I Polk County Students Attend Mexico School DALLAS Glen Schroeder Homer Olfett. both of Dallas inri o! Ervin Underwood of West Salem, left Tuesday by train for Mexico City, Mex., where they will study and ; Spanish at the National University nd of Mexico for six weeks. School opens July J and the men. students at Oregon t'i et;e ! of Education, expect to be back by j August 20. The trip will require a i week each way. Tillamook Man Aumsville Guest Traveling; Expntn Civil Official Bond late Industrial Accident lnm. Miscellaneous Radio Equipment A Repair Trans portal lost Office Fxf i pc n en I New Cara - ... 13 -X C " &- X a 93 o 137 50 1M1 103 14 M 17 41 - o -o o o. Z t I S - -'. e," - " a w- e a w o 3 - V . r S " ft! Q hi X 3 entroi Total Rodent Control rrrailsr; Animal Ci tataeatng Boar Keep Oregon Green (m. avrloDmrnl of Natural Rrjonrrn: Advertising - Office e4 Itnatf Agent: Salary of Clrrk Wirfi oc Extra Clrrk Salary of Horticulturist A Ail. Atnt Office Supplm Or Expenses Traveling Expense Telephone A Telegraph Equpmenf Payments to Extension Service Total Office of C ounty Horticulturist : Salary of Horticulturist A Ait Agent Salary of Extra Clerk Traveling Expenses Office Expenses Telephone & Telegraph Equipment Payments to Extension Service Totals WUIamette Klver Project Water Matter of ( ountT Health Officer: Health Phvsirun Nil se DirM lir Nurse Clinic (City) C'ler k Book k eeper Clerk Births etc Clerk -Stenographer Clerk- Clerical . . Public Health Nunc P H Nur i School i P. H Nurse (School i Public Health Nurse P H Nurse Public Health Nurse . . . City Milk Inspector . Countv Sanitarian City Nuisance Office Citv Restaurant Sani'arian Health Educator Asst. P. H NurM Extra Clerks Rodent Contiol Officer Director P H. Num Public Health Nurse Public Health PuOhc Health Public Health Maintenance Post A Off 11.487 73 1W W ooooo 1.003 0Q 1 .330 52 1.825 56 10 00 25 00 25 00 2VO 5 451 86 187 46 1.003 20 136 88 2. 0 S 3 834 00 95.10 13 10 177 20 4.479 91 17.2.1; 94 22 385.18 18.083 58 r tl 183.79 88 SO 840 00 1.335.93 690 00 22 30 ion ,o 100 00 100 00 24X1 oo )no oo too 00 l.MI 00 1.720 00 1.77D (k) 230 00 4 00 4 680 00 4 WW 00 Office Salary of Salarv Salary Salary Salar v SaLar Saiar Salai y Salarv Salary Salar v Sala-v Salat Salary Salary Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg K-Hof Kello(8 Rent A Printing of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of ot of of of 1 850 0 T.850W 8 100 00 2 331 1.845 00 1.897 98 1.599 57 1.211 1.30 0 2.160 00 1 474 SO 1.538 1.122 90 1.813 60 1.575 00 1.280 00 j 00 1.210 K 1.210 "0 8O0 00 100 00 4.921 03 2.5.T9 02 978 61 1.451 45 1.311.79 1 .245 00 1.359 59 2.220 00 2.1 45 00 1.933.44 1.9.19. 29 1.055.81 1.10.1 j 3 000 00 2.30O 0O 817 56 2 210 00 2 210 00 4OO.00 502 93 6 300 00 3.0OO 00 1.256 77 1.677.58 1.871.29 1.356.13 1 448 06 2 400 00 1.995 48 2 412 00 1 842 52 2 215 00 1 .925 89 3 000 00 3.000 00 1.160 00 1 158 14 2 .510 00 1.510 00 830 00 400 00 1.050 00 1.44 39 2.360 00 1.I9O.0O 1,050 00 875 81 840 00 1.546 21 1.320.00 1.2-44 64 1.250.00 1.004 51 844 00 1.850 00 1.630.00 1.516 4 1.500 00 712 87 a 9 -.- 145 00 150 00 1.2OO.00 100.00 2SO.UO 4.800.00 17. 