The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Salem Students
Given Decrees
From U. of O.
EUGENE, June 15-(Special)-Sixteen
of the more than 1,100 stu
dents who received their degrees
from the University of Oregon
Sunday were from Salem
Roger Schnell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip H. Schnell, 496 E.
Hoytst., received his bachelor of
business administration degree:
and Catherine Twedt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Twedt, 620
Thompson ave., received her ba
chelor of muic degree.
Bachelor of arts degrees were
received by Mary Coursey, 1480
N. 5th st Marian Macv, daughter
of Mrs. B. W. Macy, 444 N. 18th
t.; and Robert Over, son of Mary
E. Burt. 1064 Oak st.
Bachelor of science degrees
were received by Jessie Binford,
daughter of Mrs. Jessie Binford,
157 S. Winter st William Byrd,
iton of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M.
Byrd, 296 N. 14th st : Warren Car
kin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John K.
Carkin, 495 N. Summer st.; Doris
Chessman, daughter of Alma
Chessman, 1525 State st : Roy S
Ferris; Grover Hofstetter. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Han Hofstetter.
840 Hood t.: Harry Johnson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Johnson,
329 N. 23rd St.; Kenneth Kenagv.
ion of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B
Kenagy. 1975 W. Nob Hill st.: Ro
bert Newgent, son of Mr and Mrs
Guy C. Newgent. 321 Kingwood
ave : Robert Reeves, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jay E. Reeves. 1980 W.
Nob Hill st.: and Ruth Van Orsdel.
daughter of Mabel Van Orsdel.
1710 N. Capitol st.
Harvester Firm to
Increase Prices
CHICAGO. June 15-(P)-The
International Harvester company
today announced that, effective
immediately, prices on industrial
power machines would be increas
ed. The increase" range from 4.8 to
10 per cent. The average upward
adjustment of all models of power
units is 7.9 per cent, crawler trac
tors 6.5 per cent and industrial
wheat tractors 10 per cent.
Bonrtl to Vote
On UO Project
A special meeting of the state
emergency board has been called
for next Monday to consider ap
proval of an addition to Villard
hall at the University of Oregon.
The meeting was requested by the
tate board of higher education.
Bids for construction operations
hfive been received by the board,
officials said, and were well with
in the estimates.
It is necessary for the emergen
cy board to approve the construc
tion because part of the money re
quired will come from the state
building fund.
Beth Sellwood
Re-Elected by
Beth Sellwood of Salem was re
elected as president of the Chin
up Club of Oregon at the organi-
zations's seventh annual meeting
in Salem Sunday. The treasurer's
report showed $9,306 in the fund
toward a proposed workshop and
home for handicapped members.
Other officers chosen are Do
lores Myers, Salem, vice presi
dent; El wood Coombes, Salem,
secretary; Arthur Boetger. Port
land, treasurer; L. C. Stoll. West
Linn, Eric Allen, Paul Hendricks,
Dr. Fred W. Lange and Emory P.
Sanders, all of Salem, trustees.
Speakers included Miss Sell
wood and Pearl Harland of Taft.
Mrs. Tliiim to Head
State Eastern Star
PORTLAND. June 15-yP-The
Oregon Order of Eastern Star to
day elected Mrs. lima Thum, of
Cottage Grove, worthy grand
Rex Hartley, of Jefferson, was
named worthy grand patron.
They succeed Catherine E. Fel
ger. Salem, and Roy H. Natfield,
Portland, who were honored at a
reception last night in connection
with the 59th annual convention.
Mrs. Lois Schmidt.
Christian Church
Organist Resigns
Lois Plummi r Schmidt, organ
ist at First Christian church for
the past 19 years, ha.s resigned
from that position, .-he announced
Tuesday. An organist in arious
Salem churches for the past 20
years. Mrs. Schmidt i also a
teacher of organ and piano.
Mrv Sihmidt. who is the wife
of John Schmidt, jr. also well
known in musical circles in Sa
lem, serves this year as president
of the Salem branch. Oregon Mu
sic Teachers association.
Welfare Fund
Loan Repaid
State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott
repaid Tuesday to the United
States and First National banks
principal of $399,831 39 and inter-e-t
of $168 61 covering part of a
loan negotiated recently to tide
o er the state public welfare pro
gram. Scott said the state still owis the
bank approximately $246,000 and
that an additional $200,000 prob
ably would have to be borrowed
before the end of the current
The borrowing was necessary,
Scott averred, because of a shrink
age in state liquor control commis
sion revenues and increased demand-
being made on the state
welfare department. Profits from
the liquor control commission are
used for state welfare purposes.
The loans carried an interest
rate of 1 l per cent.
Representatives of
Business Forms
Firm Visit Salem
F. C. Merner of Emeryville.
Calif, production manager for
Moore Business Forms, and C. A.
Miller, who will be manager of
the firm's new Salem plant, are
Salem visitors this week. They
will leave for the south today but
Miller will return about the first
of August to supervise the start of
production in September.
"Outside of Mr. Miller and one
or two other experienced men, our
Salem plant will be staffed with
local persons," said Merner.
The company is a unit of an in
ternational concern which manu
facturer specialty forms for busi
ness use.
