9Th StoHn-nn Solam, Oregon. Thmderr, Tan 17 SOCIETY- CLUBS MUSIC I Betrothals Are Made Known Four more couples have added their names to the ever-growing 1 list of engaged duos. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard uray ui Portland are announcing the be trothal of their daughter. Jeanna, to C. M. Lee Greenlee, son of Mrs. Alice E. Greenlee and J. G. Green lee of Salem. The wedding date Is U-ntatively set for August 14. The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Oregon and later took graduate work in psychology at the university. She Is a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Miss Gray is now employed at Timber Structures Inc. in Portland. Mr. Greenlee Is attending Willamette urmersity and is a used car dealer In Salem. He served In the navy for four years, tlncurement Told The engagement of Miss Elsie Donalds and Richard E. Larson v.-d- announced at a picnic in honor J of her birthday on June II. The bride-elect, an art student at Willamette university. Is the diuhter of Mr. and Mrs. John Iugljs of Salem Heights. Her fi anre is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K')Und Larson cf Gresham. He at tended Willamette university two years and is now studying photog raphy in Portland. Ml is HuxMett Betrothed Announcement is being made of the engagement of Miss Ruth Hukjhlett, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hughlett of Salem, to Bob Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. R L Smith of Portland The news wi told to a group of the bride elet t's friends on the closing day of chool at Oregon State college Ijs week. The wedd.ng will be an event of next year. Mi.-s Hughlett has com peted her frehm;tn year at Ore gon State and Mr. Sm;Lh his Jun lir year. Couple to Wed Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bryant of Monmouth are revealing the be tio'hal of their daughter, Marilou, t Alton GreT.waue, son of Mr. rid Mrs. J. L. Greenwade of Rick reall. No date has been set for the wed ding. Miss Bryant attended Monmouth high ichool and is now employed t the Monmouth bank. Her fiance Miss Hammack to Sail July 1 Mis Mary Hammack, grand daughter of Mrs. M. F. Hammack, left Wednesday night by train for New York City, from where she will sail on July 1 on the Queen Elizabeth for South Hampton, England. She will attend the sum mer session at University College at Nottingham, England, on schol arship, taking courser in educa tion and making a study of the English schools. She will return to the states on the Queen Mary, sailing on August 25. Miss Hammack will be accom panied to New York by her aunt, Mrs. Doris Hill, and they will go by way of Sacramento, Reno, Cheyenne, Omaha, Chicago and Washington, D. C, spending sev eral days at the latter two cities. Miss Hammack will ba In New York three days prior to sailing. Mrs. Hill will return home the southern route by way of New Orleans and Texas. Mr. and Mr. Charles 8. McEl- hinny and daughter. Sue, will mo tor to Portland Friday night to at tend the wedding of her nephew, John Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned E. Dixon of Roseburg, and Miss Winifred Powers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Powers, who will be married at the Mult nomah Community church. CLUB CALENDAR THl'RSD AY Spiritual Sunflower club meet at Marion Square park. 1 p. m. Fidelis clan. First Baptist church, with Mr. Elmer Conn. Brooks. 2 p. m. Gold Star Mothers at V'FW hall, so cial meetinf. 8 p.m. First Christian church Women's council welfare luncheon, noon, busi ness session. 1 p.m.. program at 3 p.m. FRIDAY White Cross meetlnfs. Tlorenc Vail M.ijiontrv society. Calvary Baptist churcli. 10 a.m.. no-host luncheons at noon MONDAY Salem Junior Woman's club annual picnic at W. W. Chadwick ranch, 6:30 p.m. Woman's Relief Corps meet at VTW hall, 1 p m. TirSDAY Daughters of St. Elizabeth of St. Paul s Episcopal church meet for an nual picnic luncheon, with Mrs. Wll mer Page. 1589 Chemeketa St.. 1 p.m. is a graduate of Perrydale high sqhool and Is with the Chevron station at Rlckreall. Visitors Are Honored at Parties Visitors are the Incentive for many informal parties and get togethers this week with hostesses arranging luncheons and dinners in their honor. Mrs. Albert Stackpole of Har risburg. Pa., who is visiting in the capital with Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, will be honored at an informal luncheon this afternoon when Mrs. James T. Brand enter tains at her North Summer street home. Summer flowers will provide the decorative note. Covers will be placed for Mrs. Stackpole, Mrs. William Phillips, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Paul B. Waliace, Mrs. E. J. Scel lars, Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Keith Powell and Mrs. Brand. Colonel and Mrs. Phillip Allison will