823 .00 150.00 1.340 00 00 100 OO aoo oo 1.100 00 880 00 4O0 00 8W.UO MOW 400 00 4.880 00 1.050 00 MO 00 4O0 00 100 00 50 no so oo 1.510 00 8JO 00 00 00 7.200 00 S .360 00 1 820 00 1.420 00 1 800 0O 2.100 00 1.800 00 l.ooo fkr 2.820.00 2.700.00 2.700.00 2.700.00 1.320 00 3.3O0.00 3.300 00 3J00 00 3.300 M 1.120 00 J 400 00 1.820 00 3 s M-. S 158 00 Al'MSVILLE Carl Waggoner of Tillamook vLsited his niene. Mrs. Ardi Bradley last week. Mrs. George Miller of Scio en - , tertained the Aumsville Women's j r'ub June 4. Attending were Mr. Maude Gordon of Brush College. ! Mrs. T. Y. MK'Iellan of West Stay ton. Mrs. C. L. Martin of Salem, I Mrs. James Miller. Mrs. J. E. j Towle, Minnie Peterson. Mrs. J George White and Mrs. C harles Wright of Aumsville. Guests were Nichols and Mrs. Jennie Far of Scio. Mrs. Maude Gordon was T-lcted president for next year.JV1"- Charles Wright, vice president, Minnie Peterson, secre tary; Mrs. Bland Speer. treasurer. Mark Killinger returned June 6 from a week's stay at the Salem 100.00 i Memorial hospital where he un- ' flAriunl ar nrkm t irkn run Hi ) Aumsville Bethel church held their Summer Bible S r h o I Achievement Friday, June 11. Forty were registered. U. S. Alderman Starts Plant At Unionvale 300 O0.00 1.000.00 300.00 17.333 00 150 00 1.340.00 300.00 ' 1.710 00 on i TTWC UNIONVALE Alderman Farms started the freezing plant Thurs- i day and are running strawberries. I Mi s. Ralph Konzelman will be j employed in the office during the busy season this summer. ; Pupils of the daily vacation Bible school had charge of the church program at the Unionvale i Evangelical United Brethren I church Sunday night. Average at ! tendance was 44. high 49 for two I consecutive days. Dorothy Holman i ! of Salem wai superintendent in j charge of the school held each day from 9 to 12. Certificates and : iCIoverdale Folk Complete Vacation ! CLOVERDALE Sunday vis ! itors at the A. S. Dragers wet e Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Everson and chil dren Con, Kay and Greg of Sa lem. Mrs. Everson is the former Roberta Wilson. Oscar and Palroa Fliflet of Sa 1 lem spent last week caring for , the A. E. Kunke place while they were on a vacation trip to Modes to, C?tif. They returned Sunday, j Edith Schifferer will attend I summer school. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ever ! ett Vickers last week were Mr. and Mrs. Al ClarkFon of Orlando. Fla and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mearett of long Beach, Calif. ! The Stcrtesmcm. Salem, Ortxjorx, Wexinexi'ay. Juno : 1 6. 1943 7 daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phillips. It was Mrs. Deckard's birthday anniversary. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs, John Deckard, John jr. ana Linda Deckard. Maurice Deckard, Janice Phil lips and P. T. Deckard. prizes were awarded Sunday night AlllUSville Baptist also. 1 Oreanixe new (Jinrrh 1. 050 00 4O0.0O 1 .200 00 Ml 0O 780 00 Four Corners Pinochle 7.4Moo Y.7f Entertained FOUR CORNERS Pinochle club hosts Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mahrt avenue. Playing were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Os born, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phil lips. Mr. and Mrs. S. H Cable, Mr. and Mrs William Fiester, Mr. and Mis. Dale Jeffries, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker. Honors went to Mr. Cable Walker. Consolation. Mrs. Mr. Balec. Next meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nur- N u i se N urs Supp Laboratory X-Ray St Fiourovcope T( ansportation ($1.000 00 Kellogli M-l;cal Service Dntat Service Medical Supplies State Industrial Accident Ins. Clinical Psychiatrist i Psychologist ) .. Rodent Supplies & Expens Retirement . . Office Equiooient N' t'n it'ountvi N- (in iKellog Piograni' Total Gtbar Disposal Hrrl Inspector: T B 4 Bangs D sease laientalty for Slaughter of Diseased Keclstrars of Vital StaUftin CUarltles A lerrections Feeble Mtntted lni Fx peases lBtrat Soldier Kellcf laust Fxaaalaatioo A Care Eiannnatioa Eees Traveling Expense MuK-ellaneous . . Totals County Jail: Board of Prisoneri iuppl es . Repairs 8c Improvementi Meclica! Supplier Mt- . t-aundrx San Rer-.