i 1 1 4 f The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday. June lg, S48 Miss Stella McKay Is Married Detail have reached the capi tal of the wedding of a former Kalem tfirl. Miss Stella McKay, daughter of Mrs. Stanley McKay cf Salem, to Edward J. Leahy, son of Mr and Mrs J. W. Leahy of Cohoes. N Y. The couple exchang ed their vows on Monday, June 14 lit St M.irv's church in Albany, N.Y.. with the Rev. J. Peronne of ficiating. For her wedding the bride chose white dressmaker nut with matching accessories and corsage Cf white orchid. Mrs. Edward Morris was the matron of honor and wore a rose suit and bridesmaid wa Miss Con r.ie McKay, formerly of Salem and San Francisco, sister of the bride, who wore a powder blue suit. Their corsages were of v. hite glad ioluses and pink roses Edward Morns stood v.ith the groom as best man Mrs. McKay went eat for her daughter's nuptials and wore a navy blue ensemble with corsage cf mauve gladioluses and white roses Mrs. Leahy wore an aqua (uit and corsage of Tankman roses for her son's marriage A wedding breakfast was held t the Wellington hotel in Albany following the rites. When the newlyweds left on their honeymoon to the New Eng land states and Canada, the bride donned a navy blue suit with pink accessories Mr. I-eahy hnd his bride will make their homt in Al bany. NY. i Couple Will .Wed in East Invitations he been received In the capital by Salem friends of the couple to the weddtng of Miss Jessie Elli- daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. J H Flhs of Marietta. Ohio, formerly of Salem, and William E. Batiton. son of Mrs. Harold J. Larson of Portland. The nuptials will take place on June 25 at St.' Luke's Episcopal church in Mari- etta at 8 o'clock with a reception following at the Ellis home. The biide-elect attended Salem Iiigh school and Oregon State col lege, where she was a Kappa Al pha Theta. Her fiance is a nephew ! of Mrs (Hear I Paulson and Mrs j W. G. Burns of Salem He if a j senior at Oregon State college and j a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity The couple will live in Corvallis while he atter.di Oregon State. . The newlyweds will come west on their honeymoon and will be i honored at a reception on July 1 i in Portland where Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Larson entertain for her son and his bride. Organ Recital Is Thursday Emrr.aline Joan Bair, organ pu pil of William Fawk. will bo pre sented in recital at the First Evan- elical United Brethren churoh at o'clock Thursday night. Assist ing will be Germond LamXin, vio linist, and Bernice Kleihege. mexzo soprano The public is invited The pro gram is as follows: Smfunia Icn Sth Mit Kin am Tun im Grarx " Bach fltr from Water Munc . Hand! introduction and Choial from Suite Gothlque im Bair Stllmin Libefrud Kritlr kegand W.eniawski cenrt de Ballet Be riot M in La rr k i n Tim Gentle Maiden (Old Iriah Airi Neton Prayer . Sfbebui Mi( Bair Oar Tod Dai Madthen ... Schubert I Wonder Aa I Wander . Nile Smilin' Through Perm What! in the Air Today? . Eden M in Kleihege Vied l tat ion . St. Clair fkl Eventide Harris Arioso Handel Miss Bair Mrs. Harry I . Miller ha left for the Metolius river, where she will spend the summer with her family at their country place. Rich coffee always tastes better EDWARDS IS ALWAYS RICH COFFEE Featured at GAFEIVAY STORES rr "rijsjjaill II I fx v Lh The "Eyog Havo It Boring . . . color, sparkle, expression. Why hide these nature given attributes. The correct glasses both lens and frame properly fitted reveal natural eye beauty. Come In today. AT Beting Optical 313 Coart DIGNIFIED CREDIT lbesM & Former Queen Is Married STAYTON Miss Joyce Mc Donald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christ McDonald of Mehama, and Harold Longfellow, son of Mr and Mn. William Longfellow of Wt Stayton, were married Saturday, i May 29, at Vancouver, Wash., with ! Miss Arlena Kirsch and Bud Bark ' meyer, as attendants. For her marriage, the bride i chose a dress of yellow with