. 1mm. poos. Co east on center, aw Illinois at. mont HV oWV.TR T rm A bdrm. home. rull bsmt, garage, near Leslie and McKlniey schools. -Lot 100x100. For appointment call 33030. For Sale Real Estate. LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REALTORS IT YOU ARX LOOKING for S acres with a comfortable noma in a wood land setting and a creek just outside, the door where the fishing Is good on a paved road seven miles from Salem, look st this for only $5500. YOUNG MAM REJOINING AIR FORCE willing to sacrifice his new Calif type stucco 3 bedim, bom in beautiful setting of firs. 4s acre. Com plete! furnished with all new West ing house equipment such as laundro mat, elec. range, elec. refrig, elec h.w. heater, etc. $3750. SELDOM CAN WE OFFER a creek and a view on li acres of land. but we have it now. House with basement. 2 bed rms., close to school, city bus. gas. water, etc. $8900. DESIRABLE RENTAL SET UP. Two good houses on one lot. Just south of Highland SchooL There la lots for a little here. $7500. For tbes and many more CALL or SEE ; Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors "33 years of dependable service to home owners' 344 State St- f Phone 9361 . Evenings call' 3CT0 KINGWOOD HEIGHTS We have an excellent new home) with s real view for 812.000. but you can make an offer. Call Walt Mus grave. APT. HOUSE LOT -100 x 100. excellent location for court or apts. Class I residence re zoned. $2200. Call Walt Musgrave. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER ; PHONE E10t REALLY A LIVABLE- HOME Located at 499 Wayne Dr. In beauti ful Manbrin Gardens. 1 very nice bed rooms all on same floor. 1460 sq. ft. of floor space; large corner lot 100 x 130; the best utility room we've ever seen; outside painting to be completed; city bus at door; extra good financing. See this fine home todays NO TRAFFIC WORRIES HERE A 2 bedroom home- with room up stairs for expansion, located on a dead end street In Englewood dist. It's a good-looking English 4 style home In a clean, quiet district; full basement with good oil furnace Everything you could want for your family. Lee Ohmart & Co., Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 2-411 Even. Ph. 8770. 2-1222, 2-4722 $8700 Full Price Brand new 2 bdrm. Large rooms, nice utility m, a single garage on . Large corner lot. If sold' soon buyer may have choice of colors for imida decoration. $2000. bal, like rent. Sea this today. Ask for Mr. KJ under. M.'O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors . 3013 Portland Rd. Ph. 7820 or 2-4598 REALTY BARGAINS $3200 STORAGE GARAGE. REPAIR As BODY SHOP. Good downtown loca tion. Stock. Equip. St business. An ex cellent proposition if you want your own business. Call Mr. Rains. $7230 Lovely new stucco 2 Brra home, good location. Call Elmer Amundson. , $9000 Excellent new 2 Bdm borne with floored attic. Hwd Firs. V-Blinds. at tached garage. Lge lot. nice location -north. Call Elmer Amundson. FARM PERFECT 1 ' Unsurnassible 21 acre farm 3 mL East of city limit. Silt loam soiL I' Brm home. Modern In every respect. AU bldgs in excellent cond. SO x 48 Barn. Mach. shed. Granary. Silo. Chick' hse. A real vahie at-22J00. Call Mr. Rains. AMUIVDS0X REALTY , Phone 2-6687 Realtors 554 Ferry ?t. SPECIAL. Bungalow. Con Fdn. i BR. Bath. LR. Kitch. Built tns. Wired for range. Elec Hot wtr ht. Oil fir furn. Possession Imm. Fuil price. $4500.00. Call Ken HiU. Ed Bvrkit & Co.. Realtors 339 Chemeketa Ph. 3981 or 57QJ $10.0UW Close in ' acre with new modern 2 BR home: LR. DR. Kitchen and Bath. Hardwood floors. Automatla heat. Insulated. $2100 down. balancO FHA loan. On bus line. Call Stanley Brown State Finance Co. 133 S High St. 4121 or 1-831 $800 Down G.I. home. 2 bedrooms, about acre of land, extra building for poultry house, room for a cow and a horse. Near ohools. Full price $7X)0. Joe L. Boiirne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph t2t F H A. SUBURBAN SOUTH , New well constructed 3 B.R. mod ern plastered home;- auto oil heat, large lot. restricted : dist. and $3,200 will handle. Balance $43 per mo. 2345 LAUREL AVE. One year old fully- insulated 3 B R. home, large garage, sew paint In and out. all elect., fenced yard, school bus. store and Catholic church close. See : inside to appreciate. $8,730. Terms to ' suit. $1,500 DOWN Get the Jump on the other buyers snd look this one over todsy. New su burban 2 B.R. modern plastered Memo, large lot. close to bus and shopping center. Full price $7,730. Sullivan Realty Co. 3263 Portland Rd. Phone 3231 Eve. 7057 or 21323 JOE HUTCHISON - 'REALTOR 455 Court Street Salem. Oregon A new 3 BR home. Kelzer district. $8500. Between 16th snd 1 7th North of Mar ket. 100x100 lot with 2 BR home, fire- -place, large garage. S 10.500. Terms. Call Mr. Klurr.pp for appointment. Joe Hutchison, Realtor Phone 7698 - Eve. 2-4789 or 2-3141 $8750 VIEW Property near LesLO chool. Lv rm. D. rm.. lg. ktt. 3 bedrm 2 baths, dbl. ga. alio $33 mo. rental in rear. This prooerty nice and clean, an excellent buy. CaU Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3793 341 Chemeketa tt Eves. 2-S2C $3450 - New modern 3 BR name: partly flav Ished. This Is a good buy. Call Stanley Brown State Finance Co. ; 153 S. High SL 4131 or t-Wi ADVETmSINO Western AdverBslnf Representative Ward-Grifftth Company. Bna Francuea , r Eastern Advertisxn; I Representatives f Ward-Grifftth Company, tae. Chicago. New York. Detroit. , . Boston. Atlanta ; Member t Pacffle Coast Division i Bureau of Advertising; . Entered at (he Post office at Sa lews. Oreoow as Jsrona Class Mas ter Published erery csernfng e cept Mowday. Busm eftce , US . South ComBtorciel Strsoi. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES Man fubocrtpoa Rates tn Ad vance: With hi Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo aa ceo is. snoa, $3 25; t rear- $4 uO Elsewhere 80 cents pee sna ar IT 38) for I rear ta advance Per copy S centa - ---.- By City Carrier, tl asms month, I asjji aanr Isad vsaaa la smartass 3 eaaaassssssaa