- . e'r Raoxi Tianmitter . Orfi.-e Fx 1 1 : it rfi t . . Total fare f Poor Miscellaneous Mon'it Allowance Care of Court Committed ri,rn 1.142 00 1 77 5 678 33 I 513 8 89 5 30 3100 s;t 2 97 SO 101 3.051 M 3 194 17 1 630 04 1.400 00 WIS 41 1713 07 542 44 2.3O0 00 1054J1 1.84161 91983 1.400 00 497 10 735 10 417 83 1.000.00 3 838 43 2.589 53 1.050.99 3.600 00 1174 96 1.272 25 1.491 88 3.500 00 257.50 225 00 3 000 00 1.718.38 1.691 93 1.102 89 1.40O 00 96 33 127 17 77 68 125 00 113 73 416 7 3 383 50 1.400 00 736 Sf 1.784 it 969 30 1.196 83 819 00 800 00 1.400 00 OO 00 600.00 7 .500 00 3.430 00 2.940 00 3.520.00 1.920.00 2.230 00 1.820 00 3.120 00 24O.0O ; 1.820.00 ! 1.B3O.00 1.820.00 j 2 640.00 I 3.420.00 ! 3 420.00 I 3600.00 1.3O0.00 1.140.00 2.520 00 1.740 00 1.000 00 3.600.00 3 .0OO 00 3.000 00 3.000.00 1.000.00 1.280 00 3.0U0.00 1 .500 00 1.4O0.00 6.000 00 4.000 00 3 .000 00 1.500.00 162.60 1.400 00 500 00 1.014 10 600 00 ?.000 00 .300 00 and Mr. Walker, will be Jeffries. Mrs. Larry Snider. Butte Falls. Ort., sistev of Mrs. Mcllnay. was a guest. Lynn Gubser was elected dele gate to the Jennings Lodge confer ence of the Evangelical United Brethren church July 27-August 3, at the fourth quarterly conference Sunday at the local church. Roy Stoutenburg was alternate. The Rev. and Mrs. R. D. Ben nett and family will be at Vader, Wash., June 16 to 27 for a series of evangelistic services. Harriet Magness visited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Withee, sr., last week. Mrs. W. O. Wiley and Mary of AUMSVILLE Bethel Baptist church of Aumsville was organ ized here June 10. The meeting was conducted by R. V. Tillman, First Baptist church of Salem, who has directed work in the Aumsville district for the I past year. I Officers elected were clerk. Mrs. A. H. Buell; board of trustees. (John Mix. M. Valencourt and Mrs. Holmquest. Deacons: Arthur H. Buell, John Californiaii Yinits Victor Point Family VICTOR POINT Mrs. Marvin Brunold (Louise Doerfler), Sacra mento, is here to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dorefler. Brunold will join her here later to spend two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dorefler and Mary Linda spent several days last week looking after their farming interests in central Ore gon. Gus Loske is confined to the Salem Memorial hospital follow ing a major operation. Grand Island, Mrs. Delia Evans l Mix and Wesley Mix. and daughter Margaret of Milwau kie have just made a 1400-mile trip over Oregon. They visited Dewey Akers, former editor of the Dayton Tribune, at Brookings. Mr. and Mi's. Louis Will and Barbara of Grand Island spent Sunday at Jennings Lodge. Jay Snoddery, who has been visiting them for a few days, returned to the University of Texas where he ! is in school. Mary Wiley, who has been ; teaching in Newberg high school, 1 will attend summer session at Ore gon State college where she i ! working towards her master's de gree in education. I Deaconesses. Mrs. Mattie Mix. i Mrs. Clara Buell and Mrs. Hazel Smelser. ; Treasurer, Floyd T. Lacey; Sun- j day school superintendent, John I Mix; song leader. F. T. Lacey; pi- , j anist. Mrs. Velma Lacey; usher, I Howard Buell; president of young' people's work, Mrs. Grace Rich-; 'ards; moderator. Arthur H. Buell. j Swegle Garden (Hub Diacusses Sprays SWFGLK Discussion for mem bers of the Swegle