w hite ! accessories. Miss Kirsch wore a ' blue dress and her accessories were of white. The bride is a graduate of Stay ton high school and was last year's Jiaintlam Bean Festival queen The Kroom served three ears in the Pacific during the war The couple will make their home in Mehama. Parties For Visitors The? many visitors in the capi tal are being entertained at in formal affairs during the week Mrs Herbert Rahe and Mrs. Charles H Johnson were host esses Tor an informal tea Monday afternoon at the formers North Winter street home in compliment to Mrs Carl Gregg Doney of Col umbus. Ohio, Mrs. Frank Erick son and her daughter. Dr. Mary Erickson of Santa Barbara. Calif. Mrs. Doney accompanied Dr. Do ney west for the Willamette uni versity commencement at which he was the speaker Dr Erickson came north with his wife and daughter for the commencement ' festivities and to isit with the ' Doneys. A group of faculty wives, who belonged to the same sewing group when Mrs Doney and Mrs. Erickson were here, were bidden to the informal affair. The visit ors are alo being feted at numer ous dinner and luncheons during their stav here this week. Halls Are Visitors General and Mrs Elmer Hall, en route from Washington. D C. to San Diego, Calif., were lunch eon guests at the country home of the-Hollis Huntingtons on Tues day. General Hall, who served with the U.S. Marines before his retirement, has been with the Red Cross in Washington for the past six months The Halls are on their way to visit Col. and Mrs. George Dutton in Ran Diego, for merly of Salem. Jean Fidler to Convention Miss Jean Fidler, daughter of the Mervin Fidler?, will be among the Delta Delta Delta sorority girls attending the annual convention June 24-29 at Banff Springs in the Canadian Rockies. Three other coeds attending from the University of Oregon, Miss Beth Basler, president, Port land, Miss Joan Rambo, Portland, and Misi Sara Bjorset. Cottage Grove, will arrive in Salem next weekend to spend several days at the home of Miss Fidler prior to flying north to Vancouver, B. C , on June 23. At Vancouver all con vention delegate will board the special Tri-Delt train for Banff Convention sessions will be at the Banff Springs hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches will entertain informally at their North Summer street . home Thursday night in honor of their daughter. Patricia, and her fiance, Albert Lindbeck, following the wedding rehearsal at St. Paul's Episcopal ; church. The marriage of the cou ple will be an event of Friday night.. Members of the bridal party have been bidden to the affair at which late refreshment will be served. Women's Council of the First Christian church will entertain with a welfare luncheon at noon on Thursday at the church with a business meeting at 1 p m. and program at 2 p.m. Teachers of the Bible school will be honored and special guests will be teachers of the vacation Bible school. Mrs. B. r. Schmoker and Mrs. Roy Lockenour will speak on "Our Children in Mission." 7 a'll ZS-SLf 1 mtmm I. Hashes I SO CI ETY CLUBS I New Babies -Welcomed Several new citizens are being welciimed in the capital this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Everitt (Bet ty Vieske) are receiving felicita tions on the birth of an eight pound son. John Frederick, on Monday at the Salem General hospital. The baby's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Viesko and Mr. and Mrs. John Eentt of Springfield, Mo. The great-grandmother is Mrs. Bertha Yiesko of Salem, i To Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Etzel : (Irene Berningi go congratulations on the birth of a son, Mark Hillary, on Tuesday at the Salem Memorial hospital. The little boy, who weighed six pounds, 14 ounces, is . the grandson of Michael Etzel of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Berning of Mt. Angel The Etzels moved on Saturday to their new home at 1491 Lancaster drive. Mr. and Mrs Roy Mink are the parents of a seven pound, 12 ounce daughter, Marcia Jean, born