Silverton Court
Levies Fines
SILVERTON Justice court
cases reported Tuesday include
those against Dean Vernon John
son, charged with passing another
vehicle at the crest of a hill with
his logging truck, fined $25 and
costs; Joseph Pfeifer charged with
reckless driving, given a $50 fine,
a 10-days suspended jail sentence
and had operator's license sus
pended for 30 days; Glen Russel
Goodnight, charged with having
no chauffeur's license, fined $5
and costs: William Carlson, charg
ed with having no operator's li
cense, fined $5 and costs; Juddie
Joe Pinson, Scotts Mills, charged
with violating basic rule, fined $10
and costs.
Bicycle Safety
Parade to Be
Held June 26
A bicycle safety parade, for
which 250 entries already have
been received, will be held in Sa
lem Saturday, June 28, it was an
nounced Tuesday.
The parade, in cooperation with
the traffic safety division of the
Oregon department of state and
with city and county law enforce
ment officers, is sponsored by
Montgomery Ward's where entries
are being received.
Prizes are to be given for the
best costumes or the best-decorated
bicycles. Judges will be State
Sen. Douglas McKay, Sheriff Den
ver Young and Mayor Robert Elf
strom. Sponsors said the parade and
contest were designed to stress the
necessity for traffic safety pre
cautions. The parade wil lstart at Marion
square at 10 a m. Contestants later
will be guests at the Capitol the
atre, where an address on safety
will be given by J. R. Banks, state
traffic safety director. Prizes will
be presented by E L Peterson,
Montgomery Ward manager.
Conferees Agree
To Reclamation
Officials' Ouster
WASHINGTON, June 15, tjp)
Senate provisions requiring thpt
after next January 31 the com
missioner of reclamation, his as
sistant and regional directors be
engineers of five years experience
are reported to have won approval
of conferees on the interior de
partment appropriation bill.
The senate-house conference is
compromising differences between
the $422,179,098 bill passed by the
senate and the house's $375,692,
591 measure.
, The action will mean that Mich
ael W. Straus, reclamation com
missioner, and Richard L. Boke,
California regional director, will
be out of their jobs on next Jan
uary 31, if they still hold those
A member of the committee who
asked not to be named said the
house confertes agreed to accept j ese colony for nearly CO years, be
the senate amendment. for Pearl Harbor, is a little larger
I than Massachusetts and Connecti
The island of Formosa, a Japan- I cut combined.
Specializing in Anliqne
and Modern Fnrnilnre
Phone 21233
Pen 4 Corner
Salem, Ore
4S2S East State St.
For Anr Kind of Sheet Metal
Work See or Call
141 S. 12th SC. Pbone 5391
CeIar Tree (iven
"Slav of Execution9
A stiiy of "execution." for n rare
blue cedir tree about to be de
stroyed on the ground- of the new
state office building was issued
Tuesday, good at least until the
entire state board of control can
consider the matter.
Secretary of State Earl T. N'ew
bry ordered that the tree, on prop
erty formerly owned by A. N.
Bush, not be destroyed before the
return of Gov. John H. Hall, when
the board will inspect the situation.
Sawdust Catches Fire
At Keith Brown Yard
City fire equipment was called
late Tuesday night to the Keith
Brown Lumber company, 1450
Tile rd., where a pile of sawdust
caught fire.
The blaze was put out a short
time after firemen arrived and
damage was light, it was reported.
Scrap Balieries
2 0qand
umJr up
Wholesale & Retail
Zorn's Industrial
1st Chemawa Road
Phone 2-3605
Register at Wards!
No entry fee! Every
one's entering! Sign up
in W ards 5rt Shop!
Dcorat Your Bika!
Or near a funny cos
tume. hatever vou
Rid in the Paradml
The real fun starts y hen
the parade begin! (et
your entry in now!
Win a Prize!
Many valuable prizes
ill be given aw av. See
them at Wards Now!
N'i 'J p:;.r::': :
III j j
- US5
mt0 &t'. unit ft1
a Tr' economy r., insure
p" v;BtJ eft'?'' auc S
con"-" t,r. Au' ;JP"
G. 1 Hansen Go.
2303 Fairgrounds Road Phone 268$2
Father's Day June
la Practical Gifts with a national reputation for Quality
If Pop likes cotton or sdky
soft rayen at its finest, Tex
tron is tcps. Superbly tailor
ed with every posible fea
ture inccrpcra'ed for aound
sleep or comfortable loung
ina. 5.00 . 8.50
Perfect collar points !
I r
These fine quality, handsomely tai
lored shirts were favorites even be
fore Pop's time. They're tops with
Pop, too, and his favorite collar style
is available in patterrrs and whites.
4.00 to 5.50
Beau j
A gorgeous psscrtment of
pu;e s.ik.s, satins, foulards,
pcplins and I the famous
washable Palm Beach.
Pop would like any of
these. j
l.OOo 3.50
WW a tfeau8uimfm&7ce
He can always use socks
... so get him the best . . .
Interwoven. If he likes
wool, lisle, nylon or mix
tures . . . they're here in
regulars or shorts.
550 u2.50 .
n Sport Shirtg 3.95 to 10.00 Jackets 6.95 to 29,
Additional sw. 6.95 10.00 1 ; 1
p... Slacka (all wool) 14.50-20.00 Tie CHps 1.50 to 3.
bill oUggBStlOnS A Dobbs Hat tvith a Gift Certificate
A Kuppenheimer Suit tvith a Gift Certificate
The Man's Shop
The Store of Style, Quality and Value
Moxley and Huntington
Swim Trunks
For fun in the sun there',
nothing like a Jantzen,
Give him that well dress
d feeling for the next trip
to the beach.
3.95 5.00
411 State Street