Garden club Thursday night with Mrs. George Quinn was "Sprays and Dusts." Mrs. Earl Huckstep talked and led the discussion. Members tak ing part were Mrs. Bryan Garri son, Mrs. Dan Stauffer, Mrs. Glenn Wagoner. Mrs. Floyd King, Mrs. Clifford Yort, Mrs. Homer Conk lin, Mrs. Herbert Zobel and Mrs. Robert Fryear. Garden Party Honors j 4- Corners Graduate FOUR CORNERS Compli menting their daughter Dolores upon her graduation from Salem , senior high school, Mr. and Mrs. ; Roy Sagert entertained with an i afternoon lawn party. Coming to i extend congratulations were Mr. I and Mrs. L. Sagert, Mr. and Mrs. j Fred Sagert, Wayne Sagert, Ho- . mer and Wilbur Zuver, Mrs. ! James Johnson. Donna Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sagert, Gerald and I Kathleen Sagert, all from Tuala tin; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thomp- son of Lebanon. ' I Mrs. P. T. Deckard was guest of honor at an outdoor supper ! given by her son-in-law and Testing Cattle for Blind Total Cnl Public Aitanre Ceneral iCanre Aid la Dependent Children Aid Age rduration Of tli e of ountr ftrnool Superintendent Salrv of Super ir '-no-n Sal 4 1-. of Super v . -mi i 12 mos i Slai of Fxtra S u per vlior '12 T.'U I Salary of Depot A Attendance Officer SlaT of Clerk Fx-nse of Truart Officer P tage A Fxpie Office Supplies A F.np-nei Telepl'onc A Tcl-rip' Inti'iite V'n'-r) t'.xtn. 'Testing Piotfiatn' .... Ofiu.ial Bonrl S in' Traveling Exp A Truant Off. . . ... RnM-f vvir i Traveling Expense M i- ellaiieous R-nt . S'aie Industrial Accl-ient Ins Off 'rs Equipment Totals Rural District School Board 4-H tlub Agent: ( lei ical Hire .... Ti jveling Expense - Wliertal: A Expense Telephone A Telegraph Boys A Girls 4-H Club Fairs At Tour . .. Equipment Rent Payments to Extension Servica 40 978 76 46.9S1 40 17 693 61 14 430 31 84.403.00 ISO.476 70 159.40 3.606. 7S 3 000 00 3.000 00 r-. 4 882 03 11 021 30 13 996.70 T. 283 30 16.000 00 M. 000 00 4,,1)0 607 34) 1.138 46 77 4 63 1.4O0 00 1.750 00 Tj 00 67 28 68 00 35 50 123 00 123 00 75 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 130 00 200 00 t70 00 19O00 117 23 140 00 1.000 00 1.000 00 on 00 430 00 675 00 460 00 6O0 00 800 00 jn 00 17 50 32 88 73 00 73 00 23 30 1 00 410 2i 467 80 608 83 450 00 873 00 175 00 j 74 38 8.190 36 6.343 08 1 736 20 6.300 00 6.800 00 jo 83 327 51 471 64 173 74 350 00 375 00 7 48 41)55 268 61 48 00 21X100 200 00 9 13 So 18 85 02 48 53 125 00 150 00 83 33 171D0 20:i 73 73 30 175 00 1 75 (HI 123 80 20 9182 15 11 150 00 175 00 T3 90 12 02 1 1 53 00 1r9 18 11 85 1 90 150 00 1O0 00 4 4.(5 08 3 890 33 7.478 4,096 80 7.650 00 8.075 00 45 00 , w 53 2 103 .8 1.724 87 94t S3 1.500 00 1.500 00 -, ,53 2 103 76 1.724 87 946 63 1.500 00 1.5O0 00 . 80 4 4H7 20 3.711 40 1,344 00 2.681.00 2.856 00 14 -i 97 21.572 S 3396 72 24.750 00 49.300.00 80.400 00 ' ,7, go 46.617 40 62.377 80 14.300.00 48.600 00 48.600 1,0 ,4 00 170.29120 191 996 83 6S.375 O0 138.730 00 105.750 00 i if -5 5 a i"( 010 'X) 0 00 Ofl 83 00 41 13 15 23 00 354 " vi 4'l 1 .ftOfl 1.42H 1 Jia 111 157 221 2U 66) 10 370 4T1 40 00 28 22 87 37 IT Totals RMt Drmosetritlofl Agent: Cle ical Hire Traveling Expenses Materials 4c Expenses . Telephone A Telegraph Equipment Rent . Payments to Rxtonsion Sarvlcd 1.0O0 00 TTti 3 2 113 00 2.280 00 1.850 00 1 920 00 1518 00 3.18 28 629 10 163 48 194 00 401 40 5 00 349 20 39 50 51 50 860.00 14 00 20 30 II 410 96 449 38 l .S6o 00 869 38 2.413 00 2 640 00 2 100 00 2 .100 00 1.738 67 213 00 1 IM4 89 137 38 125 00 37 80 3 00 191 64 488 08 36 37 9-K1 00 20.30 4 24) 14 439 11 4M 00 1.860 00 4.3395 1 BOO 00 1.500 00 960 00 1 152 00 978 00 150 00 766 76 93 53 100 00 100 1 1 5 00 128 80 169 94 12 80 355 00 S 491 96 16 80 111 Tl 4 300 00 4 ST 1 71 Totals Unclassified: IsMfitsry Renal Taxes Paid ta ReUresaeat Syrtsm ( Prior Civil Defease Regtraaseat (Carrent) Cherry Tj CceaUa 4 vanea in) ... 