on Tuesday afternoon at the Salem Memorial hospital. The littje girl has an older brother. Roger. The baby's grandmothers are Mrs. George W Moore and Mis. Mar garet Mink, both of Salem. Miss Cornutt to Head Alumnae Miss Faye Cornutt of Portland was elected president of the Ore gon Gamma Alumnae of Pi Beta Phi at the annual commencement breakfast held Sunday morning at the Marion hotel. Officers elected to serve with Miss Cornutt for the ensuing year are Miss Georgia Hull, Salem, vice president: Mrs. Robert Bailey. Salem, secretary: and Mrs. Hugh McGikra, Forest Grove, treasurer. Honor guests at the bre.ikfast were the graduating seniors of Pi Beta Phi on the Willamette cam pus including Misses Kay Kar nopp, Geraldine Schmoker, Fran ces Sopp, Miriam Oakes, Winona Dillard, Bettie Olson, Sara Ann Ohling, Virginia Wyche. Mary , Phyllis Gerth, Beverly Briggs and Muriel Oliver. Mrs. George Montgomery, Port land, is the retiring president and presided at the meeting. Speakers were Miss Maxine Meyers, house president; and Miss Dolores Bauer, treasurer. Over 40 were present for the affair. Rites Performed By Dr. Gatke The marriage of Miss Margaret Smith of Portland and Charles Warren, son of Edward J. Warren of Santa Cruz, Calif., was quiet ly solemnized on Saturday. June 12 at the Turner Methodist church with Dr. Robert M. Gatke offi ciating. The groom is a nephew of Dr. and Mrs. Gatke and his father came north for the rites. For her wedding the bride wore a white suit and hat and carried a white Bible marked with stream ers of kalmia. A reception for the bridal cou ple followed at the home of Mrs. Frederick Eley on North 15th street. The bride is a graduate of Ore gon State college and her hus band will continue with his stud ies at Oregon State in the fall. SII FOR YOURSELF HOW THE COOKER awajr with kite haw oak a cookinf and . . . bOW St MTM food billa nod cooking fual Mm Pbbvto Cookbk D BafOKsmiATioa , by trained aipart from thm worid'a Urgaat manufacturer of tore thia week. latbow practicaJly all fooda maty bacookad la a PaKarro Cookbk and in an amatmgty abort time. VegvUbUa m fractions of or dinary cooking time. Meat dwlioouary r, not m boat, but m Delegates Named To Encampment j Mrs. Ivell Haley, president, pre- j sided at the regular business meet- ' ing of the Marion auxiliary 661 j to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Monday at the Veterans halJ. Committee reports were given by Mrs. Mel Clemens, finance; Mrs. Walter Beck, hospital; Mrs Mae Wilder, membership; Mrs. Claude Briggs, poppy chairman, Mrs. Ralph Harlan, rehabilitation; Mrs. Roy Simpson, Americanism: Mrs. Charles Hagan. women's council and Mrs. Clarence Forbis, legisla tive, i Mrs. Arwin Strayer was ap pointed service officer for the en suing year. A large flag was pre sented by the Americanism chair man, Mrs. Roy Simpson, to a group of Camp Fire girls. Delegates elected to the Nation al Veterans of Foreign Wars en campment were Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Iell Ha ley and Mrs. Mae Wilder. Alter nates were Mrs Virgil Bolton, Mrs. Claude Briggs, Mrs Covil Case and Mrs. Charles Hagan A donation was contributed to the department for rehabilitation work and also a contribution was ; i made to the Women's Church i council to help in caring for the children at the airport camp dur ing the summer months. Those attending the state en campment at Pendleton this week are Mrs Ivell Haley, Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs. Virgil Bolton. Mrs. Arwin Strayer. Mrs. leon Hauser. Mrs. Russell Mudd. Mrs. Robert DeLapp and Mrs. Mel Clemens. Mrs. Clarence Forbis and Mrs. Bobbie Beals were appointed to serve on the refreshment commit tee for the next meeting, June 28. , White Cross meetings of the Florence Vail Missionary society, of the Calvary Baptist church will j be held Friday at 10 a.m. with no-host luncheons at noon. Circle 1 w ill meet with Mrs. L. C. Thomp son, 405 Wayne driver; circle 3 with Mrs. D. R. Peterson, route 9, box 392. Circle 2 meeting has been postponed until June 25 at the home of Mrs. Alta Hanson, 1912 Hazel ave. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McWain and daughter. Judith, of Portland spent the weekend in the capital with his mother, Mrs. Homer E. ' McWain. They were here for the Willamette university commence ment festivities. ELECTRICAL Installations - Wiring - Hepair For Farm, Home or Factory Lou est Prices Quality W orkmanship BISHOP ELECTRIC 7- m m . . .-X :- 0 m 2698 Portland Rd. :mmm& 'MONSTMTI0N! CONTINUOUS DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY BY A FACTORY TRAINED IXFIRT bow eaay it ia to uaa Paro CocMua. Thm t, 10 mad 16 pound indicator-weight afaow ex actly bow much preaaura there ia in the cooker at all timaa Miim it poaaibia to cook or cam in a Pmaaxo . . . The House Smal . . . Safe aple, aaaiaat to uaa preaaura eookar on the market. The Com t4 nation Anti-Vacuum Valo and Over Prtamun diak ia aa aztra aaJaty factor and pra vaota loaa of food juices whan eookar ia cooUd rapidly Colorful 128 par Raeipa Book . . . eoaopaWa manual for hi apaad cooking and aafa praaaura canning. Raxmu. all praaaura cookara ara not Pkarro Coocama. Look for tha a ma plat whaa yom bay. PmnuTU Coohw mm available in taraa aiaaa. drudgery . oiinmf food eoata. Attend Salem Hardware Company 120 North Commercial MUSIC Shower For Mrs. Clark Mrs. Harold O. Schneider and I Mrs Paul S. Wolfe will be host- j esses for an informal party Fri- day night at the former's home in ' Morningside in compliment to Mrs. Lewis Clark. ; Guests have been bidden t oa dessert supper with several hours of bridge to follow. A shower will fete Mrs. Clarke during the eve ning. The hostesses will use bou quets of summer garden flowers for decorating. Honoring Mrs. Clarke will be Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. May nard Shiffer, Mrs. Horace McGee, Mrs. Robert Wulf, Mrs. Elmer O. j Berg, Mrs. Gerald Wing, Mrs. ! Charles Feike, Mrs. Virgil Sexton, I Mrs. William Lidbeck, Mrs. Eu gene Tupker, Mrs. Tom Dunham and the hostesses. j Alice Rossiter Is Married ; Mrs. Eugene E. Maschal an nounces the marriage of her daughter, Alice Rossiter, widow of the late J. T. Rossiter, to Albert V. Simons, son of George Simons of Lebanon, at 6 o'clock on the evening of June 10 in the fire place room of the First Congrega tional church. Dr. Seth Hunting ton officiated at the ceremony be fore if small gathering of friends and relatives. Iorene Rossiter. daughter of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and George Simons, II, son of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony, wedding dinner was held at the Golden Pheasant. Mr. and Mrs. Simons have gone on a short trip, after which they will spend the remainder of the summer at the lookout on Monu ment peak. They will be at home in Lebanon after the middle of September. Mr. Simons is a teach er in the junior high school at Lebanon. Salem Junior Woman's club members, will entertain with their annual picnic on Monday, June 21 at the W. W. Chadwick ranch. The group will meet at the club house at 6:30 p m. The commit tee includes Mrs. Allen Knight, chairman, Mesdames Phil Brow nell. Jack Strickfaden, Wesley Goodrich. Fred C. Gast and J. Garth Wilkinson. Mi :. L. Bifthop Ph. 2-4496 Day or Nite 1 1 "i 'm&wmmmmm?t OF a i a t t m t e . COOKERS makaa the Psjmto Cooki Hostesses to Fete Clubs Mrs. Bingham Powell has in vited members of her bridge club to her beach place at Neskowin to day. Luncheon will be served at noon by the hostess with cards in play following. Motoring to Neskowin for the day will be Mesdames Ralph Nohl gren, Edwin McEwen, Andrew Halvorson, Robert Powell, Ken neth Gallagher, Wayne Dobson, Roland Nohlgren and John Taylor. Mrs. Harley O. White enter tained members of the Book -a -Month club at a picnic luncheon in the garden of her Candeleria Heights home Tuesday afternoon. This was the last meeting of the group until fall. Mrs. A. A. Siewert will preside at a bridge luncheon Friday after noon at her North Winter street home for members of Ker.club. CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Women guild. First Congregational church, annual picnic, with Mr. Eric Butler. 