be hosts at dinner tonight at their Fairmount Hill home for the pleasure of Mrs. Stackpole, who lived in Salem during the war years. Places will be laid for the honor guest, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred erick Chambers, Colonel Malcolm Young of Santa Barbara, a guet at the Allison home, and the hosts. Friday Mrs. Phillips and her house guest will motor to Portland to view the new Oregonian build ing. Mrs. Stackpole will leave for San Francisco on Saturday, where she will attend the National Red Cross convention. Here From South Mr. Gerald Bonnington and daughter, Beatrice Ann, of Berk eley, Calif., are visiting in the cap ital with her brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Ruskin Blatch ford, and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. Blatchford. Mrs. Bonnington cam north to accompany home her son. Bill, a junior at Willamette university. They will leave for the south on Sunday. Friday afternoon Mrs. Ruskin Blatchford has invited twenty-five of her sister-in-law's friends to an informal tea at her home on Nor way street. Guests will call be tween 3 and 3 o'clock to greet Mrs. Bonnington. The Mis Jean Claire Swift. Margie Cooley, Jane Carson and Peggy Sears left Wednesday to spend several days at the beach. Miss Hutton Weds In California SILVERTON Mrs. Turner Arm strong of Roseville, Calif., Is an nouncing the marriage of her daughter, MLss Elma Marie Hut ton, Fresno, and Newton Lloyd Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel B. Walters of Kerman, Calif., in a home wedding Sunday, June 0, at Rose vi lie. The bride wore a blue afternoon gown and a gardenia sheaf corsage with matching floral coronet. Her mother, who was her attendant, wore voile print of black and white and a single gardenia corsage. Mr. Armstrong was the bridegroom's attendant. Mr. Walters served with the Sea bees for more than three years, and the bride served 2Vt years in the Waves. She is a native of Silver ton and was graduated from Sil verton schools. Guests Here For Rites Out-of-town guests are begin ning to arrive in the capital for several weddings to take place in the next week. Mrs. May Hedges of North Bon neville, Wash., is here for the wed ding of her granddaughter, Miss Joan Randall, and James R. Phil lips, which will be an event of June 21. To Fete Bridal Attendants i rridav night Miss Kandall will entertain the feminine members of her bridal party at dinner at Wi nona's Chalet with her mother, Mrs. Bessie Randall, and Mrs. Hedges as additional guests. The same night Mr. Phillips will en tertain his best man and ushers at a stag dinner and party at the University club in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phil lips will be hosts for a buffet sup per Sunday night at their West Lefelle street home in compliment to their son, James, and his fiancee, Miss Joan Randall. The affair will follow the wedding rehearsal at the First Presbyterian church with members of the bridal party bid den as guests. Here for Wedding Lt. Comm. John Lindbeck ar rived in the capital Tuesday for the wedding of his brother, Albert, and Miss Patricia Riches, to be an event of Friday night. Commander Lindbeck drove north from his base at San Diego and will leave immediately after the ceremony for the south. He will serve as his brother's best man at the rites. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Crum and sons, Jimmy and Gary, of Oakridge will come Friday for the wedding of her brother, Albert Lindbeck, and will be guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck, for the week end. Brides-elect Are Feted Miss Shirley Kenagy and James) Hess have set Saturday, Septem ber 4, as their wedding date. The couple will be married at the Calvary Baptist church with a re ception following. The bride elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kenagy and her fiance is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Weaver W. Hess of Clackamas, formerly of Salem. Their engage ment was announced in May. Miss Kenazy will be honored at a shower at the South Winter street home of Mrs. Hammer Sie farth with Mrs. Kenneth Graber as co-hostes. Guests will include Mrs. Ambrie Bagley, Mrs. Kinley K .Adams, Mrs. Hugh Dowd, Mrs. Donald Emerson. Mrs. Roy Houck, Mrs. Merrill Barber, Mrs. Milton Hoy ser, Mrs. Robert Hoyser, Miss Wilma Wright, Mrs. Thomas Ken agy. Mrs. Ivan Bingenheimer, Mrs. Ludwig Peterson, Mrs. Ches ter Pickens, Mrs. Milan Gilman, Miss Mildred Smith, Mrs. Dwight Wyatt, Mrs. Gale Kerbst, Miss Audra Ames, Mrs. Wilmer Wells, , Miss Nancy Kenacy and Miss 1 Jennine Gr.'ibe'-. To Honor Miss Torbet Miss Olive Torbet. who will be come the bride of Robert A. , Thompson of Portland on June 27 at the ceremony at the First Methodist church, was feted at a shower Wednesday night when Mrs. Marvin O'Brien, jr., and