1.800 1.8O0 00 4.137 M l.TtT " 1.960 9 I 960 00 40 It 81.303 38 11 81 14W 44 1.90 00 1.960 00 311 99 9.729 78 1.580 00 1 M0 00 11.970 90 1.935 41 629 713 ,1 1.600 00 1.000 00 2 400 .00 1 220 00 I.97 00 20 00 300 00 750 00 150 00 200 00 600 00 5 00 OO 00 400 00 50 00 1.110 00 100 00 17.172 00 1.000 00 1.300 00 1.000 00 330 00 00 00 500 00 too 00 170 00 4.8O0 00 1.2641 00 500.00 400 00 100 00 30 00 70 00 I M0 00 15 0O0 00 0.000 00 7.100 0 .00 8 000 00 100 09 Market Rsads Impras-esneats: Bridge Const i net ion Impi ovenitnt Rlghtof Way . Totals Market Road Maintenance: Ordinary Maintenance 1445 Mi.) Market Road Revenue: Delinquent Taxes Miscellaneous Revenue Totals .. Road ( 'oii.lruction and Maintenance (General Road Fund: Road Districts Outside of Salem County Roads, Bridges and Ferries: Salary ot Engineer . Salary of Clerk Salary of Extra Clnk ...... Office Supplies Telephone A Telegraph Potage A Express . ... 1 600 00 Official Bond 1.120 00 1 State Industrial Accident Ins 1.000 00 Traveling Kxpen.ve 2.304 00 Otfice Equipment 2.100 00 i 1 i :i t ill K a a-; 3 s - it a. S si Ill . u. a. 3 3 3 tai - - 3 m 6 3 6?T 3 RO ADS 300 00 7.")0 00 1 30 IK) 200 00 600 00 5 00 40 00 4O0 00 5l 00 1.110 00 Sub-Totals Retirement Tund For construction, improvement and maintenance of Public Highway. Roads. Bridges and Ferries and all labor in connection therewith includ.nn wages of foreman, etc . purchases, maintenance and operation of road equipment, genoial and ad o . mist r a' i v e ex penses in connection therewith, etc. 11 320 1 8 536 54 11.61873 9.821 94 20.000.00 20.000 00 27 094 07 41.033 79 47.253 53 11.394 01 75.W0 00 50.tkK).00 5,000.00 3.000.00 48.414 23 49.572 33 88.872 28 31.215 93 100.000 00 7 5 000 00 33.353 58 63.456 06 79 651 60 65.458 48 62.500 00 83.000 00 12 503 74 1.182 .4 7.776 24 t.414 32 10.000 00 10.000 00 971 53 114 60 403 41 335 9 450 00 450 00 13.473 29 8 2i6 94 8.179 63 6.750 01 10.450 00 10.450 00 AND HK.HWWS FINDS 1 023 53 18.001.26 40.100 56 30.000 00 75.000 00 107 031 94 US 164 90 159 038 64 92 136 09 260.000 00 260 000 00 2 000 (kl 99i 96 1 459 77 1.220 OO 4.440 00 4.560 00 1352 96 1 571' 10 1688 87 1 020 00 2.040JJO 2.340 00 87 00 5 OO 125 00 1O0 00 213 "2 5n 13 216 77 365 73 150 00 KM 00 So 10 76 3 80 60 33 SO 15tl 00 150 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 20 00 20 00 10 0O 5 (1 3 00 17 67 86 15 57 70 13 58 47 94 100 (W 100 00 157 5) 850 00 263 S3 100 0O 100 00 3.7S7 33 2 8i6 j2 3 135 13 3 94 92 7 130 00 7.575 00 85 51 4.007 94 7 .200 00 7 200 00 009 00 Totals .. F.ttimatod and Appropriated Roads and Highway Sinking Fund (Chapter 177 Orefon Liwi 1943) fand Reveaue: 40.224 24 43.991 59 130.000 00 47 ieS9 84 0.836 31 0.000 00 9 591 27 TO 621 92 9 649 03 77.621 91 75 670 :W 90.01 N) 00 125 .225 00 140.000.00 1,968 00 900 00 2.30 00 100 00 1.082 00 270 00 4 .550 00 I 884 00 1 23 00 0 00 73 00 16 00 270 00 1.130 00 e .000 00 .000 00 7.100 00 t.000 00 1.300 00 Roads and Highway Delinquent Taxes . . ... Forrest Rental and Sales .. .. Fines and Bail Forfeitures Yield Taxes Miscellaneous Stat Apportionment Motor Tax .. Delinquent Taxes on Special Road Districts Log Hauling Permits . Total btimata of Receipt Year 1948-49 1.000 00 12.000.00 ,000.00 30 00 7.000.M 00.000.00 10 00 750.00 Mennonite