280 Hulsev ave . 1 p m -x- ' ecutive board with Mrs. C. A. RaU-liff 1 970 Ratcliff Drive. 12 15 p m General meeting of WSCS. Tirt Methodist church, at church. 10:45 a , m.. luncheon at noon, program. 130 p rn. Pythian Sisters. Centralia Temple. 8 P "i . K P. hall, initiation, officers and degree staff in foima! dress. I -a die of GAR with Mrs. Florence Shipp. 1880 Nebraska, special meeting 2 p. m. Hollywood Lions auxiliary with Mrs. : Carl Gies. 1070 Shipping 'st . 8 30 p. I m. I Salem WriteurV club meet at YWCA. j 7 30 p. m , Miss Ren-ka Ladd Swart. : hostess. Oregon Grape camp, Roval Neigh- , bors of America, meet at VFW hall. 8 p m . officeis v-ar street length dresses. THURSDAY Spiritual Sunflower club meet at Marion Square park. 1 p m. Fidelis class. First Baptist church, with Mrs. Elrt.cr Conn. Brooks. 2 p. m Gold Star Mothers at VFW hall, so cial meeting. 8 p m. First Christian church Women's council welfare luncheon, noon, busi ness session. 1 p in . program at 2 p m FRIDAY White Cross met I nigs. Florence Vail Missionary sKiet. Calvary Baptist church. 10 am. no-host luncheons at noon MONDAY Salem Junior Woman's club annual picnic at W. W. Chadwick ranch. 6 30 p in J : i rfr i m$t - r-J Ofltl0 To take th tedium out of la lona. Slllll " trip, switch drivers about every i ' w I 100 miles; wear eye-resting sun- . v . " .sVffk lCl I glasses, avoid night driving and uluiw iw stop at our restrooms. We clean 1111 - them frequently, inspect them a A lllOl v ofl1 make sure they have soap, a4ftlfl 1 towels, a clean mirror (and don't I M liCvlW" I fWl obligated to buy something V v every time you stop with us).j PREME i X Take a pillow along for naps, If you have youngsters. And when they want a drink, there's plenty of pure, cool water at our sanitary fountains (and while the family take a breather we'll clean the windshield, check radiator, oil, tires). mm mt i4pm4l Cbvra Omt Slis mr Hm4ar4 Sttis, Inc. $mf SOAOvcal of Cmttfmrmim mfmmmKM TURNER Mr. Chester Stew art entertained Monday afternoon with a party honoring her aon Gary on his birthday. Guests were Gene Poitras, jr., Emmagine Ash craft, Betty, Mary Frances and Billy Seals, Gary Klokstad, Jean nie and Alice Graves, Richard and Helen Van Hoozier of Rainier; Mrs. George Hughes, Mrs. Gene Poitras, Mrs. Brutus Ashcraft and Mrs. Wendell Seals. Visiting in the capital are Mrs. Louis B. Hodak (Honora Reidy) j and daughter, Kathy, of Detroit, ! Mich., who are guests of her brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. flEW Kills HEEDS as F. A. Doerfler 150 N. Incastr Phone xa ; 1 Our big, clear, detailed mapi of West ern states are yours for the asking. We can give you street directions (or city maps) in towns along your: way, and we'll keep you posted about local road and their conditions, too. tsJ We'll take better care 'of yMrc2r I : i h Install Officers; At Zonta Meeting , Salem Zonta club met Thursday night at the home of Miss Eleanor. Trindle with Mrs! Christian La chelle and Miss Bertha Kohlnagen as assisting hostesses. Mrs. I. N. Bacon was installed as the president lor the coming year and two -wrw-Tiwrnbers, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs. Walter Musgrave, were initiated, ' and Mrs. Paul Reidy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reidy. S Dry Conpoand it FEEDS Us Grass On osy opax-ation with Scottt prodf provide double action to remove ugly dan-' deliort, plantain ond the like,? while th gross is td to thicker growth, richer eolor. Try rt- slickly tronaform weed potch into howploe lown. f COTTf LAWN FOOD prut WEED CONTROL I. mm , ti . $aJt ,., ii,ee mi - - tcrt SCOTTS LAWN SEED j la ta Wt by r mtm WaaW m frawiiif pinimtol gross ins. v k . i ee lu - M mm . tUJt scorr ieetAMas-YM m t4. .aJ mi td yswr kw in Sfff Mi aa tKa sioiJua. & Sons Ilurscry Drive at 4 Corner 2-1 322 I - 1 - i- f