Mrs. Phyllis Allen entertained at the former's home on Market rtreet. The bride-elect is the daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Torbet. ' A late dessert supper was served ) following a miscellaneous shower In honor of the bride-to-be. At I tending were Mesdames Leota j Baker, Delores Harris, Dorothy Clancy, Marlowe Jones, Rheta l Hildebrand, Rachael Smyres, Ella , Hatfield, Dorothy Spaulding, Lillie McGee. Catherine Nicker son, Selma Bach, Virginia Fitts, Misses Patricia Jones, Lorraine Baron, Clarissa Casper, Cleo Walker. Dorothy Ayres, Martha Carpenter and the hostesses. Miss Jo-Anne Gilmore, daugh ter of the Gordon Gilmores, who recently moved here from Med ford, has arrived in the capital from Pomona college, Claremont, Calif., to spend the summer with her parents. She will return to Pomona In the fall to enter her sophomore year. Mr. and Mrs. William Stein of Portland (Pauline Drager) are re ceiving felicitations on the birth of a son, Mark Benjamin, on Tues day at the Salem General hospital. The little boy has an older bro ther, William, and his maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ben Drager oo Salem. Riverside Women To Play Here Women golfers from the River side Country club in Portland will be guests of the Salem women golfers on Friday at the Salem Golf club with luncheon to be served at 1:30 o'clock. At the regular day's play on Wednesday Mrs. Fred Bernardl was winner in class A; Mrs. Rob ert HerralL class B; Mrs. Rex Adolph, class C; and Mrs. Max Allen, class D. A guest was Mrs. Roy Simmons and welcomed as new members were Mrs. S. D. Wiles and Mrs. Charles Campbell. To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Orr go congratulations on the birth of twins, a son, Larry Jo, and a daughter, Terry Lee, on Tuesday, June IS at the Salem General hos pitaL The little boy weighed six pounds, nine ounces, and his sis ter weighed five pounds, five oun ces. Their grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orr of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. William Keaton of Salem. Vlcki Dee Van Onsenoord will celebrate her fourth birthday at a party this afternoon at the King wood Heights home of her parents, the Barney Van Onsenoords. Eight of her friends have been bidden and birthdar cake and refresh ments will be served on the patio. Silverion Geortre Haberly. son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haberly of Silverton, and Miss Helen Hudgins were married in the Cottage Grove Methodist church Sunday, tfuna IS, Arthur Dahl, Jr.. Silverton, was a member of the wedding pa rty. Others attending from Silverton were Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haberly and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Expert, Reliable KAID)B(p) Repairing HEIDER'S J CaTJ 7M - 421 Cecrt 8L Repairing - Remodeling - Building? You'll Find the Best in Top -Quality Supplies at the Keith Brown Lumber Yard j i m Remodeling - Repairing Bnilding? i Shakes make GOOD . . A siae waits at tow cost. We can supply you with square rut. nntfd cedar shakes, unstained or in five (5) attractive colors. Full cover - no allowance for lap when us ing; shakes. Come In and talk It over f i m M f J The siding that ignores wea IWCUtti ther. We have on hand a limited supply of K" by It cedar m siding in all grades. Get yours new! 1 1 1 V 1 . Bargain on Steel Base . ei l I 32- by 174" and em aasn. 32- by 2m -two light steel basement sash and frame at a substantial price reduction. m i Re-Roof How! pi 1 f 1- Pivot garage blUSCUUX tJtUe -door hardware sets. A real bargain in garage door hardware. Now only $14.00 per set (minus door). 1 t 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 V f M f f m square butt min- eral surfaced asphalt shinties at a price you cant afford to ignore. Prop erly applied, these shingles will give you many years of service. Only $7.25 per square. Overhead Wooden Garage n complete with Stanley hard U00r5 ware. 18-panel wooden doors. For garage doors that float open and shut with a minimum of ef fort. $70.00. i 1 1 1 - 1 HEADUARTERS FOR BETTER BUILDING SUPPLIES KEITH BROWN Plumber yard Front and Court Sts. Phone 9163 STEVENS y tA. y$5?$ -4::?7 ry&K You'll Find The Perfect Gift At Stevens & Son For rA Dependable WatcK Is Ideal Hamilton v. Longines I Waltham Jt Wittnauer lff Tissot J Gothic 7 Elgin I Harvol kwM Gift Wrapped And Guaranteed Electric Shavers Schick Remington Shavemastor 1500 23 50 it Billfolds Tio Clasps Brush Sets Lighters tAt Cigarette Cases it Watch Bands Watch Chains it Barometers Desk Sets it Flasks OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT Budgot Payments If Desired Pen & Pencils Parker Sheaffer Evcrsharp 500 u 36 00 Set 'A Handsome Gold Ring For Father Birthstono Signet Initial Mason Eaglos ! W and other 339 Court Stroot Emblem Rings