Choir Sinus at Dallas DALLAS The Mennonite a cappella choir of Bethel college, Newton, Kan., appeared before a capacity crowd at the Dallas high school Sunday night. Erna Schmidt of Dallas was in cluded in the 4 2 -member choir which is touring the "Western states during the month of June. Dr. Walter H. Hohman is the director. When the group learned of the death of the Rev. Homer Leisy, who was instrumental in arrang ing for their appearance here, they rearranged their five-part pro gram, selecting appropriate num bers as a memorial to him. The entire program was composed of chorals and ancient hymns. The earth's population is creasing at the rate of 1 per annually. in-cent Valley Firemen . - -as ar ' Attend Meeting MILL CITY Ario Tuers and George Stewart attended the firm chiefs convention at Baker last week. I f Dr. F. SLsler of the Marion coun ty health department and two' nurses held a pre-school clinic at the high school last week. Four-H club members going to- summer school were also examined. Local women helping were Mrs. Ed Rupp, Mrs. Morris sHowe. Mrs. Lowell Cree, Mrs. Arlo Tuers and Mrs. Albie Fisher. Patricia and Mary Jo Wolver ton, daughters of Mr. and Mm Charles Wolverton, left Monday for Chicago where they will spend the summer with their grand par- ents. ; Lester Hathaway recently un derwent an eye operation at Port land. Donald Hutchison, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. El don Hutchison, fell and broke his collar bone and will b in a brace for six weeks or mora. New Court Houi NEW COURT HOrjtl FUND -Eati.nated and Appropriated to June 39. It4 $3T5,fJWtf COINTY flBUC ASSISTANCE FOR OLD AGS Kxaeases : Assistance for Old Age Reveaae: Apportionment of Liquor Tax .. ?. Apportionment of Amusement Tax Total Revenue . (NO LEVY U.0M M (.000 at . 10.000.0 - lt.00t.04 DX LICENSE FL'ND Expenses : Salary of Dog Control Board Enforcement Officer Collections on Penalty Basis Salary of License Clerk . . " Indemnity to Sheep Ownets Collection Expenses. Surplus to General Fund ... Expenses of Boat d -11111 Traveling Expenses .1.1. Total Expenditure and Appropriation Reveaae : Dog Licenses I NO LEVY I 164 at sooot ljooet 3,500 0 oo oa loo ea iao.at toooa 0444 M 144.M COl'NTT PROPERTY REVOLVING FIND Ex peases: Salary of Property Clerk . . Maintenance of Property. Ftc. " Salary of Office Clerk . 1 ' Foreclosure Expense 1 Indirect Expense To General Fund . To other Funds and Districts 2-230 at i. one rj -M.oa 1.5O0 oa tOt.M . t at 1 00 M Total Expenses Reveaae: Sale of Property . Interest oo Contracts Total Revenue (NO LEVY) i.Ttatf 50O4SJ Kxaeases: Photostat Supplie Depreciation PHOTOSTAT REVOLVING FIND Total Appropriation Receipts: Charges to Department ISing Equipment Cash Sales Total Revenue (NO LEVY I 400 M ts.oa 4.339.M 10.04) 455-M ri'SD: ROAD OPERATIONS REVOLVING Purchase of Road Equipment ' 1 23.000 M Casohne. Oil. Repairs. Operator's Wages sand Operating Supplies for all County Road Equipment. Purchase of Stock Pile Rock. Purchase of Stores, etc.. Operation of County Shops 3 200,000.00 Total Expenditures I 225,000 M Revenae: charges to other accounts ; 323,000.at ( NO LEVY) Uv Library: Expense Revenue NO TAX LEVY ( oudI y Fair Fund: Expenses . . A pportionn ent from Racing Com m ... Revenue from .Village Tax Revnue from State of Oregon Revenue Irmii Premium and Sale of Produi-e. Etc. NO TAX LEVY IUStOf 1,399 9i le.ooo 6.700.00 2,700 Ck) 300 00 100 90 be LEVY The Budget Committee of Mnon t ounty, Orcgnn. recomrnends that thera levied upon ail of the property within Marion County : : For the General Fund of Marion County For the Market Road Fund of Marion County U- For Ro-ds and Highway Fund of Otanon County . For County Sc-hool Fund of Marion County- For Countv School l.ibi ary Fund of Ma: ion C ounty- .. For New court House Fund of Ma-ion Co inty $-31.420 00 i 1 136.150 00 No Levy 21 8520.00 4 ' 2,185 00 U 75.000 00 Total 937S.0a NOTE: The Levy for Old Age Pennon is combined with the General Fund That there be levied upon all the property in Marion County out side the City of Salem For the' Gem-tal Road Fund of Marion County for Road Districts Outstde of the City of Salem - No Levy That there be levied nu'Mds of the 6', limit as approved by a vde of the people at the Election held November 5. 1946 ' Court House Sf-cial Levy IQO.y STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Bonded Indebtedness Warrant Indebtedness Other Indebtedness Nona Nona Current Cii S2S.tl000 OOUNTY SCHOOL FIND Ten Dollar per aplta aei PuplW Tea ce-ts psu CpjU po ? pvip'U 1-5 " a HO. 3 214.870.82 I m e. - in Sit 212.t34.0l ! I i? 1I-ef III m att att 204al 08 110.01 at cy l. m .- ! too. 400 no 218.520 00 OOL'NTT SCHOOL LIBRARY FUND 2.067 71 1,790 20 1.334 7j STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Marion ) ' We. the undersigned Budget Committee and County Court of Marion County. State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the above issa true, fair ana. complete estimate of the probable expense of said County .or the ensutngt, period from July 1. 1941 to June 30. 1949. We further certify that the estimate of expense of the various i restitution) of the Countv. of the amount required for public enterprises, roads, bndgee, ferrie. etc.. and all other expenses of the County as herein set out. in Just and Is based upon a careful study of the expenses of the county;.during the paat ; and a thorough examination of its probable needs during the" year ;for which, such estimate i smade. That each and every item herein is believed to be necea. sary for the proper transaction of the business of the County, the protection OS? its property and interests and to be for the public welfare. That every expenae estimated is in accord ao est with law. and is a legitimate charge against th County. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 26th day of May. 1948. BUDGET COMMITTEE OF MARION COUNTY, ORROOM By GRANT MURPHY. Chairman 1 LEO N CHILDS. Secretary JNO. W. RAM AGE D. B. HILL ; ROY J. RICE E. J ROGERS COUNTY COURT OF MARION COUNTY. OREGON GRANT MURPHY. County Judge ROY J RICE. County Commissioner 8.054 00 2,163 20' E. L. ROGERS, County Commissioner Ja-lf BXTIMATBD MIICIIJJlNKOIJI KVINll Rsttamat of Receipt! for ysar 1948-49 aad t overtag period frens Jaly 1. 1941 te Jaa 39, 1949. Geaeral Geveraaaeat: ""ounty Clerk's Fees Foe .ounty Recorder's District Court Fee . District Court Constable Fee . Reporter's Fee Breilenbush Justice Fees Breitenbush Constable Fees Jefierson Justice Fee Jefetnon Constable Mt. Anget Justice Tees Mt. Angel Constable Fee Silverton Justice Fee . Silverton Constable Fees Stayton Justice Fees ... Stayton Constable Fees Wood hum Justice Fees . WoodbtTTn Constable Surveyor' Fee Protection te Psrvons and Property: Countv Sheriff's Fees Health Officer' Fees. Etc t Harltles asd Correetsoas: Welfare Refund (1947 Law) 4 a classified: Fines and Bail Forfeiture . Interest on Deposits, Etc . Interest on Delinquent Taxes .. Dog Licenses In Excess of tl M . O A C. Land Grant Tax ... . Sale of Property E. Miscellaneous Collection Expense Refund . Cattle Testftg Program SUB TOTAL (Revenue other than taxation i .. Property Taxes: Levies of Prior Year . Yield Tax t 22.500 00 fl .500 00 19.000.00 1.300.00 1.000.00 SO0.00 30 00 1.500 00 1500 25 00 23 00 730.00 75 00 1300 00 25.00 1.000 00 130.00 KM 00 1.500 00 80.229 00 . 80.000 00 . 7.000 00 .000 00 .000.00 800.00 . M 400 .00 i.5O000 M0 00 150.00 T00 00 . tat! .304 00 taaoooo too oo Total Revenue 287 404 .90 COMPUTATION .OF TAX LEVIES Year 1947 - 48 Jaly 1, 1947 te Jaa 24. 141 Osaeral Reads aad Market Ceuaty School Coart Honse Total Revolvlag Levy Total Faad Highway Read Seheel IJbrary Coast rect tea WKhla aad Misc. OataMe 0 Levy Faad Paad Faad Fand Faad Unit Fand No Levy I -imitation Repaired I I Total Budget Expenditures 1778497 00 te00.000.00 tltt.M0.00 100.400.00 tl.034 00 1300.000 00 81.648.931 00 $231,679 00 t-OO.OOO.OO tt.t.M M Estimated Delinquency 30.003.00 12,30.00 82.61SO0 at.013.00 Total Requirements e829.063.00 $400,000 00 $173450 00 $305,400 00 $2,054 00 $300,000 00 $1J11J46.00 $231.670 00 $200.000 00 t43 00 Less Eatlmated Miae. Revenue ! 198.044 00 $170,080.00 $10,430.00 479.154 00 231.679 00 1 1, 771 Less Expendable Surplus July 1. 1947 .. 13072.00 129.340 00 10.000 00 Sal.000 00 t23.S12.00 S33.blZ.00 Proposed Levy for 1947-1948 Inside Limit 1500. 7 46 00 tllS.000 00 $2O.4O0 00 91. 084 04 $71,000 00 t9O8.80 00 J0OS400.00 Proposed Levy for 1947-1941 -ooo -son oon wi Outside Limit .- - 900.00040 $200,000 00 penerl Tupd nd Old Age Levy Combined,. , COiWUTATION OF TAX LEVIES Year 1948 - 49 laly L 194S to Jmae 3e 1940 Ornaral I Reads aad I Market Coaaty Seheel Ceart Hease Total Revelvlag Levy Tetal Faad I Highway Read teheed Uhrary Coast raw ticea WWJiIb aad Mlsr. Oetstde Levy Faad Faad raad Faad Faad Uaalt Fand. No lvy IJaaltatio- I I Reqalrea I Total Budget Bxpenditurea 1840479 70 047t 000 00 $138 000 00 $211430 00 M.183 90 $173,000.00 tx.0nO.0M4O t278409.00 $300,000.00 S4543 90 Eatlmated Delinquency 33.14440 13.o00.00 11432 00 219.U 88414 S3 ta.S14.t3 Total Requirement . .. Eatlmated Misc. Revenue ... Expendable Surplus July 1. 1948 Propooed Levy for 1948' 1949 Ins e . Limit proposed Levy for 1944-1949 Outside Limit General Fund and OM Age Combined. In addition to the amounts shown above theie Market Road Fundi.) 1894.124 00 1287.804 00 .. 74400 00 $531,420 00 $473,000.00 $32841000 146.L90O4) $171400.00 $10,430.00 23.000.00 134.1S4) O0 $340,372 00 $21,852 00 $210349 00 $2,403 71 21$ 72 $2,100.00 $373,000.00 300.000 00 t714a,00 $2,158,499 72 049.134 72 $46,090.00 8963.273 00 $278300 00 276309 00 $200.000 00 $200.000 00 $2.634400.73 9X5.443-73 34600 00 06337I 00 $200.000 00 is item of $200,000 00 Road linking Fund, estimated and received. (Generally these xpenditure will be shewn ia General Road aad Merrv Go Round Club iMakes Plans EAST SALEM i Last sutTumf meeting of the Merry -go-round club until the family picnic Aug ust 8 was held Thursday night at Mrs. Russell ProudfiU on Holly wood Drive. Officers elected for the new year are: president, 1 Mrs. Ernest Crum; vice president, f Mrs. Gordon Beecroft and tecretary treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Landis.; Social hour followed the busi ness meeting. Mrs. . Paul Barham assisted the hostess in - serving Mrs. Harold. Holler, Mrs, Melvia La Due, Mrs. Oscar Forgaard, Mr. Evelyn Richfield, Mrs.' Harold Bunn, Mrs. Keith X Due. Mn. Clayton Cibb and! Mrs. Em eat Crum. ; GatAIN DEALEXS TO afECT SPOKANE. Junel 14 -fPvi Thtj 27th annual convention of the Pa cific Northwest Grain Dealers as sociation will be held in Spokana next Thursday and Friday, Man ager Peter Stallcop said. I - f